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2011-08-02 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

I know I don't post too often (kids home all summer is keeping my pretty busy).  But I do check on you guys from time to time.  Looks like everyone is having a great season so far..with some big races coming up. 

I did a race Saturday (well raced the swim anyway).  RR =

But my big news is my 8 yr old and 10 yr old boys did a tri relay with my husband on Sunday.  We had to get an exception to get the 8 yr old in (USAT rules state he has to be 10).  Got approval from the RD for him to do the swim.  (Warning, proud Mom here)  They were awesome,  gave it their all!  My 8 yr old got all kinds of looks and comments (positive) lining up for the swim (pool start) and he was stoked.  He did get a little frustrated with a guy that would not let him pass (tapped his feet 5 times) but oh well, that's part of the whole experience.  My 10 yr old did the run and was pumped when he passed people and they cheered him on.  Their relay got second out of seven teams.  They are excited they have another tri relay later this month, but they are talking more about training the rest of the year to do a tri by themsleves next year. 

And of course not to be outdone, my 7 yr old daughter is insisting that my husband and I do a relay with her next year.  Smile

2011-08-02 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Linda (havinfun)- That is just awesome on all fronts! Congrats!!!

Christina- Everyone has given you great advice. You've got this, girl!

Doug- LOL

Kim- I hope the knee heals quickly.

David- How'd the run go?

Suzy- Glad you found them, but I have no idea how any of you run in 101. Seriously, I'm pretty sure I would have heat stroke at 95.

And on that note... I am running the Kauai marathon in a month. I am sure I will be walking a lot of it due to the heat and humidity, and I'm ok with that. Even walking though, especially up the mountain, I'm afraid I'll overheat. They are providing ice sponges, which I will use liberally, and I'm fueling with Roctaine for the additional sodium. Any other pointers from you rock stars running in these temps? I am in Lewiston, Idaho now (with temps in the 90's and overnight lows just down to 70) so I'm doing a bit of acclimating after spending all Spring and a good part of the Summer in the cool, rainy, cascades.

2011-08-02 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed



oh how i love and loathe the laughing cow!

2011-08-02 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3626227

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
RoniS - 2011-08-02 5:31 PM

Linda (havinfun)- That is just awesome on all fronts! Congrats!!!

Christina- Everyone has given you great advice. You've got this, girl!

Doug- LOL

Kim- I hope the knee heals quickly.

David- How'd the run go?

Suzy- Glad you found them, but I have no idea how any of you run in 101. Seriously, I'm pretty sure I would have heat stroke at 95.

And on that note... I am running the Kauai marathon in a month. I am sure I will be walking a lot of it due to the heat and humidity, and I'm ok with that. Even walking though, especially up the mountain, I'm afraid I'll overheat. They are providing ice sponges, which I will use liberally, and I'm fueling with Roctaine for the additional sodium. Any other pointers from you rock stars running in these temps? I am in Lewiston, Idaho now (with temps in the 90's and overnight lows just down to 70) so I'm doing a bit of acclimating after spending all Spring and a good part of the Summer in the cool, rainy, cascades.

Roni--Kauai is my absolute favorite Island.  You are starting right where I run when we are at our timeshare in Poipu.  The good news is you won't be hitting the Canyon which would literally be up the mountain, but it'll be hot.  I would wear a hat, as much white as you have and expect a walk/walk/run strategy!  Have fun!!!!

Linda-so very proud of your acheivements.  You are of the quiet about your accompishments member of the MG.  Cool about the kids too.

Twin---WTH?  How does a hyper extended knee get better? rest?  The good news is your running is already so rock solid a little tiny bit of rest might mean your Z1 workouts aren't sub 7! Tongue out  Thanks for congratulating me on the "house"!  Wink  I even thought about my "house" on my run today, but only briefly.

2011-08-02 11:13 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
I got the sense tonight that Kyla hate's me... I think she doesn't consider me a friend anymore!!
2011-08-03 12:28 AM
in reply to: #3626571

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

swbkrun - 2011-08-02 9:13 PM I got the sense tonight that Kyla hate's me... I think she doesn't consider me a friend anymore!!

