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Parkway Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Sacramento, California
United States
65F / 18C
Total Time = 3h 20m
Overall Rank = 1017/1029
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 91/93
Pre-race routine:

For some reason this seems to be the year of Lame Things That Happen Pre-Race.

Went up to Sac to pick up the race packet (They gave out technical fabric shirts! YEAH! They had women's XXL! DOUBLE YEAH! A tech fabric shirt that is way cool and that FITS! Happy. REALLY happy.) Met ellismichael for dinner, we just hung out and chatted - haven't seen him in a while it was good to catch up. Drove home and got a good night's sleep for once. This is the just fine part in case you were wondering.

Woke up in the morning with plenty of time to get ready. Got all stuff together - got in the car and started off. About 10 minutes down the road realize... My SHOES are NOT in the car! Yes, I had somehow LEFT them at home. Go home. Get shoes. Start all over again. Now I've lost that nice 20-25 minute time cushion and I'm hoping that nothing else goes wrong so I can get there by the time the race starts. Eat my pre-race breakfast of Clifbar and Banana. (Scientifically proven to NOT cause me stomach upset during the race.)

Get to race - they aren't letting anyone get closer than a couple of blocks. Find a place to park - and then find out that my HAT is also at home. Ugh. LUCKILY find elastic band to manage hair with. Walk fast for the few blocks to the race site - get in line for potties - a definite MUST. Standing in line waiting - someone in another line keeps saying things like "5 min left"... "4 min left"... I want her to just SHUT UP - but on the other hand - the line is moving really fast, cause people are leaving it. I stay and FINALLY - ah - an open potty.

Sorta jog/walk over to the race start and try to calm down adrenaline rush. I get there about 30 seconds before the race actually begins so everything is good. I look around for spokes or ellismichael, but of course do not manage to see either of them.
Event warmup:

Ha. Just getting there was enough.
  • 3h 19m 25s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 15m 13s  min/mile

Race results formal time is in. I took the chip time not the gun time. I figure at my speed, I need every second I can get...

I start off by walking across the chip timing mat and staying off to the side to let everyone pass me. Once it was mostly clear I start jogging, and then oh yeah, remember to start my watch. First two miles were fast for me (around 13-14 min I think) Mile 3-6, just tried to keep moving, have decent turnover and keep effort level medium. (Breathe in on 3 beats, out on 2.) I run MOST of this section to the 1/2 way point with a few very short walk breaks. Maintaining around 14-15 min miles through here. (Drank sports drink in between aid stations, gel w/ water AT aid stations. I walked through all aid stations.) I walked ALL uphill sections. They were all itty-bitty hilly parts - but I knew I still had a long way to go. Nutrition strategy was good, and I felt good. Even had some fairly long periods of time where I actually felt like a runner. I was only with other people at the very beginning - as usual, everyone else runs off and I have a race where it's just me and the road. This race was split between a runners course and a walkers course, I signed up for the runners course so I was very close to the very end of the pack. I think there was about 5-6 people behind me. Once I got into my groove no one passed me, except a woman who I THINK started off late as she totally blew by me at about mile 7.

Hit the turn-around and headed back. VERY slightly uphill on the way back which I tried to pretend it wasn't, as I was getting tired. Mile 9 on was mentally tough. Nutrition strategy on 2nd half changed to Enervit at aid stations with water (this stuff is liquid fuel and is AWESOME) Gatorade with Endurolytes between aid stations. Worked well, and I did not get stomach cramps or feel sick. Enervit is $$ so I will save it for racing situations, but really nice to know it works for me when I am putting out the effort.

It was really windy in parts - had some very good mental visualization going on that the wind was carrying me along (behind me) or that I was like a bird and it was lifting me up (headwind) - other image I found really useful was that I was fraying into the wind and it was making me lighter and lighter. Ended up feeling like the wind was my friend - and was there to help me instead of there to make me miserable. When the wind wasn't blowing it got pretty hot - which is hard for me - so then I tried to imagine that the heat was making me stronger. VERY good at the mental game during this race.

Mile 12 and 13 were on guts. Just tried to run as far as I could and then walk when I just had to. I know 2nd half I was definitely slower overall than the 1st half. Somewhere in here though I actually passed someone! YEAH!

Mile 13 lasted FOREVER but finally there was the finish line. I tried to have some sort of kick - but I just couldn't go any faster - I really DID gauge my effort level really well. I had NOTHING left at the end of this race. The clock time rolled over on 3:20 just as I went under it.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing during the race - this race was a perfect effort for me.

I would have a 3 hour training run before though. I didn't get that in. My longest run was 2.5 hours and I think that's what made that last 2 miles SO hard.
Post race
Warm down:

Cross chip mat. STOP. Volunteer asks if I'm all right - yes, I am, just don't want to move. Walk very slowly over to fence, grab onto it so I don't fall over, volunteer removes chip.

Shuffle over to post race goodies - grab water and subway sandwich. Guzzle about 1/4 the bottle, then feel slightly ill - so I slowly walk around the after race stuff and let stomach settle a bit. Check out the massage area but of course, they are already full (slow racers NEVER get the massages...) slowly wander back over somewhere else and finally sit down on the ground. Slowly. I was hungry by this point, so I eat the sandwich mmm... then have stomach cramps for a minute - so I laid there on my back and just breathed through them til they went away. Stomach was obviously still in the race mode and needed a few minutes to adjust to the "starving for food" mode.

Sat for a while and stretched out. Got slowly up and trekked back to my car, which had somehow removed itself to Outer Mongolia in the time I was gone. I swear, it was SO FAR AWAY! Some lady with an injured foot walks by me like I was standing still (well, I practically was) and we talk for a minute about the race.

