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2012-09-20 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4162190

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

I can't believe I'm getting so much awesome advice. This is pretty surreal right now. Guys don't normally get the advice like this.

Great. Keep this coming.

I like dressing up and going to fancy restaurants. Not always, but I enjoy it. I enjoy wearing a great tie with a fancy fall coat and the rest of the works from great designers. It's not always about me in spandex as much as everything else that comes with it.

Yes, I like it when a women knows how to dress up. If I can take the time to focus on cleaning myself up and thinking of the little things (hair, teeth, nails, ironed and fitted/tailored clothes, etc...), I think that my partner should respectfully do the same. Also, there's an art to dressing up well and I find that I like the look that comes with it.

Now, about the "weirdness" concept, I completely agree that we're all weird in our own ways. I should write a couple things about it.

My question to you ladies: How often do you get messages on these things? What puts you off and you automatically don't respond? Pictures? Profile? Combo? Do you even view their profiles? What about their personal email? How long? How many questions are asked? What's easier for you on the eyes?

2012-09-20 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4420275

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
piyushdabomb - 2012-09-20 10:24 AM

My question to you ladies: How often do you get messages on these things? What puts you off and you automatically don't respond? Pictures? Profile? Combo? Do you even view their profiles? What about their personal email? How long? How many questions are asked? What's easier for you on the eyes?

I get messages on Match daily.
I typically don't respond to short/generic messages like "I like your profile, let's chat" or "How was your day?" I like messages that are thoughtful (showing he actually read my profile) and funny. Match has some good tips on their site for writing emails, definitely worth checking out.

Photos have been discussed in this thread, but I don't enjoy these types of photos - guys with their car, their motorcycle (not riding?), their boat. Photos of them clinging on another girl they didn't crop out, large group photos where you can't identify anyone, photos with dead animals (hunting/fishing), photos of landscapes without them in it, groups of identifiable people but not identifying themselves (which one are you??), muscle/flexing/shirtless photos, photos where they aren't smiling (I promise you look better when you SMILE!!)... call me picky.

I do view profiles if the email and main photo are appealing. Sometimes I view profiles just to continue the entertainment value - confession time.

I typically email 3 or 4 times before exchanging phone numbers or asking to meet up.

2012-09-20 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4420126

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 9:28 AM
DeannaS - 2012-09-20 9:03 AM
piyushdabomb - 2012-09-20 8:51 AM

3. Should I get more images of me in better formal attire? Yes, I think I can dress to impress (which is what I obviously do on dates), but I wasn't sure whether it makes sense to add it here.

Appreciate the comments.

Depends on what kind of woman you're trying to attract, honestly.

Deanna is spot on!
And I wanted to add to the thread that I'm going out with a guy who dresses up (which I appreciate!) to a fancy dinner tonight Tongue out - but I'm the kind of person who enjoys both lacing up running shoes for a date as well as putting on my high heels. 

And we all know I ONLY go out with guys who can pull off a SUIT :-


Edited by NRG42 2012-09-20 10:44 AM
2012-09-20 10:51 AM
in reply to: #4420275

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
piyushdabomb - 2012-09-20 10:24 AM

My question to you ladies: How often do you get messages on these things? What puts you off and you automatically don't respond? Pictures? Profile? Combo? Do you even view their profiles? What about their personal email? How long? How many questions are asked? What's easier for you on the eyes?

I don't get a ton of messages, and it comes in fits and starts. So, I might go a week with no messages, and then get 3 in a day. I think it has something to do with OKC's algorithms. They "highlight" certain profiles from time to time.

I'm not concerned with quantity of messages. I'd much rather have quality.

I try to respond to everyone that gave their message any thought.

Immediate turn-offs:
1. Clearly cut and paste messages. (Some guys have even sent me the same exact form-type message more than once. Ugh.)
2. Inappropriate humor. (Nope, it's not funny if you lead with, "Hey - I'd marry you! Ha ha."
3. Immediately hitting on the sex topic.

Immediate turn-ons:
1. Witty, well-crafted messages that relate somehow to what I've written about myself.
2. Self-deprecating humor done well.
3. A suggestion of something we might want to do together that shows that you "get" me.

