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2007-08-07 2:10 PM

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St. Louis
Subject: You look so skinny!
Ok... so its true... I have lost about 35lbs in the past 4 years. I have never been heavy, in fact, at my heaviest I was 187lbs but I was still working out 3-4times a week, just far less cardio and way more weights. I lookeed like "the average guy" at that point.

Anyway, I am at a point where I fluctuate between 150 and 154lbs now and I am 5'11". I was just measured at 8% body fat. EVERY SINGLE TIME i see someone I havent seen for a few months the first words out of there mouths are, "wow, you look so skinny!"

Are there any other guys(or girls) here who are completely annoyed by this? It irritates me that a healthy, athletic figure is not "in style" for guys.

2007-08-07 2:14 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
between that and shaved legs...   happens all the time.
2007-08-07 2:15 PM
in reply to: #916799

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Yes all the time...I say I'm lean not skinny.
2007-08-07 2:18 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

Are you saying that they never mean it as a compliment?  I love it when people tell me I look skinny.

Body image judgement statements suck, perceived or intentional.  They also cut both ways, skinny and not so skinny.

2007-08-07 2:24 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
It can definitely go both ways. I'm 6'3" and last summer was up to 205. Now I'm 180. And jazzed about it. People ask if I've lost weight and when I say 25 lbs they ask where was it. All hidden in the middle. My bicycle tire grew to a dirt bike tire. Fortunately, it is back down to a hybrid tire. Working on getting it down to a roadie slick and eventually gone, but still a while to go on that one.

The wife is a bit different. Shorter. Stockier. Lots of muscle (swam for 13 years) But no where near fat. However, she too has lost inches (not so much weight because she has a lot of muscle in the legs) because of training with me in the pool and on the bike. Anyway, she's been getting tons of compliments. She loves it. And has done wonders for her self esteem.

I guess it all depends on who is saying it, the "tone" in which they say it (which can indicate a lot) and how well you know them.
2007-08-07 2:24 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
My hubby is 5'11" and 162ish depending on the day. He played tennis in college and still has that athletic lean build. He has heard "You are so skinny" his whole life.

He can always respond, "I know! It's great, I EAT ANYTHING I WANT."

That usually shuts em up.

The truth is people say it to be nice and, well, out of pure jealousy. Don't take it to heart. There are those of us women out there that LOVE those long lean builds... I love my "skinny" man!

Edited by MommyBelly 2007-08-07 2:26 PM

2007-08-07 2:29 PM
in reply to: #916799

Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
ranger5oh - 2007-08-07 3:10 PM

Ok... so its true... I have lost about 35lbs in the past 4 years. I have never been heavy, in fact, at my heaviest I was 187lbs but I was still working out 3-4times a week, just far less cardio and way more weights. I lookeed like "the average guy" at that point.

Anyway, I am at a point where I fluctuate between 150 and 154lbs now and I am 5'11". I was just measured at 8% body fat. EVERY SINGLE TIME i see someone I havent seen for a few months the first words out of there mouths are, "wow, you look so skinny!"

Are there any other guys(or girls) here who are completely annoyed by this? It irritates me that a healthy, athletic figure is not "in style" for guys.

If your picture is a good indication, I don't think you look "skinny" - you look thin and fit to me. I hate the word "skinny" - granted, I'm a chick and I'm a lot smaller than the rest of you guys who've responded so far. But from a woman's perspective, having everyone tell you "oh, you're so skinny" is REALLY annoying. Because apparently, if you're not obese, you must have an eating disorder or over-exercise, etc. I danced for years, and I eat like a horse, but I'm a relatively small girl anyway. And triathloning isn't changing that much - I have some more defined muscles now in places I didn't used to (arms, which I'm psyched about), but I'm still thin and in shape, it's just my body type. Yes, being called "fat" is horrible, emotionally scarring, blah blah blah. But I hate that people don't respect the fact that I take care of myself, small bone structure or not. Not like I go rubbing it in everyone's face, unless they think I am doing so when I decline to order lunch out every day. It IS possible for me to get fat and unhealthy, and I'd prefer that it not happen.
2007-08-07 2:39 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Flagstaff and Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
It's sad that "average" now means 30 pounds overweight... My 18-year old students have that extra weight hanging out/being pushed out between their shorty tank tops and low-cut shorts. And it's considered to be "normal." Yuck!

When people call us "skinny" (happens to me all the time), they're only expressing their shock to seeing someone who's not overweight. I guess it hits home.

