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2009-08-09 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hey guys.  It's not been a good week training-wise.  I had to work late a couple of days this week (co-worker on vacation so I was doing double work) and I guess Mother Nature decided that we needed to have some really warm days for a little while this summer - highs in the 90's with heat index in 100's.  On top of that, I woke up feeling sick this morning so missed a second bike ride this week - not really good since that's the thing I need the most work on.  Only 1 more week until my next sprint - I know I'll be ready for the swim and run, but worried about the bike.  I'm pretty sure I can do the distance, but it's going to be slow! 

OK, enough whiningSmile.  I'm a little behind on posts, but I tried to skim through them. 
Happy Birthday to Steve!! 
Sounds like we had several people racing this weekend - looking forward to reading the RR's. 
Danette - I'm sorry about your friend - I hope she's doing better.  I'm with you, I don't think I could have finished the workout after that happened either.  And I can't believe the dog's owners took off! 

I'm off to try to get a short walk in.  Hope everyone had a great weekend!

2009-08-09 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Ohh yes - wetsuit ended up being legal!!  75 degree water, so the rain must have really helped out yesterday.

Swim went well, 4 minutes better than last year.  But after talking to a few friends, I think my $20 Sea Doo half suit may be slowing me down more than it does helping me stay bouyant.  I dunno.  Maybe I'll find a good end of season deal somewhere.

2009-08-09 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
RR is up....where are the rest of them???
2009-08-09 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2337332

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Congrats to all that raced.

Did my Situp challenge 195 today.  LOL, had forgotten until Sam reminded me, so did them after a couple glasses of wine.
2009-08-09 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Short and sweet.  RR
2009-08-10 6:52 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend:

Suzy - Great job on the Olympic.  So far, that is my favorite distance.  Hopefully in Sept, I will be saying the same about an HIM.  Also, thanks for the advice about my TFL.  Never heard of it, but you are exactly right.  I'm pretty sure that's what it is.  I have been having some IT Band tightness lately and have been rolling it.  I'll just have to move up my leg more.

Jeremy- Nice race.  Man you are a fast runner.  You need to do a BTMG running clinic for us slow people.  Awesome job on the AG finish!

John - Even though you say you haven't done much since your HIM, it's always good to get back. 

I'm looking forward to reading everyone's  RR in just a few minutes.  Sorry, if I missed anyone.  I skimmed it last night.

2009-08-10 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2337914

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

From your race report about not sure what to do when you come up on slower people.  LOL, I have just been having to do this my last few races.  Before then I would pull up and stop completely then figure out what to do.

What I do now.  2 options, swim over or around.  I tend to do the around more, because the option is normally available and no sense being a jerk if you don't have to (Just my opinion...)

When you sight and notice that there are people in front of you just make sure you look forward a bit more often so you can see the feet when you come up on them.  Then just do a short burst to get around and keep on swimming.  That plan has worked pretty well for me.  The biggest thing is just spotting the people and remembering from your last sight where everything is.  After I pass I usually throw in another sighting just to make sure I am still swimmign straight.

I have tried to draft but haven't been successul yet, I am either slower or faster than everyone I try to draft off of, so they pull away or I end up hitting their feet with my hands so I just go around them.
2009-08-10 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Great job everyone on the races.  Jeremy it seems like you need the challenge of an Olympic tri you're a speed demon.  General Suzy what can I say but great job, you're so disciplined nothing seems to rattle you/throw you off your game, as usual great race.

I had a fun weekend with some friends.  Had a 5.85 mile running race on Sat that was a ton of fun.  I didn't register on time but the local HS running coach that organizes the races let me still run.  Sunday ran again throughout the Compo Beach area in Westport CT and played some tennis afterwards.  We were lucky that our friend's mom was kind enough to look after the kids while the older kids played.  I had 2 great runs this weekend and felt super charged to do more.  I'm thinking it's the fresh air and the great beach life/suburb scenery that kept me going (especially since i didn't run with the ipod once this weekend). 
2009-08-10 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2338026

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-08-10 8:09 AM Suzy,

From your race report about not sure what to do when you come up on slower people.  LOL, I have just been having to do this my last few races.  Before then I would pull up and stop completely then figure out what to do.

