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2016-01-05 11:25 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by quincyf

So my goals for today are a trainer ride (with some sort of interval set to see where I'm even at

I don't know about others, but I find 30sec intervals the best way to get back into it after a while off the bike. Then I slowly build them week after week. Anything longer than 30sec is too much of a shock for me if I've been away too long.

Ok, sounds reasonable. I've been riding the trainer regularly but with little interval work. I'm thinking a modest start would be 8x30 at 110 and then see if I can do 1 4' at 110. See what that gives me and work from there. TY.

2016-01-05 11:26 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by marcag Monday was a 3x7min@110% which was hard. That and a short run Tuesday is masters at 6AM and a 45min run later in the day.

I did a 12 x 2min @ 114% last night and am slowly building to longer intervals. 

Marc - in the Polarized Training thread you passed along the link to Seiler's presentation where he indicates that 4 x 8 min @ 110% was the target for best results, but I don't think I'm quite there yet.  Even 3 x 8 min @ 110% would kill me at this stage.

Ya, that study with 4x8 was not prescribed at 110% but rather what the candidates could do. You need to build to it. For me, if I slowly build to it and am ready tu suffer that's 4x8 at 110%. Last week I did 10x30sec at 120, then 4x6 at 110 and I found that really tough. This week I will do 4x7, next week probably 3x8 and give 4x8 a try. I will see. I am testing at the end of this week and next week I am starting some track work. Other than short intervals, like 30" I am not a big fan of greater than 110%.

I don't think I've attempted anything close to 4x8' at 110%.  That sounds like murder.  What type of rest interval between reps?

I went hard for a short KOM segment yesterday to test my short term power.  414 watts for 3:03 and shaved 10 seconds off my previous best.  My lungs and wind pipe were burning for the next 10 minutes and I could taste the blood in my breath.  Even my teeth hurt.

2016-01-05 11:38 AM
in reply to: Jason N

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by Jason N
I don't think I've attempted anything close to 4x8' at 110%.  That sounds like murder.  What type of rest interval between reps?

6' between each. In the past, when I got to 4x8 my FTP had actually gone up so in fact I was doing 4x8@110 of my 'older' FTP.
So for example I will probably test this week. If my FTP went up (hopefully) I am not sure I could hit 4x8 at the new FTP.
I am pretty sure I can do it if I have the right playlist. The 4x6 last week after the 30sec intervals was hard but doable.

We have a big hill in Montreal where they do the pro-tour every year. It's about 7.5min climb and I do them at about 110. On the trainer, I just close my eyes, visualize that and the music is very important. Usually very aggressive music.
2016-01-05 12:21 PM
in reply to: BMiller71

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by BMiller71 I would like to join your group! NAME: Brian Miller STORY: I have always been more into action sports as in wakeboarding, snowboarding, and motocross. However at 44 these are not the easiest sports on the body. I have had 5 knee surgeries including both ACL's from these sports. In 2012 I did a couple of Olympics and in 2013 I did IM 70.3 Oceanside. I really enjoyed that distance and was happy with my results. Literally the following week I tweaked my knee and it has been downhill since. I keep starting up again with good intentions only to re-injure my knee enough to make me stop. Most of this has been self inflected by wakeboarding. Time to retire that sport. I still race and ride quite a bit of motocross so that takes up about a dozen weekends or so. I also enjoy Mountain biking so trying to figure out if this can substitute some of my biking. I live just outside of Sacramento so a great place for the outdoors. Sorry to all the Canadians. FAMILY STATUS: Married with two girls (12 and 8), spend a lot of time with kids soccer. I have coached the last 5 years and my oldest plays nearly all year. CURRENT TRAINING: Last few months of 2015 been working my way back to the gym, but have not been very good with nutrition. I just started one of the BT 20 week plans, same one I used in 2013. So it will be 3x bike, 3x run, 3x swim. I really am not a big fan of swimming. I think I would be better off swimming 2x and running 4x since that is my weakest. I need to focus on slowly working my way back into running to stay injury free, THIS YEAR'S RACES: None UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: The 20 week plan fits perfectly with a local race, Auburn Worlds Toughest Triathlon. I figure I can wait to see how the training goes and decide if I want to do the Olympic or Half. I am signed up for IM 70.3 Santa Cruz in September. I will probably look into another Olympic in between. WEIGHTLOSS: I am 20 lbs (190) heavier than I was in 2013 for the half. Ideally I would like to get to 160 by Santa Cruz.


