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2009-08-05 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2329565

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Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
KSH - 2009-08-05 12:18 PM
KathyG - 2009-08-05 11:00 AM How horrible...I can't believe they can muck up so many times and don't do anything to resolve it.

Your friend's husband was amazing.

Your attitude about it is wonderful and so glad you got to talk to your son.

Are you going to find another IM to do soon with your fitness?

Airtran really dropped the ball like 10,000 times.

I hope to race IM Canada if my Mom is okay after surgery and I'm trying to figure out bike..bring with me on SWA or send TriBike Transport. Issue is timing of tri bike I will be out of town most likely when bike needs to be dropped off and if I don't do the race I'll be without my bike for 3+ weeks.. If not Canada I will do a different IM this year.
If you are going to be out of town can you... 1) Have a friend drop the bike off for you? 2) Have the bike shop hold the bike until it's time to hand it over to TriBike Transport? Maybe have someone you trust there sign it over? All I can say is that TriBike Transport is awesome. It's easy and worth every penny. Now if you don't do the race, won't TriBike Transport just bring it back after the race is over? Also, you have many bikes, can't you ride another one during those 3 weeks?

My husband could drop off my bike...but I don't want it to go unless I'm going to race. Drop off day is 3 days after my mom's surgery and she may still be in ICU..second bypass at 78 is tough. I'll be without my bike for almost 3 weeks between when I leave to go to MN to support my Mom and when bike will get there in Canada...long time before an IM.

Yep I do have other bikes, but if I don't do Canada I'm doing another IM. Riding my tri bike is one of my favorite things to do so not doing the race I'll need my bike therapy in a big way.

I have brought my bike 2x this year on SWA without any issues and it is $50 each way. I've already registered for Tri Bike Transport but may not use the service.

Thanks for the ideas Karen.

2009-08-05 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2329435

Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike

I would raise hell and continue to raise hell until they get sick of you and pay you back for the money you lost on the race you didn't get to do. And if they don't return your box, you'd better get them to reimburse you for the ENTIRETY of its contents. This is just unacceptable. And this is why I NEVER check bags and will NEVER fly with a bike or any large, expensive object that I have to check. I don't trust the airlines one bit - not a single airline. I don't fly often, but every time, there is always an issue or a problem. They rifle through your crap without cause, steal things, intentionally do not put baggage on the plane without telling you - all of this I've had happen to me or a family member. Not to mention the thousands of other horror stories I've heard on here, and elsewhere. Seriously, how effing difficult is it to put crap on a plane?

Un. Acc. Ceptable. And that REALLY sucks that you didn't get to race

2009-08-05 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2329435

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
You are such a better person than me, I would have had to sign the entry with "will update you when I am released from jail."  GL, hope this all works out and you at least get a few round trip tickets out of it.
2009-08-05 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2329435

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
Oh my God, that terrible, I'm so sorry!
And oh my God, how could you have possibly given them your bike AGAIN?! Tri-Bike Transport was likely right there on sight at Vineman you could have used. I just can't believe you used AirTran again.
2009-08-05 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2329435

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Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike

Judy...I am SOOO very sorry to read this terrible story! UGh! And like some of the others said, you handled it a lot better than I would have.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you get it back soon, and it's ok!

2009-08-05 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2329445

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2009-08-05 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2329435

The Original
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
Something to think about when flying with your bike- make sure that your flight(s) are on a larger carrier and not an expressjet.  When I was looking into my Cozumel flights I talked to a Continental rep about fees to fly with me bike.  She made sure to tell me that if I was on an express jet (which was likely if I had a connection) then the airline cannot guarantee that my bike would get there the same time as me since the aircraft was smaller.  It would eventually end up arriving, but on a later flight that had room for it.  Apparently they hold oversized/overweight luggage and put in on the place last if they have room??  I'm so glad she told me this as I had no idea.  I'm hoping that being on a direct flight may help eliminate this issue.  I triec to go with a smaller bike case so it would look more like a large piece of luggage instead of a bike case- I hope they are fooled

But...that scenario still does not explain how Air Tran sent the bike to Puerto Rico instead of CA.  That to me itself is amazing.  You just never know with airlines- if tri bike transport was trucking bikes to a race I'd do that before flying with it.  But with Cozumel I don't have that option.
2009-08-05 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike

Props to you for maintaining your composure with all the incompetence around you.  Bummer that you missed an "A" race (and yes, you should include the race fees as part of the damages). 

