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2014-03-02 1:08 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Dublin, Ohio
Subject: RE: challenge update
I just got back from my very first tri - an indoor obviously. Swim was 20 minutes, bike 60 minutes and run for 40 minutes. I had a blast! I am completely hooked! They graded it by how far everyone went. I swam 1025 meters, biked 18.8 miles and ran 5.3 miles. I have no idea how that compares to anything but I felt amazing and had such a great time!

2014-03-02 2:03 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: challenge update

Originally posted by QueenZipp

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by QueenZipp

So I went to a swim clinic yesterday....and there was very little positive said about my stroke.  Very discouraging.  I can do drills all freaking day long and those look decent, but when I swim the drills don't do a flipping thing to translate into the stroke.  Why bother?

Judi--can you find a swim coach to work with you one on one? I did that for a while and it was very helpful in having someone right there to point out (over and over again) what I was doing wrong and how to make immediately putting me into the drills to help get the feel for it. By no means am I a fast swimmer, but at least I can come out of the water without being totally gassed. Steve

I want to sign up with the Master's group that put on the swim clinic.  Just not sure the money is there.  I had private lessons a few years ago--and the things he did to correct my form are what was criticized yesterday.  I used to WAYYYYY over rotate.  He got me swimming flatter which took the wobble out as I made my way down the lane.  My recovery is symmetric but the elbow isn't high enough.  Still too short on the name it the swim was torn apart.  However, the first drill station (kick people) were very positive then the second drill station (front quadrant drills) tore me a new one.

He suggested a tempo trainer for me--but I would have no clue how to set it to the proper tempo or what good it would really do if the mechanics are that bad how is a tempo trainer going to fix it?

Oh my, now we have my dander up!  I just love when "coaches" make ludicrous statements, don't back them up with proper instruction, and then when they do say things, the things they say or do are contradictory (note the HEAVY sarcasm).

Let's take the next few hours and pick apart the comments in bold above.  Ok, I will try and keep it shorter than a few hours!

First question is how are we defining over-rotation?  Proper rotation is along the lines of 25-35 degrees of rotation to each side.  Most swimmers rotate a bit further when they breath, maybe another 5-10 degrees (this becomes less true as you move into the more elite swimmers).  Using those numbers as a general guide, I would define over-rotation as more than about 45 degrees of rotation to either side.  Yes, with that much rotation you will start to 'wobble' down the lane and it would certainly be something I would want to work on.  Using those same numbers, I would describe a 'flat' stroke as one where the rotation was less than about 20 degrees rotation to either side.  With that low a rotation you would have all sorts of other problems.  (See how one thing effects all the other things?)

Before I go any further, I am going to repeat something I have said repeatedly, and it is stated in many of the swim technique articles on my website.  "In my opinion, body roll is the single most important aspect of the freestyle stoke, so much so that I call it the foundation on which the freestyle stroke is built."

So let's look at the 'flaws' that you mention.  "My recovery is symmetric but the elbow isn't high enough."  You simply CANNOT have a high elbow recovery without proper body rotation.  PERIOD!  "Still too short on the catch."  Body rotation is what allows you too complete your entry and move your hand forward for a proper catch in the correct location.  Your catch will be too short, your stroke will be too short and inefficient if you have insufficient body rotation.  Are you starting to see a pattern here?  Without seeing your stroke, I suspect your rotation is at least part of any problem, if indeed there IS a problem.

