BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL Rss Feed  
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2014-01-23 10:06 PM
in reply to: BAMBAM66

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Tim - Hope you're feeling better. In terms of icy road conditions I'd rather live in the north. Much safer driving conditions except for wildlife on the roads. Surprisingly, we've had an amazingly mild winter. I shovelled a few inches of snow in December and otherwise we have no snow or ice at all and I've run outside three times in the last week. Today we had 5C/41F and bright sunshine.

BAMBAM - No stress in your life, eh! Good luck with it all. If you're dressed for it you should be good to run outside down to 32F. It was really nice outside today here. If there is a lot of ice in your area it isn't worth it to run outside so wait until the ice is gone.

I had a decent workout day today. Ran this morning (fasted) and then cycling this afternoon. Food wise:

No breakfast (not good, I know)
Glass of milk, Clif Bar (because my wife wanted to go for a walk)
Lunch - 3egg omelette with cheese, another glass of milk(unusual for me), 2 slices Spelt bread, big golden delicious apple.
Dinner - half a big baked potato, ground beef patty (had to choke it down - really didn't enjoy it), some beans (a bit if leftovers).
Snack - Orange and a good carb - yet to be determined.

I really enjoy the spelt bread toasted - quite nice.
I was quite worried that by running this morning I would set up a bad experience in the cycling class but I'm surprised to find I handled it pretty well and I feel far. Maybe I'll feel it at the pool tomorrow.

Just an aside - I went out early this morning to put out our garbage and recycling and literally right in front of me was an equally startled male deer. Less than 10' away. He just stood where he was and I walked out and put out everything (only a 4' high hedge between us and then I walked back to the front door and watched him as he moved off to our neighbours rose bushes. Apparently the rose thorns aren't a problem for deer.

It reminded me of when we lived up north and I walked out the back door and was startled by a caribou just a few feet away from me. For an instant I was scared until I determined it wasn't a wolf, bear or cougar.

2014-01-24 2:16 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Hey, all -

Things have been wild here with the "snow" days for my kids...1.5 inches of snow and they're off for 4 days. No joking!

I'll check back in later...just wanted to touch base.
2014-01-24 3:15 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

I've been slack on checking in.  I haven't had the motivation needed to successfully follow my training plan; the cold weather has some to do with it.  I brought my old treadmill in from the garage, so now I don't have any excuses not to run, and I have a trainer for my bike, so no excuse not to bike.  I've gone long distances the last three years in a row, and I think I am just burned out and lack enthusiasm this year. 

Tim - Send some warm weather north!  I hope the stomach bug is getting better.

Rene - My weight is up too.  I don't recall eating anything really bad, just eating WAY too much!

George - The quinoa burger sounds like something I would try.  I may look that up.

Marilyn - You're doing awesome.  You seem to be so disciplined!

Beth - You're sick too?  Hope you feel better soon!

Kristen - That's cool seeing a deer up close like that.  And you reminded me that I forgot to put our the trash today!  We did not get any of the snow in Fayettevile, but did have a 2 hour delay on Wednesday.  Quit hogging all the snow up there!  If it is going to be this cold, I'd like to see snow and get some time off work!

I've missed a few workouts this week, but have gotten in something on most days.  I have GOT to start sticking more closely to my plan.  Tomorrow I'm running 12 miles, then my Tri Club has a Polar Plunge party planned!  Brrrr!  Everyone puts on a costume and jumps in the lake; MUST put head under water for it to count.  There is also a costume contest, and of course LOTS of food and adult beverages so I doubt I will be eating clean.  I also doubt I will be jumping in the lake this year (old party pooper).  I'll leave that too the younger and/or crazier teammates.


2014-01-24 9:23 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Hi clean eaters. Sorry I've been slack on posting. Have been eating clean until tonight when I've had three cookies AND chips. We're getting another snow storm here tonight, but the weather is supposed to warm up on the weekend. I'm working both days, have made my lunch for tomorrow and will bring my run clothes with me for a run after work.
2014-01-25 10:13 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

yesterday was really bad.  i struggle with minor depression and i think the weather just got to me.  i'm back on track today though - check my log for my cooking plan for the weekend!!  i seriously love pinterest but, god, is it hard to filter through the AWFUL recipes to get to some healthy yet simple ones!