Where are you getting this crazy idea?  aiyah, go to sleep, mentor master.


eta: ah, a quick visit to her log shows there was a cougar mtn. mtg today and some people were very mean.  carry on. 

Edited by kt65 2011-08-03 12:31 AM

2011-08-03 12:31 AM
in reply to: #3626600

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kt65 - 2011-08-02 10:28 PM

swbkrun - 2011-08-02 9:13 PM I got the sense tonight that Kyla hate's me... I think she doesn't consider me a friend anymore!!

Where are you getting this crazy idea?  aiyah, go to sleep, mentor master.


Read her workout log.  I took her on a little "trail run" with very MINIMAL hills, and she didn't talk to me again.  

2011-08-03 12:32 AM
in reply to: #3626601

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
swbkrun - 2011-08-02 10:31 PM
kt65 - 2011-08-02 10:28 PM

swbkrun - 2011-08-02 9:13 PM I got the sense tonight that Kyla hate's me... I think she doesn't consider me a friend anymore!!

Where are you getting this crazy idea?  aiyah, go to sleep, mentor master.


Read her workout log.  I took her on a little "trail run" with very MINIMAL hills, and she didn't talk to me again.  

yes, just saw that, Ryan is much nicer anyhow. 

2011-08-03 2:09 AM
in reply to: #3626603

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
That's because I brought the beer and got her all liquored up...
2011-08-03 5:31 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Most of us are still sweltering so summer's in full swing....who's going to take advantage of it with a little racing this weekend? DO TELL!
2011-08-03 6:21 AM
in reply to: #3626673

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-03 8:31 PM Most of us are still sweltering so summer's in full swing....who's going to take advantage of it with a little racing this weekend? DO TELL!

No racing for me, just getting back into tri training.

My left knee is improving and my little run/walk last night was ok but there's still a niggling ache in the area below and lateral to my kneecap. I'll do a run/walk again on Friday.

I went to a bike maintainence class tonight, quite interesting, never knew about the little lever that releases the brakes!

Look after that knee Kim, that's what I did to my knee but it only really kicked in when I pushed it in the HM 10 days later.

2011-08-03 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3626630

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

ryanp100 - 2011-08-03 3:09 AM That's because I brought the beer and got her all liquored up...

awesome!  and she was still crying about the run this morning on the way to the airport...  poor her, gonna have to sit on the beach all week to recover. 

2011-08-03 6:54 AM
in reply to: #3626673

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-03 5:31 AM Most of us are still sweltering so summer's in full swing....who's going to take advantage of it with a little racing this weekend? DO TELL!

1st bike race for me, the Centurion 100 miler on Sunday. This is on parts of the course that were going to be used for the Chicago Olympics had they gotten them.  Very hilly!!!  More about dialing things in for IM, but will be taking it up a notch for as much as I can.

2011-08-03 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3626673

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-03 6:31 AM Most of us are still sweltering so summer's in full swing....who's going to take advantage of it with a little racing this weekend? DO TELL!

good luck racing peeps.  nada here.  but i will be crushing beer at wrigley on saturday! my dad has never been so i'm taking him for his b-day. 

2011-08-03 7:18 AM
in reply to: #3626673

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-03 6:31 AM Most of us are still sweltering so summer's in full swing....who's going to take advantage of it with a little racing this weekend? DO TELL!

I've got a 5 mi beer race on Saturday I'm running with a friend who started C25K earlier this year.  I'm not quite sure how to incorporate it into my training.  She's fully supportive of me racing it (ie going at our own paces) but trying to decide if I; 1. swap my long run and long ride days and include the race mileage as part of my long run or 2. do as much of my scheduled 60 mi ride before the race and use it as a pseudo brick workout.  Currently I'm opting for option 1.

Kim- sorry to hear about the knee.  I hope you recover quickly.

2011-08-03 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3626719

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-03 4:51 AM

ryanp100 - 2011-08-03 3:09 AM That's because I brought the beer and got her all liquored up...

awesome!  and she was still crying about the run this morning on the way to the airport...  poor her, gonna have to sit on the beach all week to recover. 

I think I was saying how nice it was to go to bed with trashed legs. Or I was whining. In any case, my a$$ is off to Cayman and yours isn't. Tomorrow at this time I fully expect to be blowing bubbles 60 feet beneath the surface. I'll smile at the sharks for you all!!!

