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2010-08-13 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3040836

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Raleigh, nc
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
at Titeloops.   Thank you sir.   She was my baby for years - her name was "el Jeffe" (meaning "the boss" -for the spanish challenged, like me).   Not because I bike like Lance or anything but because I made the mistake of ordering a large borrito with my friends named "el jeffe"  the name stuck.  They even bought me a nice sticker for the bike.    But she is now gone. 

I have replaced her with a new (2009) TTX 9.9sl.  (orange).   She is named "cheffe", meaning boss in Portuguese.   Paying my respects to the ol girl and because I manage our sales department in Brazil.  

 And yes all my bikes are named.   I have a 2005 trek Madone - it is named "Madonna", just so I can tell my wife that I am going to go ride Madonna.  

More than you asked for - but it is all fun!!!!!    

2010-08-13 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3043026

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
PMacca - 2010-08-13 6:19 PM at Titeloops.   Thank you sir.   She was my baby for years - her name was "el Jeffe" (meaning "the boss" -for the spanish challenged, like me).   Not because I bike like Lance or anything but because I made the mistake of ordering a large borrito with my friends named "el jeffe"  the name stuck.  They even bought me a nice sticker for the bike.    But she is now gone. 

I have replaced her with a new (2009) TTX 9.9sl.  (orange).   She is named "cheffe", meaning boss in Portuguese.   Paying my respects to the ol girl and because I manage our sales department in Brazil.  

 And yes all my bikes are named.   I have a 2005 trek Madone - it is named "Madonna", just so I can tell my wife that I am going to go ride Madonna.  

More than you asked for - but it is all fun!!!!!    

Wow!!  Nice set of bikes you have, good for you.  I am jealous.
2010-08-14 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Hey all,
I need to start looking for lodging for the group thats going to the race.  Will start looking tonight but anyone know a service out there that handles renting beach houses, condos, etc?
2010-08-14 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3040606

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Extreme Veteran
Fleming Island, FL
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
PMacca - 2010-08-12 4:52 PM

Hello all!   Just found this discussion.  Lot's of good feedback on this thread.   I am definitely looking forward to the B2B Full.   This will be my second ironman (Ironman Lake Placid 2008 was my first).   Looking forward to a bit flatter course. 

My wife has ran the B2B half and then last year the B2B Full.   Both proved to be great races and I am excited that it is my turn on this course.  

Only concern is potential cold weather.  Better than being blazing hot but I do not do cold well. 

FWIW, I did IMLP in 2009 for my 1st IM and followed it up with B2B 2009 for my 2nd. I did B2B almost 1.5 hours faster due to the incredible current during the swim and the flat bike course. The run was hillier than I expected, but not as bad as IMLP. Both years it was very cold the morning of the race, but it warmed up nicely during the day. I believe I was on the bike for almost 3 hours before my toes thawed out. It got chilly again after the sun went down.
2010-08-14 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3043755

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

GaryRM - 2010-08-14 2:45 PM Hey all,
I need to start looking for lodging for the group thats going to the race.  Will start looking tonight but anyone know a service out there that handles renting beach houses, condos, etc?

Did you check VRBO?  Plenty of listings in the area.  We rented a house on the run course just outside downtown at Front and Ann streets.  Worked out nice since we left the finish area and cheered on folks from the house.  There's also a lot of listings in the beach areas and it's the off season so finding a decent place shouldn't be to difficult.

2010-08-14 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Week Totals
9400.00 Yd
3h 35m 04s
156.61 Mi
8h 34m 47s
6.68 Mi
1h 12m 22s
1h 27m

Did a 2.4 mile swim this week and a 72 mile 4 hour bike.  I have been backing off the running the last two weeks because my was hurting after a 13 mile run two Fridays ago.  I ran on it two times this past week 3.5 miles each time and it feels much better.  I am going to do three runs this week of which one will be an hour and the other two about 45 mins and see how it feels.   The running is the only weak part of the training as of now.  My plan ramps up on hours over the next couple of weeks.

How was your training?

