BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod Rss Feed  
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2012-05-25 11:02 AM
in reply to: #4229038

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
bcraht - 2012-05-25 11:54 AM

So I didn't go for a run last night, still too sore.  Iced all day yesterday, did the pressure point thing while watching my son's baseball game.  Ouch.  Did some roller dooey too.  Had swim again this morning--no fins!!!!  Still a bit sore, but better and no more cramps. 

I was so happy at swim this morning.  We did 2x100 on 2:00 and I got to rest for almost 15 secs on both!!  We also had 4x200 descend 1-4 and I actually did.  I was very proud of myself Laughing.

Oh, and I am racing this weekend.  A mini sprint. 

Great job on your swim achievement and good luck and have fun at your mini sprint!

2012-05-25 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4228961

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
ArielLIlB - 2012-05-25 10:24 AM
KansasMom - 2012-05-25 11:15 AM

Good morning! (afternoon, evening)

I'm not "racing" tomorrow, but I am 90 percent sure I'm going to do a 27 mile bike ride. I did it last year on my hybrid when I was severely under trained, and it was freezing cold and windy. I'd like to try it again this year on the TT bike to redeem myself. It's only $20 and is a fundraiser, this year, for a mission trip.

The forecast for tomorrow morning at 8:00 is 77 with 16 mph winds, with winds increasing as the day goes on. So I should have incentive to finish as quickly as possible.

With that in mind, I'll forgo a ride today, maybe just a little spinning to check the bike out one more time, and try to run 5-6 miles. I was hoping for a 10 mile run tomorrow, but that was before I was going to do the ride, so I will play that one by ear. It seems to me that I could do the ride in the morning, recover, maybe even take a nap, and then run in the afternoon -- when it will be 95 and windy. Ack!

Oh, and I'm going to hit 100+ miles running in May today. I haven't done that since November. And I feel great!

Nice job on the running! Sounds like you are getting in some hardcore training. And I can't beleive the wind - is it always so windy in Kansas, or just in the spring?  And 95!! Although Boston will be 88 on Saturday, guess summer is getting an early start (yay!).  Good luck on the bike ride tomorrow, I've never ridden that far....yet! A 10 miler on top of that in the windy heat - well that would just be crazy hardcore!

It seems windier than usual, but it is basically always windy here. When we first moved here, my oldest son, who was 3 at the time, complained about the "hot wind." When it blows out of the south, it is crazy hot. Then it switches (like it did over night a couple nights ago), and blows out of the north, and we freeze. lol

ETA. I'm not complaining. We have basically two seasons here, hot and cold, but I have grown to love both of them. Who wants 75, sunny, and calm? Not me. Give me 30 or 90 with 35 mph winds. Wink

Edited by KansasMom 2012-05-25 11:30 AM
2012-05-25 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Holy Cow...I'm gone for a week and you guys fill up a whole thread!!  I can't keep up!

I'm back from San Francisco.  Did a TON of walking up and down hills, yet still gained weight.  Yell

I'm going back to using SparkPeople today.  Hopefully that helps? Who knows at this point!

Going to try to run this weekend and maybe even get out on my bike!! I have a 5 mile run/obstacle course in a month.  It would be nice if I trained some before then and had actually run 5 miles.

2012-05-25 12:11 PM
in reply to: #4229038

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
bcraht - 2012-05-25 10:54 AM

So I didn't go for a run last night, still too sore.  Iced all day yesterday, did the pressure point thing while watching my son's baseball game.  Ouch.  Did some roller dooey too.  Had swim again this morning--no fins!!!!  Still a bit sore, but better and no more cramps. 

I was so happy at swim this morning.  We did 2x100 on 2:00 and I got to rest for almost 15 secs on both!!  We also had 4x200 descend 1-4 and I actually did.  I was very proud of myself Laughing.

Oh, and I am racing this weekend.  A mini sprint. 

Gooo Kirstin! Get it girl!

What are the rest of you Manatees up to this weekend?

2012-05-25 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Happy Friday!

 Edit:  I have a cute pic of a manatee, but can't get it to post. 

Oh well, happy Friday anywho!