I always check out the person's profile when I get a message. I usually even read the whole thing because it's either intriguing as a potential match or hilarious as a so-not-match.

When really mismatched people contact me, I'll often point out what I'm seeing as a total mismatch. I was contacted recently by someone that thinks homosexuality is a sin and flag burning is way worse than book burning. So, I pointed out to him that we might have some spirited debates, but I doubt we'd actually click (and tried to do it in at least a semi-humorous way). I feel like it's less rude to say, "hey, I don't think we'd hit it off" than to just ignore a message.

That said, I'll ignore anyone that's lewd or sending the form messages.

Most of the people that I've hit it off with have tended to be people that I've contacted first. (I hear tell my profile is intimidating.)

2012-09-20 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4162190

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

I know we have covered some texting and talking on the phone a bit....well this is a new for me!

Went out with this guy a few weeks ago, nice guy but no chemistry.  He has not called or texted me since the date, but we have been playing Words With Friends for a while.  Today he sends me a chat within Words with Friends and says "Am I correct in assuming you weren't interested in me?"  OMG, seriously!!!??  I mean no contact in weeks and then you send me this in a game app?!?!  Typically no contact is the universal silence of "not interested", right?  I get that people are afraid of rejection, but dude, you are 43 yrs old, man up!  

2012-09-20 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4420720

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Well AbbieR sometimes you just want to know. Especially if you remained in some contact.

What I hate it when they contact you the next day and ask you to call/text them the next day because they are busy and then give you silence after that. 

2012-09-20 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4420275

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
piyushdabomb - 2012-09-20 11:24 AM


I like dressing up and going to fancy restaurants. Not always, but I enjoy it. I enjoy wearing a great tie with a fancy fall coat and the rest of the works from great designers. It's not always about me in spandex as much as everything else that comes with it.

Yes, I like it when a women knows how to dress up. If I can take the time to focus on cleaning myself up and thinking of the little things (hair, teeth, nails, ironed and fitted/tailored clothes, etc...), 

dude, you are too intense

2012-09-20 2:19 PM
in reply to: #4420720

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
AbbieR - 2012-09-20 2:46 PM

Typically no contact is the universal silence of "not interested", right?  

I suppose it is, but I had much more respect for women when they actually told me they weren't interested. I dig directness.

2012-09-20 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4420795

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
mrbbrad - 2012-09-20 12:19 PM
AbbieR - 2012-09-20 2:46 PM

Typically no contact is the universal silence of "not interested", right?  

I suppose it is, but I had much more respect for women when they actually told me they weren't interested. I dig directness.

True, but he has not been in touch in weeks, just odd to bring this up

2012-09-20 2:49 PM
in reply to: #4420786

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
mrbbrad - 2012-09-20 3:15 PM
piyushdabomb - 2012-09-20 11:24 AM


I like dressing up and going to fancy restaurants. Not always, but I enjoy it. I enjoy wearing a great tie with a fancy fall coat and the rest of the works from great designers. It's not always about me in spandex as much as everything else that comes with it.

Yes, I like it when a women knows how to dress up. If I can take the time to focus on cleaning myself up and thinking of the little things (hair, teeth, nails, ironed and fitted/tailored clothes, etc...), 

dude, you are too intense


Hah. What should I do? Wear spandex and to Starbucks?

2012-09-20 5:25 PM
in reply to: #4162190

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

2012-09-20 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4421134

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

2012-09-20 7:08 PM
in reply to: #4421160

User image

Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 3:47 PM

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

LOL - too funny.  I say Duck Fating also - it all sucks!  

Just kidding...I kind of backed off the whole dating thing for a while.  Figure I will meet the right woman, when I meet her.  

Really want to meet / date a triathlete (or runner) that is younger than me, doesn't want kids, and is ok with me having one kid. 

I know - I pretty much just shrunk my pool of possible dates down to about 4 women in the country, and 3 of them most likely live on the East Coast...so not holding my breath.  

Here is an interesting article about an experiment that tested whether or not women have it easier on dating sites than men.....


