BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009 Rss Feed  
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2008-11-25 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1823960

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Micawber - 2008-11-24 3:50 PM That will show you where your numbers compare. What you can expect depends on how much of your potential you are already using and how hard you're willing to work for the rest.

Thanks Micawber - good to have an idea of where I stand.  And it pretty well matched my expectations.

2008-11-25 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1824368

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

JorgeM - 2008-11-24 7:55 PM 

Neil. 1st of all even when you calculated your FTP correctly; given the numbers from the 20 and 5 min tests and your weight I get and adjusted FTP of 259 watts and given your weight (155 pounds) I get your power:weight ratio at 3.67 w/kg (I just added a link for everyone to download an excel sheet to calculate this on my blog which make this easier  )

The link that Dwayne posted is good to give you an idea of how you stack vs others however bear in mind those are based on cyclists. Given yours I would say that should put you MOP/FOP for the bike leg with proper training.

As far as a goal for improvement with proper training could be like 5-10% for the season. Using this plan a 5% should be very doable which could bump your p:w ratio to 3.85 w/kg or higher

Thanks for the update Jorge - I can't access the link at the moment (it's blocked at work).  I'm curious how/why you adjusted the FTP number.  I reran the number and still get 253.  Again, maybe it's explained on the link, and I just have to wait till I get home.

Oh, and if I can improve by as much as 10% for next season, I'll be one happy camper (and if I only manage 5% it's still great).


2008-11-25 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1825038

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

kimk - 2008-11-25 7:50 AM I started week 2 yesterday avg 136/max159. good workout. So how will I know if I need a new saddle? I never had a lot of time in it to get used to it! So how much time do I give it now that I am being consistent? I am trying to get a bike fit today so I might check them out.

If your riding on a trainer, it may be tough to know if the saddle is right for you.  I was told by my fitter that riding outdoors provides a bit of lift on the body and can make a difference on how the saddle feels.  I got a new saddle last winter and rode it on the trainer and it was miserable.  My fitter said he would try another, but encouraged me to wait until I get outside and see if it gets better. 

I don't know if I just broke it in on the trainer of if what he says is accurate, but once I got outside the saddle felt great and though I don't have any rides much over 70 miles, it is comfortable.

FYI, my saddle is the Specialized Team Toupe which does not look comfortable!  Keep in mind that saddles are very personal, but your LBS has an idea from customers what seems to work and what they complain about.

Edited by Gregkl 2008-11-25 9:24 AM
2008-11-25 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Are a few easy rides in addition to Q1-3 fine? i'm not allowed to run, and swimming isn't fun right now because of a cold.
2008-11-25 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1826024

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
TheSchwamm - 2008-11-25 3:47 PM Are a few easy rides in addition to Q1-3 fine? i'm not allowed to run, and swimming isn't fun right now because of a cold.
of course!
2008-11-26 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Ok, Q2 for this week is now in the books.  Ugh - I hate mornings, but I dragged myself out of bed so I could do the ride.  Now that I have an FTP, I figured that I'd be able to handle the 2x5min sessions without much of an issue since I had ridden a higher watt for both the 20min and 5min tests.  Wrong.

I found it really tough this morning and my legs were just begging me to let up, and all I could do was alternate between watching the clock and burying my head.  It was all worth crawling out of bed for. Wink

Jorge - accessed the link from home.  Thanks, that helps to explain it a bit better.

One question.  Following these workouts, what should we be eating?  By that, I mean how many calories should we take in vs. the number of calories that we just burned through?



2008-11-26 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
^^^^^what he said! This was tough! my legs feel like jelly today.....but so worth getting out of bed for! My HR wasn't as high for this one but it felt so much worse! Avg 124 max 142
2008-11-26 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1797376

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Alexandria, Virginia
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

I don't have a trainer, but I have a Spin Bike at home that I can use.  It is a very basic spin bike, so I don't have any indicator of speed, rpm, etc.  Can I still take part in this?

 If so, I have a HRM, so I guess I would be in the HRM group?

Thanks for doing this,


2008-11-26 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1827160

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
GoFaster - 2008-11-26 9:16 AM

Ok, Q2 for this week is now in the books.  Ugh - I hate mornings, but I dragged myself out of bed so I could do the ride.  Now that I have an FTP, I figured that I'd be able to handle the 2x5min sessions without much of an issue since I had ridden a higher watt for both the 20min and 5min tests.  Wrong.

I found it really tough this morning and my legs were just begging me to let up, and all I could do was alternate between watching the clock and burying my head.  It was all worth crawling out of bed for. Wink

Jorge - accessed the link from home.  Thanks, that helps to explain it a bit better.

One question.  Following these workouts, what should we be eating?  By that, I mean how many calories should we take in vs. the number of calories that we just burned through?



