BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL Rss Feed  
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2014-01-15 8:42 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by mehaner

GOOD MORNING!  Are we committing to a clean eating day - 100% just for today?  And working out - anything - just for today?


I plan to do a "tempo" workout after work on the treadmill.  It might just be an easy 35 minute jog, we'll see.  Regardless, it is happening.
As for food, I am well-equipped with healthy foods at work, more than I can eat today I'm sure.  I want to meet a girlfriend for sushi tonight.  Do we consider sushi clean?  I usually get a few pieces of sashimi - which is obviously clean - and I love a spicy yellowtail roll (which i guess contains mayo) and the bbq eel and avocado roll (which contains the bbq sauce).  Thoughts?

I love the eel (unagi) as well. How many were you planning to have? I would think two would fall well under your 20% criteria. Certainly no more than a tsp of bbq sauce in two of them. As for the rice I'm sure brown rice would be cleaner than white rice but I don't personally consider it too bad unless you'll eat a big plate-ful. I guess I would classify it as about a "B" clean food as opposed to an "A" clean food - not perfect but not too bad. In the vein of what Tim suggested what about having a tempura appetizer and cutting back on the rice - but keep the two unagi.

That's what I wish I could have done today rather than what I did do. I'm afraid my lunch was a bad choice all around and I'm paying for it now (a bit of an upset stomach). We went shopping out of town so I ate poorly and missed my run. Tomorrow I'll make up the run with some treadmill intervals and eat 100% clean. On the positive side I am enjoying the clean...ER eating.

For dinner tonight we did have the salmon patties. Lunch detracted from my enjoying them but they were good enough that we will have them again.

Tim - How did you make out today?

Andrew - The low mojo can be pretty hard to deal with at times, eh! Just don't be too hard on yourself and get back into it slowly and no matter what don't stop. Today I was having some fun visualizing my June HIM and it really got me keen to get going.

2014-01-16 5:52 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by bulfrog Hi Guys, I also need to join the missing mojo group. I don't know what's been going wrong, but I'm tired, severally lacking in will power and to be honest with myself been eating rubbish for the last week or so. Workouts have been, long ride Saturday, 30 min run Sunday and Monday, 45 min trainer ride Tuesday and I gave myself Wednesday off. Will be looking for another trainer session tonight with hopefully a short run if I can find the motivation. As far as food goes, the less said the better. The only real positive I've got for this week is I've made my won breakfasts so far, and avoided the bakery before work. For healthy snacks (not what I've had this week, but when I'm good) I go for whatever fruit is fresh in store, yogurts and the 'diet' muesli bars (less than 100 Cal) And snacking is a problem for me, it's a habit that's hard wired into my head that I need to snack when I'm driving (which I do a lot for work) so maybe fixing the snacking problem, changing back to fruit, should be my next goal.

are you snacking while driving because you are actually hungry?  or snacking while driving because you are bored/fidgety? keep healthy snacks in the car - carrots, nuts, stuff like that.  or just drink more water/coffee!  i find i get bored in the car and tend to snack when i'm in it a lot - driving 7 hours to see my family this weekend and i sure need a good plan to avoid the bad foods i like to buy on rest stops.


2014-01-16 8:34 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by wenceslasz

Tim - How did you make out today?

I made it through and did well. I work in a lot in the field and my work group hit Subway for lunch. I did get a footlong, but stuck with turkey/ham, all the veggies, and mustard. Checked calorie count later and it was 660, and I did not have chips or soda. So, all in all I felt pretty good and happy that I could still make good choices even when tired.

PS - I tried checking in on all our group members today and noticed that some have their logs locked down tight. So for those that do, if you want us to inspire you you will need to open those up for us to see. Don't be afraid, we are all here to help each other out!
2014-01-16 8:45 AM
in reply to: chichitao

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Andrew, keep those workouts going! I know for me, when I am working out, I am more motivated to eat well, because I don't want all that hard work to be sabotaged by my food choices.

Have you tried setting a small goal for yourself?

"I will eat healthy and workout for ____ consecutive days, then reward myself with one reward meal/item."

