My Crossfit Training Result/Experience (Page 2)
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Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller | Reply |
2012-02-06 3:21 PM in reply to: #4032409 |
Champion 11989 Philly 'burbs | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience jackson61802 - 2012-02-06 4:18 PM .Here's the deal: I don't care. Then why waste time reading and responding to posts about CrossFit? |
2012-02-06 3:23 PM in reply to: #4032248 |
Master 10208 Northern IL | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience psycleridr - 2012-02-06 2:17 PM dangremond - 2012-02-06 2:59 PM psycleridr - 2012-02-06 2:47 PM dangremond - 2012-02-06 2:40 PM moose441 - 2012-02-05 6:02 PM I came to triathlon because I wanted to be a fit person and training in three sports must mean you’re fit, right. After CFing for about 2 months, I found my general fitness was much better than it ever was even at the peak of my tri training. I decided not to train for the race and test CF claim that they train you for any physical demanding situation. If anyone has kicked around the idea of giving CF or CF endurance a try, I highly recommend it, especially if you came to tri like I did just looking for a physically fit lifestyle. I think the reason these threads always "blow up" is that whether the OP wants to admit it or not - there seems to be an inherent agenda embedded in the post. They always start with I'm not trying to start another big CF debate....but look how well I performed not doing sport specific training and you should drink the kool aid too, etc., etc. I think we can all agree that we are happy anytime someone finds a fitness program that works for them. I think some of us want to throw the BS flag when people suggest that CF is the equivalent of following a solid training plan containing sport specific workouts. He never said this will make you a better Triathelete. He said it was an alternative to "looking for a physically fit lifestyle". As this is a biginner site not everyone on here is looking to place in their age group. Some are just looking to be healthier and have some fun. We should all be open to new ideas for enjoying a healthy lifestyle and acheiving specific goals. We don't all have to take the same path to get to them Read it how you want - he states he wanted to do an experiment to see if CF would allow him to compete without run specific training. He then states it did. His point in posting was to say - see I can compete in a HM without run specific training. he then suggests it worthwile for others to try his approach too. I disagree with his premise. Very simple. I am reading it how it is written and not how I want. Key points is general fitness, any physically demanding situation, and physically fit lifestyle. Triathalon is how he tested his theory. He never claimed he was a better triathalete or this would make you a better triathalete. The reason these threads "blow up" is because some choose to take this board very seriously and want to get a PR every time or place in their AG. As a bginner site not everyone here qualifies for the competetive aspect. Some are very happy with the complete and general health that comes with doing SBR among other things. I would agree that to be a better triathalete especially at the longer distance you need to have specific training in SBR but for the shorter stuff you dont. Take it for what it is What irks people is the assumption that whatever the CF promoter was doing before starting CF was a good way to do it. And that adding CF was the key to their breakthrough. In this case it was actually dropping most all other training and maintaining that other fitness, but it's the same basic idea. It doesn't matter if it was triathlon, running, skiing, skating or whatever. Was their program before CF worth anything in the first place? I'm not going to research the logs at this moment, but from what dangermond described "haphazardly" might apply and it's usually safe to believe that is not a very good way to train. This is not to say CF is worthless, but rather asking to make sure comparisons are valid. |
2012-02-06 3:23 PM in reply to: #4030726 |
Extreme Veteran 833 Strong Beach, CA | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience I generally don't....but I'm bored and on the trainer. :D |
2012-02-06 3:23 PM in reply to: #4032409 |
Member 5452 NC | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience jackson61802 - 2012-02-06 4:18 PM What I want to know is if triathletes, runners, cyclists etc go on CF forums and tell all those posters how awesome their sport specific training is. You tell me where the CF forums are and I'll make it right.
