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2014-04-04 11:59 AM
in reply to: Kido

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Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

Originally posted by Kido

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy Crazy strategy or not, that was one HELL of a tribal council last night! So often it's predictable as heck...that was just wild last night. Loved it!

I often wonder how much the directors play a role.  The OBVIOUSLY arrange the votes being pulled out of the jar to prolong the suspense.  It's always a tie with one vote left.  Statistics would dictate that once in a while someone would be voted out before all votes are revealed (well, other than when it's overwhelming).  Even if it's 7 vs 1, they will read the "1" vote first or second to scare...

I wonder if the whole Tony saves wha'tshisname and what'shis name saved Tony was their idea to ham it up for the cameras or if the directors told them to do that.  Most people would probably say, I'm going to save myself, and the other guy would say "I will also save myself".

ALSO, I think if you say you have an idol, you don't have to play it.  They will change the vote.  That trick will work ONCE, almost guaranteed.  I would say I have it, then hold onto it, IMO.  It would be a risky move for the other tribe to vote for you anyways after you announce you have it.  BUT the second time?  They may not be so easily fooled.   

They have said before they arrange and read the vote for dramatic effect.

The show has to stay out of the game as much as possible, in order to protect themselves from "favoritism" law suits.. loosers saying it was rigged. Obviously Tony and LJ worked it out prior to going. WE had not been shown that either of them told anyone they had the idol... but obviously they did.

Ya, as soon as Tony said he had the idol... well, no votes for him... but then when one alliance turned around and played two idols... I don't know... that ssemed like a big loss. I need to watch it again, but both their names were being thrown around and possible for one of them to go home. they both had an idol, they were both in danger, and they both stayed. So not entirely a "loss".

2014-04-04 1:56 PM
in reply to: powerman

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

The way I see it.  If you KNOW, 100% they are going to vote for you, then keep it a secret and get one them out when they vote for you.  If you are only half certain, announce you have it, get no votes, then keep it.  I might be able to keep that up for a while.

If they know you have one, would they ever risk you playing it and getting them out?  (unless they have such strong numbers, they can split it).  It's a gamble to hope they don't play it and vote for them anyway.  If I had one, and then everyone told me it was going to be someone else and was trying to make me feel safe?  THAT'S when you need to be on your toes!

I think the best way to play it (we have the luxury of hindsight).  Both announce they will be playing it prior to the vote then give one (or both) to the 3rd and 4th pick.

There plan wasn't too bad though.  They probably assumed with Tony's announcement, the would go with RJ and send the votes his way.  He keeps his secret and hopefully turns the tables.  HOWEVER, you assume that they would know RJ was the second choice and Tony COULD give it to him, pick a 3rd or 4th, which they did - so very smart of them.  However, Cass screwed it up so all the moves and counter moves were for naught with a surprise flip.

Can't wait to see the hostility in camp next episode.

BUT, watching enough of this show, every time you avoid elimination, is a good thing.  Even when it seems hopeless, and clearly outnumbered?  There is always hope.  Even of they "wasted" two idols?  They are still in, and that's all that matters.

2014-04-04 5:07 PM
in reply to: Kido

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Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

Ya, I know in the game they know more than is shown on TV... and you would have to be paranoid... and with tribal council coming up... the only important thing is not going home that night.

2014-04-10 12:43 AM
in reply to: powerman

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Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

I don't really care much for Cass anymore. She though Spencer was out of line? WTF? And karma... seriously. She is a bit psycho. And no, she is in no place of power. And no, I would not vote for her.

I like Spencer more now. Glad he found the idol. Can't blame Woo...but glad Spencer found it. He did good in that challenge too. I'm rooting for him.

2014-04-10 7:20 AM
in reply to: powerman

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

Originally posted by powerman

I don't really care much for Cass anymore. She though Spencer was out of line? WTF? And karma... seriously. She is a bit psycho. And no, she is in no place of power. And no, I would not vote for her.