2010-08-19 8:33 AM
in reply to: #3044018

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
[email protected] - 2010-08-14 8:41 PM
How was your training?

Up and down for me.  I'm getting my run volume up close to where I want it.  My bike is OK, though suffered from a long ride that had to be cut very short last weekend.  Swim is not so great.  I tried to increase volume too quickly and now I'm dealing with sore shoulders.
2010-08-19 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3044018

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
[email protected] - 2010-08-14 7:41 PM How was your training?

Swim: 0 (just swam 1/2 mile yesterday... first time in a month & half to hit the water).

Long run: 13 miles.

Long bike: 15 miles.

Man... I'm in bad shape. But looks like you're on target. Awesome. 
2010-08-19 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3052081

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Porfirio - 2010-08-19 9:43 AM
[email protected] - 2010-08-14 7:41 PM How was your training?

Swim: 0 (just swam 1/2 mile yesterday... first time in a month & half to hit the water).

Long run: 13 miles.

Long bike: 15 miles.

Man... I'm in bad shape. But looks like you're on target. Awesome. 

My only concern right now is my long runs.  My longest is 13 miles three Friday's ago and I tweaked my knee. My longest since then is 50 min run.  Is feeling better but not 100%.  Going for an hour run Friday and see how it feels. 
2010-08-19 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Middle Georgia
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
wow, u guys are worrying me w/the run base & long runs already.  I've been following the BT intermediate plan and haven't done more than 10 miles long run yet.  I've done 60 mile bike and have a 3.5 hr ride tomorrow, but most long runs in the 7-8 mile range.  Maybe I'm just too slow as the plan is time based, so if you run like duck, you don't get the miles in.  
2010-08-19 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3052380

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
lakeview - 2010-08-19 11:08 AM

wow, u guys are worrying me w/the run base & long runs already.  I've been following the BT intermediate plan and haven't done more than 10 miles long run yet.  I've done 60 mile bike and have a 3.5 hr ride tomorrow, but most long runs in the 7-8 mile range.  Maybe I'm just too slow as the plan is time based, so if you run like duck, you don't get the miles in.  

I prefer to say I run like an arthritic water buffalo. I've done a single 9 mile run but the rest are 6-8 miles for long runs. I start in on the 5 hour bikes Sat.

2010-08-19 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3052840

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-08-19 1:00 PM
lakeview - 2010-08-19 11:08 AM wow, u guys are worrying me w/the run base & long runs already.  I've been following the BT intermediate plan and haven't done more than 10 miles long run yet.  I've done 60 mile bike and have a 3.5 hr ride tomorrow, but most long runs in the 7-8 mile range.  Maybe I'm just too slow as the plan is time based, so if you run like duck, you don't get the miles in.  
I prefer to say I run like an arthritic water buffalo. I've done a single 9 mile run but the rest are 6-8 miles for long runs. I start in on the 5 hour bikes Sat.

I am with you.  I will be attempting a 5 hour ride.  I did a 4 hour last week and felt pretty good afterwards. 
2010-08-19 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Middle Georgia
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I looked ahead at the BT Intermediate plan schedule for the rest of August: these long workouts remain: 

RUN:   two 1:10, one 1:30, and only one two hour run (@ 9:30 pace = 8.35, 8.35, 9.5, & 14 miles)

BIKE: ? one 2:20, one 3:30, and one of 4 hours (*18 mph = 42, 63, & 72 miles)

Is this really that much behind ya'lls training programs?
??A?n?d? ?t?o? ?t?h?i?n?k? ??I? ?w?a?s? ?c?o?m?f?o?r?t?i?n?g? ?m?y?s?e?l?f? ?j?u?s?t? ??t?h?i?s? ??m?o?r?n?i?n?g? ?t?h?a?t? ???I???? still ?have almost 2 months and 25 days 'til ?? ??m?y? ?d?a?t?e? ?w?i?t?h? death?!?!? 
2010-08-19 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2687568

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I did 80 hilly miles 2 weeks ago.  Saturday I'm riding 94 miles in Greensboro.   

