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2011-05-26 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3519992

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

spudone - 2011-05-26 12:11 PM Need to start a pool and see who comes closest to predicting Nate's splits

:33/2:25/1:37 +:03 for transitions



Edit:  Nate, I wish you luck and truly hope you show I was too conservative!

Edited by JohnnyKay 2011-05-26 11:27 AM

2011-05-26 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3515905

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

:31:30  i am betting short this year

2:17:30 course is fast

1:37:30   12 mile hill hurts at the end

2:30  in trans, these guys have a nice setup there

i am pretty sure that is 4:29:00

I am pulling for you Nate, and i hope to see you not too much after that at the ice bath that awaits.


2011-05-26 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3520093

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
Rudedog55 - 2011-05-26 10:53 AM
2:17:30 course is fast

Um, that's like Clearwater fast. Is it pancake flat with favorable winds?
2011-05-26 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3520140

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

bryancd - 2011-05-26 1:17 PM
Rudedog55 - 2011-05-26 10:53 AM 2:17:30 course is fast
Um, that's like Clearwater fast. Is it pancake flat with favorable winds?

going off bikes splits from past years of top 10 guys. Guy went 2:14 last year and it was 58 miles, this year is 56 and one less rolling hill. top 5 all went around 2:20, less 5 mins for 2 less miles and those same guys go 2:15 +/-. This is all specualtion, but i love to speculate, wanna do an over under for my fat butt?? LOL

I read too many results pages....i am obsessed.

My money is on Nate, care to wager a 4 pack of boddingtons??

2011-05-26 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3519992

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

spudone - 2011-05-26 11:11 AM Need to start a pool and see who comes closest to predicting Nate's splits

Not knowing Nate at all, I'll play:

32  A little faster than predicted since the course is supposedly short

2:24  Hoping Nate rides somewhat conservatively to save his legs for the run

1:29  Having saved his legs for the run, he gets just under his goal time for the run

3 min for T1 and 1.5 for T2

Total= 4:29:30 


2011-05-26 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3520140

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2011-05-26 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3515905

Reston, VA
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
Nate - are you racing the elite wave? Looks like they have one at this race.
2011-05-26 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3520315

Bedford, MA
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

No - AG only. I prefer to race AG and beat the 'elites!'

2011-05-26 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3515905

Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

I think you are doing Patriot, 2009 the swim course was short and 2010 the swim course was long.

If you look at top AGer who did the race both years you'll see big swing between their splits. Look at Lisbeth Kenyon who won the women's race as a good example.

Until race day and buoys are set up, hard to know about the swim distance. I heard a lot of joy in T1 in '09 and a lot of grumbling in T1 in '10 when folks looked at their watches to see their swim split.

I did the race in '09 and had a 33' swim and was about 20th slowest swim split. Last year I worked swim exit.

You should consider the swim distance variable in your time estimates.

2011-05-26 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3520452

Reston, VA
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
natethomas2000 - 2011-05-26 3:09 PM

No - AG only. I prefer to race AG and beat the 'elites!'

If you are going for a top 10ish type time and want to beat the elites, why not actually race head to head with them? Racing elite is harder than AG as you don't get the benefit of legally drafting, slingshoting, passing people the entire race, etc.
2011-05-26 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3520720

Bedford, MA
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
docswim24 - 2011-05-26 4:49 PM
natethomas2000 - 2011-05-26 3:09 PM

No - AG only. I prefer to race AG and beat the 'elites!'

If you are going for a top 10ish type time and want to beat the elites, why not actually race head to head with them? Racing elite is harder than AG as you don't get the benefit of legally drafting, slingshoting, passing people the entire race, etc.

To be honest, when I registered for the race back in December, racing in the Elite wave didn't even cross my mind. I had just gotten a diagnosis of Achilles tendonosis,  wasn't able to run at all in January or February, and at that point I wasn't even sure how my Achilles injury would pan out. Had I know that I'd fully recover and get up to 45-50 mpw of running by this point, I may have changed my registration. At this point, I don't think it's worth contacting the RD. Maybe for future big races I will register for the elite wave if it's available.

