BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN Mentor Group-"Off Season?" What is that?!! Rss Feed  
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2009-07-07 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I'm racing a sprint this weekend.  After taking off June, I'm ready to race again.  My swimming will be an issue, as always, but I should be fine if wetsuits are legal... they may not be.

Interlochen Tri - Inter-Rockin!

2009-07-07 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2268982

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Have my first road race tomorrow afternoon.  Should be interesting.
2009-07-07 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2269058

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-07-07 11:07 PM Have my first road race tomorrow afternoon.  Should be interesting.

Don't let the naked guy pass you.  You will regret it forever.

(I can cross post pad too - I'm almost to 800)
2009-07-07 10:20 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Iron Brothers Super Sprint 400m OWS, 11mi bike, 2mi run.  This is the same venue as the race I did on June 13th.  I am looking for improvement over that time.  My time on the last was 1:16, I keep telling myself that I just want to improve, but secretly I want to take 8 minutes off last month's time   Focus is on faster transitions, staying aero through most of the ride, and no walking on the run...

2009-07-07 10:21 PM
in reply to: #2269063

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

JHagerman - 2009-07-07 10:09 PM
dalessit - 2009-07-07 11:07 PM Have my first road race tomorrow afternoon.  Should be interesting.

Don't let the naked guy pass you.  You will regret it forever.

(I can cross post pad too - I'm almost to 800)

I thought that the dude that wrote that book lived in Illinois...

2009-07-08 7:15 AM
in reply to: #2269063

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-07-07 11:09 PM
dalessit - 2009-07-07 11:07 PM Have my first road race tomorrow afternoon.  Should be interesting.

Don't let the naked guy pass you.  You will regret it forever.

(I can cross post pad too - I'm almost to 800)

LOL, I do have a few goals, in order of importance.

1. don't crash
2. don't crash someone else
3. don't crash
4. try to stick with the pack

2009-07-08 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Even though it is only Wednesday, in case I don't make it back to the comp, I will go ahead and say Good Luck Suzy, Tracy, Doug, Jeremy, Tony, and Andy.  You guys will rock it like you always do!

Edited by Jeepguy2358 2009-07-08 7:36 AM
2009-07-08 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2268671

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
swbkrun - 2009-07-07 7:38 PM
ashort33 - 2009-07-07 4:32 PM

T1 Question.  At my tri this coming Sunday (to be practiced on Saturday) I am planning on rubber banding my shoes to the bike.  I watched the video here on BT to get an idea how to do it, but they said that you needed two different size rubber bands.  Does anyone have any input as to rubber band size or other helpful hints in attaching the shoes to the bike?

Why do you need/want to that?  I don't feel like it saves much time... You run the risk of stepping on something, shoe falling off in progress... Crashing on your bike trying to get your foot in the shoe, etc... You lose more time trying to get your foot in your shoe while biking as well.

Just my 2 cents.  I know it's "cool," but I don't see a value. 

However to answer your question, any "normal" size band should be able to go around the shoe and arm?!  I think!

I am getting used to doing it when getting off the bike, but am not even thinking about it getting on the bike.  I agree, it takes too much time when you are on the bike trying to get them on.  If you were able to watch Hy Vee this weekend, a couple guys were struggling to get them on during the first 1/2 mile.  I'd rather be pedaling my butt off at that point.  To each their own though.
2009-07-08 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Getting off the bike... Great!  Works well, easy, and saves some time.... Again a lot depends on your terrain as well.
2009-07-08 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2269656

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

swbkrun - 2009-07-08 8:48 AM Getting off the bike... Great!  Works well, easy, and saves some time.... Again a lot depends on your terrain as well.

Tried it for the first time getting off the bike this past weekend.  I thought it worked pretty well too.  I was thinking I woudl save some time at T1 with the rubber band thing, but sounds like that's not a huge time saver overall...

2009-07-08 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I've been a little disappointed about my ride last week. I know I'm slow, but not avg 14.5 slow, even on that course.   I knew something just wasn't right.   During the race I had a hard time keeping my arms in the cups on the aero bars.  My arms just kept on falling out of them to the outside.  This caused me to be out of the bars way to much during the race.  Not good any day but especially in the wind right. 

This also led to a bit of discomfort out there.   During the training rides it really wasn't bad.  But during the race, lol.  For example, somewhere around mile 36 I could no longer use my right thumb to shift.  Just too numb and I couldn't get any pressure on it.  So I had to use my index finger and middle finger.  Even the next day I couldn't start my truck normally.  I had to turn the key with my fingers.

So I've been playing on the trainer since the race and trying to figure out what was up.  Finally I wised up and called the shop to set up a re-fit. Went in yesterday.  I explain to my fitter whats going on up front on the bars and he suggested a few adjustments.  He takes the pads off the cups and goes to get another set. 