2012-02-06 3:56 PM in reply to: #4032316 |
Master 1989 New Jersey | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience jimmy3993 - 2012-02-06 3:42 PM CF did help me make huge gains over 13.1 especially relative to my prior run training method. But it isnt because of magic. I am just working WAY harder now. I was stuck in the 2:20's for 13.1 prior to starting crossfit. I am now down to 145. But they also got me to commit to changing my eating habits and my weight dropped from 185 to 160 so that is most of it right there I am sure. As for injury prevention - I can see it 2 ways. CFE will tell you that learning proper running form and logging fewer but more intense miles will actually prevent overuse injury. That may be true. But I have gotten more beat up in my 2 years of crossfit than in any other "hobby" I have involved myself in. Well said. This sounds like a good unbiased account. You tried it. You realize that it's not comparing apples to apples. And that if a person does some of the other stuff, like eating better, losing weight, and learning proper running form, then I would have to think that training as a runner would have an even greater impact. If CF gets people to work harder, and keeps them motivated and having fun, then great! Nothing wrong with that! But I'll never agree that running a half-marathon on a 3 mile long run is a good thing. |
2012-02-06 4:04 PM in reply to: #4030726 |
Regular 88 chicagoland, northwest indiana | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience I'm an Ironman and since starting crossfit my speed in all 3 disciplines has gone up, therefore I am all for it but I also am up for tri specific training. Que sera sera It sucks that athletes have to be so smug. Good for you on the experiment and good for those purists who only believe in the s/b/r.... whatever works work it!!! |
2012-02-06 4:08 PM in reply to: #4032078 |
Regular 78 | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience psycleridr - 2012-02-06 11:10 AM Congratulations and nice job! It is always nice to see alternative training paths even if everyone doesn't get it Just out of curiousity to comapre the two. How do you think you feel between the two training methods? Stronger? lighter? fatigue with one or the other? soreness?
I feel a lot stronger without a doubt. I weighed in at 208 in 2010 for my HIM, today I am 220 and lower body fat. Just to give an idea I have 445lb dead lift, 465lb back squat, and 215lb shoulder press (strict no bending of the legs). I also feel much better in the higher ends of my heart rate.
As for how I felt during the race, the beginning fist four miles were tuff. I had some little aches and pains, nothing major, I ran through them. But the thought that this could be a long day defiantly crossed my mind. Once I hit mile fiveish I actually started to feel really good and picked up my pace. Felt good until about mile 11. Then I felt like my left hammy was going to cramp, but it did not really slow me down (to be honest this may have been a nutrition issue, I am out of practice taking on nutrition during a workout, I kept forgetting).
After the race I did not feel as good as I did last time. I felt more like I did after the HIM, I was more fatigued then my last 13.1. Yesterday evening I was tight sore had some pain in the lower part of my knee directly below my knee cap. However, now (Monday morning) I woke up feeling great. No worse than if I did a normal workout yesterday. I plan on working out today. Last time my legs were more tired the next day and I ended up taking a few days off to recover. Last time during the race I followed a heart rate plan. I ran steady through the race picking it up as I got closer to the end. Maybe it was because I cared more, but last time I felt like I was running slow but I could not run any faster (more cardio vascular). This time I felt like I was cruising but at the same time I knew if I ran much faster I would blow. I contribute this to the different training before I spent a lot of time running at a 10 min mile or just below. Now I run intervals no slower than a 7 min mile and most of the time it is even faster than that.
I hope this helped, let me know if you have any other questions question.
2012-02-06 4:28 PM in reply to: #4030726 |
Expert 3126 Boise, ID | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience
I don't do CF per say but my bro-in-law is a certified crossfit trainer and he is training my wife and I one on one, so the workouts are similar. For anything longer than an Oly the tri specific workouts are still going to be important. I find the benefit in CF to be a better mental and physical ability to push myself. For tri running I would run 5-6 miles at a decent clip and call it a day for running. With the CF workout I will run 3 miles, then do a leg routine that includes sprinting and various other things. My trainer says it is teaching my head and my legs to push through pain and go farther and faster than I otherwise would. I haven't been at it long but I enjoy it. I am not going to stop tri training but there is some value in the CF type stuff as well. I really think it will help a lot with my goal to participate in bike races, which will in turn give me faster bike splits in tris.
