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2007-08-07 4:21 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

ranger5oh - 2007-08-07 3:10 PM Ok... so its true... I have lost about 35lbs in the past 4 years. I have never been heavy, in fact, at my heaviest I was 187lbs but I was still working out 3-4times a week, just far less cardio and way more weights. I lookeed like "the average guy" at that point. Anyway, I am at a point where I fluctuate between 150 and 154lbs now and I am 5'11". I was just measured at 8% body fat. EVERY SINGLE TIME i see someone I havent seen for a few months the first words out of there mouths are, "wow, you look so skinny!" Are there any other guys(or girls) here who are completely annoyed by this? It irritates me that a healthy, athletic figure is not "in style" for guys.

Yep - I'm 5' 10" and went from 180 to 160 over the course of about four or five months (I'm a public person by vocation), and I even heard rumors floating around after someone saw me who hadn't seen me in a while that I was evidently "Very sick", or "Over-worked" -- Those folks crack me up


2007-08-07 4:26 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I get it alot, and as others have said; My Wife says it all the time and is not being complimentary. I used to be beefy from weight training but no cardio. Then I went completely off and everything atrophied.

Now, 3 years and 35 lbs later I get, "Honey, you're getting too skinny". Meanwhile I have a tough time with a wetsuit because my thighs are tree trunks and my back and chest are flared and well, big. I've always had great lats and now with the fat loss the definition is really coming out.

More often than not, like at the pool today, I was walking around in shorts and my body fit under armor wicking T and got plenty of stares, the good kind. At work this 47 year old puts most of the young bucks to shame. So call me skinny if you must but at 5'71/2" and 172 lbs skinny is anything but what I am...

Eric J
2007-08-07 4:30 PM
in reply to: #916799

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St. Paul, MN
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I am in the tall and skinny boat as well. I graduated high school in 1996 in very good shape from cross country and track and I was 6'4" weighing maybe 165. Granted, I still had a little growing/filling-out to do. I essentially stopped being active in college and a couple years ago I know I was up to about 205, which isn't all that much considering how tall I was, but there was certainly a little extra around my sides.

When I started running last fall (thank you, wife. I don't know why I refused to do it for so long... yes you were right, etc. etc. etc.) I was at about 198. Since then, and since starting training for triathlons last winter, I have dropped down to about 184. If shopping for clothes sucked before, it's got to be worse now. Not only are sleeves and pant legs too short, but now my waist is rather smaller and I have to wear a belt with almost every pair of pants and shorts I own.

Yeah, it feels good being in shape and sometimes I can't help but wonder if I am too skinny, but I am eating well and working out regularly. I'm probably in about as good of shape now as I have ever been, and I love it.

I just wish men's big and tall stores were big and/or tall stores.
2007-08-07 4:33 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

I'm always surprised by the "skinny" comment since, like most triathletes, I have a somewhat developed upper body from swimming.  Not that gaunt look you see in some pure runners.  I usually just respond with the truth: never been healthier, lots and lots of exercise.

Similarly, I hate those "Wow, you eat so healthy!" comments, particularly from my overweight mother-in-law who doesn't attempt to eat well at all, and particularly when she says it in front of my 10 year old daughter.  It's like she wants to teach my daughter that eating well is only for excentrics... but I guess this if for another thread...

2007-08-07 4:48 PM
in reply to: #917119

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

Courage - 2007-08-07 4:26 PM I get it alot, and as others have said; My Wife says it all the time and is not being complimentary. I used to be beefy from weight training but no cardio. Then I went completely off and everything atrophied. Now, 3 years and 35 lbs later I get, "Honey, you're getting too skinny".

I hear the same thing from my wife from time to time. I used to be a big guy from a heavy lifting background, but I carried a lot of fat around as well. My wife will say that she misses my big shoulders, or my "guns" have really disappeared. She likes the fact that I've lost  ~6 inches in my waist, but she misses the guy who could bench 325lbs. I guess you have to make decisions on what's more important.

2007-08-07 4:51 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Stafford, Ks
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Paddle I feel you. In high school I was 6'2" 165. I ran cross country and track. I was labeled as the tall skinny guy. Got out of school started racing motocross and my weight stayed about the same until about three years ago when I started running again. Now I'm 6'2" and have a hard time getting to 150 lbs. Definately skinny. Thank goodness some women likes skinny guys!

2007-08-07 4:58 PM
in reply to: #917133

Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
famelec - 2007-08-07 5:33 PM


Similarly, I hate those "Wow, you eat so healthy!" comments, particularly from my overweight mother-in-law who doesn't attempt to eat well at all, and particularly when she says it in front of my 10 year old daughter.  It's like she wants to teach my daughter that eating well is only for excentrics... but I guess this if for another thread...

Everyone at work gives me crap for bringing lunch every day and eating "healthy-pants" food.

2007-08-07 5:39 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

As I mentioned I don't really mind the "you are so skinny" comment although when the tone is more like "when I say you look so thin I really mean you are so skinny you must be sick with a terminal disease!" really makes me want to respond in a VERY sarcastic way.