2012-09-21 9:17 AM
in reply to: #4421240

User image

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 7:08 PM
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 3:47 PM

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

LOL - too funny.  I say Duck Fating also - it all sucks!  

Just kidding...I kind of backed off the whole dating thing for a while.  Figure I will meet the right woman, when I meet her.  

Really want to meet / date a triathlete (or runner) that is younger than me, doesn't want kids, and is ok with me having one kid. 

I know - I pretty much just shrunk my pool of possible dates down to about 4 women in the country, and 3 of them most likely live on the East Coast...so not holding my breath.  

Here is an interesting article about an experiment that tested whether or not women have it easier on dating sites than men.....


Funny I just had this "dating pool" conversation with a bunch of co-worker and clients.

One of the guys asked, so do you have a idea or guidelines of what you are looking for.   I said kind of, when I was QUICKLY corrected by my boss (we've worked together for 15 years).  He said let me tell you what she is looking for......1% of the population.  I sighed.

The list was impressive when he put it out there.

She needs a well educated, older, alpha male, who is taller than her with 3 inch heels (which is not true, I am 5'10, dating someone who is 5'11), she like a leaner man USUALLY with darker hair, who can be the bread winner compared to her, who is into health and knows how to get sweaty routinely, he should have a sense of style knows how to put on a suit, he should be polished and polite but know how to run a boardroom and a bedroom, she perfers someone who has already been married and does not want anymore kids, having your own kids is fine but 2 is the max number (she does not want to upgrade to a small bus for family outings), and he can't be super hairy (hair phobe) or at least willing to manscape and/or wax. 

Guy turned to me and said, wow I hope you like being single.

2012-09-21 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4162190

User image

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
lol thank baby jesus and his golden fleece diapers im no longer single. way too much work with very little to no ROI
2012-09-21 10:28 AM
in reply to: #4421828

User image

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 8:17 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 7:08 PM
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 3:47 PM

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

LOL - too funny.  I say Duck Fating also - it all sucks!  

Just kidding...I kind of backed off the whole dating thing for a while.  Figure I will meet the right woman, when I meet her.  

Really want to meet / date a triathlete (or runner) that is younger than me, doesn't want kids, and is ok with me having one kid. 

I know - I pretty much just shrunk my pool of possible dates down to about 4 women in the country, and 3 of them most likely live on the East Coast...so not holding my breath.  

Here is an interesting article about an experiment that tested whether or not women have it easier on dating sites than men.....


Funny I just had this "dating pool" conversation with a bunch of co-worker and clients.

One of the guys asked, so do you have a idea or guidelines of what you are looking for.   I said kind of, when I was QUICKLY corrected by my boss (we've worked together for 15 years).  He said let me tell you what she is looking for......1% of the population.  I sighed.

The list was impressive when he put it out there.

She needs a well educated, older, alpha male, who is taller than her with 3 inch heels (which is not true, I am 5'10, dating someone who is 5'11) check, she like a leaner man USUALLY with darker hair check, who can be the bread winner compared to her, check who is into health and knows how to get sweaty routinely, check he should have a sense of style knows how to put on a suit, check he should be polished and polite but know how to run a boardroom and a bedroom, check and CHECK she perfers someone who has already been married and does not want anymore kids, check having your own kids is fine but 2 is the max number (she does not want to upgrade to a small bus for family outings), Damn, i have three  ((   and he can't be super hairy (hair phobe) check or at least willing to manscape and/or wax. check

Guy turned to me and said, wow I hope you like being single.


Oh well, I'll keep looking..... 

2012-09-21 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4422031

User image

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
sbreaux - 2012-09-21 10:28 AM
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 8:17 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 7:08 PM
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 3:47 PM

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

LOL - too funny.  I say Duck Fating also - it all sucks!  

Just kidding...I kind of backed off the whole dating thing for a while.  Figure I will meet the right woman, when I meet her.  

Really want to meet / date a triathlete (or runner) that is younger than me, doesn't want kids, and is ok with me having one kid. 

I know - I pretty much just shrunk my pool of possible dates down to about 4 women in the country, and 3 of them most likely live on the East Coast...so not holding my breath.  

