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2009-10-07 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hey guys - just wanted to pop in and say good luck to anyone who might be racing this weekend.  I'm toying with the idea of doing a 5k.  I've done this one for the last 3 years and it was actually the first 5k I ever did.  I originally didn't sign up for it because my daughter has a XC meet that day, but she doesn't run until a couple of hours after the start of this race.  I'd have time to do it and still get to her meet, just don't know if I want to be that rushed.  Guess it'll be a race day decision. 

I got in 5 miles last night with some speedwork throw in.  Hoping to do another 2-3 tonight after work.  It's supposed to be a beautiful fall day so I want to get out and enjoy it. 

Have a great day!

2009-10-07 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2447260

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-10-07 10:36 AM One other marathon note/question - Does anyone have any resources, advice, opinions, inspirations, etc.. about trying to drop 3-5 lbs. in the last weeks before the race?  I was thinking that after my last big run on Monday - I could try to shed a few in the 4 weeks prior to the race. 

I obviously don't want to do muscle damage or starve myself (not possible anyways) but I've also read being lighter makes you go faster.  That was one of my training plan goals to lose 5 lbs.  I've dropped maybe 2 lbs. but another 3-5 lbs would be good.  And Halloween is not going to help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to go back to filling out my log to keep track.  But I need filling low-calorie food.

The week before/week of the race?  Don't do it. Don't try it.  Your body needs every nutrient it can handle this week! I wouldn't deprive your body of any nutrition right now.  You'll need to stay hydrated, you'll need to be smart about carb loading and you'll need to be smart about training.  If you try to drop even 2 pounds this week you risk being underhydrated; overtraining before your mary could cause injury;  and risk fueling issues during your race.

I'm not saying that it cannot be done, 5 pounds in a week is certainly an attainable goal, but most of that would be water weight... that or a cleansing type diet that flushes out your intestines, but that again puts you at risk for nutritional problems during your race.

I just wouldn't risk a bad race experience for a couple of pounds at this point in the game.  If your race was even as short as 3 weeks away, sure.  But not 1-2 weeks out.
2009-10-07 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Nada for me this weekend.  There is a Du close to my house but that just doesn't interest me.  So I'll stick with my 3 hr ride Saturday and a 30 minute / 90 minute brick Sunday.
2009-10-07 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2447302

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-10-07 9:49 AM
sdalessio - 2009-10-07 10:36 AM One other marathon note/question - Does anyone have any resources, advice, opinions, inspirations, etc.. about trying to drop 3-5 lbs. in the last weeks before the race?  I was thinking that after my last big run on Monday - I could try to shed a few in the 4 weeks prior to the race. 

I obviously don't want to do muscle damage or starve myself (not possible anyways) but I've also read being lighter makes you go faster.  That was one of my training plan goals to lose 5 lbs.  I've dropped maybe 2 lbs. but another 3-5 lbs would be good.  And Halloween is not going to help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to go back to filling out my log to keep track.  But I need filling low-calorie food.

The week before/week of the race?  Don't do it. Don't try it.  Your body needs every nutrient it can handle this week! I wouldn't deprive your body of any nutrition right now.  You'll need to stay hydrated, you'll need to be smart about carb loading and you'll need to be smart about training.  If you try to drop even 2 pounds this week you risk being underhydrated; overtraining before your mary could cause injury;  and risk fueling issues during your race.

I'm not saying that it cannot be done, 5 pounds in a week is certainly an attainable goal, but most of that would be water weight... that or a cleansing type diet that flushes out your intestines, but that again puts you at risk for nutritional problems during your race.

I just wouldn't risk a bad race experience for a couple of pounds at this point in the game.  If your race was even as short as 3 weeks away, sure.  But not 1-2 weeks out.

TOTALLY AGREE WITH JEREMY!  You have worked too hard training to deprive your body of what it needs for a couple of pounds.  Focus on good nutrition leading up to the big day and the week after.  You can think about weight loss after that when you can afford to drop calories and not affect workouts.