You were not alone this morning.  It sounds like burying the head and watching the time tick off was the norm for this morning.   I was thinking, "2 intervals five minutes each, how bad could it be?"  My legs were yelling at me for getting out of bed to tortue them. 

2008-11-26 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1827753

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
I did Q2 this morning as well, and I found it to be a tough session too.

I'm still doing short bike commute rides on most week days. I have to admit that, where I used to hammer it during the commutes, there's a lot more soft pedaling since starting these workouts.
2008-11-26 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1827908

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Micawber - 2008-11-26 5:07 PM I did Q2 this morning as well, and I found it to be a tough session too. I'm still doing short bike commute rides on most week days. I have to admit that, where I used to hammer it during the commutes, there's a lot more soft pedaling since starting these workouts.

You're in Lethbridge!! I can't believe you're still riding outdoors.  Wait, I checked the Weather Network, I can't believe it's not -10!

2008-11-27 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
OK - kinda late question here... for the Q1 and 2 workouts durning the main set, it says something like 5x1 (1@A) and on the Q3, it says 2x 15 (5@B). I understand the # of intervals and times of them, and that A and B are minutes rest between but what are A and B?

Off to do Q2 in a bit.....
2008-11-27 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

It's in Jorge's blog, but here it is.

Power:   A = 60-65% FTE, B = 65-70% FTE

HR/RPE: A = 70-75%HR, RPE 2-3,  B = 78-83%HR, RPE 3-4

2008-11-27 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1828666

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
GoFaster - 2008-11-27 9:41 AM

It's in Jorge's blog, but here it is.

Power:   A = 60-65% FTE, B = 65-70% FTE

HR/RPE: A = 70-75%HR, RPE 2-3,  B = 78-83%HR, RPE 3-4

Thanks! I musta missed it
2008-11-27 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Lots of rescheduling this week. I should be doing W2Q2 today to work off that turkey dinner and being in the south the calorie count is probably doubled knowing my wife's side of the family! Unfortunately, life got in the way this week so to stay on track and on task I am going to be doing Q1, Q2, and Q3 today, tomorrow, and Saturday respectively. I have felt really good during these workouts. Only notable thing may be some left knee pain last week that was fixed by adding a shim to my left cleat. Other than that I am looking forward to the upcoming suffer-fest that is the BT WINTER CYCLING PROGRAM! Now I gotta go study since we have some kind of "test" in Week 3.

Week2Q1Small.jpg Week 2 Q1 picture by chrisemt

  ↑ How's this look?


Edited by chrisemt 2008-11-27 9:48 AM
2008-11-27 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1792702

Extreme Veteran
Morris County, NJ
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  Thank you to Jorge for providing some incentive to resist the gravy today!

2008-11-27 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Happy Thanksgiving my American peeps!! I'll have a turkey sandwich  today so I don't feel left out! Gotta question: my average speed on the trainer is way higher than it would be on the road, is this to be expected ?? I know I don't work that hard on the road but still......I wish I could go that fast in real life! Too bad there are no trainer tris!
2008-11-27 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Hi! One more question..... sorry! I've noticed that my cadence on the trainer is also way faster than on the road. I'm not sure why this is. Should I just go with it and let my legs do what they want to do? On the trainer cadence is always above 100, on the road more like 87-95.???
2008-11-28 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

To answer both your questions - I would suggest applying some more resistance from the roller to the tire, this should help reduce the spinning.  As for speed, I expect to be faster on the trainer since there are no outside factors, such as wind, to slow me down plus.

With this board being so quiet, I've got to think all our American cousins are still in their self induced Turkey comas! Laughing

2008-11-28 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
OK so I could increase the resistance, but should I ? Does it matter? I don't feel like I'm spinning too fast, it just feels right.
2008-11-28 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Happy (late) Thx Giving everyone. I wasn’t around my laptop much yesterday and the fact I got a chest cold well I haven’t been on BT much so let me catch up.

Yes as the intervals get longer it is going to become incrementally tougher each session hence it is important for you to fuel properly before, while and after training. Warm up and cool down, leave at least 48 hrs in between sessions and ride at the proper intensity; that is if your body is feeling good then shoot for the top end of the range for the given session but OTOH if you feel tired then stay on the lower end of the zone.

As far as fueling properly, I like to have either a snack (or a meal) around 3 hrs before training and some sports drink (or water + gel) around 1 hr. These sessions are primary done at intensities that deplete our glycogen stores hence it is important to be ready to go and replenish as soon as possible after done. While riding have a bottle of sports drink that should be enough for around 1 hr but you can gave some more around just in case. After riding I like to have a real meal 30-45 min after completed to refuel

*IF* at some point a particular sessions is too difficult for your given fitness level then drop the power/intensity by 5% so you can complete the session. If you still have trouble after that you can make the recovery time in between intervals a bit longer but if after doing all that you still have trouble getting your power/intensity up then you most likely are too fatigued to train and resting will be better; if that is the case you can try the session again 24-48 hrs later.

