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2014-05-13 7:20 AM
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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by Jayabusa

I did a recon yesterday of the course.3776 gain, Avg power 197w, ap(20 min) 213, NP 206W, Garmin has IF 0.516, tss 78.3. same data on training peaks has tss 330.3 and if at .99. I wonder why? Maybe my coach has a different setting for me on Training peaks. Took 3:22 minutes to do. This is going to be a long day for me. I am thinking I should come in around 3:10 +/- 5 min. Legs were okay, I wanted to do a 4 mile run after but ran out of time. 2 hours + to get to rev and 2 1/2 to get home. Will recon again this weekend.

Wow - good on you for doing some recon riding. I had decided against driving down there myself the next two week ends to do a little recon of my own. 4 hours in the car is an eternity when you have three kids. But the idea of not finishing scares/motivates me to pull out all the stops. How beneficial do you find it to have ridden the course before the race?

I was scared I was not going to make the big climb in the middle of the course. I stayed seated and kept my effort steady. I made it up and thought to myself that was not that bad but hot. I was going up it around 4-5mph, but I did it. I felt a sense of relief but the last 5 milesat the end of the 56 felt like an eternity with rolling hills. I disable the elevation correction on my edge and I actually climbed 4313. That is a PR for me. I weigh about 215-220 and was very concerned about the course. I am glad I recon it. I feel a sense of confidence now. If you have any sufferfest video's I felt like the Hunted most resembled the long climb. If I could not do the course I would do the Hunted 2x in a row. I thought riding the course was most beneficial mentally.

Edited by Jayabusa 2014-05-13 7:21 AM

2014-05-13 9:01 AM
in reply to: Jayabusa

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New user
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by Jayabusa

I was scared I was not going to make the big climb in the middle of the course. I stayed seated and kept my effort steady. I made it up and thought to myself that was not that bad but hot. I was going up it around 4-5mph, but I did it.

Is this miles 24-31 that Dale was talking about above? What's the grade throughout? Any very steep parts, or is just a gradual uphill slog? My math might be off but it looks like you were climbing for 40-45 minutes straight?
2014-05-13 9:01 AM
in reply to: Jayabusa

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread

Originally posted by Jayabusa I did a recon yesterday of the course.3776 gain, Avg power 197w, ap(20 min) 213, NP 206W, Garmin has IF 0.516, tss 78.3. same data on training peaks has tss 330.3 and if at .99. I wonder why? Maybe my coach has a different setting for me on Training peaks. Took 3:22 minutes to do. This is going to be a long day for me. I am thinking I should come in around 3:10 +/- 5 min. Legs were okay, I wanted to do a 4 mile run after but ran out of time. 2 hours + to get to rev and 2 1/2 to get home. Will recon again this weekend.

Check your FTP setting on Training Peaks.

And The Hunted is a good video to do with that 20' section in there, and they have the lower cadence in it. I think any of the ones with a 20' section can work well though. The cadence suggestions are just some guidelines, but you can do whatever you want. I would take a look at ISLAGIATT. It's near 2 hrs in itself and has a 15' plus a pair of 20's. The second 20' especially pushes at a lower cadence so there isn't as much thinking to do. It tends to have less attacking, like how you should be taking the actual course. It also has some work after these that can help show how spent you are. If you really want to pace it out well, then consider ISLAGIATT plus The Wretched for about 2:45 on the trainer, however, DON'T do them at 100%.

2014-05-13 9:12 AM
in reply to: braciole

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread

Originally posted by braciole
Originally posted by Jayabusa I was scared I was not going to make the big climb in the middle of the course. I stayed seated and kept my effort steady. I made it up and thought to myself that was not that bad but hot. I was going up it around 4-5mph, but I did it.
Is this miles 24-31 that Dale was talking about above? What's the grade throughout? Any very steep parts, or is just a gradual uphill slog? My math might be off but it looks like you were climbing for 40-45 minutes straight?

Strava that thing, and it's the Northfield Long Climb. It's not really *that* steep, but you definitely know you're going uphill. Just keeps on going up for awhile. The danger is in not realizing how hard you're working and pushing too much. If you remember from before about people spiking power when they come onto a hill, you really can't get away with that on this one due to its length. Other shorter hills will make you pay for that later in the race. This one will make you pay right there.

