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2006-12-28 11:22 AM

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Silver member
Subject: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

NAME: Whizzzzz / Laura

STORY: Long boring story short, I swam in Jr. High and for a part of HS. I was unmotivated to train in the early AMs and put forth the effort it took to remain on our community's swim team, so I quit to pursue the glamorous sport of Cheerleading. That was pretty much the end of my athleticism.

Went away to College, gained about 35 lbs doing 12 oz curls at the local bar. Lost it about 3 years after I graduated through excessive step aerobics. I was doing back to back step classes (2 hours a day!) about 6-7 days a week. I lost the extra fat, but did not gain any muscle and although I was thin, I had no upper (or lower!) body strength whatsoever. Eventually I wound up with a stress fracture in my left foot and pretty severe plantar fascitis in my right foot. I was instructed to lay off of all step aerobics, indefinitely. I slowly started gaining some of my weight back...So I started swimming again.

My sister had already done the Reebok Women's Triathlon, and she encouraged me to try it out. I did, and that was June of 2003. I quickly became hooked.  Haven't taken another step class since!

FAMILY STATUS: Single / The proud parent of 2 rambunctious felines.

CURRENT TRAINING: I generally train with 2 of my best friends, Katie and Pete. They have each completed multiple IMs. They took me under their wing(s) a couple of years ago and showed me what consistent training feels and looks like. Katie writes the "PLAN" and Pete and I follow it. It's generally a periodized plan, with 3 weeks of building and 1 week of recovery. I modified the plan to include 2 rest days per week for myself.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: 2 two-mile open water swims, a sprint, an Olympic and 2 Half Ironman races.

2007 RACES:  I plan on the 2 two mile open water swims, an Aquabike Half IM in April, and HOPEFULLY Racine Half Ironman in July. If all goes well, would like to try that 101 race distance in NOVA SCOTIA...We'll see how that goes... I'm currently rehabbing my knee, which was scoped in October. I've just been cleared to run as tolerated.

WEIGHTLOSS: Since 2003 I've lost about 15 lbs.... 175ish to 160ish, going from a size 12 to a size 10. Last year specifically, after adding a consistent plan of weight training, I redistributed my body mass and dropped another size, to an 8. I did not lose any weight last season. My goal this year is to revamp my diet. I have a penchant for bacon, fast food, french fries, Cheez Whizzzzz and other bizarre artificial foodstuffs. I'm working on making healthy choices and cooking more for myself, eating whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies and low fat meats.

I'd be glad to encourage you to reach whatever goals you set for yourself! All of our goals are different. Hooray for taking the first steps!

Edited by Whizzzzz 2006-12-31 4:29 PM

2006-12-29 10:51 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

I wish I could jin your group! I'd like to be a long distance/write-in mentee, but I'd be taking the spot of someone who is available all the time. *sigh*

Join Whizzz's group! She's cool!

2006-12-29 1:59 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
2006-12-29 2:31 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
Yay! My group is available! Sign up here! We will have lots of fun and frolic and hopefully we'll all learn something along the way. Kiss
2006-12-29 3:22 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

If I can get Spokes to put me up for adoption do I have a chance at getting adopted??  heehee    I'm guessing no due to recurring flem flem flem.... 

2006-12-29 5:58 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
Hi Whizzzzz,

I would love to join your group! I need some accountability and some advice from an experienced triathlete that has successfully completed the HIM distance.

NAME: retiretotri / Lori

STORY: Played varsity high school and college tennis. Took up running after graduating from college and completed several 10-Ks, a couple of half marathons, and a 20-miler. Injured my hip training for my first marathon--never made it to the starting line. Took up body building which ended up not being a very healthy lifestyle. Fast forward about 20 years--played competitive league tennis and lifted weights for several years. Quit tennis, got very out of shape, became a couch potato.

Volunteered at the inaugural IM Wisconsin and was inspired by the BOP'ers (thanks go out to all of them for the swift kick in the arse). Started running again and lifting weights again. Stated, "I will never do a triathlon--I can't possibly swim". Continued to volunteer at IM MOO and started to ponder the possibility of doing a triathlon, maybe even IM MOO some day. Enter Feb '05--decided to take swim lessons, maybe I can do a Tri! Smartest thing I did was get a good triathlon swim coach. Learning to swim was way out of my little comfort box--a major accomplishment. I went from not being able to do one length to completing over 2,000 yards of swimming in a workout. See, there is hope out there for the fearful swimmers!