Now, on to my favorite part of what you mentioned.  "The first drill station (kick people) were very positive then the second drill station (front quadrant drills) tore me a new one."  Gosh, where do I start.  I will state the obvious and say that I don't know how you were doing kick drills.  The problem with kicking drills, whether on a kickboard or with arms outstretched in front of you, is that they promote NO body rotation.  Your coaches flattened out your stroke so, of course you would do well in a kick drill because you naturally do not have rotation.  As I have said repeatedly, a triathlete's kick efforts provide virtually ZERO forward propulsion.  In my opinion, the value of the kick for a triathlete is to aid with body rotation and maintain balance in the water.  With that in mind, I see no value to kick drills.  Next, I have no idea WHY the second drill station "tore you a new one."  Maybe because you were doing front quadrant drills?  Opps, guess I just revealed what I think about front quadrant drills.  In my opinion 'front quadrant drills' (at least as I understand them) have got to be the biggest waste of time there is and sadly encourage improper technique.  Let's look at why.  Front quadrant drills/catch up drills essentially have you holding your forward arm in position until your recovering arm/hand catches up and touches the forward arm/hand.  The theory being that this will help elongate your stroke.  The problem is that in order to 'catch up' and touch the forward hand, you have to keep your shoulders flat and in order to elongate your stroke you must have proper body rotation - you have to roll into the stroke.  The drill itself is contradictory in that you can't do both things at once, you can't have flat shoulders and roll in to the stroke at the same time.  Not happenin'.

You cannot do a series of drills and then hope that when you throw it all together and actually swim freestyle all the individual drills will somehow translate into proper stroke technique.  AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!  Freestyle is a single, fluid movement throughout the entire stroke.  To learn proper freestyle you need to swim freestyle with someone that can offer tips on technique corrections that can be incorporated into the overall stroke.  I was a member of the U.S. Olympic team, I held American and World records and not ONCE in my entire competitive swimming career did I EVER do a swimming drill.  I swam, I had an EXCELLENT coach on deck that corrected technique flaws, and then I swam some more.  I am not saying DON'T do drills, I certainly don't want to create conflict between you and a coach.  However, before I invest a great deal of time into drills, I would want to know SPECIFICALLY how that drill is going to help me, what it is going to improve, how it is going to improve whatever it is focused on, and how is this drill going to impact all the other parts of my stroke.

Send me some video of you swimming.  As I said earlier, I suspect it is a couple 'little things' that are holding you back.  Also, what are your times like?  You haven't talked about that, maybe things aren't 'as bad' as you seem to think they are?

Edited by k9car363 2014-03-02 2:07 PM
2014-03-02 2:36 PM
in reply to: wsummerhill

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: challenge update
Congrats, Wendy! Sounds like you're off to a great start indoors.

I"m actually looking forward to my business travel this week, since its a short trip to Jacksonville, Fla. I should be able to get out for a long run Friday morning in warm weather before work.

James, my numbers for this week are: -.8lb weight loss plus no gain bonus = 13 pts
338 minutes workout this week. = 11 pts
total this week = 24 pts

2014-03-02 3:46 PM
in reply to: DJP_19

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: challenge update


They are going to post the videos up on youtube and send us a link once they are posted.  When I get the link I'll PM it to you.

Yes, the original coach I started with 7 years ago had me rotating  but I over rotated to about 80-90 degrees and we never clicked in relationship to fix things.  His explanations made no sense so whenever I asked a question I felt talked over/ down to....Second coach was great at explaining.  He never said something was wrong without first coming up with a way to work on it so I could see/ feel the correction immediately.  He was much older than my previous coach and I am assuming he still used the old school swim flat style from when he was growing up.....Fast forward, he left the gym and coach 1 returned.  I refused to swim in with coach 1 because we had already had bad history.  Went to another Master's class.....and found while they made workouts tailored to triathlon swimming (not a lot of IM crap) they posted the workout and wandered around doing water quality checks and chatting with guards  but NOT making any stroke corrections.  The third guy at my regular gym does that too.....Post a 3400 yard set and wander around doing water checks, drink no real feedback.  So I don't take his class.  I pull workouts from swim or and do them on my own.  

 The clinic I took yesterday is by a local guy who is a great swimmer.  He comes out of the water with the pros.....He has several certified coaches on his staff.  They do work on all the drills and want people to do "catch up" as they swim--which was a drill coach #1 had me do so much that I refuse to do it.  


