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2009-07-27 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Good morning all. Hope you had a great weekend. I had 2 pretty good workouts this weekend but on Sunday got caught in the rain while doing my long bike ride. I cut it short and headed home because I could see the rain coming in. Didn't make in time . Was still about 5 K or so from home and got drenched. Even the cars were slowing it was coming down so hard. I had no place to stop and wait it out so just kept going. Of course this morning I wake up with a scratchy throat and stuffed sinuses. I ask you ... is this anyway to train for a HIM  Only about 6 weeks to go.

Edited by Redknight 2009-07-27 11:37 AM

2009-07-27 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2310081

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-07-27 12:03 PM
trying1 - 2009-07-27 7:23 AM
trying1 - 2009-07-26 3:17 PM

I just got back from my first Olympic and boy am I tired.  I'm not sure how people do HIM or IM!

I'll have the full race report up by tomorrow but in short.  The swim was pretty good, i was surprised about the time since I swerved a bit and all the traffic.. 20min 1 sec (1:12 per 100yds ).  Weird thing was during the long run to T1 both my legs completely cramped, this was unusual since i had such a long time period off.  As soon as my legs cramped I knew I was in trouble for the run and possibly the bike.  T1 took me almost 8 min because i had the cramping issues and thus had trouble getting the wetsuit off.  The bike was surprisingly good as well.  I was cramping on the bike too but I tried to stretch as much as possible during the ride.  Lots of long climbs but lots of downhills too.  I avg 18.8 and I know I could have done better if I didn't have the cramping issue.  There were some crashes too, the road ways were pretty narrow and a few sharp technical turns with so many bikers.  T2 was also long due to full leg cramps in both legs again..  I had problems putting on my shoes.  The run was brutal.  I knew this was going to be tough considering my leg injury and not running for awhile but the problems seemed to be related more to all the cramping going on.  I ran walked the whole thing and avg around 11min miles.  2:30min-3 min slower than I typically run on the same course.  Overall I had fun, I'm confused about the legs cramping after the swim because I hydrated well a few days before the race and I'm happy I hit my time mark, under 3 hrs (but barely).

 I was filling out my rr and thought there is no way i swam 1:12 per 100yrds..  according to the race results it says swim rate 1:12..  i guess i'm not sure what their rate is based off of. 

Stan, this was the NYC triathlon right?

I was looking at pics on slowtwitch and they had this quote on one of the swim pics.

"Pro mens swim pack bear down on the finish after a 12-minute Hudson river current-aided swim"

Like I said though I would still go with bada$$ swimmer Laughing

How was it swimming in the Hudson BTW?  Friend of mine did it last year and she said it was kind of gross and she got stung by Jellyfish.

 It was the NYC Tri.  It was pretty cool seeing the pros swim.  They were the first wave and they had a massive current (and the strongest of the race).  The current in the Hudson is weird.  The pros left around 6ish and that is when the current is the strongest, they are already so fast and to see them swim in the strong current is pretty cool, it was like they were surfing.  One guy (non racer) was racing them on foot.  My wave left around 7:45 ish and there was still a current but not nearly as strong.  People were actually getting a little worried because the current last yr went in reverse at around the time our wave started and people were swimming against the current and they had to pull people out.  One entire wave last yr took over an hr to finish and they pulled people out if they were in past 90min without DF ing them (from what i was told).  In my wave leading to our start we were cheering the logs that went by.  If they were going fast we would cheer, if they weren't moving we would boo..  It was pretty fun/funny and relieved a lot of anxiety.  I was very happy with the swim, my friend who has been doing tri's and swimming events for 9 yrs was in the same wave and he only beat me by 15 sec so after the race I did some trash talking, but he had the last laugh as he finished under 2 hrs 20 min and in the top 30 in our AG.

Swimming in the Hudson wasn't too bad.  No jellyfish this yr..  The only gross part was when the guy in front of me was getting out of the water he kicked-up some silt (at least i think it was) and it completely covered me and him, my face was black.  They had showers to wash off because that commonly happens.  I guess that guy in front of me didn't get the memo that said swim until you touch the exit ramp.  After the race my wife notice that the black stuff was in my nose!

Edited by trying1 2009-07-27 12:28 PM
2009-07-27 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Thanks all - Tony and I had a great time.  It was nice to improve on our times.  Sorry John, Trevor - I don't think I beat Tony in anything unless it was transition.  RR will be up as soon as the RD posts the splits.  I started my watch in the pool and never hit a button until I crossed the finish line.

