Other Resources Challenge Me! » August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !! Rss Feed  
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2007-08-21 11:24 AM
in reply to: #908147

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

We appologize for the delay, but Donto has been out of town since last Thursday and is coming back today. He'll be working on it as fast as possible and have result soon. thanks for your patience.

Geez, take a chill pill. I still think that the boy's are on top. I have faith in all of us. If not, we'll still finish on top since none of us want to wear any banana hammock as placed earlier by someone.

Congrats to all who completed a race last weekend, and keep it up. I would swimming is improving and are feeling better in the water by now. You all have a great week, and keep it up. Cheers!!

2007-08-21 11:36 AM
in reply to: #908147

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

Oh, pffff.  What is he working or something??? 

(Thanks for the update so we can all  c a l m  down now. :-)

2007-08-21 2:10 PM
in reply to: #934219

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
devouahy - 2007-08-21 12:24 PM

We appologize for the delay, but Donto has been out of town since last Thursday and is coming back today. He'll be working on it as fast as possible and have result soon. thanks for your patience.

Geez, take a chill pill. I still think that the boy's are on top. I have faith in all of us. If not, we'll still finish on top since none of us want to wear any banana hammock as placed earlier by someone.

Congrats to all who completed a race last weekend, and keep it up. I would swimming is improving and are feeling better in the water by now. You all have a great week, and keep it up. Cheers!!

I'm back!

I'll be working on the results later this afternoon/early evening, but first I have to pretend to work. Leave the office for 10 days and things that shouldn't happen tend happen...

2007-08-21 6:41 PM
in reply to: #924130

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: Week 3 Results - RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

OK, here are the week 3a results, after 58.8% of the month completed it's still a close race with both teams ahead of the curve.

OK now for the biggie.  Musclemama request to be dropped and the rules prohibit this.  However, devouahy and I discussed the situation and after reviewing her logs she was way over her head with the goal.  So to rectify this we propose the following:

  1. Drop her goals by 50%, this means she still will not be 100% but reflects what she should have had in the 1st place. (12,500 & 40 wer the original goals).
  2. The remaining 50% must be made up by the other team members.  So 6250 yard needs to be covered by one or more women and 20 miles needs to be covered by one or more women.

We will leave it up to the girls to decide who picks up what.  Until then the spreadsheet will still reflect the original goals of 12,500 yards and 40 miles.  If you have any questions please discuss with devouahy

Onto week 4....

Week #3(a) - 2nd Annual August S-R Challenge Compiled Results

Team Results

Team Boys

Team Girls

S-R Indv %



Teams Indv Goals met %



Teams Combined %



Week3a-August-07-Swim And Run Challenge-Final Roster.zip (34KB - 48 downloads)
2007-08-21 6:56 PM
in reply to: #908147

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

All-right, everything is looking really good. Great job all. As we all know, 5weeks = 20% for all weeks, so both boys and girls are right on track. Just remember that we do not have a weekend for the stats next week. Keep it up all, everyone is doing great.

Thanks Donto for putting this up as soon as you got back.  Great talking to you on the phone. Chat latter.

Time for me to go do some mileage and yardage tonight. Busy night and chat we you all later. Great job all on this challenge.

2007-08-21 7:01 PM
in reply to: #908147

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

Suggestion for the ladies, is that some of you have already met goal in one or the other  discipline.

She who has met goal or gone over the goal, musclemomma distances can be applied there. i.e. This challenge is about reaching 100% of the goal. If you go over, that distance can be applied to compensate musclemoma distances that she missed.

Trying to keep it fair. Rules are approved before the challenge. This can be used and added to next years challenge. Hope you are all good with this.

Personnaly, the results are real close anyway, so we are all doing great. Keep it up all. Cheers.

2007-08-21 7:53 PM
in reply to: #908147

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South eastern Ohio
Silver member
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

Hey Ladies,

I am just about done with my run miles. So I will volunteer to pickup MM's runs. They are about what 20 something miles???? I can do that If yall' will let me know what exactly is the milage I'll just add it to mine.....if you want.

Let me know. Ok ladies lets kick some.....


2007-08-21 7:54 PM
in reply to: #935076

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
devouahy - 2007-08-21 8:01 PM

Suggestion for the ladies, is that some of you have already met goal in one or the other discipline.

She who has met goal or gone over the goal, musclemomma distances can be applied there. i.e. This challenge is about reaching 100% of the goal. If you go over, that distance can be applied to compensate musclemoma distances that she missed.

Trying to keep it fair. Rules are approved before the challenge. This can be used and added to next years challenge. Hope you are all good with this.

Personnaly, the results are real close anyway, so we are all doing great. Keep it up all. Cheers.