Today I did a drill focused set:  4 rounds

50 scull

50 kick (stream line on back/ on back w/ board over knees to limit the knee bend)

3x50 drill (paddles--zipper--fist)

3x50 swim

By the time I got to my swim I felt like my pull was much more effective.  I think I will use this set over the next month while I determine if I can afford coaching with the group from the clinic.


I will never be a great swimmer, but I think I am capable of better than I have been able to do so far.  That's all I want.

2014-03-02 4:20 PM
in reply to: wsummerhill

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: challenge update

Originally posted by wsummerhill I just got back from my very first tri - an indoor obviously. Swim was 20 minutes, bike 60 minutes and run for 40 minutes. I had a blast! I am completely hooked! They graded it by how far everyone went. I swam 1025 meters, biked 18.8 miles and ran 5.3 miles. I have no idea how that compares to anything but I felt amazing and had such a great time!

This sounds like fun!  I will have to see if they have one or two in my area.

2014-03-02 5:30 PM
in reply to: wsummerhill

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: challenge update

Originally posted by wsummerhill I just got back from my very first tri - an indoor obviously. Swim was 20 minutes, bike 60 minutes and run for 40 minutes. I had a blast! I am completely hooked! They graded it by how far everyone went. I swam 1025 meters, biked 18.8 miles and ran 5.3 miles. I have no idea how that compares to anything but I felt amazing and had such a great time!

Congrats on your very first tri!  What a great way to spend a Sunday morning!

2014-03-02 5:39 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: challenge update

Weight gain this week is my granddaughters fault!  I mean really, how do you say "No!" to your granddaughter when she looks so cute in her girl scout uniform, looking up at you with those brown puppy dog eyes?  Although, I probably didn't need to buy as many as I did, and I certainly didn't need to eat as many as I did!  Yes - Thin Mints are my weakness!

Gained 2.4 pounds - minus 24 points

Workout 783 minutes - 26.1 points

Total - 2.1 points


2014-03-02 9:44 PM
in reply to: 0

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: challenge update

Originally posted by k9car363

Weight gain this week is my granddaughters fault!  I mean really, how do you say "No!" to your granddaughter when she looks so cute in her girl scout uniform, looking up at you with those brown puppy dog eyes?  Although, I probably didn't need to buy as many as I did, and I certainly didn't need to eat as many as I did!  Yes - Thin Mints are my weakness!

Gained 2.4 pounds - minus 24 points

Workout 783 minutes - 26.1 points

Total - 2.1 points


Looks like you took one (err 2) for the Girls Scouts Scott.  Just what a grandparent has to do I say!

Edited by KOM 2014-03-02 9:52 PM
2014-03-02 9:51 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: challenge update

Originally posted by JREDFLY I'm going to lose my job. Sorry for being late with the grid people just way too busy with work crap causing a lot of late nights. Hampered my early morning workouts but I did fairly well. Should be better this upcoming week. Here you go, better late than never. Have a great Sunday workout everyone!!!

No worries James!! Thank you for doing this for the group.  It is greatly appreciated!!!

I stayed on track a little better this week:

Weight lost: 1 lb= 10 points

No weight gain= 5 points

Workouts: 309 minutes= 10 points

Total=25 points

2014-03-03 6:12 AM
in reply to: KOM

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2014-03-03 9:09 AM
in reply to: Dogpaddle

Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: challenge update
Hi James,

Thanks again for all your great work keeping the group motivated!

Totals for this week:
Weight loss 2lbs = 20 + 5 for bonus = 25 points
Training = 390 minutes = 13 points
Total = 38

One of my better weeks - yay!

