BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes) Rss Feed  
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2013-05-06 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4729990

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
TriAya - 2013-05-06 4:10 PM
bcraht - 2013-05-07 2:58 AM

TriAya - 2013-05-06 11:50 AM And just because I get to throw the first furry cuddle pics into this brand-spankin' new thread ...

She looks like she might have some oriental breed in her.  The cat I mean.  Siamese maybe with that pointy face.

Anything's possible. She's straight-up throwaway street cat. Many street kitties here have the pointy face, oversized pointy ears and it seems to me extra-large but almond-shaped eyes, too.

I'm a sucker for pretty orange kitties, that's why Oscar is still alive and living in the garage.

2013-05-06 5:08 PM
in reply to: #4728950

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013 - OPEN
amd723 - 2013-05-06 11:06 PM
TriAya - 2013-05-06 8:59 AM

amd723 - 2013-05-06 8:52 PM I'm home sick today, so pod, please keep me entertained during my intermittent awake periods.

Oh dear. Warm healing {MELON PRESS}

Thanks. The good news is I'm missing an 8 hour seminar on public records and ethics!

So what you are saying is your not really sick, your sick of work and therefore having a "sickie" or as I like to call them a "mental health day" - these are days when you don't go to work for the betterment of your own mental health and that of those you work with.

Just jokes - I hope you feel better real soon.

2013-05-06 5:10 PM
in reply to: #4728830

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013 - OPEN
jmhpsu93 - 2013-05-06 9:20 AM
jmkizer - 2013-05-06 9:09 AM

Welcome new and returning Manatees!

If you haven't figured it out, we talk a lot. :-)  Fasten your seatbelts!  Also, we tend to be an inspiring bunch (as in, we use the "inspire" feature of the site a lot).  If you are not familiar with inspires, note that you can reply to them by clicking Reply.  This pops out a new window for you to type your response so that the original poster can see it.  Finally, most of us use the training log on the site (I think that Yanti said that it's required).  This makes it a lot easier for us to help each other when training questions come up. 

Ya think??  Cool  I didn't read it for about 30 hours and missed 4 pages' worth.

Lots of hardware over the weekend...awesome job!!!

My weekend consisted of my longest swim practice ever (3200M Masters class...I swear coach Joe is trying to kill me...) and a day off yesterday enjoying Cinco de Mayo with a few Coronas.  6 a.m. swim this morning, which I wanted NO part of. 

I went to work and missed seven. :D  Haven't yet made up the ground to know who to blame, but my first guess is Yanti and Salty.

2013-05-06 5:15 PM
in reply to: #4723700

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Name:  Tom

Story:  I've been thinking about how I got into triathlon.  I think it started when I was wandering through the athletics section of the library (wandering in a library is always fun), and ended up checking out some tri books along with the running books I think I was there for.  Did one tri last year, and am lined up for five this year (with a load of other stuff as well, not least of which are my first HM and Mary).

Family Status: Soy un solo zorro.

Current Training:  Swimming is great with the masters group I'm with, cycling is taking off now that I can get outside again, and I hope my knee recovers soon from my HM so that I can start running again.  The marathon is coming!

2013 Races: Lots.  Check out my logs for my races and goals.

Body Composition: No goals really.  I'm where I want to be physically except for getting stronger.  Although I will say that I want to learn to be a better cook.  I mean, how many times should I keep making my bachelor specials? (The answer is lots). 

Edited by ponderingfox 2013-05-06 5:23 PM
2013-05-06 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4723700

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Who was it that was going to be up at the Hawk-i Tri in Lansing?  Was it jogo?

I'm getting pretty pumped for my first tri of the year!  Hmm, I should probably take my tri kit to the pool and do some laps in it.

2013-05-06 5:30 PM
in reply to: #4730084

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
QueenZipp - 2013-05-06 5:24 PM
jmkizer - 2013-05-06 3:36 PM
cdban66 - 2013-05-06 3:30 PM

melbo55 - 2013-05-06 2:31 PM And here is the one and only sexeh Rico!!

Oh, another entrant into the Bike Gallery. Man I am backlogged for Tuesday.

So yeah.  We have mentioned it a few times and there is a link in the roster that I created (which you can feel free to copy and paste into your training log) but Chris has kindly set up a Manatee Bike Gallery for all of our bike pjorn.