What I do now.  2 options, swim over or around.  I tend to do the around more, because the option is normally available and no sense being a jerk if you don't have to (Just my opinion...)

When you sight and notice that there are people in front of you just make sure you look forward a bit more often so you can see the feet when you come up on them.  Then just do a short burst to get around and keep on swimming.  That plan has worked pretty well for me.  The biggest thing is just spotting the people and remembering from your last sight where everything is.  After I pass I usually throw in another sighting just to make sure I am still swimmign straight.

I have tried to draft but haven't been successul yet, I am either slower or faster than everyone I try to draft off of, so they pull away or I end up hitting their feet with my hands so I just go around them.

Thanks Tony.  I will try that in my OWS class tomorrow night.  Ain't no way I am even thinking about drafting.  When I see bubbles in front of me, I know feet cannot be far away and tend to stall to avoid getting kicked.  Need to work on that next year.

Stan, nice job on the race!!

There is a pretty lively debate going on at ST today regarding the death at the Oshkosh Tri yesterday and beginners participating in triathlon.  A 43 yo woman drowned doing the Sprint which is really tragic.   I STG some of the high and mighty people drive me beserk.  Seems like once you have done the sport for a few years you forget where you came from and assume if you cannot master the swim with perfection you shouldn't be there...GRRRRR.
2009-08-10 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2338308

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-10 9:41 AM
There is a pretty lively debate going on at ST today regarding the death at the Oshkosh Tri yesterday and beginners participating in triathlon.  A 43 yo woman drowned doing the Sprint which is really tragic.   I STG some of the high and mighty people drive me beserk.  Seems like once you have done the sport for a few years you forget where you came from and assume if you cannot master the swim with perfection you shouldn't be there...GRRRRR.

Yeah I was looking at that too.  Really really sad.  Her two sons were at the race. 
2009-08-10 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hi everyone!  Sorry to hear about all the sad news from last week. 

Chet - Tegaderm!!!  I'm telling you when my husband had bad road rash he used this stuff and he hardly has any scars. Plus it heeled so much faster. I am cautious about using gauze b/c it will stick to the wound and pull off scabs. Tegaderm is like sarah wrap and keeps the cuts moist.  You'll find it with the band aides!

Baryy and Dannett - so sorry to hear about your friends.  Seeing a bike crash for the first time is a traumatic experience.  Just do what your conscience tells you and you'll be alright.  And if your coach is harping on you, FIND A NEW COACH!  Triathlons are suppose to releve stress, not add to it!

Can't comment on Steve's age, I already know it

Rob - I too have tinkered with my foot strike and found that if I concentrate on pushing through my toes it helps to correct the other foots strike.

2009-08-10 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Since we are giving cautionary tales I had an exerience last week that has given my pause.  I was open water swimming with a group last Wednesday in our usual mucky water.  Being the slowest  I was a good 50 yds behind the pack and it was choppy water, enough so that if I was at the bottom of the wave  I couldn't see the group infront of me.   At one point I kicked a branch of a sunken tree, but I thought it was the beginning of the rocky ledge I knew was near by, so  I went to stand up.  When I turned myself vertical and pushed my legs down to stand, my leg went straight down and threaded itself through the branches of the sunken tree.  Luckily I was able to pull my leg free and just scratched my shin, but it got me thinking.  If I would have been entangled in that tree no one from my group would have seen me go down. 

So here is my advise.  A lady I swim wears a very clever safety devise.  She took a noodle (the styrofoam tubes we play with at the pool) and attached it to her race belt with a string long enough so the noodle floats on the water.  She wears this when ever she open water swims for two reasons, 1) it greatly increases her visibility 2) if she should ever need a flotation devise to grab on to it is right there.  After my battle with the sunken tree I think I will start to wear this as well.
2009-08-10 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2338575

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Baryy and Dannett - so sorry to hear about your friends.  Seeing a bike crash for the first time is a traumatic experience.  Just do what your conscience tells you and you'll be alright.  And if your coach is harping on you, FIND A NEW COACH!  Triathlons are suppose to releve stress, not add to it!