2009-10-07 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2447260

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-10-07 7:36 AM One other marathon note/question - Does anyone have any resources, advice, opinions, inspirations, etc.. about trying to drop 3-5 lbs. in the last weeks before the race?  I was thinking that after my last big run on Monday - I could try to shed a few in the 4 weeks prior to the race. 

I obviously don't want to do muscle damage or starve myself (not possible anyways) but I've also read being lighter makes you go faster.  That was one of my training plan goals to lose 5 lbs.  I've dropped maybe 2 lbs. but another 3-5 lbs would be good.  And Halloween is not going to help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to go back to filling out my log to keep track.  But I need filling low-calorie food.

Sam - you mentioned being a fan of Runner's World, so you probably saw the article in the most recent issue about weight not being the most important number to monitor.  They talked about BF% being important and they gave 3 key measurments (waist, thight, ???) to keep an eye on too.  With all of the training, you are likely burining fat and building muscle, so the number on the scale isn't changing as dramatically as you'd like.  So losing weight would make the load lighter, but may not make you faster if you are losing muscle. 

I feel like I sometimes put too much stock in the number on the scale and don't pay as much attention to how fit I feel.  I weigh myself every morning and that number doesn't fluctuate very much (though yesterday it told me I was 40% BF - time for some new batteries?? - hopefully) but I can sure tell when I've been slacking in the healthy eating/appropriate level of activity department.  I feel sluggish and heavy, even if my weight hasn't changed much.

So what's with all the rambling, I don't know.  I guess I'd say, don't worry about the number now, focus on getting your training in and fueling with quality foods that will keep you going.  You're doing a lot right now and trying to run a caloric deficit could lead to fatigue or injury. 
2009-10-07 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I love my sleeveless wetsuit.  Never used a full, but the few times I wore my sleeveless, and in the HIM, it worked well and felt no restrictions.  Obviously wouldn't make sense for some like suzy, trevor and rob where they must break the ice before getting into the water, but I figured most of my swimming with wetsuit would be spring and fall races and thought the sleeveless would work most of the time.


Good luck on the Oly,  don't pace out too fast so that you can save as much as you can for the run.

2009-10-07 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
OK last long winded post for awhile.

So on my way to look in City Sports for the perfect race shirt - I want a running shirt w/ short sleeves and small pocket for gels, I walk by a brand new gourmet chocolate store that also sells hand dipped chocolate bananas (no comments, pelase) and homemade gelato.  That just summed up all of the favorities/weaknesses in one store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About the weight, I will go back to my nutrition log and see if I can eliminate a few things to shore up my eating.  Although it's hard with football (beer and nachos) and fall (heartier food like stews and crusty bread) but I can suck it up for a few weeks.

Now my question - how much do you all pay attention to your HR during a race.  I know we all look but do you change anything based upon where it's at.  And I mean for longer distances.  My last 2 longer races (1/2 Mary and 10miler) where I pushed it my HR was Zone 4 or higher for the entire race.  Is it possible to do that for a marathon?  Should I be worried?  Should I slow my pace even if I feel good?  Or should I just go until the tank hits empty b/c I have nothing to lose?

So can you tell A) I am fretting and B) I'm back at work today?  LOL
2009-10-07 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2447260

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-10-07 7:36 AM One other marathon note/question - Does anyone have any resources, advice, opinions, inspirations, etc.. about trying to drop 3-5 lbs. in the last weeks before the race?  I was thinking that after my last big run on Monday - I could try to shed a few in the 4 weeks prior to the race. 

I obviously don't want to do muscle damage or starve myself (not possible anyways) but I've also read being lighter makes you go faster.  That was one of my training plan goals to lose 5 lbs.  I've dropped maybe 2 lbs. but another 3-5 lbs would be good.  And Halloween is not going to help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to go back to filling out my log to keep track.  But I need filling low-calorie food.

I am no expert in the DIET AREA, but I know you don't want to start "starving" yourself over the next few weeks.  Wait loss should have been months ago.  You need to FUEL your body for recovery!  You can start by skipping the sweet tooth during Halloween.  You just said yourself that BQ is within' your reach.... Don't "ruin" yourself over some candy.  Save it all for Nov. 9th and treat yourself.  You have worked super hard to get where you are, and you are right there.  Stay disciplined and smart!  You'll rock it!