Did my first sprint Tri in September (pool swim) and found out how far I still need to go! I took comfort in finishing the race however, my transitions need a lot of work.

Currently a desk jockey/HR Manager looking to retire in the near future.

FAMILY STATUS: Married / Husband Eric (training partner for biking)/ Two terrier mutt dogs

CURRENT TRAINING: Doing a maintenance schedule--plan to kick it up a notch in January. Usually a couple swims, bikes, and runs a week. Weight training will start in January. Open water swimming is my main challenge--hopefully you can give me some very welcomed advice! My husband and I will be using Gayle Bernhardt's 27-week HIM plan or Matt Fitzgerald's 20-week HIM plan.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: One sprint--I finished (34/47).

2007 RACES: The plan includes the Mad City Marathon 1/2 marathon end of May, an olympic distance tri in June (Bigfoot), maybe a couple of sprints in early June/July (Pardeeville and Danskin), and possibly a HIM in August (Pigman or Whirlpool Steelhead--need to decide soon).

WEIGHTLOSS: Really no weight problem, just carrying a lot more than when I was in my 20s (now pushing 50). I was pathetically skinny and consider my weight very healthy now.

I have always enjoyed your posts and you have a great swimming background that may help me over the OWS hump. Keeping my training log online will hold me accountable.

I'm stoked and looking forward to a lot of fun and a successful racing season!

2006-12-29 7:19 PM
in reply to: #636801

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2006-12-30 12:03 AM
in reply to: #635251

Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
Hi Laura!

My name is Todd and I would like to join your group if you are still taking on all comers. I have joined another group before I saw you out here but would be happy to add to your posse if you don't fill up otherwise. It would be great to be part of a local midwestern group that have done races in the same venues I have!

My story: Back at the end of 2004 a routine medical physical told me that I overweight (actually, I already knew that), my stress levels were through the roof, and my blood pressure was borderline high. That was a turning point for me. I have WAY too many good things in my life and I was not going to let poor health cut those things short. In March 2005 I dug out the old Huffy MTB and decided that biking would be a good way to start getting back in some sort of shape. After a grueling 10 minute road ride on the bike, I realized that I had a long way to go. I kept at it, riding about 4 days a week and found some offroad trails around town to keep it interesting. I built up my "endurance" to be able to ride for 20 minutes without passing out and starting feeling pretty good about myself. I started to explore other offroad opportunities in the area and had delusions of being a macho MTB rider. Those visions kept me motivated. In May 2005, I got my first "real" bike, a Gary Fisher MTB, and felt like I had conquered the world! I kept increasing my time on the bike and started doing longer rides on the weekends. Late in the summer I found a riding group at a Lake Geneva bike shop that did Saturday morning rides and though I would give it a go. This was a great group of new friends (thanks Bob!) that were all roadies. I took my MTB on a 25 mile ride with them and was amazed that I could actually keep pace with them pretty well. In September, we were riding on some local roads and ran into a large group of riders coming into the bike transition of a local triathlon (Lake Geneva Triathlon - Fontana, WI). Seeing the crowds and all the cheering had me hooked. I resolved to join this crazy bunch next year if it killed me.

I am not a natural runner and I'm a novice swimmer. Long story short, I slowly build up my running and swimming, lost 35 lbs, bought a road bike in May 2006, and 2006 was my first year of tri's. I completed one sprint (Batavia Triathlon - Batavia, IL) and one Oly (Lake Geneva Triathlon - Fontana, WI).

What I discovered was that I was a moderately good swimmer, a relatively strong biker, and a slow but methodical runner. My competitive instincts took over and I resolved to become a stronger runner. I have been slowly building up my running milage to run my first marathon in June 2007 (Grandma's Marathon - Duluth, MN) and plan to do a HIM as well.