2011-05-26 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3520839

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
Umm, you may want to consider actually finishing the race and then seeing if you actually are competitive before making that call. Just saying.

Also, your April 10K result gives a McMillan open half time of 1:28, So I will give you an open Half of 1:26-1:28, as I often find this calculator pretty accurate. That will for sure be above 1:30 for the Half IM run split. And I don't think a sub 2:20 is realistic. Maybe 2:20-2:25. That would put you pretty close behind me, I'm a 2:20 flat racer on hilly courses at elevation, so you can look at my logs and results and be the judge. The swim is a crap shoot and your logs are a little swim vague, as are most of the courses. But to be a top guy, you need to be sub 30. Not sure if you are.

Edited by bryancd 2011-05-26 7:35 PM
2011-05-26 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3520946

Bedford, MA
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

Bryan, I very much respect your imput and admire your training and race results.

The April 10K was after not running in January or February due to an Achilles issue and on 5 weeks of very easy running (in the 8:00 - 8:30 range) without any speed work. I received PT and slowly eased back into running. I think that my 5k from December, where I ran 18:15 is more accurate, and I think my fitness is now a bit better then what it was in December. Based on a 18:15 5k, my open 1/2 marathon time is closer to 1:24.

The swim is definitely my weakest link, and I've put in around 40,000 yards/month since January. I'm around 6:00 for a 400 SCY and around 7:00 LCM. In the sprint tri that I did a few weeks ago I was at a 1:30 pace for 1/3 mile, but I was pretty conservative with my pace. The swim distance in this race has been pretty inconsistent in the past, so I'm not sure how close to 1.2 miles it'll be. I have done one OWS so far this season, around .9 miles, and my pace was relaxed at around 1:40/100 yard pace.

In terms of the bike, I'm not the one who said sub 2:20. My goal is 2:25, and if I go under that it'll be happy. I'm pre-riding the course this Saturday, so I should get a good idea of what to expect based on my time and power numbers, and I'm also doing an OWS at the race venue with some teammates. 

I think that :33, 2:25, 1:30 is doable with proper nutrition, pacing, and weather. Factor in transitions, and, if everything goes well, I may be close to my goal. Of course, I could also blow up and finish around 5:00.

Edited by natethomas2000 2011-05-26 8:55 PM
2011-05-26 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3521048

Spring, TX
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
natethomas2000 - 2011-05-26 8:49 PM

Bryan, I very much respect your imput and admire your training and race results.

The April 10K was after not running in January or February due to an Achilles issue and on 5 weeks of very easy running (in the 8:00 - 8:30 range) without any speed work. I received PT and slowly eased back into running. I think that my 5k from December, where I ran 18:15 is more accurate, and I think my fitness is now a bit better then what it was in December. Based on a 18:15 5k, my open 1/2 marathon time is closer to 1:24.

The swim is definitely my weakest link, and I've put in around 40,000 yards/month since January. I'm around 6:00 for a 400 SCY and around 7:00 LCM. In the sprint tri that I did a few weeks ago I was at a 1:30 pace for 1/3 mile, but I was pretty conservative with my pace. The swim distance in this race has been pretty inconsistent in the past, so I'm not sure how close to 1.2 miles it'll be. I have done one OWS so far this season, around .9 miles, and my pace was relaxed at around 1:40/100 yard pace.

In terms of the bike, I'm not the one who said sub 2:20. My goal is 2:25, and if I go under that it'll be happy. I'm pre-riding the course this Saturday, so I should get a good idea of what to expect based on my time and power numbers, and I'm also doing an OWS at the race venue with some teammates. 

I think that :33, 2:25, 1:30 is doable with proper nutrition, pacing, and weather. Factor in transitions, and, if everything goes well, I may be close to my goal. Of course, I could also blow up and finish around 5:00.

Good luck!  We'll be anxious to see the results!

2011-05-27 4:58 AM
in reply to: #3521048

Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

good thread with great discussion.

IMO, your putting way too much pressure on yourself Nate.

4:30 is just a time, go out and give it your best and let the time happen on it's own.