Doug-- One thing w/ the wetsuit is to really take your time putting it on.  Make sure you start from the ankle and work the wetsuit ALL THE WAY UP!  Take your time getting as much as you can.  This will take away the feeling of swimming with resistance bands on your arms!

Good luck to all racing!! 2 first time OLY!!!! I LOVE IT!!!
2009-10-07 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2447639

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-10-07 12:40 PM OK last long winded post for awhile.

Now my question - how much do you all pay attention to your HR during a race.  I know we all look but do you change anything based upon where it's at.  And I mean for longer distances.  My last 2 longer races (1/2 Mary and 10miler) where I pushed it my HR was Zone 4 or higher for the entire race.  Is it possible to do that for a marathon?  Should I be worried?  Should I slow my pace even if I feel good?  Or should I just go until the tank hits empty b/c I have nothing to lose?

So can you tell A) I am fretting and B) I'm back at work today?  LOL

i don't pay attention to my HR while racing.  I'll check my pace infrequently while running or speed while biking during a race... For running pace I only check it to make sure I'm pushing a pace that I trained for.  My my lasts HM I wanted to be around the 7:15 avg pace.  I trained there at first, but closer to race week I was averaging 8 min paces.  So I figured that I'd be slow race day.  I found myself running 7:20's and feeling comfortable so I would myself harder at some points in the race where I knew it was gong to be flat.  After the race I looked at my HR data and I was Z4/5 for the entire race.  Something like Z4 for 45ish minutes and Z5 for 50ish minutes.  But not once during the race did I look at my HR, just go by how you feel. IMO, if you have spent the time training, which you have, you understand how your body feels when you push low Z4 for 30 minutes, you'll also know when you cannot keep your breathing up with your running pace that you have to slow down... so your HR is prolly in Z5.

I know that some people swear by not doing anything to monitor pace/speed/HR while racing, but to just go all out according to the distance you've been training for.  Follow your body's signals to speed up or slow down.

So what does all this rambling from me this time mean?  Race your best with or without a monitor.  If you have a monitor and you've been training according to your HR or Pace, do it on race day.

I've also never ran past the 14 mile mark.  But I would imagine that if you feel good at a HR in Z4 and suddenly find yourself in Z5 but still feel the same, stick with the pace until you feel like you need to slow for water/fuel.  Like you said, what do you have to lose?  Lay it all out on the road.

*Hope this doesn't sound too cocky... not that I care
2009-10-07 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2447639

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-10-07 9:40 AM OK last long winded post for awhile.

So on my way to look in City Sports for the perfect race shirt - I want a running shirt w/ short sleeves and small pocket for gels, I walk by a brand new gourmet chocolate store that also sells hand dipped chocolate bananas (no comments, pelase) and homemade gelato.  That just summed up all of the favorities/weaknesses in one store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About the weight, I will go back to my nutrition log and see if I can eliminate a few things to shore up my eating.  Although it's hard with football (beer and nachos) and fall (heartier food like stews and crusty bread) but I can suck it up for a few weeks.

Now my question - how much do you all pay attention to your HR during a race.  I know we all look but do you change anything based upon where it's at.  And I mean for longer distances.  My last 2 longer races (1/2 Mary and 10miler) where I pushed it my HR was Zone 4 or higher for the entire race.  Is it possible to do that for a marathon?  Should I be worried?  Should I slow my pace even if I feel good?  Or should I just go until the tank hits empty b/c I have nothing to lose?