I did the half last year.  I am worried about going over the bridges 4x on the run!  At the end of the half last year the bridge may as well been a mountain.
2010-08-19 5:56 PM
in reply to: #2687568

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
There's a book I just read by Robert Shuler-it's called OnehourIronmen sold on ebay.  It's about how you can train for an Ironman on just 1 hour per day.  It's got a lot of great advice.  It's geared towards people wanting to finish an Ironman not necessarily trying to qualify for Kona.
2010-08-19 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3053689

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Extreme Veteran
SW Florida Gulf Coast
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
ahfarlow - 2010-08-19 6:56 PM There's a book I just read by Robert Shuler-it's called OnehourIronmen sold on ebay.  It's about how you can train for an Ironman on just 1 hour per day.  It's got a lot of great advice.  It's geared towards people wanting to finish an Ironman not necessarily trying to qualify for Kona.

IronBob is an amazing dude and the real deal.  When I blogged about my HIM hours last year, he told me that I could have done an Ironman.  I totally believe him. 

2010-08-19 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3052850

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
[email protected] - 2010-08-19 1:02 PM

DanielG - 2010-08-19 1:00 PM
lakeview - 2010-08-19 11:08 AM wow, u guys are worrying me w/the run base & long runs already.  I've been following the BT intermediate plan and haven't done more than 10 miles long run yet.  I've done 60 mile bike and have a 3.5 hr ride tomorrow, but most long runs in the 7-8 mile range.  Maybe I'm just too slow as the plan is time based, so if you run like duck, you don't get the miles in.  
I prefer to say I run like an arthritic water buffalo. I've done a single 9 mile run but the rest are 6-8 miles for long runs. I start in on the 5 hour bikes Sat.

I am with you.  I will be attempting a 5 hour ride.  I did a 4 hour last week and felt pretty good afterwards. 

Oh, I've done some 5 hour/100ish mile rides earlier this year and that's not going to be a problem. I've signed up for three century rides from this weekend until October and they're going to be fun as well as being 100 mile rides.
2010-08-20 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3053024

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
lakeview - 2010-08-19 2:08 PM I looked ahead at the BT Intermediate plan schedule for the rest of August: these long workouts remain: 

RUN:   two 1:10, one 1:30, and only one two hour run (@ 9:30 pace = 8.35, 8.35, 9.5, & 14 miles)

BIKE: ? one 2:20, one 3:30, and one of 4 hours (*18 mph = 42, 63, & 72 miles)

Is this really that much behind ya'lls training programs?
??A?n?d? ?t?o? ?t?h?i?n?k? ??I? ?w?a?s? ?c?o?m?f?o?r?t?i?n?g? ?m?y?s?e?l?f? ?j?u?s?t? ??t?h?i?s? ??m?o?r?n?i?n?g? ?t?h?a?t? ???I???? still ?have almost 2 months and 25 days 'til ?? ??m?y? ?d?a?t?e? ?w?i?t?h? death?!?!? 

I using the the same plan and those numbers are not that far off.  I had a really good base when I started this intermediate program.  I was already doing 3.5 -4 hour rides and I just been adding a hour or so longer on these long rides.  It catches up with mme over the next couple of weeks.  I see next week the bike concentrates on intervals with the longest ride 2hr and 20 mins.  The run I was ahead of the game but tweaked my knee three weeks ago on a 13 mile run.  I backed way off for three weeks and today I ran an hour 6 miles slow and it felt good.  I going to gradually get back on plan over the next couple of weeks.  The longest run this week was 1 hour and 30 mins but as I said I only did a 1 hour run. 
I would not sweat or worry here just stay with the plan.
2010-08-20 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3053738

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Extreme Veteran
In front of computer when typing this.
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
shellabree - 2010-08-19 7:53 PM
ahfarlow - 2010-08-19 6:56 PM There's a book I just read by Robert Shuler-it's called OnehourIronmen sold on ebay.  It's about how you can train for an Ironman on just 1 hour per day.  It's got a lot of great advice.  It's geared towards people wanting to finish an Ironman not necessarily trying to qualify for Kona.