I've seen the HIM distance humble many who were capable of better--

FTP starts to mean less at this distance....the trick once you hit the HIM is what % of FTP can you hold for 56 miles and still run?

That is the piece of data we dont have and would be usefull.....I rather have a FTP of 3.8 and be able to hold 85-90% than 4.0 and only be able to hold 75-80.

The field will be littered with folks with 4+w/kg FTP walking the run who have not estabilshed what they can realistically hold and run.

Of course, the best way to understand this is to race lots of Halfs.......

lasty, you got some fast holks here, who've raced dozens of halfs between them, offering up solid opinion......if 4:30 was glaring based on what you've presented, they'd surely say so. 

the thing is, it's just not glaring, but it is possible....IMO, you're going to be close.

I think it helps to ignore all these time goals and do your best......

I would also look to answer some questions during the half you don't have the answers to, when it's all said and done, you can when you go 4:37, identify what is keeping you from 4:30.  This is very don't want to come back here and start talking about things that you cannot have what you have to race, and your achilies injury is not something you can control going forward--so it cannot be a reason why you can do better next race. 

Your times are your times--that's why it is best to ignore the times and race.  Your 5k in dec is not more indicative than your 10k in April.  What you do TODAY is more indicative than both the 5k and 10k.  What you actually do, each and every day, is what you are capable of.  The beauty of this sport is that you can choose to step that up--that part is up to you; as long as YOUR best is the goal.

dont cherry pick your results to predict future results.

my point is we can debate all day what your time will be......You have an aggressive goal, which I love...but when you have an aggressive goal, and open it up for debate; you start to lose focus....suddenly you are competeing to prove someone else can find yourself searching for justification within your efforts as to how it is possible; and we people will find lots of stuff to show us we can do something--just be careful not to put the blinders on.

oh yeah, have fun too.....Smile


ps, I have no clue what you are going to do, and good luck!

2011-05-27 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3515905

University Park, MD
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

Interesting thread. From all the experienced folk who have weighed in, it sounds like the key variable is how much to hold back on the bike to avoid breaking down on the run, which is where big time can be lost.

So I'm curious: how much do we know about what riding at, say, 85% vs. 75% of FTP does to the ability to run a HM, from a physiological perspective? And how trainable is the tolerance for this? I'm guessing it's not about energy availability, since riding at the two intensities has a similar cost (10% higher wattage probably requires about 5% more calories for same distance covered). Is it the effect of accumulated waste products on the ability to maintain run form for 90+ minutes?

2011-05-27 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3521314

over a barrier
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
colinphillips - 2011-05-27 6:52 AM

Interesting thread. From all the experienced folk who have weighed in, it sounds like the key variable is how much to hold back on the bike to avoid breaking down on the run, which is where big time can be lost.

So I'm curious: how much do we know about what riding at, say, 85% vs. 75% of FTP does to the ability to run a HM, from a physiological perspective? And how trainable is the tolerance for this? I'm guessing it's not about energy availability, since riding at the two intensities has a similar cost (10% higher wattage probably requires about 5% more calories for same distance covered). Is it the effect of accumulated waste products on the ability to maintain run form for 90+ minutes?

Its pretty well defined now. 78-82% at HIM will allow you to run well assuming you've done the needed training. Anything higher is risking a blowup for the majority of people (or just not running to potential). Its not like if you run 83% all of the sudden you can't run at all. If someone is running well and says they held 90% for a HIM they were either off the bike in under 2hrs or their FTP is no longer accurate. The longer you are on the course the easier you need to ride. I'm sure there are some outliers but I'd be willing to bet in most cases the FTP isn't accurate vs they are freaks of nature.

Edited by running2far 2011-05-27 8:45 AM
2011-05-27 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3521534

Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

Edited by cusetri 2011-05-27 9:16 AM
2011-05-27 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3521314

Bedford, MA
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
colinphillips - 2011-05-27 7:52 AM

Interesting thread. From all the experienced folk who have weighed in, it sounds like the key variable is how much to hold back on the bike to avoid breaking down on the run, which is where big time can be lost.

