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2010-11-04 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3194660

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

[email protected] - 2010-11-04 10:13 AM


  • This is it, this is where the race BEGINS.   All experienced Ironman athletes know that putting together a strong marathon is the key to Ironman personal records.  You feel good and throw down an IM marathon PR you will almost certainly get an Ironman PR.  Not true with a bike split PR.  It’s very rare that an Ironman athlete puts together a bike split PR and gets an Ironman PR.  You walk 2.5 miles total during the marathon, you just gave back about 1mph avg on your bike split.

Thanks for the reminders Coop.  I can say that my IM PR is where I PRed the bike.  In fact, I crushed the bike (for me, 5:44 at IMAZ, 30 min faster than any other IM bike for me), and it only cost me 5 min on the run from the previous IM marathon and still the normal 30 min off a standalone marathon time.

Please no one take that to mean to crush the bike though, I have also crushed the bike and fallen apart on the marathon.  It's a risky endeavor and a tough thing to balance.  It is much better to play it safe for sure.  Just don't freak out if you find yourself with a great bike split.  Just accept that it happened and adjust from there.



2010-11-04 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3195236

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
kalalau - 2010-11-04 1:59 PM

I can say that my IM PR is where I PRed the bike.  In fact, I crushed the bike (for me, 5:44 at IMAZ, 30 min faster than any other IM bike for me), and it only cost me 5 min on the run from the previous IM marathon and still the normal 30 min off a standalone marathon time.

Please no one take that to mean to crush the bike though, I have also crushed the bike and fallen apart on the marathon.  It's a risky endeavor and a tough thing to balance.  It is much better to play it safe for sure.  Just don't freak out if you find yourself with a great bike split.  Just accept that it happened and adjust from there.



Dunno about anyone else but this is my first IM. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to run more than 100 yards or so when it comes to that. We'll see.
2010-11-04 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3195253

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

DanielG - 2010-11-04 2:07 PM

 Dunno about anyone else but this is my first IM. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to run more than 100 yards or so when it comes to that. We'll see.

LOL I've had that happen too.  But stick with it, adjust your hydration and nutrition if that is the reason (likely), and keep moving forward.  Once, I started out the marathon with a walk, wondering how I am going to do 26.2, walked most of the first 4 miles, poured in the hydration, made some jogging sections, and the jogging came more and more and before you knew it I somehow pulled out a 5:10 marathon when I thought I was walking the whole thing.

The day will have highs and lows.  Keep moving forward.  The lows will change.

Edited by kalalau 2010-11-04 1:14 PM
2010-11-04 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Just wondering what way people are going on what to wear on race day.  Not so much a question because of weather but more along the lines of practical given good weather.  

Tri suit all day or bike shorts after swim and running shorts after bike.  I am trying to  decide.  I did all of my5 100 plus  long rides with bike shorts and didn't think about using a tri suit to see how that would feel.  I know from doing HIM I have had no issues with comfort using a tri suit.  Could I go 112 with a tri suit.  I know I can.  To me I am not going to stess over two minutes to change into bike shorts but if a tri suit works as well makes no sense to change twice.

  What is your plan?
2010-11-04 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3195275

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

[email protected] - 2010-11-04 2:14 PM Just wondering what way people are going on what to wear on race day.  Not so much a question because of weather but more along the lines of practical given good weather.  

Tri suit all day or bike shorts after swim and running shorts after bike.  I am trying to  decide.  I did all of my5 100 plus  long rides with bike shorts and didn't think about using a tri suit to see how that would feel.  I know from doing HIM I have had no issues with comfort using a tri suit.  Could I go 112 with a tri suit.  I know I can.  To me I am not going to stess over two minutes to change into bike shorts but if a tri suit works as well makes no sense to change twice.

  What is your plan?

I don't mean to sound bad but 56 miles in a tri suit is a tremendous difference than 112 for me.  I have done an IM in my tri suit, but for some reason the longer rides bother me this year.  I haven't really decided on my plan yet but it sure it easy to pick real biking shorts if you've done your century rides in bike shorts.  Remember the #1 rule of nothing new on race day.  Do what you've trained with. It doesn't take long at all to change.

That said, it sure it easy to think of the saved time even if it is seconds.  Grrr.  I debate with myself.  I will likely do bike shorts.  It's too risky, the bike ride is painful enough without added pain that it would be risking.