2014-05-13 11:17 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by brigby1

yeah, that's something easy to miss. The slowing down sort of near, but not quite at the top. Keep going until you get there. And actually until back up to speed. I don't actually burst harder here, but try to keep up what I had been doing to get up the hill. When first trying it out, it might feel rather hard. And it likely could be, but that doesn't mean doing this is wrong. Rather that the effort elsewhere may need to be adjusted accordingly in order to accomplish this. Some of this is mental, and just getting used to pushing for that much longer. Another good reason to get outside and ride some hills. Not necessarily the exact course, but at least whatever is available. It becomes easier to pick up how to manage different situations by riding in a good variety in training.

VI is something that I am going to focus on over the next several rides. I need to improve my efficiency so that my NP is closer to AP. I must waste a lot of energy out there as I have very few rides in the 'optimal' VI of < 1.05. Many of mine are actually 1.1 or higher. It is only when I really shift well and stay aero along with avoiding the high power outputs of uphill climbs and getting going when cresting the hills.

Originally posted by braciole

Originally posted by Jayabusa

I was scared I was not going to make the big climb in the middle of the course. I stayed seated and kept my effort steady. I made it up and thought to myself that was not that bad but hot. I was going up it around 4-5mph, but I did it.

Is this miles 24-31 that Dale was talking about above? What's the grade throughout? Any very steep parts, or is just a gradual uphill slog? My math might be off but it looks like you were climbing for 40-45 minutes straight?

Nice job Jay. It is a big confidence builder to see and ride the course. I'm very impressed with your efficiency. As I noted above, I need to work on it.
You did great!

The big climb is 24-31, but as previously noted, it is just a grind, not overly difficult. You just have to be mentally ready for hill after hill. And always remember to pick it up during the false flats. It is easy to get lazy and leave some time on the course.

Originally posted by MForger18

I know this is a long shot but my work hours and days are crazy. I am planning on heading to Quassy to do a little course recon on May 20. I want to get up there and see what all of these hills are. I did Pat Griskus Oly years ago and dont have too many memories of the roads in that area. Anyone else around and want to ride midweek?

Im feeling pretty good going in though, got back from Lake Placid where I did 56 miles (3:20) w/ 3200+ feet of climbing, avg power 178, NP 180, IF 1.01. Didnt go too hard, more just getting time in the saddle. Let the HR come down over about 20 mins as I changed and then had an easy run of the hard 10k part of the IMLP course, 55:00, 450 feet climbing.

FWIW, Im 5'9"/178lbs and I plan on riding a 53x39 w/ a 12x27 and running a disc. Go big or go home, lol.

Sorry that I cannot join you doing recon. I did the Griskus Oly also and there are overlapping areas of the course. Maybe others will be out there. I like your setup. You will be happy with the 27, for sure. Nice work on the LP course. Quassy is steeper but Whiteface is more picturesque. I loved IMLP and hope to go back in the next couple of years, depending on my schedule.

Originally posted by braciole

today I followed yesterday's ride with a moderately hilly 12 miler pushing my 3 yr old and my 1 year old in a double stroller and kept near my training pace. I'm ready for Quassy. Bring it.

Good job on the 'double stroller' training. I still have flashbacks of the guy who ran by me in a one mile race in East Hartford a few years ago. He was not in my age group but outsprinted me with the stroller with a time of 5:35 or so...I had been happy with my 5:38 until then...
2014-05-13 1:42 PM
in reply to: braciole

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by braciole

Originally posted by Jayabusa

I was scared I was not going to make the big climb in the middle of the course. I stayed seated and kept my effort steady. I made it up and thought to myself that was not that bad but hot. I was going up it around 4-5mph, but I did it.

Is this miles 24-31 that Dale was talking about above? What's the grade throughout? Any very steep parts, or is just a gradual uphill slog? My math might be off but it looks like you were climbing for 40-45 minutes straight?

I just checked my Training peaks and from mile 26-31 (24 & 25 I could not add in) it took 26:20 an average speed of 11:39, avg power 198, NP 205,tss .892, avg cadence 74, avg hr 166, avg temp was 73. I think the 2 spots where it leveled off I took advantage of. I do not know if this info will help.