February, as a whole, however, was kind of a disappointing month for me, mainly due to lousy weather and my 3 week cold/flu which is still lingering. I managed to keep it from being a disaster, but not what I had hoped as overall it was down a bit from Jan #s as opposed to a continued build. More snow again here today - 10" or so, which shuts down Virginia. So another week is off to a questionable start and then the traveling starts. I think for March I am just going to focus on trying to get the run where it should be (or at least not sliding too badly), trying not to backslide too much on the weight progress thus far for 2014, and hopefully get in one swim / bike each week. Basically, I'll take what I can get starting next week!

Wendy - congrats on your first tri. I did a few of those indoor ones a few years back - great way to generate some enthusiasm in the off-season and also, a great way to be introduced to the sport!


2014-03-03 12:03 PM
in reply to: juneapple

Subject: RE: challenge update
I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull myself from the challenge. I have been struggling with fatigue for months on and off, and have finally realized I"m over training, must not be recovering enough, eating right or something. Plus, my stress level has been way high, and that's not helping. This past week an easy 3 mile run was hard, and the next day I couldn't even complete my planned run, which has happened before during February. I'm really disappointed, pulling myself from the half I was going to do in 2 wks, cutting way back this week on any exercise. I had planned to swim today, but am so tired. I had a busy weekend at work and that has exhausted me. My husband has been unemployed the past month, which adds to my stress. ugh, any words of advice are welcome. I really felt I was training properly, resting on my work days (active recovery) and eating well, but something put me over the edge. I am still planning on doing the triathlon, as I have 8 weeks to recovery and train.
2014-03-03 12:39 PM
in reply to: juneapple

East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: challenge update

I expected a decline on a difficult travel week. Here are the grim numbers:

Weight-- +1.5 back to 164.5, so, -15 points
Workout=360 minutes for 12 points

Total for week = -3.

More travel this week, but only two hotel nights and I'll be home this weekend, so I'm planning to drop the water weight gain and build some good training minutes.

2014-03-03 1:49 PM
in reply to: Kris67

Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: challenge update
Originally posted by Kris67

I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull myself from the challenge. I have been struggling with fatigue for months on and off, and have finally realized I"m over training, must not be recovering enough, eating right or something. Plus, my stress level has been way high, and that's not helping. This past week an easy 3 mile run was hard, and the next day I couldn't even complete my planned run, which has happened before during February. I'm really disappointed, pulling myself from the half I was going to do in 2 wks, cutting way back this week on any exercise. I had planned to swim today, but am so tired. I had a busy weekend at work and that has exhausted me. My husband has been unemployed the past month, which adds to my stress. ugh, any words of advice are welcome. I really felt I was training properly, resting on my work days (active recovery) and eating well, but something put me over the edge. I am still planning on doing the triathlon, as I have 8 weeks to recovery and train.

Hi Kris,

So sorry to hear of your struggles on all fronts. Here's a link to a few of the most likely culprits:

If you aren't on any new medications, I'd bet on not sleeping well recently - probably due to all the stress. But might be worth checking dehydration or low iron as well.

2014-03-03 2:39 PM
in reply to: juneapple

Subject: RE: challenge update

weight loss - 3#'s = 30 pts (hopefully I can keep it off)
no gain = 5 pts
200 minutes workout = 6.66 pts

for a total of 41.66 pts

This covers the last 2 weeks - trying to get back to normal this week

2014-03-03 2:42 PM
in reply to: wsummerhill

Subject: RE: challenge update

Originally posted by wsummerhill I just got back from my very first tri - an indoor obviously. Swim was 20 minutes, bike 60 minutes and run for 40 minutes. I had a blast! I am completely hooked! They graded it by how far everyone went. I swam 1025 meters, biked 18.8 miles and ran 5.3 miles. I have no idea how that compares to anything but I felt amazing and had such a great time!

Congrats on your tri!  You did great and sounds like you had fun (the most important part).