2010-11-04 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3195275

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
[email protected] - 2010-11-04 2:14 PM

Just wondering what way people are going on what to wear on race day.  Not so much a question because of weather but more along the lines of practical given good weather.  

Tri suit all day or bike shorts after swim and running shorts after bike.  I am trying to  decide.  I did all of my5 100 plus  long rides with bike shorts and didn't think about using a tri suit to see how that would feel.  I know from doing HIM I have had no issues with comfort using a tri suit.  Could I go 112 with a tri suit.  I know I can.  To me I am not going to stess over two minutes to change into bike shorts but if a tri suit works as well makes no sense to change twice.

  What is your plan?

I don't own bike shorts and never really saw a need for them. Done centuries in tri shorts and have run up to 3 hours in my Orca 226 so that's what I'm wearing.
If it's above about 50 I'm just going to do a Zoot tri top (sleeveless) and Orca 226 shorts and wear that all day. Probably have a long sleeved Underarmour cold gear shirt in my run SN bag just in case.

2010-11-04 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3195329

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I plan to be comfortable. That being said I've done all my riding in Tri shorts and bike jersey. So thats what I'll be wearing. Also adding some arm warmers and gloves to start the bike. For the run I'll just slide on some shorts and a run shirt. Doesn't take any time and and I'll be comfortable and exactly the way I've trained.

If you've ridden all your rides with bike shorts, go with bike shorts.

As my high school teachers would say..." Keep it simple stupid" :-)
2010-11-04 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3195329

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-11-04 1:30 PM
[email protected] - 2010-11-04 2:14 PM Just wondering what way people are going on what to wear on race day.  Not so much a question because of weather but more along the lines of practical given good weather.  

Tri suit all day or bike shorts after swim and running shorts after bike.  I am trying to  decide.  I did all of my5 100 plus  long rides with bike shorts and didn't think about using a tri suit to see how that would feel.  I know from doing HIM I have had no issues with comfort using a tri suit.  Could I go 112 with a tri suit.  I know I can.  To me I am not going to stess over two minutes to change into bike shorts but if a tri suit works as well makes no sense to change twice.

  What is your plan?
I don't own bike shorts and never really saw a need for them. Done centuries in tri shorts and have run up to 3 hours in my Orca 226 so that's what I'm wearing. If it's above about 50 I'm just going to do a Zoot tri top (sleeveless) and Orca 226 shorts and wear that all day. Probably have a long sleeved Underarmour cold gear shirt in my run SN bag just in case.

Hey Daniel, are you going bare-armed or arm-warmer-ed during the bike? Also, no wind-breaking vest? 
2010-11-04 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3195274

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
kalalau - 2010-11-04 2:14 PM

The day will have highs and lows.  Keep moving forward.  The lows will change.

Couldn't possibly agree more.

I'll be in bike shorts swapping to run shorts in T2..Third full and from experience, it's not even a close decision for me.
2010-11-04 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Most of my long rides have been done with my Desoto 400 mile bike shorts.  Tri shorts for the swim (or jammers) then swap to bike shorts.  Will have arm warmers if needed.  Also, I just replaced the inserts in my shoes with one that block the air vents so my feet will be a tad bit warmer.  Will wear socks also. 

Anyone try the plastic bag down the shirt trick?  Sounds like it would help some but haven't tried it.

My main concern is nutrition.  Can't stand HEED, just won't work for me.  Thinking one double strength Infinit bottle, one regular bottle of Infinit and my aero bottle filled with Gatorade (for a change).  Add one more double strength infinit bottle in special needs and that should be enough (augment with water from course as necessary).  I guess I could carry the last bottle in my shirt pocket but seems a long time carry something like that.

Question: Expo, I am assuming there is one?  I am low on gels and thinking I would pick some up there.  Anyone have any experience with the expo there?
2010-11-04 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3195389

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Porfirio - 2010-11-04 2:52 PM

Hey Daniel, are you going bare-armed or arm-warmer-ed during the bike? Also, no wind-breaking vest? 

Last year the air temp was 45 when we got into the water. I wore just tri top and shorts the whole HIM and it was fine.

By the time the excitement about "I"m doing an IM!" wears off the sun should be up to get it to the 60s where I'm used to wearing as little as possible.