Here is an interesting article about an experiment that tested whether or not women have it easier on dating sites than men.....


Funny I just had this "dating pool" conversation with a bunch of co-worker and clients.

One of the guys asked, so do you have a idea or guidelines of what you are looking for.   I said kind of, when I was QUICKLY corrected by my boss (we've worked together for 15 years).  He said let me tell you what she is looking for......1% of the population.  I sighed.

The list was impressive when he put it out there.

She needs a well educated, older, alpha male, who is taller than her with 3 inch heels (which is not true, I am 5'10, dating someone who is 5'11) check, she like a leaner man USUALLY with darker hair check, who can be the bread winner compared to her, check who is into health and knows how to get sweaty routinely, check he should have a sense of style knows how to put on a suit, check he should be polished and polite but know how to run a boardroom and a bedroom, check and CHECK she perfers someone who has already been married and does not want anymore kids, check having your own kids is fine but 2 is the max number (she does not want to upgrade to a small bus for family outings), Damn, i have three  ((   and he can't be super hairy (hair phobe) check or at least willing to manscape and/or wax. check

Guy turned to me and said, wow I hope you like being single.


Oh well, I'll keep looking..... 

Hi.  Impressive!  Can you return one of them?!?  Surprised

How the heck are ya?  Last time I check you had a hot chick in pictures with you?

2012-09-21 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4422058

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Snap, I'm too short.

Failed on the first requirement.


2012-09-21 11:04 AM
in reply to: #4422058

User image

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 9:38 AM
sbreaux - 2012-09-21 10:28 AM
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 8:17 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 7:08 PM
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 3:47 PM

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

LOL - too funny.  I say Duck Fating also - it all sucks!  

Just kidding...I kind of backed off the whole dating thing for a while.  Figure I will meet the right woman, when I meet her.  

Really want to meet / date a triathlete (or runner) that is younger than me, doesn't want kids, and is ok with me having one kid. 

I know - I pretty much just shrunk my pool of possible dates down to about 4 women in the country, and 3 of them most likely live on the East Coast...so not holding my breath.  

Here is an interesting article about an experiment that tested whether or not women have it easier on dating sites than men.....


Funny I just had this "dating pool" conversation with a bunch of co-worker and clients.

One of the guys asked, so do you have a idea or guidelines of what you are looking for.   I said kind of, when I was QUICKLY corrected by my boss (we've worked together for 15 years).  He said let me tell you what she is looking for......1% of the population.  I sighed.

The list was impressive when he put it out there.

She needs a well educated, older, alpha male, who is taller than her with 3 inch heels (which is not true, I am 5'10, dating someone who is 5'11) check, she like a leaner man USUALLY with darker hair check, who can be the bread winner compared to her, check who is into health and knows how to get sweaty routinely, check he should have a sense of style knows how to put on a suit, check he should be polished and polite but know how to run a boardroom and a bedroom, check and CHECK she perfers someone who has already been married and does not want anymore kids, check having your own kids is fine but 2 is the max number (she does not want to upgrade to a small bus for family outings), Damn, i have three  ((   and he can't be super hairy (hair phobe) check or at least willing to manscape and/or wax. check

Guy turned to me and said, wow I hope you like being single.


Oh well, I'll keep looking..... 

Hi.  Impressive!  Can you return one of them?!?  Surprised

How the heck are ya?  Last time I check you had a hot chick in pictures with you?

My mother is pretty hot, huh? 

2012-09-21 11:06 AM
in reply to: #4421828

User image

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 7:17 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 7:08 PM
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 3:47 PM

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

LOL - too funny.  I say Duck Fating also - it all sucks!  

Just kidding...I kind of backed off the whole dating thing for a while.  Figure I will meet the right woman, when I meet her.  

Really want to meet / date a triathlete (or runner) that is younger than me, doesn't want kids, and is ok with me having one kid. 

I know - I pretty much just shrunk my pool of possible dates down to about 4 women in the country, and 3 of them most likely live on the East Coast...so not holding my breath.  

Here is an interesting article about an experiment that tested whether or not women have it easier on dating sites than men.....