2014-05-13 1:52 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jayabusa I did a recon yesterday of the course.3776 gain, Avg power 197w, ap(20 min) 213, NP 206W, Garmin has IF 0.516, tss 78.3. same data on training peaks has tss 330.3 and if at .99. I wonder why? Maybe my coach has a different setting for me on Training peaks. Took 3:22 minutes to do. This is going to be a long day for me. I am thinking I should come in around 3:10 +/- 5 min. Legs were okay, I wanted to do a 4 mile run after but ran out of time. 2 hours + to get to rev and 2 1/2 to get home. Will recon again this weekend.

Check your FTP setting on Training Peaks.

And The Hunted is a good video to do with that 20' section in there, and they have the lower cadence in it. I think any of the ones with a 20' section can work well though. The cadence suggestions are just some guidelines, but you can do whatever you want. I would take a look at ISLAGIATT. It's near 2 hrs in itself and has a 15' plus a pair of 20's. The second 20' especially pushes at a lower cadence so there isn't as much thinking to do. It tends to have less attacking, like how you should be taking the actual course. It also has some work after these that can help show how spent you are. If you really want to pace it out well, then consider ISLAGIATT plus The Wretched for about 2:45 on the trainer, however, DON'T do them at 100%.

I forgot about ISLAGIATT. Good call. Much better choice.
2014-05-17 6:57 AM
in reply to: Jayabusa

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Has anyone done an OWS yet here in NE?

We just opened our pool on Wednesday and my wife says the temp is 63 degrees. Her arm got quite frosty being in the water, but it is getting warmer and warmer each day-despite the rain lately.

I am going to try to swim in Crystal Lake later next week, so I'll let you all know how that goes...(if I can remember how to swim, my last swim session was 9 days ago thanks to work/life commitments...)

Keep up the good work training. It's only 2 weeks away!
2014-05-17 7:12 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by dtoce

Has anyone done an OWS yet here in NE?

We just opened our pool on Wednesday and my wife says the temp is 63 degrees. Her arm got quite frosty being in the water, but it is getting warmer and warmer each day-despite the rain lately.

I am going to try to swim in Crystal Lake later next week, so I'll let you all know how that goes...(if I can remember how to swim, my last swim session was 9 days ago thanks to work/life commitments...)

Keep up the good work training. It's only 2 weeks away!

I did one last week at the Reservoir in Hopkinton MA ( about 70 miles north of Quassy) for the Season Opener Tri. Temp was 55. Off to do my season to last long run for the race. Hope everyones training is going well!
2014-05-19 10:46 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
I did the bike course one last time yesterday. I felt better. I used less power(182np vs 206np) then the previous recon. I must be in the right gears. I hit 45.9 mph on one section tapping the breaks. Finished the same time 3:22 with the normal stop and go with traffic. I also did a Z1-Z2 4 mile brick on the run course. My legs were fine after that bike effort but that run is no joke either!!!
2014-05-19 9:53 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by dtoce

Has anyone done an OWS yet here in NE?

We just opened our pool on Wednesday and my wife says the temp is 63 degrees. Her arm got quite frosty being in the water, but it is getting warmer and warmer each day-despite the rain lately.

I am going to try to swim in Crystal Lake later next week, so I'll let you all know how that goes...(if I can remember how to swim, my last swim session was 9 days ago thanks to work/life commitments...)

Keep up the good work training. It's only 2 weeks away!

I did one last week at the Reservoir in Hopkinton MA ( about 70 miles north of Quassy) for the Season Opener Tri. Temp was 55. Off to do my season to last long run for the race. Hope everyones training is going well!

Nice job getting in the cold water. I swam tonight...
It's about 50 miles north-east of Quassy

VVVVVEry chillllllly fffffffirst open water SSSSSSwim

scooted up to Crystal Lake to take on the water...63 degrees and it felt like it
wore booties, climbed in and dipped...took my breath away...for a few seconds...then I was better

slow and steady-not ideal technique, but I got 'er done and feel pretty good about it
forgot to restart the Garmin at the half way point, so I added 2 minutes for the missing 0.1miles

Originally posted by Jayabusa

I did the bike course one last time yesterday. I felt better. I used less power(182np vs 206np) then the previous recon. I must be in the right gears. I hit 45.9 mph on one section tapping the breaks. Finished the same time 3:22 with the normal stop and go with traffic. I also did a Z1-Z2 4 mile brick on the run course. My legs were fine after that bike effort but that run is no joke either!!!

good job with the VI-being more efficient will get you off the bike faster and with less energy deficit going into the run...which, as you noted, is no joke...

you are gonna ROCK it!