I like Spencer more now. Glad he found the idol. Can't blame Woo...but glad Spencer found it. He did good in that challenge too. I'm rooting for him.

Yeah, he rocked the challenge in order to stick around, even after finding the idol. He appears to be more driven than many. I love that he found the idol right there under Cass's nose and she had no clue.

2014-04-10 1:50 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

I thought it was pretty telling when Kass mentioned that how she acts in the courtroom is also not the standard - she's an outcast in every aspect of her life.  Completely cuckoo I think!

2014-04-10 4:36 PM
in reply to: BikerGrrrl

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Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

Originally posted by BikerGrrrl

I thought it was pretty telling when Kass mentioned that how she acts in the courtroom is also not the standard - she's an outcast in every aspect of her life.  Completely cuckoo I think!

Ya, and not for Coco Puffs.

And Monica... errrr I can't stand girls like that. No she wasn't any sort of threat... but obviously everyone had enough of her. I'm actually glad Spencer didn't play his idol... they all looked at him so I don't think it is much of a secret.... but that would have meant saving Monica for getting Tony. Good strategic move... but he also knows Cass didn't flop. I would right her off. Yes she might vote your way in the future if it suits here...but you can't count on it, and I would never bother going to her again. She is toast in this game. She might be able to argue a case, but she will not win.... especially since I do not see much immunity necklaces for her in the future.

2014-04-11 7:02 AM
in reply to: powerman

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers
I think I'm on board for team Kass now #chaoskass. She is the only one making the show interesting. It sure wasn't Morgan or Jefra. The guys had a quiet episode other than Spencer and ninja man Woo.

Kass is holding the game in her hand right now in the sense that she hasn't promised either side anything but it will be her downfall. You win this game by making big moves, which she did, but also being loyal to an alliance and building trust and relationships. She isn't doing that.

Tony might win this thing if he can make it to the end. There is still a lot of game left and this is one of the better seasons I've seen in a long time with a totally new cast.

2014-04-11 8:41 AM
in reply to: Jtiger

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Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

Originally posted by Jtiger I think I'm on board for team Kass now #chaoskass. She is the only one making the show interesting. It sure wasn't Morgan or Jefra. The guys had a quiet episode other than Spencer and ninja man Woo. Kass is holding the game in her hand right now in the sense that she hasn't promised either side anything but it will be her downfall. You win this game by making big moves, which she did, but also being loyal to an alliance and building trust and relationships. She isn't doing that. Tony might win this thing if he can make it to the end. There is still a lot of game left and this is one of the better seasons I've seen in a long time with a totally new cast.

I didn't see Cass's move as a "big" move. She simply flipped for petty reasons.. certainly not strategic ones. It was hair brained. she didn't improve her position with it, and she certainly damaged it... that is a lose lose move. I get what you are saying that she is "playing" the game... but she is "playing" poorly.

I agree... LJ and other LJ are not doing anything... but they don't have to right now. Let all the crazy people sort it out. Tony and yoga lady are irritating. Jefra... eh. Other brain lady isn't burning anything up... well other than nearly winning immunity.

2014-04-11 1:09 PM
in reply to: powerman

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers
Kass changed the flow of the game and if she can somehow actually start calling the shots she might have a shot at winning if she makes it to the end. Right now she just pissed off her former tribe that weren't smart enough to do damage control. That is why Spencer can't win. He only said he was sorry once he realized Kass was not coming back to his side. I don't know what Tasha is doing but she doesn't seem to be in on any important stuff based on the edit.

Jefra is usefull in the sense that she can't win a challenge and doesn't seem to be doing anything and can take her to the end but she hasn't really pissed anyone off yet either and bitter juries have voted for the do nothing as compared to the snake like Russell Hantz in the past. Depends on the jury and Spencer telling Kass that there are 5 jury votes she won't get was stupid.

