BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-05-07 11:20 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Sorry - I misunderstood your post. I don't think you'll go wrong with the Adamo and in the event you don't like it they hold their value really well. Personally I love mine and wouldn't ride with anything else. It's the only saddle I've tried that didn't cause numbness no matter how long the ride.

2013-05-08 2:02 AM
in reply to: #4732466

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Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

BigAirT - 2013-05-07 5:25 PM Hello, I know I'm quite late to the party, do you have room for 1 more? I'm on my iPad so I will spare you a long intro, my name is Tim

Welcome Tim

2013-05-08 2:07 AM
in reply to: #4723777

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Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Had an unbelievable group ride today.  Normally, a handful of us faster riders just beat the crap out of each other, and the main group rides a little more steady behind us.  But today, none of the faster riders showed up, so I took the opportunity to ride much more steady and lead the main group out most of the way.  Jokingly, I made a lot of enemies today as I really turned the screws on them.  I got a lot of "I'm not your friend anymore" or "I hate you" at the regrouping spots...LOL. 
2013-05-08 4:37 AM
in reply to: #4732008

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Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Fred D - 2013-05-07 5:31 PM
kimmax - 2013-05-07 4:46 PMi read on a thread that there is no point to doing a brick run if you are just doing the Ironman shuffle
. I suppose, but I cold throw back at you are anyone, why do long runs in general for ironman as a large majority of people end up doing the 'shuffle' in the end. I suppose the reason is that we are training for the race that we want instead of the race that might be more likely. I like the idea of seeing the positive so I would favor doing long runs even if someone ends up doing the shuffle (I've done it!) as you are hoping to run some good part of the course at least. Thoughts?
Interesting. I interpreted this to mean focus on form and try to run strong.Sort of like - if you aren't doing the intervals on the trainer that the plan suggests - but rather just peddling lazily while watching a show - is there value to doing it at all? Is crappy time in the saddle better than no time in the saddle?
2013-05-08 4:40 AM
in reply to: #4732515

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Two thumbs up for the Adamo saddle. I purchased the Time Trial version a little over a month ago and love it. I've done several long rides and an HIM this past weekend with no problems .....
2013-05-08 5:23 AM
in reply to: #4732509

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2013-05-08 5:23 AM
in reply to: #4723777

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

Had to skip a long bike yesterday, and possibly the workout today.

Kids activities have officially taken over my life.

I'll run in the dark, but no way will I ride in the dark. I may have to bag my tri dreams this year. Or maybe just bust it down to sprint/oly distances. Oh well, at least I'll be the most physically fit T-Ball coach this week. 

2013-05-08 5:24 AM
in reply to: #4732549

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2013-05-08 5:25 AM
in reply to: #4732577

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2013-05-08 5:27 AM
in reply to: #4732567

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2013-05-08 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4732094

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
amschrod - 2013-05-07 5:23 PM
Fred D - 2013-05-07 5:46 PM
tri808 - 2013-05-07 5:32 PM
kimmax - 2013-05-07 10:46 AM

Where I noticed it most was after my long ride this past weekend.  Man - talk about race simulation!  My run was brutal - hot, intense sun and my legs felt horrible.  Flashbacks to my last HIM run and so I think I will do more of them after my long rides so that I can mentally get used to that feeling and know how to focus on form, not worry about pace, and ease in to the run with the hope that practice will make it easier.

There can be a lot of factors that play into a tough brick run, but one thing you may want to consider is easing off the effort on the bike a little to see what happens.  It takes quite a bit of bike fitness to push for 56 miles and still be able to run well.  Most people would be better off biking a lot easier than they want to for a HIM.

. It takes even more fitness to do that said 56 mile ride after a 1.2 mile swim as well. I think the biggest part of HIM racing that is underestimated is that a triathlon (and especially a longer one) is not a swim and then a bike and then a run.... But rather it is a 70.3 mile race where you are required o keep moving forward and keep using that aerobic engine (your heart). What I mean by this is that triathlon is essentially just a one sport race. Yes we use different muscles and different equipment to move during the SBR portions, but that overall success is based on pacing that aerobic engine for the time it takes to get from the start to the finish. The number of times Jason and I have heard 'I would have had a great race except that I didn't have a good run (or bike or whatever)' is almost comical. What happens to the person who is doing great on the swim, even better on the bike and then underperforms the run (for their ability) is that they missed the point I am trying (probably poorly) to make. Ask yourself what the fastest way is to get from start to finish? I doubt in a logical sense it's going to be swim a bit too hard, bike a lot too hard and then shuffle the run.... And yet I and many others have done just that in execution. Hoping this spurs some (or a lot) discussion....

