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2012-04-04 4:43 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
And if it helps get me in, I'm a professor (of law, not English - although grammar errors make me shake).

2012-04-04 5:32 PM
in reply to: #4130562

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

enders_shadow - 2012-04-04 4:42 PM Yanti!!! Please let me in. I have always been too late to get into one of your manatee groups and I wanna wanna wanna! Kristen Married, 2 kids, stinky dog Currently running only (with a pissy ITB to boot) Weight-loss desperately needed (put on 50 pounds with some mood meds this past year; have lost about 15) Races - only signed up for a 1/2 mary in May; waiting to figure out the rest of the summer until I get my knee under control.

And if it helps get me in, I'm a professor (of law, not English - although grammar errors make me shake).

Another one! Crap, you guys are going to keep me on my toes. 

Anyway, we are glad you are here. I am certain you can meet your goals. Especially with some Manatees on your side. Losing 15 pounds is no joke! Well done. 

2012-04-04 7:01 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
I guess now that I'm not in a hurry to get let in, I can give y'all a little more of a bio...might help explain where I'm coming from (or maybe it will just be cathartic for me, who knows)'s long...sorry.

2005 - had baby #2, hit high weight of 206
January 2006 - baby #2 is 1 years old and I am still carrying around my "baby weight", so I decide to start running again & eating right. I have always run...track & xcountry in jr. high and high school, 5K and 10K road races when the mood seemed like the right thing to go back to. Lost 40 pounds - way to easily.
June 2006 - got my dream job (as a professor) and moved to Richmond VA (from Chicago-land). Now that there were actually country roads, I talked hubby into buying me a bike & I started riding as well as running. Became "tri-curious" and joined BT. I didn't actually know how to swim.
January 2007 - took adult swimming lessons, signed up for tri # 1 (pool sprint)
March 2007 - did tri #1 and kept signing up for them (mainly pool sprints)
October 2007 - did my first OW swim scared the bejesus out of me.
December 2007 - lost Athena status
2008 - I was fast (for me); hit my 1/2 mary PR, I was rolling. Did some sprint tris. I'm a rockstar. I'm moving on to bigger & better things.
Spring 2009 - I am on research leave so I sign up for full mary. Training was going great until last long run. Knee craps out. Knee feels better and I PR a 10K a few weeks before. Last training run - knee hurts again. I ice & do mary anyway. I had an awesome first half and then the knee crapped out during the race and I crab-walked the rest of the way in. Finish before they close the clock. But I am devastated. I was supposed to do my first Oly a month or so later, deferred to fall. Depression (clinical) ensues. No idea if it is "because" of the race disappointment, but in my head they are linked. Start meds. Meds don't work.
Fall 2009 - Trying my first Oly, I have a panic attack in the water. Get pulled out into emergency boat. Sink further. Meds don't work.
2010 - a blur...I keep racing, but I put on 50 pounds. Back to just under 200...meds make me eat. I did do a sprint OWS tri with a swim angel. I didn't get pulled out of the water. I haven't been back in the water (OWS or pool since).
2011 - starting to get the meds under control (or more aptly, the meds are getting me under control) I'm still 200 pounds. I do a half-marathon training team because I have no faith that I will do it myself, end up doing a 1/2 in August in a hurricane. (It is as fun as it sounds...not). Supposed to run another in November, but drop to the 5miler race instead because I just can't. I can't.
December 2011 - I get tenure (or atleast the faculty vote comes in, which is the hard part). Meds are working. The sun starts to shine a little bit. Not every day. Not brightly, but there is light.
Christmas 2011 - go on a cruise to celebrate the tenure vote. I eat. I eat. I eat. (And drink. And drink. And drink.) Weight - somewhere just north of 200.
January 2012 - March 2012 - Lose 10 pounds, follow 1/2 training plan on my own. All is going well until short long run week before race - ITB freaks out. I spend week before 1/2 resting. Do half on 3/18. Finish. Not happy with time, but I finished. Strongly believe that my poor performance + my knee have to do (at least in part) with the weight of a small toddler that I am carrying...start eating paleo (mostly). Also in this time, I switched docs - needed someone who would actually do something about the meds because my old doc wasn't listening to me. On new meds. Feeling slightly better, but still low. Dysthemic I think is what he calls me. Better than full out depressed.
April 2012 - down another 6-7 pounds. Training for a 1/2 in May. ITB is sketchy - rolling, icing, running slow.

