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2007-04-17 9:29 PM

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: Is Image Everything?
I have a Timex Triathlon watch. It cost $80. My dad said that I needed to wear a more professional watch. I told him no way. I love this watch. He said that high-level people I deal with will look at my watch and they want to deal with other people that have nice watches and stuff.

I also drive a 5-year old truck with a bike rack. Most of the people I work with drive fancy sports cars.

I really don't care. Expensive watches and cars do absolutely nothing for me. I want my watch to tell time and have a stopwatch and I want an SUV with a bike rack to get me from Point A to Point B.

Should I play the game and get a stupid Rolex so someone will think I am special? Why not just buy a replica watch?


2007-04-17 9:40 PM
in reply to: #765720

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DC Metro, slowly working my way to NC
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
If it was me, I wouldn't play the game.  Be true to yourself.
2007-04-17 10:07 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
Having worked in a profession with fancy watches and schwanky cars, I can tell you that the only thing I thought when I saw a guy in a suit with a sports watch is "How cool." Maybe he isn't a stuck-up suit that doesn't leave the office. (I'm glad to say I'm no longer in a career where you compensate for your lack of a real-life by buying expensive toys. Now I buy expensive toys AND I have time to play with them.)

Maybe it isn't a question of image, but what image you're trying to project.

2007-04-17 10:39 PM
in reply to: #765720

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West Jordan, UT
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

So get a $75 dressy Guess or Fossil brand watch from JCpenney, etc.  Looks a little classier than a ironman, and won't cost you the same as a car.   Not sure what you do for a living, but if I was buying services from a guy who wore a rolex, I would be concerned that his markup what a little too high.  



2007-04-17 11:10 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
like it or not people judge us by how we look, both consciously and unconsciously. Some people will look at your shoes and judge you and others will look at your watch. The best way to get through is to present a professional overall package that fits who you are.

To get a clue on how far to go look at everyone around you and see if your presentation is below average, if that is the case there may be some areas you should improve.
2007-04-17 11:16 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Hailey, ID
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
I think you should buy me a rolex and a porsche and just keep the receipt to show off to your people if you don't like that stuff......perfect.

2007-04-18 12:14 AM
in reply to: #765801

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
I can't justify spending $3k on a watch!!! They all look the same to me. It is a utility device for me.

If I am going to spend $3k on a non-essential item, it will be on a new bike. And I have a hard time justifying that.
2007-04-18 12:47 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

You don't have to spend 3k.  Find something that looks similar and buy that instead.  Save it for work only and it will stay nice and new looking.

Unless the person is looking at your watch brand - they won't really know if you spent $100 or 3k.

FWIW, you DO need to "fit in" - depending on your goals.  If your goal is to move ahead, depending on the industry some of your "promotability" may very well come from appearance.  If it does, study those people who are where you want to be, and make the changes necessary so you are more in line with what is considered upper level.  This does not necessarily mean dropping huge $$ but DOES mean that you need to know what the "look" is - so you can work on integrating at least some of that into your own style.

2007-04-18 4:13 AM
in reply to: #765720

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

If people judge you by the watch you wear or the car you drive - more fool them.

Image in terms of personal hygiene, clean shoes and a pressed shirt are important.

Ask your Dad what it is that impresses him about people that drive nice cars or wear expensive watches.  Personally, I'm happy for them that they've got this stuff but it says absolutely nothing about them as a business person. 


2007-04-18 4:42 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

As long as you have a nice bike, who cares what kind of watch you wear or what kind of car you drive?


2007-04-18 5:12 AM
in reply to: #765720

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Okay, I'll play contrarian here.

I wear a "nice watch".  But, not to impress people, and certainly not for "office status".

As a matter of fact, I will go out of my way to find watches that are not easily recognizable as a "status" watch.  If it screams "$$$", then I'm not interested.  I prefer people to not take notice. 

I wear a nice watch for me.  Because I love mechanical things, and to me a beautifully made automatic watch is the epitomy of a fine mechanical device that I can wear on  my wrist and does double-duty as timekeeping device.

