Subject: RE: Ironman St. George - Utah : Official Thread3 weeks for me. Actually more like four weeks on the run and the swim. Tomorrow is my last long run (planning 17 miles with a lot of climbing, but have already run a marathon plus two other 20 milers, so longest runs are behind me ) and I haven't decided on whether or not I'm going to do any more swims over 2 miles. In any event, though, tomorrow is the end of my biggest week of training. Next week will be a big bike week, but run and swim will be coming down significantly. After tomorrow, my only really long session is a planned 112 miles on the bike next Saturday. Probably will throw in a 2 mile ocean swim at some point, but haven't figured out when. I'm definitely at the point with the run and the swim where risk outweighs reward in going long and I've still got some lingering sciatica that will clear up faster with more rest. |