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2011-06-21 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3559296

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

JoshKaptur - 2011-06-20 3:23 PM Hypothetically speaking, if one were to fly in late Saturday night and out early monday morning, would one of you have a spare room/couch/closet said hypothetical person could crash in for two nights?  He is hypothetically very quiet, clean, would be out of your hair, would help with post race stuff like gear retrieval or burger/beer fetching, and would gladly toss a few bucks your way, etc.  He has hypothetically not booked his flight yet but does have some FF miles burning a hole in his pocket and just can't get over the pre-race excitement, even if he's not racing.

You can stay on the couch (if they have one) or floor in my room at Motel 8.  I am only there Sat night, I don't think I will stay a second night, but not sure.

2011-06-21 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I am so looking forward to the CdA weather.  A nice 100 degree index for my 6 mile run and open air SMU masters class tonight.  Sucked.   

Best of luck to everyone.  I fly out tomorrow morning.  I'm solo until the family gets there on Saturday.   

2011-06-21 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3006331

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Just finished another long day  of work, 33 hrs in so far this week and its only Tuesday. One more long one tomorrow and then its VACATION TIME!!!!

Safe travels to those already on their way!

2011-06-22 12:52 AM
in reply to: #3561285

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
A couple notes after reading through the thread this evening.  First, it doesn't get dark here until 9:30 at least, and you probably won't need glow sticks until 9:30-9:45.  I ran until 9:15 this evening and it was still plenty light when I got done.
Putting your nutrition on your bike on race morning won't be a problem but I wouldn't leave it there over night.  There are squirrels in the park that might give Honey Badger a run for his money!
Last but not least, I'll be co-captain of the medical tent...don't come visit me there!  Actually, if you want to come over to the entrance of the medical area and ask for me (you won't get in unless you need medical attention) I'll have cold beer waiting for anyone who mentions BT at the gate.    I would love to congratulate all of you with one of them.
Hope you all enjoy your race here in my little town.  If I can answer any last minute questions, shoot me a PM.  Good luck!

PS....almost forgot...the lake warmed up 3 degrees today!  Tomorrow will be near 90 degrees so I'm thinking it'll be pushing 60 by race day.  I actually swam for a few minutes without a wetsuit today.  It was brisk but tolerable.  For a few minutes anyway.

Edited by Flyboy 2011-06-22 12:54 AM
2011-06-22 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3561233

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
RunRene - 2011-06-21 10:22 PM

JoshKaptur - 2011-06-20 3:23 PM Hypothetically speaking, if one were to fly in late Saturday night and out early monday morning, would one of you have a spare room/couch/closet said hypothetical person could crash in for two nights?  He is hypothetically very quiet, clean, would be out of your hair, would help with post race stuff like gear retrieval or burger/beer fetching, and would gladly toss a few bucks your way, etc.  He has hypothetically not booked his flight yet but does have some FF miles burning a hole in his pocket and just can't get over the pre-race excitement, even if he's not racing.

You can stay on the couch (if they have one) or floor in my room at Motel 8.  I am only there Sat night, I don't think I will stay a second night, but not sure.

Thanks for that offer (and the several who PMed me).  United (for which I have lots of miles) has no good flight times for me, and the cheapest I'm getting elsewhere with cash at this point is gonna drop me a thousand bucks for the flight.  And as much as I like you all, the CFO (Mrs. K) and I decided it's best to not make an emotional last minute decision to come.  So I'll be cheering everyone online.

Best of luck to everyone!!!!

2011-06-22 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3561418

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-06-22 6:12 AM
RunRene - 2011-06-21 10:22 PM

JoshKaptur - 2011-06-20 3:23 PM Hypothetically speaking, if one were to fly in late Saturday night and out early monday morning, would one of you have a spare room/couch/closet said hypothetical person could crash in for two nights?  He is hypothetically very quiet, clean, would be out of your hair, would help with post race stuff like gear retrieval or burger/beer fetching, and would gladly toss a few bucks your way, etc.  He has hypothetically not booked his flight yet but does have some FF miles burning a hole in his pocket and just can't get over the pre-race excitement, even if he's not racing.

You can stay on the couch (if they have one) or floor in my room at Motel 8.  I am only there Sat night, I don't think I will stay a second night, but not sure.

Thanks for that offer (and the several who PMed me).  United (for which I have lots of miles) has no good flight times for me, and the cheapest I'm getting elsewhere with cash at this point is gonna drop me a thousand bucks for the flight.  And as much as I like you all, the CFO (Mrs. K) and I decided it's best to not make an emotional last minute decision to come.  So I'll be cheering everyone online.

Best of luck to everyone!!!!

