BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-03-16 7:23 AM
in reply to: #4661792

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
4agoodlife - 2013-03-15 5:50 PM

Haven't been in here for a few days, so I'm sure I have much to catch up on...and I will. But need to share/vent a little.

Last couple of days have been a little rough. I had a call from my mom on Wednesday. They've taken the step to hospice with my grandma (who lives with my parents). No more doc appts, ER visits, blood tests, or long-term meds. Her heart doc says probably three months tops. Wow

My son is on his break next week, so I am taking the kids to see her. I had been planning a solo weekend trip, but think it's best to take them. Not likely my daughter will remember her, but pictures are important.  This will be my son's first "goodbye" with someone. We talk about death and he asks questions, but it's never been personal before. 

As for venting...I've been talking to my mom for weeks about coming to visit by myself.  With the new hospice info and having Spring Break, we thought it good to bring kids. I haven't been home since last July, so I was long past due for a visit anyway.

Well, looks like my brother and wife, three kids and dog have decided to visit at the same time. (They were just there for a month in Dec.) I was going to stay with my kids in the converted garage, but since there are more of them PLUS a dog, my mom offered to get me and kids a room in town. While she loves my brother dearly, he lives much closer and sees them quite often (lived 3 houses down from them until a year ago, in fact). They are quite conservative in all ways, and I find it difficult to work around their needs/wants with a cheerful heart. My mom and I are a little sad that we aren't getting our special time, and I'm trying to not be bitter.  I know there are lots of positives to us all being there together...but it's a 1200sqft house. I just hope the weather is nice during the day so we can get the kids out to play. :/

OK...I've gotten it off my chest. Now I can check on other pod news. Thanks for listening Embarassed


I say take the room in town, and enjoy whatever time you get.  I go in to situations like that with no expectations.  Getting some time is still better than no time.   It doesn't matter if you are there 24 hours a day or 1 hour a day, quality rules over quantity.   This way you and your family can have some family time too.  Look at it as best of both worlds!! 

2013-03-16 7:26 AM
in reply to: #4661307

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Artemis - 2013-03-15 1:52 PM
jmkizer - 2013-03-15 1:29 PM

Racing Manatees!

March 16-17

Jonathan TX - Athens Sprint Tri on Saturday
Marcus - Get Lucky Half Marathon on Saturday
Kate - Badger Cover 10k on Saturday
Chris - Sarasota Half Marathon on Sunday
Jonathan AK - St. Patrick's Day Run on Sunday.
Melanie - Frozen Foot Winter Series run on Sunday

Disabled list:
Kirsten - Achilles, recovering!
Yanti - cracked rib, sore arm, the scaphoid bone in the wrist, collarbone, etc. from IMNZ. 
Michael - GI issues
Darren - under the weather
Jo - under the weather (so much so that she broke her streak)

Good health vibes heading to all injured or sick Manatees!  Get off the list!


Condolences to Yanti on the loss of her father.  Please know that you are in our thougths and prayers.  {{hugs}}


GO!  GO!  GO! 

Edited by jogo 2013-03-16 7:26 AM
2013-03-16 7:29 AM
in reply to: #4660734

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-03-15 8:57 AM

Well, shyte.

THANK YOU for all your beautiful messages and kind words. It really does mean so much to me. I know the Manatees are with me!

Mutti's holding up really well--that was my main concern--but then again, she's the strongest woman I know and she's managed to survive all of us so far.

It's been as colourful and tumultuous a day as my father's life was. Our trip out of the funeral park (which is a trip in itself) ended with my sister breaking down the bathroom doors Mutti and I were locked into (absolutely no way to get out from our side).

Unfortunately Tina kicked the door in so hard it flew across the stall ... and into my wrist and arm.

If it wasn't broken before, it is now! Going to the doc in the morning. Promise.

The Yanti reality show would not be believable. You can't make this shyte up.

Edited by jogo 2013-03-16 7:30 AM
2013-03-16 7:39 AM
in reply to: #4662052

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
kgore - 2013-03-15 10:35 PM

So I posted earlier this week about being down, and I am beginning to think that I had some sort of future-seeing-depression-thing happening (although I am still fighting that today..).

Today, I went in to work, nothing to out of the ordinary --all seemed to be going well, in fact. We then found that the male blue tree monitor (Cobalt--the pic a few pages back) had passed away overnight. I didn't see anything that would be a noticeable "cause", but I believe that he had just gotten to stressed in quarantine, and just wasn't able to recover. I am so sad and though my supervisors and curator were insistent that it was most likely nothing we could have done, and not my fault; I still feel that I should have done SOMETHING to get him in a better situation in quarantine. eesh. I am so heartbroken by this.