Wow. That's a mess. (You've already let me in, right? So you can't kick me out now... )
2012-04-04 7:16 PM
in reply to: #4130768

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

enders_shadow - 2012-04-04 5:01 PM I guess now that I'm not in a hurry to get let in, I can give y'all a little more of a bio...might help explain where I'm coming from (or maybe it will just be cathartic for me, who knows)'s long...sorry. 2005 - had baby #2, hit high weight of 206 January 2006 - baby #2 is 1 years old and I am still carrying around my "baby weight", so I decide to start running again & eating right. I have always run...track & xcountry in jr. high and high school, 5K and 10K road races when the mood seemed like the right thing to go back to. Lost 40 pounds - way to easily. June 2006 - got my dream job (as a professor) and moved to Richmond VA (from Chicago-land). Now that there were actually country roads, I talked hubby into buying me a bike & I started riding as well as running. Became "tri-curious" and joined BT. I didn't actually know how to swim. January 2007 - took adult swimming lessons, signed up for tri # 1 (pool sprint) March 2007 - did tri #1 and kept signing up for them (mainly pool sprints) October 2007 - did my first OW swim scared the bejesus out of me. December 2007 - lost Athena status 2008 - I was fast (for me); hit my 1/2 mary PR, I was rolling. Did some sprint tris. I'm a rockstar. I'm moving on to bigger & better things. Spring 2009 - I am on research leave so I sign up for full mary. Training was going great until last long run. Knee craps out. Knee feels better and I PR a 10K a few weeks before. Last training run - knee hurts again. I ice & do mary anyway. I had an awesome first half and then the knee crapped out during the race and I crab-walked the rest of the way in. Finish before they close the clock. But I am devastated. I was supposed to do my first Oly a month or so later, deferred to fall. Depression (clinical) ensues. No idea if it is "because" of the race disappointment, but in my head they are linked. Start meds. Meds don't work. Fall 2009 - Trying my first Oly, I have a panic attack in the water. Get pulled out into emergency boat. Sink further. Meds don't work. 2010 - a blur...I keep racing, but I put on 50 pounds. Back to just under 200...meds make me eat. I did do a sprint OWS tri with a swim angel. I didn't get pulled out of the water. I haven't been back in the water (OWS or pool since). 2011 - starting to get the meds under control (or more aptly, the meds are getting me under control) I'm still 200 pounds. I do a half-marathon training team because I have no faith that I will do it myself, end up doing a 1/2 in August in a hurricane. (It is as fun as it sounds...not). Supposed to run another in November, but drop to the 5miler race instead because I just can't. I can't. December 2011 - I get tenure (or atleast the faculty vote comes in, which is the hard part). Meds are working. The sun starts to shine a little bit. Not every day. Not brightly, but there is light. Christmas 2011 - go on a cruise to celebrate the tenure vote. I eat. I eat. I eat. (And drink. And drink. And drink.) Weight - somewhere just north of 200. January 2012 - March 2012 - Lose 10 pounds, follow 1/2 training plan on my own. All is going well until short long run week before race - ITB freaks out. I spend week before 1/2 resting. Do half on 3/18. Finish. Not happy with time, but I finished. Strongly believe that my poor performance + my knee have to do (at least in part) with the weight of a small toddler that I am carrying...start eating paleo (mostly). Also in this time, I switched docs - needed someone who would actually do something about the meds because my old doc wasn't listening to me. On new meds. Feeling slightly better, but still low. Dysthemic I think is what he calls me. Better than full out depressed. April 2012 - down another 6-7 pounds. Training for a 1/2 in May. ITB is sketchy - rolling, icing, running slow. Wow. That's a mess. (You've already let me in, right? So you can't kick me out now... )