I'm willing to swim a little bit more to help make up for what musclemomma isn't going to be able to do.  I'm still not able to run, so I won't be able to help on that front in any way.

What do the rest of you ladies think? 

2007-08-21 10:13 PM
in reply to: #908147

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

i can't pick up any swim yards - i'm up against the wall w/my own totals anyway b/c of pool closures (2800 yds to go) - but i can help with run totals if need be (though i think someone else already offered to do that)


2007-08-22 2:57 AM
in reply to: #908147

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

Hey all--great swimming and running out there and it's been really inspiring to read about how this challenge has made you push your boundaries and accomplish distances you never have before. For me, it's been fun but I didn't expect too much of a payoff--after all, I train for marathons and have been a 10K/day swimmer previously. 

My master's coaches are fond of making the triathletes/OWSers do sets of 100s while holding a steady pace for each. I'd been doing them at 1:45, then 1:35 ...

This is by no means a PR, and any "real" swimmer (including myself in that past life) would still find this laughable, but today the 100s were on 1:45 and I held between a 1:20-1:25 for each. For me, today, this is a big, big deal, and I really want to thank all the participants and organizers for throwing themselves into this challenge and inspiring me to do the same.

2007-08-22 9:40 AM
in reply to: #935334

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
TriAya - 2007-08-22 3:57 AM

Hey all--great swimming and running out there and it's been really inspiring to read about how this challenge has made you push your boundaries and accomplish distances you never have before. For me, it's been fun but I didn't expect too much of a payoff--after all, I train for marathons and have been a 10K/day swimmer previously. 

My master's coaches are fond of making the triathletes/OWSers do sets of 100s while holding a steady pace for each. I'd been doing them at 1:45, then 1:35 ...

This is by no means a PR, and any "real" swimmer (including myself in that past life) would still find this laughable, but today the 100s were on 1:45 and I held between a 1:20-1:25 for each. For me, today, this is a big, big deal, and I really want to thank all the participants and organizers for throwing themselves into this challenge and inspiring me to do the same.

congratulations! its nice to see that even seasoned swimmers can benefit from a challenge.

2007-08-22 10:00 AM
in reply to: #908147

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

Damn ...... I went all out today at the end of my 3,000 yard workout and still only did a 1:26 ....... It's gonna be a while until I'm a fish!!

But I did rip off an 18 miler for my long run yesterday morning, so I just boosted my running mileage quite a bit.  And I've got another easy recovery 5-miler on tap for today.

I'll finish off my swimming yardage on Monday probably as I only have 5,000 yards to go.

2007-08-22 11:17 AM
in reply to: #935334

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
Hey TriAya!

Excellent Work.....I'm envious! That is one of my short term goals to swim consistently between 1:35 and 1:45. Very impressive to swim at 1:20 to 1:25. I'm jealous, BUT keep it up! That is an AWESOME job!


2007-08-22 4:11 PM
in reply to: #908147

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

Great job everyone on pulling together. Guy's, let's keep that mileage rolling as everyone is doing great. I do not want to wear a banana hammock next month.

Lady's, great job on pulling together, another thing about BT, we all work as a team. Very proud of you all.

Great job to everyone, I really enjoy seeing people performing PR's in training, and seeing and improvement on their swimming. Hope you are all seeing the same in your running. I know that I am. Keep it up, this has been a lot of fun.

2007-08-22 4:20 PM
in reply to: #908147

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Port Moody, BC
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
Devouahy!!!  I think the women have 3 options guys.  They could just conceed defeat right now and spend the rest of the month taking pictures of themselves in their suits.  Just a thought.
2007-08-22 5:28 PM
in reply to: #935055

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Subject: RE: Week 3 Results - RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

do we have to assign someone to take up the extra miles/yards from MuscleMomma or can we just let anyone from the women who beat their goal of 100% chip away at those?

I'm not sure if I'll go past 100%, but if I do would like to help the girls out.

2007-08-22 6:09 PM
in reply to: #908147

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

Anyone in the girl's group can chip away her mileage. 

This is a close challenge, so let's keep it that way. Sure can't wait to see what happens at the last minute next week on Saturday as we look and verify the results. This is a lot of fun, and I see everyone is working forward on good swim challenges. Go for it all. Keep it fun.

Guy's, don't drop your guard, as we need to finish strong!!

2007-08-22 7:15 PM
in reply to: #908147

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Ft Gordon, GA
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
Somehow I could not find this thread for the last two weeks (I guess the only excuse I have is that I'm still new to BT...that and the fact that I am a computer idiot) but just want to say that this challenge has been awesome for me.

I just started swim training this May for the first time in my life (first time in pool in over 18 years was Oct 2006) and now, b/c I am pushing myself for this challenge, I actually swam over 1 mile without stopping TWICE in the last three weeks for the first times in my life! How cool is that?!