2014-05-20 9:56 AM
in reply to: Jayabusa

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread

Originally posted by Jayabusa I did the bike course one last time yesterday. I felt better. I used less power(182np vs 206np) then the previous recon. I must be in the right gears. I hit 45.9 mph on one section tapping the breaks. Finished the same time 3:22 with the normal stop and go with traffic. I also did a Z1-Z2 4 mile brick on the run course. My legs were fine after that bike effort but that run is no joke either!!!

Nice going! Remember this for race day. Keep yourself in check as it's easy to get carried away.

And that run course certainly is something. The bike course tends draw more attention, but to have a good race here it's also necessary to have a solid understanding of running. Especially when going around the lake there are a lot of changes in direction and grade. Really watch the effort on those as it's easy to go too hard there. The mile long uphill (for example) isn't isn't hard only because of its size, but because it has very noticeable changes in grade. And a lot of them so that you can never get really get into a rhythm on it. I'd guess a number are too shelled from the bike that they are walking substantial sections of the run to know this. This course can really expose how well you know yourself!

2014-05-20 10:44 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jayabusa I did the bike course one last time yesterday. I felt better. I used less power(182np vs 206np) then the previous recon. I must be in the right gears. I hit 45.9 mph on one section tapping the breaks. Finished the same time 3:22 with the normal stop and go with traffic. I also did a Z1-Z2 4 mile brick on the run course. My legs were fine after that bike effort but that run is no joke either!!!

Nice going! Remember this for race day. Keep yourself in check as it's easy to get carried away.

And that run course certainly is something. The bike course tends draw more attention, but to have a good race here it's also necessary to have a solid understanding of running. Especially when going around the lake there are a lot of changes in direction and grade. Really watch the effort on those as it's easy to go too hard there. The mile long uphill (for example) isn't isn't hard only because of its size, but because it has very noticeable changes in grade. And a lot of them so that you can never get really get into a rhythm on it. I'd guess a number are too shelled from the bike that they are walking substantial sections of the run to know this. This course can really expose how well you know yourself!

I can tell you one thing that changed. I am not planing on doing the bike any faster then that training ride. I think that effort should keep me running 13.1. I might even back off a little more depending on temperature race day. This course is like fighting Mike Tyson, not going in for a win, just to survive with as little damage as possible.
2014-05-21 1:45 PM
in reply to: Jayabusa

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Athlete's guide is out...with the swim waves.

Now that I'm less afraid to swim, I'm not happy about being in a later wave.
This year= wave 6. I liked being in wave 1 last year suddenly...oh, to be young again...

How fun to have the entire field ahead of me on the bike/run.
2014-05-21 5:25 PM
in reply to: #4986652

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Previewed the course today, not the easiest ride if you do not know it and don't know the area. I was standing on the side of the road trying to figure out where I was with the cue sheet and my phone map.

Anyway, I didn't find the hills to be that crazy, everything steep is short and the long stuff is easier. I was planning on using either a 12x27 or 11x28 and now I am considering just sticking with the 12x25 that I already have on there and rode with today.

I didn't check my numbers yet for the ride but I didn't notice any crazy power spikes during the ride.

What goes up must come down and there are a few bombing descents that will be fun if you have the stones to sit in the aero bars. I love descending and plan to take full advantage.
2014-05-21 5:44 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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New user
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by dtoce

Athlete's guide is out...with the swim waves.

Now that I'm less afraid to swim, I'm not happy about being in a later wave.
This year= wave 6. I liked being in wave 1 last year suddenly...oh, to be young again...

How fun to have the entire field ahead of me on the bike/run.

I'm swimming in wave one. Say hi when you pass me on the bike.

2014-05-22 6:01 AM
in reply to: braciole

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by braciole

Originally posted by dtoce

Athlete's guide is out...with the swim waves.

Now that I'm less afraid to swim, I'm not happy about being in a later wave.
This year= wave 6. I liked being in wave 1 last year suddenly...oh, to be young again...