Hi Kristen,

That's a lot to deal with in the past few years!  Glad things are looking better, and you found a doc that is helpful.  Having suffered from depression myself, I know where you are coming from.  Not sure where you live--oh, wait you said VA--what is the weather like there?  Being up here on the West Coast of Canada, I struggle with the lack of light during the winter months.  We don't get much snow here, mostly grey, rainy days.  I got myself a daylight simulator, and what a difference it makes.  I was falling into a deep depression last year, got this light, 4 days (not kidding!) later, I was feeling so much better.  So much so that I have been lucky enough to get off meds.  Doesn't help everyone, but I recommend trying it!  I hope things continue to improve for you (and that your ITB settles down!)


2012-04-04 7:17 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
Hoping I can stick around for the summer pod!Been busy this week with fundraising for my charity ride and got my wetsuit yesterday, the HIM relay is 2 1/2 weeks away.
2012-04-04 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

I wanna be a Manateee-eeeee!!!  Are y'all still open for joining?  (btw, I totally don't have a southern accent, actually, I have a midwest accent.  For example: I'm going on a bOat to see the gOat in minnesOta. It's just fun to say "y'all")

2012-04-04 8:42 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

YAAAAAY and Hello! to all the new faces around here!!! Laughing

I already have an issue/question for everyone and anyone! 

Yesterday I went to the local lake (and the OWS site for my next race) to get some OWS time in and to try to acclimate a bit. The water was in the low 50s---In the full wetsuit and my hands and feet were not terribly cold (after a few minutes), but when my face met water, it was like ice cream headache on the outside!!!! I was not really able to get into the full swimming groove, and now I am a bit worried that my race will not go that well! Also, after my little 'swim' session, I got a really sore throat--its a bit better today, but still there--there are no other symptoms, so I am wondering if it was caused by the cold water too? Is these things a common issue for anyone else????

On the bright side, I went to my Tri club's start-of-season party last night (met tons of new friends!!), and won a voucher for half off of one of my more expensive races!! I also got some other nifty swag, but the voucher was the best-est! ANNNNDDD...My wonderful husband said that he will give me my b-day money tomorrow so that I may purchase my present--my sleeveless wetsuit! YAY! 

Apart from that, its the usual busy school and work stuff. No workout tonight though---not til this throat thing is resolved (I was supposed to swim at the gym pool--I don't want to encourage any more nastiness in my system!Tongue out

2012-04-04 8:43 PM
in reply to: #4130910

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
TriRx - 2012-04-04 9:29 PM

I wanna be a Manateee-eeeee!!!  Are y'all still open for joining?  (btw, I totally don't have a southern accent, actually, I have a midwest accent.  For example: I'm going on a bOat to see the gOat in minnesOta. It's just fun to say "y'all")

I actually speak southern with a midwestern accent...which I didn't realize was an accent until I moved away from the midwest and realized everyone else talks funny. :-)
2012-04-04 8:48 PM
in reply to: #4130931

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
kgore - 2012-04-04 8:42 PM

YAAAAAY and Hello! to all the new faces around here!!! Laughing

I already have an issue/question for everyone and anyone! 

Yesterday I went to the local lake (and the OWS site for my next race) to get some OWS time in and to try to acclimate a bit. The water was in the low 50s---In the full wetsuit and my hands and feet were not terribly cold (after a few minutes), but when my face met water, it was like ice cream headache on the outside!!!! I was not really able to get into the full swimming groove, and now I am a bit worried that my race will not go that well! Also, after my little 'swim' session, I got a really sore throat--its a bit better today, but still there--there are no other symptoms, so I am wondering if it was caused by the cold water too? Is these things a common issue for anyone else????

On the bright side, I went to my Tri club's start-of-season party last night (met tons of new friends!!), and won a voucher for half off of one of my more expensive races!! I also got some other nifty swag, but the voucher was the best-est! ANNNNDDD...My wonderful husband said that he will give me my b-day money tomorrow so that I may purchase my present--my sleeveless wetsuit! YAY! 

