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2011-11-02 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
I'm in !

Great challenge, I'm not looking so much for weight loss as much as I'm looking to lean up, the scale says my bodyfat is 30% which is way more than I want to carry around for 70.3 miles this spring

2011-11-02 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3748233

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
kimmax - 2011-11-02 8:36 AM

Blanda - 2011-11-01 9:03 PM I'm so serious this time. I accidentally dropped a spoonful of Nutella in my mouth while making a sandwich for the girl, realized my mistake, and spit it right out. It's on.

That's hilarious!  woo hoo!  Way to stay focused!

I'm on it, doggonit! I did very well yesterday, as hard as it is not to dig into that Nutella... and eat the chocolate chips in the fridge (...or the ice cream in the freezer...etc)

2011-11-02 5:29 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

I am in too, whatever that means. I had partial success last time. I will suck it up (or is that suck it in) and take some pictures this weekend.

2011-11-03 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Day 1 tomorrow!  I will be taking pics in the morning!
2011-11-03 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
I have a scale that reads bodyfat can I use that and body measurements or do I need calipers?
2011-11-03 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3805616

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

kenb - 2011-11-03 12:46 PM I have a scale that reads bodyfat can I use that and body measurements or do I need calipers?


Definitely use the scale.  I am learning to set my scale up tonight.  I know we all want accuracy but in reality a consistent measurement tool is really what is needed to compare change.  Consistent error is better than accuracy until we really want to know how "fit" we are in my opinion.

2011-11-03 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3787151

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

AbbieR - 2011-11-03 8:17 AM Day 1 tomorrow!  I will be taking pics in the morning!

Me too (yikes--reality just set in especially since I just saw my double chin in our halloween photos).

2011-11-03 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

It's day one for me here on the other side of the world. I'll get my picture (EEEEEEEK!!) up and my other details when I get a moment to later. I've already lost 4.4 pounds since the 1st. Been tracking and the tediousness of doing that makes me eat less, and that's helped, plus pretty sure I had a really salty meal the night before initial weigh in. Been hitting the calorie minimum though. Go, me!

2011-11-03 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Back from vacation and things are not as bad as they could have been. Got on the spreadsheet. 

2011-11-03 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3810891

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Blanda - 2011-11-03 2:56 PM

It's day one for me here on the other side of the world. I'll get my picture (EEEEEEEK!!) up and my other details when I get a moment to later. I've already lost 4.4 pounds since the 1st. Been tracking and the tediousness of doing that makes me eat less, and that's helped, plus pretty sure I had a really salty meal the night before initial weigh in. Been hitting the calorie minimum though. Go, me!

Good idea---eat lots of salt tonight so my first week will rock!  Oh no...bad idea---I might tip the scale over 200lbs which I DO NOT WANT TO DO EVER AGAIN!

How is Guam?  I think my snake of the day tomorrow will be the brown tree snake!

2011-11-03 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Cam -
I accept the challenge to reduce my body fat, increase my lean muscle mass, and improve my mental well-being.    I commit fully to training for a weight loss of 18 pounds over the next 9 weeks.
My goal is to get down to within a few pounds of my racing weight for IMAZ, thats 380 days away.  But with many solid training days, between now and then, this is the time to focus of weight loss..  I smile thinking how much better I will feel when I cross the finish line of my first IM at 26 pounds lighter.

My swim coach just told me "I need  more core work."  That sounds like code for - You're soft around the middle.  My friends tried to cover for me with, 'but he's usually fit during racing season.'  Yikes. 

I'm in!!!


2011-11-03 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3810950

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
cayrip - 2011-11-03 7:27 PM
Blanda - 2011-11-03 2:56 PM

It's day one for me here on the other side of the world. I'll get my picture (EEEEEEEK!!) up and my other details when I get a moment to later. I've already lost 4.4 pounds since the 1st. Been tracking and the tediousness of doing that makes me eat less, and that's helped, plus pretty sure I had a really salty meal the night before initial weigh in. Been hitting the calorie minimum though. Go, me!

Good idea---eat lots of salt tonight so my first week will rock!  Oh no...bad idea---I might tip the scale over 200lbs which I DO NOT WANT TO DO EVER AGAIN!

How is Guam?  I think my snake of the day tomorrow will be the brown tree snake!

You're doing weigh-in right. Drink about 3 beers too.

What do you means "snake of the DAY"? You see snakes daily? DO NOT LIKE! I scream like the chic in the scary movies when I see those. Even if they're lying dead on the side of the road. 

