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2009-08-04 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2327443

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BigReub - 2009-08-04 1:42 PM BTW, my wife and I sneaked into the lake where our sprint is this weekend (it's a private community) for a little swim.  I probably actually swam about 200 yards. But we kicked around for about 20 minutes just to get comfortable.

Now, going back to a conversation we all had earlier, not having the pool bottom or sides to look at made it much easier to go a given distance.  I feel better now than ever concerning the swim.

My only concern is I may swim in a circle.  I turn hard to the right.  My coach and I decided to get thru the race and then get to work on this - which he attributed to not rotating good enough to my left.  Which is why I have a hard time breathing on my left.

I also bought my wife a Trek 7.3FX yesterday.  She LOVES it!  I moved everything over to it last night so she can use it for the race this weekend.  Now she thinks she can beat my bike time.
She has one concern - it only has lugs for one water bottle.  Any suggestions for additional bottles for her?

Man I didn't realize your wife was racing this weekend too. Very cool.  Is she up here on BT?

Awesome that you feel better in the water.  I was hoping that would be the case. 

Just site more often on the swim. Not that big of a deal.  And of course you'll be able to use the others around you for a bit of guidance.  You 'll know you are going the wrong way when you are swimming perpendicular to most other's Laughing  Wow!  I just looked a the course maps.  When you return on the swim you cross paths of those going out.  That could fun. 

Cool news about the bike!  One bottle should be plenty for the ride.  If not a behind the seat cage or she can throw a cycling jersey in T1 and a bottle in the back pocket.  That's gonna add some time though

edit... I just noticed  Karen was on the podium at this race last year, wonder if she can provide some good course recon for you.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-08-04 2:34 PM

2009-08-04 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2327516

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 3:02 PM
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-04 1:25 PM Okay, I need a little help here.  I am starting to freak out  a little.  Today, my plan called for a brick (1hr bike, 30min run).  I got both done, but I was completely out of gas at the end of my run.  I mean, like nothing left.  Actually, I did not even feel good coming off the bike.  I will say this, I had a good, long swim yesterday and I had the bike in the big ring the entire time, pushing the hills, ran a 8:45/mile pace on the run (fast for me), and it was 90 degrees.  Maybe I am expecting too much from myself.  I don't know.  I have 8 weeks left until my HIM and all of a sudden, not feeling real good about it anymore.

I think Andy and Reub got it.  I'd also add that that's an interesting comment about expecting too much from myself.  Looking at your logs I'd say you might have gone out to hard, especially on the run in those conditions. This heat we are having is a b*tch.  Everyone I know is talking about it and how it just takes so much out of you. 

You had a great breakthrough last night in the pool.  This is the time you need to fall back on that mental training as from here until raceday this is a huge part of the prep.  The mental game might be the biggest challenge of the whole adventure.  It definitly was for the biggest for me.  Bike was a close second ;-)

You should feel very good about yourself right now because you are doing great.  And that ain't just smoke up the backside.

Chris,  I agree with Andy, Reub and John.  Not every day is going to be stellar...I'm coming off a few rough ones myself  : )  But I will also add that if this is your first brick of this length it is going to take it all out of you and not feel too good.  With time and repetition it will feel better...that's why you are doing it before your HIM.  Come race day you will be use to the feeling and it won't be as bad  : )  Please don't make a lot out of the distance of an HIM.  Just think of it as an opportunity to have more fun over a longer period of time    It really is a matter of relaxing, trusting your training - if you keep the training as you have been you are going to be in great shape from a training perspective - and having fun.   Seriously, your traininly looks strong, so relax.   Let the rough training days go and enjoy the breakthroughs!!!   You will rock in 8 weeks !!!
2009-08-04 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2327332

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-08-04 11:06 AM Patent agents and attorneys too for that matter, must take the patent bar exam (it is now given on-line). To qualify one must have a math, science or engineering degree from an accredited school. So you qualify. With your legal background and desireable technical degree you should be able to find people interested in hiring you. There are a lot of patent firms in NY. I know people at quite a few. If this is at all interesting let me know, I can answer lots of questions. BTW the pay is not to bad either.

Hmmmm, this is interesting.  I too have a science background and toyed with the idea of patent law.  Good to know.  Off to do a little surfing now. Thanks for the tip.

Hey, Tracy, didn't know they had waves in NC....the surf was bad here this morning.  No wind.  Would've been a perfect day for a bike ride, though.  Darn how work gets in the way of training!  and Surfing

On the pre-workout food question, I am a morning workout person, also, and pre-swims never eat, pre-run, never eat, pre bike always eat.  I bring gu for the longer swims (more than one hour) and will take it with water a few minutes before getting in. 