Fred, you made your point very well, and I completely agree. My HIM PR (not very fast, but still my best) was when I consciously held back just a little bit on the bike. It was definitely the best I have ever executed a race. I felt great on the run with no walking, not even through the aid stations. I remember getting to mile 9 or 10, realizing how good I felt, what a great race I was having, and I ended up smiling most of the rest of the race.

As far as my favorite workout goes, it's hard to say. I always enjoy running, but even more so in weather that some might think isn't great. I love to run in the rain, snow, and even those couple of days a year when the temp goes below zero. I would say my favorite would be running in the snow before sunrise. My least favorite would be swim training. I like the swimming itself, but I just don't like going to the Y, and all the preparation once I'm there. If I could train in OW, that would be ideal.

I also use Bricks to add that extra run during the week.  I think the bricks helped me this past weekend.  It was pretty chilly and I could not feel my legs once I got off the bike, and I mentally used "just like we practiced" to slosh through the first mile. Which was significantly slower than the last 2.  One mistake I made the week before my Sprint was to see how fast I could go for that 8 minutes after a pretty hard ride, I will save that for race day. 

So was that just a function of warming the legs up? 8:30/7:51/7:50

Is that fairly normal? Anything I could have done to even them up?

Last year for my final Half, I also used the strategy of going easy on the bike.  And my splits were pretty similar for each half of the 13.1.  Not fast, but I did not slow down which I was happy about.

2013-05-08 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4732549

Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

tri808 - 2013-05-08 2:07 AM Had an unbelievable group ride today.  Normally, a handful of us faster riders just beat the crap out of each other, and the main group rides a little more steady behind us.  But today, none of the faster riders showed up, so I took the opportunity to ride much more steady and lead the main group out most of the way.  Jokingly, I made a lot of enemies today as I really turned the screws on them.  I got a lot of "I'm not your friend anymore" or "I hate you" at the regrouping spots...LOL. 

You sound like a bad, bad man!  I know your type because I have a few in my group ride and I curse them regularly.

But seriously everyone needs that good push forward and last year I had some of my best bike fitness because of guys like you in my group.  So, keep up the good work  

2013-05-08 8:03 AM
in reply to: #4732582

Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Fred D - 2013-05-08 5:27 AM
kimmax - 2013-05-08 5:37 AM
Fred D - 2013-05-07 5:31 PM
kimmax - 2013-05-07 4:46 PMi read on a thread that there is no point to doing a brick run if you are just doing the Ironman shuffle
. I suppose, but I cold throw back at you are anyone, why do long runs in general for ironman as a large majority of people end up doing the 'shuffle' in the end. I suppose the reason is that we are training for the race that we want instead of the race that might be more likely. I like the idea of seeing the positive so I would favor doing long runs even if someone ends up doing the shuffle (I've done it!) as you are hoping to run some good part of the course at least. Thoughts?
Interesting. I interpreted this to mean focus on form and try to run strong.Sort of like - if you aren't doing the intervals on the trainer that the plan suggests - but rather just peddling lazily while watching a show - is there value to doing it at all? Is crappy time in the saddle better than no time in the saddle?
. Oh now I see! Yes if the brick results in a shuffle of a run then I probably wouldn't do it. I misunderstood, apologies.

As far as bricks, I don't do a ton of them but I agree that combo'ing two sports in any fashion is a good idea.  I think it helps break up the monotony of doing just one sport for the whole workout.  Last year I did a short but intense swim (in a pool - 30') and then went out and did a longer run (90').  Not traditional, but a very good way to minimize the stress on the body versus doing one one 120' run.  I really enjoyed that workout for some reason. 

2013-05-08 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4732576

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Fred D - 2013-05-08 7:23 AM
jmholzman - 2013-05-08 12:10 AM

I mean I completely agree going into my LBS and somehow trying out the saddle before I bought it would probably have been the smart thing to do...but that ship has sailed.  The saddle was ordered two days ago.  Under the circumstances my logic was a) I would not go into my LBS and ask them for help on buying a saddle and already going in thinking I was not going to purchase the saddle from them, b) my finances are such that I cannot afford to both purchase a saddle and pay for a fitting at my LBS and c) I definitely need the fitting with our without the new saddle, and d) even if I'm wrong on the Adamo it's a free mistake anyways, I'm playing on house money because the wetsuit I'm selling was free to me - if I'm wrong I can sell the saddle and try again next year.