We loaded the bike box in the back of the car to drive 2500 miles to Coeur D'Alene (and another 2500 back, although we did consider shipping it back). 

2009-08-05 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike

Simply stunning!  So sorry that a wonderful experience was done in by some guy loading luggage!
2009-08-05 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2329715

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2009-08-05 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike

This really sucks!  I think a race I'm doing next yeat (assuming I can get in) I'll have to ship my bike.  You're story will be on my mind.  Thanks for posting this as it caused me to think about what I would do.  

If this happens to me next year, I will go to a LBS and rent a bike for the race.  If nothing is available, I'll go to Wal-mart and buy the best (cheap) bike I can find.



2009-08-05 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
This thread is the posterchild reason to use TriBike Transport ... your bike gets there and you get a nifty Headsqeats visor.  From AirTran you get ________ (<= family website wont print what I was thinking.)
2009-08-05 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
OMG that is awful!

I'm flying with my bike at the end of this month to Chicago to do the Chicago Sprint with a college friend. I'm on a direct flight on Southwest so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the bike makes it, but I'll make sure to put none of my gear in the box with it. I hope you get your bike back soon!
2009-08-05 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
WoW is all i can say!!!!
2009-08-05 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
Wow - that's awful.  Sorry you missed your race.  Hope they find your bike!
2009-08-05 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
Wow.  That sucks big time.  You handled it much better than I would have.  I would probably still be in jail in San Francisco if it happened to me. 

BTW - Tri Bike Transport rocks.  I used it for several races.  It is so worth it. 

2009-08-05 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
Your situation absolutely sucks.  But I think it's the exception, not the rule.

I have flown with my bike several times and if you include the people I've let borrow my bike box several countries.  Never had a problem.  Other than the cost that is.  I always carry everything with me to race (pedals also) so that I can just 'borrow/rent/steal' a bike if something happens.

Like some have said, call ahead and see what type of plane you're likely to be on and ensure it's big enough for your bike box.  Also get ther early enough that it's in the front of the 'queue'.

Not to pick on you, but you really should have known how to put your bike together and you could have raced.  Also, I bet a race like Vineman would have bent over backwards to help you out with a loaner bike.

Finally, what most people don't realize is that if they happen to lose your bike, you will get the same amount per pound as someone that has a suitcase of the same weight in clothes.  I think it's like $5/lb.  So for your 50# bike box that contains a $5,000 bike you will get $250.  That's why I have a rider on my bike to cover anything that happens to it.
2009-08-05 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
Wow.  That totally stinks.  I've flown with my bike so many times without it ever turning up missing (knocking on wood as I type)...I can't imagine that happening twice in a row like that.  And how the HECK did it end up in San Juan?????  I mean, San Fran/San Juan...okay, I could see it...but that's why the dang things have BARCODES for crying out loud!

As an aside...anything that I couldn't somehow replace or borrow at the expo COMES ON THE AIRPLANE WITH ME AND NEVER LEAVES MY POSSESSION.  This includes my bike shoes (custom fit by Andy Pruitt at the BCSM), custom orthotics, race day clothes, etc.  I figure I can buy more nutrition or a helmet, borrow a bike, and I can even buy new shoes of the same model I'd been wearing...but if it is something I can't race without I won't even put it in regular checked baggage.