So can you tell A) I am fretting and B) I'm back at work today?  LOL

Everyone will have a different answer for you, some people train strictly off of ZONE'S.... Others train off percieved exertion.  For example Tracy can run a REALLY high HR for a while... (170's!) while this would make others really suffer.  She feel's ok with this HR.... I averaged 176 last year for 5:40 minutes doing a 1/2 Iron, I was doable, but tough.  My wife (who is younger) cannot sustain anything over 167 for very long.  THIS DOESN'T MEAN she is slower.  It is just that we have a different make up. I am a bigger fan of P.E more than HR training and often where a HR for Sh*TS and giggles....
2009-10-07 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
PT apt went pretty good.  She didn't tell me I couldn't run B2B - so that's great.  She said my hips are slightly off and my hip flexors are tight on the left side.  There is an issue with overpronation on the left side causing me to push harder through the inside of my calf = pain. Don't know if it is due to left leg being longer and causing problems traveling up the leg, or if the tight hips is causing me to twist my hips when I land and thus the overpronation (top down or bottom up?)  But she did lots of stretching on the hip flexors, showed me some good stretches and how to tape my calf when I run. She said as long as I don't feel increasing pain as I continue my training then we should be able to get me through the race with 2 visits a week until D-Day!   Yippeee.  I have never wanted to go for a run so much as I do right now.  Thanks for all the well wishes.  At least I can try.....

2009-10-07 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2447731

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-10-07 12:13 PM PT apt went pretty good.  She didn't tell me I couldn't run B2B - so that's great.  She said my hips are slightly off and my hip flexors are tight on the left side.  There is an issue with overpronation on the left side causing me to push harder through the inside of my calf = pain. Don't know if it is due to left leg being longer and causing problems traveling up the leg, or if the tight hips is causing me to twist my hips when I land and thus the overpronation (top down or bottom up?)  But she did lots of stretching on the hip flexors, showed me some good stretches and how to tape my calf when I run. She said as long as I don't feel increasing pain as I continue my training then we should be able to get me through the race with 2 visits a week until D-Day!   Yippeee.  I have never wanted to go for a run so much as I do right now.  Thanks for all the well wishes.  At least I can try.....

Awesome news!  I'm so happy that it's positive - now get out there and run!  :-)
2009-10-07 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Tracy: Great news from the PT! BTW: Doug's Bib # is 674. Mine is 324 and I am in the 6th Wave. I think your Doug is in the 4th.
2009-10-07 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2447731

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-10-07 12:13 PM PT apt went pretty good.  She didn't tell me I couldn't run B2B - so that's great.  She said my hips are slightly off and my hip flexors are tight on the left side.  There is an issue with overpronation on the left side causing me to push harder through the inside of my calf = pain. Don't know if it is due to left leg being longer and causing problems traveling up the leg, or if the tight hips is causing me to twist my hips when I land and thus the overpronation (top down or bottom up?)  But she did lots of stretching on the hip flexors, showed me some good stretches and how to tape my calf when I run. She said as long as I don't feel increasing pain as I continue my training then we should be able to get me through the race with 2 visits a week until D-Day!   Yippeee.  I have never wanted to go for a run so much as I do right now.  Thanks for all the well wishes.  At least I can try.....

Great news.
2009-10-07 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2447731

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-10-07 10:13 AM PT apt went pretty good.  She didn't tell me I couldn't run B2B - so that's great.  She said my hips are slightly off and my hip flexors are tight on the left side.  There is an issue with overpronation on the left side causing me to push harder through the inside of my calf = pain. Don't know if it is due to left leg being longer and causing problems traveling up the leg, or if the tight hips is causing me to twist my hips when I land and thus the overpronation (top down or bottom up?)  But she did lots of stretching on the hip flexors, showed me some good stretches and how to tape my calf when I run. She said as long as I don't feel increasing pain as I continue my training then we should be able to get me through the race with 2 visits a week until D-Day!   Yippeee.  I have never wanted to go for a run so much as I do right now.  Thanks for all the well wishes.  At least I can try.....

That is great to hear Tracy!
2009-10-07 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2447639

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-10-07 11:40 AM OK last long winded post for awhile.

So on my way to look in City Sports for the perfect race shirt - I want a running shirt w/ short sleeves and small pocket for gels, I walk by a brand new gourmet chocolate store that also sells hand dipped chocolate bananas (no comments, pelase) and homemade gelato.  That just summed up all of the favorities/weaknesses in one store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About the weight, I will go back to my nutrition log and see if I can eliminate a few things to shore up my eating.  Although it's hard with football (beer and nachos) and fall (heartier food like stews and crusty bread) but I can suck it up for a few weeks.