I am looking for a group to share tips, ups and downs, funny stories, general comraderie, and inspiration.
2006-12-30 8:47 AM
in reply to: #636943

Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
Ummmm Spokes, that's not the kind of mentoring we're talking about here.... Tongue out
2006-12-30 9:01 AM
in reply to: #636912

Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

Hi Lori!

Welcome to the Whizzzzz Posse! I'm so excited to have "locals" in my group! Maybe we can all meet up at a race sometime this summer?

Sounds like you come from an awesome running background. That's great, because that's MY weakness and maybe you can assist ME in that arena. SYMBIOSIS! Remember that word from HS biology?? Haha. Sorry to hear about your marathon training experience. I've yet to attempt that distance and I wholly respect anyone who tries it. Maybe someday, if my knee cooperates. Has your hip recovered fully? Maybe you're ready to try again (with me??)

Looks as though you never really gave up the idea of a healthy lifestyle. Good for you. We sometimes get sidetracked, but if it's in you, you usually come back to it.

I have added you to my "friends" list and I will be stopping by your logs frequently to check in, say hello and see what's going on over there... I encourage you to do the same with me, and our other posse partner, Todd...  I'm so impressed with your swim courage! It really takes guts to get yourself a coach and have him or her TEACH you how to swim. Awesome! Sounds like you are uncomfortable with being comfortable... one of my "Mottos".Laughing

I have all of my swim workouts posted, so if you'd like to steal one or two or twelve... you may. I really enjoy doing workout "sets" in the pool as opposed to swimming for an hour straight, or for 1200 straight, or whatever. I've also got a swim coach, and Katie and Pete and I meet with her usually once a week for general stroke tweaking, technique issues, etc etc.

Big Foot is a great race that's run by a couple of my friends...LG is a awesome venue...the water is so CLEAR!

Have you considered Racine for your Half IM?

I look forward to watching you progress this season! No question is off limits! Surprised If I don't know the answer, I'll poll a team of "experts" and find it out for you.

Happy Saturday!




Edited by Whizzzzz 2006-12-30 11:04 AM
2006-12-30 10:59 AM
in reply to: #637083

Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

Hi Todd and WELCOME to the Whizzzzz Posse! So far it's me and you and Lori....I think we've got room for 3 more... tell your friends! Kiss

I'm happy to see you found a healthy way of life and BT! This mentoring program is a great way to find support on the site. I've added you as a "friend" in my log... please do the same for me, and add Posse Partner Lori as well... then we can all check up on each other and make sure we're on track.

I did my first triathlon in 2003 on a mountain bike as well... A mountain bike that was a bra-air-dryer for 7 years before that! I used to hang my bras off the handlebars. That was all the action that bike ever saw... except for ONE 12 mile ride when I first bought it. And I believe you when you say you had a grueling 10 minute ride... I know how it is!

I've done both of those races... I did Batavia in 2004 and I've done that LG race 3x now... the sprint the Olympic and the Half... I was right there with you this year @ LG. The weather was chilly wasn't it?

Good for you for taking on the marathon. A feat I've yet to attempt. I am very interested in how that works out for you... I'm a swimmer by design, a cyclist for the love of it, and a runner because it gets me to the finish line. (!) I need running inspiration... maybe you and Lori can provide that for me! Smile

You are welcome to peruse back thru my logs and check out the training I did for my HIM (s) last year... I found running off the bike to be key. You are also welcome to lift any and all of my swim workouts. I've tried to list them out in case anyone ever wants to do them again.

I look forward to watching you progress... celebrating in your successes and commisserating when things don't go so right. (That will happen...)

Hooray for you, Todd! And congratulations on taking the first step!



2006-12-30 5:01 PM
in reply to: #635251

Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
2006-12-30 11:28 PM
in reply to: #635251

Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
The swim in LG was a bit choppy but since it was my first OWS, I didn't have much to compare it to. Ignorance was bliss in that case I heard that the water safety patrol plucked several dozen swimmers out of the water. I didn't know any of the other competitors, but I did know a lot of people doing security (our local police) and manning each of the turns through and around Walworth. It was great to have a local fan base to keep me rolling.

I have added both you and Lori to my friends list. A little peer pressure should keep me honest.

