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2007-01-01 10:57 PM
in reply to: #638120

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Laura (Episcopit),
I've seen dozens of marathon training schedules that all have the same look and feel, but I'm wondering what your long run schedule looks like. Do you build a mile or 2 each week, then drop a little on a 3-4 week schedule? Are you doing any specific speed work or hill training? I am a novice runner who got fed up losing so much ground on my total tri times because I stink at running. My solution: train for marathon. It either makes perfect sense, or I am completely crazy. I guess I figured that if I ever want to complete an IM (currently targeted for Sept 2008), I better see if I can do the run all by itself

Eric and Lori,
I am planning to do a HIM this year as well, but haven't decided which one to do. I know Whizzzz and Hangloose have the Racine race targeted, but I also ran across the Pigman Long Course during general searches and am considering it. Have either of you run it before or know people who have done it? I'm torn between the Pigman (furthest away, but I would have free accomodations in Waterloo), Racine, and Lake Geneva. I would love to do the Big Foot tri, but the timing is not going to work out with my scheduled marathon, which is taking priority. Lake Geneva and Racine would be pretty convenient (the LG transition is a 2 mile bike ride from my house), but I don't want to get stuck in a rut.

2007-01-02 12:01 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Long Runs
Week 1- 3 - 10 miles (the schedule I modified started at 8 and built up, but I didn't want to drop milage, so I just waited to catch up)
4 - 14 miles (11 scheduled, but I ran a downhill slope, so I kept going)
5 - 12 miles (actually ran a 1/2 marathon here)
6 - 10 miles
7 - 12 miles (this was last week's run)
8 - 13 miles
9 - 14 miles
10 - 12 miles
11 - 16 miles
12 - 13 miles
13 - 18 miles
14 - 10 miles
15 - 20 miles
16 - 13 miles
17 - 8-10 miles
18 - marathon

Speed work - I use fartleks, sprints on the track, or the treadmill. I actually like the treadmill because it gives me a feel for how to move at a set speed. So I'll run for set time or distance and then recover and repeat. Typical workouts:
400m in 2 min/ recover 2 mins
800m/200m recovery
1600m/3 min recovery
sprint 2min/easy run 3 min x6
sprint between telephone poles
jog straights, sprint turns

Hill work - I live in the foothills of Tennessee, so I run hills unless I make the effort to find flat land. There is a nice 1 mile uphill slope that I go run occationally and walk back down.

I'm thinking of doing a sprint tri a month after the marathon and then an olympic in the fall. I need to work on cycling before I consider anything longer.
2007-01-02 7:14 AM
in reply to: #638758

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

episcopit - I completely agree with you about using the treadmill to get used to a pace.  A lot of people on this site are critical of treadmills but I think they can be a useful tool.  I am a huge proponent of running outside in any weather but I also like to find time for the treadmill once in a while - especially when I get closer to a race and am concerned with pace times.

tvwatters - My sister in law lives in Cedar Rapids and works at the power plant that Pigman goes right past.  That doesn't tell me much about the race, but I've considered doing it for the free accomodations as well.  Lake Geneva interests me too because I love the area but I'm scared off by the rep of the race director - as Whizzzz knows.  So for this year it looks like it's Racine.  If you want a HIM earlier in the season there's Rockman.  It's a first year tri in Rockford, IL.  Go to  Even though it's a first year race the tri club that's putting it on has a pretty good reputation.  It also looks like you are hoping for IMWI 2008, like a bunch of us are?

2007-01-02 7:21 AM
in reply to: #638776

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I think you are right. With your running base, you can muscle thru a sprint bike and then just hammer the 5K without much difficulty. The Olympic will be harder.

I suggest running off your bike each time you ride it. Even if it's just a mile. Even if it's LESS. That will get you used to the cement block sensation after cycling. An Olympic in the fall will give you all summer to train.