2014-03-03 3:37 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

Subject: RE: challenge update
six points.
looking forward to getting back on track.
circumstances beyond my control hv blown my program.
pleased I have handled it pretty well.
hope to be able to use my car by end of the week so I can ride my bike.

sorry really didn't go back and read about everyones efforts...did catch indoor tri post. VERY COOL ! glad u were able to do that.

freezing in my car bye for now.
2014-03-03 4:19 PM
in reply to: Kris67

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: challenge update

Originally posted by Kris67 I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull myself from the challenge. I have been struggling with fatigue for months on and off, and have finally realized I"m over training, must not be recovering enough, eating right or something. Plus, my stress level has been way high, and that's not helping. This past week an easy 3 mile run was hard, and the next day I couldn't even complete my planned run, which has happened before during February. I'm really disappointed, pulling myself from the half I was going to do in 2 wks, cutting way back this week on any exercise. I had planned to swim today, but am so tired. I had a busy weekend at work and that has exhausted me. My husband has been unemployed the past month, which adds to my stress. ugh, any words of advice are welcome. I really felt I was training properly, resting on my work days (active recovery) and eating well, but something put me over the edge. I am still planning on doing the triathlon, as I have 8 weeks to recovery and train.

Hang in there, Kris.  Stress does crazy stuff to us physically and mentally.  I need the endorphin fix daily to deal with my stress--others need to hibernate.  Do what you need to take care of that which you can.

Sorry you have to pull out of the HM, sounds like right now it's the right call for you.

2014-03-03 8:43 PM
in reply to: Kris67

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: challenge update

Originally posted by Kris67 I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull myself from the challenge. I have been struggling with fatigue for months on and off, and have finally realized I"m over training, must not be recovering enough, eating right or something. Plus, my stress level has been way high, and that's not helping. This past week an easy 3 mile run was hard, and the next day I couldn't even complete my planned run, which has happened before during February. I'm really disappointed, pulling myself from the half I was going to do in 2 wks, cutting way back this week on any exercise. I had planned to swim today, but am so tired. I had a busy weekend at work and that has exhausted me. My husband has been unemployed the past month, which adds to my stress. ugh, any words of advice are welcome. I really felt I was training properly, resting on my work days (active recovery) and eating well, but something put me over the edge. I am still planning on doing the triathlon, as I have 8 weeks to recovery and train.

Kris -

Sorry to hear things are hectic.  You know, success in athletics means constantly re-evaluating where you are at and where you are going.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a step back, or a dozen steps back.  After you take a couple steps back, it is often easier to see the changes that have to be made to achieve the balance that will allow you to go forward.  Hope you don't disappear.  You have a great support network here with the Gray Guys/Girls!

Hope things get better soon.

2014-03-03 11:15 PM
in reply to: Kris67

East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: challenge update

Small steps backward are part of the process. Nothings moves constantly forward with unimpeded progress. Retrenching and regrouping can be part of the training process.

I was looking back at your workout minutes over several weeks and you really put in some very aggressive training. Yes, there was a week lost, but the bounce back weeks were aggressive. Add incremental stress at home, maybe some trouble getting a complete night's rest, and it takes a toll.
My coach is constantly badgering me about the importance of rest and recovery....his contention is most of us don't take it nearly seriously enough and it is even more important for grey guys/girls.

Take some time off. Get rested. Evaluate your's totally appropriate to change your goals when your personal situation changes just as you would take some time off if you pulled a hamstring or twisted an ankle.

When you're ready, slowly start back in...but dial in your training relative to your new goals and expectations.

Hang in there. If this was easy, everyone would do it.


2014-03-03 11:19 PM
in reply to: wsummerhill

East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: challenge update
Originally posted by wsummerhill

I just got back from my very first tri - an indoor obviously. Swim was 20 minutes, bike 60 minutes and run for 40 minutes. I had a blast! I am completely hooked! They graded it by how far everyone went. I swam 1025 meters, biked 18.8 miles and ran 5.3 miles. I have no idea how that compares to anything but I felt amazing and had such a great time!