So far I just bring gu for runs longer than 8 miles, but I know I should eat my pre race meal at least 90 min before my long runs from now on and have decided that for marathon training, I am going to do this if it kills me.  Even if I have to wake up at 4 to eat.  I am considering fuel for marathon training long runs, but I have never been able to take in sports drinks on runs...and have been sort of ok with water and gels.  Although, at mile 9 of my half marathon, my stomach got all crazy, I think it was because when I took my gu, I had to take it with gatorade, because there wasn't water at that station.  So, not sure about Infinit at this point.  Lots of time to try different things.

Oh, to Dannett...remember what you have overcome!  You are a strong, capable woman who can do pretty much anything you want to do!  The evidence is right here, right now!    Be happy in what you do.  You definitely deserve it.  This is definitely a great group, one that I've learned lots from (including from you).

Oh, to John, I think Fred Flintstone Rocks!!! 

Reuben, good luck and have fun this you and your only have one first tri!
2009-08-04 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2327443

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

For the sprint itself, one water bottle should be enough. For longer rides xlab and hydrotail make behind the seat hydration systems, and if she has aerobars there are numerous systems for between the bars.

2009-08-04 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2327400

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-04 1:25 PM Okay, I need a little help here.  I am starting to freak out  a little.  Today, my plan called for a brick (1hr bike, 30min run).  I got both done, but I was completely out of gas at the end of my run.  I mean, like nothing left.  Actually, I did not even feel good coming off the bike.  I will say this, I had a good, long swim yesterday and I had the bike in the big ring the entire time, pushing the hills, ran a 8:45/mile pace on the run (fast for me), and it was 90 degrees.  Maybe I am expecting too much from myself.  I don't know.  I have 8 weeks left until my HIM and all of a sudden, not feeling real good about it anymore.

Big question, how hard did you push the bike? do you train in Power or Zones? Reason I ask is if I sit in Z4/5, I am pretty gassed heading into the run.   I hovered in Z4 85% of the time when riding the LG HIM course last week and I could barely muster Z2 on the run and had to walk up the biggest hills.  I realize you might be able to get a little more out of things in a shorter brick, but still it was 90F.  Cut yourself a little slack and go a little easier on the bike next time and see if that helps!!!

Doug---you're a lawyer?  Wouldn't have guessed that in a million years.  Not that there is anything wrong it with it.....just always interesting to find out something new about people.

Reuben--I tend to drift to the left when I swim.  I am a single sided right breather. My swimming teacher always tells me to bring my right hand out a little further to compensate for the drift.  Might try that to see if it helps.  I know when I remember to do it, it works for me.

2009-08-04 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Thanks everyone.  I think I am just going to have to chaulk it up to "one of those days".  I signed up for a sprint on the 16th and tried to somewhat simulate race conditions minus the swim, but bust the bike hard.  As I said earlier, I tried to keep it all in the big ring and in my aerobars- even on the 10% grades to help my fitness.  It's not feasible for me to race like this.  In training, I have done up to 48b/3r, so I shouldn't be too worried.

I think it was just kind of that panic thing.  I will say that I have not had too many days like these, but man do they suck! 

Happy Training!

Edited by Jeepguy2358 2009-08-04 3:38 PM

2009-08-04 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2327846

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 4:37 PM
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-04 1:25 PM Okay, I need a little help here.  I am starting to freak out  a little.  Today, my plan called for a brick (1hr bike, 30min run).  I got both done, but I was completely out of gas at the end of my run.  I mean, like nothing left.  Actually, I did not even feel good coming off the bike.  I will say this, I had a good, long swim yesterday and I had the bike in the big ring the entire time, pushing the hills, ran a 8:45/mile pace on the run (fast for me), and it was 90 degrees.  Maybe I am expecting too much from myself.  I don't know.  I have 8 weeks left until my HIM and all of a sudden, not feeling real good about it anymore.

Big question, how hard did you push the bike? do you train in Power or Zones? Reason I ask is if I sit in Z4/5, I am pretty gassed heading into the run.   I hovered in Z4 85% of the time when riding the LG HIM course last week and I could barely muster Z2 on the run and had to walk up the biggest hills.  I realize you might be able to get a little more out of things in a shorter brick, but still it was 90F.  Cut yourself a little slack and go a little easier on the bike next time and see if that helps!!!

Doug---you're a lawyer?  Wouldn't have guessed that in a million years.  Not that there is anything wrong it with it.....just always interesting to find out something new about people.