So, if you have a bike that you want added to the gallery, post it or somehow get a link to Chris and if you are nice, he'll probably add it to the gallery ;-

My pretty Blue T17 has a cracked frame and I am on a waiting list for a new Triad SL frame.  Was told about 6 weeks (that was a couple weeks ago so maybe a month??)  In the meantime I ride my pretty Sweet Mama road bike a Fuji Roubaix.

Well we can't have your riding on a cracked frame!  Can't wait to see the spiffy new replacement frame and her stablemate, Sweet Mama!

2013-05-06 5:57 PM
in reply to: #4730153

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013 - OPEN
ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 7:10 AM
jmhpsu93 - 2013-05-06 9:20 AM
jmkizer - 2013-05-06 9:09 AM

Welcome new and returning Manatees!

If you haven't figured it out, we talk a lot. :-)  Fasten your seatbelts!  Also, we tend to be an inspiring bunch (as in, we use the "inspire" feature of the site a lot).  If you are not familiar with inspires, note that you can reply to them by clicking Reply.  This pops out a new window for you to type your response so that the original poster can see it.  Finally, most of us use the training log on the site (I think that Yanti said that it's required).  This makes it a lot easier for us to help each other when training questions come up. 

Ya think??  Cool  I didn't read it for about 30 hours and missed 4 pages' worth.

Lots of hardware over the weekend...awesome job!!!

My weekend consisted of my longest swim practice ever (3200M Masters class...I swear coach Joe is trying to kill me...) and a day off yesterday enjoying Cinco de Mayo with a few Coronas.  6 a.m. swim this morning, which I wanted NO part of. 

I went to work and missed seven. :D  Haven't yet made up the ground to know who to blame, but my first guess is Yanti and Salty.

I went to bed and missed seven. Then while I was reading them you guys added another one.

Mental note do not sit down to read the pod goss until AFTER you have done your run! Now I am gonna be late for work and haven't done my run this morning (do I sound really upset about that) oh well there is always tonight.

Got some great news yesterday I no longer have to write a 10,000 word paper on the affect that governance has on leadership. Instead I get to do a law and accounting unit. You would not believe how happy I am about this, I was considering poking my eyes out with a pen in order to avoid having to do it.

2013-05-06 6:21 PM
in reply to: #4730211

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013 - OPEN
StaceyK - 2013-05-06 3:57 PM
ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 7:10 AM
jmhpsu93 - 2013-05-06 9:20 AM
jmkizer - 2013-05-06 9:09 AM

Welcome new and returning Manatees!

If you haven't figured it out, we talk a lot. :-)  Fasten your seatbelts!  Also, we tend to be an inspiring bunch (as in, we use the "inspire" feature of the site a lot).  If you are not familiar with inspires, note that you can reply to them by clicking Reply.  This pops out a new window for you to type your response so that the original poster can see it.  Finally, most of us use the training log on the site (I think that Yanti said that it's required).  This makes it a lot easier for us to help each other when training questions come up. 

Ya think??  Cool  I didn't read it for about 30 hours and missed 4 pages' worth.

Lots of hardware over the weekend...awesome job!!!

My weekend consisted of my longest swim practice ever (3200M Masters class...I swear coach Joe is trying to kill me...) and a day off yesterday enjoying Cinco de Mayo with a few Coronas.  6 a.m. swim this morning, which I wanted NO part of. 

I went to work and missed seven. :D  Haven't yet made up the ground to know who to blame, but my first guess is Yanti and Salty.

I went to bed and missed seven. Then while I was reading them you guys added another one.

Mental note do not sit down to read the pod goss until AFTER you have done your run! Now I am gonna be late for work and haven't done my run this morning (do I sound really upset about that) oh well there is always tonight.

Got some great news yesterday I no longer have to write a 10,000 word paper on the affect that governance has on leadership. Instead I get to do a law and accounting unit. You would not believe how happy I am about this, I was considering poking my eyes out with a pen in order to avoid having to do it.

Really???? Well then, glad you have been able to save them. They make most things in life a little easier 

2013-05-06 6:22 PM
in reply to: #4723700

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Went to bed on page 7 got to work on page 15.