I have a lot of respect for people who are overweight but active, especially a ton of people here on Bt who have made great changes to their lives. And you can be healthy and overweight. What annoys me is the notion that we "skinny"/toned ones have to feel like we need to be all modest about having a great body, just to make everybody else feel comfortable... I don't need to brag about being in shape but I am proud of it and sure don't feel like hiding it.

Did I just brag too much?

Edited to add: I still suck at running though. So, all heavy runners: 1:0 for you

Edited by SauseEnte 2007-08-07 2:40 PM
2007-08-07 2:42 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
ranger5oh - 2007-08-07 2:10 PM  Are there any other guys(or girls) here who are completely annoyed by this? It irritates me that a healthy, athletic figure is not "in style" for guys.

Irritate me? Not really, but since it is OK for them to tell me I look so skinny, I'll begin replying to those with a few extra pounds from now on: "thanks I train a lot; although, I must say WOW... you look quite chubby!"

2007-08-07 2:43 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
And this is a problem how?? I'm built like an Eskimo. I dream of the day someone calls me skinny.
2007-08-07 2:51 PM
in reply to: #916799

Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

ranger5oh - 2007-08-07 1:10 PM EVERY SINGLE TIME i see someone I havent seen for a few months the first words out of there mouths are, "wow, you look so skinny!" Are there any other guys(or girls) here who are completely annoyed by this? 

Easy solution: Eat 2 quarts of ice cream per day, and cut your training volume in half.


2007-08-07 2:55 PM
in reply to: #916871

South Jersey
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

It annoys me, because usually the comment is followed by "...because you exercise so much," or "...are you eating enough with all your training?" The worst is that I haven't really lost much weight, I've always been on the somewhat-skinny side. I just look skinnier than I used to. And, I am not even that skinny. On any given day, I see dozens of girls way skinnier than me, but they aren't "health nuts" and "gym rats" like me. Those two terms annoy the heck out me. I don't even go to a gym! And, I eat junk food!

Wow...I don't know where all that came from . LOL.


Edited by LaurenSU02 2007-08-07 2:56 PM
2007-08-07 2:57 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
My favorite is when people ask me "how much did you lose?"

Like I'm going to answer that!
2007-08-07 3:03 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Crossville, TN
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I put on 15 lbs in the last 5 years and I still get "Have you lost weight?" I tell them I've put on weight and I get the look "where in the world did you gain it." I think we lose fat and replace it with muscle. The muscle weighs more but takes up less space. Now here's skinny!!!

Edited by TerryW 2007-08-07 3:05 PM

(Lebanon 07-4.jpg)

Lebanon 07-4.jpg (7KB - 23 downloads)
2007-08-07 3:05 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Northern California
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

ranger5oh - 2007-08-07 12:10 PM Ok... so its true... I have lost about 35lbs in the past 4 years. I have never been heavy, in fact, at my heaviest I was 187lbs but I was still working out 3-4times a week, just far less cardio and way more weights. I lookeed like "the average guy" at that point. Anyway, I am at a point where I fluctuate between 150 and 154lbs now and I am 5'11". I was just measured at 8% body fat. EVERY SINGLE TIME i see someone I havent seen for a few months the first words out of there mouths are, "wow, you look so skinny!" Are there any other guys(or girls) here who are completely annoyed by this? It irritates me that a healthy, athletic figure is not "in style" for guys.


Well, where I come from 5'11" and 150 is practically emaciated and skinny is an insult. However, in the Tri Community, smaller is better and I'm sure the person that tells you that you are skinny means it as a compliment.

And trust me, when Brad Pitt in Fight Club (5'10" @ 160) is the poster boy for ripped bodies and all young guys care about is abs and arms? You are right there. That look IS what most would consider the male ideal.

2007-08-07 3:05 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

Hmm... 6' and 255, ain't never heards about no skinny? [but I'ma trainin' too one day :]

2007-08-07 3:13 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

ranger5oh - 2007-08-07 2:10 PM Ok... so its true... I have lost about 35lbs in the past 4 years. I have never been heavy, in fact, at my heaviest I was 187lbs but I was still working out 3-4times a week, just far less cardio and way more weights. I lookeed like "the average guy" at that point. Anyway, I am at a point where I fluctuate between 150 and 154lbs now and I am 5'11". I was just measured at 8% body fat. EVERY SINGLE TIME i see someone I havent seen for a few months the first words out of there mouths are, "wow, you look so skinny!" Are there any other guys(or girls) here who are completely annoyed by this? It irritates me that a healthy, athletic figure is not "in style" for guys.