THEN....I went to my parent's place, I hadn't heard anything new regarding my dad's heart issue--well, it turns out that he had actually suffered a heart attack in early Feb. and didn't know it. They say that the urgency we were feeling regarding his heart health isn't as bad as originally thought, but that he REALLY does need to watch his diet and lose weight to get better and not have further heart problems. Of course, he is being his usual stubborn self, which is utterly resistant to actually changing his lifestyle (food-wise). He is absolutely addicted to processed food, as well as diet (i.e. "sugar free") sodas, and snack food....He insists that he always loses weight then gains it back immediately---usually 10 pounds down then gain back 15; and of course he insists that he CANNOT exercise...because it hurts. I want to just tell him to suck it up---eating right will make you feel icky as you give up the nastiness--just like any addiction; and exercise WILL hurt--at first, but soon it will feel right. I am so worried about him and so angry with him at the same time.

Truly, tomorrow's race I am not really planning on "racing"--I plan on running along and enjoying the scenery, hoping for more of a 'spiritual, relaxing' type run. I think I need that. (and the badger medal....Tongue out)

Kate, I am so sorry about Cobalt.  Those little creatures sure pack a big punch in our hearts when they die. 

If anything I've learned in this past year is that you can only control your actions. Your dad is going to do whatever he is going to do.  Enjoy him for him, and each day with him.  You can provide the information but the choices are his.  It is very angering when people don't do what is good for them but ultimately it is their choice. You can't love someone to health, you can only love them.  For whatever reason, he has made his choices.     It is so hard when we see someone we love harming themselves.  Take care of yourself and stay strong. 

2013-03-16 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4662239

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
jogo - 2013-03-16 9:29 PM
TriAya - 2013-03-15 8:57 AM

Well, shyte.

THANK YOU for all your beautiful messages and kind words. It really does mean so much to me. I know the Manatees are with me!

Mutti's holding up really well--that was my main concern--but then again, she's the strongest woman I know and she's managed to survive all of us so far.

It's been as colourful and tumultuous a day as my father's life was. Our trip out of the funeral park (which is a trip in itself) ended with my sister breaking down the bathroom doors Mutti and I were locked into (absolutely no way to get out from our side).

Unfortunately Tina kicked the door in so hard it flew across the stall ... and into my wrist and arm.

If it wasn't broken before, it is now! Going to the doc in the morning. Promise.

The Yanti reality show would not be believable. You can't make this shyte up.

That's the funny thing about real-life, as you well know. It's messy, often outright contradictory, doesn't make much sense, and is a fuzzy web rather than a story line. Good stories are at least to some extent followable regardless of how outlandish and bizarre the characters and events may be.

2013-03-16 10:11 AM
in reply to: #4662274

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-03-16 6:24 AM
jogo - 2013-03-16 9:29 PM
TriAya - 2013-03-15 8:57 AM

Well, shyte.

THANK YOU for all your beautiful messages and kind words. It really does mean so much to me. I know the Manatees are with me!

Mutti's holding up really well--that was my main concern--but then again, she's the strongest woman I know and she's managed to survive all of us so far.

It's been as colourful and tumultuous a day as my father's life was. Our trip out of the funeral park (which is a trip in itself) ended with my sister breaking down the bathroom doors Mutti and I were locked into (absolutely no way to get out from our side).

Unfortunately Tina kicked the door in so hard it flew across the stall ... and into my wrist and arm.

If it wasn't broken before, it is now! Going to the doc in the morning. Promise.

The Yanti reality show would not be believable. You can't make this shyte up.

That's the funny thing about real-life, as you well know. It's messy, often outright contradictory, doesn't make much sense, and is a fuzzy web rather than a story line. Good stories are at least to some extent followable regardless of how outlandish and bizarre the characters and events may be.

Reality shows are supposed to be believable? Then Yanti needs her own tv category...."unreal reality". And "Oh Shyte! Show" might be appropriate title?

2013-03-16 10:22 AM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Thank you for the words of support and understanding. There are many positives for me to focus on so I'm putting my energy there And DH did a great job of brightening my outlook last night...roses, wine, choc chip cookies and snuggling down for two episodes of Game of Thrones! (Oh yeah...livin' the crazy life. HA!)
2013-03-16 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4662348

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

4agoodlife - 2013-03-17 12:22 AM Thank you for the words of support and understanding. There are many positives for me to focus on so I'm putting my energy there And DH did a great job of brightening my outlook last night...roses, wine, choc chip cookies and snuggling down for two episodes of Game of Thrones! (Oh yeah...livin' the crazy life. HA!)