Now my question - how much do you all pay attention to your HR during a race.  I know we all look but do you change anything based upon where it's at.  And I mean for longer distances.  My last 2 longer races (1/2 Mary and 10miler) where I pushed it my HR was Zone 4 or higher for the entire race.  Is it possible to do that for a marathon?  Should I be worried?  Should I slow my pace even if I feel good?  Or should I just go until the tank hits empty b/c I have nothing to lose?

So can you tell A) I am fretting and B) I'm back at work today?  LOL

Here is where I am going to differ with the group.  When it comes to marathon racing (which is very different from a 10-14m race) I think HR is important thing to watch, especially the first half to 30K.  The higher the HR, the more glycogen you are going to burn, not fat.  The key in distance racing is to be able to spare glycogen and rely on some percent of fat stores for energy.  Blow your glycogen too early and you are bonk and it is impossible to catch up.  Unless you have trained that way, you won't be able to sustain it in a race.  I learned that the hard way sooooooo many times.   I probably sound emphatic because I am on this topic.  For me, I know I need to maintain a HR in the high 150s/low 160s, if I get above it, I suffer greatly in the last 10K.  To Steve's point, I have done  this long enough that I can equate my pacing to RPE pretty well.  If I am working hard early on, it's an issue and I back off. If I look at my HRM I am always 166+.

Other factors will affect your HR, heat, dehyration esp late in the race, but overall monitoring it and mirroring your MP runs is the best strategy IMO.  If you have anything in the tank, you will pass 100s of people in that last 10K.  There really isn;t a better feeling than that.

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-10-07 3:26 PM

2009-10-07 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2447731

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

tahrens - 2009-10-07 12:13 PM PT apt went pretty good.  She didn't tell me I couldn't run B2B - so that's great.  She said my hips are slightly off and my hip flexors are tight on the left side.  There is an issue with overpronation on the left side causing me to push harder through the inside of my calf = pain. Don't know if it is due to left leg being longer and causing problems traveling up the leg, or if the tight hips is causing me to twist my hips when I land and thus the overpronation (top down or bottom up?)  But she did lots of stretching on the hip flexors, showed me some good stretches and how to tape my calf when I run. She said as long as I don't feel increasing pain as I continue my training then we should be able to get me through the race with 2 visits a week until D-Day!   Yippeee.  I have never wanted to go for a run so much as I do right now.  Thanks for all the well wishes.  At least I can try.....

That great news - glad to hear it!  Glad you get to run at B2B - I know it was killing you to think otherwise...

2009-10-07 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Can you bike gurus stand another question?  Still bugged by the stand over on the P4 (did I measure right?) so I reached out to the designer at GURU who frequents ST.  Within 10 minutes I was on the phone with him, 30 minutes later he sent me drawings of a custom Magis.  GURU standover 670.5, P4=716mm, nearly two inches difference.  His comment was I would not have any room to spare on the Magis in barefeet.  That has me a little worried.....I'm sending the drawings to Paco (my bike guy).  I know fit trumps everything, but what do you think of GURU vs Cervelo? am I making a fuss over nothing?  I REALLY like th look of the Cervelo, but I REALLY like all my parts in order even more. Wink

Tony, I emailed you the sheets.  Probably sorry you gave me that address now, huh?
2009-10-07 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2448443

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-10-07 3:12 PM Can you bike gurus stand another question?  Still bugged by the stand over on the P4 (did I measure right?) so I reached out to the designer at GURU who frequents ST.  Within 10 minutes I was on the phone with him, 30 minutes later he sent me drawings of a custom Magis.  GURU standover 670.5, P4=716mm, nearly two inches difference.  His comment was I would not have any room to spare on the Magis in barefeet.  That has me a little worried.....I'm sending the drawings to Paco (my bike guy).  I know fit trumps everything, but what do you think of GURU vs Cervelo? am I making a fuss over nothing?  I REALLY like th look of the Cervelo, but I REALLY like all my parts in order even more. Wink

Tony, I emailed you the sheets.  Probably sorry you gave me that address now, huh?