2011-08-03 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3626749

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
mighty mom - 2011-08-03 7:18 AM

SSMinnow - 2011-08-03 6:31 AM Most of us are still sweltering so summer's in full swing....who's going to take advantage of it with a little racing this weekend? DO TELL!

I've got a 5 mi beer race on Saturday I'm running with a friend who started C25K earlier this year.  I'm not quite sure how to incorporate it into my training.  She's fully supportive of me racing it (ie going at our own paces) but trying to decide if I; 1. swap my long run and long ride days and include the race mileage as part of my long run or 2. do as much of my scheduled 60 mi ride before the race and use it as a pseudo brick workout.  Currently I'm opting for option 1.

Kim- sorry to hear about the knee.  I hope you recover quickly.

Isn't your A HIM race two weeks from Sunday?  Part of your plan is still a 60 mile ride?  I would have thought you would be tapering down not overdistancing.....but what do I know?

2011-08-03 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Hey everyone.  I've skimmed the last 10 pages - hope the broken foot is healing, dad's are feeling better, great racing kids, trips to Yellowstone, swimming in the ocean, etc.  Lots of good stuff.

Can I just say this f**ing IM needs to get here already.  It is constantly over 100 degrees in NC and my long training days are just turning into suffer fests.  I know it is good to train in the heat so the cooler weather will be a relief, bla bla bla.  but this sh*t is getting old.   Also it is really hard to find 100 mile rides that don't involve highways or Deliverance neighborhoods.  I'm getting real familiar with 5 am just to try and cut off a little heat!  

Sorry about the bad mood.  I am just SOOOOOO  TIRED!!   I mean stupid tired.  I walk into rooms and forget why I am there.  I'll forget what stroke drill i'm doing half way down the lane, I'm walking into walls (well, that isn't any different than usual I guess), I actually fell asleep between sets on the leg press machine at the gym yesterday, my chiropractor is trying to fix my neck from the whiplash the lovey accident on the 4th caused, tired of blisters, chaffing, saddle sores, sun burns, and I am so tired of spending money I don't have.  I go through one entire bottle of gel a week, not to mention the regular food bill.   I actually gained weight during all this training.  Oh, and did I mention my wetsuit has a big a** tear in it.  Let the hits just keep on coming.

But to be positive our wonderful MG buddy Ryan has offered me his speedy ZIPPS for race day, so even if I'm slow I'll look super cool!   Thanks so much Ryan, I really appreciate your generous offer.

BTW Ryan and Steve,  I am working out the final details on hotel rooms and trips to Victoria this week and will be touch to coordinate wheel pick up/ drop off and car rental.  Steve, I need a big one (car that is).  There guys, I threw you a bone....have fun. 

To be fair though I am super proud of everything I've accomplished through this training.  The transformation of my body is incredible.  Even when I was cheering I wasn't this cut.  I actually thought of having photos taken just to document that I looked this good once in my life.  Because I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing for a while once this is over.  

25 days to go!!!!

Edited by tahrens 2011-08-03 9:08 AM
2011-08-03 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3626673

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-03 6:31 AM Most of us are still sweltering so summer's in full swing....who's going to take advantage of it with a little racing this weekend? DO TELL!


Not really a race, but I am doing the Pan Mass Challenge this weekend.  It is a large bike ride to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.  I have been told that it the largest fundraiser in the world, with 5600 participants each raising at least $3500.  Lance is doing it, along with Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts.   I am participating with a group of about a dozen family friends who are all raising money in memory of and in honor of various individuals who have been affected by cancer.

There are different routes.  We are doing the route that is 90 miles on Saturday from Wellesley MA to Cape Cod and turning around and doing the ride home on Sunday.  I am really looking forward to it -- to spend the weekend with very close family friends, to raise money for a very good cause, and to work on upping my bike mileage. 

2011-08-03 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3626917

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-08-03 9:50 AM
mighty mom - 2011-08-03 7:18 AM

SSMinnow - 2011-08-03 6:31 AM Most of us are still sweltering so summer's in full swing....who's going to take advantage of it with a little racing this weekend? DO TELL!