I think we all sometimes set these big long term goals for ourselves and it can get overwhelming. Then when we get off track we can never get back on. Setting many smaller more realistic goals helps lead us to those long term goals.
2014-01-16 9:43 AM
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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Back to work for me today. Training plan says 45 minute run, will be on the treadmill when I get home from work and may shorten it a bit depending what time I get started. I need to make food for tomorrow also before bed tonight

Edited by cathyd 2014-01-16 9:44 AM
2014-01-16 10:26 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

I am NOT eating a perfect clean day today.  I think I will have a glass or 2 of wine with dinner tonight.  Work is starting to get to me!  I am working out after work (3 miles on the treadmill and maybe some weightlifting) and eating good foods (cooking up spaghetti squash and homemade veggie-loaded meat sauce tonight!) but i am willfully being unclean.


although after 2 straight days of perfect eating, i am finally SEEING a difference in how i look (softness/water bloat especially around the midsection) and i know i will not eat the greatest this weekend visiting my family, so i am more motivated to eat extra clean up until saturday.  so maybe i will skip the wine.



2014-01-16 10:55 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Thank you guys for being such a good group in my absence - the stress just devoured me the last few days and I, in turn, devoured everything around me.

The good news is one deadline down. The bad news is another deadline by the end of the month. Gack.

Off to buy a new saddle for my tri bike. Will check back later.
2014-01-16 3:13 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Re eating in the car, it's all of the above, hungry and fidgety, and I'd add in psychological as well. As an example I've programmed myself to think that I'm hungry and need some food after work on the drive home. Now I know I don't, but it's a case of needing to break the habit. The one thing I'm good at is drinking water! I'd drink 2-3 bottles a day sitting at my desk.

The good news is that yesterday I got both my run and trainer ride done in the evening. So I'm going to claim that as a bit of a victory!

So the plan for the rest of the week is to run after work tonight, and then I'm heading down to the beach for the weekend. I'll be trying to get a run in both Saturday and Sunday, and depending on the energy levels when I get home a trainer session Sunday evening. At least clean eating should be easier to manage at the beach, Not only is is a bit isolated so there isn't easy access to junk foods, but I have every intention of catching, and eating some lovely fresh fish over the next couple of days. Definitely something to look forwards too.

Also, this Sunday is the Auckland Ironman 70.3, which I did last year as my first HIM. I think seeing all the signs, advertising around town, and posts on facebook etc. is really making me realise how much my fitness has gone back from this time last year. I'm sure that that's contributing to my negative feelings about training/eating clean. Which I realise is stupid, it should be encouraging me to make good choices and work hard to get back to where I was. But I'm sure that looking back to where I was is a large part of the Blah feeling...
2014-01-16 4:15 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

not only am i drinking wine tonight, i am skipping the gym.  i'm a stress-mess from work.  i'm going HOME, putting on sweats, and cooking so i feel better.

AND i think i shall watch the first harry potter movie tonight.  i've never seen them, but read all the books a year or so ago and i'm DYING to see the movies!

2014-01-16 10:32 PM
in reply to: chichitao

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Tim - you asked about a recipe for Spring Rolls and this is a pretty good one. I've used it a few times before and it makes about 25-ish rolls depending on the wrappers you buy and how much filling you put in each. They're pretty good and they go quite well with broth/noodle type soups (especially with a bit of hot sauce) or fried rice (and green tea)....I had a really enjoyable clean dinner today but I could sure eat a couple of these right now.

Spring Rolls:

1lb/454g minced pork (I use pork tenderloin)
1lb/454g prawns (I usually use the prawns I can get at Costco peeled and without tails, but the smaller “ice shrimp” also work well). Chop the prawns into pea or marble size pieces.

1# red pepper (chopped into small pces – like ¼” squares)
8# shallots (chopped)

4oz/124g mushrooms – thinly sliced.
1” pce of ginger – peeled and grated.

8oz/250g can of Water Chestnuts – chopped.
½ cabbage (not a big one) – chopped to thin slivers. You could also mix bean sprouts about 50/50.

3tbsp dry sherry (or any good wine )
1tbsp low sodium soya sauce

1tsp palm sugar (regular sugar or agave is fine)
1tbsp oil

14.5oz to 1lb package of spring roll wrappers (from any Chinese food store and many Asian sections of big stores)
2tbsp cornflour (I use regular flower) with ½ cup water (mixed well).

Oil for deep frying .

Put all the prepared ingredients into a bowl and mix well.
Heat the 1tbsp of oil in a pan and cook the mixture for 3 to 5 minutes while stirring then remove from the pan and allow the mixture to cool.