Congratulations, Wendy! How many people tell themselves they want to do a triathlon but never muster the discipline to get it done? You did! Best of all, you had a great time competing, which is the only thing that really matters.


2014-03-04 5:52 AM
in reply to: Kris67

Dublin, Ohio
Subject: RE: challenge update
Originally posted by Kris67

I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull myself from the challenge. I have been struggling with fatigue for months on and off, and have finally realized I"m over training, must not be recovering enough, eating right or something. Plus, my stress level has been way high, and that's not helping. This past week an easy 3 mile run was hard, and the next day I couldn't even complete my planned run, which has happened before during February. I'm really disappointed, pulling myself from the half I was going to do in 2 wks, cutting way back this week on any exercise. I had planned to swim today, but am so tired. I had a busy weekend at work and that has exhausted me. My husband has been unemployed the past month, which adds to my stress. ugh, any words of advice are welcome. I really felt I was training properly, resting on my work days (active recovery) and eating well, but something put me over the edge. I am still planning on doing the triathlon, as I have 8 weeks to recovery and train.

So sorry Kris! The challenge should be the least of your worries right now! Stress is so damaging as all of us know. Definitely get your iron checked and keep us posted on how you're feeling!
2014-03-04 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4915093

Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum (all levels welcome)--CLOSED
Thanks for the advice. I'm not going to disappear. I need this motivation and advice , especially since I train alone . I appreciate this site and all the info. I have definitely been feeling old lately, so hopefully a week or two off will let me regroup.
2014-03-04 1:35 PM
in reply to: 0

New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: GRIDS UP
Down one pound finally for 10 points plus 5 points no gain = 15 wt pts

Work out points 300 minutes = 10 pts

total 25 pts

Starting to right this ship.

Hey, Scott and Steve were you working out at the same gym this week? (Ha! Ha!)

Edited by JREDFLY 2014-03-04 1:38 PM

(GGG 3-3-2014.jpg)

GGG 3-3-2014.jpg (130KB - 1 downloads)
2014-03-04 3:08 PM
in reply to: Kris67

Falls Church
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum (all levels welcome)--CLOSED

Originally posted by Kris67 Thanks for the advice. I'm not going to disappear. I need this motivation and advice , especially since I train alone . I appreciate this site and all the info. I have definitely been feeling old lately, so hopefully a week or two off will let me regroup.

Kris - hope a week or two off re-energizes you!  I also train alone.  Keeping motivated is hard and  juggling all of the things that need to be done and we want to get/have done is always a challenge.  I just have to remind myself to always try and enjoy whatever activity I'm doing at a particular moment.  

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Started by triguy1043
Views: 18765 Posts: 190

2014-04-02 11:34 AM lsousa
date : October 24, 2012
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 3
I didn’t used to like to run slow. You begin to recalibrate your needs and wants and if-only you could jog an easy two miles, three times per week. Running is a gift.
date : March 10, 2011
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
Tinley on triathlon, aging, and the attitude of a masters athlete
date : December 4, 2007
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
She's back. We were able to interview Deanna Babcock, a triathlete who galvanized the forums over several months with her story of a tragic accident and subsequent recovery.
date : October 4, 2007
author : R_Laberje
comments : 14
Humorous short story about giving up feminine luxuries for the triathlon fitness lifestyle.
date : February 8, 2007
author : MegL
comments : 25
No one likes to look like a fool, but it’s hard not to when you don’t know what you’re doing as a beginner, so if it helps, go ahead and pretend.
date : May 30, 2005
author : pjsuperhawk
comments : 0
Maintaining a positive attitude and a sense of priority will be my keys to success. Before summer fades into fall, I will be a Triathlete and eager to race again.
date : October 3, 2004
author : scuba-punk
comments : 0
He looked at us and flat out told us that he wouldn't accept any of us as his students at a technical diving level with the poor level of physical fitness we had.
date : August 31, 2004
author : malvey
comments : 0
Get inspired to race a triathlon even if your older.