Let's do this, guys! I'm pumped. I wanna look hawt in my Christmas gown this year!

2011-11-03 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3818632

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Blanda - 2011-11-03 8:17 PM
cayrip - 2011-11-03 7:27 PM
Blanda - 2011-11-03 2:56 PM

It's day one for me here on the other side of the world. I'll get my picture (EEEEEEEK!!) up and my other details when I get a moment to later. I've already lost 4.4 pounds since the 1st. Been tracking and the tediousness of doing that makes me eat less, and that's helped, plus pretty sure I had a really salty meal the night before initial weigh in. Been hitting the calorie minimum though. Go, me!

Good idea---eat lots of salt tonight so my first week will rock!  Oh no...bad idea---I might tip the scale over 200lbs which I DO NOT WANT TO DO EVER AGAIN!

How is Guam?  I think my snake of the day tomorrow will be the brown tree snake!

You're doing weigh-in right. Drink about 3 beers too.

What do you means "snake of the DAY"? You see snakes daily? DO NOT LIKE! I scream like the chic in the scary movies when I see those. Even if they're lying dead on the side of the road. 

Let's do this, guys! I'm pumped. I wanna look hawt in my Christmas gown this year!

That will only encourage him to post it in your blog.
2011-11-03 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Hi Body compers! In my rush to get ready to get on the road today for our trip I forgot to get pics or measurements. I did weigh in though and am down 1.5 lbs since the 1st. Measurements and pics will just have to wait until I get back on the 13th. Hopefully, I can behave myself enough while traveling to keep the scale going the right direction.

Congrats on the weight loss, blanda!

2011-11-03 11:25 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Great Job Everyone I am down 2 pounds so far and tomorrow will weigh and do bf%, water% and lena muscle%. I can not find my tape measure anywhere.... I have had three great clean eating days and stayed at 1500cal with plenty of fruit and veg and herbal tea instead of coffee.
2011-11-04 5:27 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Weight on 11/4/11: 139.4
Current BMI: 26.3 (Overweight!!)
Caliper test: I don't have a caliper! (I'll see if I can find one somewhere)

Goal weight: 132
Goal BMI: 24.9
Body fat goal: Less than what I have now!
Mental health goal: Feel better about my performance in all activities.
Good habit goal: I need to rein in my poor eating habits. I need to not rely on food for comfort all the time.


Sorry. I couldn't bring myself to do a butt shot. It was just too painful. This is my trouble zone. My thick, chicken wing and wine fed waist and hips.

OK, I'm feeling very exposed... and fluffy. Off to put it in my log, somehow.

JUDI: I do not want snake pictures! He better not. I might cry!
RONI: Thanks so much!

Congratulations for some lost pounds already, guys!

Edited by Blanda 2011-11-04 5:47 AM

2011-11-04 6:21 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Hi guys, I'd really love to join round 2 if I can.  I need to get back on plan.  My goals are to get down to 135 pounds.  In order to do this I actually need to start working out regularly again.  I've been letting too many things have been getting in the way lately.  My other big problem point is when I get home.  I am good about eating during the day until I get home.  But once I walk in the door, I start stuffing my face with little bits here and there while I make dinner.  Then I STILL eat a while dinner after all that!

I did weigh in this morning at 144.3.  I need to do some measurements and take a pic but that will have to be later..  must get #2 on the bus!

2011-11-04 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Good morning and welcome to the official start of the second round!  YAY!

I've updated the spreadsheet with my weight (146.6... damn mac n cheese last night...), and will measure and take pictures tomorrow morning (just no time before work, and I refuse to do that any time other than first thing in the morning...heh).

I'm excited about this.  Last time through I was in the middle of marathon training, and knew that it would be difficult since all I was doing was running.  This time around?  No excuses.  Focusing on losing inches, thinking that weight will probably follow along with since I'm definitely fluffy.  

Doing crossfit 3x week, and heavy lifting 2-3x week ... and so far absolutely loving it.  Filling in the gaps with shorter run/bike sessions.  I would say I'm 90% off of sweets, snacks, processed foods... I'm still probably taking in too many calories, but it's mostly stuff that's at least vaguely healthy.

I'm determined to get this right this time!  And this will be just what I need to push me through the holidays unscathed!