So I'm curious: how much do we know about what riding at, say, 85% vs. 75% of FTP does to the ability to run a HM, from a physiological perspective? And how trainable is the tolerance for this? I'm guessing it's not about energy availability, since riding at the two intensities has a similar cost (10% higher wattage probably requires about 5% more calories for same distance covered). Is it the effect of accumulated waste products on the ability to maintain run form for 90+ minutes?

10% is actually a pretty big difference in power, especially the larger the number. I have done 3-4 hour rides in the 235 range for power, which is around 75% for me. If I tried to do a 4 hour ride at 85% (265-270 watts) I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make it.

My goal for my HIM is 250 watts, around 78% power, which should allow me to have a good run.

Edited by natethomas2000 2011-05-27 10:18 AM
2011-05-27 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3521753

Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

took deeper look at your logs....lots of good training.

I think you'll be close, though I do not know the course. 

Only last thing I would suggest is how you are going to distribute your watts, when and where more so than the overall average.

dont be so married to that little display!......remember, it is a race.....


2011-05-27 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3521753

University Park, MD
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
natethomas2000 - 2011-05-27 11:16 AM

10% is actually a pretty big difference in power, especially the larger the number. I have done 3-4 hour rides in the 235 range for power, which is around 75% for me. If I tried to do a 4 hour ride at 85% (265-270 watts) I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make it.

My goal for my HIM is 250 watts, around 78% power, which should allow me to have a good run.

Yes, that's certainly true. And I understand the guidelines on % FTP for different duration events, such as an HIM bike leg. What I'm curious about is what we might know about the physiology behind this, i.e., what are the different elements of fatigue. In particular, what systems are being fatigued when engaged in non-impact activity below aerobic threshold for a couple of hours? 

2011-05-28 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3515905

Bedford, MA
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

Today I rode one loop of the 2-loop bike course, and I can see why it's considered a fast course. I took it very easy and only averaged 181 watts, which is about 55% power, as I have a half marathon tomorrow. On race day I plan on averaging around 250 watts. With 181 watts I was still able to be over 20 mph, and that was with close to 10 stops to regroup with teammates. I think that I could average 23-24 mph on 250 watts.

Here's the info on the ride from Garmin Connect:

2011-05-28 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3515905

University Park, MD
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
Good luck in tomorrow's HM! Looks like a nice fast course.
2011-05-28 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3523169

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?
natethomas2000 - 2011-05-28 6:02 PM

Today I rode one loop of the 2-loop bike course, and I can see why it's considered a fast course. I took it very easy and only averaged 181 watts, which is about 55% power, as I have a half marathon tomorrow. On race day I plan on averaging around 250 watts. With 181 watts I was still able to be over 20 mph, and that was with close to 10 stops to regroup with teammates. I think that I could average 23-24 mph on 250 watts.

Here's the info on the ride from Garmin Connect:


I experienced the same thing... barely pushing and I was over 20 EZ...

good luck with your 4.30; I will try to brake 5.

2011-05-28 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3515905

Extreme Veteran
Olathe, Kansas
Subject: RE: Is 4:30 doable for me?

Do not over swim, you will regret that. Swim at an effort that you are never breathless. 30min+ swimming hard is long enough to have you walk the half marathon.

Take what ever time you get. Nobody wins it on the swim, but many solid athletes loose it there. They just don't know it. Those are the ones that have a "great swim and bike" but poor run.

Skiba, Coggan, Endurance Nation: bike power 80-85% NP in order to run to your potential

Run: few good tri calculators exist, summed up, use VDOT based marathon pace as target

       1:23-1:24 open yields pretty close to 1:30 HIM split, providing:

      All race specific training complete, bike pacing correct, feeding hydration on target up to the run portion, bike calories feed the run, continued feeding/ hydration, core temp control during run

Now, given all of this, I have seen many strong athletes crumble for poor race execution. Make sure you are not one of those. Your numbers are solid, but I hate to say this, they are irrelevant unless you master how to execute the race day.

Good luck. You have what it takes. Execute it now.

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