Do I think Mark needs a nice watch?  Certainly not.  Though his father's comments are not without basis--as there is more than small cadre of people in the business world who judge you (like it not) by your outward presentation--a nice watch being an item they will assess you by.  If you're in an industry or workplace where such superficiality can't affect your career path--more power to you.  But, not every workplace is like that.



2007-04-18 5:45 AM
in reply to: #765779

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
tkbslc - 2007-04-17 10:39 PM

So get a $75 dressy Guess or Fossil brand watch from JCpenney, etc.  Looks a little classier than a ironman, and won't cost you the same as a car.   Not sure what you do for a living, but if I was buying services from a guy who wore a rolex, I would be concerned that his markup what a little too high.  



Cadreamer also made a similar point.

You don't have to buy a Rolex or a 3k watch. Go to a mall jewelry store and spend a couple hundred on a nice Citizen, that would be very appropriate. There is a time and a place for everything, I have a nice watch, and wear it when I dress up, does that mean I am selling out? On the flip side, I also don't wear my engagement ring when I work out or race, what does that mean?

If you want to exude the sporty lifestyle all the time maybe think about a different career, seriously, not being smarky, some people just are not into being "suits" and everything that comes with it.
2007-04-18 6:50 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Image can be everything, if you let it be.

Sure, there will be points in your life where you need to project a certain image.  If it helps you get to a position that you want, then it's a useful tool to getting there.  Coupled with intelligence, education, and people skills, it's just something else that you can utilize.

That being said, you have to decide if that's what you want.  Do you want the lifestyle that mandates fancy watches and cars and designer suits?  If so, then you know what you need to do.  Otherwise, who gives a fig?

There are those who car what watch or clothes you wear, or what car you drive.  There are those who couldn't care less about any of those things. 

2007-04-18 6:53 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Many jobs require some type of uniform.  For some it is clothing, a hat, a mechanic's shirt with a name on it, an apron, a chef's hat.  For others it is a suit and a nice looking watch.  If you're going to need this stuff to do your job properly - and you want to do your job properly - then you should have it.  OTOH if you can do your job without this stuff then it is not part of the uniform.  Only you can make that decision.

If you go to Disney and the guy who is Mickey Mouse that day decides he can do his job without wearing the proper uniform he's going to have a tough time keeping his job.

2007-04-18 7:20 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Don't wear a watch at work at all = Timex or Rolex, is either necessary in a profcessional environment? I used to be really into watches, but now don't wear one at all unless I'm training or in a place with no access to time. In my office I can look anywhere for the time. Besides, Rolex is pretty unimaginative. If you do go fancy, try a Cartier Pasha or a Breitling.

I think your dad may be looking at it from a different generational perspective.

2007-04-18 8:10 AM
in reply to: #765728

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

BodyCheck - 2007-04-17 8:40 PM If it was me, I wouldn't play the game.  Be true to yourself.

I’ll echo that statement.  ECHO!!!!

2007-04-18 8:19 AM
in reply to: #765720

Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
If you don't care about watches, don't bother spending the money. If I had the disposable income I would trade my Seiko Black Monster for an Omega Railmaster, or something even more special if I ever won the lottery, but that's because I love watches. I love cars too, but I won't go and spend money on a new car either, I have different priorities.

In any case, hopefully the business you're in cares more about your competence than your taste in jewellery.
2007-04-18 8:20 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Chicago (Old Town)
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
If you ever get a chance, check this book out:

The Millionaire Next Door..

I think you'll like it..

Edited by julio26pt2 2007-04-18 8:21 AM
2007-04-18 8:24 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Buy a Timex stainless steel dress watch - they're out there!  Then you have the best of both worlds - your Timex (loyal to the sport) and your dressiness (loyal to the job).  I agree, image isn't everything, and I'd much prefer to wear my timex when at work, but I do like my dress watch, too (it's a stainless steel Mickey Mouse watch I got while in Disney World last year - HA!).  I'd prefer to wear my running shoes and such to work, but I can't, so I give my best here to my employer in terms of what I wear.  Granted, I DO have a ton of tri related stuff hanging around my cube...