Sorry to hear you can't make it.  Let me be the first to say that your presence on this thread has been very valuable to a number of us.  If you look back at all of your posts, it was obvious you truly live the sport and enjoy sharing your experiences with others.  The time you took to answer all of the questions (sometimes the same ones over and over), has better prepared a number of us for a very special day.  Thanks again.       

2011-06-22 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3561499

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

x2 ^^^

I personally feel a lot of gratitude towards Josh for providing us with solid empirically supported and well thought out wisdom throughout this build. Loads of other IM threads would benefit from having him aboard and he will make a great coach someday.

I wish great coaching was all you needed to be successful. The truth is for most of us, with or without good coaching and/or training plans, we do not know how we are going to fair on the day. We have to play it a bit conservative if we don't want to blow up. Others will push the limits and either blow up or be successful depending on what they define as success.

I have blown up at IMAZ in the low teen miles of the run for over cooking the bike (and probably undertraining the run). Thankfully I recovered ok my the later teens of the run but not in time to catch one of our captains, Brittney, who raced much smarter than me (no surprise, eh?). I learned from that mistake the second time around and shaved 45 mins. I hope we all can feel good about our days no matter what our goals are. I hope we can not make or overcome our race day and training mistakes. Take note of your mistakes along the way so you can target them the next time around if there is a next time for you. Savor every moment regardless.

See you all there!

2011-06-22 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Biddeford, Maine
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
My Iron Journey continues today. We have made it to North Dakota and continue on today to Montana. We had a flat tire on the trailer on Sunday, so I don't have to worry about a flat this Sunday : DThe thought also occurred to me that 140.6 miles in one day will be a piece of cake after some of these 600 mile days. See you cool kids soon!
2011-06-22 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I know its taboo to have a finish time planned, but I have mine set out. A friend last night said that, if I can finish in under 12 hours, Ill get a couple of kegerators and pint glasses of Newcastle. Nothing like free beer to make you HTFU at mile 18 on the run!
2011-06-22 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3006331

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Half finished my 800mile drive. 5 year old travels well and our 2 year old was a trooper. Not sure he will want to get back in the van today! After 30hrs of air travel and now in the van for 2 days he will be happy to stay put somewhere (as will I). We roll in to Cd'A this afternoon and will be staying about 20min out. Would like to meet up for the swims at least but will all be on family schedule so not committing to anything. Should be ready to go although my head feels a little clogged this morning and the family have all had colds for the past week...vitamin C is on the menu for breakfast!
2011-06-22 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3006331

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Finish time goal sub 10:30...there it is!

IM #1 was 11:45
IM #2 was 10:50 with a huge blow up on the run

If I can race smart 10:30 is a stretch but doable. I am pretty level headed when it comes to goals and finish times. If I am having a great day and am close I will be pumped. Regardless of what happens I will be putting in my best effort on the day so will be happy with whatever the time is at the end. Only thing that could be a disappointment is if I cheat myself and I'm beyond letting that happen!

2011-06-22 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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New user
Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
As my goal is to "just finish" before midnight (though hopefully sooner), how does this play out as far as getting my bike and gear back that night. If I'm rolling in at 11:59PM and it takes me a couple of minutes to stabilize, do I still go for my bike and stuff then? I am traveling Han Solo for this trip, so no-one to collect stuff for me.
2011-06-22 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3561812

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
jamesarr - 2011-06-22 7:52 AM

As my goal is to "just finish" before midnight (though hopefully sooner), how does this play out as far as getting my bike and gear back that night. If I'm rolling in at 11:59PM and it takes me a couple of minutes to stabilize, do I still go for my bike and stuff then? I am traveling Han Solo for this trip, so no-one to collect stuff for me.

Where are you staying? If you park your car close to the start I'm sure we could recruit someone (SO or family member) to retrieve your bike & gear and stash them in your car.
2011-06-22 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3558616

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-06-20 1:55 PM

Waterdog has really laid down the big numbers and I love it.

I hope all of you get the times you are shooting for. Please bear in mind that those numbers should not define your success on the day. Recognize that there is a lot more to the day than the sub whatever. Focus on the other things too, because if you define success by time and you miss that time, you will feel some measure of failure. I've seen it quite a few times now and I hate it for the triathlete.

Just finishing the day is success. We must not lose sight of it and all the variables that could go wrong must be factored into your goals to some degree to ensure the best psychological result.

