BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN Mentor Group-"Off Season?" What is that?!! Rss Feed  
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2009-07-10 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
There's fattyfatfat....Pheww... I was worried that maybe he wrecked another bike last night.

2009-07-10 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! 

Tracy- welcome back.

Hope everyone is well.

2009-07-10 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Grrr - Can I vent?  Some A-HOLE got ahold of my check card # and thought it was Christmas.  Right now there are 15 pending charges sitting on our account.  Hopefully they are small and it will relatively painless to get straightened out.  After many phone calls today, I spoke to one Bank of America rep and she said one was denied for $1300 to the Apple store.  What goes through people's head when they are sitting their w/ a stolen number and charging away?
2009-07-10 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
The same thing happened to my wife. Some one took her credit card from her purse and ran up big charges. It was a PITA! She had to get a new card witha  new #. I was dumbstruck that she would leave her purse in the front seat of an unlocked car. I was born in NYC, and I don't care in I am in Mayberry, I keep a goog hold on my wallet and lock my doors. I hope you caught it quickly and can distinguish all the legitimate charges from the false ones. You do not want this to bring down your credit rating. Depsite having a block on it, you can expect to see some lazy merchants accept the card and thhere will be further charges, most likely. Good luck.
2009-07-10 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2276606

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

fattyfatfat - 2009-07-10 11:27 AM good luck to everyone racing this weekend!

X2!  Have a great time everyone.  I am going to be hibernating...

2009-07-10 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Gotta be quick... Off to the lake again, and up to the mountains for some unknown trail running... Have a great weekend to all!! AND TO ALL RACING!!!

2009-07-10 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2276992

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

swbkrun - 2009-07-10 1:47 PM Gotta be quick... Off to the lake again, and up to the mountains for some unknown trail running... Have a great weekend to all!! AND TO ALL RACING!!!

With all these trips to Chelan, you need to update your location.  

Have a good weekend everyone!

2009-07-10 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Had a cool semi-breakthrough tonight. I got home early and decided to swim a little. I did not want to overdo it as I am racing Sunday. I felt a little tight in the shoulders so I concentrated on a slower smoother swim stroke. Low and behold, my time was faster! Smooth is faster!

Thanks for the inspires everyone! I am stoked for this race!
2009-07-10 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2277066

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
cadmus - 2009-07-10 2:26 PM

swbkrun - 2009-07-10 1:47 PM Gotta be quick... Off to the lake again, and up to the mountains for some unknown trail running... Have a great weekend to all!! AND TO ALL RACING!!!

With all these trips to Chelan, you need to update your location.  

Have a good weekend everyone!

I am going out to throw glass on the bike course for Chelanman.  All the faster people are going to be in trouble !!!
2009-07-10 5:47 PM
in reply to: #2276874

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-07-10 2:50 PM Grrr - Can I vent?  Some A-HOLE got ahold of my check card # and thought it was Christmas.  Right now there are 15 pending charges sitting on our account.  Hopefully they are small and it will relatively painless to get straightened out.  After many phone calls today, I spoke to one Bank of America rep and she said one was denied for $1300 to the Apple store.  What goes through people's head when they are sitting their w/ a stolen number and charging away?

Ok, what are the chances of this happening?  Someone stole my debit card and charged $1040 at Nordstroms online.  TG they caught it and called me.  I cancelled the card, the bank backed out the charge and now the bank needs me to file a fraud complaint. What a pain.  The timing is too weird.
2009-07-10 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2276905

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-07-10 3:02 PM The same thing happened to my wife. Some one took her credit card from her purse and ran up big charges. It was a PITA! She had to get a new card witha  new #. I was dumbstruck that she would leave her purse in the front seat of an unlocked car. I was born in NYC, and I don't care in I am in Mayberry, I keep a goog hold on my wallet and lock my doors. I hope you caught it quickly and can distinguish all the legitimate charges from the false ones. You do not want this to bring down your credit rating. Depsite having a block on it, you can expect to see some lazy merchants accept the card and thhere will be further charges, most likely. Good luck.

Hey now - give me some credit.  Tongue out

The card has been w/ me the whole time.  They are all online charges just using the card #.