Congrats Suzy and Stan!

As far as the couple's training w/ kids.  Tony and I love it.  It gives us something to share again and talk about and plan trips/vacations around.  We used to do the golf thing but that became imposssible w/ kids.  We are very fortunate to live close to work.  We can also get in workouts at work.  Plus we plan out the day so one of us is working out in the AM and the other PM or before dinner.  And we have a lot of family in the area to help on race days and with the occasional traininig ride/run together or just plain ole couples time.
2009-07-27 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Did I also mention that I work part-time right now so when Drew starts K and Gabriella goes back to PS I will have a little more time for training.  That is a big help.

Speaking of which I kicked off my marathon training today w/ a nice 10m run.  Boy it was hot and I was a little tired from the tri yesterday but I got through it.  I moved my long runs to Mondays to help Tony w/ his running plan and give us some family time on the weekend.

2009-07-27 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Who all in the group is doing the 100 pushup and/or 200 situp and/or 200 squat challenge?

I re-set this morning on week 1, day 1... 

2009-07-27 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Andy, I'm in on the 100 push up challenge, off to do my test after this.  Wow, Sam and Tony, you guys are awesome.  I don't think I've ever been on the podium  The one race (10K)  I was 2nd in my age group, I had to leave to get to work and didn't find out until results were posted online!  
Stan great job!  I cannot imagine swimming in the Hudson, especially after using the "logs" racing by to gauge the current!  Hardcore!!!  I agree with Tony, bada$$ swimmer is right!  
Tracy, I agree with you about glad not to be in Suzy's AG!  Starting next year, I am!  Dang it!  
Rob- that's what the trainer is for!  I did a 3 1/2 hour trainer ride before work one morning due to bad weather that just wouldn't go away.  Yes, the drone of the trainer is not so fun at 4:30 am but sometimes it must be done!  Oh and that goes to something I was going to say to Chris (jeepguy).  
I guess you are probably doing your long runs and rides on your days off?  I find that getting up at 4am sucks but it is much easier for me to do bike (trainer) or run (headlamp and dog) before work than after, especially if you are working 12 plus hour days.  Your HIM is in about 2 months so I would imagine there are a few midweek 60-90 minute runs or rides that you have to somehow do.  Try before work maybe just one or two days of your Thurs-Sun?  Just remember to eat and sleep well the night before.  
I am trying to decide between training for a fall half marathon or full.  My main fear of the full is injury.  Tony, are you liking having a running coach?  I have used the runnersworld hal higdon plan for my half last Feb., but wonder at my age if training for a full it might be smarter to have a coach.
Trevor, have fun volunteering!   

2009-07-27 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Ok so this is my geeky tech moment (low tech) but nonetheless, I created my own personal marathon training plan through BT by adding in each workout - miles, times, strength training, cross training, etc.. and just imported my first day into my training log. 

It's great - just like the BT plans.  I am so excited.  Or course, I have only 2 weeks at the moment but I saved it that way then I can copy it and adjust for the next 14 weeks.  That should be a lot less typing considering I am going to have the same basic 4 week rotation throughout my plan.
2009-07-27 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2310473

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

sdalessio - 2009-07-27 1:12 PM Ok so this is my geeky tech moment (low tech) but nonetheless, I created my own personal marathon training plan through BT by adding in each workout - miles, times, strength training, cross training, etc.. and just imported my first day into my training log. 

It's great - just like the BT plans.  I am so excited.  Or course, I have only 2 weeks at the moment but I saved it that way then I can copy it and adjust for the next 14 weeks.  That should be a lot less typing considering I am going to have the same basic 4 week rotation throughout my plan.

That's OK Sam, we like nerds around here... 

2009-07-27 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2310446

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-27 11:00 AM
I am trying to decide between training for a fall half marathon or full.  My main fear of the full is injury.  Tony, are you liking having a running coach?  I have used the runnersworld hal higdon plan for my half last Feb., but wonder at my age if training for a full it might be smarter to have a coach.
Trevor, have fun volunteering!   

Why is there even a question?  I mean you just did a 1/2 2 weeks ago.  Why do you need to "train" for another 1/2 when it was just a piece of cake for you---Even after biking 56 miles (of hills) and swimming 1.2 miles with 1000 other people.

MARATHON IT IS!!!!! Have fun!