2007-01-02 10:44 AM
in reply to: #638855

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
A friend of ours did Pigman last year prior to IM Wisconsin. He liked the race, but I think it was a little to close to the IM race. We've talked to others who have done pigman, and most have liked it. It's well run, but one person said the course isn't well populated with spectators, if that matters. The pigman website says the bike course is "challenging", the profile is on the site too. I'm thinking that by training hard on the bike in the hill country around here, we'll be ready by Aug 19th. I like the idea of pigman because it's a smaller race (700 or so), and I like driving west rather than going through all of the traffic and cities to get to Michigan for Whirlpool Steelhead.
2007-01-02 12:55 PM
in reply to: #639081

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

tribadger - 2007-01-02 10:44 AM  I like the idea of pigman because it's a smaller race (700 or so), and I like driving west rather than going through all of the traffic and cities to get to Michigan for Whirlpool Steelhead.

Those are both great points.

2007-01-02 5:37 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hi Everyone....

In order to keep track of each other, and remind ourselves of what we are doing here... I'm going to steal an awesome idea from danielle860's group:

I suggest that everyone do the following so that we don't lose track of the group:

1. Start logging workouts if you haven't already. It's 1/2/07 so a perfect time to start! NEW YEAR! NEW LEAF! NEW BLOG!

2. Put each other's member names on the friends list in the control panel. This will give us quick access to each other's logs. You can get to the control panel by clicking the first icon under the section that says "Quick Links" next to your calendar.

3. Add a link to this forum so you can check up on new messages. It might also be a good idea to add a link to this thread in your goals section of your training log.

4. Make a list of at least three short term and long term goals (if you haven't already) in that section of your training log. This will help us to remember what everyone's general goals are, and will remind you of the reason why you are committing so much time to your training.

Hope you are all having a wonderful TUESDAY!


2007-01-03 8:43 AM
in reply to: #639409

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hook me up with anything you have on HR training! Every bit of information helps! Thanks for the inspire
2007-01-03 11:13 AM
in reply to: #640356

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

tvwatters - 2007-01-03 8:43 AM John, Hook me up with anything you have on HR training! Every bit of information helps! Thanks for the inspire

I sent you a PM to get you started.  I highly suggest researching this BIG TIME.  There's tons out there on this, just take my word for it, it works.


2007-01-03 1:16 PM
in reply to: #640601

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
hangloose - 2007-01-03 10:13 AM

tvwatters - 2007-01-03 8:43 AM John, Hook me up with anything you have on HR training! Every bit of information helps! Thanks for the inspire

I sent you a PM to get you started.  I highly suggest researching this BIG TIME.  There's tons out there on this, just take my word for it, it works.

THREE posts since your “sit quietly after this one” comment.  WE knew you couldn’t do it.  PHFTTTttttttttttttttttttttt  
2007-01-03 2:01 PM
in reply to: #640794

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
tupuppy - 2007-01-03 1:16 PM
hangloose - 2007-01-03 10:13 AM

tvwatters - 2007-01-03 8:43 AM John, Hook me up with anything you have on HR training! Every bit of information helps! Thanks for the inspire

I sent you a PM to get you started.  I highly suggest researching this BIG TIME.  There's tons out there on this, just take my word for it, it works.

THREE posts since your “sit quietly after this one” comment.  WE knew you couldn’t do it.  PHFTTTttttttttttttttttttttt  

I sat quietly for about a day.  That's like a record for me.   

No comments from the peanut gallery! 

Wait, I am the peanut gallery!  Nevermind.

2007-01-03 7:01 PM
in reply to: #640794

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Ty, are you lost? Whatcha doing hanging around the cool kids? I thought you were over there with Spokes? Wink
2007-01-03 11:45 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hey all!

Before a short distance single event, how many rest days do you take?
2007-01-04 12:46 AM
in reply to: #640601

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
hangloose - 2007-01-03 12:13 PM

tvwatters - 2007-01-03 8:43 AM John, Hook me up with anything you have on HR training! Every bit of information helps! Thanks for the inspire

I sent you a PM to get you started.  I highly suggest researching this BIG TIME.  There's tons out there on this, just take my word for it, it works.


Heart Rate training interests me, so send along information this way if you will.
2007-01-05 9:29 AM
in reply to: #641621

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

It depends if it's an A, B, or C race.... if you look at my logs, last summer, I did the Palatine Triathlon with no rest days at all... trained right thru it. I probably could have done a wee bit better had I had some rest...