Brian-thanks for joining the group!.


2016-01-05 12:25 PM
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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"


JasonN-I just started messing with Strava about a month ago and only one ride with my Garmin 520 to know where some of the segments are.  I did one a couple of weeks ago (only about 2 minutes) and joked with a buddy about whether there was a time deduction or addition if you throw up a little at the end. It really hurt. 

Edited by slornow 2016-01-05 12:27 PM
2016-01-05 12:26 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Jason N I don't think I've attempted anything close to 4x8' at 110%.  That sounds like murder.  What type of rest interval between reps?
6' between each. In the past, when I got to 4x8 my FTP had actually gone up so in fact I was doing 4x8@110 of my 'older' FTP. So for example I will probably test this week. If my FTP went up (hopefully) I am not sure I could hit 4x8 at the new FTP. I am pretty sure I can do it if I have the right playlist. The 4x6 last week after the 30sec intervals was hard but doable. We have a big hill in Montreal where they do the pro-tour every year. It's about 7.5min climb and I do them at about 110. On the trainer, I just close my eyes, visualize that and the music is very important. Usually very aggressive music.

Ok...6' rest sounds like it's at least possible.  I was thinking closer to 4'.  

2016-01-05 12:41 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by Jason N

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Jason N I don't think I've attempted anything close to 4x8' at 110%.  That sounds like murder.  What type of rest interval between reps?
6' between each. In the past, when I got to 4x8 my FTP had actually gone up so in fact I was doing 4x8@110 of my 'older' FTP. So for example I will probably test this week. If my FTP went up (hopefully) I am not sure I could hit 4x8 at the new FTP. I am pretty sure I can do it if I have the right playlist. The 4x6 last week after the 30sec intervals was hard but doable. We have a big hill in Montreal where they do the pro-tour every year. It's about 7.5min climb and I do them at about 110. On the trainer, I just close my eyes, visualize that and the music is very important. Usually very aggressive music.

Ok...6' rest sounds like it's at least possible.  I was thinking closer to 4'.  

I feel like one 8' interval sounds like murder.  I once did 3x7' @ 110%, but tested shortly after and it was more like 102% of the new FTP.  With the updated FTP, even 4' intervals are torture.


Sitting here only a few days out from my race, I'm almost missing the torture sessions.  I'm feeling good, but I know the sedentary lifestyle is not for me.  I get to do a 30 min run tonight, and then finish packing up the bike

2016-01-05 1:13 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by ligersandtions

Sitting here only a few days out from my race, I'm almost missing the torture sessions.  I'm feeling good, but I know the sedentary lifestyle is not for me.  I get to do a 30 min run tonight, and then finish packing up the bike

Very jealous Nicole!  My first tri won't be until June. 

2016-01-05 1:17 PM
in reply to: quincyf

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by quincyf

Originally posted by juneapple

Current Training: After taking the Fall off, really just trying to re-establish the rhythm of training again right now. Consistency is the key and that is what has been lacking the last two years. A January of 5-6 days of training / week is my short term goal. Less concerned about the content of the workouts.

Stu, I am the exact same boat. I need to get back to training consistently, it hardly matters what I do, but I need to do something almost every day. Are you winging it or following some sort of plan? I work well with a training plan put up on the family calendar (hubby does too) but haven't figured out what to start out with. Maybe a sprint plan to get me going and in shape for the beginning of the season with extra running to prep for the April HM I am targeting.

I need to get serious quickly. Every race out here was named by Chuck Norris...ToughMan, Tri the Torture. WTF? Good news is we are thinking we might be pleasantly surprised when we race the HM...I think it's close to 1000' lower than my house.

So my goals for today are a trainer ride (with some sort of interval set to see where I'm even at per your guys earlier conversation) and about a 1200-1500 swim at a new pool. The pool I've been using is like the one from must be about 85 degrees and I'm gassed just trying to warm up. Last goal is to get a training plan of some sort on the Calendar.