Reuben--I tend to drift to the left when I swim.  I am a single sided right breather. My swimming teacher always tells me to bring my right hand out a little further to compensate for the drift.  Might try that to see if it helps.  I know when I remember to do it, it works for me.

Thanks Suzy.  I train in Zones.  Looking at my Garmin, I was pretty much high Z3 / low 4.  I know I pushed it too hard though.  I guess it's hard to have both - an all out effort on the bike and a decent run.  I wouldn't normally do that.  I guess I was just getting a little greedy.
2009-08-04 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I was talking to Coach Steve today about the right effort for my Sunday Oly given we are supposed to experience 90F for the first time all summer. His advice Z3 on the bike and then only that so long as I can continue to get calories in the system.  Otherwise my speedy bike will only result in a pathetically slow run (his words--he doesn't mess around).  The good thing is you learned it in training.  And who knows maybe it will be cooler on race day and then you can take it up a notch!

2009-08-04 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Everyone has already said something to you, and you have responded, but a bad day REALLY is A GOOD DAY!  We grow from it.  Just ask Andy's child after they crashed into a fire hydrant.

We learn from the rough days....
2009-08-04 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2328212

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Did my reps tonight
21, 27, 21, 21, 50 = 140

Also threw in what we always called 6 inches... not sure what it is really called, where you lie on your back and have your feet together 6 inches off the ground, did that for 60 seconds.

+ 20 twisting crunches to each side.

Figure if I am going to take the time to do the situps might as well work the rest of the area.
2009-08-04 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
LOL! I sent Chrissie an offer for free beer in Zurich on FB today. Damn if she isn't going back to Roth.

Today at 10:13am
Hey Chrissie: I just signed up for Switzerland! My first IM! Come rock it with me and I'll by all your beer after the race! You might be getting to the finish line a "little" faster than me so I'll tell my wife to pack a cooler and you can hoist some while waiting on me!

You are AWESOME and an incredible inspiration!

Later... John


Today at 4:38pm

awesome.....! no backing out now......!!
i doubt i will be in Zurich, because i might try and beat my own world record in Roth...
happy training, and stay safe!
C x

2009-08-04 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2328345

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 7:44 PM LOL! I sent Chrissie an offer for free beer in Zurich on FB today. Damn if she isn't going back to Roth.

Today at 10:13am
Hey Chrissie: I just signed up for Switzerland! My first IM! Come rock it with me and I'll by all your beer after the race! You might be getting to the finish line a "little" faster than me so I'll tell my wife to pack a cooler and you can hoist some while waiting on me!

You are AWESOME and an incredible inspiration!

Later... John


Today at 4:38pm

awesome.....! no backing out now......!!
i doubt i will be in Zurich, because i might try and beat my own world record in Roth...
happy training, and stay safe!
C x

Are you pulling our chains?  What is the C x?

Hey Chris---I had the chance to hit a home run on the suckmeter during OWS tonight.  And to Steve's point I learned something valuable.  I need to get my rear to class more often!

2009-08-04 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2328361

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 7:54 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 7:44 PM LOL! I sent Chrissie an offer for free beer in Zurich on FB today. Damn if she isn't going back to Roth.

Today at 10:13am
Hey Chrissie: I just signed up for Switzerland! My first IM! Come rock it with me and I'll by all your beer after the race! You might be getting to the finish line a "little" faster than me so I'll tell my wife to pack a cooler and you can hoist some while waiting on me!

You are AWESOME and an incredible inspiration!

Later... John


Today at 4:38pm

awesome.....! no backing out now......!!
i doubt i will be in Zurich, because i might try and beat my own world record in Roth...
happy training, and stay safe!
C x

Are you pulling our chains?  What is the C x?

Hey Chris---I had the chance to hit a home run on the suckmeter during OWS tonight.  And to Steve's point I learned something valuable.  I need to get my rear to class more often!


Nope.  No BS .. that's her.  C x is her signature. 
2009-08-04 8:04 PM
in reply to: #2328345

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 7:44 PM LOL! I sent Chrissie an offer for free beer in Zurich on FB today. Damn if she isn't going back to Roth.

Today at 10:13am
Hey Chrissie: I just signed up for Switzerland! My first IM! Come rock it with me and I'll by all your beer after the race! You might be getting to the finish line a "little" faster than me so I'll tell my wife to pack a cooler and you can hoist some while waiting on me!

You are AWESOME and an incredible inspiration!

Later... John

Today at 4:38pm

awesome.....! no backing out now......!!
i doubt i will be in Zurich, because i might try and beat my own world record in Roth...
happy training, and stay safe!
C x


2009-08-04 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2328345

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 7:44 PM LOL! I sent Chrissie an offer for free beer in Zurich on FB today. Damn if she isn't going back to Roth.