If you're talking about your 5 miler coming up, I'd say run short Th (which was yesterday, sorry!) rest today, and maybe do a little swimmy on Saturday... just to keep the juices flowing but rest your legs.

2007-01-05 8:49 PM
in reply to: #641621

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
tvwatters - 2007-01-04 12:45 AM

Hey all!

Before a short distance single event, how many rest days do you take?

It does depend on how well I want to do. 2 days rest, then a day with a short easy run and a solid 8 hours sleep is my preferred prep if it's an event important enough to break my training cycle.

2007-01-06 2:08 PM
in reply to: #641382

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Whizzzzz - 2007-01-03 6:01 PM Ty, are you lost? Whatcha doing hanging around the cool kids? I thought you were over there with Spokes? Wink

Yeah, well Spokes keeps trying to kick me out and keep telling him that you'd kick my TooFlemmy lungs and TooPoppy butt.  PHFTTtttttttttttttttttt

was hanging with the cool kids this time to see HL's response to my sass.  And us geeks are always jealous of all the kool kids and what they are doing....

Edited by tupuppy 2007-01-06 2:11 PM
2007-01-06 9:49 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
ok - some of you guys need avatars - I am no so bright and need a picture to keep y'all straight!   Doesn't have to be a photo of yourself, but something visual.....    
2007-01-08 12:21 PM
in reply to: #645091

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
bootygirl - 2007-01-06 10:49 PM

ok - some of you guys need avatars - I am no so bright and need a picture to keep y'all straight! Doesn't have to be a photo of yourself, but something visual.....

OK, I think that worked. I copied the picture, but I do own the cycle. It needs a tune-up since I haven't riden it since I left England. I bought it because the trails were all closed due to foot and mouth disease. I never really got into road riding, but it was much better than being disgusted while on a mountain bike on pavement.

To TriBadger's ?:
I'm in the Reserves, Army Nurse Corp. I was enlisted for 6 years, got out, used the GI Bill for Nursing school then rejoined.
2007-01-08 1:26 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

My avatar is up. Not sure if I will keep this one.

It is a dancing badger (yes, even I thought it looked like a skunk!).

I would also appreciate any information on HR training. I was given a very stern talking to by an Ironman finisher because I don't use a HR monitor. He said, given my age, that I should be using one.
2007-01-08 2:09 PM
in reply to: #646443

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Did you look this finisher in the eye, say "What the he** do you mean, given my age?", and administer a beatdown?

2007-01-08 2:54 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I would have except he is a Physician's Assistant and is older than me. You know the "respect your elders" thing. Hey, I never even thought of that as a comeback!

Actually, I might not like what I see on a HR monitor. I keep forgetting that I am 20+ years removed from my 7:30-8:00 per mile pace (age+weight=sloooooow).

Have a great week Todd!
2007-01-08 7:32 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I need an HRM too - given my age....

Should we all fess up here on age?   I Whizzz the only young and dewey one here?


thanks for the avatars

Edited by bootygirl 2007-01-08 7:33 PM
2007-01-08 7:53 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I'm a balmy 36... and that's not dew... I think that's chlorine residue on my face.
2007-01-08 9:25 PM
in reply to: #647089

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I'm 34 (Female). With a max HR of 193 based on a stress test I took this AM for my amusement. Now, if I can only find an underworked respritory therapist *heh* who's bored one night, I can find my V02max too. (OK, I could also schedule an appointment and pay for it, but that's no fun).

This weekend I hooked up with one of the docs in the unit who races tri's. As we were talking, he suggested that I go for the Chattanooga Tri, Olympic, on 15 July. Since he's going and has offered to guide me through the process, it's tempting even though it's a longer tri sooner than I planned.

With a marathon on 1 Apr, that gives me six weeks between events, so to me, the question seems to be can I work in enough swim and bike training between now and the 15th of July while training for a marathon. Thoughts?

Edited by Episcopit 2007-01-08 10:08 PM
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