I'll probably have a lightweight cycling jacket and/or a pair of Wal-Mart tube socks in my T1 bag just in case, though.

2010-11-04 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3195513

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
GaryRM - 2010-11-04 3:48 PM Most of my long rides have been done with my Desoto 400 mile bike shorts.  Tri shorts for the swim (or jammers) then swap to bike shorts.  Will have arm warmers if needed.  Also, I just replaced the inserts in my shoes with one that block the air vents so my feet will be a tad bit warmer.  Will wear socks also. 

Anyone try the plastic bag down the shirt trick?  Sounds like it would help some but haven't tried it.

My main concern is nutrition.  Can't stand HEED, just won't work for me.  Thinking one double strength Infinit bottle, one regular bottle of Infinit and my aero bottle filled with Gatorade (for a change).  Add one more double strength infinit bottle in special needs and that should be enough (augment with water from course as necessary).  I guess I could carry the last bottle in my shirt pocket but seems a long time carry something like that.

Question: Expo, I am assuming there is one?  I am low on gels and thinking I would pick some up there.  Anyone have any experience with the expo there?

I am with you on Heed.  I use Infinit as well.  I am mixing two one hour bottles to carry with me and will have a two hour baggie of Infinit tucked in my bento box or in my jersey.  I have a speedfil on my down tube I just put water in.  This has worked well in all of my 5 hour plus rides.  I have clear bottles so I can see how I am progressing on getting the bottle spaced out over two hours.  In addition, I do one gel an hour or so.  I use GU for that as well.  I am going to just use the available water on the course and none of their nutrition.  I tried Heed on a one of my rides and didn't like it.

Edited by [email protected] 2010-11-04 3:15 PM
2010-11-04 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3195517

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-11-04 2:52 PM
Porfirio - 2010-11-04 2:52 PM Hey Daniel, are you going bare-armed or arm-warmer-ed during the bike? Also, no wind-breaking vest? 
Last year the air temp was 45 when we got into the water. I wore just tri top and shorts the whole HIM and it was fine. By the time the excitement about "I"m doing an IM!" wears off the sun should be up to get it to the 60s where I'm used to wearing as little as possible. I'll probably have a lightweight cycling jacket and/or a pair of Wal-Mart tube socks in my T1 bag just in case, though.

Can we get a poll going here? Who else besides Daniel & myself plans on a tri-top only or a cycling-only top? 
2010-11-04 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3195582

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Extreme Veteran
In front of computer when typing this.
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Porfirio - 2010-11-04 4:23 PM
DanielG - 2010-11-04 2:52 PM
Porfirio - 2010-11-04 2:52 PM Hey Daniel, are you going bare-armed or arm-warmer-ed during the bike? Also, no wind-breaking vest? 
Last year the air temp was 45 when we got into the water. I wore just tri top and shorts the whole HIM and it was fine. By the time the excitement about "I"m doing an IM!" wears off the sun should be up to get it to the 60s where I'm used to wearing as little as possible. I'll probably have a lightweight cycling jacket and/or a pair of Wal-Mart tube socks in my T1 bag just in case, though.

Can we get a poll going here? Who else besides Daniel & myself plans on a tri-top only or a cycling-only top? 

All depends on the weather. Anything >60 and I am in a tri top. I doubt it will be >60 at the start of the bike so decisions need to be made. WIll prob do a tri top and then a long sleeve bike jersey over that. But will check the weather as we go along :-) Tri shorts for the whole thing. I don't see the point in changing since all my training was in tri shorts. Also they are more comfy to me on the run and you LOOK like a triathlete if you wear them, and thats really the main reason to do it!! :-)
2010-11-04 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3195638

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
... and you LOOK like a triathlete if you wear them, and thats really the main reason to do it!! :-)

Yeah brother! We're posing for pics throughout. Really though, 60 degrees. 60 to 70 would be dream temps! 
2010-11-04 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3195517

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

DanielG - 2010-11-04 3:52 PM  I'll probably have a lightweight cycling jacket and/or a pair of Wal-Mart tube socks in my T1 bag just in case, though.

