Other Resources Challenge Me! » BT Swim Challenge Rss Feed  
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2005-05-10 10:02 AM
in reply to: #151233

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

Spreadsheet update #1629

All pledges made in yards have been converted to meters.  I will update weekly totals in meters for everyone.  This should make al the math work out.  There are a few small issues that need to be fixed: 1) Metalmasters2k needs to let me know if his pledge was in yards or metrs and also needs to get me his weekly total for week 1 2) lynda needs to let me know if her pledge was in yards or meters also 3) Geoffs - you need to update your log or PM me your weekly total for week 1.

A big THANKS to Jeng for hyperlinking all of your training logs in the spreadsheet for me...that will make my update work much easier next week.  Thanks also to the others that sent me conversions.  I hope we just about have all the bugs worked out now.

I don't know about everyone else but I'm feeling a little burnt out from bumping my swimming and not backing down on the rest of my training...I think I'll take tonight off.

2005-05-10 10:35 AM
in reply to: #151233

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San Diego
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
I know this is probably too late, but I just realized that I added wrong. I was thinking when I set my goal that I was swimming 2000 yards a week (8000 yards) but I am really swimming 2000 yards a swim (16000 yards) I don't want it to seem like I was sandbagging.
2005-05-10 10:52 AM
in reply to: #155188

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Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

nikki - 2005-05-09 10:27 PM  I hope I don't have to ask one of my comrades to swim the extra mile for me!! once again.....thank you for the inspiration!!

Hmmm... this is an interesting question. How do you guys feel about allowing a teammate to be a designated runner, if you will, for a teammate who is lagging on their goals (for any reason)? I suppose we could just spread out her yardage amongst several teammates. But, in the event some one person could pump up the volume in a VERBALIZED, DESIGNATED manner, would you have any opposition to this idea? (Obviously, their yardage would not be thrown out if they were the highest to goal IF a) their total yardage less designated swimmer yards put them at less than highest and b) even if their total yardage was still the highest, the designated swimmer yards would still count for the other swimmate.

Skip the blah blah blan it's not fair to change the rules, whining, etc. and just offer a verdict. It is mid-stream so I won't fight to amend the rules but if we are all in agreement, I think this might be an interesting solution. Many thanks for considering my brilliant proposal!

Edited by Renee 2005-05-10 10:54 AM
2005-05-10 11:09 AM
in reply to: #155332

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

I don't think there will be any objections if someone wants to increase their goal.  If anyone has a problem with Madcow boosting his pledge then speak up now...otherwise I'll put him down for 16000 yards.

madcow - 2005-05-10 10:35 AM I know this is probably too late, but I just realized that I added wrong. I was thinking when I set my goal that I was swimming 2000 yards a week (8000 yards) but I am really swimming 2000 yards a swim (16000 yards) I don't want it to seem like I was sandbagging. Thanks Tom

2005-05-10 11:14 AM
in reply to: #155351

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

Basically, if someone on your team is not pulling their weight and falls short of their goal it could be offset by anyone who happens to beat their goal...that's just the way the math works out.  If you want to pick up the slack and swim 120% of your goal to help the team then that's up to you...it's well within the rules...unless you intentionally pledged low knowing that you'd easily get 100%+ and boost the team average.  That would just be poor sportsmanship and not in the spirit of the challenge.

Renee - 2005-05-10 10:52 AM

nikki - 2005-05-09 10:27 PM  I hope I don't have to ask one of my comrades to swim the extra mile for me!! once again.....thank you for the inspiration!!

Hmmm... this is an interesting question. How do you guys feel about allowing a teammate to be a designated runner, if you will, for a teammate who is lagging on their goals (for any reason)? I suppose we could just spread out her yardage amongst several teammates. But, in the event some one person could pump up the volume in a VERBALIZED, DESIGNATED manner, would you have any opposition to this idea? (Obviously, their yardage would not be thrown out if they were the highest to goal IF a) their total yardage less designated swimmer yards put them at less than highest and b) even if their total yardage was still the highest, the designated swimmer yards would still count for the other swimmate.

Skip the blah blah blan it's not fair to change the rules, whining, etc. and just offer a verdict. It is mid-stream so I won't fight to amend the rules but if we are all in agreement, I think this might be an interesting solution. Many thanks for considering my brilliant proposal!

2005-05-10 11:22 AM
in reply to: #155372

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Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

That doesn't answer the question of if we could allow a teammate to act as designated hitter/runner (whatever that basketball term is). If a single person were to try to compensate for another teammate's low yardage (because they are having surgery, for example), that person runs the risk of having their entire yardage thrown out if they have the highest %age of goal. That's why I suggested the %age of goal + designated swim yards to cover for a teammate.

I understand if this idea won't float with the boy's team, being that you're losing the challenge. We chickies are good teammates and can easily disperse Nikki's one mile amongst 8 of us without unduly skewing our results.

Edited by Renee 2005-05-10 11:23 AM

2005-05-10 11:57 AM
in reply to: #155375

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

I understand what you're saying, but it seems too complicated to keep track of. If we have a teammate who can't make their pledge a few of us should try to get together and swim extra to make up that teammates pledge. That way there is lesser risk that the extra yardage will be thrown out. I think we just gotta take our chances. But not to worry, our chances are pretty good.