Anyway - here goes on what i need to comment on!

Yes - coke and beer in the freezer always forgotten - BOOM!

Salty - them's mighty fine arms you got there - shoulder lick forearm nibble.

TJ - cancelled race - boo hiss.

14 Hands-Marie - feel better or indeed as we say in Oz have a great mental health day (I had one last Thursday - beautiful day!)


Salty/Yanti - my accent is British but quite neutral and Aussies dont often pick i'm British...but it's there.  Americans think it's a cute accent I've been reliably informed....

An update on me - well up early for a trainer ride this morning - awesome awesome awesome.  I actually got up at 5am, but made a cup of tea (I'm British) and went back to bed and procrastinated until 5.40 then got to it!  It means i don't have to do it tonight - snuggles with Artemis and Scooby - pics below of both.




scooby.jpg (20KB - 21 downloads)
artemis.jpg (29KB - 14 downloads)
2013-05-06 6:36 PM
in reply to: #4723700

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

I'm a few pages behind, but I need to throw out a couple of questions before I get caught up in podchat and forget them...

1) If there's room on a race rack, do I have to keep my transition area right by my number or can I move it to where there's no numbers/bikes on same rack?

2) Swim etiquette...If someone asks to share a lane with you, and you're in the middle of a certain drill/practice, is it rude to put them off for a few minutes?  I did that to a lady the other day when I was trying eyes-closed swimming and sighting. I'd never done it before, didn't know how straight I'd be, and didn't want to worry about someone coming towards me.  DH let her in his lane and then another one opened up fairly quickly. Rude to say "Can you wait 5?"

2013-05-06 6:44 PM
in reply to: #4730258

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
4agoodlife - 2013-05-06 7:36 PM

I'm a few pages behind, but I need to throw out a couple of questions before I get caught up in podchat and forget them...

1) If there's room on a race rack, do I have to keep my transition area right by my number or can I move it to where there's no numbers/bikes on same rack?

2) Swim etiquette...If someone asks to share a lane with you, and you're in the middle of a certain drill/practice, is it rude to put them off for a few minutes?  I did that to a lady the other day when I was trying eyes-closed swimming and sighting. I'd never done it before, didn't know how straight I'd be, and didn't want to worry about someone coming towards me.  DH let her in his lane and then another one opened up fairly quickly. Rude to say "Can you wait 5?"

Point1, some races are VERY particular about the rack you are assigned to and will call you out if you are mis racked.  Others are less restrictive.  My race yesterday was "wherever you want" but he had done 9 events through the day and each race had different race numbers so one transition area was for the race currently going on and the next one was for either the one that just ended or was about to go on.  Plus he had about 2 dozen trainers in the parking lot in case anyone wanted to rack there and warm up if they were there all day with kids.

I might explain the drill on point 2.  Not just ask for 5 more minutes.

2013-05-06 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4730271

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
QueenZipp - 2013-05-06 4:44 PM
4agoodlife - 2013-05-06 7:36 PM

I'm a few pages behind, but I need to throw out a couple of questions before I get caught up in podchat and forget them...

1) If there's room on a race rack, do I have to keep my transition area right by my number or can I move it to where there's no numbers/bikes on same rack?

2) Swim etiquette...If someone asks to share a lane with you, and you're in the middle of a certain drill/practice, is it rude to put them off for a few minutes?  I did that to a lady the other day when I was trying eyes-closed swimming and sighting. I'd never done it before, didn't know how straight I'd be, and didn't want to worry about someone coming towards me.  DH let her in his lane and then another one opened up fairly quickly. Rude to say "Can you wait 5?"

Point1, some races are VERY particular about the rack you are assigned to and will call you out if you are mis racked.  Others are less restrictive.  My race yesterday was "wherever you want" but he had done 9 events through the day and each race had different race numbers so one transition area was for the race currently going on and the next one was for either the one that just ended or was about to go on.  Plus he had about 2 dozen trainers in the parking lot in case anyone wanted to rack there and warm up if they were there all day with kids.

I might explain the drill on point 2.  Not just ask for 5 more minutes.

Thanks for info on 1   And I should've said more for 2. I actually did explain to her, and she seemed understanding. But still wanted to check with more experienced swimmers on pool etiquette.