2012-02-06 4:38 PM in reply to: #4030726 |
Regular 78 | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience I wanted to add this after reading the rest of the post. If you want to PR or place in your age group every time you race, or if how fast you run from point A to point B is what you care about then CF is not the way to do it. You have to run a very specific plan which includes interval work, lsd, tempo, strength training, mobility, rest, diet, ect. I have nothing but respect to those that due this and even more respect for triathletes because they do it with three sports. That is why I was drawn to triathlon long before I had ever even heard of CF. |
2012-02-06 5:04 PM in reply to: #4032596 |
Subject: ... This user's post has been ignored. |
2012-02-06 5:21 PM in reply to: #4032643 |
Champion 9600 Fountain Hills, AZ | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience Fred D - 2012-02-06 4:04 PM moose441 - 2012-02-06 5:38 PM I wanted to add this after reading the rest of the post. If you want to PR or place in your age group every time you race, or if how fast you run from point A to point B is what you care about then CF is not the way to do it. You have to run a very specific plan which includes interval work, lsd, tempo, strength training, mobility, rest, diet, ect. I have nothing but respect to those that due this and even more respect for triathletes because they do it with three sports. That is why I was drawn to triathlon long before I had ever even heard of CF. You know I think this is a very respectful post. I do compete for podiums and train by doing SBR. I am not the fastest by a long shot on this site. I can respect your approach to CF. x2, nicely said...and if it had been in your OP we could have avoided this mess! |
2012-02-06 5:38 PM in reply to: #4032582 |
Extreme Veteran 662 Sunny San Diego | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience Aarondb4 - 2012-02-06 1:28 PM
See this is one of those many things that irks non-crossfitters. Crossfitters like to say "Your workout is my warm up!" As if crossfit is the only pain-inducing training in existence. I guess your trainer has never heard of track workouts or hill repeats or swim intervals. And before anyone jumps down my throat and says that CFE does do intervals, hill repeats etc., I know that they do. It's just not smart to expect to do better in S/B/R competition if you change your training to 50% S/B/R and 50% high rep olympic lifting, gymnastic skills, strongman lifts or whatever else crossfit adds to thier "programming". |
2012-02-06 5:48 PM in reply to: #4032409 |
Extreme Veteran 662 Sunny San Diego | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience jackson61802 - 2012-02-06 12:18 PM What I want to know is if triathletes, runners, cyclists etc go on CF forums and tell all those posters how awesome their sport specific training is. Yeah....I doubt it. That's one of the big problems I have with crossfit.....they just can't wait to tell everybody else how awesome their training program is.Here's the deal: I don't care. Hmmm... I should go over to the Crossfit message board and say how I had hit a plateu with my deadlift, overhead squat, muscle ups, FRAN, MURPH etc. Then I decided to do nothing but swim, bike and run (and eat wheat, dairy and sugar) for six months and now I'm back in my Crossfit box CRUSHING my old PR's! |
2012-02-06 5:52 PM in reply to: #4032432 |
Subject: ... This user's post has been ignored. |
2012-02-06 6:22 PM in reply to: #4030726 |
Champion 5782 Northridge, California | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience ratherbeswimming - 2012-02-06 6:45 AM moose441 - 2012-02-06 12:26 AM Thanks, to those that got it. Today reminded me how much fun races are and as a "beginner triathlete" posting on beginner triathlete, I am already picking out my next tri to do for FUN. Sorry, Indianacyclist am still going to CF, like I said before I need to be GPP for my work. Indianacyclist wasn't telling you to stop going to CF. He was simply saying that if you did run-specific training, you would have been faster. I think everyone can agree with that point. Do what makes you happy and helps you achieve your goals. If general fitness is your goal, go about it by whatever means you choose. If you wanna drop a few minutes from your half marathon time, then run. I guess I understand the point of the OP's post (he clearly values saving time and achieving general fitness--both really laudable goals--over actually getting faster on the course)...personally, though, if I tried a training protocol that got me slower on the same course after a year, I'd ditch it. I've certainly had occasional "off" performances in a given year, but most of the time, with benchmark races, I expect to see improvement year to year if I'm not sick or injured. Coincidentally, I just ran the same HM as the OP yesterday and finished almost 25 minutes (and almost 3000 finishers) ahead of him (FWIW, I'm 51 y.o.). I just run (and bike and swim). I get the appeal of CF and CFE, but whenever the topic comes up here, the tri-specific results always seem to be slim. If the OP had put up a 1:59 FIRST half mary off the couch on just the CF/CFE training with no prior traditional run prep, I'd feel differently, but in this case, all the CF training apparently did was provide a fine level of general fitness with a slightly degraded level of already existing run fitness...if that's what someone's looking for, then that's great. |
2012-02-06 6:35 PM in reply to: #4030726 |
Regular 126 | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience I have friends who are CF freaks; and they look amazing. I do not do it but do have a personal trainer who works on very specific lifts in the off season to strengthen my core and arms towards swimming, biking and running - bot quite CF but I have seen great results from hitting the weights. |
2012-02-06 6:57 PM in reply to: #4032712 |