Anyway, what do get very tiring are comments about eating healthy such as: “omg you eat so boring, I rather eat unhealthy but enjoy anything I want…” What makes them think I don’t enjoy what I eat? Better yet what makes them think I don’t feel awesome by eating this way? It is unbelievable some of the crap people eat and then complain that they feel tired, with no energy, with headaches, stomachaches, reflux, etc…

2007-08-07 5:44 PM
in reply to: #917174

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
wurkit_gurl - 2007-08-07 4:58 PM
famelec - 2007-08-07 5:33 PM


Similarly, I hate those "Wow, you eat so healthy!" comments, particularly from my overweight mother-in-law who doesn't attempt to eat well at all, and particularly when she says it in front of my 10 year old daughter.  It's like she wants to teach my daughter that eating well is only for excentrics... but I guess this if for another thread...

Everyone at work gives me crap for bringing lunch every day and eating "healthy-pants" food.
OMG I get the same! better yet, every 2-3 weeks they buy some food for meetings, B-days or other special events and they order pizza, subs, cakes, etc and I always skip that cuz I rather eat my lunch, hence I get this condescending looks while I eat my lean meat, brown rice and veggies while they munch on 30 slices of pizza and 2 liters of coke and chocoalte chip cookies!


2007-08-07 5:52 PM
in reply to: #917227

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
amiine - 2007-08-07 5:44 PM

wurkit_gurl - 2007-08-07 4:58 PM
famelec - 2007-08-07 5:33 PM


Similarly, I hate those "Wow, you eat so healthy!" comments, particularly from my overweight mother-in-law who doesn't attempt to eat well at all, and particularly when she says it in front of my 10 year old daughter.  It's like she wants to teach my daughter that eating well is only for excentrics... but I guess this if for another thread...

Everyone at work gives me crap for bringing lunch every day and eating "healthy-pants" food.
OMG I get the same! better yet, every 2-3 weeks they buy some food for meetings, B-days or other special events and they order pizza, subs, cakes, etc and I always skip that cuz I rather eat my lunch, hence I get this condescending looks while I eat my lean meat, brown rice and veggies while they munch on 30 slices of pizza and 2 liters of coke and chocoalte chip cookies!


What drives people to that is their feelings of inadequacy and their jealousy. See, that's when you just smile and chew away on your healthy viddles, quietly mourning the loss of their arteries.
2007-08-07 6:41 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Too funny! I have a BIG meeting tomorrow at one of my company's warehouses and got a call from a buddy of mine taking care of the food to ask my special breakfast needs... Everyone will be scarfing down donuts and bagels, I'll be having a muffin and fruit...

Eric J

2007-08-07 8:22 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

I look in the mirror and want to vomit.  I was 185 (5' 10", weightlifter with very low body fat.  But I was getting my handed to me by all the 150 pounders.  Being married and wife not giving a rats about my appearance, I decided I wanted to be <170.  Well I just rounded 166 and do I look thin.  I liked my body more when I was 185 but I'm WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAyyyy faster now.

 So, lifting will begin after my HIM in 12 days.  I'll probably let myself get to about 178 or so but keep the cardio on a bit so I don't have to start over.

People who comment are just jealous and don't know what else to say.

2007-08-07 8:55 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I've gotten called skinny all my life (except during the 10 years or so that I was 20 lbs heavier than I am now).  I've always taken it as a compliment and I've used it as a complement to other people.  I never realized that the phrase annoyed so many people.  I guess I need to quit using it.
2007-08-07 10:41 PM
in reply to: #917162

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Flaco, you have the most appropriate screen name for this thread!
2007-08-07 11:28 PM
in reply to: #916799


Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Oh I am so glad I found this thread! I get that all the time, get called the nicknames and have food shoved in my face telling me I need to eat more to "get some meat on your bones". I pack a healthy lunch to work, while my co-workers scarf down chocolate cake and fast food. Although yes - I can afford to eat more calories and have some fat in my diet, I chose not to because for me it is a health and lifestyle choice - food is my fuel to keep me healthy and training and I take responsibility for my body. Inwardly I snicker when these same people complain about headaches, being unable to sleep, weight gain, stomach troubles, etc .. serves them right!
2007-08-07 11:30 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I have been working out about 6 to 8 hours per week and have not lost a pound. Not many inches either. Must be female hormones, because I don't eat as much as I used to either.

2007-08-07 11:51 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Ft Gordon, GA
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I'm 5'11'' and 160 pounds and I have heard the whole" you're so skinny" my whole life and it bugs the hell out of me too.

I know it should not and I am in pretty good shape, esp cardio wise and I can max the US Army PT test as well, but it does get annoying.