2013-05-06 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4730243

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
jobaxas - 2013-05-06 7:22 PM

Went to bed on page 7 got to work on page 15.


Anyway - here goes on what i need to comment on!

Yes - coke and beer in the freezer always forgotten - BOOM!

Salty - them's mighty fine arms you got there - shoulder lick forearm nibble.

TJ - cancelled race - boo hiss.

14 Hands-Marie - feel better or indeed as we say in Oz have a great mental health day (I had one last Thursday - beautiful day!)


Salty/Yanti - my accent is British but quite neutral and Aussies dont often pick i'm British...but it's there.  Americans think it's a cute accent I've been reliably informed....

An update on me - well up early for a trainer ride this morning - awesome awesome awesome.  I actually got up at 5am, but made a cup of tea (I'm British) and went back to bed and procrastinated until 5.40 then got to it!  It means i don't have to do it tonight - snuggles with Artemis and Scooby - pics below of both.

That's a handsome dog you have there.

2013-05-06 7:39 PM
in reply to: #4729555

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
TriAya - 2013-05-06 1:36 PM

OMG SALTY you made all my pink stars go away! Pink ones are my favourite!

Someone else please tell me that they put stuff in the freezer to cool it quickly, then forget it's there.

And speaking of Olympic Trials, Olympics and Olympics ...

Indonesia's very own Andy Wibowo, an Olympic swimmer, got his start in triathlon by coming to an endurance seminar I hosted and being one of the first members of the Bali Tri Club.

After his 2nd place finish at an ITU Cup right here in Indonesia, he just took OA at another Oly-distance tri here in Indonesia (it seems like we're getting more triathlons by the day!), very rough waters, at just over 2:00.

It looks like, if he keeps going, he might be able to snag a place at Rio. He's only been doing this for a couple years.

50k is coming soon.  We should do something special.

2013-05-06 9:00 PM
in reply to: #4730242

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013 - OPEN
4agoodlife - 2013-05-06 7:21 PM
StaceyK - 2013-05-06 3:57 PM
ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 7:10 AM
jmhpsu93 - 2013-05-06 9:20 AM
jmkizer - 2013-05-06 9:09 AM

Welcome new and returning Manatees!

If you haven't figured it out, we talk a lot. :-)  Fasten your seatbelts!  Also, we tend to be an inspiring bunch (as in, we use the "inspire" feature of the site a lot).  If you are not familiar with inspires, note that you can reply to them by clicking Reply.  This pops out a new window for you to type your response so that the original poster can see it.  Finally, most of us use the training log on the site (I think that Yanti said that it's required).  This makes it a lot easier for us to help each other when training questions come up. 

Ya think??  Cool  I didn't read it for about 30 hours and missed 4 pages' worth.

Lots of hardware over the weekend...awesome job!!!

My weekend consisted of my longest swim practice ever (3200M Masters class...I swear coach Joe is trying to kill me...) and a day off yesterday enjoying Cinco de Mayo with a few Coronas.  6 a.m. swim this morning, which I wanted NO part of. 

I went to work and missed seven. :D  Haven't yet made up the ground to know who to blame, but my first guess is Yanti and Salty.

I went to bed and missed seven. Then while I was reading them you guys added another one.

Mental note do not sit down to read the pod goss until AFTER you have done your run! Now I am gonna be late for work and haven't done my run this morning (do I sound really upset about that) oh well there is always tonight.

Got some great news yesterday I no longer have to write a 10,000 word paper on the affect that governance has on leadership. Instead I get to do a law and accounting unit. You would not believe how happy I am about this, I was considering poking my eyes out with a pen in order to avoid having to do it.

Really???? Well then, glad you have been able to save them. They make most things in life a little easier 

Seriously, we TALK a lot. I think I missed at least 4 pages since about lunchtime. I need manatee help. I have a new ITB issue. I was told to foam roll daily. I tried tonight with my trainer and I couldn't tolerate it. It was way too tender. He rolled me out with a stick and I was crying with very little pressure. I had 3 kids with no pain meds and this was just as bad as transition (end of labor just before pushing). I felt like such a wuss. I am afraid I will give in to pain and be too easy on myself when I am rolling on my own. I need to report my foam rolling to you daily so that I don't cheat myself because of the fear of pain.
2013-05-06 9:03 PM
in reply to: #4730434

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013 - OPEN
jogo - 2013-05-07 2:00 PM
4agoodlife - 2013-05-06 7:21 PM
StaceyK - 2013-05-06 3:57 PM
ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 7:10 AM
jmhpsu93 - 2013-05-06 9:20 AM
jmkizer - 2013-05-06 9:09 AM

Welcome new and returning Manatees!