Kass' claim that she operates in the court room with "ambush" tactics is stupid. You have to turn over all your stuff in discovery it ain't Perry Mason in a court of law anymore and if she was such an "ambush" person then WTF did she tell J'Tia that she was voting for her early and then later she didn't trust Sarah. Kass may be listening to the producers to much in those interviews.

At least she is playing unlike most of the others. There is nothing I hate more than a "winner" that really didn't do anything to win by making any big moves.

Why in the world did Woo share the clue with the rest of the tribe? Keep that to yourself and work out a deal with Spencer. That would have been a big move instead of the way he played it, IMO.
2014-04-11 1:23 PM
in reply to: Jtiger

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Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers
Originally posted by Jtiger

  • . . Why in the world did Woo share the clue with the rest of the tribe? Keep that to yourself and work out a deal with Spencer. That would have been a big move instead of the way he played it, IMO.

  • That is what I took out of the episode too. I am not sure where Wu really sees himself in the pecking order there, but if you can get Spencer on your side now you are in a good position.

    2014-04-11 1:44 PM
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    Sin City
    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

    Also sort of comical...

    Yeah, I'm just talking a walk.  Decided to take of my shoes, shirt and pants to do it.  Just taking a stroll...  Ho hum...  Seriously?  And walk away from your clue? 

    90 minutes on your toes makes my claves cramp thinking about it.  Ouch.  I always feel bad the person who came second.  Go through all of that for nothing.  At least Kass got to sit down after what?  3 seconds?


    Edited by Kido 2014-04-11 1:46 PM
    2014-04-11 3:22 PM
    in reply to: Kido

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    Englewood, Florida
    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

    Originally posted by Kido

    Also sort of comical...

    Yeah, I'm just talking a walk.  Decided to take of my shoes, shirt and pants to do it.  Just taking a stroll...  Ho hum...  Seriously?  And walk away from your clue? 

    90 minutes on your toes makes my claves cramp thinking about it.  Ouch.  I always feel bad the person who came second.  Go through all of that for nothing.  At least Kass got to sit down after what?  3 seconds?


    Cass knew she stood no chance, so why bother hurting yourself? Spencer has a good amount of skepticism and paranoia right now. Even holding the idol wasn't enough for him. He wanted more. He seems hungry/determined now. Some of the people such as Cass and Tony want to "play the game". Spencer wants to win the game.  Everyone talks about the big move and such, yet he stepped it up when he had to. You want a "big move", try winning every challenge, while you have an idol in your pocket. At this point in the game you have to play the challenges hard. Win those and nothing else matters.

    2014-04-11 8:06 PM
    in reply to: Jtiger

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    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

    Originally posted by Jtiger Kass changed the flow of the game and if she can somehow actually start calling the shots she might have a shot at winning if she makes it to the end. Right now she just pissed off her former tribe that weren't smart enough to do damage control. That is why Spencer can't win. He only said he was sorry once he realized Kass was not coming back to his side. I don't know what Tasha is doing but she doesn't seem to be in on any important stuff based on the edit. Jefra is usefull in the sense that she can't win a challenge and doesn't seem to be doing anything and can take her to the end but she hasn't really pissed anyone off yet either and bitter juries have voted for the do nothing as compared to the snake like Russell Hantz in the past. Depends on the jury and Spencer telling Kass that there are 5 jury votes she won't get was stupid. Kass' claim that she operates in the court room with "ambush" tactics is stupid. You have to turn over all your stuff in discovery it ain't Perry Mason in a court of law anymore and if she was such an "ambush" person then WTF did she tell J'Tia that she was voting for her early and then later she didn't trust Sarah. Kass may be listening to the producers to much in those interviews. At least she is playing unlike most of the others. There is nothing I hate more than a "winner" that really didn't do anything to win by making any big moves. Why in the world did Woo share the clue with the rest of the tribe? Keep that to yourself and work out a deal with Spencer. That would have been a big move instead of the way he played it, IMO.