Edited by crews 2012-05-25 12:24 PM
2012-05-25 12:24 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

I'm not sure why, but all week I have been missing a friend of mine terribly. I think it was because he (over and above everyone else) always made a huge deal out of my birthdays, and this is the first birthday I've had without him ... I mean, he lived in LA so he wasn't HERE for my last two birthdays, but he sure made a big deal of it online and on the phone anyway.

He was always a tremendous support for me regarding issues with my parents, since he'd been through the same with his. And was simply just a very wise, insanely funny soul who kind of adopted me when I was a lost cause.

If you've ever watched TV, you've seen him. He was one of Hollywood's best-known bit-part and character actors.


I called him Fudgie and Prime Piglet and he thought melon presses were the second-most wonderful thing in the world. The first most wonderful thing, he thought, and him alone (perhaps another reason I was so charmed by him) was my voice. We had coffee together every Monday evening and he would cajole me into reading to him every time possible. He would invite his friends and make me read to them. He would grab random strangers to join us and make me read to him.

Coming from him, of all people, of course I was extremely flattered. I think there was just something in the vibration of my voice that matched one of his soul strings.

I think he's having a party up there somewhere, telling the most awful and slightly (who am I kidding, heavily) offensive jokes ever, and rescuing lost piglets in the afterlife who never did quite find their way in this world.

This was one of his last messages to me, to give you an idea of how irreverent he was ... about everything ... including his imminent passing.

Aww. Porcinity ! Living in high sty ! Oink if you love Yanti !
Prime Piglet ? Whatever happened to "over the hill and gone piglet?" Piglet a la Bali ? Would a restaurant specializing in pork dishes be the "Oink Joint"? It's way too early for me to be going on this way. I'm going to let the folks know what we're missing by not having you here. Somehow it just ain't fair! Have a wonderful day. God bless. Someday soon I'll be in the Sty in the Sky ... wait a minute, it's warmer here than I thought it would be, I'm bacon .... Love always, Alan

I have pictures with him but they're all on my old computer in Bali.


2012-05-25 12:29 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

So who else have we Manatees racing this weekend? So far there's Kirsten and

GO JO!!!

who's racing a half marathon with her daughter.

2012-05-25 12:36 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Go Kirsten and Go Jo!

So I was looking at the Athlink stalking thread. I'd never thought to use it that way.  But since there are (so far) 4 women in my AG for Moab in two weeks I thought I'd use it to scope the competition and see if I have a chance at a podium (I'm not proud, i'll take 3rd of 3).  Well one of them has done a 70.3 in Boise, one of them smoked Moab last year and the other has no listings as far as I can tell. She may be a sleeper but I'll count on her to be the one I can beat.  I know, I know, race your own race and all that... but I'd really like some bling (even if it's due to a shallow field).

2012-05-25 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4229277

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
rrrunner - 2012-05-25 12:36 PM

Go Kirsten and Go Jo!

So I was looking at the Athlink stalking thread. I'd never thought to use it that way.  But since there are (so far) 4 women in my AG for Moab in two weeks I thought I'd use it to scope the competition and see if I have a chance at a podium (I'm not proud, i'll take 3rd of 3).  Well one of them has done a 70.3 in Boise, one of them smoked Moab last year and the other has no listings as far as I can tell. She may be a sleeper but I'll count on her to be the one I can beat.  I know, I know, race your own race and all that... but I'd really like some bling (even if it's due to a shallow field).

Hehe, I think you can do it! Just race your heart out. 

Hmmm, this Athlink pulls up some really irrelevant results for myself! 

2012-05-25 1:13 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!


ETA:  Go Felicia!

Edited by amd723 2012-05-25 1:21 PM
2012-05-25 1:15 PM
in reply to: #4229305

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Go Manatees!  Go!

Events this week:

  • Felicia (cycling event, TT)
  • Kirsten (mini sprint)
  • Jo (Bayshore half marathon)


2012-05-25 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4229366

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
amd723 - 2012-05-25 1:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

eating and drinking, I think that is just training for the Mad Manatee Double Down Get Down, or whatever the heck we ended up naming our fictional race.