In a small bowl mix the ½ cup of water and cornflour. Spoon the mixture evenly across a corner of a spring roll wrapper and roll it up using a brush to apply the water/flour mixture to the edges of the wrapper (kind of holds it together). It only takes a couple practice rolls to get the idea.
Put the roll into the hot oil and fry until it is golden brown and cooked through – approx. 5 minutes.

Some people will use a plum sauce to dip the rolls in.
2014-01-16 10:55 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Marilyn and Kristen - So sorry you both sound majorly stressed. I would like to be able to say something that would help but of course that isn't possible and what helps some people doesn't help other people. Now is a good time to pamper yourselves.

Marilyn - I think wine and Harry Potter sounds like a good de-stressing plan for you. I too read the Harry Potter books at a very stressful time and they were good escapism as were the movies. Definitely, wine is clean in moderation.
Kristen - What are you doing tonight? I hope you're mellowing out as well.

Tim - I wish I had thought of Subway yesterday as well.

Andrew - I wish I could get myself to workout in the evenings as well. I seem to be very much a morning person when it comes to my workouts and it does limit what I get done each day. Catching some fresh fish sounds excellent. I'm very envious.

Just for the record I did manage to eat clean all day today although it is now 8:50pm and I'm about to go on a scavenger hunt to see what I can eat for a clean snack. I'm really hungry...and a nice glass of wine does sound good as well.

It may be a bit premature to say it but I think I've lost 3lbs in the last two weeks with the combination of eating clean and getting going again.

2014-01-17 8:15 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

my lunch date for today cancelled on me, so i'm going to take advantage of the sun and the free time on the calendar to go home and RUN in the middle of the day!  YAY!  i ate leftover pancakes for breakfast - not so clean, but i also hate to waste food so SOMEONE had to eat them (they were homemade - and chocolate chip - so it was not a huge sacrifice for me to do).  but since i'm now NOT going out for lunch i will eat something around the house - turkey sandwich and an apple, maybe some carrots and hummus.  OOOOH HUMMUS ON THE TURKEY SANDWICH.

2014-01-17 11:37 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
I am going to be bad for dinner tonight. Meeting friends for a happy hour.

I think I deserve it. Only bad things I've eating in the past 12 days were a serving of chocolate mousse and a single serve bag of doritos. Not going to go too crazy, just enjoy a few local brews with some homemade chips and guacamole/queso.

Oh, and going for a run in between work and the happy hour so I need to eat back those calories burned right?
2014-01-17 1:30 PM
in reply to: chichitao

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Hey, all -

Thanks for the recipe, George! You rock.

Andrew - I know how you feel about seeing race stuff around and feeling a bit of a let down. Definitely been there.

So - I managed my stress by going completely off the rails, off the reservation, and off the diet yesterday and today. Planning on trying to get a little more organized with my life (food and otherwise) to avoid this week happening again. I hate saying that "I'll start Monday" - but I'll be honest, hubby's birthday is this weekend, so I'll be not eating well...

So what's going on this weekend for everyone? Anyone racing?
2014-01-17 1:31 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by enders_shadow

So what's going on this weekend for everyone? Anyone racing?

I'm racing! Frostbite 15K run - and it's supposed to be a wee bit chilly Sunday morning! Brrr!

Other than that, it's hubby's birthday, so out to dinner, cake, beer (not at the same time - cake and beer - that doesn't sound good).
2014-01-17 1:34 PM
in reply to: chichitao

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by chichitao

I am going to be bad for dinner tonight. Meeting friends for a happy hour.

I think I deserve it. Only bad things I've eating in the past 12 days were a serving of chocolate mousse and a single serve bag of doritos. Not going to go too crazy, just enjoy a few local brews with some homemade chips and guacamole/queso.

Oh, and going for a run in between work and the happy hour so I need to eat back those calories burned right?

OK, I know you were having fun, but I do have a serious question for the group...does anyone get that "entitled" feeling? I just put in a big old workout, so I deserve a big old meal? Or treat? Or whatever??? I seriously ate way too much today, in part because I did a 3-hour workout. Yeah, I burned a lot of calories, but I ate back WAY more than I exerted. It's a bad mindset for me - I have it after races too - I always want fast food after a race, because I deserve it. And I usually eat it.

This is one of the areas I know that I need to change my relationship with food. Anyone else?