 I'm sure you're very fit. But I'm 5'11" as well and if i lost another 40lbs i would definately be skinny, and likely ill.  Of course I'll love to be carrying around such a light engine.    then again at 8% BF i'd weigh just a little more than you do so maybe you're on to something.... now I'm gonna get something to eat...

2007-08-07 3:19 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

Yes .. from my wife!!  We started dating when I was falling off the training wagon from cycling burn-out and the weight was starting to come on.  Then after two kids, working full time and grad school took its toll I was up to around 215 or so.

Now that I fully have the fitness bug back and am passionate about training again I'm dack down into the low 170's and about 6-7% body fat and she's always complaining about nothing left to hold onto.  (No comments from the peanut gallery you sickos).

But I saw a picture of me at the beach when I was at my peak of weight gain, and it wasn't a pretty sight!  I'm quite happy where I am now (as long as I hit my race weight on race day that is!!).

2007-08-07 3:31 PM
in reply to: #916930

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
coachese - 2007-08-07 3:05 PM

And trust me, when Brad Pitt in Fight Club (5'10" @ 160) is the poster boy for ripped bodies and all young guys care about is abs and arms?

Brad Pitt is only 5'10" and 160#? Dang, the camera must add 3 inches along with those 20 pounds.
2007-08-07 3:31 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

I actually had a friend of mine who I had not seen in a while ask me if I was sick (Like Cancer or something

That was the only thing he could think of that would make me lose so much weight even after he watched me destroy a big plate of Putanesca and Garlic Bread like I had not eaten in a week. (I had just finished up a 15 mile run before heading out to dinner)

For the record, I have lost a total of 50 pounds over the last 4 years. I was only about 25 pounds overweight and have been working dilegently since then to keep from losing any more. Now at 6' and 165 Pounds.

None of my clothes or even my wedding ring fit me anymore. What makes me look really skinny is when I wear something new that actually fits me. What gets really scary is to see what I look like after a long workout or a long hard race. (Losing 6-7% of my body weight makes me look pretty drawn down)

When someone calls me Skinny, it does not really bother me. What drives my workouts has very little to do with body image. (I like to train and love to race)

2007-08-07 3:33 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Marlton, Nj
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Ranger, you are not alone. I too get it all the time. Most of the time it's from people who are 30-40 lbs. overweight. And I want to say you look fat!!! but I try to be the bigger man and dummy up. I always blame it on my 4 boys, there is nothing left at the dinner table by the time I get there! lol I am 49 and I don't have a big old beer belly. Seems like if you are thin , there is something wrong with you. Skinny people unite!!

2007-08-07 3:39 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I get it too.  Just the other day my boss commented that I look "svelte".   It used to irritate me at first, but now I'm used to it and I wear the title with pride.   
2007-08-07 3:51 PM
in reply to: #917000

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

mcole158 - 2007-08-07 4:39 PM I get it too.  Just the other day my boss commented that I look "svelte".   It used to irritate me at first, but now I'm used to it and I wear the title with pride.   

This is so funny because when I first told my husband that he was looking 'svelte' and meant it as a compliment, he had no idea what that word meant. Now he does and he's okay with it.

I get it too and I still don't know how to respond. I wasn't overweight for my height before I started tri'ing but I guess now I'm more fit and trim. When I get a compliment about how great I look now I think, "was I huge before?" And like another poster, I'm super psyched about definition in my arms and shoulders. (it's a girl thing)

2007-08-07 3:53 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
My cousin who I had not seen in a few years did it to me.  I am 6'7" 205ish and <13%BF so by no means "skinny".  Heck, when I was in HS I was 6'7" 145lb, that is skinny.
2007-08-07 4:12 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I like this topic I didnt know other people got bothered by being called skinny. When I went to Iraq I was working out everyday between patrols and gained about 25 pounds in 7 months and was weighing 198. I looked awesome. Now there was no cardio involved there. So between putting on weight so easily and being cut up and eating whatever I wanted people said there little envious comments. They didnt like it to much when I was in the gym eating a twinkie. Not my fault I can. But now since Im back I dont lift anymore. Its all about running biking and swimming so the muscle mass went away and Im weighing about 185. And I get the wow your so skinny, and you wasting away and all that crap. Now granted if i stopped with the swimming running and biking all together I just drop weight. I can only put on weight if Im doing some kind of activity. But it does get annoying always hearing comments that Im lucky Im skinny or it will catch up to me. How about I run and bike and swim. How about when your home doing nothing Im kicking my . Im quite fed up with it as you can tell. I like getting out there and doing something and I like anyone else who is willing to do the same no matter what the body type.
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