Great job to all racers this weekend!
2009-07-27 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Well, I finished my race on Sunday.  I almost packed up and went home after the swim!  But, I finished.  I haven't done a race report because I think I am too embarrassed!   Enough said for now.  I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did!
2009-07-27 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Question for the group:  My next step up in distance is for an oly the last weekend of September.  I am currently working an 8 week plan.  I am think about a half marathon on Dec 13 - that is approximately 10 weeks later.  Is that enough time to get myself from 10k distance to 13.1?  I saw a plan on cool running for a twelve week bridge, but I am still 2 weeks short.  Should I go ahead and sign up for the 1/2?  I don't want to decide to do the race and it be full.  Keep in mind that running is not my strongest discipline (yet...)

2009-07-27 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2310851

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-07-27 3:13 PM

Question for the group:  My next step up in distance is for an oly the last weekend of September.  I am currently working an 8 week plan.  I am think about a half marathon on Dec 13 - that is approximately 10 weeks later.  Is that enough time to get myself from 10k distance to 13.1?  I saw a plan on cool running for a twelve week bridge, but I am still 2 weeks short.  Should I go ahead and sign up for the 1/2?  I don't want to decide to do the race and it be full.  Keep in mind that running is not my strongest discipline (yet...)

Yes!  How much time taper will you do for the OLy? How much time do you need post race to recover?  My head says you should be able to do it.  Personally, I would start ramping up the 1/2 marathon plan as part of the Oly since running is your weak link.  Do you have a specific time goal?
2009-07-27 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2310829

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
gadgetlaw - 2009-07-27 3:08 PM Well, I finished my race on Sunday.  I almost packed up and went home after the swim!  But, I finished.  I haven't done a race report because I think I am too embarrassed!   Enough said for now.  I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did!

You FINISHED so you cannot be embarrased, be proud!!!  We are your family and want to support your success.  We might have some ideas for next time so lay it on us......
2009-07-27 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

What are your goals for next year?  It may help you decide if a full or half is more appropriate. If you really want to be a HIM expert, then maybe really honing your time might be best.  If you want to BQ, the the answer is obvious.  You had a great marathon time at Big Sur, a really tough course so don't rule it out.  If you are thinking IM, then I also think the full could be useful.  A coach is going to help you get faster and should also lay out a plan to help you stay injury free.   When I was working with Lowell, my running coach, he did both.  I never would have BQ'ed or PR'd in every distance for three straight years without him. Hands down my best investment. 

I feel the same about Steve.  I am becoming a ton smarter about things I never would have known without him through a paper plan.

2009-07-27 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2310851

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-07-27 4:13 PM

Question for the group:  My next step up in distance is for an oly the last weekend of September.  I am currently working an 8 week plan.  I am think about a half marathon on Dec 13 - that is approximately 10 weeks later.  Is that enough time to get myself from 10k distance to 13.1?  I saw a plan on cool running for a twelve week bridge, but I am still 2 weeks short.  Should I go ahead and sign up for the 1/2?  I don't want to decide to do the race and it be full.  Keep in mind that running is not my strongest discipline (yet...)

Andy,  I think it is totally doable.  Remember the 1/2 will not have the swim/bike before hand. 
The one thing I would remind you is the training in late Oct,  Nov, and early Dec could be cold weather. 
(I failed to factor this in for my March marathon training).  Go for it!
2009-07-27 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2310829

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

gadgetlaw - 2009-07-27 3:08 PM Well, I finished my race on Sunday.  I almost packed up and went home after the swim!  But, I finished.  I haven't done a race report because I think I am too embarrassed!   Enough said for now.  I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did!

You have nothing to embarrassed about - nothing at all.  We are all proud of you for getting out there and finishing the race.  Sometimes finishing is the victory!  You persevered, overcame, and conquered!  Too many others sat at home and did nothing - but you did not - it sounds like you had to dig deep and find the guts  to finish.  Check out your own sig line if you still doubt yourself!  Ma'am - you have my respect!


2009-07-27 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2310829

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
gadgetlaw - 2009-07-27 3:08 PM Well, I finished my race on Sunday.  I almost packed up and went home after the swim!  But, I finished.  I haven't done a race report because I think I am too embarrassed!   Enough said for now.  I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did!

There is no need to be embarassed. You stuck with it and completed the trathlon. I had the same feelings 200 yds into my last Sprint. "What am I doing here." Was it my best day? No. Did I learn from it? Yes! And I'll be better for it. Don't get down on yourself. Somedays your the windsheild, some days your the bug. Maybe you were the bug yesterday (but I doubt it.) Next time you'll be the windshield.