Hi Quincy,

Glad to have some company in the getting back into it boat :-) With regard to the training plan vs. winging it, my approach has always been to read the plans and then kind of personalize them based on conditions, etc. For example, I'll look at the weather to decide what day to ride (and even run sometimes). I'm more likely to focus on the time allotted in a training plan than the actual drills. Probably just my age and outlook, but I'd rather ride outside on the Skyline Drive than on a trainer, even if I would probably be more effective to do the trainer ride. In the winter I tend to do bike classes at the gym led by cyclists and just do whatever they say. I do quite a bit of interval work in swimming, very little in running. That being said, I think the key is to do what works for you - if it is the calendar, go for it! Right now, my goals are modest... basically, just do something (something being a mile swim, or an hour bike class, or a 3-4 mile run) 5-6 days / week. There's a reason I'm middle of the pack :-)

I'd love to do a HM in April as well... not sure I can get there given where I'm starting. Will basically aim my boat in that general direction with the 10 miler in March the first goal post. If I hit that (without a muscle pull, etc.), an HM will be doable.

btw, read about your son being autistic and noted that you're in Albuquerque. We have dear friends who moved out there about 5 years ago and who have an adult autistic son. PM me if you'd like to get in touch with them. I expect they've worked through some of the local resources, etc.

Love the names... we have the Savageman not too far from us. It's all in the marketing!

2016-01-05 2:02 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"


If you have room for one more I'll happily join in.  Looks like a good group (I know most of you), and could use a good group to be a part of.

Can post a bio later.

2016-01-05 2:42 PM
in reply to: GoFaster

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Hey Neil-come on in.  Glad to have you with us.

I think that gives us around 15.  Maybe 1-2 more and we will close.


2016-01-05 3:14 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by slornow

Marc-at some point when you have a few minutes I would like your thoughts on Heart Rate Variability.  I have the ithlete app and plan to get a bluetooth compatible HR strap.  Do you use a strap or the finger monitor?


I will post more on it, but yes I do use it with a HR strap. I use the 4iiii strap because it also can be used as an Ant+/Bluetooth bridge.
2016-01-05 3:28 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by slornow

Marc-at some point when you have a few minutes I would like your thoughts on Heart Rate Variability.  I have the ithlete app and plan to get a bluetooth compatible HR strap.  Do you use a strap or the finger monitor?


I will post more on it, but yes I do use it with a HR strap. I use the 4iiii strap because it also can be used as an Ant+/Bluetooth bridge.

Which HRV tool are you using, we used BioForce last year.

Seems to me the consensus so far with most of the reputable coaches in triathlon with HRV is that no one really knows how to use the data yet. I know it was a big discussion point at the ITU Paris sports conference last year and didn't seem like anyone walked away with much use for it right now.
2016-01-05 3:30 PM
in reply to: quincyf

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by quincyf

Ben, I think I still follow you on Twitter?!? We were in some group together, maybe in 2011? What has happened to BT? It seems a lot slower now and a lot of the usual suspects seem to be gone. I guess I thought just because I had left the party for a while, it was still raging without me. I'm glad you're in this group, you can keep me up to date on the Chicago/Milwaukee/Madison Tri Scene. Even though there is a lot of endurance sports out here, the tri scene is not as robust...not as much water I guess.

Jason, I've been thinking more about my August HIM, and I am really going to need to talk nutrition with you and the rest of the group. It's high altitude, will be hot, and plenty of hills. No room for screwing it up and my MO is screwing up fueling. Good news is it's local so we can train on the course. I guess there's a reason the race is named Toughman. FTR, even though I'd like to go sub 6 in a HIM, and I think I can, this race goal is finish with my dignity intact. I'll save PR for another day (I've been close, but never broken 6).

I think we have all concluded that the accessibility and social media has taken away a lot of the former BT content.

There are IM Facebook pages for all races, and even proposed races now.

Good to link up with you again this winter/spring.
2016-01-05 3:35 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by quincyf

So my goals for today are a trainer ride (with some sort of interval set to see where I'm even at

I don't know about others, but I find 30sec intervals the best way to get back into it after a while off the bike. Then I slowly build them week after week. Anything longer than 30sec is too much of a shock for me if I've been away too long.

Agreed, It's a great way to introduce a stress without going over, you can add in lots of rest and really build up the intervals. Keeps yourself or the athlete safe from adding too much load too quickly, while allowing the ability to hit the intervals and continue the progression.

Just make it a simple progression. 30", then 1', progress to 2', in no time you are doing 3-5' intervals.

I am also experimenting a bit with a few others doing more block sessions instead of every other day or the such.