So awesome!!! I will say, that is why I am back this year... felt some amount of "failure" not doing what I set out to do last year. You know what?? The more I trained this year, the happier I was with my results from last year. So that is a huge plus, no matter what, I no longer have that "shoulda/woulda/coulda" feeling -- I am proud of what I accomplished last year!! Back for more!!! I'm not throwing out time goals -- yes, I have them, but I'm not caught up in them by any means. I want to enjoy the day. I want to execute a smart race. I want to cherish my body and the hours of training behind me. I want to finish smiling. And then I want to get on with my summer with my family!!! 

2011-06-22 10:02 AM
in reply to: #3561831

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kkcbelle - 2011-06-22 7:58 AM

phatknot - 2011-06-20 1:55 PM

Waterdog has really laid down the big numbers and I love it.

I hope all of you get the times you are shooting for. Please bear in mind that those numbers should not define your success on the day. Recognize that there is a lot more to the day than the sub whatever. Focus on the other things too, because if you define success by time and you miss that time, you will feel some measure of failure. I've seen it quite a few times now and I hate it for the triathlete.

Just finishing the day is success. We must not lose sight of it and all the variables that could go wrong must be factored into your goals to some degree to ensure the best psychological result.

So awesome!!! I will say, that is why I am back this year... felt some amount of "failure" not doing what I set out to do last year. You know what?? The more I trained this year, the happier I was with my results from last year. So that is a huge plus, no matter what, I no longer have that "shoulda/woulda/coulda" feeling -- I am proud of what I accomplished last year!! Back for more!!! I'm not throwing out time goals -- yes, I have them, but I'm not caught up in them by any means. I want to enjoy the day. I want to execute a smart race. I want to cherish my body and the hours of training behind me. I want to finish smiling. And then I want to get on with my summer with my family!!! 

Amen! My goal first and foremost is always to start the race and then to have fun and savor the day and what my body is able to do. One pre-race ritual I have every year is that the last thing I do before bed on Sat night is watch the YouTube videos of Blazeman and the Hoyts. Those guys are the true embodiment of this sport and of showing that anything is possible! It reminds me that I'm blessed to GET to do the Ironman and it's my responsibility to do my best with what the day brings!

Safe travels!!!!
2011-06-22 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3561829

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New user
Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

leopard8996 - 2011-06-22 10:58 AM
jamesarr - 2011-06-22 7:52 AM As my goal is to "just finish" before midnight (though hopefully sooner), how does this play out as far as getting my bike and gear back that night. If I'm rolling in at 11:59PM and it takes me a couple of minutes to stabilize, do I still go for my bike and stuff then? I am traveling Han Solo for this trip, so no-one to collect stuff for me.
Where are you staying? If you park your car close to the start I'm sure we could recruit someone (SO or family member) to retrieve your bike & gear and stash them in your car.

I'm going to be at the Super 8, which apparently is further away from the race than I thought. I going to driving a dinky rental car, and actually I'm using tri-bike transport so I guess it just needs to go to their staging area.

btw: Something is screwy with the formatting on my end. Keeps trying to center everything, even after I apply left justify. anyone else have this issue?

2011-06-22 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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New user
Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Can you tell I'm being really productive at work today?

2011-06-22 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3561837

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Re: Garmin and Garmin-swapping...

Last year I used my 305 on the bike and hubby's on the run. I didn't turn on my bike 305 pre-race (not exactly a fast cyclist and wanted to have all battery life I needed). I turned it on when I got to T1 and waited and waited. (Yes, I had it find signals the day before.) I grew impatient and took off on the bike. It took many miles to find a signal, but oh wel. 

When I got to T2, I turned on my husband's Garmin and asked my helper to set it outside of the tent to find a satellite. She gladly did, and then helped me get all set. Before I took off she ran and retrieved it and helped me get it on. Totally awesome!! Satellites locked in, ready to run!!

This year my 305 finally bit it a few weeks ago (not holding battery life for long rides, screen wonked out a time or two), so I treated myself to a new 310xt, which I am LOVING!! Don't plan to swim with it but will leave it on the bike and take it with me on the run. Yay.

Leaving town tomorrow and all I have done to prepare is get the dog's food ready for the sitter. Ha!!! Oh, and got the bike all ready to go. Meeting out-of-town BT friend for a run, kids have swim team and piano lessons, and life rolls on. It's time to start packing so I can stress out about it and worry that I'm forgetting things!!!

Safe travels to those on the road. Wheeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

2011-06-22 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3559790

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
TexasMPGal - 2011-06-21 10:08 AM

Hey peeps--guess who is rolling into CdA tonight!! I'll give everyone the low down once I'm in! Plan to feel out the water tomorrow as well, so I'll update. 

Okay, goal times--of course, PR is always nice, but this is definitely more challenge than IMAZ, so if I put something out there, I'd say sub-12 for me.  Feeling comfortable in all 3 legs of the race, but if I PR anything, I think it'll be the run (given I'm smart on the bike).