If you haven't figured it out, we talk a lot. :-)  Fasten your seatbelts!  Also, we tend to be an inspiring bunch (as in, we use the "inspire" feature of the site a lot).  If you are not familiar with inspires, note that you can reply to them by clicking Reply.  This pops out a new window for you to type your response so that the original poster can see it.  Finally, most of us use the training log on the site (I think that Yanti said that it's required).  This makes it a lot easier for us to help each other when training questions come up. 

Ya think??  Cool  I didn't read it for about 30 hours and missed 4 pages' worth.

Lots of hardware over the weekend...awesome job!!!

My weekend consisted of my longest swim practice ever (3200M Masters class...I swear coach Joe is trying to kill me...) and a day off yesterday enjoying Cinco de Mayo with a few Coronas.  6 a.m. swim this morning, which I wanted NO part of. 

I went to work and missed seven. :D  Haven't yet made up the ground to know who to blame, but my first guess is Yanti and Salty.

I went to bed and missed seven. Then while I was reading them you guys added another one.

Mental note do not sit down to read the pod goss until AFTER you have done your run! Now I am gonna be late for work and haven't done my run this morning (do I sound really upset about that) oh well there is always tonight.

Got some great news yesterday I no longer have to write a 10,000 word paper on the affect that governance has on leadership. Instead I get to do a law and accounting unit. You would not believe how happy I am about this, I was considering poking my eyes out with a pen in order to avoid having to do it.

Really???? Well then, glad you have been able to save them. They make most things in life a little easier 

Seriously, we TALK a lot. I think I missed at least 4 pages since about lunchtime. I need manatee help. I have a new ITB issue. I was told to foam roll daily. I tried tonight with my trainer and I couldn't tolerate it. It was way too tender. He rolled me out with a stick and I was crying with very little pressure. I had 3 kids with no pain meds and this was just as bad as transition (end of labor just before pushing). I felt like such a wuss. I am afraid I will give in to pain and be too easy on myself when I am rolling on my own. I need to report my foam rolling to you daily so that I don't cheat myself because of the fear of pain.

ITB rolling is excruciating I agree - up there with 39 hours of labour!

If it's that tender I would ice as well, try and get any swelling down before rolling.  Sounds like it's inflamed and that needs to subside a bit surely

2013-05-06 9:11 PM
in reply to: #4723700

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Joanne, I have found that putting my body weight on the foam roll is more tolerable than rolling the roller over my muscles.

See here (the flexibility guide).  It got easier when I started doing it regularly.  Try and relax (Ha!) as much as possible. 

2013-05-06 9:14 PM
in reply to: #4730449

User image

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
bcraht - 2013-05-06 10:11 PM

Joanne, I have found that putting my body weight on the foam roll is more tolerable than rolling the roller over my muscles.

See here (the flexibility guide).  It got easier when I started doing it regularly.  Try and relax (Ha!) as much as possible. 

We tried this first and I couldn't do it but it was after I was totally fatigued from our workout. I will have to use body weight tomorrow. Hopefully it goes better. Thanks for the guide, I will read through it.
2013-05-06 10:34 PM
in reply to: #4723724

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013 - OPEN

Here is my introduction/re-introduction/refresher:

NAME: KansasMom/Felicia 

STORY: I grew up in Eugene in the shadow of Pre. I started running when I was in the 7th grade, and continued, off and on through college. Took a break for a few years. Started back up again in grad school, and then when I got pregnant with my first (who is now 17!), I stopped. I started running again 2 1/2 years ago after gall bladder surgery. At my first 5k (April 2011), I received a flyer for a sprint triathlon that June. I had seen triathlon on television as a kid and thought it was amazing. I thought there was only Ironman, so I was thrilled that there was a distance that I might be able to do.