IronBob is an amazing dude and the real deal.  When I blogged about my HIM hours last year, he told me that I could have done an Ironman.  I totally believe him. 

I'm curious about this. This is from his webpage: With a 75% time focus on the bike (lessons from the failure) and several 100 mile training rides, I tackled IMAZ 08 and finished with 7 minutes to spare. Not a great feat, you might think, until you realize that race had the 3rd highest DNF rate in IM history due to heat and wind. This was all done on less than 1 hour per day average training.

The bit in bold is what seems odd to me. IronBob seems to not be ultra-fast (finishing in 16:53 is not fast) so I am assuming these 100 mile rides took 6/7 hours, which is about 1hr a day for a wekk. So is that ALL he did that week? I suppose there might be some weeks with more hours and some with less and I can almost believe the 1hr/day thing (I'm not a big fan of volume- prefer quality over time) but when you are throwing in long rides like that it makes it harder to buy. Any thoughts on how to reconcile this? I'm just curious more than anything else. It sounds a lot like "6-minute abs to me", or "eat yourself thinner" :-)

Edited by louiskie 2010-08-20 10:21 AM
2010-08-20 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3054624

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
louiskie - 2010-08-20 11:17 AM

shellabree - 2010-08-19 7:53 PM
ahfarlow - 2010-08-19 6:56 PM There's a book I just read by Robert Shuler-it's called OnehourIronmen sold on ebay.  It's about how you can train for an Ironman on just 1 hour per day.  It's got a lot of great advice.  It's geared towards people wanting to finish an Ironman not necessarily trying to qualify for Kona.

IronBob is an amazing dude and the real deal.  When I blogged about my HIM hours last year, he told me that I could have done an Ironman.  I totally believe him. 

I'm curious about this. This is from his webpage: With a 75% time focus on the bike (lessons from the failure) and several 100 mile training rides, I tackled IMAZ 08 and finished with 7 minutes to spare. Not a great feat, you might think, until you realize that race had the 3rd highest DNF rate in IM history due to heat and wind. This was all done on less than 1 hour per day average training.

The bit in bold is what seems odd to me. IronBob seems to not be ultra-fast (finishing in 16:53 is not fast) so I am assuming these 100 mile rides took 6/7 hours, which is about 1hr a day for a wekk. So is that ALL he did that week? I suppose there might be some weeks with more hours and some with less and I can almost believe the 1hr/day thing (I'm not a big fan of volume- prefer quality over time) but when you are throwing in long rides like that it makes it harder to buy. Any thoughts on how to reconcile this? I'm just curious more than anything else. It sounds a lot like "6-minute abs to me", or "eat yourself thinner" :-)

Good catch - that is tough to reconcile/doesn't quite add up.

I will say I did IMAZ '08, and it was a tough day for a lot of folks. There was a disproportionate number of strong athletes who blew up in the wind/heat(lack of acclimization?) and folks who might have typically been in the 12-13hr range wound up with 16hr finishing times. This has nothing to do with the question of Bob's training sched., just sheds a little light on why it may have taken him nearly 17 hours that day.
2010-08-21 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Did a nice 70 mile ride with the Central Orlando Triathlon club this morning and afterwards a quick 2 mile brick.  We were right at 20 MPH for the whole 70 miles.  I did a 10 min cool down that lowered the avg.  Ride felt good and the run as well.  No knee issues on the run.  Going to see how it feels Sunday to get in 10 miles or so.  The run is the only part of my training that I feel behind on.  The bike and swim I feel good about at this point.  The run due to the injury over the last couple of weeks I do not.  I am going to have to force myself to build back up at a reasonable pace over the next three weeks so I don not injure again. 