2014-01-17 10:53 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
I often come out of the pool and could eat ANYTHING!! But, if I were to eat a burger, fries and pop I know I would regret it. So I usually resist the temptation. However, I'm not always so angelic. Sometimes I break down and have a 7/11 Slurpee (Dr. Pepper Slurpee when they have it).

Surprisingly, after a long bike or run I'm usually just thirsty.

Last summer after each of my races I usually eat whatever they offer us and enjoy most of it but I don't think I over do it. After my HIM my friend and I bbq'd a couple steaks with salad and a couple "near" beers (which actually weren't too bad). After our Olympic in September they served pizza that was actually REALLY good so I had 4# 4" square pieces. I could have eaten more but I behaved and didn't overeat but I did buy a litre of chocolate milk and enjoyed every drop.

I do often get cravings for things I shouldn't eat and I do sometimes cave-in but I do have some success in resisting. It has taken a long time and when I do cave-in I have to remember not to be too hard on myself and choose better for as long as I can.

I am fine with ice cream so long as I don't bring it into the house but as soon as it enters the house it calls my name incessantly. My MIL also loves ice cream but she has amazing self control and just eats 2 tbsp. at a time so lately there is a type I actually don't like (Cheeky Monkey I think it is) so she has that and I don't touch it.

Edited by wenceslasz 2014-01-17 11:05 PM
2014-01-18 10:24 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

We were on page two, not cool!

I'm on work day three which is my first night shift.  Have been doing good with eating but not with training.  On thurs my work day was long, fri I didn't get home until 10 pm.  Excuses i know but it is what it is.  I made lists and shopped for healthy food.  In the morning after work I'm putting supper in the crock pot and have mapped out meals for the next week.  Need to be organized with the food to know today what we are eating tomorrow so there is no questioning and throwing things together at the last minute.

How about we do a weigh in/progress report on Monday?

2014-01-19 7:40 AM
in reply to: 0

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by enders_shadow
Originally posted by enders_shadow So what's going on this weekend for everyone? Anyone racing?
I'm racing! Frostbite 15K run - and it's supposed to be a wee bit chilly Sunday morning! Brrr! Other than that, it's hubby's birthday, so out to dinner, cake, beer (not at the same time - cake and beer - that doesn't sound good).

I hope things come together for you so you can get your stress level down.  I get that a lot with my job, and it is easy to give in to unhealthy comforts when in that state.  Good luck at your race and happy birthday to your hubby!

I crashed the Weymouth Woods 100K yesterday and ran 12.5 miles of it for Meg.  I'm NOT a trail runner, but it is fun to get out there and run a few loops with the participants.  This has become an annual tradition.  Today I'll be biking 25 miles.

Sense of entitlement?  Yes.  My BF is a beer drinker, and he's gotten me into the habit of drinking with him after long workouts.  I indulged in a few Redd Apple Ale's yesterday after our run.  We also stop out to eat fairly often after long workouts, usually Mi Casita's.  I always get chicken fajita, but do not eat the corn chips, wraps, or the rice that come with it.  But sometimes I feel  "entitled" to the chips, wraps etc, as well as the customary beer that is ordered.  I'll try to do better today!

Edited by Maria527 2014-01-19 7:41 AM
2014-01-19 9:15 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by enders_shadow

Originally posted by chichitao

I am going to be bad for dinner tonight. Meeting friends for a happy hour.

I think I deserve it. Only bad things I've eating in the past 12 days were a serving of chocolate mousse and a single serve bag of doritos. Not going to go too crazy, just enjoy a few local brews with some homemade chips and guacamole/queso.

Oh, and going for a run in between work and the happy hour so I need to eat back those calories burned right?

OK, I know you were having fun, but I do have a serious question for the group...does anyone get that "entitled" feeling? I just put in a big old workout, so I deserve a big old meal? Or treat? Or whatever??? I seriously ate way too much today, in part because I did a 3-hour workout. Yeah, I burned a lot of calories, but I ate back WAY more than I exerted. It's a bad mindset for me - I have it after races too - I always want fast food after a race, because I deserve it. And I usually eat it.

This is one of the areas I know that I need to change my relationship with food. Anyone else?

Yes, that was totally tongue in cheek. I used to be 100% in the entitled camp, and would eat way more after a big workout than normal. I think that all changed after using MFP for a good while. It allowed to me to really see how many calories I am putting in my body AND how many calories I am really burning. I became a much more consistent eater using MFP. I realized I can have some occasional treats as long as my weekly caloric deficit was where I wanted it to be. I found that by being more moderate in my eating (I used to be a totally extreme eater...either 100% healthy with no cheats or 100% bad) it made it much easier to stick to my eating/workout plan.