2014-01-25 9:14 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by enders_shadow

Hey, all -

Things have been wild here with the "snow" days for my kids...1.5 inches of snow and they're off for 4 days. No joking!

I'll check back in later...just wanted to touch base.

Really!? It must get really dangerous on the roads like Tim says? I can't imagine a "snow day" for 1.5 inches of snow. In recent years schools here don't shut down unless the thermometer hits -35 and I can't recall any days off for any amount of snow.

Maria - The quinoa Burgers sure looked good. I want to try them as well. As for the polar plunge, I think my polar bear swim days are behind me. I'm afraid I am definitely a warm water person from now on. Last year we started swimming in a lake when it warmed up to 17C/62F.

My day today was:

Clif Bar before 90minutes cycling,
4 slices homemade bread toasted with Almond butter and honey with cinnamon sprinkled over them and TWO glasses of milk (I usually don't drink any milk but this week I've had quite a few glasses). I can only eat oatmeal 5 days a week before I need something different.
Run (just over 6km/4mi.
Smoothie du jour - looked like blueberry blue frog eggs and tasted a bit better than fresh cut lawn grass. It wasn't too bad and it got me to dinner.
For dinner - Leftover Butter Chicken on rice. It was only so-so last night but tonight it was really good.
Later, I'm going to have some Miss Vicki's Salt n Vinegar chips. Not clean but not too bad either.

Tomorrow I'm planning blueberry buckwheat pancakes for breakfast and I have the day off. I can sleep in until 7:00 too.

2014-01-26 10:01 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by wenceslasz I can't imagine a "snow day" for 1.5 inches of snow. In recent years schools here don't shut down unless the thermometer hits -35 and I can't recall any days off for any amount of snow. Maria - The quinoa Burgers sure looked good. I want to try them as well. As for the polar plunge, I think my polar bear swim days are behind me. I'm afraid I am definitely a warm water person from now on. Last year we started swimming in a lake when it warmed up to 17C/62F.

Here in Fayetteville, we had a two hour delay because it was simply unseasonably cold (10 deg. wind chill).  Clear roads, no snow, no ice, just too cold.  I'm not sure what good the 2 hours did, since the temp was not much better at 10:00 a.m. than it was at 8:00 a.m.  But when I questioned the need for a 2 hour delay on facebook, I got reamed for being insensitive to southerners (I lived in the south for 22 years now). 

Cathy - I slipped up too.  All we can do is jump back on the wagon!

Marilyn - Sorry to hear about your depression; I know that can be a derailer.  For me when I'm depressed I'm more likely to skip workouts and lay on the couch instead.  Depression really zaps motivation.  Hang in there!

As for the Polar Plunge...  fun was had by all!  But not all jumped in the lake (I did NOT).  I think only 6 of us took the plunge this year.  Our Polar Plunge is also a costume party, and last night was additionally a going away party for two of our club members.  Needless to say, I did NOT eat clean (as evidenced by the brew in my hand in the photo).  I drank Redd Apple Ale's, ate chili and corn chips, and also had a piece of the going away cake. 

Today I'm going to plan my meals for the week and do a 90 min. trainer ride (unless I get motivated enough to bike outside in the chill later).


2014-01-26 10:21 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Maria--it has been so cold here that they have been cancelling schools (today is the last time we will see temps above 32* for another two weeks or so).  It is currently 41* with a low tonight of -4* (without wind chill figured in).  The polar plunge sounds like fun--for someone else!  Did Mike go also?  

My eating hasn't been too bad but I do wake up in the middle of the night hungry!   May try to get out for a walk/run today before the temps bottom out.  

My parents sent me some money to register for my first full marathon, so I am signed up for the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon in early October.  My middle son lives there so it is an excuse to go see him AND run with girlfriends.

2014-01-26 3:58 PM
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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by BAMBAM66

Maria--it has been so cold here that they have been cancelling schools (today is the last time we will see temps above 32* for another two weeks or so).  It is currently 41* with a low tonight of -4* (without wind chill figured in).  The polar plunge sounds like fun--for someone else!  Did Mike go also?  