Not saying this was necessarily the smartest path, just that it was the path I followed.

. It will probably be ok. The reason you are getting suggestions is that Adamo seats are a little like political topics.... Strong reactions both way. I tried out 3 different ones and couldn't ride them for more than 3 min. Others love Adamo.

Very individual for sure.  I ride a Cobb saddle, my wife uses an Adamo.  Neither of us can stand the other's choice.  

2013-05-08 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4723777

Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

Hey guys I am getting ready to walk out the door and drive to Philadelphia to start my week long Police Unity Tour Ride!!! super excited to ride in honor of my friend who died in September and spend some time in DC at Police Week. Longest 4 rides ever so it should be loads of fun. I wanted to let everyone know that I will check in when I can but I am not sure what access to a computer or internet I will have over the next week so I don't want anyone to think I dropped out of the group or anything like that. Looking forward to posting a RR with some pics when I come back. Great thread on the brick info because I was wondering if I should do any during the ride or not. Good luck to anyone who is racing this week and happy training to everyone else!

2013-05-08 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4732898

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
dmbfan4life20 - 2013-05-08 9:33 AM

Hey guys I am getting ready to walk out the door and drive to Philadelphia to start my week long Police Unity Tour Ride!!! super excited to ride in honor of my friend who died in September and spend some time in DC at Police Week. Longest 4 rides ever so it should be loads of fun. I wanted to let everyone know that I will check in when I can but I am not sure what access to a computer or internet I will have over the next week so I don't want anyone to think I dropped out of the group or anything like that. Looking forward to posting a RR with some pics when I come back. Great thread on the brick info because I was wondering if I should do any during the ride or not. Good luck to anyone who is racing this week and happy training to everyone else!

Have fun, be safe!

2013-05-08 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4723777

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Have a great ride, dmbfan!
2013-05-08 10:51 AM
in reply to: #4723777

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Multitude of questions that occurred to me during my run this morning.....

1) I know what they will be serving at the aid stations during the run of my HIM. I assume I should practice eating some of the stuff on a long run to see how it works out - (water, HEED, ice, flat Coke, Chex mix, orange quarters, Hammer Gel, and E-Caps). I was planning on carrying my own drink (see next question) - so I figured I'd try out the chex mix and orange quarters - I prefer to go natural over chemical. Any benefit I'm not thinking of with respect to the Hammer Gel and E-caps?

2) I have had cramping issues in the past, so I did my last 2 half-marys with nuun (my electrolyte of choice) in my camelback. I'm planning on doing this during the HIM - I'm not out to set any speed records - any huge negatives for me throwing my camelback on in T2 for the run leg? For the half marys, I was able to use the camelback + the water at aid stations to hydrate fine.

3) KT Tape. I've had ITB issues in the past, but they seem to be in the past. However, when going for a run of > 1 hour, I generally tape up my knees as a precaution. I could a) wean myself off the KT tape or b) plan on wearing it for the race - I assume I put it on before the race...does it stay on in water as well as they claim or will it just be a hassle for me?

4) Calf sleeves - based on my cramping issues before, I usually run my half marys (and runs > 10 miles) with calf sleeves. What do you do about these in races (or is this something else I need to wean myself off of)?

5) Watches & wetsuits. I have a heck of a time getting my wetsuit on and off as it is - how do I deal with that and my watch (Garmin 305)?

Sorry if any of these are silly, but I need something other than my lousy swim to occupy my panic zone.
2013-05-08 10:59 AM
in reply to: #4732945

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
bgeyeguy - 2013-05-08 9:50 AM
dmbfan4life20 - 2013-05-08 9:33 AM

Hey guys I am getting ready to walk out the door and drive to Philadelphia to start my week long Police Unity Tour Ride!!! super excited to ride in honor of my friend who died in September and spend some time in DC at Police Week. Longest 4 rides ever so it should be loads of fun. I wanted to let everyone know that I will check in when I can but I am not sure what access to a computer or internet I will have over the next week so I don't want anyone to think I dropped out of the group or anything like that. Looking forward to posting a RR with some pics when I come back. Great thread on the brick info because I was wondering if I should do any during the ride or not. Good luck to anyone who is racing this week and happy training to everyone else!

Have fun, be safe!