Always be true to yourself, though.  I'd rather work with someone who is true to themselves, than someone who is just playing a part.

2007-04-18 8:43 AM
in reply to: #765720

Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?


Keep on sporting the Timex!  The real people in your life will respect you for it!  Don't be fake to appeal to others.  Be the person you're comfortable with.

I have friends who are into the fancy watches and cars and all that crap, and it's so superficial it stinks.  The one purchase that I respect him for buying is his Orbea Ordu.  And not because I am a triathlete, because I know who he is. 

2007-04-18 8:54 AM
in reply to: #766099

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
It also comes down to that I never look at anybody's watch. I have never complemented someone on their watch either.

I never even really knew this has been going on for all this time -- checking out watches and making judgments.

I like the Timex because it is light and I can wear it playing golf. I don't want to misplace it so it is great that I can keep it on all the time.

It is an ironman watch but I am only a half-ironman -- maybe I should cut off half the watch

2007-04-18 9:14 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Mark, why aren't you just coming to me for career advice? :p

I worked for the CEO/Chairman of a national staffing agency. His exec assist often had to tell him what tie to wear and he wore a sports watch (Timex). He also had a powerful personality so people tended to listen more to what he had to say and less to what he wore.

I date off/on a world-travelling executive. He wears a nice watch and says he finds overpriced watches to be pretentious and a sign that someone is 'trying to hard.' Others may disagree.

The important thing is that your Personality convey competence and confidence. People won't pay too much attention to your appearance if you exude those two things.

2007-04-18 9:22 AM
in reply to: #765720

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
word. i was just thinking yesterday that i've pretty much skirted the 'car as self' crap by sticking to biking (although there is plenty of 'bike as self', but i don't think its as culturally powerful as the car). for multiple reasons, i've stayed away from altering my image much in recent years. mainly because i was breastfeeding, and tattoos and hair dye didn't seem like good ideas...but also because i would take occational interpreting gigs where my image reflected on my client's image. for that reason, i kept my look fairly conservative. now that i am working at a bike shop where it doesn't matter as much, and have less free time to take interpreting gigs, i know i can play a bit with how i look. being free of those social/work constraints on self expression is very wonderful.

to sum it up - conforming to external expectations implies that you think those externals are correct. your watch and your car are NOT you, and bowing to that implies you believe they are. fight the power, mark. fight the power.

Edited by autumn 2007-04-18 9:23 AM
2007-04-18 9:27 AM
in reply to: #766197

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
Autumn --

I think bike shop people are into image as much as the professional corp. As someone pointed out, jobs have uniforms (even if they are not matching)...or more to the point of what I cannot wear.

It would be career suicide for me to go to work in a t-shirt and jeans.

So I do think image is important. I just have never considered a watch to be part of that image. I am into just looking presentable (whatever the hell that means).

2007-04-18 9:33 AM
in reply to: #766206

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

GolfMark - 2007-04-18 10:27 AM

So I do think image is important. I just have never considered a watch to be part of that image. I am into just looking presentable (whatever the hell that means).

But your watch IS part of your image. Your image conveys the importance of health, fitness and sports to your life. That unnerves some people. I saw it in my little office - even though I kept protesting that I only toyed with triathlons, the non-active folks in my office would see my pink Timex and healthy eating as rebukes to their sedentary, drink 'til you're falling down lifestyles.

Anyway, the Timex is conveying much more powerful things than the few sheckles youu paid for it. To the non-active folks, it conveys discipline, willingness to suffer, strength, commitment. To active folks, they're going to be thinking "Huh. Wonder why he doesn't have a Garmin."

People will always judge you by your appearance and accoutrements (5 points!) - but your confidence, poise and communication style will always trump those things.

Edited by Renee 2007-04-18 9:41 AM
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