My eating hasn't been too bad but I do wake up in the middle of the night hungry!   May try to get out for a walk/run today before the temps bottom out.  

My parents sent me some money to register for my first full marathon, so I am signed up for the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon in early October.  My middle son lives there so it is an excuse to go see him AND run with girlfriends.

Congrats on your first marathon registration!  No, Mike was not at the Polar Plunge.  I think fewer people came this year because it was colder than normal.  But I imagine our version of cold is not so cold to Mike!  

I got in a bike ride today.  Pete initially did not want to ride today and said he would do his trainer (was afraid it would be too cold).  I did NOT want to do trainer and was considering going out myself when it warmed up.  But the temp got up to 50 and Pete texted to say he'd come pick me up so we could go ride our flat Rockfish route.  It wasn't all that cold but it was WINDY (17 mph winds)! 

I'm glad I got out, but Pete is a beer drinker and I often end up drinking simply because he is.  I had yet another Redd Apple Ale today.  :-(  I have GOT to eat (and drink!) clean this week!

Edited by Maria527 2014-01-26 4:09 PM
2014-01-27 7:07 AM
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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

MONDAY MONDAY, clean eaters!

I have a bag full of clean goodies packed, and ingredients for baked chicken and risotto (including homemade chicken stock!) ready to go for dinner tonight - I can work out while it bakes.  However, Pitt plays Duke tonight and I don't get ESPN at home (long story) so I might have to go out to a bar to watch the game.  I can skip nasty bar food - but I will likely have a few drinks.

Strike that - looks like we are going to BWWs for dinner during the game.  It's OK, I ran 8 miles yesterday so I deserve it!  Chicken and risotto manana.


What are your goals today?  This week?

Edited by mehaner 2014-01-27 7:26 AM
2014-01-27 7:30 AM
in reply to: 0

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

My goal is to eat clean, NO alcohol, and do all of my planned training!  NO EXCUSES!  ...and I MUST food log.

I prepared some food, bison and sauerkraut, chicken and broccoli, etc.  I also made bone broth.  I think it was Kristen who mentioned bone broth in an earlier post and reminded me that I had two big marrow bones in my freezer to use up.  The weather is going to be crazy this week, but since I have a treadmill and a trainer, there is no excuse not to work out.  No excuse whatsoever.

My weight is pretty much the same as when I started the year.  It has fluctuated down and up a bit, but no real loss.  :-(

Edited by Maria527 2014-01-27 7:44 AM

2014-01-27 10:37 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by mehaner

MONDAY MONDAY, clean eaters!

I have a bag full of clean goodies packed, and ingredients for baked chicken and risotto (including homemade chicken stock!) ready to go for dinner tonight - I can work out while it bakes.  However, Pitt plays Duke tonight and I don't get ESPN at home (long story) so I might have to go out to a bar to watch the game.  I can skip nasty bar food - but I will likely have a few drinks.

Strike that - looks like we are going to BWWs for dinner during the game.  It's OK, I ran 8 miles yesterday so I deserve it!  Chicken and risotto manana.


What are your goals today?  This week?

FYI:  planning ahead for BWW:

good thing i LOVE buffalitos!  done!

2014-01-27 3:40 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
MMMM. BW3. I can eat healthy there - but I am so tempted by the beers.
2014-01-27 6:34 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
I wish I hadn't read your post Marilyn. Now I'm strongly craving some wings. I could handle one of the skinny sauces easily and I would definitely have a beer or two. I wouldn't have any trouble resisting the beer but I would have trouble limiting myself to just a few wings.

I've had a fairly broken up day so my eating has been less good than I would like but I did have a good swim and run today. Nothing fast like everyone else but they felt pretty good and for a run to feel good that's a pretty big deal for me.

My goal today was to have a good 45 minute run and to run at the pace I ran in my last Oly (7:06/km). I ran for 45:27 and averaged 7:08/km. My goal for the swim class was just to take it easy for today but I wound up going about as hard as I could so that goal wasn't too hard to beat.

