BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed. Rss Feed  
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2014-01-14 9:34 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by Jason N

Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by RunningJoke Would anyone like to comment on the choice of doing the Threshold 2 workout vs. Sweetspot for the all-rounders group? I was wondering which would be better for me. Would anyone like to define what those terms mean? I'm finding some conflicting info on the internet.
Those definitions Jason gave are correct although we are currently at the low end of threshold at 92%. The sweet spot workout is harder in my opinion. If you found that last 10min of "threshold 1" long, wait until the last 12min of sweet spot. That being said, I think it's a great endurance builder workout, which is why I will do that one. (He says bravely 3 days ahead of time....then he wimps out....) If Nicole is reading....I would do SweatSpot....good for that upcoming race :-)

Yep, I'm planning to do the Sweet (Sweat ) Spot workout as well.  I know that one of my weaknesses is forcing myself to hold power for longer intervals (physically, I'm fully capable....mentally, I tend to give up when I'm "racing" myself instead of others!), so the longer intervals of that ride will be more challenging and beneficial for me.

Plus, as Marc mentioned, I have my A race (St. George 70.3) coming up in May, so I need to be doing some longer rides.

I think sweet spot time in prep for a HIM is really important.  It's an effort one notch above where you should be on race day so not only is it important to get in the work...but I also try to make some mental notes about how it feels (RPE), my HR, etc.  Because really, the sweet spot power/effort level is your danger zone for a HIM.

Power is usually a reliable metric to pace yourself for racing...except when it's not.  Maybe due to going too hard on the swim, hot/humid weather, a bad day, etc...even if your power tells you that you're spot on...if the effort feels like your SS training, you need to back off.

Jason - thank you for this advice. I have literally blown up on the run with cramps on just about every single race I've done from sprint to HIM. Heck I even managed to podium a couple of Olympics by learning to run thru the pain of going too hard on the bike. It's the sole reason I bought a Powertap. I just don't have a good "feel" for pacing on the bike. I seem to always go all out especially when someone passes me. I hate to get dropped on the bike. It doesn't bother me as much to get passed on the run though. Go figure? I was really hoping having a wattage number to follow would help. My fear is not being able to tell when I'm having an "off day".

2014-01-14 9:50 PM
in reply to: RunningJoke

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by RunningJoke

I got Week 2 Threshold 1 done this morning and also found it fairly challenging. And now I can't stop eating!

I really let my power fall between the intervals. I felt like I wouldn't be able to finish the intervals if I stayed at the prescribed power during the rest period. I WAS able to complete the work intervals, so maybe next time I just need to HTFU on the rest portion. I also had to work the night shift over the weekend and I usually find that affects my HR for a few days, so maybe it affects my power as well.

Did anyone else using Trainer Road start to cry a little bit when they realized that last interval wasn't actually over at 5 minutes?

I found the Week 2 Threshold 1 to be easy. And when it was over wished I had gone harder. Of course I was watching an episode of Ironman while doing it. Occasionally I'd space off and catch myself under watts, but occasionally I'd get jived up and be over my target watts.
2014-01-15 5:27 AM
in reply to: Habs1969

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by Habs1969

Hi Marc

Did work out #1 see numbers felt good just some discomfort sitting down to long,, trying to get up during work to relieve some pressure.. What numbers would you like me to post for you to see?

If you guys want you can attach either a workout file to a post or do a screen shot. If you post workout files I'll try and take a look at them. Sometimes you see interesting stuff.

2014-01-15 5:45 AM
in reply to: littlewj

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by littlewj
Jason - thank you for this advice. I have literally blown up on the run with cramps on just about every single race I've done from sprint to HIM. Heck I even managed to podium a couple of Olympics by learning to run thru the pain of going too hard on the bike. It's the sole reason I bought a Powertap. I just don't have a good "feel" for pacing on the bike. I seem to always go all out especially when someone passes me. I hate to get dropped on the bike. It doesn't bother me as much to get passed on the run though. Go figure? I was really hoping having a wattage number to follow would help. My fear is not being able to tell when I'm having an "off day".

From personal experience, a good run is the most exhilarating feeling you can get in a triathlon. It finally clicked in Sept 2012 after HIM #6
The death march is probably the worst possible feeling.

On a good day, you come off the bike, not matter how hard or easy you biked, you feel $hit for the first mile. Then a groove settles in, then you start picking off people, you start running by the walkers and although it really starts to hurt, the positive energy carries you through it.

The "walk" is the opposite. You are burned, so you "walk just a bit". Then you start to run again, the temptation to walk a second time is easier to give into. The third easier. I think I walked 8x in my HIM last september. I hated it. I overcooked the swim, which led to an overcook of the bike, that led to bad things.