2013-05-08 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4733123

Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
amd723 - 2013-05-08 9:59 AM
bgeyeguy - 2013-05-08 9:50 AM
dmbfan4life20 - 2013-05-08 9:33 AM

Hey guys I am getting ready to walk out the door and drive to Philadelphia to start my week long Police Unity Tour Ride!!! super excited to ride in honor of my friend who died in September and spend some time in DC at Police Week. Longest 4 rides ever so it should be loads of fun. I wanted to let everyone know that I will check in when I can but I am not sure what access to a computer or internet I will have over the next week so I don't want anyone to think I dropped out of the group or anything like that. Looking forward to posting a RR with some pics when I come back. Great thread on the brick info because I was wondering if I should do any during the ride or not. Good luck to anyone who is racing this week and happy training to everyone else!

Have fun, be safe!


X3! Pictures or it didn't happen

2013-05-08 11:31 AM
in reply to: #4732945

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
bgeyeguy - 2013-05-08 10:50 AM
dmbfan4life20 - 2013-05-08 9:33 AM

Hey guys I am getting ready to walk out the door and drive to Philadelphia to start my week long Police Unity Tour Ride!!! super excited to ride in honor of my friend who died in September and spend some time in DC at Police Week. Longest 4 rides ever so it should be loads of fun. I wanted to let everyone know that I will check in when I can but I am not sure what access to a computer or internet I will have over the next week so I don't want anyone to think I dropped out of the group or anything like that. Looking forward to posting a RR with some pics when I come back. Great thread on the brick info because I was wondering if I should do any during the ride or not. Good luck to anyone who is racing this week and happy training to everyone else!

Have fun, be safe!

Sounds like a great time :=)

2013-05-08 11:39 AM
in reply to: #4733103

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

enders_shadow - 2013-05-08 10:51 AM Multitude of questions that occurred to me during my run this morning..... 1) I know what they will be serving at the aid stations during the run of my HIM. I assume I should practice eating some of the stuff on a long run to see how it works out - (water, HEED, ice, flat Coke, Chex mix, orange quarters, Hammer Gel, and E-Caps). I was planning on carrying my own drink (see next question) - so I figured I'd try out the chex mix and orange quarters - I prefer to go natural over chemical. Any benefit I'm not thinking of with respect to the Hammer Gel and E-caps? 2) I have had cramping issues in the past, so I did my last 2 half-marys with nuun (my electrolyte of choice) in my camelback. I'm planning on doing this during the HIM - I'm not out to set any speed records - any huge negatives for me throwing my camelback on in T2 for the run leg? For the half marys, I was able to use the camelback + the water at aid stations to hydrate fine. 3) KT Tape. I've had ITB issues in the past, but they seem to be in the past. However, when going for a run of > 1 hour, I generally tape up my knees as a precaution. I could a) wean myself off the KT tape or b) plan on wearing it for the race - I assume I put it on before the race...does it stay on in water as well as they claim or will it just be a hassle for me? 4) Calf sleeves - based on my cramping issues before, I usually run my half marys (and runs > 10 miles) with calf sleeves. What do you do about these in races (or is this something else I need to wean myself off of)? 5) Watches & wetsuits. I have a heck of a time getting my wetsuit on and off as it is - how do I deal with that and my watch (Garmin 305)? Sorry if any of these are silly, but I need something other than my lousy swim to occupy my panic zone.

Not an expert, but here is my N=1 experience with 3 and 5.

3. KT tape- I am a believer that it works, whether it is psychosomatic or real does not matter to me, if it helps get me from A to B.  I am currently always working on any muscle imbalances that cause the nagging injuries so I am being active.  I highly recommend Rock tape over the KT tape for its ability to stay on for days even when wet, as long as you cut round edges.  Even get a little waxing affect when you try to take it off. 

5.  This weekend, getting my full sleeve wetsuit over the ginormous 910xt was a challenge.  I practiced and found it easier to take off the watch before I took off my left sleeve. That was done all during the brief run to T1.  There might be an easier way, but I could not figure it out.

I will let the experts chime in on the others.  I am a firm believer of trying the stuff they serve if you want to live off the course.  They used the natural stuff for years before all the fancy stuff came out.  The Chex mix should give you a bunch of sodium and the orange halves are just plain tasty!

Good luck and let us know what you plan on doing.