I've got a 5 mi beer race on Saturday I'm running with a friend who started C25K earlier this year.  I'm not quite sure how to incorporate it into my training.  She's fully supportive of me racing it (ie going at our own paces) but trying to decide if I; 1. swap my long run and long ride days and include the race mileage as part of my long run or 2. do as much of my scheduled 60 mi ride before the race and use it as a pseudo brick workout.  Currently I'm opting for option 1.

Kim- sorry to hear about the knee.  I hope you recover quickly.

Isn't your A HIM race two weeks from Sunday?  Part of your plan is still a 60 mile ride?  I would have thought you would be tapering down not overdistancing.....but what do I know?

Yes, the HIM is 2 weeks from Sunday.  And yes, the plan I am using calls for a 60 mi ride (+ 20 min run).  :shrug: 

2011-08-03 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3626962

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Tobey91 - 2011-08-03 10:12 AM

SSMinnow - 2011-08-03 6:31 AM Most of us are still sweltering so summer's in full swing....who's going to take advantage of it with a little racing this weekend? DO TELL!


Not really a race, but I am doing the Pan Mass Challenge this weekend.  It is a large bike ride to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.  I have been told that it the largest fundraiser in the world, with 5600 participants each raising at least $3500.  Lance is doing it, along with Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts.   I am participating with a group of about a dozen family friends who are all raising money in memory of and in honor of various individuals who have been affected by cancer.

There are different routes.  We are doing the route that is 90 miles on Saturday from Wellesley MA to Cape Cod and turning around and doing the ride home on Sunday.  I am really looking forward to it -- to spend the weekend with very close family friends, to raise money for a very good cause, and to work on upping my bike mileage. 


AWESOME!!!! I did this ride 6 times. Most in the early 90's. On average 97+% of the $ gets to the charity. Last year the check was for...$30,000,000.00+! Yes that is 30 million dollars! We did not have all the different route options. It was Sturbridge to Bourne on day one and Bourne to Provincetown on day two.

There are super rest stops every 20 miles, complete with food, drink, and nurses.

Day 2 started with a ride over the Bourne bridge which is a suspension bridge. I am afraid of heights so this was the toughest part for me. I counted the cones. My adrenaline was SO high when I got off the bridge that I hammered the next 20 miles!

I was in pretty good cycling shape back then and I was playing hockey 5-7 nights/week. I rode hard both days. The rewards were: on day one there were students of a school of massage at the Mass Maratime Academy waiting. They were so bored that you could get two students during your 15 minute massage if you were early. On day 2 if you arrived early you got a HOT shower from the National Guard. The showers later in the day are cold.

High-lights include coming in to a rest stop on day 2 to see a young boy holding a sign that said "I am 4 because of you." with the 4 crossed out and 5 written in.

Riding with friends on both days. Trying to teach them a paceline and then giving up. Riding on the second day with a guy from Harvard and a woman that led tour in Italy. About 75 miles in he asks if I ever take a break. I answered that he could lead anytime he wanted to. He then pulled for 15 seconds and I was back in front pulling us the rest of the way there.

BTW: The friend that got me to ride it still rides it every year. He aised something like $80K last year.

Tobey I envy you. Have a BLAST! And be nice to the towns that open their rodes to you.

2011-08-03 10:02 AM
in reply to: #3626945

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-08-03 10:07 AM

Hey everyone.  I've skimmed the last 10 pages - hope the broken foot is healing, dad's are feeling better, great racing kids, trips to Yellowstone, swimming in the ocean, etc.  Lots of good stuff.

Can I just say this f**ing IM needs to get here already.  It is constantly over 100 degrees in NC and my long training days are just turning into suffer fests.  I know it is good to train in the heat so the cooler weather will be a relief, bla bla bla.  but this sh*t is getting old.   Also it is really hard to find 100 mile rides that don't involve highways or Deliverance neighborhoods.  I'm getting real familiar with 5 am just to try and cut off a little heat!  