But I didn't know how to swim. Just enough to keep from drowning. I muddled through that first triathlon with a competent side stroke/combat stroke and then the next day, threw all that out and started to learn to swim. I took lessons and everything.

I had biked a lot as a kid with my dad, doing a 76 mile ride in 1976 and a 100 mile ride in 1977, but I hadn't biked in decades. No worry. lol

I am entering my 3rd season of triathlon and when my 6 year old saw me on "Beginner Triathlete" he said, "That's not for you. You are not a beginner. You are experienced." Hardly. He's full of good ones. This afternoon he asked me why I still ride my trainer when "you are already well-trained." What a joker.

This is my season for the Olympic distance. I am both scared and excited. More excited.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (second time) with three boys: 17, 12 (from the first marriage) and 6 (ours). During the past semester, I have admitted to my students that I have celebrity crushes on George Clooney and Denzel Washington and a literary crush on John Grady Cole, a character in Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses and Cities of the Plains. (Why is this in family status??? Because if Denzel and I are ever available at the same time and in the same place, I am going for it.)

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm coming off a running focused off-season. I think I've built up a pretty good base. I am trying to strike a better balance with the three sports from now through September, aiming for a minimum of five runs a week, with a max distance long run of 8-10 miles; 4 swims a week; 4 rides a week, building up to a 50 mile long ride (I am a long way from this distance right now.) Striking the balance has been difficult because my impulse is to go run. I must change this running only mindset. Soon.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did a few sprints and then some running only races, my longest being 25k. I love, love, love the half marathon.

2013 RACES: Various Olympics and probably just one sprint (a local race, in which I got 4thAG last year and am targeting my AG podium this year). My first race is on May 19th, and I'm considering Branson Rev3 at the end of September. I am interested in doing a swim only race, but I am undecided about which one. There doesn't appear to be anything very local to me. Once fall hits, I will do as many trail races as I can, from 10k to 20 miles, I hope.

BODY COMPOSITION: I always want to lose 20 pounds, but never enough to actually do it. I want arms like Adrienne. I want to get rid of my c-section abdominal flap without resorting to plastic surgery. I want to come to terms with my graying hair. I am working around my grotesque bunions. 

I love this pod!!!!

Edited by KansasMom 2013-05-06 10:38 PM
2013-05-06 11:26 PM
in reply to: #4730522

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013 - OPEN
KansasMom - 2013-05-06 8:34 PM

Here is my introduction/re-introduction/refresher:

NAME: KansasMom/Felicia 

STORY: I grew up in Eugene in the shadow of Pre. I started running when I was in the 7th grade, and continued, off and on through college. Took a break for a few years. Started back up again in grad school, and then when I got pregnant with my first (who is now 17!), I stopped. I started running again 2 1/2 years ago after gall bladder surgery. At my first 5k (April 2011), I received a flyer for a sprint triathlon that June. I had seen triathlon on television as a kid and thought it was amazing. I thought there was only Ironman, so I was thrilled that there was a distance that I might be able to do.

But I didn't know how to swim. Just enough to keep from drowning. I muddled through that first triathlon with a competent side stroke/combat stroke and then the next day, threw all that out and started to learn to swim. I took lessons and everything.

I had biked a lot as a kid with my dad, doing a 76 mile ride in 1976 and a 100 mile ride in 1977, but I hadn't biked in decades. No worry. lol

I am entering my 3rd season of triathlon and when my 6 year old saw me on "Beginner Triathlete" he said, "That's not for you. You are not a beginner. You are experienced." Hardly. He's full of good ones. This afternoon he asked me why I still ride my trainer when "you are already well-trained." What a joker.

This is my season for the Olympic distance. I am both scared and excited. More excited.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (second time) with three boys: 17, 12 (from the first marriage) and 6 (ours). During the past semester, I have admitted to my students that I have celebrity crushes on George Clooney and Denzel Washington and a literary crush on John Grady Cole, a character in Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses and Cities of the Plains. (Why is this in family status??? Because if Denzel and I are ever available at the same time and in the same place, I am going for it.)