Extreme Veteran 597 NE Ohio | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience FoggyGoggles - 2012-02-06 6:52 PM I think there are a handful of "new aged" sequential strength/resistance /cardio routines that incorporate similar approaches to fitness that cross fit does ( not the heavy Olympic lifting, and I didn't say exact) that have people that can can claim success in triathlon, and other endurance sports for that.I think that was a neat test for yourself... kind of your own little focus group! I tried CrossFit for the first time last week and the trainer told me some success stories about triathletes that have gone through his class. Sounds fun and kudos to you for making it work for you. Runners world Feb 2012 had a section on cross fit endurance. They pulled out a few exercise for readers/runners to do to help overall strength and endurance. Triathlete didn't a similar expose a few months back a remember on just cross fit, not in the same fashion, but there was one nonetheless. The point is not so much cross fit, but that the differient groups of athletes recognize benefits of cross fit type programs too general overall strength and endurance but cross fit is just the face plate in my opinion. Edited by Bnclev 2012-02-06 7:04 PM |
2012-02-06 7:01 PM in reply to: #4030726 |
Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience During my "mini" 3 week off season this past December, I decided to do a couple of crossfit workouts just to see what it was like. I nearly died after the first workout, then struggled through the workout the next day. The muscle soreness from the first workout didn't sink in till after the second lets just say I was HURTING for the next 36 hours. And I vowed never to do crossfit again. Not because I thought the workouts were ineffective. More because I was too scared to do another hard workout like that. I SBR everyday...most times twice a day. If you can crossfit everyday...most times twice a day...then you're going to be one BAMF if you ask me. So may not run your fastest HM...but you're probably going to do pretty well...which is basically what the OP was saying. A half marathon doesn't require that much run specific training to complete in a reasonable matter IMO. |
2012-02-06 11:48 PM in reply to: #4032316 |
Regular 82 United States | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience jimmy3993 - 2012-02-06 2:42 PM I completely agree with you. I have been doing CrossFit for just over a year now. I have become stronger, faster and more fit than I have even been. I eat smarter too (but, never really ate "bad") and that lifestyle change along with CrossFit have had a huge impact on my fitness. I was 200lbs about 15 months ago. Now I'm 175. In that respect it definitely "works". That said, I don't believe that CrossFit alone makes one better in half the time. It's not magic. Doing all CrossFit or all swim, bike, run are both extremes and I think both camps can stand to learn something from the other...have an open mind people. I did CrossFit 3 days a week along with 2 days each of swim, bike, run each week over the past season. The longest tri I did was the San Diego Tri Challenge, a 55 mile distance course in La Jolla Cove. I'm training for the LA Marathon now then focusing the season on Ironman Arizona. I don't yet know 100% how I will include CrossFit in my training plan, but, it will play a role. I'll be sure to update you all on the progress.By the way, I posted more about my experience with CrossFit in a recent blog post if anyone's interested in reading more.And lets remember that there is a good bit of running done if you CF 4 to 6x per week and follow the crossfit endurance multisport training protocal of an additional 2 run, 2 swim and 2 bike workouts per week. I trian this way and it ends up being 6 to 10 hrs per week depending on how many sessions I miss due to work. I'm not sure it saves me any time. I would max out at 10hrs per week regardless. CF did help me make huge gains over 13.1 especially relative to my prior run training method. But it isnt because of magic. I am just working WAY harder now. I was stuck in the 2:20's for 13.1 prior to starting crossfit. I am now down to 145. But they also got me to commit to changing my eating habits and my weight dropped from 185 to 160 so that is most of it right there I am sure. As for injury prevention - I can see it 2 ways. CFE will tell you that learning proper running form and logging fewer but more intense miles will actually prevent overuse injury. That may be true. But I have gotten more beat up in my 2 years of crossfit than in any other "hobby" I have involved myself in. I keep hoping one day, about 50mi into the bike leg of a 70.3 that the race director will have everyone dismount and bust out 20 handstand pushups. Hasnt happened yet. But I will be ready! CF is a blast. If it makes me train more/harder because I enjoy it then I ma all for it. And to the OP - congrats on your run! |
2012-02-07 1:50 AM in reply to: #4032707 |
Regular 78 | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience Hmmm... I should go over to the Crossfit message board and say how I had hit a plateu with my deadlift, overhead squat, muscle ups, FRAN, MURPH etc. Then I decided to do nothing but swim, bike and run (and eat wheat, dairy and sugar) for six months and now I'm back in my Crossfit box CRUSHING my old PR's! I would love to see if this works, I dont think I am going to give it a try but by all means go for it. Let me know if it works, I will be right behind you. Edited by moose441 2012-02-07 1:51 AM |
2012-02-07 2:34 AM in reply to: #4031081 |
Regular 78 | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience jsnowash - 2012-02-06 3:31 AM After 2 years of specific training, I took > 10 minutes off my half mary time.... I guess it depends on what your goals are, and what motivates you personally. CF is not for me, and I personally think their approach can be dangerous (in terms of injury risk) for lots of folks. If it works for you, great, but I personally wouldn't recommend it for most people....