On a side note, I had a DEXA scan to determine body fat right after my marathon (about 3 weeks ago) and came in at 30% (not surprising).  I have until mid-February to bring that down 4% to get another 2 DEXA scans FREE!  So - that's my secondary goal.  I'm assuming that if I do everything else right, the body fat % will come down along with everything else.

2011-11-04 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3821801

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
QueenZipp - 2011-11-03 7:31 PM
Blanda - 2011-11-03 8:17 PM
cayrip - 2011-11-03 7:27 PM
Blanda - 2011-11-03 2:56 PM

It's day one for me here on the other side of the world. I'll get my picture (EEEEEEEK!!) up and my other details when I get a moment to later. I've already lost 4.4 pounds since the 1st. Been tracking and the tediousness of doing that makes me eat less, and that's helped, plus pretty sure I had a really salty meal the night before initial weigh in. Been hitting the calorie minimum though. Go, me!

Good idea---eat lots of salt tonight so my first week will rock!  Oh no...bad idea---I might tip the scale over 200lbs which I DO NOT WANT TO DO EVER AGAIN!

How is Guam?  I think my snake of the day tomorrow will be the brown tree snake!

You're doing weigh-in right. Drink about 3 beers too.

What do you means "snake of the DAY"? You see snakes daily? DO NOT LIKE! I scream like the chic in the scary movies when I see those. Even if they're lying dead on the side of the road. 

Let's do this, guys! I'm pumped. I wanna look hawt in my Christmas gown this year!

That will only encourage him to post it in your blog.


2011-11-04 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3813527

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Fit4Infinity - 2011-11-03 4:31 PM

Cam -
I accept the challenge to reduce my body fat, increase my lean muscle mass, and improve my mental well-being.    I commit fully to training for a weight loss of 18 pounds over the next 9 weeks.
My goal is to get down to within a few pounds of my racing weight for IMAZ, thats 380 days away.  But with many solid training days, between now and then, this is the time to focus of weight loss..  I smile thinking how much better I will feel when I cross the finish line of my first IM at 26 pounds lighter.

My swim coach just told me "I need  more core work."  That sounds like code for - You're soft around the middle.  My friends tried to cover for me with, 'but he's usually fit during racing season.'  Yikes. 

I'm in!!!



Alright Mark!  Welcome.

2011-11-04 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

I will post a "Snake of the Day" from my training logs here in honor of Blanda since she lives on Guam.

Snake of the Day - Brown tree snake (Photo by Gordon Rhoda who leads the USGS invasive snake project)--if you want more information on this species and its impacts as an invasive species, please go here: 



2011-11-04 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3822026

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
StartingToTri - 2011-11-04 5:33 AM

Good morning and welcome to the official start of the second round!  YAY!

I've updated the spreadsheet with my weight (146.6... damn mac n cheese last night...), and will measure and take pictures tomorrow morning (just no time before work, and I refuse to do that any time other than first thing in the morning...heh).

I am right there with you on this.  I weighed in at 199lbs but had to get to work so no photos.  I will get them though as they REALLY hold me accountable and get me active.  Just look at my old training logs---when I post photos, I train.  When I don't post photos, I drink, eat like sh^t and sit on my a$$.

2011-11-04 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays


 (Still waiting for some pictures so I don't feel so fluffy by myself... )

Edited by Blanda 2011-11-04 8:24 AM
2011-11-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3821992

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Blanda - 2011-11-04 6:27 AM

Weight on 11/4/11: 139.4
Current BMI: 26.3 (Overweight!!)
Caliper test: I don't have a caliper! (I'll see if I can find one somewhere)

Goal weight: 132
Goal BMI: 24.9
Body fat goal: Less than what I have now!
Mental health goal: Feel better about my performance in all activities.
Good habit goal: I need to rein in my poor eating habits. I need to not rely on food for comfort all the time.


Sorry. I couldn't bring myself to do a butt shot. It was just too painful. This is my trouble zone. My thick, chicken wing and wine fed waist and hips.

OK, I'm feeling very exposed... and fluffy. Off to put it in my log, somehow.

JUDI: I do not want snake pictures! He better not. I might cry!
RONI: Thanks so much!

Congratulations for some lost pounds already, guys!


Yah! you do need a snake pic

2011-11-04 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3822147

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Blanda - 2011-11-04 9:14 AM


 (Still waiting for some pictures so I don't feel so fluffy by myself... )

I am NOT gonna help you here. I am WAY more fluffy than you. You are just gonna have to trust me on that. I have some pics and I'll do a "before" and "after" at the end of the challenge (I PROMISE).

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