Get em both, keep the one that fits best and send the other to the circus for the bears to ride
2009-10-07 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2445904

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
trying1 - 2009-10-06 3:02 PM I'm in for the Dec/Nov thing.

My wife and I just started the interview portion of the NYC preschool application chaos..   Today we had our 1st out of 12 parent/family interviews (yes we're applying to 12 schools).  After the parent/family interviews it's my 2 yr old's turn..  We have at least 2 preschool events every week until the end of Jan.  Nothing but fun.. 

BTW has anyone ever: 1) had a good work out, 2)took a nap, 3)woke-up with a migraine and 4) threw up until you had nothing in your system?  Last Friday I had a good workout and felt great after.  I took a quick nap and woke-up with the worst migraine..  It was the weirdest thing, I drank plenty of liquids after the workout.  My last 2 workouts after the incident have been horrible..

Hey, I wanted to get back to you on this.  I have never had it happen.  Are you a migraine sufferer in general?  I read this a while back and thought it might be helpful.

Prolonged Exertion As A Trigger For Migraine

Athletes with predisposition to migraine may have prolonged exertion as one trigger for a typical migraine. The headache does not typically resolve when the activity is discontinued. The headache may occur minutes or hours into the activity or after cessation of activity.

Effort migraine was seen in 9% of 128 subjects reported by Williams and Nukada.8 In the study population, such headaches often began in childhood or adolescence with average age at onset of 15. Aura was noticed by all, nausea by the majority, and vomiting and neck stiffness were frequent. The headache was generally throbbing, moderate to severe, and lasted for hours. Spontaneous migraine unrelated to sport or exercise was experienced in 55% of subjects, with a positive family history in 64%. The authors suggested that low oxygen tension may trigger effort migraine by an as yet unknown mechanism.

For a headache to occur with prolonged exertion, additional triggers may be required. Such triggers include heat, altitude, bright light, dehydration, and low blood sugar. Swain and Kaplan 12 reported headache development after use of certain types of athletic equipment. Poorly fitting mouth guards, tight helmets, and goggles were noted as potential triggers for the athlete with migraine.

"Goggle" migraine has been described by neurologist Alan Pestronk.13 He developed a migraine headache beginning 1 to 2 hours after exercise and occurring only on days when he swam. His father, a retailer of sporting goods, noted anecdotally that his customers frequently complained of headaches associated with the use of ill-fitting swim goggles. When Dr. Pestronk changed to a goggle not requiring a tight head strap, he had no further migraine headaches.

Another interesting case report in the literature is of a 48-year-old woman who consistently developed migraine after completing aerobic exercise class. Switching from a "high impact" to a "low impact" exercise regimen was not beneficial. A change in her estrogen replacement therapy was observed to be the responsible second trigger. She had changed from a pill form to a patch prior to the development of headache. The patch, along with exercise-associated vasodilatation, increased absorption of estrogen. The estrogen "bolus" then precipitated a vascular headache. Removal of the patch during exercise solved the problem.14

2009-10-07 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2447925

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-10-07 11:25 AM
sdalessio - 2009-10-07 11:40 AM OK last long winded post for awhile.

So on my way to look in City Sports for the perfect race shirt - I want a running shirt w/ short sleeves and small pocket for gels, I walk by a brand new gourmet chocolate store that also sells hand dipped chocolate bananas (no comments, pelase) and homemade gelato.  That just summed up all of the favorities/weaknesses in one store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About the weight, I will go back to my nutrition log and see if I can eliminate a few things to shore up my eating.  Although it's hard with football (beer and nachos) and fall (heartier food like stews and crusty bread) but I can suck it up for a few weeks.

Now my question - how much do you all pay attention to your HR during a race.  I know we all look but do you change anything based upon where it's at.  And I mean for longer distances.  My last 2 longer races (1/2 Mary and 10miler) where I pushed it my HR was Zone 4 or higher for the entire race.  Is it possible to do that for a marathon?  Should I be worried?  Should I slow my pace even if I feel good?  Or should I just go until the tank hits empty b/c I have nothing to lose?