I have not started any consistent weight work to my schedule as of yet. With limited time available, I have focused on increasing my endurance so far. Do you find that it truly helps out?
2006-12-31 12:16 AM
in reply to: #635251

McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
Hi Todd and Laura,

I have added you both to my friends list. Spirit of Racine is a little too early for my training plan. Whirlpool Steelhead and Pigman fit the schedule better.

My husband wants to join our group but we need to figure out how to register him on BT. He has the same home email address and the site won't let him use it because I have it in my profile. He has completed 3 sprint triathlons, is a better swimmer than me, about even on the bike, and a slower runner (lots of injury problems).

Laura, I would love to have a "marathon" partner in the future. I have always wanted to run one. My hips require a lot of tender loving care including stretching and the trigger point massage system--the hip bone is connected to the back bone where my trouble starts and ends. I will also be adding a little yoga to my training this year (flexible warrior series). The MCM half-marathon will be a real test of my ability to possibly do a marathon.

Todd-weight training has allowed me to maintain balanced strength and I really believe it helps prepare the body for the stresses it will face with increased training in the spring and summer. I will be logging my weight training circuits (A and B), feel free to take a look. I work mainly with dumbells, nothing too fancy.

Hopefully we can all meet up at a race this year!

Oh, one other thing--I may not have a weight problem but I love chocolate and Starbucks mochas!
2006-12-31 8:33 AM
in reply to: #635251

Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

Name:  Hangloose/John

Story:  Involved in a lot of sports, kind of a jack of all trades master of none.  I've wanted to get into triathlons since I was about 15 years old but never followed through on it.  For most of my adult life I was anywhere from 20-60 pounds overweight.  September of 2005 I was diagnosed with Celiac disease.  The only treatment for it is to completely eliminate all food with gluten in it from your diet.  No breads, pastas, soups or grain products at all.  You'd be stunned to find out how prevalent gluten is in our foods.  It is used in most seasonings for meat.  Struggling to deal with this I seized on doing a triathlon as a way of proving that this thing would not beat me, would not prevent me from doing what I wanted to do in life.  It's a false sense of control and I know that, but it works for me.  As you'll read below my family status doesn't allow me to commit 300 hours a year to training like some people (ahem) but the time I do commit is pretty consistent and I'll train and race in just about any kind of conditions.

side noteif this is allowed I'm not actually joining Whizz's group but I'd like to be a sort of assistant mentor with her.  I'd like to contribute but don't want to take up a spot from someone who could benefit from her excellent advice. 

Family Status:  happily married (seriously, you have no idea) for almost 10 years.  3 kids, 6, 4 and 9 mos old.  They keep me happy and busy.  You can see plenty of pics of them in my photo albums.  You'll probably get tired of my kid stories pretty soon.

Last year's races:  one sprint (first tri), one 5k, one olympic tri, one 2 mi OWS, one half marathon.

2007 Races:  probably:  2 half marathons, one half iron man (Spirit of Racine), 2 mi OWS, one 5K, one olympic tri and finishing the season with the Chicago Marathon.

Weightloss:  I peaked at 262.  I was at about 225 when I was diagnosed.  I'm at 190 now.  I'm 6'1" and I don't seem to be losing any more weight so I guess this it for me.  I don't really care what I weigh, I just want to go faster.  As stated above, I have spent most of my adult life way overweight and know full well the disastrous cycle that is to start excersizing, lose a little, then lose focus and gain it all back if not more.  I almost feel like I cheated to conquer that because sticking to my diet is now a necessity, rather than a choice.  Whatever, it's working for me.

2006-12-31 8:35 AM
in reply to: #637624

Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

retiretotri - 2006-12-31 12:16 AM My husband wants to join our group but we need to figure out how to register him on BT. He has the same home email address and the site won't let him use it because I have it in my profile.

Send a PM to marmadaddy (he's in my friends list if you can't find him) and he'll take care of it.  He's the site's technical guru/overlord.

2006-12-31 8:42 AM
in reply to: #635251

Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

(look at me hogging all the posts - I'll sit quietly after this)

Todd - FWIW I think there is no question that the weight training is a great supplement and can add to your training in a big way.  In my position with limited time to commit I don't do any.  I wish I could, but all of my training is simply swim/bike/run.  So this can be done, and you can improve without the weight training.  If you can do it it will only help, but I wouldn't do it at the expense of running biking or swimming time. 