My run mileage goal is a little low but I am still trying to rehab my IT band crap.

I should make my goals by next Monday, the 29th, if all goes according to plans. (I sure as hell hope so as I do not even own short speedos. All I have are mid thigh jammers!)

Drive on Guys!!!
2007-08-22 8:25 PM
in reply to: #908147

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

All right, I'm starting to wonder about a few of you. I was checking the spread sheet, and we as guys have some boys (aka. child) that have lower scores than some of the lowest girls scores.

GET YOUR A$$ OUT there and start logging in your swim yardage and you run mileage. I do not want to be wearing a banana hammock next month, and I think that the guys who scored 100% can wear their speedo's, and the problem childs will have to wear a banana hammock for some humility lesson. Get out there, and get your yardage / mileage done.

Thanks and have a great week. Great job on everyone who is running on goal for the completion by the end of next week.

2007-08-22 9:12 PM
in reply to: #908147

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Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
I'm lovin' this, too! Every time I want to roll over and tell the dogs to lay back down, I think about this challenge. It's pushed me into the pool or into my running shoes more than a few times this month! One thing I'm really diggin' is the huge variation in our levels - everything from a few thousand yards/miles to 150 miles! And we're all pulling for eachother! Where else could that happen, I ask you? What a great place this is.

Congratulations to all who've achieved PRs or exceeded expectations!

2007-08-23 7:17 AM
in reply to: #908147

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
I agree with you Nosit.  I have done more this month then in any prior month.  Have I improved?  I guess that is hard one for me to answer.  I try to spend most of my time on form or posture and breathing.  My 1st complete Tri is on Sept 1 (only a sprint), but I think this is helping my confidence.

2007-08-23 7:39 AM
in reply to: #908147

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

GREAT job kicking it up this past week LADIES!  It's working!

We CANNOT loose by 0.64%!

Artemis has agreed to try to pick up some more swimming, right?  And Chris will try to fit in 20 more miles running.

ALL of us should try to do a little more.  I would love to commit to swim more by I have pool problems (Y is closed; outdoor pool up the street was 70F this morning; of course I swam anyway, but if it gets any colder...wetsuit time I guess!) and a probable ear infection I need to have looked at (been dizzy off and on all this week). So I'm stuggling to get to my own goals. 

I will do my best to add more next week!  THREE days left in this one LADIES... time to bring it!

2007-08-23 9:01 AM
in reply to: #937152

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
It looks like I should be able to pick up a little bit of MM's swimming/running. After a nice 6 mile run this morning, I've knocked off the reduced goal I had after my ankle injury... thank goodness it's been holding up ok. I could have maybe kept my goal at 50, but I didn't want to chance it if it continued to nag me.

(I will at this point admit that I've not been fitting in bike time at all this month... but volleyball coaching has taken up a lot of my spare time and I didn't want to let my challenge peeps down. I've also not been as big a cheerleader as I should/could have been due to this unexpected commitment, but I fully believe that we girls can knock this baby off!)

Anyway, I'm pretty close on the swim total as well, but I have a 5-day pool closure coming up and I don't think I'm doing any more OWS as the water is cooling off rapidly (no wetsuit). So I'll likely be only a tad over on the swim. But I've got a whole week's worth of running mileage in front of me, so can probably commit to at least an extra 12 miles.

Grrrrl Power!

2007-08-23 9:20 AM
in reply to: #937293

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!
And in another vein, wow! Thank you guys for making me get into the open water. I haven't noticed real improvement in my OWS times (I'm taking the next 2 months off of timing myself for splits, just focusing on form, breathing alternate side, and sighting), but I realized that last week was the highest swim yardage I've done in a single week by a significant amount. It was totally due to you guys kicking my butt and making me want to get in the water... even as the water gets colder. There was one day in particular.

I'm back in the pool now (for a few more days, anyway), and I feel really strong. When I start timing my splits again in October, I have a pretty good feeling I'll see some significant gains - thanks!

2007-08-23 11:15 AM
in reply to: #908147

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: August - 2nd Annual Boy's vs Girls Swim / Run Challenge !!

Time to get it done boy's.  Let's get that mileage and rolling.

I hate to do this, but I'm going ahead to call you out of the box for this week. Look in your logs! Next week, no mercy, and I'm posting you up on this log. Easier for everyone to see who is slacking. I'm giving you a break. You should all be at least 80% done by this weekend, and if not! I'll have to think about your penalties, becasue the girls are slowly catching up, and I'm sure not going to be beat by them. So PUT IN SOME EFFORT. YOU ARE TALKING 8 DAYS OF TRAINING LEFT FOR THIS MONTH.


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