How fun to have the entire field ahead of me on the bike/run.

I'm swimming in wave one. Say hi when you pass me on the bike.

Wave 3 when you catch me
2014-05-22 9:54 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by dtoce

Athlete's guide is out...with the swim waves.

Now that I'm less afraid to swim, I'm not happy about being in a later wave.
This year= wave 6. I liked being in wave 1 last year suddenly...oh, to be young again...

How fun to have the entire field ahead of me on the bike/run.

Wave 2 here - I hope they don't think us you guys are fast or anything. At least I shouldn't have to worry about the swim cut-off
2014-05-22 10:30 AM
in reply to: MForger18

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by MForger18

Previewed the course today, not the easiest ride if you do not know it and don't know the area. I was standing on the side of the road trying to figure out where I was with the cue sheet and my phone map.

Anyway, I didn't find the hills to be that crazy, everything steep is short and the long stuff is easier. I was planning on using either a 12x27 or 11x28 and now I am considering just sticking with the 12x25 that I already have on there and rode with today.

I didn't check my numbers yet for the ride but I didn't notice any crazy power spikes during the ride.

What goes up must come down and there are a few bombing descents that will be fun if you have the stones to sit in the aero bars. I love descending and plan to take full advantage.

I just can't bomb those big hills in the aero bars. I tuck as much as I can but I need my hands close to the brakes. Some of the those downhills are pretty fast.
2014-05-22 10:53 AM
in reply to: ctbrian

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by ctbrian
I just can't bomb those big hills in the aero bars. I tuck as much as I can but I need my hands close to the brakes. Some of the those downhills are pretty fast.

You can fly on many, many of the hills, very safely, tucked in the aerobars.
(I love the one near the end, out in farm country.)

The only one to be careful about is at 31.5-after you crest the big, long hill and do a few turns, that reverse S turn is really dangerous if you are not careful. I will give up a little speed so that I don't end up wrapped in a tree. During my first pre-ride of the course a few years ago, someone was a bit behind me and almost took me out by not antipating my line and simply going too fast...
2014-05-22 12:28 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Originally posted by dtoce

Athlete's guide is out...with the swim waves.

Now that I'm less afraid to swim, I'm not happy about being in a later wave.
This year= wave 6. I liked being in wave 1 last year suddenly...oh, to be young again...

How fun to have the entire field ahead of me on the bike/run.

Wave 2 here - I hope they don't think us you guys are fast or anything. At least I shouldn't have to worry about the swim cut-off

Way to make me feel old Charles. I'm in Wave 4. I'm willing to bet that both you and dtoce make it out of the water with plenty of time to spare.

2014-05-22 12:56 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by dtoce

Originally posted by ctbrian
I just can't bomb those big hills in the aero bars. I tuck as much as I can but I need my hands close to the brakes. Some of the those downhills are pretty fast.

You can fly on many, many of the hills, very safely, tucked in the aerobars.
(I love the one near the end, out in farm country.)

The only one to be careful about is at 31.5-after you crest the big, long hill and do a few turns, that reverse S turn is really dangerous if you are not careful. I will give up a little speed so that I don't end up wrapped in a tree. During my first pre-ride of the course a few years ago, someone was a bit behind me and almost took me out by not antipating my line and simply going too fast...

That S turn is wicked. It comes up quick. I agree with giving up speed in that section. That section was pretty sandy last weekend too. I hope they cleaned that up.
2014-05-26 3:21 PM
in reply to: Jayabusa

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : One week away
It's less than a week away!

The hay is in the barn...Good luck with taper this week, everyone.
I'm reviewing my lists for what I need to do and when.

I swam again today in the open water. Used the sleeveless suit this time, but there were a lot of boats on Crystal Lake and I stopped a lot...
No booties and the water was a reasonable 67degrees, with a few cold spots. I'll probably wear the full wetsuit, as I need help with trying to not be an anvil in the water.
2014-05-26 5:02 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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South Windsor CT
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : One week away
67 degrees, This is a great ows option for me as its so close to home. Did all of my swim training for IMFL there. Good luck everyone at Quassy!!!
2014-05-27 2:10 PM
in reply to: CarlG

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Rev3 Quassy - Half Rev : One week away
You got to love taper week. Tired, grouchy and achy. Must be working.....How's everyone else doing?
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