There are a handful of conditions to a good run and not overcooking the bike is an important one. And the line between success and failure is pretty slim.

But a PM will help make that line much clearer and the further away you can stay from it, the better you will run. A PM will give you confidence that you have met one of the criteria to a good run.

It's funny your comment about not wanting someone to pass you. I am the opposite. I watch them fly by and say to myself "have fun with that, see you at mile 8 on the run"
2014-01-15 5:48 AM
in reply to: crissy_jo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by crissy_jo
I found the Week 2 Threshold 1 to be easy. And when it was over wished I had gone harder. Of course I was watching an episode of Ironman while doing it. Occasionally I'd space off and catch myself under watts, but occasionally I'd get jived up and be over my target watts.

Do the other 2 workouts and if too easy maybe we need to revisit your CP. I don't think you did the same 5/20 tests so maybe your numbers are a little skewed.

Does TR have a little bell or something if you go under watts ?
2014-01-15 5:53 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Apologize if its been asked/answered. Whats the process for the screenshots from Golden Cheetah. How do I snag the image and how do I post it here?


2014-01-15 6:37 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by trisuppo


Apologize if its been asked/answered. Whats the process for the screenshots from Golden Cheetah. How do I snag the image and how do I post it here?


I am sure people have an easier way.
I do a screen shot, and paste it in MSPaint and save as jpg
I then upload to imageshack and it gives me a link that I embed here.
You can also simply attach the csv, and the open it up in GC to analyze (easier IMO)
2014-01-15 7:03 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by trisuppo


Apologize if its been asked/answered. Whats the process for the screenshots from Golden Cheetah. How do I snag the image and how do I post it here?


I am sure people have an easier way.
I do a screen shot, and paste it in MSPaint and save as jpg
I then upload to imageshack and it gives me a link that I embed here.
You can also simply attach the csv, and the open it up in GC to analyze (easier IMO)

Here is my Garmin file for last night's Threshold 1 workout (attached). HR was a bit higher on the intervals than I would expect. Still taking psuedoephedrine for my cold and that always gooses my HR. I would say I was about 80% healthy last night. Feeling a bit better today.

---------------- (71KB - 3 downloads)
2014-01-15 7:10 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

Do the other 2 workouts and if too easy maybe we need to revisit your CP. I don't think you did the same 5/20 tests so maybe your numbers are a little skewed.

Does TR have a little bell or something if you go under watts ?

I'll do a screen shot and post. No little bell to let you know you are out of range, I would just glance every once in awhile at the screen to check that I was on target. Funny how my emotions while watching IM would cause me to speed up or slow down and not even realize it. Such inspiring stories.

Near the end of my workout when I realized it was much easier than I expected I did about 30 seconds hard effort and you will see that on my graph.

I too didn't know how to save a screen shot so I could post it. I'll give it a shot with this message.


GCTHR1.gif (47KB - 3 downloads)
2014-01-15 7:22 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by trisuppo


Apologize if its been asked/answered. Whats the process for the screenshots from Golden Cheetah. How do I snag the image and how do I post it here?


I am sure people have an easier way.
I do a screen shot, and paste it in MSPaint and save as jpg
I then upload to imageshack and it gives me a link that I embed here.
You can also simply attach the csv, and the open it up in GC to analyze (easier IMO)

Here is my Garmin file for last night's Threshold 1 workout (attached). HR was a bit higher on the intervals than I would expect. Still taking psuedoephedrine for my cold and that always gooses my HR. I would say I was about 80% healthy last night. Feeling a bit better today.

Ya, your HR does seem a little high compared to where you were in the 20' test for example. Again HR is just an observation, it's the power numbers that count
Your intervals are well executed, nice and even across the intervals and within the interval. When you see people tapering off at the end of an interval, that's a sign. Yours are good. Interval over interval your HR is going up a bit, getting to LTHR, which means you are working. Your TSS is just right for that workout

Looks really well done!
2014-01-15 7:28 AM
in reply to: crissy_jo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by crissy_jo

Originally posted by marcag

Do the other 2 workouts and if too easy maybe we need to revisit your CP. I don't think you did the same 5/20 tests so maybe your numbers are a little skewed.

Does TR have a little bell or something if you go under watts ?

I'll do a screen shot and post. No little bell to let you know you are out of range, I would just glance every once in awhile at the screen to check that I was on target. Funny how my emotions while watching IM would cause me to speed up or slow down and not even realize it. Such inspiring stories.

Near the end of my workout when I realized it was much easier than I expected I did about 30 seconds hard effort and you will see that on my graph.

I too didn't know how to save a screen shot so I could post it. I'll give it a shot with this message.

Also looks good. Attach the GC file (tcx or other) if you want in the future. Sometimes you find interesting stuff in there that we can discuss.