Whenever I pack "just in case" items in T1, they never get worn.  Fresh out of the water, you are pretty optimistic that you can deal with anything (and you can).  I'm going to stuff "just in case" items in the special needs bag, I should be able to suffer through anything for 56.  Of course by then it'll warm up. :-)

Are your tube socks for your feet or for your arms?  I am wondering if I will wear cut tube socks for the arms and just ditch them when it warms up.

I don't have anything for my feet at all, it would suck if my feet got cold.  It would have to be in the 40s I think for that to happen though.

2010-11-04 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3195712

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
kalalau - 2010-11-04 5:41 PM

DanielG - 2010-11-04 3:52 PM  I'll probably have a lightweight cycling jacket and/or a pair of Wal-Mart tube socks in my T1 bag just in case, though.

Whenever I pack "just in case" items in T1, they never get worn.  Fresh out of the water, you are pretty optimistic that you can deal with anything (and you can).  I'm going to stuff "just in case" items in the special needs bag, I should be able to suffer through anything for 56.  Of course by then it'll warm up. :-)

Are your tube socks for your feet or for your arms?  I am wondering if I will wear cut tube socks for the arms and just ditch them when it warms up.

I don't have anything for my feet at all, it would suck if my feet got cold.  It would have to be in the 40s I think for that to happen though.

I'm ex Infantry who went Aviation so I'm well aware of what cold is and whether I can deal with a temp. I've worn the stuff once or twice and not worn it more than that.

I'd put it on my arms/hands. Don't need fingers and I'll use 'em as mittens. I've ridden without my toes plenty of times, they'll get back up with me around the second half.
2010-11-04 5:09 PM
in reply to: #3195729

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

DanielG - 2010-11-04 5:54 PM  I'm ex Infantry who went Aviation so I'm well aware of what cold is and whether I can deal with a temp. I've worn the stuff once or twice and not worn it more than that. I'd put it on my arms/hands. Don't need fingers and I'll use 'em as mittens. I've ridden without my toes plenty of times, they'll get back up with me around the second half.

Ah, I didn't think of that.  Sock "mittens" might work even better.  Thanks!

2010-11-04 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3194691

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Porfirio - 2010-11-04 10:23 AM


  • This is it, this is where the race BEGINS... 
  • Start out SSSSLLLLLOOOOWWWW and let your heart rate come down as quickly as possible (first 2-3 miles) so you can start on your nutrition.  Taking in nutrition at a very high heart rate this late in the day can case some serious back-up issues in your gut that can be hard to recovery from.

Perhaps obvious, but interesting. I've tried to run "slow" on my bricks but it's really hard to under 9 min/pace. For those of you who are heart-rate monitoring, are you shooting for a Z1 run at the begging?

No. I will be at the upper end of z2 coming off the bike, and I'll maintain that on the run, which means that my HR will go UP slightly at the start of the run (because my run zones are a little higher).  This in itself will require some concentration, because I always feel that I'm going slower and easier than I really am when I run off the bike.

So while I will TELL myself to keep it easy and slow at the beginning of the run, I know that in reality the first 10 miles of the run will be the fastest 10 miles for me.  I'm OK with that.  I run better going out at a decent pace (within reason, of course) and trying to hold on, rather than going out too slow and trying to speed up.  Speeding up always feels much harder to me than hanging on.

[email protected] - 2010-11-04 2:14 PM Just wondering what way people are going on what to wear on race day.  Not so much a question because of weather but more along the lines of practical given good weather.  

Tri suit all day or bike shorts after swim and running shorts after bike.  I am trying to  decide.  I did all of my5 100 plus  long rides with bike shorts and didn't think about using a tri suit to see how that would feel.  I know from doing HIM I have had no issues with comfort using a tri suit.  Could I go 112 with a tri suit.  I know I can.  To me I am not going to stess over two minutes to change into bike shorts but if a tri suit works as well makes no sense to change twice.

  What is your plan?

Tri suit all the way.  I will have arm warmers and leg warmers in T1, and will make a snap decision then whether to put them on.  Most likely scenario is that I put on the arm warmers but not the leg warmers, then take the arm warmers off (and into my pockets they go) somewhere around half way.  I'll also have something (bag, newspaper, whatever) to stuff down my top if it is really cold.  I'll have toe covers on my shoes, and that'll be enough.  For the run I'm fairly certain I'll start with just the tri suit (and a hat, and sunglasses if it is sunny), but I'll put a long sleeve running shirt in my T2 bag just in case, and another in my run SN bag just in case.