Also:  if you are going to do it do things to supplement endurance training.  Increasing your bench press maximum not only wouldn't help much but if you hurt yourself weight training and then can't do the other things you're really going to regret it.  You can find resources on this site and other places on weight training specifically for triathletes.  It may not be what you are used to doing in the gym.

2006-12-31 11:37 AM
in reply to: #635251


McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
NAME: tribadger/Eric

STORY: I grew up on a lake, so I swam nearly everyday (weather and water permitting). Other sports were limited, tennis, backyard football, baseball, and recreational bike riding. I'm 5'8", and have always been thin, so at first appearance, looked "in shape". My cardio capacity really wasn't that good, and my strength wasn't that good either. About 15 years ago, I began a career that required a higher level of fitness and strength, so I began to lift weights, and run. I gained about 25-30 lbs. of good weight. About two years ago, my wife Lori "retiretotri", and I were so inspired by volunteering at IMWisconsin, we decided to get in to triathlon. You would think that all those years of splashing around in the lake would've helped, but I discovered the truth at my first swim lesson with my swim coach.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to Lori "retiretotri" / Father of two from a previous marriage son 25 and daughter nearly 24.

CURRENT TRAINING: For the last two years, I've trained for triathlon regularly, but since I was only doing sprints, I really didn't follow a program other than swimming, running, and biking a couple of times a week each. We're planning on a Half IM in August '07, so our actual program will start around the beginnning of Feb. Right now, I'm running 3-4 times a week for 30-45 min each session, biking on the trainer 3-4 times a week for 45min to an hour, and swimming 1-2 times a week for an hour each session.

Injuries: I've had a couple of persistent injuries, achilles tendonitis, and plantar faciaitis (different feet). I'm back to running 30-45 minutes now, and I'm very happy about that.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: Pardeeville WI sprint, and McFarland WI sprint (that was a pool swim).

2007 RACES: I have a number of key events I would like to fit in my schedule. Madison Marathon (half) on Memorial Day weekend, Law Enforcement "Torch Ride" (for special olypics) 118 miles from Madison to Stevens Point WI on June 8th, Big Foot Oly at the end of June, possibly the Pardeeville sprint in early July, and a Half IM in August, most likely Pigman in Iowa.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm really not doing it for the weight loss, but I'm changing my lifting from a goal of gaining mass, to having enough strength for my job and tri's. I will probably lose 5-10 lbs. to get to the 155 to 165 range.

2006-12-31 2:41 PM
in reply to: #635251

Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
I'm new to this site and Tri's. This group things sounds like a good way to get more involved in both if I may join you.

Name: Episcopit/Laura

Story: I swam on a swim team in grammer and high school where I learned excellent form and stoke technique but nothing about speed. In college I lifted weights regularly and taught swimming at the Y. I actually completed a sprint tri in college with some friends who were inspired by a local Ironwoman we knew from church. We mainly trained with prayer and hope and throughly enjoyed ourselves. After college I started running. I completed 5 marathons before a hip injury put me on the sidelines. 2 years ago I became disgusted with inactivity and started lifting and running to get back into shape. I have to spend some time and effort to keep my body pain free from old injuries, but so far, so good.

Family status: single

Current training: I'm training for a marathon in April. I'm running 3 days a week only and swimming 3 days a week. I lift 4 days a week. I only cycle to get from point A to point B. 3-4 times a week I meet with folks for Army PT specific training that includes short runs, push-ups and sit-ups.

Last years races: 4 Local 5k's and 1 10K.

Weightloss: I've lost 10 lbs in the past 3 months and plan to loose another 10 lbs in the next 6 months. My diet is horrible, but I'm doing better with cooking for myself and packing my own food to take to work.

Complete April Marathon and still be walking a week later
Complete a Sprint or Olympic Tri
Score 270 on the Army PT test
Weight 160 lbs
2006-12-31 3:08 PM
in reply to: #637712

Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open
Sit quietly? I didn't think those words ever appeared in your vocabulary back to back. (!?!) Wink
2006-12-31 3:20 PM
in reply to: #635251

Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

Hello Eric and Laura!!!