Hi Tahrens:

Thanks for the condolences.  It was not the first crash I saw - I have seen them at races.  But I think I know what you mean.  This was the first crash of a friend on a team.  I was really upset.  Like really upset.  Even today, I keep seeing her in my mind on that hospital bed. I have been praying for her to get well soon!  What upsets me also is that she is a GOOD cyclist.  Not like me - Joe schlomo - 15.0 mph cyclist.  There was really nothing one could do - and there are so many bike crashes. It worries me.  This is why I like staying in the gym.  :-D  I do like biking, but I get worried about flat tires and accidents.  I used to bike every day back and forth to college on my mountain bike and was never worried.  In fact, I biked all over town as I had no car.  But now, with the 2500.00 road bike, I am always concerned for it and me.  There are a lot of waves right now to make New York "Bike friendly" for all buildings and I keep thinking, "that's great.  But if they do.  I'm not taking my road bike.  I need to buy a mountain bike."  Much sturdier and no carbon to bend..and loads cheaper - just get one at Target! :-)

My coach is with Team in Training.  I am thinking that maybe she was stressed out.  Her co-coach lost his sister so he hasn't been able to coach this season.  We had about 22 riders, many beginners.  One assistant ended up being taken away - two people got dreadfully lost biking - and one person got lost on the run.  This despite lots of sweeps.  So maybe she was just a bit stressed.  I am trying to stay mindful of maybe her situation as well.    She has often been encouraging in the past.

Anyway, thanks. :-)

2009-08-10 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I wanted to add, for everyone, that I am doing better.  I recall now that I get really bad post-race blues after every race (except sprints) and that it takes me a good 2-3 weeks before I even want to look at my training plan.

So I started back up again today and feel better.  Now if I can just control my eating.  Does anyone else hating? I really hate it.  It is 'stressful' to me.  Monitoring everything so closely - when and what to eat all of the time with sports nutrition.  Sigh.  Anyone ever just eat chocolate? :-D

But I am feeling better, and I the utter idiot forgot that I am anemic and seem to not be taking my liquid iron.  Sigh. I know.  So hopefully, I can feel better soon now that the post-race blues should be over.  But I want to thank everyone for your support.  You guys are great! 

yours truly,

2009-08-10 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hey All....Back after a busy weekend. Kids birthdat party,softball injuries,10k race and a family dinner.
Kids party was a blast- pony rides at the inlaws. 4 year old love that!!
Went knee on knee pretty much with my centerfielder. Major charleyhorse. Wasn't thinking I was going to be able to run on Sunday.
Run went okay. Quick aside...... My Bro-in-law is how I was 2 years ago. about 50lbs overweight, just getting into fitness.
He really has only taken up running with now, which is fine. But UBER-COMPETITIVE!!!
We get ready for the run. Wife and I about the middle of the 500 runners. He is smackdab up front with the guys and gals trying to win it. Its two  5 k loops.
I get to 5k and haven't seen him yet. I was ready to pull the chute, as my leg was getting really tight and sore. But I knew I couldn't as I hadn't gotten past him yet. (thats my uber competitiveness there i guess.) I saw him about 500m ahead of my at the turn around. He was spent!!! I caught him at 7k, and said "keep it up. Only 3k left." About 10 seconds later, he comes sprinting by me!!! I had to laugh as I knew how long that would last. Then I see him drop a waterbottle from his belt into the people. Others are stepping around him as he goes down to pick it up. Was quite funny. We hit the next small hill, and he was done. I passed him and didn't see him again. He ended up 5 minutes behind me, which says to me that once I passed him for good, he started walking. I LOVE FAMILY!!!
Wife came in a minute under goal, so she was happy.
The guy dressed as Ronald McDonald blew me away---he ran the 10k in 1hr 20 minutes in the full costume. size 25 shoes and all!!
2009-08-10 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2338785