Apart from that, its the usual busy school and work stuff. No workout tonight though---not til this throat thing is resolved (I was supposed to swim at the gym pool--I don't want to encourage any more nastiness in my system!Tongue out

I can offer no help on the cold water swimming question; just wanted to say YAY on voucher and swag! Totally cool
2012-04-04 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4130931

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
kgore - 2012-04-04 8:42 PM

YAAAAAY and Hello! to all the new faces around here!!! Laughing

I already have an issue/question for everyone and anyone! 

Yesterday I went to the local lake (and the OWS site for my next race) to get some OWS time in and to try to acclimate a bit. The water was in the low 50s---In the full wetsuit and my hands and feet were not terribly cold (after a few minutes), but when my face met water, it was like ice cream headache on the outside!!!! I was not really able to get into the full swimming groove, and now I am a bit worried that my race will not go that well! Also, after my little 'swim' session, I got a really sore throat--its a bit better today, but still there--there are no other symptoms, so I am wondering if it was caused by the cold water too? Is these things a common issue for anyone else????

On the bright side, I went to my Tri club's start-of-season party last night (met tons of new friends!!), and won a voucher for half off of one of my more expensive races!! I also got some other nifty swag, but the voucher was the best-est! ANNNNDDD...My wonderful husband said that he will give me my b-day money tomorrow so that I may purchase my present--my sleeveless wetsuit! YAY! 

Apart from that, its the usual busy school and work stuff. No workout tonight though---not til this throat thing is resolved (I was supposed to swim at the gym pool--I don't want to encourage any more nastiness in my system!Tongue out

I think the 'cold' virus would already have been in your system, the cold water swim won't have helped any!

Last week I swam with a training friend in the ocean only half an hour - water temp was 59 degrees, a huge difference from IM on the Sunday where it was nearly 70.  anyway I had the same experience with brain freeze!  My arms were fine even in my sleeveless wettie.

Anyway - one week on, my training friend has had very bad flu the whole week - me nothing.  So I would say that indicates he already had the virus and the cold just brought it on quicker.  I've been fine!

Who knows - I'm no doctor!

2012-04-05 6:16 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
OK, here is the bio and such:

STORY: I had been somewhat athletic in High School, playing soccer, beach volleyball and basketball, but that was a long time ago. Marriage, two children, business ownership, and the general busyness of life just got in the way. A few years back I began going to the gym, lifting weights and such. Then, in late July, 2010, we had a family weight loss challenge. In order to lose, I began running. My youngest daughter suggested we run a race at Disney, so I began to prep for that and my oldest sister joined in as well. Before that race had happened, I began looking for more challenge, since I was enjoying the training. I had a friend who had been in tri’s a while back, he gave me his old bike and it grew from there. Now I am on the Health and Wellness committee at work, head up the work running group, and look forward to any chance to get outside and train.
STATUS: I am a 6’3”, 45 yr old male and I've been married for almost 25 years. I have 2 girls, ages 21 and 23. My wife is the most wonderful person a man could have in his life and has been very supportive of this addition to my lifestyle.
CURRENT TRAINING: I am not following any plan or schedule at this point. I am trying to lay down a stronger base on both the run and bike, get longer and stronger on both. All bets are off in the swim, which is by far my worst discipline. I am watching every video and reading as much as possible in an effort to improve my form. I have no plans (or dreams) of winning at this point, so getting a coach would be like putting a Porsche engine in a Volkswagon. Why bother? More than anything else, this has been about changing to a less sedentary lifestyle.
LAST YEAR: 2011 was my first year racing, or should I say participating. I ran my first race, the WDW Half Mary in Jan. All in all, 2011 included 3 HM’s, a few 5 and 10 K’s, and 2 sprint tri’s.
2012 RACES and GOALS: I am signed up for 2 races, the local sprint and the "Life’s a Beach Triathlon” which is a fun race. My wife is signed up for it as well, so that should be a blast. My hope is to see time improvement from last year, quicker transitions, and advances in my overall endurance fitness. I will also volunteer at the local sprint tri again this year, as I really enjoyed that last year.
WEIGHTLOSS: As I mentioned above, this all started as part of a family weight loss challenge. I started at that point at 240 lbs. At my lowest I had reached 207, which felt low for me. Currently I am about 215, with a goal weight of 210+/- for race season.
I am not certified in anything, although some might think I am certifiable. I am, however very interested in health and wellness. I am not the fastest, nor will I ever be. I am supportive, upbeat, and really do want to be a better triathlete. I have questions and will hopefully have answers as well.