2009-07-10 5:58 PM
in reply to: #2277201

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-07-10 5:47 PM
sdalessio - 2009-07-10 2:50 PM Grrr - Can I vent?  Some A-HOLE got ahold of my check card # and thought it was Christmas.  Right now there are 15 pending charges sitting on our account.  Hopefully they are small and it will relatively painless to get straightened out.  After many phone calls today, I spoke to one Bank of America rep and she said one was denied for $1300 to the Apple store.  What goes through people's head when they are sitting their w/ a stolen number and charging away?

Ok, what are the chances of this happening?  Someone stole my debit card and charged $1040 at Nordstroms online.  TG they caught it and called me.  I cancelled the card, the bank backed out the charge and now the bank needs me to file a fraud complaint. What a pain.  The timing is too weird.

That is too weird!

BTW - Thanks for the pdf.  I can't wait to read through it.
2009-07-10 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Arrggh, hope this is not contagious!  This happened to me about 2 months ago right after using my Visa online at probikekit.  I did get an awesome price on Mich Pro 3's but anyhow, had to cancel my card and wait for a new one...right before leaving for vacation, too!  They tried to buy a whole bunch of stuff at Kohl's and Victoria Secret online.  Luckily, Chase figured it out and reversed the charges.  I had to file a fraud report, too! 


2009-07-10 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2277214

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-07-10 5:57 PM
DougRob - 2009-07-10 3:02 PM The same thing happened to my wife. Some one took her credit card from her purse and ran up big charges. It was a PITA! She had to get a new card witha  new #. I was dumbstruck that she would leave her purse in the front seat of an unlocked car. I was born in NYC, and I don't care in I am in Mayberry, I keep a goog hold on my wallet and lock my doors. I hope you caught it quickly and can distinguish all the legitimate charges from the false ones. You do not want this to bring down your credit rating. Depsite having a block on it, you can expect to see some lazy merchants accept the card and thhere will be further charges, most likely. Good luck.

Hey now - give me some credit.  Tongue out

The card has been w/ me the whole time.  They are all online charges just using the card #.

Sam, no offense meant. I have never had an on-line problem. Do you know from which site the information was taken from?

2009-07-10 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2277252

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-10 7:24 PM

Arrggh, hope this is not contagious!  This happened to me about 2 months ago right after using my Visa online at probikekit.  I did get an awesome price on Mich Pro 3's but anyhow, had to cancel my card and wait for a new one...right before leaving for vacation, too!  They tried to buy a whole bunch of stuff at Kohl's and Victoria Secret online.  Luckily, Chase figured it out and reversed the charges.  I had to file a fraud report, too! 


Had heard others having that exact same problem.  The owner of PBK posted on ST about it also and said it wouldn't happen again, don't know all the specifics though.  That was what we checked when she got home to see if our last purchase there was on her card or mine, but it was on mine.

2009-07-10 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Great.  I'm not alone.  Early last month my debit & cc numbers were stolen.  I still have the cards so its not that I left them out for someone to take. The cops didn't do anything other than take a report so I tracked down where the cards were used and contacted each place.  The restaurant and grocery store got them on camera  The restaurant gave me still shots and the grocery store let me watch the video.  A middle aged guy and woman.  The grocery store even id'd the woman.  She had an id with my wife's name and her picure so they let her go.   It made me so mad to know that these m'fckrs stole from me and were so brazen about it.   They also went to WalMart but they said have your lawyer contact us if you want more info... friendly neighborhood store huh! 

Thankfully my bank, USAA, has been great about it.  Make sure if this happens you file a fraud warning with Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.  Law says all you have to do is contact one and they have to contact the rest but I didn't trust that, I contacted each.

Got a blister on my foot today so ran the last mile in the grass with one shoe.  Kinda fun!

2009-07-10 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2277265

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-07-10 6:33 PM
sdalessio - 2009-07-10 5:57 PM
DougRob - 2009-07-10 3:02 PM The same thing happened to my wife. Some one took her credit card from her purse and ran up big charges. It was a PITA! She had to get a new card witha  new #. I was dumbstruck that she would leave her purse in the front seat of an unlocked car. I was born in NYC, and I don't care in I am in Mayberry, I keep a goog hold on my wallet and lock my doors. I hope you caught it quickly and can distinguish all the legitimate charges from the false ones. You do not want this to bring down your credit rating. Depsite having a block on it, you can expect to see some lazy merchants accept the card and thhere will be further charges, most likely. Good luck.

Hey now - give me some credit.  Tongue out

The card has been w/ me the whole time.  They are all online charges just using the card #.