As I'm standing there I notice a little crack in the cup.  A closer look and the entire cup is cracked in between the two screws that attach to the bars all the way to the edge.  I look at the other one and same thing.  They were both broken. Almost in half.  I assume the crack's gotten progressively worse which was why I was ok during training but not so much during the race.  He replaced them and its night and day. 

LOL.... right. 

These bars came off the first bike.   So I'm guessing this was a result of the wreck. 

I also put a Cobb V Flow + on her to so my butt feels good.

2009-07-08 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Funny thing, when I slipped out of work yesterday to train on Sunday's course it was later than I normally train. My legs were a little tired from the AM run, which I thought would help simulate (sort of) being tired from the swim. Well, with that and the heat my speed on the bike was slower. However I was definitely better than usual off the bike in the run, at least for the first 1/2. In the latter part of the run I was feeling the heat and did not take in enough liquid before I set out. Hopefully, I can use this information in the future.

The run came to only 2.8 miles, so I may not have gone far enough in the out and back protion of the run.

My wife says she wants come watch me this time. Only problem is, how do I get her, my two kids and my gear to the site that early? Besides, my bike has always travel inside the truck! LOL.
2009-07-08 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2269891

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-07-08 9:51 AM I've been a little disappointed about my ride last week. I know I'm slow, but not avg 14.5 slow, even on that course.   I knew something just wasn't right.   During the race I had a hard time keeping my arms in the cups on the aero bars.  My arms just kept on falling out of them to the outside.  This caused me to be out of the bars way to much during the race.  Not good any day but especially in the wind right. 

This also led to a bit of discomfort out there.   During the training rides it really wasn't bad.  But during the race, lol.  For example, somewhere around mile 36 I could no longer use my right thumb to shift.  Just too numb and I couldn't get any pressure on it.  So I had to use my index finger and middle finger.  Even the next day I couldn't start my truck normally.  I had to turn the key with my fingers.

So I've been playing on the trainer since the race and trying to figure out what was up.  Finally I wised up and called the shop to set up a re-fit. Went in yesterday.  I explain to my fitter whats going on up front on the bars and he suggested a few adjustments.  He takes the pads off the cups and goes to get another set. 

As I'm standing there I notice a little crack in the cup.  A closer look and the entire cup is cracked in between the two screws that attach to the bars all the way to the edge.  I look at the other one and same thing.  They were both broken. Almost in half.  I assume the crack's gotten progressively worse which was why I was ok during training but not so much during the race.  He replaced them and its night and day. 

LOL.... right. 

These bars came off the first bike.   So I'm guessing this was a result of the wreck. 

I also put a Cobb V Flow + on her to so my butt feels good.


Glad it got fixed, but did the LBS put them on the new bike for you? If so, why didn't they notice the damage. I mean your bike ahd been in a wreck, they should ahve looked over anything they were thinking of using very carefully. MTCW.

2009-07-08 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2269917

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-07-08 9:59 AM


Glad it got fixed, but did the LBS put them on the new bike for you? If so, why didn't they notice the damage. I mean your bike ahd been in a wreck, they should ahve looked over anything they were thinking of using very carefully. MTCW.


* long sigh* yeah,  we're still working on that part of the equation. 
2009-07-08 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Morning all!  I took the new bike out for a real ride last night.  I went to an area that's pretty flat and didn't have a lot of traffic (parking lots, side streets).  I don't know that I'm ready for the busier roads just yet, but I had a good ride.  It was a little slow but I feel really good on it.  I'm sure I'll be able to speed up some the more I get used to riding it.  Here's a picture of it:


Like I said, not fancy, but so much nicer than my old one!  Since we're talking bikes hereSmile, I have a question.  I want to make sure that I keep it in good working order, so what should I be doing maintenance-wise to keep it running smoothly.  I know to check the tires before every ride, but how often shoudl I clean/lube the chain and things like that?  I think one of the biggest problems with my old bike was that it was never maintained and has a lot of dirt and rust that I can't get off.  I don't want this one to end up that way.  Any advice on maintenance?

2009-07-08 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SWEET RIDE JANET!!!  I love the colors. 

2009-07-08 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Also wanted to say good luck to everyone racing this weekend!  I'm doing the All Star Charity 5k on Sunday morning.  It's part of the All Star game festivities that are happening all weekend here in St Louis.  Should be fun. 
2009-07-08 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
HELP!!  I need some insight from the bike brainiacs.  When I was cleaning off my rear tire last night, I noticed this little divet in the center (towards the bottom of the image).  It doesn't seem to be too deep, but do I still need to replace the tire?  I wouldn't want this to be an issue on Saturday, but I kind of hate losing the tire if people think it is ok. 

2009-07-08 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I love the bike.  I agree!  Colors are great!

John---- Nothing to say to you "ROOKIE!"  j/k... I am glad they have now solved the problem.  ONWARD we move, nothing you can change!  It is what it is...