2010-08-21 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Hey all!
My training is lagging just a bit.  Lots of swims in the 1800-2100 meter range with time being an issue. Tried for a long swim yesterday and got about 2300 yards in when lightning/thunder closed the pool.  My long rides have been in the 2-3 hr mark but still building up and plan Sept/early oct as my long rides/swims.  My rides have been in the 18-19 mph range.  Have been considering finding a group to ride with but so far just been riding occasionally with another person from another relay group doing B2B.  Overall feel comfortable I will finish my parts of the relay. 

Our group found a nice place to rent in Wrightsville beach, not too far off of T1 (I think the swim portion doesn't go directly by us but it is close.  Should avg about $300 per person and with having a kitchen the savings on eating out should keep the price in line with staying at a hotel.  Supposedly has a BBQ on the dock so one night will be steaks and beers (steaks are considered carbo loading and I won't hear otherwise! ;>
2010-08-21 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3056531

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
GaryRM - 2010-08-21 3:04 PM Hey all!
My training is lagging just a bit.  Lots of swims in the 1800-2100 meter range with time being an issue. Tried for a long swim yesterday and got about 2300 yards in when lightning/thunder closed the pool.  My long rides have been in the 2-3 hr mark but still building up and plan Sept/early oct as my long rides/swims.  My rides have been in the 18-19 mph range.  Have been considering finding a group to ride with but so far just been riding occasionally with another person from another relay group doing B2B.  Overall feel comfortable I will finish my parts of the relay. 

Our group found a nice place to rent in Wrightsville beach, not too far off of T1 (I think the swim portion doesn't go directly by us but it is close.  Should avg about $300 per person and with having a kitchen the savings on eating out should keep the price in line with staying at a hotel.  Supposedly has a BBQ on the dock so one night will be steaks and beers (steaks are considered carbo loading and I won't hear otherwise! ;>

Bring some boudan, oysters, and shrimp and I will meet you.  I would tell you crawfish but I know they will just be coming into season and small.  Are the folks you are staying with also from Lousiana?
2010-08-21 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3056575

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Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

Hi all

I have a question that I guess might be considered to be a wimps nerves. I did the Norseman Extreme Triathlon last year and the swim was in 1500 feet deep water. I am the worst navigator and I solved this problem by swimming very close to the cliffs so I could see the mountain side drop into the deep dark. As long as I had a cliff on one side and darkness on the other I was fine and right on target. My open water training takes place up and down in front of a nice beach, I follow the wave pattern on the bottom. So here is my question: In the channel we will be swimming can we see the bottom? or are there other distinct navigation aids?




2010-08-21 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3056575

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
[email protected] - 2010-08-21 3:14 PM
GaryRM - 2010-08-21 3:04 PM Hey all!
My training is lagging just a bit.  Lots of swims in the 1800-2100 meter range with time being an issue. Tried for a long swim yesterday and got about 2300 yards in when lightning/thunder closed the pool.  My long rides have been in the 2-3 hr mark but still building up and plan Sept/early oct as my long rides/swims.  My rides have been in the 18-19 mph range.  Have been considering finding a group to ride with but so far just been riding occasionally with another person from another relay group doing B2B.  Overall feel comfortable I will finish my parts of the relay. 

Our group found a nice place to rent in Wrightsville beach, not too far off of T1 (I think the swim portion doesn't go directly by us but it is close.  Should avg about $300 per person and with having a kitchen the savings on eating out should keep the price in line with staying at a hotel.  Supposedly has a BBQ on the dock so one night will be steaks and beers (steaks are considered carbo loading and I won't hear otherwise! ;>

Bring some boudan, oysters, and shrimp and I will meet you.  I would tell you crawfish but I know they will just be coming into season and small.  Are the folks you are staying with also from Lousiana?

There are 5 in our group.  Three (including myself) from Louisiana but I am not a Louisiana native having been born and raised a so. Calif boy (also lived in Kansas and Wisconsin).  For the other two, one from SC and another from Jersey (I believe) and both are BTers.  If I can figure out how to get a big of boudin balls on the airplane we will be set!  Not an oyster fan but LOVE shrimp.  Doubt I could get a 60lb sack of live crawfish on the plane to have a decent crawfish boil even if they were in season.
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