2014-01-15 9:01 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

My 5 min:20 min ratio was under 1.1, so I think I may be the only one in the VO2 Max category.

I did the VO2 Max1 workout the other night and found it not too bad.  Still trying to assess if my CP is on target, but have been able to keep up with the few workouts so far.

HR data for the 10 x 30 sec. sets @ 105% FTP was not very useful, as it was too short for the HR to "catch up".

I will be doing the 2nd workout tomorrow night (Threshold 1).  I see there is a range of comments from easy to challenging, so I'll see where I fit in.



2014-01-15 9:30 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by Scott71

My 5 min:20 min ratio was under 1.1, so I think I may be the only one in the VO2 Max category.

I did the VO2 Max1 workout the other night and found it not too bad.  Still trying to assess if my CP is on target, but have been able to keep up with the few workouts so far.

HR data for the 10 x 30 sec. sets @ 105% FTP was not very useful, as it was too short for the HR to "catch up".

I will be doing the 2nd workout tomorrow night (Threshold 1).  I see there is a range of comments from easy to challenging, so I'll see where I fit in.



I believe you were actually the lowest factor in the group. 1.04 I think ? If accurate that will skew your CP up and it will be interesting to see how you do on threshold 1.

I have to say, the group is doing really well on the testing and doing the intervals. You will see how this is going to pay off.

Warning to those with VP. You are getting addicted.....Better start saving for a PM :-)
2014-01-15 9:43 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

Warning to those with VP. You are getting addicted.....Better start saving for a PM :-)

Very true! That's what happened to me last fall.
2014-01-15 10:00 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by marcag

I believe you were actually the lowest factor in the group. 1.04 I think ? If accurate that will skew your CP up and it will be interesting to see how you do on threshold 1. I have to say, the group is doing really well on the testing and doing the intervals. You will see how this is going to pay off. Warning to those with VP. You are getting addicted.....Better start saving for a PM :-)

Your are right, my factor was 1.04.  Although it felt like I gave it my all for the 5 minute test, I bet when we retest I will find more room in the tank.

I have blown up in prior testing, and so I guess I was trying to stay conservative.

As for the bolded, you are absolutely right Marc!  I originally thought (and told my wife) that I would only get a PM when/if I start doing long course triathlons.

The outdoor rides this spring/summer are going to be tough without power!


2014-01-15 10:20 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by Scott71

My 5 min:20 min ratio was under 1.1, so I think I may be the only one in the VO2 Max category.

I did the VO2 Max1 workout the other night and found it not too bad.  Still trying to assess if my CP is on target, but have been able to keep up with the few workouts so far.

HR data for the 10 x 30 sec. sets @ 105% FTP was not very useful, as it was too short for the HR to "catch up".

I will be doing the 2nd workout tomorrow night (Threshold 1).  I see there is a range of comments from easy to challenging, so I'll see where I fit in.



What's interesting to watch is what has happened to your HR by the 10th interval.  If the intervals are hard enough it gives a very nice idea of what is happening to you over a period of time.  Considering 105% for 30sec isn't really that hard in the grand scheme of things, now think about how much power you are actually putting out if you put yourself into yur upper HR zones when riding up hills, or really pushing on the flats.  Looking at wattage really lets you temper your effort - if you're smart enough to pay attention to I'm sure we all are.

2014-01-15 12:42 PM
in reply to: cdkayak

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by cdkayak
Originally posted by marcag Warning to those with VP. You are getting addicted.....Better start saving for a PM :-)
Very true! That's what happened to me last fall.

Me too!  I started training with Virtual Power in November, and managed to hold out until September before buying a PM....but if I'd been part of this group and actually put any effort into learning about training and racing with power when I first started, I suspect that purchase would have happened much sooner!

2014-01-15 1:19 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by crissy_jo

Originally posted by marcag

Do the other 2 workouts and if too easy maybe we need to revisit your CP. I don't think you did the same 5/20 tests so maybe your numbers are a little skewed.

Does TR have a little bell or something if you go under watts ?

I'll do a screen shot and post. No little bell to let you know you are out of range, I would just glance every once in awhile at the screen to check that I was on target. Funny how my emotions while watching IM would cause me to speed up or slow down and not even realize it. Such inspiring stories.

Near the end of my workout when I realized it was much easier than I expected I did about 30 seconds hard effort and you will see that on my graph.

I too didn't know how to save a screen shot so I could post it. I'll give it a shot with this message.

Also looks good. Attach the GC file (tcx or other) if you want in the future. Sometimes you find interesting stuff in there that we can discuss.