Today at 10:13am
Hey Chrissie: I just signed up for Switzerland! My first IM! Come rock it with me and I'll by all your beer after the race! You might be getting to the finish line a "little" faster than me so I'll tell my wife to pack a cooler and you can hoist some while waiting on me!

You are AWESOME and an incredible inspiration!

Later... John


Today at 4:38pm

awesome.....! no backing out now......!!
i doubt i will be in Zurich, because i might try and beat my own world record in Roth...
happy training, and stay safe!
C x

JOHN...YOU SCARED HER OFF!  What's up with that?
2009-08-04 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2328387

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2009-08-04 8:08 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 7:44 PM LOL! I sent Chrissie an offer for free beer in Zurich on FB today. Damn if she isn't going back to Roth.

Today at 10:13am
Hey Chrissie: I just signed up for Switzerland! My first IM! Come rock it with me and I'll by all your beer after the race! You might be getting to the finish line a "little" faster than me so I'll tell my wife to pack a cooler and you can hoist some while waiting on me!

You are AWESOME and an incredible inspiration!

Later... John


Today at 4:38pm

awesome.....! no backing out now......!!
i doubt i will be in Zurich, because i might try and beat my own world record in Roth...
happy training, and stay safe!
C x

JOHN...YOU SCARED HER OFF!  What's up with that?

HOLY COW YOU ARE STILL YELLING AT ME.  I LOVE IT!!   Not scared...intimidated!

2009-08-04 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2326321

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-08-04 8:35 AM I sacrificed my lifting last night to get a swim warmup in before my run.Frown Had to do 5 miles on the TM and I have a hard time doing that w/ no warm up. So I did 1250yds then ran.  It was SO much better.  I thought about lifting afterwards but was a good girl and did my situps instead.  Does anyone else find the rep numbers weird?  I did each set as a different type of ab workout with the final max set as straight crunches. I've forgotten how hard V-ups and bicycle kick are.  WOW!!! 

Thought of Steve this morning.  Movie at spin class was IM Canada!!!

I like that idea of doing a different type of crunch w/ each set.  I did straight basic crunches tonight.

So my 200 situp report: initial test 80
First day - Week 3 Column 3
maxed out at 50

Next day is Friday.
2009-08-04 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2328367

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 5:57 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 7:54 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 7:44 PM LOL! I sent Chrissie an offer for free beer in Zurich on FB today. Damn if she isn't going back to Roth.

Today at 10:13am
Hey Chrissie: I just signed up for Switzerland! My first IM! Come rock it with me and I'll by all your beer after the race! You might be getting to the finish line a "little" faster than me so I'll tell my wife to pack a cooler and you can hoist some while waiting on me!

You are AWESOME and an incredible inspiration!

Later... John


Today at 4:38pm

awesome.....! no backing out now......!!
i doubt i will be in Zurich, because i might try and beat my own world record in Roth...
happy training, and stay safe!
C x

Are you pulling our chains?  What is the C x?

Hey Chris---I had the chance to hit a home run on the suckmeter during OWS tonight.  And to Steve's point I learned something valuable.  I need to get my rear to class more often!


Nope.  No BS .. that's her.  C x is her signature. 

SHUT UP SUCKA!!!! I *heart* Chrissie  omg 
2009-08-04 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2326560

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 9:43 AM
Tracy--I am a morning worker outer and I eat like a hog the first half of the day!  Good visual, huh?

I tend to be the same way but I'm digging these late afternoon/evening workouts this week.  Then I'm too tired to eat afterwards and go to bed.  Maybe that will be the "magic weight loss" pill I've been looking for.  LOL
2009-08-04 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
My abs are frickin KILLing me today.  I guess that is a good thing.  Can't wait for tomorrow's Day 2 of week 1.

And I'm doing baby stuff compared to Tony and Jeremy.  Hmm.  Gotta start somewhere.
2009-08-04 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2326842

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 10:59 AM I eat before every workout.  For non race events, it is usually a half a bagel with some Brummel and Brown spread, probably about 200 cals.  I am good to go within 30 minutes unless it is speedwork.  Then I need a little extra digesting time.  If I am racing, half marathon, marathon, sprint to Oly, I usually eat two pieces of non fiber toast with B&B and jelly 2 hours before race time.  I NEVER WORKOUT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! 

In my last 10m road race, Steve had me to 6oz of H20 and 1/3 gel 10 minutes before the start.  It was helpful.  Even those few calories helped my overall performance early in the race.