Funny I just had this "dating pool" conversation with a bunch of co-worker and clients.

One of the guys asked, so do you have a idea or guidelines of what you are looking for.   I said kind of, when I was QUICKLY corrected by my boss (we've worked together for 15 years).  He said let me tell you what she is looking for......1% of the population.  I sighed.

The list was impressive when he put it out there.

She needs a well educated, older, alpha male, who is taller than her with 3 inch heels (which is not true, I am 5'10, dating someone who is 5'11), she like a leaner man USUALLY with darker hair, who can be the bread winner compared to her, who is into health and knows how to get sweaty routinely, he should have a sense of style knows how to put on a suit, he should be polished and polite but know how to run a boardroom and a bedroom, she perfers someone who has already been married and does not want anymore kids, having your own kids is fine but 2 is the max number (she does not want to upgrade to a small bus for family outings), and he can't be super hairy (hair phobe) or at least willing to manscape and/or wax. 

Guy turned to me and said, wow I hope you like being single.

We have more in common than just bikini pics, I'm looking for the same guy!  Too funny about the 1% of the population comment!

2012-09-21 11:32 AM
in reply to: #4421977

User image

Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

tinninches - 2012-09-21 11:09 AM lol thank baby jesus and his golden fleece diapers im no longer single. way too much work with very little to no ROI

What about the RIO?

2012-09-21 11:34 AM
in reply to: #4422118

User image

Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
sbreaux - 2012-09-21 12:04 PM
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 9:38 AM
sbreaux - 2012-09-21 10:28 AM
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 8:17 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 7:08 PM
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 3:47 PM

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

LOL - too funny.  I say Duck Fating also - it all sucks!  

Just kidding...I kind of backed off the whole dating thing for a while.  Figure I will meet the right woman, when I meet her.  

Really want to meet / date a triathlete (or runner) that is younger than me, doesn't want kids, and is ok with me having one kid. 

I know - I pretty much just shrunk my pool of possible dates down to about 4 women in the country, and 3 of them most likely live on the East Coast...so not holding my breath.  

Here is an interesting article about an experiment that tested whether or not women have it easier on dating sites than men.....


Funny I just had this "dating pool" conversation with a bunch of co-worker and clients.

One of the guys asked, so do you have a idea or guidelines of what you are looking for.   I said kind of, when I was QUICKLY corrected by my boss (we've worked together for 15 years).  He said let me tell you what she is looking for......1% of the population.  I sighed.

The list was impressive when he put it out there.

She needs a well educated, older, alpha male, who is taller than her with 3 inch heels (which is not true, I am 5'10, dating someone who is 5'11) check, she like a leaner man USUALLY with darker hair check, who can be the bread winner compared to her, check who is into health and knows how to get sweaty routinely, check he should have a sense of style knows how to put on a suit, check he should be polished and polite but know how to run a boardroom and a bedroom, check and CHECK she perfers someone who has already been married and does not want anymore kids, check having your own kids is fine but 2 is the max number (she does not want to upgrade to a small bus for family outings), Damn, i have three  ((   and he can't be super hairy (hair phobe) check or at least willing to manscape and/or wax. check

Guy turned to me and said, wow I hope you like being single.


Oh well, I'll keep looking..... 

Hi.  Impressive!  Can you return one of them?!?  Surprised

How the heck are ya?  Last time I check you had a hot chick in pictures with you?

My mother is pretty hot, huh? 


2012-09-21 11:37 AM
in reply to: #4422124

User image

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
AbbieR - 2012-09-21 11:06 AM
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 7:17 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 7:08 PM
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 3:47 PM

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

LOL - too funny.  I say Duck Fating also - it all sucks!  

Just kidding...I kind of backed off the whole dating thing for a while.  Figure I will meet the right woman, when I meet her.  

Really want to meet / date a triathlete (or runner) that is younger than me, doesn't want kids, and is ok with me having one kid. 

I know - I pretty much just shrunk my pool of possible dates down to about 4 women in the country, and 3 of them most likely live on the East Coast...so not holding my breath.  

Here is an interesting article about an experiment that tested whether or not women have it easier on dating sites than men.....