I <3 Game of Thrones! I loved the books (mostly) and the shows were really incredible, not a disappointment at all.

2013-03-16 1:48 PM
in reply to: #4651276

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

Great race this morning and the best part is NO IT Band Pain!!!!!

Also brought home 3rd place age group medal, nice way to start the season

I'll post a race report later tonight, time to stretch, foam roll, ice and take care of that IT Band

2013-03-16 1:53 PM
in reply to: #4662477

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-03-16 11:48 AM

Great race this morning and the best part is NO IT Band Pain!!!!!

Also brought home 3rd place age group medal, nice way to start the season

I'll post a race report later tonight, time to stretch, foam roll, ice and take care of that IT Band

Fantastic!...on both counts.
2013-03-16 2:16 PM
in reply to: #4662367

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-03-16 8:48 AM

4agoodlife - 2013-03-17 12:22 AM Thank you for the words of support and understanding. There are many positives for me to focus on so I'm putting my energy there And DH did a great job of brightening my outlook last night...roses, wine, choc chip cookies and snuggling down for two episodes of Game of Thrones! (Oh yeah...livin' the crazy life. HA!)

I <3 Game of Thrones! I loved the books (mostly) and the shows were really incredible, not a disappointment at all.

I sped through books 1-4. Now slowing down through bk 5. Thoroughly engrossed in them! Last night was first two episodes of season 2. I've dragged J into the show

2013-03-16 3:14 PM
in reply to: #4662477

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-03-16 1:48 PM

Great race this morning and the best part is NO IT Band Pain!!!!!

Also brought home 3rd place age group medal, nice way to start the season

I'll post a race report later tonight, time to stretch, foam roll, ice and take care of that IT Band

2013-03-16 4:55 PM
in reply to: #4662477

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-03-16 11:48 AM

Great race this morning and the best part is NO IT Band Pain!!!!!

Also brought home 3rd place age group medal, nice way to start the season

I'll post a race report later tonight, time to stretch, foam roll, ice and take care of that IT Band

Great news on all counts!

2013-03-16 5:19 PM
in reply to: #4651276

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

Sorry if TMI, but we say that's not possible in this group.

You can read the details in my training log for today, but I had an "accident" while running today. Fortunately, just #1 and in my drive way, but seriously . . . I could not hold it another second. Someone please tell me that this has happened to you. I am feeling like an old person right now.

2013-03-16 5:20 PM
in reply to: #4662477

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-03-16 1:48 PM

Great race this morning and the best part is NO IT Band Pain!!!!!

Also brought home 3rd place age group medal, nice way to start the season

I'll post a race report later tonight, time to stretch, foam roll, ice and take care of that IT Band

Hooray! Congrats on a great race.

2013-03-16 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4662605

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2013-03-16 4:19 PM

Sorry if TMI, but we say that's not possible in this group.

You can read the details in my training log for today, but I had an "accident" while running today. Fortunately, just #1 and in my drive way, but seriously . . . I could not hold it another second. Someone please tell me that this has happened to you. I am feeling like an old person right now.

I wish I could say that it hadn't Yell Getting old sux!

2013-03-16 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4662606

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2013-03-16 4:20 PM
JJ- - 2013-03-16 1:48 PM

Great race this morning and the best part is NO IT Band Pain!!!!!

Also brought home 3rd place age group medal, nice way to start the season

I'll post a race report later tonight, time to stretch, foam roll, ice and take care of that IT Band

Hooray! Congrats on a great race.


2013-03-16 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4662605

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2013-03-17 10:19 AM

Sorry if TMI, but we say that's not possible in this group.

You can read the details in my training log for today, but I had an "accident" while running today. Fortunately, just #1 and in my drive way, but seriously . . . I could not hold it another second. Someone please tell me that this has happened to you. I am feeling like an old person right now.

. Gotta love peeing your shame at all

Edited by jobaxas 2013-03-16 6:15 PM
2013-03-16 6:22 PM
in reply to: #4662477

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-03-17 3:48 AM

Great race this morning and the best part is NO IT Band Pain!!!!!

Also brought home 3rd place age group medal, nice way to start the season

I'll post a race report later tonight, time to stretch, foam roll, ice and take care of that IT Band

FANTASTIC. Well done.
2013-03-16 6:28 PM
in reply to: #4662477

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-03-16 2:48 PM

Great race this morning and the best part is NO IT Band Pain!!!!!