GaryRM - 2010-11-04 3:48 PM Most of my long rides have been done with my Desoto 400 mile bike shorts.  Tri shorts for the swim (or jammers) then swap to bike shorts.  Will have arm warmers if needed.  Also, I just replaced the inserts in my shoes with one that block the air vents so my feet will be a tad bit warmer.  Will wear socks also. 

Anyone try the plastic bag down the shirt trick?  Sounds like it would help some but haven't tried it.

My main concern is nutrition.  Can't stand HEED, just won't work for me.  Thinking one double strength Infinit bottle, one regular bottle of Infinit and my aero bottle filled with Gatorade (for a change).  Add one more double strength infinit bottle in special needs and that should be enough (augment with water from course as necessary).  I guess I could carry the last bottle in my shirt pocket but seems a long time carry something like that.

Question: Expo, I am assuming there is one?  I am low on gels and thinking I would pick some up there.  Anyone have any experience with the expo there?

I actually like Heed, but I still am not interested in getting it off the course.  I keep a very strong bottle of Heed on my downtube (strong enough to last the whole ride), and dilute it with water as I go.  I do swap out water bottles on the course.

I think it is safe to say that the Expo will have a wide selection of gels.

I'm not really as prepared fore this race as I'd like, but I'm getting excited nonetheless!
2010-11-05 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2687568

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

accuweather forecasting 63degrees, no precipitation and winds from the north at 23 mph..

MSN page weather forecasting 75degrees, showers and winds from the south at 6mph.

you get what you get and you don't get upset...
2010-11-05 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3196433

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Slowbutnotlast - 2010-11-05 8:28 AM


accuweather forecasting 63degrees, no precipitation and winds from the north at 23 mph..

MSN page weather forecasting 75degrees, showers and winds from the south at 6mph.

you get what you get and you don't get upset...

The weather channel:
High 72°F
Precip 30%
Wind: From SW at 11 mph
Humidity: 66%
UV Index: 4 Moderate

We'll see in a week, won't we

2010-11-05 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3196456

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-11-05 8:36 AM
Slowbutnotlast - 2010-11-05 8:28 AM Sooo,

accuweather forecasting 63degrees, no precipitation and winds from the north at 23 mph..

MSN page weather forecasting 75degrees, showers and winds from the south at 6mph.

you get what you get and you don't get upset...
The weather channel: High 72°F Precip 30% Wind: From SW at 11 mph Humidity: 66% UV Index: 4 Moderate We'll see in a week, won't we

Yeah, we'll know a week from Sunday for sure!
2010-11-05 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I think it is safe to say that the Expo will have a wide selection of gels.

Wasn't worried about if I could get gels there, more of is it a decent expo.  I went to the expo for NOLA 70.3 and was a bit surprised on how small it was.  I went to the expo for the San Antonio RnR and it was quite large (of course the number of attendees was quite higher). 

Well, I guess we all have to have our last minute injuries.  Yesterday while feeding my horses one of them stepped on my big toe.  Ouch!  (not quite the words I used but this is family friendly forum ;>.  Going to try a ride today to see if it affects it or not (shouldn't).

Anyone else getting a little edgy with the lack of training at this point.  I have one last 3 hr ride scheduled and looking forward to it. 

Only thing I am adding for the weather is a trash bag.  Either to put in my shirt to keep me warm or over my body to keep me dry.  Need to bring a black one to match my bike.  Must be ready for the photograpers, right?
2010-11-05 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3196587

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
GaryRM - 2010-11-05 9:49 AM

Well, I guess we all have to have our last minute injuries.  Yesterday while feeding my horses one of them stepped on my big toe.  Ouch!  (not quite the words I used but this is family friendly forum ;>).  Going to try a ride today to see if it affects it or not (shouldn't).

Anyone else getting a little edgy with the lack of training at this point. 

Yeah, I should have changed out my shoes last week or two weeks ago but didn't think about why my knee was hurting until this morning. Oops.

I call it taper PMS. My hair annoys me.

2010-11-05 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3196607

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-11-05 8:59 AM 
I call it taper PMS. My hair annoys me.

LMAO!!!!!  Nice!
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