So can you tell A) I am fretting and B) I'm back at work today?  LOL

Here is where I am going to differ with the group.  When it comes to marathon racing (which is very different from a 10-14m race) I think HR is important thing to watch, especially the first half to 30K.  The higher the HR, the more glycogen you are going to burn, not fat.  The key in distance racing is to be able to spare glycogen and rely on some percent of fat stores for energy.  Blow your glycogen too early and you are bonk and it is impossible to catch up.  Unless you have trained that way, you won't be able to sustain it in a race.  I learned that the hard way sooooooo many times.   I probably sound emphatic because I am on this topic.  For me, I know I need to maintain a HR in the high 150s/low 160s, if I get above it, I suffer greatly in the last 10K.  To Steve's point, I have done  this long enough that I can equate my pacing to RPE pretty well.  If I am working hard early on, it's an issue and I back off. If I look at my HRM I am always 166+.

Other factors will affect your HR, heat, dehyration esp late in the race, but overall monitoring it and mirroring your MP runs is the best strategy IMO.  If you have anything in the tank, you will pass 100s of people in that last 10K.  There really isn;t a better feeling than that.

Suzy, is your high 150's/low 160's still Z3 or is it low Z4?  I think that would be helpful for Sam to know.  I am curious too,   as my HR is super weird and we are still trying to figure me out.  All of my long runs thus far have been in Z1 (low) at 9:00-9:25/mi pace.  I am doing a 17 mile run this Sunday and have been told to keep it in Z2 which for me is 139-148.  Which is going to feel MUCH harder.  We'll see how it goes. 

Sam, as you have been doing speedwork, is your effort on the last few intervals how you felt at the end of the Army 10 miler?  Or do you have gas in the tank.  High Z4 is quite an effort, I don't know that one can do that for a full 26.2 miles.  On the other hand, if it feels more like how it feels when you are in the middle of a tempo run, then that might be definitely manageable.  My race pace runs are only about 7 miles long and I usually feel really strong throughout.  Maybe you can try a shorter MP run this week before your long run and see what your HR is and how it feels?

2009-10-07 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2448443

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-10-07 3:12 PM Can you bike gurus stand another question?  Still bugged by the stand over on the P4 (did I measure right?) so I reached out to the designer at GURU who frequents ST.  Within 10 minutes I was on the phone with him, 30 minutes later he sent me drawings of a custom Magis.  GURU standover 670.5, P4=716mm, nearly two inches difference.  His comment was I would not have any room to spare on the Magis in barefeet.  That has me a little worried.....I'm sending the drawings to Paco (my bike guy).  I know fit trumps everything, but what do you think of GURU vs Cervelo? am I making a fuss over nothing?  I REALLY like th look of the Cervelo, but I REALLY like all my parts in order even more. Wink

Tony, I emailed you the sheets.  Probably sorry you gave me that address now, huh?

Just curious, Cervelo has specs with 650cc wheelset, Guru Magis that ST guy sent you info on...(the one I am getting, btw!!!) comes with 700cc?
2009-10-07 5:51 PM
in reply to: #2448501

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-10-07 5:49 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-10-07 3:12 PM Can you bike gurus stand another question?  Still bugged by the stand over on the P4 (did I measure right?) so I reached out to the designer at GURU who frequents ST.  Within 10 minutes I was on the phone with him, 30 minutes later he sent me drawings of a custom Magis.  GURU standover 670.5, P4=716mm, nearly two inches difference.  His comment was I would not have any room to spare on the Magis in barefeet.  That has me a little worried.....I'm sending the drawings to Paco (my bike guy).  I know fit trumps everything, but what do you think of GURU vs Cervelo? am I making a fuss over nothing?  I REALLY like th look of the Cervelo, but I REALLY like all my parts in order even more. Wink

Tony, I emailed you the sheets.  Probably sorry you gave me that address now, huh?

Just curious, Cervelo has specs with 650cc wheelset, Guru Magis that ST guy sent you info on...(the one I am getting, btw!!!) comes with 700cc?