FWIW I would have tried to get the bike box to transition that morning and told the RD the story and I bet he would have bent over backwards to make sure your stuff was put together by the bike folks in time for the bike leg and such.
2009-08-05 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2330043

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
Marvarnett - 2009-08-05 2:04 PM
Not to pick on you, but you really should have known how to put your bike together and you could have raced.  Also, I bet a race like Vineman would have bent over backwards to help you out with a loaner bike.

Indeed, the onsite bike tech support could have been made aware of your situation and had a mechanic available to put you bike together in a New York min.
2009-08-05 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2330043

The Original
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
Marvarnett - 2009-08-05 3:04 PM Your situation absolutely sucks.  But I think it's the exception, not the rule.

I have flown with my bike several times and if you include the people I've let borrow my bike box several countries.  Never had a problem.  Other than the cost that is.  I always carry everything with me to race (pedals also) so that I can just 'borrow/rent/steal' a bike if something happens.

Like some have said, call ahead and see what type of plane you're likely to be on and ensure it's big enough for your bike box.  Also get ther early enough that it's in the front of the 'queue'.

Not to pick on you, but you really should have known how to put your bike together and you could have raced.  Also, I bet a race like Vineman would have bent over backwards to help you out with a loaner bike.

Finally, what most people don't realize is that if they happen to lose your bike, you will get the same amount per pound as someone that has a suitcase of the same weight in clothes.  I think it's like $5/lb.  So for your 50# bike box that contains a $5,000 bike you will get $250.  That's why I have a rider on my bike to cover anything that happens to it.

Educate me please.  What do I need to do before flying with my bike to couzmel?  If anything were to happen to it, do I need to purchase additional insurance for it?  Is that something I get through the airline itself or how does that work?
2009-08-05 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2330064

Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
runnergirl - 2009-08-05 3:11 PM

Finally, what most people don't realize is that if they happen to lose your bike, you will get the same amount per pound as someone that has a suitcase of the same weight in clothes.  I think it's like $5/lb.  So for your 50# bike box that contains a $5,000 bike you will get $250.  That's why I have a rider on my bike to cover anything that happens to it.

Educate me please.  What do I need to do before flying with my bike to couzmel?  If anything were to happen to it, do I need to purchase additional insurance for it?  Is that something I get through the airline itself or how does that work?

In addition to my Home owners insurance, I have a rider for my bikes and our Jewlery.  So if someone steals my bike or something happens to it, it gets replaced and there is no deductible.  It's in addition to my Homeowners insurance.  It costs me about $50 every 6 months.

The airline will not give you any kind of insurance for your bike outside of the pound price that they are required to give you.  Even if you claim a higher value, that even has limits that are usually well below our replacement cost. 

Contact your insurance company.  Renters insurance can have a rider as well, I think.

2009-08-05 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
That really really stinks. I would definately contact Air Tran Corporate/main customer service and see about some form of monetary compensation to cover your travel expenses and race entry. It wont make up for missing what I have heard is a great course but might help a little. Doesn't an airline have an obligation to get your baggage that you pay to have arrive with you to you in a timely manner??? This reminds me a little bit of my Friend who flew to mexico for a family vacation from college. He checked his bag, got on the plane. When he met his family at the airport, his luggage did not go with him apparently. He was down there for 8 days and finally when he was litteraly in the airport about to board he got a call that they had his luggage and it was on a courrier to his hotel already...(the airline ended up giving him a refund to help cover all the cloths he had to get when down there anyway)

Still good luck in getting the bike bake this time and hopefully Air Tran does something to make up for all of this
2009-08-05 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike

What a mess!  Hoping for a quick return of your bike - for the second time!

And, more importantly, so happy you were able to talk with your son!  I know we all appreciate his service!!

2009-08-05 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2329435

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Air Tran lost my bike
OMG, that's the worst lost luggage story I've ever heard.  I am so, so sorry that Air Tran did this to you.  I generally avoid that airline, due to similar experiences happening to mine and my friends' luggage on a couple different occasions. 
2009-08-05 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2330118

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