2012-04-05 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
Any room for someone who is struggling to getting back on the wagon?  I really need some motivation.
2012-04-05 8:09 AM
in reply to: #4131392

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

ebshot - 2012-04-05 9:05 PM Any room for someone who is struggling to getting back on the wagon?  I really need some motivation.

Seeing as all the people I need in my life are magically showing up, including you ... welcome. {MELON PRESS} It's really good to see you.

Also, there is something about the, um, off-center humor in here that for some reason makes people laugh, and then the motivation to get going and do stuff is better, too.

2012-04-05 8:13 AM
in reply to: #4130798

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

Tripopo - 2012-04-05 8:17 AM Hoping I can stick around for the summer pod!Been busy this week with fundraising for my charity ride and got my wetsuit yesterday, the HIM relay is 2 1/2 weeks away.

Ah ha! So you ARE going to do the swim of Charleston. Good, good.

And welcome back! here! uh ... you never left ... thank you for sparing me the pain of missing you!

P.S. Post a bio of your wonderful self so the Manatees joining the pod can know how wonderful you really are, since obviously the rest of us already know.

2012-04-05 8:32 AM
in reply to: #4130931

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
kgore - 2012-04-05 9:42 AM

YAAAAAY and Hello! to all the new faces around here!!! Laughing

I already have an issue/question for everyone and anyone! 

Yesterday I went to the local lake (and the OWS site for my next race) to get some OWS time in and to try to acclimate a bit. The water was in the low 50s---In the full wetsuit and my hands and feet were not terribly cold (after a few minutes), but when my face met water, it was like ice cream headache on the outside!!!! I was not really able to get into the full swimming groove, and now I am a bit worried that my race will not go that well! Also, after my little 'swim' session, I got a really sore throat--its a bit better today, but still there--there are no other symptoms, so I am wondering if it was caused by the cold water too? Is these things a common issue for anyone else????

On the bright side, I went to my Tri club's start-of-season party last night (met tons of new friends!!), and won a voucher for half off of one of my more expensive races!! I also got some other nifty swag, but the voucher was the best-est! ANNNNDDD...My wonderful husband said that he will give me my b-day money tomorrow so that I may purchase my present--my sleeveless wetsuit! YAY! 

Apart from that, its the usual busy school and work stuff. No workout tonight though---not til this throat thing is resolved (I was supposed to swim at the gym pool--I don't want to encourage any more nastiness in my system!Tongue out

Will you have a chance to get in the water and warm up before your race? To me it's actually most important to get your head in the water and breathe in, breathe out, keep face in water, etc. until your head is okay with it. (P.S. Make sure to turn your head for the breathe in part )

If not, splash LOTS of cold water on your face before the race. That can help.

Yeah, as for the scratchy throat--you're not going to get any resp issues from swimming or getting chilled unless the bug was already there anyway. The chill might hasten its onset, but otherwise, it really doesn't matter.

Hope your throat's better today!

2012-04-05 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4131398

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
TriAya - 2012-04-05 9:09 AM

ebshot - 2012-04-05 9:05 PM Any room for someone who is struggling to getting back on the wagon?  I really need some motivation.

Seeing as all the people I need in my life are magically showing up, including you ... welcome. {MELON PRESS} It's really good to see you.

Also, there is something about the, um, off-center humor in here that for some reason makes people laugh, and then the motivation to get going and do stuff is better, too.

Good to see you to Yanti.  *smooch*

I'll post a bio soon but I have to run to class and then taxi Cole (my 9 y/o son w/lots of special needs) to his program.  Oh and then I have parent/teacher conferences.  Wish me luck!