Forgot to mention, yes I did use a different test for the CP - the one's that are original to Trainer Road, so it is possible my numbers are skewed. I'll wait to retest and will just ride a little harder on future training. I'll see if I can attach the actual file to this message instead of a screen shot...

crissy26-2014-01-15-bt-power-week-2-thr-1-625643.tcx (1863KB - 5 downloads)
2014-01-15 1:39 PM
in reply to: cdkayak

Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by cdkayak

Originally posted by marcag

Warning to those with VP. You are getting addicted.....Better start saving for a PM :-)

Very true! That's what happened to me last fall.

Already planned for this and basically just adding it to the overall cost of the new road bike purchase. Likely going to go with the Power2Max. Still a few months out on the purchase but hopefully will have it before I get back to doing more outdoor riding. Coming from a scuba background, more gear and equipment is nothing new. Power Meter = A couple of stage tanks with regs. LOL

2014-01-15 2:50 PM
in reply to: WaterRat

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
So do you guys watch movies, TV shows, etc while on the trainer? Listen to music? Looking for some good suggestions, especially for the 90 minute SWEAT SPOT workout planned for tomorrow...
On Tuesday I had to watch Dinosaur Train with the 4 year old, and I'm certain that did not make the intervals easier.
2014-01-15 3:00 PM
in reply to: RunningJoke

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by RunningJoke

So do you guys watch movies, TV shows, etc while on the trainer? Listen to music? Looking for some good suggestions, especially for the 90 minute SWEAT SPOT workout planned for tomorrow...
On Tuesday I had to watch Dinosaur Train with the 4 year old, and I'm certain that did not make the intervals easier.

Last winter, between the dreadmill and the drainer, I watched the entire series Generation Kill, followed by the entire series of Entourage, followed by the entire Series of the Wire. They were all HBO series and I watched them on my iPad on the HBO Go app. Need to be an HBO customer but if you are every series ever on HBO, plus tons of their movies are available. Currently watching the entire series of the Soprano's. Anything to pass the time.

2014-01-15 3:23 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by trisuppo
Originally posted by RunningJoke So do you guys watch movies, TV shows, etc while on the trainer? Listen to music? Looking for some good suggestions, especially for the 90 minute SWEAT SPOT workout planned for tomorrow... On Tuesday I had to watch Dinosaur Train with the 4 year old, and I'm certain that did not make the intervals easier. Jaime
Last winter, between the dreadmill and the drainer, I watched the entire series Generation Kill, followed by the entire series of Entourage, followed by the entire Series of the Wire. They were all HBO series and I watched them on my iPad on the HBO Go app. Need to be an HBO customer but if you are every series ever on HBO, plus tons of their movies are available. Currently watching the entire series of the Soprano's. Anything to pass the time.

Dexter, Breaking Bad, Numbers, Orange is the New Black, Weeds, Firefly... 

2014-01-15 4:25 PM
in reply to: RunningJoke

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by RunningJoke

So do you guys watch movies, TV shows, etc while on the trainer? Listen to music? Looking for some good suggestions, especially for the 90 minute SWEAT SPOT workout planned for tomorrow...
On Tuesday I had to watch Dinosaur Train with the 4 year old, and I'm certain that did not make the intervals easier.

Whatever movies and TV series that I can get through amazon prime without paying extra. I've also got several of the sufferfest videos, a few other bike workout videos and about a dozen of the NBC broadcasts of past Kona races.
2014-01-15 6:27 PM
in reply to: cdkayak

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, Washington
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

I did THR1 on Monday and completed THR2 today.  I think the 2nd Threshold was harder but that could just be fatigue setting in.  Also, I ran today before the bike so that might have made it feel harder.

I'm on the Computrainer so there is no place to hide.  Hit go and hang on.

2014-01-15 6:47 PM
in reply to: RandyP

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, Washington
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

I'm ready to pull the trigger on getting a Powermeter and thought I would do a sanity check and elicit some feedback.

After reading DCRainmaker's reviews I narrowed my search down to Garmin Vectors or Power2Max.  At first I was leaning towards the Vectors but changed my mind based on price and what I consider robustness.  Too many pictures of broken pods and discussion around brittle aluminum.  I'm not knocking them I just think Power2Max would be a better fit for me.

I'm looking at the Classic Rotor 3D with Praxis rings.  110BCD with 165mm cranks.  I have Shimano on both my road and tri bike so it will fit the already installed bottom bracket (same part on both bikes).

I like the sleek style of the Type S but not sure that is worth the extra $200.  Feature set seems geared more towards compatibility.  

I'm not crazy about the Rotor graphics but better crank than FSA Gossamer.  FSA K-Force is $300 more.

How are the Praxis rings?  Good choice?

Thoughts on 165mm cranks?  I currently run 175mm on tri bike and 172.5 on the road bike.

So, whadda think?

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