2012-05-25 1:19 PM
in reply to: #4229366

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
amd723 - 2012-05-25 2:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

Go racing Manatees!

Ann Marie, enjoy your weekend! We'll actually be in your neck of the woods, taste testing cupcakes for the DD's upcoming wedding. YUMMY

Edited by cdban66 2012-05-25 1:19 PM
2012-05-25 1:21 PM
in reply to: #4229381

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
cdban66 - 2012-05-25 1:19 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-25 2:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

Go racing Manatees! Ann Marie, enjoy your weekend! We'll actually be in your neck of the woods, taste testing cupcakes for the DD's upcoming wedding. YUMMY

Ok, I have to ask, what does the first D stand for? Like when someone says DH or DW? I get that it's husband, or wife (or I hope, otherwise I have been making a hell of an assumption)

2012-05-25 1:22 PM
in reply to: #4229372

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
jmkizer - 2012-05-25 11:15 AM

Go Manatees!  Go!

Events this week:

  • Felicia (cycling event, TT)
  • Kirsten (mini sprint)
  • Jo (Bayshore half marathon)


Good luck and have fun Felicia and Jo!

2012-05-25 1:23 PM
in reply to: #4229386

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-05-26 1:21 AM
cdban66 - 2012-05-25 1:19 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-25 2:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

Go racing Manatees! Ann Marie, enjoy your weekend! We'll actually be in your neck of the woods, taste testing cupcakes for the DD's upcoming wedding. YUMMY

Ok, I have to ask, what does the first D stand for? Like when someone says DH or DW? I get that it's husband, or wife (or I hope, otherwise I have been making a hell of an assumption)


2012-05-25 1:23 PM
in reply to: #4229376

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-05-25 1:16 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-25 1:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

eating and drinking, I think that is just training for the Mad Manatee Double Down Get Down, or whatever the heck we ended up naming our fictional race.

I thought i'd be able to sneak my double secret training for the puke inducing MMDDGD race past you, but you are too good

2012-05-25 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4229381

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
cdban66 - 2012-05-25 1:19 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-25 2:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

Go racing Manatees! Ann Marie, enjoy your weekend! We'll actually be in your neck of the woods, taste testing cupcakes for the DD's upcoming wedding. YUMMY


Oh, so you are doing secret training for the MMDD ?X race too!  Enjoy.

2012-05-25 1:26 PM
in reply to: #4229397

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
amd723 - 2012-05-25 1:25 PM
cdban66 - 2012-05-25 1:19 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-25 2:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

Go racing Manatees! Ann Marie, enjoy your weekend! We'll actually be in your neck of the woods, taste testing cupcakes for the DD's upcoming wedding. YUMMY


Oh, so you are doing secret training for the MMDD ?X race too!  Enjoy.

Haha, and now you have outed HIS secret training!

2012-05-25 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4229392

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-05-25 2:23 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-26 1:21 AM
cdban66 - 2012-05-25 1:19 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-25 2:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

Go racing Manatees! Ann Marie, enjoy your weekend! We'll actually be in your neck of the woods, taste testing cupcakes for the DD's upcoming wedding. YUMMY

Ok, I have to ask, what does the first D stand for? Like when someone says DH or DW? I get that it's husband, or wife (or I hope, otherwise I have been making a hell of an assumption)


or Darling.  or D*mn. 

DD - darling daughter

DS - darling son

DW - darling wife

DH - darling husband

SO - Significant Other

2012-05-25 1:33 PM
in reply to: #4229411

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
jmkizer - 2012-05-25 1:30 PM
TriAya - 2012-05-25 2:23 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-26 1:21 AM
cdban66 - 2012-05-25 1:19 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-25 2:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

Go racing Manatees! Ann Marie, enjoy your weekend! We'll actually be in your neck of the woods, taste testing cupcakes for the DD's upcoming wedding. YUMMY

Ok, I have to ask, what does the first D stand for? Like when someone says DH or DW? I get that it's husband, or wife (or I hope, otherwise I have been making a hell of an assumption)


or Darling.  or D*mn. 