PS I always have a cup of coffee with soymilk creamer upon rising.  Very important for me to get the system rolling .

My favorite is toast and pb.  That seems to settle well in my stomach but keep it from grumbling.  My nutritional coach has me experimenting w/ empty stomach early AM workouts for the light ones like 30-45 min - low intensity.  She said that it helps teach the body to use its stores for fuel and not what you just ate (paraphasing of course).  Anyways, it been ok and I figure I'm saving 100-200 in those cases so over a month or so that could be a 1 lb.

2009-08-04 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2326943

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BigReub - 2009-08-04 11:22 AM You all sure have been busy...and I've been hiding.

Tracy, those pics of your daughter are awesome!  Reminded me of a conversation between my wife and me.  My wife and I have our first tri this Saturday.  We swam in the lake yesterday.  On the way home she mentioned getting the kids doing some tris.  I like the idea, but I had to point out their current activities - 2 baseball teams, football, 2 in basketball, softball, 2 in gymnastics - I think they are plenty busy.  Anyhow those pictures are really cool.

John, can't you pick an IM a little tougher to get too?Laughing  Good Luck.

Andy, your daughter hitting the fire hydrant - great story.  My older daughter would walk home and give up biking.  My son and younger daughter would both rip the hydrant out of the ground, p*ss on it, and then get back on the bike.  Funny how kids are different.

Now I have to brag.  My son's travel team played again this weekend.  They've had a decent year, but this weekend things clicked.  4-0 to win the tourney and outscored the competition 48-3.  Tiller and another boy (Alan) combined in the first game to give up only one run (netiher of them pitched the second game).  Then they both thru complete game shut outs on Sunday.  Tiller's shut out was against a BIG rival town 10 miles away so he was pumped.  In all Tiller pitched 6 shutout innings this weekend.  It was his second complete game and first shut out.  This summer, in his first year pitching, he's thrown two complete games, a no-hitter and a shut out.

That's awesome - your son must be so happy.  Congrats to the team!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-04 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2327850

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-04 3:38 PM

Thanks everyone.  I think I am just going to have to chaulk it up to "one of those days".  I signed up for a sprint on the 16th and tried to somewhat simulate race conditions minus the swim, but bust the bike hard.  As I said earlier, I tried to keep it all in the big ring and in my aerobars- even on the 10% grades to help my fitness.  It's not feasible for me to race like this.  In training, I have done up to 48b/3r, so I shouldn't be too worried.

I think it was just kind of that panic thing.  I will say that I have not had too many days like these, but man do they suck! 

Happy Training!

Ditto w/ everything else the group has said but I will pass along one more piece of advise from my last mentor group when I had some rough HIM training days. 

You are training for the race on X date not the workouts you are doing now.  The plans are designed to break you down and build you up for endurance of an HIM.  So don't sweat it esp. on a hot day.  No pun intended!
2009-08-04 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2328534

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-08-04 8:23 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 5:57 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 7:54 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 7:44 PM LOL! I sent Chrissie an offer for free beer in Zurich on FB today. Damn if she isn't going back to Roth.

Today at 10:13am
Hey Chrissie: I just signed up for Switzerland! My first IM! Come rock it with me and I'll by all your beer after the race! You might be getting to the finish line a "little" faster than me so I'll tell my wife to pack a cooler and you can hoist some while waiting on me!

You are AWESOME and an incredible inspiration!

Later... John


Today at 4:38pm

awesome.....! no backing out now......!!
i doubt i will be in Zurich, because i might try and beat my own world record in Roth...
happy training, and stay safe!
C x

Are you pulling our chains?  What is the C x?

Hey Chris---I had the chance to hit a home run on the suckmeter during OWS tonight.  And to Steve's point I learned something valuable.  I need to get my rear to class more often!


Nope.  No BS .. that's her.  C x is her signature. 

SHUT UP SUCKA!!!! I *heart* Chrissie  omg 

See John You should have went to Roth instead. Maybe you can switch it up. I dig Chrissie too. But I'm loving Lindsay Corbin after seeing her this weekend

Edited by TrevorC 2009-08-04 9:49 PM
2009-08-04 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2328322

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-08-04 6:31 PM Did my reps tonight
21, 27, 21, 21, 50 = 140

Also threw in what we always called 6 inches... not sure what it is really called, where you lie on your back and have your feet together 6 inches off the ground, did that for 60 seconds.

+ 20 twisting crunches to each side.

Figure if I am going to take the time to do the situps might as well work the rest of the area.

Who calls it that? You or Sam?Wink I had too....It was like a fastball down the middle.
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