Welcome to the Posse. John (Hangloose) has been a pal of mine thru BT for about a year or so now, so I asked him if he wanted to join in the fun with us... and it looks like he's a taker! Great! 

Laura, sounds like you have background in swimming that is similar to mine.  I taught swim lessons myself and was a lifeguard for years... Always staying close to the pool in some respect, I suppose. Nice job on the lifting... I believe that lifting for balance and sport specific strength is very beneficial. You'll notice my logs don't show alot of weight lifted, but lots of reps and lots of sport specific exercises, (i.e back, chest for swimming... and legs for running/cycling) Some arms too.

Do you have a bike, Laura? Are there trails you can ride/roads you can ride in your area? My diet is horrible too... must have something to do with the name. I'm really going to try to clean it up this year. I don't know if I'll be able to be completely fastidious, as I really enjoy alot of crappy food... but I'm going to make an effort to be completely conscious of what weird processed stuff I'm shoveling in.  Your goals look totally do-able. How is your marathon training coming along???

Eric: Welcome!  Sounds like you and Lori have access to a training plan and have each other for support... Looks as though you are maintaining whatever base you have and will be ready for the push forward come February. What kind of plan is your plan? Periodized? 3 weeks of building and then a recovery week? I've found those plans to be awesome. I agree with your weight training plan... as triathletes, we don't need muscle mass or bulkiness... but we do need muscular endurance and balance for endurance and the prevention of injuries.

Welcome to the group! Looks like we're almost full:

Lori (retiretotri)    Todd (tvwatters)     Eric (tribadger)    Laura (Episcopit)     John (Halfway-Hangloose)    ONE MORE SPOT AVAILABLE!

Please add each other to your friends list in your blog. If you are not using your blog, send me a note and I can help you set it up. It's an awesome tool. I love it. And it will help us all keep in touch with each other by sending each other "Inspires" and checking in on each other's training.  

We are shaping up into a great group here, guys! I'm really excited!

Anyone doing anything fun for NYE?





Edited by Whizzzzz 2006-12-31 3:20 PM

2006-12-31 3:25 PM
in reply to: #637617

Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

30 minutes of targeted weight training 2-3 times a week should do the trick. Consistency is key. When we were in the midst of our big weeks before Racine and LG this year, the weight training was the first thing I cast aside because I just didn't have time... it was a struggle to get all the regular SBR training in... but I could feel it. I'm much more balanced and stronger with a consistent weight-training plan.

Yes, I remember hearing that about the LG swim. I had a rough time, myself. I can't imagine THAT as my first OWS! YEOW! It was choppy with no particular "pattern" so it was hard to time my breaths. Drank alot of LG That water is fairly clean, I think... (I hope!)

Have a Happy NEW YEAR!


2006-12-31 3:35 PM
in reply to: #635251

Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

Name  Bootygirl/ Mary

Story:   swam as a kid, played basketball, did the jumping and throwing on the track team, was pretty much a jack of all sports, master of none - in college I played intramural everything (we had no intercollegiate sports at my college and by grad school I was too old and busy).  I feel I have struggled with weight all my life, but as I look back at college - I was in really good shape!   Funny how we can spend so much energy seeing only the negative!  I then graduated and spent years as a geologist with a yo-yo lifestyle of months out in the field hiking every day and then months in the office on the computer.   I would go through exercise programs irregularly, and my weight would go from 150 to 184.   I belonged to a gym with boxing and I liked that alot.   I had a few orthopedic issues over the years - plantar fasciitis and heel spurs (solved after 5 years by surgery) and an ACL blow out skiing.   Then I had and SI joint issue (crooked back at the hips) that caused bursitis - as it set in the day after a night of salsa dancing, it became known as "Salsa Hip".  that is when I started training for tris and found this site.   I am an old timer here, but need mentoring nonetheless.