2009-07-08 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2270122

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
swbkrun - 2009-07-08 10:54 AM

I love the bike.  I agree!  Colors are great!

John---- Nothing to say to you "ROOKIE!"  j/k... I am glad they have now solved the problem.  ONWARD we move, nothing you can change!  It is what it is...

Right on! 
2009-07-08 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hey Janet...Nice new ride. And that will be a fun run this weekend as part of the baseball allstart weekend. That'd be neat for sure.

Me....Been busy. No training though! Off to the rodeo in an hour or so. Stampede is a crazy time. Parties,parties, drinking,drinking,etc. Its funny when a city of a million people shuts down for 10 days, and all the wanna-be cowboys come out. I'll tell you though, some of the little cow-girls sure are sweet.
Wife and girls are heading out of town today until Saturday. So shes got me busy steam cleaning carpets,etc when they are away. I know my role in the household for sure.
Will get out the next few days for some rides and runs though.

2009-07-08 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2270112

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-07-08 8:53 AM HELP!!  I need some insight from the bike brainiacs.  When I was cleaning off my rear tire last night, I noticed this little divet in the center (towards the bottom of the image).  It doesn't seem to be too deep, but do I still need to replace the tire?  I wouldn't want this to be an issue on Saturday, but I kind of hate losing the tire if people think it is ok. 

It is a good size, but these tires are highly resilant.  I think you should be ok?  But when in doubt!?  The down side to changing for Saturday is that if you get a flat in the new tire it is extremely tight to pull of the wheel.  I would maybe change it after your race.  That way if you get a flat in training (on the new tire) it will have some mile in it to stretch it out.

Hope this helps a little.  Roll the dice this time Suzy
2009-07-08 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2269891

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-07-08 8:51 AM I've been a little disappointed about my ride last week. I know I'm slow, but not avg 14.5 slow, even on that course.   I knew something just wasn't right.   During the race I had a hard time keeping my arms in the cups on the aero bars.  My arms just kept on falling out of them to the outside.  This caused me to be out of the bars way to much during the race.  Not good any day but especially in the wind right. 

This also led to a bit of discomfort out there.   During the training rides it really wasn't bad.  But during the race, lol.  For example, somewhere around mile 36 I could no longer use my right thumb to shift.  Just too numb and I couldn't get any pressure on it.  So I had to use my index finger and middle finger.  Even the next day I couldn't start my truck normally.  I had to turn the key with my fingers.

So I've been playing on the trainer since the race and trying to figure out what was up.  Finally I wised up and called the shop to set up a re-fit. Went in yesterday.  I explain to my fitter whats going on up front on the bars and he suggested a few adjustments.  He takes the pads off the cups and goes to get another set. 

As I'm standing there I notice a little crack in the cup.  A closer look and the entire cup is cracked in between the two screws that attach to the bars all the way to the edge.  I look at the other one and same thing.  They were both broken. Almost in half.  I assume the crack's gotten progressively worse which was why I was ok during training but not so much during the race.  He replaced them and its night and day. 

LOL.... right. 

These bars came off the first bike.   So I'm guessing this was a result of the wreck. 

I also put a Cobb V Flow + on her to so my butt feels good.

Only you John, only you.....Wink
2009-07-08 11:15 AM
in reply to: #2270112

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-07-08 10:53 AM HELP!!  I need some insight from the bike brainiacs.  When I was cleaning off my rear tire last night, I noticed this little divet in the center (towards the bottom of the image).  It doesn't seem to be too deep, but do I still need to replace the tire?  I wouldn't want this to be an issue on Saturday, but I kind of hate losing the tire if people think it is ok. 

not sure about the tire... but definitely the carpet.  Surprised
2009-07-08 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2270000

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

soccermom15 - 2009-07-08 10:22 AM

Morning all!  I took the new bike out for a real ride last night.  I went to an area that's pretty flat and didn't have a lot of traffic (parking lots, side streets).  I don't know that I'm ready for the busier roads just yet, but I had a good ride.  It was a little slow but I feel really good on it.  I'm sure I'll be able to speed up some the more I get used to riding it.  Here's a picture of it:


Like I said, not fancy, but so much nicer than my old one!  Since we're talking bikes hereSmile, I have a question.  I want to make sure that I keep it in good working order, so what should I be doing maintenance-wise to keep it running smoothly.  I know to check the tires before every ride, but how often shoudl I clean/lube the chain and things like that?  I think one of the biggest problems with my old bike was that it was never maintained and has a lot of dirt and rust that I can't get off.  I don't want this one to end up that way.  Any advice on maintenance?

Nice ride!  Your LBS should offer a class on basic maintenance.  If not, check the videos here on BT or on you tube.  Most importantly, when it gets wet, dry it off and re-lube the chain...

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