Oh well, in an evil way it is kind of fun to notice some of my classmates from the old high school days getting much bigger nowadays (I know, evil thought, but they were the ones always calling me so skinny in high school)!
2007-08-08 4:54 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

Some of the comments are a matter of perspective.  People that are used to seeing you heavier have that image of you in their mind.  When they see you lighter it is not what they expect.  I'm only 5'8 and weigh about 188, but I used to weigh 285 so I get that comment all the time.  Even my family that was very supportive during the initial weight loss question why I would want to lose more. So I don't talk about it much with them, I just try to push back a little at meal time and keep training.  Fortunately they are very supportive of the training and the whole tri thing.

I think the rest of the comments come from people (mostly overweight) who are just jealous of the will power it takes to either lose weight and keep it off or the discipline it takes to stay in shape.

2007-08-08 5:37 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Pelzer, SC
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
At 6'2" and 197 (as of this morning). I don't hear that I "look so skinny". But I do get strange looks when I say that I want to drop 10-15 lbs. It's odd. Sometimes I even feel guilty while telling heavier people that I want to lose it. I'm sure once I get down to 180-185 I'll hear plenty.
2007-08-08 6:17 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Frome, (Nr Bath) Somerset
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I'm really very envious of all of you guys who are able to keep a low weight relatively easily. I've always struggled to lose any weight at all - it seems no matter how much I exercise or how little I eat I rarely change by more than a pound or two - unless I stop exercising and then it goes on quite easily.

I'm 4'11 and between 110-112 lbs which is big for my height. I'm toned and carry a fair amount of muscle so I'm strong but I really struggle with shifting fat from on top of the muscle and particularly around my tummy.

The only time I've ever been called 'skinny' was when I went to 105 lb (still big!) and that was during a really stressful time in my life when I hardly ate a thing! I don't believe in starving myself - I spent many years doing that and it doesn't work! I try to eat regularly healthy meals, and most people I know think its great that I'm disciplined about what I eat and exercise regularly, people at work are really supportive and I've even been asked for advice by several people on improving their own diet and exercise plans which is fantastic and I try to encourage them- One guy in my office has lost almost a stone in two months and always comes along to tell me his weigh in results every week :-).

However the only time I do get any hassle is when alcohol is involved, on a recent work trip my colleagues couldn't understand why I didn't want to drink. And my friends and family sometimes find it odd that I don't want to drink, but mostly they are supportive and don't try to force it on me - now that would make me mad!!

Edited by jessicadawn 2007-08-08 6:45 AM
2007-08-08 7:15 AM
in reply to: #917157

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
If it helps at all, count me in as another woman that really digs the "skinny" guys? Weight lifters? Big guns? Bah. I like em long and lean. (My husband is 6'4" and weighed about 175 when we got married. He's up some from that, but still pretty thin. Now...if I could only get him to tri and be all skinny and ripped at the same time. )

2007-08-08 7:30 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Springfield, NJ
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I've lost a total of 56 lbs (from a 42 waist to a 31 and from 20%+ body fat to under 7%) now and it bugs the crud out of me when people say "you're so skinny" "omg, are you're not eating enough". Personally I never felt or looked better and I tell them that I'm "FIT" or "SLENDOR" not skinny..... Happens ALL the time.......
2007-08-08 8:16 AM
in reply to: #916799

Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I'm not there yet, however, I've dropped 25lbs, and am back down to a 34 in pants. My wife, while having lived with me thru the process hasn't noticed much, my parents visited for the first time in months and noticed a huge difference. Have to keep on trugging tho.

2007-08-08 8:25 AM
in reply to: #916799

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I used to get the skinny comments and my response was "I prefer slim, trim & racey."

After marriage and 4 kids, my weight slipped but it's on the way back down now. From 6', 189#s to 170#s so far.
2007-08-08 8:32 AM
in reply to: #917227

Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
amiine - 2007-08-07 6:44 PM

wurkit_gurl - 2007-08-07 4:58 PM
famelec - 2007-08-07 5:33 PM


Similarly, I hate those "Wow, you eat so healthy!" comments, particularly from my overweight mother-in-law who doesn't attempt to eat well at all, and particularly when she says it in front of my 10 year old daughter.  It's like she wants to teach my daughter that eating well is only for excentrics... but I guess this if for another thread...

Everyone at work gives me crap for bringing lunch every day and eating "healthy-pants" food.
OMG I get the same! better yet, every 2-3 weeks they buy some food for meetings, B-days or other special events and they order pizza, subs, cakes, etc and I always skip that cuz I rather eat my lunch, hence I get this condescending looks while I eat my lean meat, brown rice and veggies while they munch on 30 slices of pizza and 2 liters of coke and chocoalte chip cookies!


Yeah, they think it's weird that I bring olives as a snack, or that I consider dried figs "candy". At least the fat in the 6 or 7 olives I'm eating is better than the bag of Doritos they're currently hoovering.

If it's someone's birthday that I care about, I'll go have a piece of cake. I don't believe in complete deprivation of things like that (as a former dancer, I tried to avoid "anorexic" behavior cuz people talk), I don't feel too guilty about it. But it's not very often.
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