    I get it. At some point you have to make a case... and she can make a case... I "myself" don't see it as a winning case at this point.... but there is still time in the game. she absolutely did change the game when the brains voted out dufus with the idol. and she did "change" the game when she flipped. The first move was good actually...f or her, but the second, we'll see how it plays out.

    She did not win position with the other tribe, and she burnt a bridge with her tribe. And she wants to keep playing that "free agent" card... that isn't going to end well for her. It is a strategy that might very well get her to the end of the game, I just don't see it as one to win. 


    Woo I suppose was staying "loyal" to his tribe... but I thought the same thing... information is power in the game... you don't just give it away. when it gets to the end, he is going to be a threat, and he is going to get his throat cut. He needs to start working on how he is going to stay.... unless of course he is just sand bagging in the challenges and will go on a tear. I mean he is really built for physical stuff... he "should" be doing really well. 

    2014-04-17 6:56 AM
    in reply to: powerman

    Memphis, TN
    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers
    I like that Tony is playing the game but the edit is giving him the villain edit. I think with all his talking he is going to talk himself right out of the $1 million if he makes it to the end.

    As expected my wife is crushed that LJ is voted out.

    Big blindside this early for Tonys alliance. I'm not sure where Tony got so paranoid since LJ hasn't really been a threat in challenged or maybe it's that everybody likes him.
    2014-04-17 9:24 AM
    in reply to: Jtiger

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    Bartlett, TN
    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

    I am so sick of Tony. He acts as if he is giving a replay on how he won the game. I do not think Tony will get to the end. It would not surprise me to see two of the three left are from the brains camp.

    And 'Construction" if anyone on the jury could have seen his face when he answered, I am sure they would have known he was lying, such a weak answer

    2014-04-17 10:58 AM
    in reply to: jford2309

    Memphis, TN
    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers
    Originally posted by jford2309

    I am so sick of Tony. He acts as if he is giving a replay on how he won the game. I do not think Tony will get to the end. It would not surprise me to see two of the three left are from the brains camp.

    And 'Construction" if anyone on the jury could have seen his face when he answered, I am sure they would have known he was lying, such a weak answer

    Didn't Tony already admit to everyone he lied about that and was a cop after he was reveling in his victory of raiding the other tribes camp for reward?

    From the editing so far Jefra, Tausha and Jeramiah don't seem to be playing at all other than hoping it isn't them. Kudos to Tasha for winning immunity but at least Spencer went for the idol played a little. They seem to be there for the experience and not really playing to win.

    Tony is starting to get on my nerves.
    2014-04-17 12:35 PM
    in reply to: Jtiger

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    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

    Sure Tony might be edited as a bad guy... but where there is smoke... he's a crack head. And he might get over for a while, but he won't get over forever. He is just really shady. You know people talk off camera. You know everyone knows he is a cop because one person talked to another. He actually is "playing hard"... but so did Russel Hantz... and look what that got him. Seeing a cop act so shady so easily...without any remorse... even thought it's a game...ya, it calls his integrity as an officer into question. I would be willing to bet his behavior is not a surprise to those that know him.

    I'm not sure what to think. He is playing, he is making moves... but historically we have seen the WAY he is doing it has not been a winning strategy for most. By the end of the game, I'm sure most on the jury will have him figured out, and he does not win.

    Woo is just riding along, and he is rather laid back, and I think he is counting on playing the "Ya, but I'm nt Tony" card. He needs to do something besides be Natalie to Hantz.... except Natalie went home with a million dollars.

    2014-04-19 6:29 PM
    in reply to: powerman

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    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers
    Woo. He cracks me up. Every time he screws up in a reward or challenge I laugh and think, "He's a martial artist?"

    How did Jefra end up on a "beauty" tribe? Just not seein' it.

    Morgan, I could understand. Very cute on the outside...but even uglier on the inside.

    Tony...just too much. That said, he sure stirs the pot well.

    Great season so far. A lot of blindsides. Good action. No rock-solid alliances. It all leads to crazy, unpredictable tribal councils.