A tip my coach mentioned for the bike given a cold swim (which we are going to have): even if you don't think the air warrants toe warmers, your feet will be COLD coming out of that water--once you get riding, the cool air will keep them cold, toe warmers can block that wind and help warm up your feet, you warm up your feet, and your body will feel much better.


Have a GREAT race, B! (and yes, you are ALWAYS smart on the bike!)

2011-06-22 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3560713

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

phatknot - 2011-06-21 3:28 PM Just got the great news. Crowie, Slayer, and All3Chick repping at IMCDA!


and you WILL represent well, brother! Have an awesome race!

2011-06-22 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Thanks for the advice on Garmin swapping.  I know how frustrating it can be to wait for satellites sometimes.  When I ran Portland in October, between the buildings and everyone turning their devices on at once it took over 15 minutes to lock on.  Not that I think it will be the same in rural Idaho, but that's time you don't really want to waste.

Happy travels everyone!  I'm off for one more day of work, then home to pack.  We drive out tomorrow morning and will be rolling in to town sometime in the afternoon.  I'm really looking forward to the atmosphere of race weekend!

2011-06-22 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I have learned if you are a good distance away from where you usually use your Garmin it will ask you questions (like - are you 300 miles away from where you last used me?) and wait for you to press a button as a reply.  Make sure you synch up in CDA before race day!
2011-06-22 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3561343

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Flyboy - 2011-06-21 10:52 PM A couple notes after reading through the thread this evening.  First, it doesn't get dark here until 9:30 at least, and you probably won't need glow sticks until 9:30-9:45.  I ran until 9:15 this evening and it was still plenty light when I got done.
Putting your nutrition on your bike on race morning won't be a problem but I wouldn't leave it there over night.  There are squirrels in the park that might give Honey Badger a run for his money!
Last but not least, I'll be co-captain of the medical tent...don't come visit me there!  Actually, if you want to come over to the entrance of the medical area and ask for me (you won't get in unless you need medical attention) I'll have cold beer waiting for anyone who mentions BT at the gate.    I would love to congratulate all of you with one of them.
Hope you all enjoy your race here in my little town.  If I can answer any last minute questions, shoot me a PM.  Good luck!

PS....almost forgot...the lake warmed up 3 degrees today!  Tomorrow will be near 90 degrees so I'm thinking it'll be pushing 60 by race day.  I actually swam for a few minutes without a wetsuit today.  It was brisk but tolerable.  For a few minutes anyway.

Just wanted to thank you for your support and inside info of the CdA area. Also, a BIG THANKS for volunteering. What's your "real" name, if you don't mind? That way I can thank you in person...but just peeking into the med tent, not staying.
2011-06-22 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3561974

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Cumming, Georgia
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

No long races for me this year but watching this thread sure does make me miss the logn course.

Have a great race out there everyone.

2011-06-22 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3561499

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Sunnyvale, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

3Aims - 2011-06-22 5:34 AM

JoshKaptur - 2011-06-22 6:12 AM

Thanks for that offer (and the several who PMed me).  United (for which I have lots of miles) has no good flight times for me, and the cheapest I'm getting elsewhere with cash at this point is gonna drop me a thousand bucks for the flight.  And as much as I like you all, the CFO (Mrs. K) and I decided it's best to not make an emotional last minute decision to come.  So I'll be cheering everyone online.

Best of luck to everyone!!!!

Sorry to hear you can't make it.  Let me be the first to say that your presence on this thread has been very valuable to a number of us.  If you look back at all of your posts, it was obvious you truly live the sport and enjoy sharing your experiences with others.  The time you took to answer all of the questions (sometimes the same ones over and over), has better prepared a number of us for a very special day.  Thanks again.       


Second that!!  Josh has been an invaluable resource for this group, and particularly for me being an Ironman newb.  I adopted pretty much every single piece of advice he posted on this forum with very good results, especially on the run.  Josh: Thank you very much for your help and support!

Bonnie:  The Ironman/HB clip is awesome and totally hilarious!  Me and my wife (who's racing the Full Vineman in July) are watching it every night and end up in laughter induced tears Cool

And finally (I know, I'm a slacker) these are my bio/stats:

Real name: Davide (duh!)
Bib#:         1973 
Hometown: Sunnyvale, CA
Training totals:
   Swim: 145 mi or 25 times 2.4 mi
   Bike:   3775 mi or 34 times 112 mi
   Run:   820 mi or 31 times 26 mi

In retrospective, those numbers look just insane Sealed 


Good luck everyone!

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