Edited by bgeyeguy 2013-05-08 11:40 AM
2013-05-08 11:55 AM
in reply to: #4733103

Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

enders_shadow - 2013-05-08 9:51 AM Multitude of questions that occurred to me during my run this morning..... 1) I know what they will be serving at the aid stations during the run of my HIM. I assume I should practice eating some of the stuff on a long run to see how it works out - (water, HEED, ice, flat Coke, Chex mix, orange quarters, Hammer Gel, and E-Caps). I was planning on carrying my own drink (see next question) - so I figured I'd try out the chex mix and orange quarters - I prefer to go natural over chemical. Any benefit I'm not thinking of with respect to the Hammer Gel and E-caps? 2) I have had cramping issues in the past, so I did my last 2 half-marys with nuun (my electrolyte of choice) in my camelback. I'm planning on doing this during the HIM - I'm not out to set any speed records - any huge negatives for me throwing my camelback on in T2 for the run leg? For the half marys, I was able to use the camelback + the water at aid stations to hydrate fine. 3) KT Tape. I've had ITB issues in the past, but they seem to be in the past. However, when going for a run of > 1 hour, I generally tape up my knees as a precaution. I could a) wean myself off the KT tape or b) plan on wearing it for the race - I assume I put it on before the race...does it stay on in water as well as they claim or will it just be a hassle for me? 4) Calf sleeves - based on my cramping issues before, I usually run my half marys (and runs > 10 miles) with calf sleeves. What do you do about these in races (or is this something else I need to wean myself off of)? 5) Watches & wetsuits. I have a heck of a time getting my wetsuit on and off as it is - how do I deal with that and my watch (Garmin 305)? Sorry if any of these are silly, but I need something other than my lousy swim to occupy my panic zone.

I can't answer a lot of your questions but my thoughts on the race nutrition is use what you know works for you. I carry my gels with me because my stomach doesn't accept the Vanilla Gu that is the standard gel at most of the races I've done. I do fine with Gu chocolate outrage, mocha or Cliff shots chocolate but the vanilla doesn't sit. I have eaten some pretzels and orange slices towards the end of a marathon but don't really train with those.

I've used my camelback on long runs and had planned to use it on the Boulder marathon last fall but forgot to pack it when I headed out. I've ran with a Nathan bottle but it isn't my first choice. Depending on the weather I may use the Camelback in a couple of weeks at the Colfax marathon. I don't see anything wrong with you using it on the run, especially since you've trained with it.

I've never used tape, calf sleeves or tried on my wetsuit so I can't help with those.

2013-05-08 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4733103

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

enders_shadow - 2013-05-08 10:51 AM Multitude of questions that occurred to me during my run this morning..... 1) I know what they will be serving at the aid stations during the run of my HIM. I assume I should practice eating some of the stuff on a long run to see how it works out - (water, HEED, ice, flat Coke, Chex mix, orange quarters, Hammer Gel, and E-Caps). I was planning on carrying my own drink (see next question) - so I figured I'd try out the chex mix and orange quarters - I prefer to go natural over chemical. Any benefit I'm not thinking of with respect to the Hammer Gel and E-caps? 2) I have had cramping issues in the past, so I did my last 2 half-marys with nuun (my electrolyte of choice) in my camelback. I'm planning on doing this during the HIM - I'm not out to set any speed records - any huge negatives for me throwing my camelback on in T2 for the run leg? For the half marys, I was able to use the camelback + the water at aid stations to hydrate fine. 3) KT Tape. I've had ITB issues in the past, but they seem to be in the past. However, when going for a run of > 1 hour, I generally tape up my knees as a precaution. I could a) wean myself off the KT tape or b) plan on wearing it for the race - I assume I put it on before the race...does it stay on in water as well as they claim or will it just be a hassle for me? 4) Calf sleeves - based on my cramping issues before, I usually run my half marys (and runs > 10 miles) with calf sleeves. What do you do about these in races (or is this something else I need to wean myself off of)? 5) Watches & wetsuits. I have a heck of a time getting my wetsuit on and off as it is - how do I deal with that and my watch (Garmin 305)? Sorry if any of these are silly, but I need something other than my lousy swim to occupy my panic zone.

2. I don't use a CamelBak, so can't really speak on why you shouldn't, but my gut reaction is that it would be heavy and I don't know if *I* would want that weight & heat on my back when I'm already tired from swimming and biking. If you are looking for an easy way to use Nuun (which I also use), I just pop a tab in my mouth and let it fizzle and dissolve, chase with water at an aid station. If you go that route, definitely try it beforehand!

3. I have never head luck with KT tape in a tri. Always comes off/gets loose in the swim.

4. If you want to wear calf sleeves, you can put them on before the race, under your wet suit.

2013-05-08 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
I know that I am really late asking, but would like to join. I have been in TN after the rev3 Knoxville race and had limited access to Internet. Just did my first Olympic and signed up for my first HIM Muncie 70.3.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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