Sorry I can't resist. Not saying that following a good traditional training plan is not safe. But CF has shown repeatedly to reduce injuries. That is why the Military, Law Enforcement and Fire Services are implementing CF into or as their main fitness programs in both their academies and continued training of operators. Obviously the goals of these groups are not to S/B/R as fast as possible. Here are a few to be specific (there are published articles and spokesmen ect.) Santa Monica PD SWAT Orange County Fire Authority United States Marines Scout Sniper School East Fork Fire Canadian Army 1st Special Forces Group (US Army) Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Hinsdale SWAT Naval Special Warfare (SEALs) There are more this is just some of them, not to mention the 1000s of tactical athletes that use CF on their own to stay fit and ready for the fight. Edited by moose441 2012-02-07 2:34 AM |
2012-02-07 4:59 AM in reply to: #4033102 |
Veteran 203 Traveling | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience Frankly, I have never understood the reaction to Crossfit on this site. There are many ways to prepare for a triathlon and the key for a beginner, in my view, is to keep it interesting and incorporate things we enjoy. Some people, myself included, enjoy lifting weights. If Crossfit allows us to continue to lift while still being able to finish a triathlon then great. I did not start triathlon training to make the podium. I did it because while I hated running I liked swimming and biking. I found myself sabotaging my workouts when I focused exclusively on s/b/r. I missed olympic lifting. So with Crossfit I can do both. I will not qualify for Kona or pass many of you on the course but hopefully I will live a long healthy life and continue my dedication in the athletics. And if I get a six-pack (instead of my keg) all the better. |
2012-02-07 5:21 AM in reply to: #4033102 |
Champion 9407 Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience moose441 - 2012-02-07 4:34 AM But CF has shown repeatedly to reduce injuries. Do you have a source for this? Thanks! Shane Edited by gsmacleod 2012-02-07 5:22 AM |
2012-02-07 5:26 AM in reply to: #4033126 |
Champion 9407 Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience paulieman - 2012-02-07 6:59 AM Frankly, I have never understood the reaction to Crossfit on this site. There are many ways to prepare for a triathlon and the key for a beginner, in my view, is to keep it interesting and incorporate things we enjoy. Some people, myself included, enjoy lifting weights. I believe that the reaction is due to a couple of factors: 1) The claims by the creator of CF who said it was a superior way to train for triathlon 2) Claims by coaches that the CF/CFE approach is superior and then a long list of athletes who underperformed while following the protocols Shane |
2012-02-07 6:04 AM in reply to: #4033135 |
Champion 19812 MA | Subject: RE: My Crossfit Training Result/Experience gsmacleod - 2012-02-07 6:21 AM moose441 - 2012-02-07 4:34 AM But CF has shown repeatedly to reduce injuries. Do you have a source for this? Thanks! ShaneThe Cross Fit box my family has gone to for 2+ years has had a number of athletes most of them young who have had significant injuries from doing Cross Fit. I agree with Shane that claims CF founder and others involved with CF has said about their method being the best and has named specific world class athlete would be faster/better if they did CF. It is a bit arrogant to makes such claims. |