Breakfast - Oatmeal w/tbsp Agave (always) and Soy milk.
Swim - 600ml/20oz PowerAde (too sweet - I'll finish what I have then do better), My wife bought them for me so I just say, "Thank you."
Post swim - Coffee (no sweetener) and a scone.
Snack before running - Glass of Smoothie du jour, todays was pear and lawn grass. Not too bad.
Post run - Glass of water, Glass of milk, Golden Delicious Apple.
Pre dinner - craving wings!
Dinner - left over rotini and ground beef with diced tomatoes and parmesan.
I'm not sure yet about a snack for tonight.

2014-01-28 11:05 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by wenceslasz I wish I hadn't read your post Marilyn. Now I'm strongly craving some wings. I could handle one of the skinny sauces easily and I would definitely have a beer or two. I wouldn't have any trouble resisting the beer but I would have trouble limiting myself to just a few wings.


I did NOT order healthy last night, and I ALSO overate.  Does anyone else struggle with this?  I got a buffalo chicken sandwich with potato wedges and I was FULL - very full - about halfway through my meal.  But instead of just stopping, I ate the whole thing.  I felt SICK by the time I left.  WHY do I do that?!?!!

2014-01-29 6:35 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

starting to wonder how i ever survived 22 years in PA.  this snow/cold REALLY gets me down.  last night i was searching the cabinets for some comfort food - found (and ate) a toaster struedel.  wtf.

2014-01-29 8:50 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Another day of snow and cold here... I would so love to go outside and run but it's impossible with giant snowdrifts everywhere.  I haven't had any knee pain for at least a week so really need to try a short run and see what happens. 

Worked last night and ate a muffin and two cookies, otherwise have been doing really well.  Eating at least one big green salad every day.  Trying hard also to increase my water intake. 

Todays goal - GET ON THE TREADMILL !!

2014-01-29 9:56 AM
in reply to: cathyd

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Hey, all - hope those of you in the southeast and midwest are surviving the storms. We got 3 or so inches of snow here and it shut down the city AGAIN. Seriously, my kids have been to school once since 1/17. They're nuts, I'm nuts, and it's really hard to get on BT when I'm dealing with cat-fighting cabin-feverish kidlets all day. So sorry for my absences.

Anyway - my other problem has been that cold weather makes me want to eat, eat, about you?
2014-01-29 5:48 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

I love wings too!  But I always make them at home.  I spray a bit of olive oil on them and season with salt, pepper, and Cajun seasoning, then bake.  The only sauce I use is Texas Pete.  And Marilyn, yes I do tend to overeat, all too often!  Portion control is my biggest issue.

We have been closed for two days and are scheduled to re-open tomorrow at 12 noon.  There was no snow when we closed yesterday, so I took the opportunity to go to the HealthPlex for spin class and a short swim.  I have not been swimming since September!  Needless to say I was sluggish and even used fins for some of it. 

But it did snow overnight and the HealthPlex was closed today.  I walked my dog, but saw that it was too wet and icy to run outdoors.  I tried to run treadmill indoors, but did not feel well even after opening the window the let in some cold air,  so I cut it short and did some core work instead.  Maybe I can get in a run and some dumbbell work before going to office tomorrow.

To answer Kristen's question, yes I tend to eat, eat, eat!  At least that is what I did yesterday (mostly in the evening).  Today I didn't feel well (emotionally) and had no appetite so just sipped on bone broth.

2014-01-29 11:52 PM
in reply to: Maria527

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
How long are your days where you live? Here in Penticton we are almost at the point that it is light until 5:00pm but I still drive to my cycling in the dark at 7:00am on Saturday. Our day is about an hour longer than the shortest day before Christmas. I believe strongly in taking Vit D 1000IU everyday to alleviate the winter blahs. I recommend trying it to see if it works for you.

I think women have a harder time with this type of thing than men do.

2014-01-30 7:48 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
I've been reading up on Vitamin D, George - I think that I might benefit from adding some supplementation during the winter. During the summer/fall, I'm outdoors so much, I am not concerned, but I am not getting nearly enough sunlight this winter between the cold and the snow.

So, let's catch up everyone -

1) How has the clean eating been going? What's been your biggest challenge the last few weeks?

2) How is training? Is the weather affecting your training? How are you adjusting?

3) What else is going on? Everything going OK?