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm coming off a running focused off-season. I think I've built up a pretty good base. I am trying to strike a better balance with the three sports from now through September, aiming for a minimum of five runs a week, with a max distance long run of 8-10 miles; 4 swims a week; 4 rides a week, building up to a 50 mile long ride (I am a long way from this distance right now.) Striking the balance has been difficult because my impulse is to go run. I must change this running only mindset. Soon.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did a few sprints and then some running only races, my longest being 25k. I love, love, love the half marathon.

2013 RACES: Various Olympics and probably just one sprint (a local race, in which I got 4thAG last year and am targeting my AG podium this year). My first race is on May 19th, and I'm considering Branson Rev3 at the end of September. I am interested in doing a swim only race, but I am undecided about which one. There doesn't appear to be anything very local to me. Once fall hits, I will do as many trail races as I can, from 10k to 20 miles, I hope.

BODY COMPOSITION: I always want to lose 20 pounds, but never enough to actually do it. I want arms like Adrienne. I want to get rid of my c-section abdominal flap without resorting to plastic surgery. I want to come to terms with my graying hair. I am working around my grotesque bunions. 

I love this pod!!!!

Well, THAT part was certainly a refresher Laughing

2013-05-07 12:02 AM
in reply to: #4723700

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Ah Felicia, that was amazing. I love you!!!You need to start a sh*t my 6 year old says blog or something. That kid is hilarious.

2013-05-07 12:11 AM
in reply to: #4730564

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Asalzwed - 2013-05-07 12:02 PM Ah Felicia, that was amazing. I love you!!!You need to start a sh*t my 6 year old says blog or something. That kid is hilarious.

As a late-season surprise baby, I think he actually has a lot of "only child" type qualities where he's been surrounded by a bunch of older people and is really a wise little soul for his years ... but also has the "last child" clowny bit where, because you can't *quite* hang with the older folks at their level, you CAN belong by making them laugh.

All this seems very natural and lovely. It's not psychobabble, but what do I know except that I love your kid, too.

2013-05-07 12:15 AM
in reply to: #4730568

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
TriAya - 2013-05-07 12:11 AM

Asalzwed - 2013-05-07 12:02 PM Ah Felicia, that was amazing. I love you!!!You need to start a sh*t my 6 year old says blog or something. That kid is hilarious.

As a late-season surprise baby, I think he actually has a lot of "only child" type qualities where he's been surrounded by a bunch of older people and is really a wise little soul for his years ... but also has the "last child" clowny bit where, because you can't *quite* hang with the older folks at their level, you CAN belong by making them laugh.

All this seems very natural and lovely. It's not psychobabble, but what do I know except that I love your kid, too.

Heh heh as a 100% accident child who grew up as an "only" child I appreciate what you pulled out of there
2013-05-07 12:23 AM
in reply to: #4730572

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Asalzwed - 2013-05-07 12:15 PM
TriAya - 2013-05-07 12:11 AM

Asalzwed - 2013-05-07 12:02 PM Ah Felicia, that was amazing. I love you!!!You need to start a sh*t my 6 year old says blog or something. That kid is hilarious.

As a late-season surprise baby, I think he actually has a lot of "only child" type qualities where he's been surrounded by a bunch of older people and is really a wise little soul for his years ... but also has the "last child" clowny bit where, because you can't *quite* hang with the older folks at their level, you CAN belong by making them laugh.

All this seems very natural and lovely. It's not psychobabble, but what do I know except that I love your kid, too.

Heh heh as a 100% accident child who grew up as an "only" child I appreciate what you pulled out of there

I was actually also thinking of you when I wrote that.

2013-05-07 5:18 AM
in reply to: #4723700

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Quick question for the male manatees. I'm about to go on my long bike ride, what do you guys do with In past rides ( no comments Yanti/Salty/Joe) I have taken the skin off the meat, of the meat and two veg combo, through rubbing. I have tried tucking it down the left leg and the right leg, but the old one eyed python still gets rubbed. I have tried scrunching it up, aka codpiece type, but too uncomfortable for the baby's arm. Just wondered if you'd have any suggestions. My wife suggested to tuck the purple headed warrior in a sock. I said have we got any knee length socks, she said no, but we've got a babies ankle sock that would fit the love truncheon perfectly. The nerve.... Apologies for the blatant excuse to get in as many euphemisms for that part of the male anatomy, but it was fun
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