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-08-10 1:02 PM Hey All....Back after a busy weekend. Kids birthdat party,softball injuries,10k race and a family dinner.
Kids party was a blast- pony rides at the inlaws. 4 year old love that!!
Went knee on knee pretty much with my centerfielder. Major charleyhorse. Wasn't thinking I was going to be able to run on Sunday.
Run went okay. Quick aside...... My Bro-in-law is how I was 2 years ago. about 50lbs overweight, just getting into fitness.
He really has only taken up running with now, which is fine. But UBER-COMPETITIVE!!!
We get ready for the run. Wife and I about the middle of the 500 runners. He is smackdab up front with the guys and gals trying to win it. Its two  5 k loops.
I get to 5k and haven't seen him yet. I was ready to pull the chute, as my leg was getting really tight and sore. But I knew I couldn't as I hadn't gotten past him yet. (thats my uber competitiveness there i guess.) I saw him about 500m ahead of my at the turn around. He was spent!!! I caught him at 7k, and said "keep it up. Only 3k left." About 10 seconds later, he comes sprinting by me!!! I had to laugh as I knew how long that would last. Then I see him drop a waterbottle from his belt into the people. Others are stepping around him as he goes down to pick it up. Was quite funny. We hit the next small hill, and he was done. I passed him and didn't see him again. He ended up 5 minutes behind me, which says to me that once I passed him for good, he started walking. I LOVE FAMILY!!!
Wife came in a minute under goal, so she was happy.
The guy dressed as Ronald McDonald blew me away---he ran the 10k in 1hr 20 minutes in the full costume. size 25 shoes and all!!

The turkey ran out local 5K Turkey Trot in something like 18 minutes.  My husband's goal for next year is to beat the turkey.  Men...........

2009-08-10 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Wow!!! Lot's going on......

I crushed by those who thought I was 35!?  The correct answer is 33!  Thanks for all the birthday wishes.  Had a great weekend at the Lake w/ my in-laws, and my family.  Good times.  Wife got me a cool little gift (THEY WORK!!)

Karen- Gallstones! OH MY Goodness..... At least they know what the problem was....

Chet- Holy Crap!  Hope you are feeling better today?  I imagine that your 1st shower was a dandy!

Barry- Hope your friend is doing ok?!

Jeremy, Suzy, John- Nicely done on all your races.  Suzy that is not a bad problem to have to swim over people.  I usually sit on their feet for a little then pass them.

Janet- Good luck in the Sprint. 

Trevor- Funny with the family... Only issue for me with that is my one brother in-law is 4x Hawaiin Ironman, and Ryan (soon to be brother in law??) is a little JACK RABBIT!!!  I am the fat slow guy in our family... But I can drink them under the table !!!

Today- my wife and I are taking off work SOON- and heading out the hill mountains for a trail run then into Seattle for a "LINNER" (lunch/dinner) cocktails, and then the Mariners game.... Going to be a rough way to celebrate a b-day !!!


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2009-08-10 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2338881

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
swbkrun - 2009-08-10 1:31 PM Wow!!! Lot's going on......

I crushed by those who thought I was 35!?  The correct answer is 33!  Thanks for all the birthday wishes.  Had a great weekend at the Lake w/ my in-laws, and my family.  Good times.  Wife got me a cool little gift (THEY WORK!!)

Today- my wife and I are taking off work SOON- and heading out the hill mountains for a trail run then into Seattle for a "LINNER" (lunch/dinner) cocktails, and then the Mariners game.... Going to be a rough way to celebrate a b-day !!!

Those socks are pretty sexy... but please don't wear them in public.

35 was a simple guess based on your info.  Crap, that means you're in my age group.

Glad you had a nice weekend, enjoy your Linner 2night.
2009-08-10 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hey, everybody!  Looks there were some great performances this weekend.  And some tragedy.  How are the injured bikers doing?  Karen, how are you doing with your stones, etc?  Trevor, I think it's time for us to give up softball.

I survived.  My swim SUCKED.  But I really didn't expect much else.  My swimming felt good, but I never got comfortable in the water.  Never got panicked either, but never comfortable so I just got thru it.  The only time I questioned my ability to finish the swim was at about 150 yards in and a guy in my group, about 20 yards behind me, starts screaming HEEELLLLLPPPPPP!  That had me thinking.  I have a lot more swim work to do.