2014-01-30 7:52 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by enders_shadow

So, let's catch up everyone -

1) How has the clean eating been going? What's been your biggest challenge the last few weeks?

2) How is training? Is the weather affecting your training? How are you adjusting?

3) What else is going on? Everything going OK?

Honestly, the clean eating went well until the last couple days - ate a bag of chocolate covered fruit on Tuesday (hey, it's fruit - right?) and ate chic-fil-a after swim last night. The cold weather has me in the bit of the blahs, plus the earlier stress. I did OK with eating & stress and OK with eating & weather, but the three together has turned into quite a combination.

My next challenge is that I'm traveling today/tomorrow and the end of next week as well. The conferences will have good, but carb-heavy, food - and there will be ample opportunities to imbibe with old friends. Yikes!

Training is going OK - the weather has been challenging, as they cancel a.m. masters, open the Y late, etc. - plus having my kids home. But thankfully husband and I work well as a team and have been trading off masters, etc. to make sure I am getting my workouts in. Today I'm taking an unplanned rest day because the stress and flight logistics got to me this morning (and I leave in a couple hours!).

That's pretty much all on my front. I'm looking forward to things settling back into a nice rhythm when the girls go to school and my travel is done at the end of next week.
2014-01-30 9:25 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by enders_shadow

I've been reading up on Vitamin D, George - I think that I might benefit from adding some supplementation during the winter. During the summer/fall, I'm outdoors so much, I am not concerned, but I am not getting nearly enough sunlight this winter between the cold and the snow.

So, let's catch up everyone -

1) How has the clean eating been going? What's been your biggest challenge the last few weeks?

2) How is training? Is the weather affecting your training? How are you adjusting?

3) What else is going on? Everything going OK?

Been MIA the past week. Stomach bug got me good early last week and I lost about 1lb a day, but then once I was better I was craving every food known to man and ate it all. I gained all the weight back.

We too have been dealing with the ice and has really thrown a wrench in things. I am in a profession where when emergencies hit, I get called in to work more, so been putting in some long tough hours and my eating has suffered.

But, on a good note, the weather is supposed to be better for a while, and I got out and did my group run last night. It felt really good and I hope that leads to some more consistent workouts.

Winter always zaps my energy. Every year I deal with this same issue. I workout great in between DST in the Spring/Fall, but then I just want to hibernate all winter. And Marilyn, when I am in my eating bad mode...I do the same thing, eat until I am sick. I think it stems from growing up, when I was expected to eat everything on my plate(especially if we ate out, b/c we were tight on money and it was a waste if you didn't finish). I just feel like I am wasting food/money if I don't eat it all. I wish I could be better at taking doggy bags home.
2014-01-30 10:45 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

1) How has the clean eating been going? What's been your biggest challenge the last few weeks?

it's been kind of OK.  when i fail, i just fail huge.  i struggle with letting myself fail and re-adjusting back.  i kind of consider the day a loss.  


2) How is training? Is the weather affecting your training? How are you adjusting?

i've been lucky that the weekends are nice enough to get out.  weeknight workouts are rough - i'm just not motivated to do the treadmill or the home workouts right now.  especially cause these short workouts "don't matter."  supposed to run 3 miles and lift tonight...we'll see how that goes.


3) What else is going on? Everything going OK? 

work is ROUGH!  part of skipping workouts/eating bad is just de-compressing after a rough day.  i can already see today being one of those!

2014-01-30 8:14 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by enders_shadow

1) How has the clean eating been going? What's been your biggest challenge the last few weeks? 2) How is training? Is the weather affecting your training? How are you adjusting? 3) What else is going on? Everything going OK?

1)  Eating has been mostly good - I've had a few slip-ups but overall have been ok.  My weight has stayed the same the last couple weeks and my jeans are not tight which is a good sign for me (If I eat badly my jeans get very tight after only a couple days)

2) Training is a different story.  I was very consistent with my running from Aug until Dec but since then have barely done anything.  I've been having knee pain that I wasn't sure if it was caused by running or something else.  The past week or two I've been pain free.  Did very short elliptical last night and short run today and so far no pain. The weather - well it is winter in Canada.

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