Sorry about the bad mood.  I am just SOOOOOO  TIRED!!   I mean stupid tired.  I walk into rooms and forget why I am there.  I'll forget what stroke drill i'm doing half way down the lane, I'm walking into walls (well, that isn't any different than usual I guess), I actually fell asleep between sets on the leg press machine at the gym yesterday, my chiropractor is trying to fix my neck from the whiplash the lovey accident on the 4th caused, tired of blisters, chaffing, saddle sores, sun burns, and I am so tired of spending money I don't have.  I go through one entire bottle of gel a week, not to mention the regular food bill.   I actually gained weight during all this training.  Oh, and did I mention my wetsuit has a big a** tear in it.  Let the hits just keep on coming.

But to be positive our wonderful MG buddy Ryan has offered me his speedy ZIPPS for race day, so even if I'm slow I'll look super cool!   Thanks so much Ryan, I really appreciate your generous offer.

BTW Ryan and Steve,  I am working out the final details on hotel rooms and trips to Victoria this week and will be touch to coordinate wheel pick up/ drop off and car rental.  Steve, I need a big one (car that is).  There guys, I threw you a bone....have fun. 

To be fair though I am super proud of everything I've accomplished through this training.  The transformation of my body is incredible.  Even when I was cheering I wasn't this cut.  I actually thought of having photos taken just to document that I looked this good once in my life.  Because I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing for a while once this is over.  

25 days to go!!!!

My hat is off to you Tracy!  Training for IM is tough enough, but doing so in this heat we are having this summer is just insane.  Really proud of you for persevering.  Hang in there you are in the home stretch.  Think of it as the last 5 miles of the marathon in IM.  Soon you will hear the music of the finish line and Mike Reilly.

2011-08-03 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3626945

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-08-03 8:07 AM

Hey everyone.  I've skimmed the last 10 pages - hope the broken foot is healing, dad's are feeling better, great racing kids, trips to Yellowstone, swimming in the ocean, etc.  Lots of good stuff.

Can I just say this f**ing IM needs to get here already.  It is constantly over 100 degrees in NC and my long training days are just turning into suffer fests.  I know it is good to train in the heat so the cooler weather will be a relief, bla bla bla.  but this sh*t is getting old.   Also it is really hard to find 100 mile rides that don't involve highways or Deliverance neighborhoods.  I'm getting real familiar with 5 am just to try and cut off a little heat!  

Sorry about the bad mood.  I am just SOOOOOO  TIRED!!   I mean stupid tired.  I walk into rooms and forget why I am there.  I'll forget what stroke drill i'm doing half way down the lane, I'm walking into walls (well, that isn't any different than usual I guess), I actually fell asleep between sets on the leg press machine at the gym yesterday, my chiropractor is trying to fix my neck from the whiplash the lovey accident on the 4th caused, tired of blisters, chaffing, saddle sores, sun burns, and I am so tired of spending money I don't have.  I go through one entire bottle of gel a week, not to mention the regular food bill.   I actually gained weight during all this training.  Oh, and did I mention my wetsuit has a big a** tear in it.  Let the hits just keep on coming.

But to be positive our wonderful MG buddy Ryan has offered me his speedy ZIPPS for race day, so even if I'm slow I'll look super cool!   Thanks so much Ryan, I really appreciate your generous offer.

BTW Ryan and Steve,  I am working out the final details on hotel rooms and trips to Victoria this week and will be touch to coordinate wheel pick up/ drop off and car rental.  Steve, I need a big one (car that is).  There guys, I threw you a bone....have fun. 

To be fair though I am super proud of everything I've accomplished through this training.  The transformation of my body is incredible.  Even when I was cheering I wasn't this cut.  I actually thought of having photos taken just to document that I looked this good once in my life.  Because I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing for a while once this is over.  

25 days to go!!!!

Pics? Or actually wait....Only 20 some days and I'll get they real thing!!! Sweet.

Edited by TrevorC 2011-08-03 10:36 AM
2011-08-03 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3627135

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-08-03 11:36 AM
tahrens - 2011-08-03 8:07 AM

Hey everyone.  I've skimmed the last 10 pages - hope the broken foot is healing, dad's are feeling better, great racing kids, trips to Yellowstone, swimming in the ocean, etc.  Lots of good stuff.