Sam, no offense meant. I have never had an on-line problem. Do you know from which site the information was taken from?


Oh I was just kidding you - I have thicker skin than that.  Look at who I am married too.  LOL

I suspect the number was swiped in person maybe at a restaurant.  It was used on itunes, snapfish and build-a-bear of all places.
2009-07-10 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Ahhhhhh I just had the worst swim ever.
Went for an evening quick workout then swim. Swam about 2k in the hour so thats fine. I even did 500m X 2 at close to my normal speed. But i felt like garbage. Felt like i couldn't get a breath, really struggled with it. I havent been swimming this month at all. Other than the spinr last weekend, this was the first time in the water in the 10 days of July. Not sure if I was out of sorts, or if it was because I worked out a bit before hand. I'm sure I'll be fine next time in, but it was frustrating feeling so breathless.
But then a lady came into my lane. I was swimming 4 lengths to her 2. That made me feel good!
2009-07-10 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
And look at us cool cats online on a Friday night! Tony downstairs sipping ona cool one. Sam upstairs waiting for the 'inspire' to bring him down another. John probably 3 sheet to the wind. Doug is probably doing push-ups getting ready for his tri!
And me, I just finished a bowl of Mini-Wheats.
2009-07-10 10:18 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I'm reading a local tri-team's coaches blog right now...Copy/paste....
"It got me thinking about how lucky I am to have triathlon in my life. It gives me purpose every day. I'm surrounded by people who share my passion and are highly motivated to love life. Sure training can be a challenge to fit around the rest of our responsibilities, but I know that we always feel better once we've got it done. I'm the first to say "leave the vacuum alone... get your run in" and I base that opinion on the fact that I always feel better after the run, but not so much after the vacuuming gets done. I've heard people say that training for an Ironman is a burden. I was surprised at that. We all make a choice to go this route with our time, so how does a "choice" become a burden?

Think about places in the world where every living moment is spent doing tasks to survive. Getting water and food, building shelters, keeping your family safe; all things we take for granted. We have an existence where we are able to make choices about how to spend our time at some point pretty much every day.

So... the next time you are struggling to get out the door to swim / bike or run, give yourself a quick kick in the behind to "gently" remind you that you get to make this choice. We are a privileged group. I'm thankful for that."

That keeps it in perspective doesnt it??
2009-07-10 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2277184

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Grats Doug.  Those moments make the rest of it worthwhile!

2009-07-10 10:42 PM
in reply to: #2277502

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

TrevorC - 2009-07-10 9:59 PM And look at us cool cats online on a Friday night! Tony downstairs sipping ona cool one. Sam upstairs waiting for the 'inspire' to bring him down another. John probably 3 sheet to the wind. Doug is probably doing push-ups getting ready for his tri!
And me, I just finished a bowl of Mini-Wheats.

I just finished an outdoor/indoor ride and am enjoying some malty, hoppy goodness...

I believe I will have another...

2009-07-10 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2277531

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

TrevorC - 2009-07-10 10:18 PM I'm reading a local tri-team's coaches blog right now...Copy/paste....
"It got me thinking about how lucky I am to have triathlon in my life. It gives me purpose every day. I'm surrounded by people who share my passion and are highly motivated to love life. Sure training can be a challenge to fit around the rest of our responsibilities, but I know that we always feel better once we've got it done. I'm the first to say "leave the vacuum alone... get your run in" and I base that opinion on the fact that I always feel better after the run, but not so much after the vacuuming gets done. I've heard people say that training for an Ironman is a burden. I was surprised at that. We all make a choice to go this route with our time, so how does a "choice" become a burden?

Think about places in the world where every living moment is spent doing tasks to survive. Getting water and food, building shelters, keeping your family safe; all things we take for granted. We have an existence where we are able to make choices about how to spend our time at some point pretty much every day.

So... the next time you are struggling to get out the door to swim / bike or run, give yourself a quick kick in the behind to "gently" remind you that you get to make this choice. We are a privileged group. I'm thankful for that."

That keeps it in perspective doesnt it??

Absolutely...  When I saw the paratriathlete last at last weekend's tri it definitely reminded me how lucky I truly am...

2009-07-11 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Good luck to those racing this weekend! 

And to everyone else - be safe!
2009-07-11 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! Have a great weekend all!!!
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