    2014-04-19 6:47 PM
    in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

    Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy Woo. He cracks me up. Every time he screws up in a reward or challenge I laugh and think, "He's a martial artist?" How did Jefra end up on a "beauty" tribe? Just not seein' it. Morgan, I could understand. Very cute on the outside...but even uglier on the inside. Tony...just too much. That said, he sure stirs the pot well. Great season so far. A lot of blindsides. Good action. No rock-solid alliances. It all leads to crazy, unpredictable tribal councils.

    You're right... it has been a good season so far. Interesting as usual. No returning players. Win.

    2014-04-19 8:04 PM
    in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

    Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy Woo. He cracks me up. Every time he screws up in a reward or challenge I laugh and think, "He's a martial artist?" How did Jefra end up on a "beauty" tribe? Just not seein' it. Morgan, I could understand. Very cute on the outside...but even uglier on the inside. Tony...just too much. That said, he sure stirs the pot well. Great season so far. A lot of blindsides. Good action. No rock-solid alliances. It all leads to crazy, unpredictable tribal councils.

    This, this and this.

    I like Tony for the show (he's sort of a d bag) but like Boston Rob, he's playing it hard, and I predict a huge fall.


    2014-04-21 7:39 AM
    in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

    Memphis, TN
    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers
    Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy

    Woo. He cracks me up. Every time he screws up in a reward or challenge I laugh and think, "He's a martial artist?"

    How did Jefra end up on a "beauty" tribe? Just not seein' it.

    Morgan, I could understand. Very cute on the outside...but even uglier on the inside.

    Tony...just too much. That said, he sure stirs the pot well.

    Great season so far. A lot of blindsides. Good action. No rock-solid alliances. It all leads to crazy, unpredictable tribal councils.

    It's okay chief, I'll jump on that grenade and take one for the team.

    She's no Alexis but I'm a team player
    2014-04-23 11:54 AM
    in reply to: Jtiger

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    Evergreen, Colorado
    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

    Okay, I watched a bunch of episodes this week to catch up.  It has at least been an interesting season.  It is really boring when one alliance just steamrolls everyone.

    I wish someone would find that dang idol with special powers!!!!  I want to know what the powers ARE!!!!  They aren't even TALKING about it...or at least not showing anyone looking. :-(

    2014-04-24 7:09 AM
    in reply to: jldicarlo

    Memphis, TN
    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers
    Wow, Tony is getting super annoying but he's just trying to play the game.

    Good for Tasha with two immunities in a row. Will that put a target on her back?

    Spencer should have walked into this tribal with the idol around his neck and knowing they wouldn't vote for him give it to Jeramiah and won that tribal and maybe flipped the game. Easier said than done given we get to see it after the fact.

    Jefra is really kind of useless out there right now. Just a vote for hire for Tony but she might win depending on who goes to the jury unless Spencer, Tasha, and Jeremiah (Jeremy) were serious about voting for Tony since he's the only one controlling the game.

    Trish and Jefra seem to be doing nothing and Kass is taking a lower profile role but at least Woo has won an immunity challenge and tried to steal the clue from Spencer.

    2014-04-24 1:50 PM
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    Sin City
    Subject: RE: Survivor, Brains Brawn Beauty - will be spoilers

    I think Tony is the type that HAS to feel in control, and if he doesn't feel that, starts to go to extremes or panics...  Probably a typical characteristic in cops who do have to take control of many situations on the job.

    I think in this game you have to take subtle control, but also realize you need to bend and flow with the situation.  I think he wants to sort force control with a bit of an iron fist.  That's not going to work in this game.


    Someone catch me up.  Did he SHOW his special idol then say it was "fake"????  Why even show it, if he did.  The point of that one is to play it AFTER the vote.  That's one IMPORTANT idol.  It's one guaranteed get of out jail free card.  He can play relaxed and go vote to vote without a worry and when his name DOES get out there?  Play it.  That's tough to beat.

    Edited by Kido 2014-04-24 1:51 PM
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