Get in car - take off shoes, put on sandals - ahh.... have an internal laugh at some guy who is obviously looking for his car in the WRONG PLACE, then drive home.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Too much weight - but I'm faster than I was!

Avg mile time about 10 seconds FASTER than a 5k I ran in Feb. So VERY VERY happy.

Event comments:

Nice race - and getting a tech shirt instead of a cotton T-shirt ROCKS.

Last updated: 2007-02-13 12:00 AM
03:19:25 | 13.1 miles | 15m 13s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/93
Overall: 0/1029
Performance: Good
Most miles were between 14-16 min.
Course: Flat out and back. Very slightly downhill on the way out, uphill on the way back.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2007-05-05 5:36 PM

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: Parkway Half Marathon

2007-05-05 5:58 PM
in reply to: #789997

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In limbo
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon
Wow!  We're gonna have to start callin ya Speedy now!  I'm impressed!  Sounds like it was a great race! 
2007-05-05 6:05 PM
in reply to: #789997

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon

Woo Freakin' Hoo!!!!

Outstanding race!    Glad you enjoyed yourself and were on your game for the run.  You must feel *good*!  Now.  Go get in an ice bath!  Whooop!

2007-05-05 6:15 PM
in reply to: #789997

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area- California
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon
Glad it was a successful race for you.  Great RR too, I enjoy your candor.  See you in Morgan Hill in a couple weeks!
2007-05-05 6:24 PM
in reply to: #789997

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Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon

Rock ran a 1/2 Mary 10 seconds per mile faster than a 5K just 2.5 months ago!

Congrats on a super race!

You handled the issues you had like a pro..forgot shoes...that is a biggie, hat came up with plan B. did great...very proud of you! 

2007-05-05 6:35 PM
in reply to: #789997

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2007-05-05 7:05 PM
in reply to: #789997

Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon

Awesome job Shellee!  I'm gonna tell Patti how well you did, you should be really proud of pushing it right to the finish.  Nothing to be ashamed of, it was a fantastic race for you and a smokin fast pace too!  Damn, I gotta come out and visit my sister and you of these days dammit!


Edited by max 2007-05-05 7:05 PM
2007-05-05 7:11 PM
in reply to: #789997

Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon
Great race report, you showed some amazing mental toughness there with your mind over matter method of dealing with the wind! Way to go!
2007-05-05 7:27 PM
in reply to: #789997

Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon

Freaking awesome!!! 10 minutes faster than you HOPED for!!! You rock!!!

This was a great RR, I loved how you shared your mental imagery tricks--I'll have to try some of those, they seem great!!

I'm sooooo happy for you!!! 

2007-05-05 9:51 PM
in reply to: #789997

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon

Way to go, Shellee!  What a great race for you!!!  Good for you for taking everything in stride, from the lost time due to forgotten shoes (shoes??  who needs shoes???) to the forgotten hat to the porta-potty line countdown stress (I would have been one of the ones leaving the line!).

And that pace...!  WOOHOO!!!  Shows how a little training and effort really pays off.  Gotta love it when things come together on race day. 

2007-05-06 7:51 PM
in reply to: #789997

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon
Great race!  Next time people start counting in the porta potty line, just ask 'em how old they are.  Then tell them it was a wave start and their wave went off 10 minutes ago.  That may not work as well at running races, but it's worth a try..

2007-05-06 9:11 PM
in reply to: #789997

Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon
Congrats on an awesome race!  10 seconds faster per mile than your 5k is incredible.     All your hard work is really paying off.  
2007-05-06 9:12 PM
in reply to: #789997

Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon
Excellent job at the race, especially how much faster a pace you were doing than your earlier 5K! And great to see how well you did under the pressure that you had forgotten your shoes at home. I have done that a few times myself and have ended up carrying a few in my trunk "just in case".

Good comment on the massage lines. Maybe they should start scheduling before races, or something, so that everyone has a chance to have one. However, before you know it, you'll be finishing further up front and won't have to worry about that anymore.

Great job and great attitude.
2007-05-07 2:38 PM
in reply to: #789997

Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon
Good job, Shellee!! Great mental effort, and sounds like everything went better than expected physically. Good pacing... I figure if you have anything to sprint to the finish with, you didn't run hard enough!

It was great getting to hang out and catch up. Too bad we didn't see each other at the race itself. Maybe at one of the Tri for ??? races this summer.

2007-05-08 5:39 AM
in reply to: #789997

Central Illinois
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon

Really good race and a really goo race report.  I love the imagery.  I have to try that on my next windy run.  Which around here is every day.  I hate running (or even more biking) against the wind, and you used imagery so well.  Thanks for sharing that.

As this season rolls along you are totally going to get faster and lose more weight.  You are on a roll.

2007-05-08 10:00 PM
in reply to: #789997

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon

You did awesome and congrats on reaching your goal!!

You should be proud of yourself  


2007-05-10 12:03 PM
in reply to: #789997

Extreme Veteran
Miami, FL
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon
What a great RR Shellee!  Excellent job woman.  Your mental effort was on, and I'm going to try that visualization you described.  Looks like you gave it your all - isn't that the best?  Way to go on beating your 5k pace as well.  Wow! 
2007-05-10 8:25 PM
in reply to: #789997

Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon
Awesome job with your race!!! Congrats!
2007-05-13 11:38 PM
in reply to: #789997

Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Parkway Half Marathon

You kick such serious @ss!  I know you have got to be totally stoked about your time!  And you should be!


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