2005-05-10 12:03 PM
in reply to: #155375

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

Smart people (men) would coordinate among the team and spread the extra around to avoid that happening   But if the guys are in such trouble then why are you so concerned about picking up the slack for other team members already...we're only one week in and the ladies are already trying to work the system...they're SKEERED!!!

Renee - 2005-05-10 11:22 AM

 If a single person were to try to compensate for another teammate's low yardage (because they are having surgery, for example), that person runs the risk of having their entire yardage thrown out if they have the highest %age of goal.

2005-05-10 12:05 PM
in reply to: #155414

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Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
TH3_FRB - 2005-05-10 12:03 PM

we're only one week in and the ladies are already trying to work the system...they're SKEERED!!!

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh my... that was good... HAHAHHAHA... snicker....  I'm okay now... hehehehe...

2005-05-10 12:12 PM
in reply to: #151233

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Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
renee, there are a lot of mosquitoes buzzing around here-- makes it confusing, doncha think? Just swat them, they'll go away.

meanwhile, chycks, KEEP SWIMMIN'!
2005-05-10 1:03 PM
in reply to: #151233

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
Oh my...how horribly weak i look, eh? No excuses right?...not even surgery!!! Gals, i'll give her all she's got.

2005-05-10 1:11 PM
in reply to: #151233

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Kodiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
Are you kidding me? You are talking about having knee surgery and you think you sound weak b/c you are asking for some help? Give me a break! I know what knee surgery is like...

TH3_FRB, I will do any amount of yard or meters nikki doesn't get done...just add it to mine...
2005-05-10 1:20 PM
in reply to: #151233

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Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
No I in TEAM, and conveniently, no I in CHYCK. Nikki, we gotcher back!
2005-05-10 1:42 PM
in reply to: #151233

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
Much appreciate the offers and the great way conveyed with heart and soul. Feelin the heat of life pressing down these past few months, and this damn surgery coming up to boot.

But, i'll still give it all she's got!!! My surgery is the 19th, whatever my total is at that point is where it stops. I'm hoping for two weeks recovery from it.

2005-05-10 1:46 PM
in reply to: #151233

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Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
(no I in Nykky, either, )
2005-05-10 3:51 PM
in reply to: #151233

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North Little Rock, AR
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
There are a few people that have entered swims in their logs without distances. Make sure you enter a distance so it can be counted.

2005-05-13 8:28 PM
in reply to: #151233

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

5,000 yds in the pool today !!!   This is a personal best single day distance for me.  I am almost right on track again to meet my goal of 40,000 yds for the month  !!!  Woo-Hoo!!!!!


2005-05-13 8:37 PM
in reply to: #157416

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Elite Veteran
chicago area
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
It took me a week to swim 5,000 yards. That's awesome (even if you are on the other team.)
2005-05-13 8:39 PM
in reply to: #157416

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Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
dhyte - 2005-05-13 7:28 PM

5,000 yds in the pool today !!!   This is a personal best single day distance for me.  I am almost right on track again to meet my goal of 40,000 yds for the month  !!!  Woo-Hoo!!!!!


You're an ANIMAL! That's awesome.  

2005-05-16 10:05 AM
in reply to: #151233

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

Week 2 is in the books!  The spreadsheet has been updated and the ladies are in the lead at 50% vs 45% for the guys.  Congrats to everyone that has pushed themselves and logged PBs and PRs up to this point...keep up the good work!

There are a few holes that need to be filled in:  billypb didn't post any swims this week (is this correct?), geoffs needs to update his log so his swim distances add to the monthly total, Metalmasters2k has been MIA since day one (are you aout there?), lynda didn't log any swims this week (is this correct?), Jasmine didn't post any swims this week (is this correct?).

Okay guys...we need to pick it up here.  Some of us are well behind schedule to meet our goals.  We have 2 weeks left so make a strong push to get back on track.  You know we'll never hear the end of it if the women actually pull this off.  I'm not concerned about the speedo shot...it's the damn gloating that'll kill me.

Now get out there and SWIM!!!

2005-05-16 11:50 AM
in reply to: #158170

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Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

Ladies, I am actually at 54%  (21,654/40,000) of my goal but this will decline over this week as I am tapering/recovering before my Sunday tri. I'm pooped and I am sure some of you are as well!

Keep up the GREAT work!!!  Please be sure to keep your logs current and if you need an "inspire" PM me or any other chyckie.

 T E A M   C H Y C K   R O C K S!

2005-05-16 12:02 PM
in reply to: #158287

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2005-05-16 12:20 PM
in reply to: #151233

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge

Way to go Team Chyck.  I have 3 days left until knee surgery. I'll try to get swims in from now until then. Yesterday I had a triathlon, but the swim was a measly 1/8 mile, so not much yardage. I'll let you know what we need to make up the difference by wed.

Renee, good luck at the Triathlon this weekend. We will look for your race report.

2005-05-16 12:32 PM
in reply to: #151233

Boston, MA
Subject: RE: BT Swim Challenge
Ok fellows it is time to pick it up. As any other Triathlon race it is a matter of starting slow, get into a rythm and save energy for the last push. The Chyck team is on the lead for the moment but with our last push we will beat them for sure as they will run out fo gas 
2005-05-16 1:00 PM
in reply to: #158326

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