Now after a hard workout, I will occasionally indulge, but I don't feel like I have to. On longer workouts, drinking a protein shake immediately after really helps curb the cravings. Then I head home and eat a sensible meal. I also like to remind myself that I am doing these big workouts for a reason (to lose weight) and by eating a bad meal after just sabotages all that work I just accomplished.
2014-01-19 2:44 PM
in reply to: cathyd

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by cathyd

We were on page two, not cool!

I'm on work day three which is my first night shift.  Have been doing good with eating but not with training.  On thurs my work day was long, fri I didn't get home until 10 pm.  Excuses i know but it is what it is.  I made lists and shopped for healthy food.  In the morning after work I'm putting supper in the crock pot and have mapped out meals for the next week.  Need to be organized with the food to know today what we are eating tomorrow so there is no questioning and throwing things together at the last minute.

How about we do a weigh in/progress report on Monday?

Sounds awesome - let's start the habit of checking in on Monday!

2014-01-19 2:48 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Great picture/saying, Maria! I like it.

The 15K race today went awesome...over 15 minutes off from last year's time on the same race! This is why I know I need to keep slimming down a bit - I can tell it makes a difference for my speed. And I ran my miles for Meg - she was local (and in fact a member of the organization that held the race today - we had a moment of silence and all the runners were wearing was very inspiring to me). I never met her, but I'm sure we ran a number of the same races.
2014-01-20 6:45 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
OK, folks - are you in today?

I'm recommitting here. Right now. I'm ready to work on a Seinfeld-streak of cleaning eating.... Anyone else wanna play?

1/20/2014 = Day 1. Let's do it!

This morning's breakfast = bone broth, eggs, banana, coffee, water

Lunch = out at California Pizza Kitchen with friend, will look at menu ahead of time and make a good choice

Dinner = bolognese sauce w/ spaghetti squash (from Practical Paleo book), salad for dinner

Lots of water, healthy snacks if necessary (nuts, cuties, turkey pepperoni).
2014-01-20 7:58 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

So it's Monday, check in day. 

I have been eating mostly clean, I'd say 80/20.   My weight today is 140 down from 142 last week so that's good. 

We had another big snowstorm yesterday and it's snowing again today then a deep freeze is coming overnight.  That means indoor workouts for me.   Plan says 35 min bike plus strength, that should be doable. 

How is everyone doing?  Are you staying clean?  Feeling/looking leaner?  Dropping pounds? 

2014-01-20 8:04 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by enders_shadow OK, folks - are you in today? I'm recommitting here. Right now. I'm ready to work on a Seinfeld-streak of cleaning eating.... Anyone else wanna play? 1/20/2014 = Day 1. Let's do it! This morning's breakfast = bone broth, eggs, banana, coffee, water Lunch = out at California Pizza Kitchen with friend, will look at menu ahead of time and make a good choice Dinner = bolognese sauce w/ spaghetti squash (from Practical Paleo book), salad for dinner Lots of water, healthy snacks if necessary (nuts, cuties, turkey pepperoni).

Congrats on the race results!

Yes, I'm in!  I agree with you about weight making a big difference in my run, and right now I am at my heaviest weight ever heading into a race season. The few pounds is affecting my training and my attitude.  I went off the rail over the weekend.  I put a motto on my Dashboard that says,

"If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up!"

If only I could stop having setbacks!  I'll go shop and plan for the week and try to get back on a clean eating streak.

I stole this recipe from Beth's FB page and cant wait to try it this week:

By Metabolic Cookbook

1 1/2 to 2 pounds lean ground beef or turkey
1 tablespoon oil...
1 large onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 small cabbage, chopped
2 cans (14.5 ounces each) diced tomatoes
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon sea salt

In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add the ground beef and onion and cook, stirring, until ground beef is no longer pink and onion is tender.
Add the garlic and continue cooking for 1 minute.

Add the chopped cabbage, tomatoes, tomato sauce, pepper, and salt. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes, or until cabbage is tender.


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author : Nancy Clark
comments : 1
The suggestions guide you towards an eating style that's simple and practical, yet can effectively help you eat well to perform well, despite today’s bewildering food environment.