Transitions were both slow, but I had decided beforehand to take my time here for my first time and relax and just get it right.  Turns out had I sped up a little here I would have made my goal.  I had set a 2 hour goal for my first one.
Bike was great - my big A**, sitting up like a sail averaged 19mph.  Never got passed - passed A LOT of people.  I loved passing the Cervelos, Felts, Specialized, etc tri bikes on my $500 Giant.
Knee hurt off the bike and for the first half of the run.

Result:  HAD A BLAST!  READY TO GO AGAIN!  My wife wants to do another this coming weekend.  She was awesome as well.  She ran off the bike course 4 times, but never wrecked so she has some work to do there.

I'll get a RR up later. 

BTW, Chicago was great.  Lake Michigan is COLD.  The Lincoln Park Zoo is extremely nice.  It was a great game and being down on Wrigley Field...well...gave me goose bumps.  Tiller brought some brick dust home in his pocket.  The girls talked about it all the way home.
2009-08-10 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BIG DOG.... I love the RESULTS!!!!
2009-08-10 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2338938

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BigReub - 2009-08-10 11:44 AM Hey, everybody!  Looks there were some great performances this weekend.  And some tragedy.  How are the injured bikers doing?  Karen, how are you doing with your stones, etc?  Trevor, I think it's time for us to give up softball.

I survived.  My swim SUCKED.  But I really didn't expect much else.  My swimming felt good, but I never got comfortable in the water.  Never got panicked either, but never comfortable so I just got thru it.  The only time I questioned my ability to finish the swim was at about 150 yards in and a guy in my group, about 20 yards behind me, starts screaming HEEELLLLLPPPPPP!  That had me thinking.  I have a lot more swim work to do.

Transitions were both slow, but I had decided beforehand to take my time here for my first time and relax and just get it right.  Turns out had I sped up a little here I would have made my goal.  I had set a 2 hour goal for my first one.
Bike was great - my big A**, sitting up like a sail averaged 19mph.  Never got passed - passed A LOT of people.  I loved passing the Cervelos, Felts, Specialized, etc tri bikes on my $500 Giant.
Knee hurt off the bike and for the first half of the run.

Result:  HAD A BLAST!  READY TO GO AGAIN!  My wife wants to do another this coming weekend.  She was awesome as well.  She ran off the bike course 4 times, but never wrecked so she has some work to do there.

I'll get a RR up later. 

BTW, Chicago was great.  Lake Michigan is COLD.  The Lincoln Park Zoo is extremely nice.  It was a great game and being down on Wrigley Field...well...gave me goose bumps.  Tiller brought some brick dust home in his pocket.  The girls talked about it all the way home.

Very cool Reuben. Sounds like a great trip anf Tri. And on Wrigley Field would be awesome.
So you and wife signing up for this weekend???

2009-08-10 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2338938

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BigReub - 2009-08-10 12:44 PM Hey, everybody!  Looks there were some great performances this weekend.  And some tragedy.  How are the injured bikers doing?  Karen, how are you doing with your stones, etc?  Trevor, I think it's time for us to give up softball.

I survived.  My swim SUCKED.  But I really didn't expect much else.  My swimming felt good, but I never got comfortable in the water.  Never got panicked either, but never comfortable so I just got thru it.  The only time I questioned my ability to finish the swim was at about 150 yards in and a guy in my group, about 20 yards behind me, starts screaming HEEELLLLLPPPPPP!  That had me thinking.  I have a lot more swim work to do.

Transitions were both slow, but I had decided beforehand to take my time here for my first time and relax and just get it right.  Turns out had I sped up a little here I would have made my goal.  I had set a 2 hour goal for my first one.
Bike was great - my big A**, sitting up like a sail averaged 19mph.  Never got passed - passed A LOT of people.  I loved passing the Cervelos, Felts, Specialized, etc tri bikes on my $500 Giant.
Knee hurt off the bike and for the first half of the run.

Result:  HAD A BLAST!  READY TO GO AGAIN!  My wife wants to do another this coming weekend.  She was awesome as well.  She ran off the bike course 4 times, but never wrecked so she has some work to do there.

I'll get a RR up later. 

BTW, Chicago was great.  Lake Michigan is COLD.  The Lincoln Park Zoo is extremely nice.  It was a great game and being down on Wrigley Field...well...gave me goose bumps.  Tiller brought some brick dust home in his pocket.  The girls talked about it all the way home.