Also brought home 3rd place age group medal, nice way to start the season

I'll post a race report later tonight, time to stretch, foam roll, ice and take care of that IT Band


2013-03-16 6:31 PM
in reply to: #4662052

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
kgore - 2013-03-15 10:35 PM

So I posted earlier this week about being down, and I am beginning to think that I had some sort of future-seeing-depression-thing happening (although I am still fighting that today..).

Today, I went in to work, nothing to out of the ordinary --all seemed to be going well, in fact. We then found that the male blue tree monitor (Cobalt--the pic a few pages back) had passed away overnight. I didn't see anything that would be a noticeable "cause", but I believe that he had just gotten to stressed in quarantine, and just wasn't able to recover. I am so sad and though my supervisors and curator were insistent that it was most likely nothing we could have done, and not my fault; I still feel that I should have done SOMETHING to get him in a better situation in quarantine. eesh. I am so heartbroken by this.

THEN....I went to my parent's place, I hadn't heard anything new regarding my dad's heart issue--well, it turns out that he had actually suffered a heart attack in early Feb. and didn't know it. They say that the urgency we were feeling regarding his heart health isn't as bad as originally thought, but that he REALLY does need to watch his diet and lose weight to get better and not have further heart problems. Of course, he is being his usual stubborn self, which is utterly resistant to actually changing his lifestyle (food-wise). He is absolutely addicted to processed food, as well as diet (i.e. "sugar free") sodas, and snack food....He insists that he always loses weight then gains it back immediately---usually 10 pounds down then gain back 15; and of course he insists that he CANNOT exercise...because it hurts. I want to just tell him to suck it up---eating right will make you feel icky as you give up the nastiness--just like any addiction; and exercise WILL hurt--at first, but soon it will feel right. I am so worried about him and so angry with him at the same time.

Truly, tomorrow's race I am not really planning on "racing"--I plan on running along and enjoying the scenery, hoping for more of a 'spiritual, relaxing' type run. I think I need that. (and the badger medal....Tongue out)

I'm sorry to hear about both Cobalt and your dad.  I totally undersand the worry + frustration feeling.  I think that we all get that way with people that we love.  {{hugs}}

I hope that the you have a great time at the 10k!

2013-03-16 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4662605

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2013-03-16 3:19 PM

Sorry if TMI, but we say that's not possible in this group.

You can read the details in my training log for today, but I had an "accident" while running today. Fortunately, just #1 and in my drive way, but seriously . . . I could not hold it another second. Someone please tell me that this has happened to you. I am feeling like an old person right now.

Yanti will be proud. Consider it a practice pee for the longest, most challenging "A race" you have yet to do. I think it's a good strategy to test it out well in advance
2013-03-16 10:53 PM
in reply to: #4662605

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2013-03-16 3:19 PM

Sorry if TMI, but we say that's not possible in this group.

You can read the details in my training log for today, but I had an "accident" while running today. Fortunately, just #1 and in my drive way, but seriously . . . I could not hold it another second. Someone please tell me that this has happened to you. I am feeling like an old person right now.

I've had this type of run before, where I have to go every 2 miles.  And yes, I have not quite made it to the loo...

2013-03-16 11:35 PM
in reply to: #4662683

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
4agoodlife - 2013-03-17 8:49 AM
KansasMom - 2013-03-16 3:19 PM

Sorry if TMI, but we say that's not possible in this group.

You can read the details in my training log for today, but I had an "accident" while running today. Fortunately, just #1 and in my drive way, but seriously . . . I could not hold it another second. Someone please tell me that this has happened to you. I am feeling like an old person right now.

Yanti will be proud. Consider it a practice pee for the longest, most challenging "A race" you have yet to do. I think it's a good strategy to test it out well in advance

I am! What's TMI again?

Have totally peed myself both accidentally and on purpose. And yes, it's a critical skill for the conscious athlete.

2013-03-16 11:41 PM
in reply to: #4662904

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-03-17 4:35 PM
4agoodlife - 2013-03-17 8:49 AM
KansasMom - 2013-03-16 3:19 PM

Sorry if TMI, but we say that's not possible in this group.

You can read the details in my training log for today, but I had an "accident" while running today. Fortunately, just #1 and in my drive way, but seriously . . . I could not hold it another second. Someone please tell me that this has happened to you. I am feeling like an old person right now.

Yanti will be proud. Consider it a practice pee for the longest, most challenging "A race" you have yet to do. I think it's a good strategy to test it out well in advance

I am! What's TMI again?

Have totally peed myself both accidentally and on purpose. And yes, it's a critical skill for the conscious athlete.

If I don't pee myself I'm dehydrated!

Hey news on the arm - after the Texas Ranger bathroom break in?


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