DD - darling daughter

DS - darling son

DW - darling wife

DH - darling husband

SO - Significant Other

Haha very thorough. I like your addition of d*mn Smile

2012-05-25 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4229419

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-05-25 2:33 PM

jmkizer - 2012-05-25 1:30 PM
TriAya - 2012-05-25 2:23 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-26 1:21 AM
cdban66 - 2012-05-25 1:19 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-25 2:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

Go racing Manatees! Ann Marie, enjoy your weekend! We'll actually be in your neck of the woods, taste testing cupcakes for the DD's upcoming wedding. YUMMY

Ok, I have to ask, what does the first D stand for? Like when someone says DH or DW? I get that it's husband, or wife (or I hope, otherwise I have been making a hell of an assumption)


or Darling.  or D*mn. 

DD - darling daughter

DS - darling son

DW - darling wife

DH - darling husband

SO - Significant Other

Haha very thorough. I like your addition of d*mn Smile

Yeah, there are other ones as well, but mine ALWAYS means "Dear".
2012-05-25 1:45 PM
in reply to: #4229400

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-05-25 2:26 PM

amd723 - 2012-05-25 1:25 PM
cdban66 - 2012-05-25 1:19 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-25 2:13 PM

Go get 'm Kirsten and Jo!!!!

I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the long weekend.  I should be able to get a couple of OWS in, but mostly I'll be eating and drinking to celebrate Memorial Day!

Go racing Manatees! Ann Marie, enjoy your weekend! We'll actually be in your neck of the woods, taste testing cupcakes for the DD's upcoming wedding. YUMMY


Oh, so you are doing secret training for the MMDD ?X race too!  Enjoy.

Haha, and now you have outed HIS secret training!

I am so busted.
2012-05-25 2:06 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Good luck to all 3 racing Mad Manatees this weekend!

Just wanted to share my weird/good tri-related dream from last night. 

Weird: I was at a race with my bike on the back of my vehicle in the parking area (as were many other racers) and a guy was going around taking pictures of people's bikes and cars/license plates and using that info to find where they lived to break in and steal their bikes and Rico (my tri bike) got stolen because of him.  So weird. 

Good: I dreamt I could actually run and look like I was running rather than the 90 year old with a walker stride I usually 'run' with  *no offense meant to 90 year olds with walkers.  The running portion of my dream was so wonderful and freeing!  I remember feeling/seeing my legs actually lifting, especially behind me like real runners do and it was so effortless, weightless and pleasant!!  If only dreams came true!

I thoroughly (and enviously) enjoy watching good runners run with their nice body positioning, gentle footfall and graceful stride and not looking and sounding and breathing like an elephant racing through the savanah.  It truly is a thing of beauty!

Edited by melbo55 2012-05-25 2:09 PM
2012-05-25 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4229508

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
melbo55 - 2012-05-25 2:06 PM

Good luck to all 3 racing Mad Manatees this weekend!

Just wanted to share my weird/good tri-related dream from last night. 

Weird: I was at a race with my bike on the back of my vehicle in the parking area (as were many other racers) and a guy was going around taking pictures of people's bikes and cars/license plates and using that info to find where they lived to break in and steal their bikes and Rico (my tri bike) got stolen because of him.  So weird. 

Good: I dreamt I could actually run and look like I was running rather than the 90 year old with a walker stride I usually 'run' with  *no offense meant to 90 year olds with walkers.  The running portion of my dream was so wonderful and freeing!  I remember feeling/seeing my legs actually lifting, especially behind me like real runners do and it was so effortless, weightless and pleasant!!  If only dreams came true!

I thoroughly (and enviously) enjoy watching good runners run with their nice body positioning, gentle footfall and graceful stride and not looking and sounding and breathing like an elephant racing through the savanah.  It truly is a thing of beauty!

Well, I would categorize your weird as  awful! I am so sorry about that! I just can't stand thieves! 

Awesome dream though, I have yet to even have a running dream! Running really is beautiful. The simplicity and the direct  connection of body to earth...ahhh I love it.  Well, plus short shorts. I mean, who can argue that? Wink

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