I started doing tris in 2003 as a way of having a fitness goal that was not tied to the mirror.  And as a way to guarantee cross training to keep from injury of my nearly 40-year old bod.  Then I became engaged and well, I needed to look hot in that photo album.  I did, but it was because I trained all year and would drop and do pushups (boy style) in my office while waiting for a computer reboot or whatever.....   I completed 2 tris, kicking a$$ on the second one, 3 weeks before the wedding.   I did find out I love open water swimming.   Love it!   It is kind of the hiking of swimming.   You can walk on a treadmill, or you can hike a trail through a park or up a mountain.    You can swim laps - chasing the line - or you can go across a lake.

Then, I quit training regularly, and I moved to a wretched little town for the worst stress job I have ever had and I did very little training and alot of self medicating in the form of food and wine.   I guess I can blame it on stress - or rather, my inability to deal with it.   all those life changes that are stressfull came all together - I got married, moved, started a new career in 6 months.  My new husband started this new business with me (bad idea) and then took work that would have him traveling most of the time, so I sat home alone in a town where I could not find friends despite all my efforts.   I did wretch myself out last spring to train a little and I even did a race (St George Tri in Utah) and am surprised I finished.   It was very sobering to know that someone died during that race - heart trouble in the water.  After reading his bio, he was WAY better trained than I was.

Anyway, we have moved again and taken a new position in the same company that is way better.   I have joined a great gym.   I am getting some winter bike gear.  My husband will still be traveling, but we decided he will stay in the US and have shorter field stints.   So, I feel I am doing everything I can to get in charge of my self again.  I am huge - about 200 lbs now at 5'7".   I will always be Athena class, but there are Athenas and there are Athenas.   I want to get to the shape I was for the Fall Chill, 2004, and kick some tail.

I am planning on a July race on the UP of Michigan as my parents are getting a cabin there for the summer.  I found out last year that parents with a motor home make great race roadies.   Now, one of my goals is to make sure my little sister (Houston-tri-mamma) does not beat me in this race! 

I am blabbering

RACES:   DANSKIN, Fall Chill sprints.    2006 - St George Sprint

2007 - Copperman Sprint July, + who knows.

Weightloss:   184 to 150 and back up to 200 or so.   I want to focus on the health aspects and not dwell on a number, but if all goes well, I will be a lean Athena at 160 or so by the end of the season.

Family Status:  Married to Derreck from Suriname.   I think he is hot, and luckily, he still thinks I am - photos in album.  I have a cat named kitty who rambo-ed into our condo in Denver and we looooove her.  Houston-Tri-Mamma is my sister, and producer of 3 little jock-strappers who will have cowbells for the race (HTM does not know this yet).

Oh, and I need help runing as I am a big lumbering heel striker and do not want plantar fasciitis ever again.  I am a good swimmer, an an Ok biker.

So, if there is room,  Wizzzz - take me on!

Edited by bootygirl 2006-12-31 3:37 PM
2006-12-31 4:10 PM
in reply to: #635251

Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Open

Hooray! Welcome Hoss Chick Bootygirl... who has been around here for a long time... Am happy to have you back and happy to add you to the Posse! Welcome Welcome Welcome! I have added you to my "friends"


Have to run out now... NYE plans... but here's to kicking some A$$ in 2007! Hooray for the Whizzzzzz Posse!


2006-12-31 8:41 PM
in reply to: #635251

Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
My marathon training is going fairly well. I ran 12 miles Saturday in something under 2:40. I didn't take a timepeice. When I returned, I was greeted by a worried park ranger who saw me set out and was wondering if I was hurt and couldn't make it back :-)

Other than the long run, I'm fairly unstructuted in training - partly due to shift work and partly to temperment. I'm doing one speed workout and one mid-lenght run in addition to the long run each week.

I'm heading off for Officer Basic Course the end of the month for 2 weeks. I don't know what I'll be able to do there in the way of training. I hope to at least get one long run in - 2 would be the ideal. I expect I will get enough speedwork in formal PT, so then only my mid-lenght runs will suffer.

I theory I agree with sport specific strenght training with a focus on core and reps for endurance - in practice I like lifting heavy weights sometimes, so I do. Recently, I've been working with a trainer for core strenght. It's helped me keep focus and have a more balanced training plan. So I'll follow barbell squats with bodyweight squats on the Bosu and such.

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