Can I just say this f**ing IM needs to get here already.  It is constantly over 100 degrees in NC and my long training days are just turning into suffer fests.  I know it is good to train in the heat so the cooler weather will be a relief, bla bla bla.  but this sh*t is getting old.   Also it is really hard to find 100 mile rides that don't involve highways or Deliverance neighborhoods.  I'm getting real familiar with 5 am just to try and cut off a little heat!  

Sorry about the bad mood.  I am just SOOOOOO  TIRED!!   I mean stupid tired.  I walk into rooms and forget why I am there.  I'll forget what stroke drill i'm doing half way down the lane, I'm walking into walls (well, that isn't any different than usual I guess), I actually fell asleep between sets on the leg press machine at the gym yesterday, my chiropractor is trying to fix my neck from the whiplash the lovey accident on the 4th caused, tired of blisters, chaffing, saddle sores, sun burns, and I am so tired of spending money I don't have.  I go through one entire bottle of gel a week, not to mention the regular food bill.   I actually gained weight during all this training.  Oh, and did I mention my wetsuit has a big a** tear in it.  Let the hits just keep on coming.

But to be positive our wonderful MG buddy Ryan has offered me his speedy ZIPPS for race day, so even if I'm slow I'll look super cool!   Thanks so much Ryan, I really appreciate your generous offer.

BTW Ryan and Steve,  I am working out the final details on hotel rooms and trips to Victoria this week and will be touch to coordinate wheel pick up/ drop off and car rental.  Steve, I need a big one (car that is).  There guys, I threw you a bone....have fun. 

To be fair though I am super proud of everything I've accomplished through this training.  The transformation of my body is incredible.  Even when I was cheering I wasn't this cut.  I actually thought of having photos taken just to document that I looked this good once in my life.  Because I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing for a while once this is over.  

25 days to go!!!!

Pics? Or actually wait....Only 20 some days and I'll get they real thing!!! Sweet.

still need pics though! 

keep it up tracy!!!! 

2011-08-03 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3626945

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-08-03 9:07 AM

Hey everyone.  I've skimmed the last 10 pages - hope the broken foot is healing, dad's are feeling better, great racing kids, trips to Yellowstone, swimming in the ocean, etc.  Lots of good stuff.

Can I just say this f**ing IM needs to get here already.  It is constantly over 100 degrees in NC and my long training days are just turning into suffer fests.  I know it is good to train in the heat so the cooler weather will be a relief, bla bla bla.  but this sh*t is getting old.   Also it is really hard to find 100 mile rides that don't involve highways or Deliverance neighborhoods.  I'm getting real familiar with 5 am just to try and cut off a little heat!  

Sorry about the bad mood.  I am just SOOOOOO  TIRED!!   I mean stupid tired.  I walk into rooms and forget why I am there.  I'll forget what stroke drill i'm doing half way down the lane, I'm walking into walls (well, that isn't any different than usual I guess), I actually fell asleep between sets on the leg press machine at the gym yesterday, my chiropractor is trying to fix my neck from the whiplash the lovey accident on the 4th caused, tired of blisters, chaffing, saddle sores, sun burns, and I am so tired of spending money I don't have.  I go through one entire bottle of gel a week, not to mention the regular food bill.   I actually gained weight during all this training.  Oh, and did I mention my wetsuit has a big a** tear in it.  Let the hits just keep on coming.

But to be positive our wonderful MG buddy Ryan has offered me his speedy ZIPPS for race day, so even if I'm slow I'll look super cool!   Thanks so much Ryan, I really appreciate your generous offer.

BTW Ryan and Steve,  I am working out the final details on hotel rooms and trips to Victoria this week and will be touch to coordinate wheel pick up/ drop off and car rental.  Steve, I need a big one (car that is).  There guys, I threw you a bone....have fun. 

To be fair though I am super proud of everything I've accomplished through this training.  The transformation of my body is incredible.  Even when I was cheering I wasn't this cut.  I actually thought of having photos taken just to document that I looked this good once in my life.  Because I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing for a while once this is over.  

25 days to go!!!!


Hang in there Tracy - your training has been awesome and the race is almost here.  :-)  I agree about the heat.  It really sucks but even that has got to break soon.  Big HUG!!!!!

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