Congrats man!  Sounds like a tremendous weekend.  I've hoisted a few Old Style's at Opening Day twice at Wrigley. 
2009-08-10 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2338938

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BigReub - 2009-08-10 10:44 AM Hey, everybody!  Looks there were some great performances this weekend.  And some tragedy.  How are the injured bikers doing?  Karen, how are you doing with your stones, etc?  Trevor, I think it's time for us to give up softball.

I survived.  My swim SUCKED.  But I really didn't expect much else.  My swimming felt good, but I never got comfortable in the water.  Never got panicked either, but never comfortable so I just got thru it.  The only time I questioned my ability to finish the swim was at about 150 yards in and a guy in my group, about 20 yards behind me, starts screaming HEEELLLLLPPPPPP!  That had me thinking.  I have a lot more swim work to do.

Transitions were both slow, but I had decided beforehand to take my time here for my first time and relax and just get it right.  Turns out had I sped up a little here I would have made my goal.  I had set a 2 hour goal for my first one.
Bike was great - my big A**, sitting up like a sail averaged 19mph.  Never got passed - passed A LOT of people.  I loved passing the Cervelos, Felts, Specialized, etc tri bikes on my $500 Giant.
Knee hurt off the bike and for the first half of the run.

Result:  HAD A BLAST!  READY TO GO AGAIN!  My wife wants to do another this coming weekend.  She was awesome as well.  She ran off the bike course 4 times, but never wrecked so she has some work to do there.

I'll get a RR up later. 

BTW, Chicago was great.  Lake Michigan is COLD.  The Lincoln Park Zoo is extremely nice.  It was a great game and being down on Wrigley Field...well...gave me goose bumps.  Tiller brought some brick dust home in his pocket.  The girls talked about it all the way home.

So happy for you Reuben! Great race and a fantastic weekend... CONGRATS TRIATHLETE!
2009-08-10 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Way to go Reuben and your wife!   YOU ARE TRIATHLETES NOW!!!!!
2009-08-10 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2338938

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BigReub - 2009-08-10 12:44 PM Hey, everybody!  Looks there were some great performances this weekend.  And some tragedy.  How are the injured bikers doing?  Karen, how are you doing with your stones, etc?  Trevor, I think it's time for us to give up softball.

I survived.  My swim SUCKED.  But I really didn't expect much else.  My swimming felt good, but I never got comfortable in the water.  Never got panicked either, but never comfortable so I just got thru it.  The only time I questioned my ability to finish the swim was at about 150 yards in and a guy in my group, about 20 yards behind me, starts screaming HEEELLLLLPPPPPP!  That had me thinking.  I have a lot more swim work to do.

Transitions were both slow, but I had decided beforehand to take my time here for my first time and relax and just get it right.  Turns out had I sped up a little here I would have made my goal.  I had set a 2 hour goal for my first one.
Bike was great - my big A**, sitting up like a sail averaged 19mph.  Never got passed - passed A LOT of people.  I loved passing the Cervelos, Felts, Specialized, etc tri bikes on my $500 Giant.
Knee hurt off the bike and for the first half of the run.

Result:  HAD A BLAST!  READY TO GO AGAIN!  My wife wants to do another this coming weekend.  She was awesome as well.  She ran off the bike course 4 times, but never wrecked so she has some work to do there.

I'll get a RR up later. 

BTW, Chicago was great.  Lake Michigan is COLD.  The Lincoln Park Zoo is extremely nice.  It was a great game and being down on Wrigley Field...well...gave me goose bumps.  Tiller brought some brick dust home in his pocket.  The girls talked about it all the way home.

Reuben--Congrats to you and your wife!!!  Was your swim in Lake Michigan?  If it was, your swim didn't come close to hitting a homer on the suckmeter!

Steve--uhm, the socks and the cord, are they related? or did you get more than one gift?  I kind of agree with Jeremy, maybe save those for private .  I cannot imagine Kim or Ryan wanting to hang out with you in a bar in those things even when you drink a manly drink like J&Cs.

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-08-10 1:19 PM
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