Caveat – since we’ll be using the trainer often and the for many in the north we’ll be experiencing winter it is normal for our minds to play tricks on us; sometimes physically we are fine to train but our minds makes us believe we aren’t, we aren’t motivated to train, etc. The way I test if my mind is just playing trick or my body indeed needs some rest I like to do the warm up of the session and at least try doing one set, if after that my whole body just don’t feel like keep on going them I am indeed tired and need to red, but if the mind was playing tricks after the WU most likely I’ll feel good to go

If you get sick (as I am now) don’t stress about it, focus on getting back to normal and healthy first and only train if you feel like it. There are some urban myths as to when to train (i.e. if you have a cold and you feel ok above the head then train otherwise don’t) that I particularly don’t believe based on what MDs friend on BT or other have taught me. *IF* you feel good enough to train then do it, if you don’t then skip it and rest. Once you are good to go start where you left your training. If you lost some fitness make intervals a bit slower until you are able to complete the sessions as usual. ** REMEMEBER ** This is a general plan hence it is wasn’t designed to fit your particular needs, hence be smart, pay attention to your body, don’t be afraid to ask questions on this thread and adjust accordingly! For instance, since I am sick I am going to take it day by day and train once I feel good to go. If that delays my training one week that will mean I’ll have to delay my testing once week and go from there.

Happy training everyone!


2008-11-28 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1829306

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
GoFaster - 2008-11-28 7:49 AM

To answer both your questions - I would suggest applying some more resistance from the roller to the tire, this should help reduce the spinning.  As for speed, I expect to be faster on the trainer since there are no outside factors, such as wind, to slow me down plus.

With this board being so quiet, I've got to think all our American cousins are still in their self induced Turkey comas! Laughing

What he said. I applied the recommended resistance by the trainer model and do so every time I get my bike on the trainer. To make sure I get the same resistance I also inflate my tire to the indicated PSI on the tire.

Speed on the trainer is not really relevant for us because depending on your trainer, the resistance, the tire pressure, etc your speed will vary. What we are concerned about is the time you spend pushing at the prescribed intensity.  If you can push 250 watts on your trainer (or ride at z4) for 20 min then you will be able to do the same on the road, and that is all that matters FYI - In my case my speed is always slower on the trainer by 2+ mph due to the resistance of the trainer.

About cadence, go with what feels ok with you, if 95-100 is where you feel comfortable at then ride at that rpms. Just try to replicate the same conditions as much as possible every time you ride the trainer (i.e. same resistance on your trainer)

2008-11-28 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1828717

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
chrisemt - 2008-11-27 9:37 AM

Lots of rescheduling this week. I should be doing W2Q2 today to work off that turkey dinner and being in the south the calorie count is probably doubled knowing my wife's side of the family! Unfortunately, life got in the way this week so to stay on track and on task I am going to be doing Q1, Q2, and Q3 today, tomorrow, and Saturday respectively. I have felt really good during these workouts. Only notable thing may be some left knee pain last week that was fixed by adding a shim to my left cleat. Other than that I am looking forward to the upcoming suffer-fest that is the BT WINTER CYCLING PROGRAM! Now I gotta go study since we have some kind of "test" in Week 3.

yes review your notes so you can pass the test and your grapgh looks good but you'll have better info once we do the test
2008-11-28 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1829452

Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Happy late T-day and hello to my Northern niegbours

Today's ride is wk 2 Q2 for me, later after a day of splashing with the daughter at the pool.  She is pacing behind me waiting to go now.

I noticed that my legs feel the ride more in different parts then when I ride on the road.  I usally get back from a road ride and my right calf is screaming at me.  My quads are twitcy and everything is tight.  When I get off the trainer my quads are spent.   last ride as I started up the stairs I felt them turn to rubber and reached for the handrail.  A guess on my part is the road riding was more hills and longer times and the trainer is shorter quick burst.  Anyone else seeing a differance in after ride leg feelings?


2008-11-28 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1829548

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Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Puppetmaster - 2008-11-28 1:30 PM

Happy late T-day and hello to my Northern niegbours

Today's ride is wk 2 Q2 for me, later after a day of splashing with the daughter at the pool.  She is pacing behind me waiting to go now.

I noticed that my legs feel the ride more in different parts then when I ride on the road.  I usally get back from a road ride and my right calf is screaming at me.  My quads are twitcy and everything is tight.  When I get off the trainer my quads are spent.   last ride as I started up the stairs I felt them turn to rubber and reached for the handrail.  A guess on my part is the road riding was more hills and longer times and the trainer is shorter quick burst.  Anyone else seeing a differance in after ride leg feelings?


Yeah, definitely more jelly legged when I 1st get off.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009 Rss Feed  
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