The custom he spec'd out were with 650cc.....only way to go for this shrimp!
2009-10-07 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2448495

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-10-07 5:46 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-10-07 11:25 AM
sdalessio - 2009-10-07 11:40 AM OK last long winded post for awhile.

So on my way to look in City Sports for the perfect race shirt - I want a running shirt w/ short sleeves and small pocket for gels, I walk by a brand new gourmet chocolate store that also sells hand dipped chocolate bananas (no comments, pelase) and homemade gelato.  That just summed up all of the favorities/weaknesses in one store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About the weight, I will go back to my nutrition log and see if I can eliminate a few things to shore up my eating.  Although it's hard with football (beer and nachos) and fall (heartier food like stews and crusty bread) but I can suck it up for a few weeks.

Now my question - how much do you all pay attention to your HR during a race.  I know we all look but do you change anything based upon where it's at.  And I mean for longer distances.  My last 2 longer races (1/2 Mary and 10miler) where I pushed it my HR was Zone 4 or higher for the entire race.  Is it possible to do that for a marathon?  Should I be worried?  Should I slow my pace even if I feel good?  Or should I just go until the tank hits empty b/c I have nothing to lose?

So can you tell A) I am fretting and B) I'm back at work today?  LOL

Here is where I am going to differ with the group.  When it comes to marathon racing (which is very different from a 10-14m race) I think HR is important thing to watch, especially the first half to 30K.  The higher the HR, the more glycogen you are going to burn, not fat.  The key in distance racing is to be able to spare glycogen and rely on some percent of fat stores for energy.  Blow your glycogen too early and you are bonk and it is impossible to catch up.  Unless you have trained that way, you won't be able to sustain it in a race.  I learned that the hard way sooooooo many times.   I probably sound emphatic because I am on this topic.  For me, I know I need to maintain a HR in the high 150s/low 160s, if I get above it, I suffer greatly in the last 10K.  To Steve's point, I have done  this long enough that I can equate my pacing to RPE pretty well.  If I am working hard early on, it's an issue and I back off. If I look at my HRM I am always 166+.

Other factors will affect your HR, heat, dehyration esp late in the race, but overall monitoring it and mirroring your MP runs is the best strategy IMO.  If you have anything in the tank, you will pass 100s of people in that last 10K.  There really isn;t a better feeling than that.

Suzy, is your high 150's/low 160's still Z3 or is it low Z4?  I think that would be helpful for Sam to know.  I am curious too,   as my HR is super weird and we are still trying to figure me out.  All of my long runs thus far have been in Z1 (low) at 9:00-9:25/mi pace.  I am doing a 17 mile run this Sunday and have been told to keep it in Z2 which for me is 139-148.  Which is going to feel MUCH harder.  We'll see how it goes. 

Sam, as you have been doing speedwork, is your effort on the last few intervals how you felt at the end of the Army 10 miler?  Or do you have gas in the tank.  High Z4 is quite an effort, I don't know that one can do that for a full 26.2 miles.  On the other hand, if it feels more like how it feels when you are in the middle of a tempo run, then that might be definitely manageable.  My race pace runs are only about 7 miles long and I usually feel really strong throughout.  Maybe you can try a shorter MP run this week before your long run and see what your HR is and how it feels?

The old me, marathoner did not establish zones or train by them--Lowell followed Daniels VDOT.  I trained by pace and then equated things back to HR as the years went by. To answer the question, my marathons were done in low to mid Z3.  If I had gas in the tank, I goosed it up to Z4/5 the last that I am a triathlete, my running has gone to pot and so has my HR....those same numbers have me in Z4.  Lost some aerobic fitness along the way. Damn.

And yes, your HR is an oddity.  Only person I know that can have a 80-100 points swing in HR and still be standing.
2009-10-07 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Good luck in your Olympics Doug and Andy!  Rock'em out! 

Tracy - Great news from your PT.  I'm really happy for you.  Maybe next year, you, Doug, and I can do B2B together (a BT MG Relay).  I have family in Wilmington and only live 5 hours away.  I'd be up for any leg.
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