2012-04-05 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4131462

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
ebshot - 2012-04-05 9:37 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-05 9:09 AM

ebshot - 2012-04-05 9:05 PM Any room for someone who is struggling to getting back on the wagon?  I really need some motivation.

Seeing as all the people I need in my life are magically showing up, including you ... welcome. {MELON PRESS} It's really good to see you.

Also, there is something about the, um, off-center humor in here that for some reason makes people laugh, and then the motivation to get going and do stuff is better, too.

Good to see you to Yanti.  *smooch*

I'll post a bio soon but I have to run to class and then taxi Cole (my 9 y/o son w/lots of special needs) to his program.  Oh and then I have parent/teacher conferences.  Wish me luck!


Good luck and as always, a prayer goes with you!

2012-04-05 8:56 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

Kirk (Tripopo)

Grew up swimming and diving through high school.  Worked my way through college as a lifeguard and swim instructor.  Currently work in a bike patrol unit in a coastal carolina police department.  Transfered to bikes about three years ago when the scale hit the 200lb mark, I had been skinny to the point of being accused of having an eating disorder through college, in an attempt to get back into shape.  I've been attempting to get into the Secret Service for a couple of years and so needed to get into shape.  Speciffically running,  I don't really enjoy running and found that I needed a goal to stay active/at it.  A co-worker told me about his brother who was doing sprint tris and with my background in the swim and bike seemed like an obvious choice.  This will be my second season.

Family status: I'm 30 years old, married to a fantastic woman who is very tolerating of the tri training and fights cancer.  I have a yellow lab/shepard mix foundling who is my open water swim partner and recovery jogging buddy and a cat who feels that the best wake up call a human can get is a flying attack somersault into my face at 0430.

Current training: taperish time for a HIM relay I have on the 21st, it will be my first at this distance and I am aqua biking it and a friend is handling the HM.  I am also ramping up my bike in anticipation of the Police Unity Tour in mid may.

Last year's races (2011/early 2012): Hilton Head Island CAL-U sprint tri, Kiawah Olympic tri and Charleston Half-Marathon.

2012 Races/events Still Planned:
* Try Charleston HIM
* Police Unity Tour)
* Charleston Sprint Tri series #1 and #3(May/July)
* Kiawah Olympic Tri

Might be adding the Bone Island HIM in January 2013 if I can convince the wife that Key West in January is a good idea, not thinking that it will be too hard

Edited by Tripopo 2012-04-05 8:57 AM
2012-04-05 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

I know I've been around BT for a very long time (even longer than Yanti!), but I haven't been training much so can I PUH-LEASE be a manatee?  I've always wanted to be.


Pretty please, with a frosted cherry PopTart on top?

2012-04-05 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4130936

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
enders_shadow - 2012-04-04 9:43 PM
TriRx - 2012-04-04 9:29 PM

I wanna be a Manateee-eeeee!!!  Are y'all still open for joining?  (btw, I totally don't have a southern accent, actually, I have a midwest accent.  For example: I'm going on a bOat to see the gOat in minnesOta. It's just fun to say "y'all")

I actually speak southern with a midwestern accent...which I didn't realize was an accent until I moved away from the midwest and realized everyone else talks funny. :-)

I've met Kristen.  This is an accurate description, although I probably speak the same way.  I'm originally from Wisconsin and have been living in Richmond for the past 8 years.  I'll hold off on the rest of the bio until I know if Yanti is kicking me out or not. 

2012-04-05 9:06 AM
in reply to: #4131529

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
Artemis - 2012-04-05 10:02 PM

I know I've been around BT for a very long time (even longer than Yanti!), but I haven't been training much so can I PUH-LEASE be a manatee?  I've always wanted to be.


Pretty please, with a frosted cherry PopTart on top?

HA! Biscuits just walked in as you postedPOP TARTS DID YOU MENTION POP TARTS ... I have a dozen new Biscuits/Moose pics for you, but one I just took today.