Funny I just had this "dating pool" conversation with a bunch of co-worker and clients.

One of the guys asked, so do you have a idea or guidelines of what you are looking for.   I said kind of, when I was QUICKLY corrected by my boss (we've worked together for 15 years).  He said let me tell you what she is looking for......1% of the population.  I sighed.

The list was impressive when he put it out there.

She needs a well educated, older, alpha male, who is taller than her with 3 inch heels (which is not true, I am 5'10, dating someone who is 5'11), she like a leaner man USUALLY with darker hair, who can be the bread winner compared to her, who is into health and knows how to get sweaty routinely, he should have a sense of style knows how to put on a suit, he should be polished and polite but know how to run a boardroom and a bedroom, she perfers someone who has already been married and does not want anymore kids, having your own kids is fine but 2 is the max number (she does not want to upgrade to a small bus for family outings), and he can't be super hairy (hair phobe) or at least willing to manscape and/or wax. 

Guy turned to me and said, wow I hope you like being single.

We have more in common than just bikini pics, I'm looking for the same guy!  Too funny about the 1% of the population comment!

I am sure there's more of us then there are of them? 


2012-09-21 11:37 AM
in reply to: #4162190

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

hmm I'm fairly simple then.  Umm guy can't be an alcoholic or druggie or gambler, has a good job and is smart, ambitious, likes animals and sports (sorry golf is not a sport. I mean football, baseball, hockey) and does some of his own.  Oh and can't be currently married.  Kids, as long as exwifey is involved is ok. 

Unfortunately all I seem to get are really old guys, really young guys, separated guys (sorry, I feel like it needs to be a done deal or at least paperwork is in motion) or have some real issue like drinking or gambling.  Or even odder, they DON'T like sports as much as I do.  You seriously don't want to watch Monday Night Football?  I don't know, I just can't be more manly than the guy I"m dating.

2012-09-21 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4422185

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 9:37 AM
AbbieR - 2012-09-21 11:06 AM
NRG42 - 2012-09-21 7:17 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 7:08 PM
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 3:47 PM

Muskrat37 - 2012-09-20 5:25 PM Muck Fatch.com  - the site sucks.  

Awww I see you are still jaded...! How's the dating going outside of muckfatch? Any luck?

LOL - too funny.  I say Duck Fating also - it all sucks!  

Just kidding...I kind of backed off the whole dating thing for a while.  Figure I will meet the right woman, when I meet her.  

Really want to meet / date a triathlete (or runner) that is younger than me, doesn't want kids, and is ok with me having one kid. 

I know - I pretty much just shrunk my pool of possible dates down to about 4 women in the country, and 3 of them most likely live on the East Coast...so not holding my breath.  

Here is an interesting article about an experiment that tested whether or not women have it easier on dating sites than men.....


Funny I just had this "dating pool" conversation with a bunch of co-worker and clients.

One of the guys asked, so do you have a idea or guidelines of what you are looking for.   I said kind of, when I was QUICKLY corrected by my boss (we've worked together for 15 years).  He said let me tell you what she is looking for......1% of the population.  I sighed.

The list was impressive when he put it out there.

She needs a well educated, older, alpha male, who is taller than her with 3 inch heels (which is not true, I am 5'10, dating someone who is 5'11), she like a leaner man USUALLY with darker hair, who can be the bread winner compared to her, who is into health and knows how to get sweaty routinely, he should have a sense of style knows how to put on a suit, he should be polished and polite but know how to run a boardroom and a bedroom, she perfers someone who has already been married and does not want anymore kids, having your own kids is fine but 2 is the max number (she does not want to upgrade to a small bus for family outings), and he can't be super hairy (hair phobe) or at least willing to manscape and/or wax. 

Guy turned to me and said, wow I hope you like being single.

We have more in common than just bikini pics, I'm looking for the same guy!  Too funny about the 1% of the population comment!

I am sure there's more of us then there are of them? 


What makes that number even smaller (like on in a million) is some are gay, and the ones that are left?  You need to fill THEIR extensive checklist.

If you can find that SO that checks your all list items, and you check all THEIR list items...  Hold on to them as if your life depended on it!

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