SO much of this is mental. The fact that you kept going and finsihed will serve you well. It is not how you do when things all fall into place that defines you, but rather how you do in the face of adversity! Next time you out there and things get tough or go badly, you KNOW that you can work through it and tough it out because of what you did yesterday!

Congrats on your finish.

2009-07-27 4:00 PM
in reply to: #2310910

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

SSMinnow - 2009-07-27 3:36 PM
ashort33 - 2009-07-27 3:13 PM

Question for the group:  My next step up in distance is for an oly the last weekend of September.  I am currently working an 8 week plan.  I am think about a half marathon on Dec 13 - that is approximately 10 weeks later.  Is that enough time to get myself from 10k distance to 13.1?  I saw a plan on cool running for a twelve week bridge, but I am still 2 weeks short.  Should I go ahead and sign up for the 1/2?  I don't want to decide to do the race and it be full.  Keep in mind that running is not my strongest discipline (yet...)

Yes!  How much time taper will you do for the OLy? How much time do you need post race to recover?  My head says you should be able to do it.  Personally, I would start ramping up the 1/2 marathon plan as part of the Oly since running is your weak link.  Do you have a specific time goal?

Plan looks to have a 10 day or so taper built in to it.  I also figured out that I am starting the 8 week plan a week early, so I can add some more running into it.  Recovery for me should be a couple of days.  As far as time goal - let's just say it will be a personal victory just to complete the race - realistically, I figure 2:30 or so... 

2009-07-27 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I am doing an Olympic 10/10 and plan on running a 1/2 marathon 11/1. I have run 12.5 miles before and 10-12 quite a few time this year. I plan to spend the three weeks in between mostly running (heck swimming should be over by then anyway.) and shoot for a sub 2-hour run. I am not going to knock myself out orr get carried away, but I think it will be good mental prep for the winter as I plan to race a 1/2IM next year.

Go for it.

2009-07-27 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Nice, Doug and Andy! 
As for me, I'm formally going to state that I am training for the California International Marathon on December 6th!  
2009-07-27 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2310967

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-07-27 1:52 PM

gadgetlaw - 2009-07-27 3:08 PM Well, I finished my race on Sunday.  I almost packed up and went home after the swim!  But, I finished.  I haven't done a race report because I think I am too embarrassed!   Enough said for now.  I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did!

You have nothing to embarrassed about - nothing at all.  We are all proud of you for getting out there and finishing the race.  Sometimes finishing is the victory!  You persevered, overcame, and conquered!  Too many others sat at home and did nothing - but you did not - it sounds like you had to dig deep and find the guts  to finish.  Check out your own sig line if you still doubt yourself!  Ma'am - you have my respect!


Very well said, Andy!!!  X4 on the sentiment, Karen, we are super proud of you.   

2009-07-27 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2311042

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

DougRob - 2009-07-27 4:11 PM Andy:

I am doing an Olympic 10/10 and plan on running a 1/2 marathon 11/1. I have run 12.5 miles before and 10-12 quite a few time this year. I plan to spend the three weeks in between mostly running (heck swimming should be over by then anyway.) and shoot for a sub 2-hour run. I am not going to knock myself out orr get carried away, but I think it will be good mental prep for the winter as I plan to race a 1/2IM next year.

Go for it.


Doug after this amount of time with you in the MG, I am not sure you can pull off the above highlighted statement... 

2009-07-27 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2310967

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-07-27 1:52 PM

gadgetlaw - 2009-07-27 3:08 PM Well, I finished my race on Sunday.  I almost packed up and went home after the swim!  But, I finished.  I haven't done a race report because I think I am too embarrassed!   Enough said for now.  I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did!

You have nothing to embarrassed about - nothing at all.  We are all proud of you for getting out there and finishing the race.  Sometimes finishing is the victory!  You persevered, overcame, and conquered!  Too many others sat at home and did nothing - but you did not - it sounds like you had to dig deep and find the guts  to finish.  Check out your own sig line if you still doubt yourself!  Ma'am - you have my respect!



Karen you showed unbelievable courage and willpower to keep going!  You should be excited.  You are one tough cookie!  Hat's off to you!  Just think, from here on out it will only get easier for you.  Just remember how tough you were this weekend!  Each foot forward is a greater breakthrough!

I am proud of you!  Remember Lance always says: Pain is temporary.  Quitting last forever!
2009-07-27 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2311066

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-27 2:22 PM Nice, Doug and Andy! 
As for me, I'm formally going to state that I am training for the California International Marathon on December 6th!  

2009-07-27 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I came across this race report while thread surfing...  Amazing - everyone, especially those that are parents, sould read....


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