Huh. Well, I suppose you of all people know what I'd do for a Pop Tart ... and you are my sponsor, after all ... so WELCOME!!!

It's a little intimidating (yes, you, smartypants) because you know everything, but then again, Lord knows I need you and everyone else too to flipper MY butt

Also, Jo (jobaxas) who's now a Manatee whom I met last week has a gorgeous, perfect little girl named Artemis.

2012-04-05 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4131548

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
TriAya - 2012-04-05 10:06 AM
Artemis - 2012-04-05 10:02 PM

I know I've been around BT for a very long time (even longer than Yanti!), but I haven't been training much so can I PUH-LEASE be a manatee?  I've always wanted to be.


Pretty please, with a frosted cherry PopTart on top?

HA! Biscuits just walked in as you postedPOP TARTS DID YOU MENTION POP TARTS ... I have a dozen new Biscuits/Moose pics for you, but one I just took today.

Huh. Well, I suppose you of all people know what I'd do for a Pop Tart ... and you are my sponsor, after all ... so WELCOME!!!

It's a little intimidating (yes, you, smartypants) because you know everything, but then again, Lord knows I need you and everyone else too to flipper MY butt

Also, Jo (jobaxas) who's now a Manatee whom I met last week has a gorgeous, perfect little girl named Artemis.

Adorable!!  E's middle name is Artemis.  It seemed appropriate since I went into labor the day of a lunar eclipse and she was born the night of a full moon. 

I really need a kick in the butt.  This running thing is hard when you haven't done it in 5 months!!

And you know I always love Biscuits and Moose pictures. 

2012-04-05 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4131514

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
Tripopo - 2012-04-05 9:56 AM

2012 Races/events Still Planned:
* Try Charleston HIM
* Police Unity Tour)
* Charleston Sprint Tri series #1 and #3(May/July)
* Kiawah Olympic Tri

Might be adding the Bone Island HIM in January 2013 if I can convince the wife that Key West in January is a good idea, not thinking that it will be too hard

I want to do Bone Island!  I'm just concerned about winter HIM/IM training (and burning too much vacation in January).  Leaning marathon in January/February instead. 

2012-04-05 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

My story:

Family Status: married (8 years in July!) to A, baby girl E was born on December 11, 2011, two cats (Taji and Griffin).

I finished my PhD in genetics in September and am working as a Post Doc in Richmond (not at the same university as Kristen though).  I do research on Pulmonary Hypertension and what happens to the heart.  I finished my first tri in 2004, have run several half-marathons, and did my first marathon in 2008.  Sadly, I had a string of injuries in 2009, 2010, and 2011, including tibial stress fractures, ITB problems, and gall bladder surgery.  I found out I was pregnant in April 2011, so I didn't really race or train very hard last year - I did do the run portion of a tri in June, but that was the only one.  I am looking forward to doing my first tri (non-relay) in 2 years this summer!!

Current Training: um....none.  I was running while I was pregnant, but that stopped around 34 weeks because I was too uncomfortable and couldn't breathe.  E is now big enough to run in the jogging stroller with me, so I can start running again!  I want to try running about three times each week.  I think I'm going to start a Sprint Tri training plan 12 weeks out from the race I want to do in August, although I should probably plan that out if I actually want to do it....


2012 Races: all tentative

*Goochland Sprint (8/11/12)

*Patriot Sprint (9/9/12)

*Richmond Half-Marathon (11/10/12)

Weight Loss: I peaked at 212 before I gave birth, which was about a 15 pound weight gain during pregnancy.  Sadly, I have lost all the baby weight, although Judi (QueenZipp) assures me I can call it baby weight until E is 5.  That's why I love her.  I was down to 194 this week.  I'd love to be down around 150 again, but I don't know how realistic that is.  I have hypothyroidism, so losing weight can be a bit tricky for me.

Edited by Artemis 2012-04-05 9:22 AM
2012-04-05 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4131597

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
Artemis - 2012-04-05 10:20 AM

My story...gall bladder surgery. 

Ooooo, I feel your pain on that one. Mine was removed last year, after the WDW HM. Not fun.
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