For example, instead of doing 4 bikes per week every other day, The way I am approaching with some is 3 days continuous and then a single day in it's own with a 5th as an optional day. Allows to increase the fitness and add in a fair amount of load rather quickly.
2016-01-05 3:38 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by slornow

Marc-I am hoping to qualify for 70.3 WC in Chattanooga in 2017. Fortunately, I will age up in 2017 so will get to race part of the year at  54 to qualify in the 55-59AG.  Will probably try to do it in an early season race...either Galveston or New Orleans.  I suspect competition will be strong with the event being in such a popular US location.   

Racing NOLA potentially in 2017? I plan to be there this April.

2016-01-05 4:17 PM
in reply to: bcagle25

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by bcagle25

Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by slornow

Marc-at some point when you have a few minutes I would like your thoughts on Heart Rate Variability.  I have the ithlete app and plan to get a bluetooth compatible HR strap.  Do you use a strap or the finger monitor?


I will post more on it, but yes I do use it with a HR strap. I use the 4iiii strap because it also can be used as an Ant+/Bluetooth bridge.

Which HRV tool are you using, we used BioForce last year.

Seems to me the consensus so far with most of the reputable coaches in triathlon with HRV is that no one really knows how to use the data yet. I know it was a big discussion point at the ITU Paris sports conference last year and didn't seem like anyone walked away with much use for it right now.

I use iThlete. At one point I questioned some data and verified it with the HRV on the 920xt and it was accurate.
I have 18months of my data, 6 months of another athlete and 3 months of a third. Overlaying HRV, with training metrics with performance metrics you can see the major patterns.
I am not surprised some people have not taken the time to see what they could do with it. I don't think there it's as simple as the little green, amber, red indicator given by ithlete. I would say that one indicator can be very misleading.
I do believe iit provides valuable data to tell when you are getting yourself into trouble, People claim they can tell via other sources which is true but people tend to exagrate this ability. Another data point does provide valuable insight and can be better than trial and error.
There are federations in sports, other than triathlon that use it to monitor the state of their Olympic level athletes.

2016-01-05 5:27 PM
in reply to: marcag

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by marcag

Monday was a 3x7min@110% which was hard. That and a short run

Tuesday is masters at 6AM and a 45min run later in the day.


1 X 7 minutes at 110% sounds tough to me.

One of my triathlon downfalls is that I still have trouble really embracing suffering on the bike. I need to get over that.
2016-01-05 5:30 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by slornow

Hey Neil-come on in.  Glad to have you with us.

I think that gives us around 15.  Maybe 1-2 more and we will close.


Just wondering if I made the 1-2 more cut...

If it helps I am a Canadian.

(if so I will Post a bio after)
2016-01-05 7:04 PM
in reply to: Murph333

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by Murph333
Originally posted by slornow

Hey Neil-come on in.  Glad to have you with us.

I think that gives us around 15.  Maybe 1-2 more and we will close.


Just wondering if I made the 1-2 more cut... If it helps I am a Canadian. (if so I will Post a bio after)


Murph333-you made it despite being Canadian.

2016-01-05 7:24 PM
in reply to: slornow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

In the spirit of our discussion about intervals I did some 1 min intervals @110-115% and some 30 sec intervals at around 140-150%.  Great way to stay engaged in a workout on the trainer/rollers.   

2016-01-05 9:17 PM
in reply to: #5158356

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
I assume the % you are talking about is LT? How important do you think it is to test vs using an approx calculator? I have never done it before but also want to improve on my past races.
2016-01-05 9:27 PM
in reply to: BMiller71

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by BMiller71

I assume the % you are talking about is LT? How important do you think it is to test vs using an approx calculator? I have never done it before but also want to improve on my past races.

I think testing is very important.

Getting the test right is very hard. I guess doing it wrong is very hard too.

I dread testing but I think it is good to learn how hard you can push yourself.

Most people improve quite a bit between their first and second/third tests. A lot of this gain is not true fitness improvement but rather figuring out how to do the test well.

I have always done a version of the 5 minute/20 minute test. You multiply your 20 minute power x 0.9 (0.95?) and that gives you your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). You then use that FTP as your base number for training and racing.

The real power experts are welcome to point out all of the areas that I have made mistakes above. My feelings won't be hurt. While I use power to try to optimize my training, I am at heart a technophobe and would like nothing better than to throw away all of my electronic gizmos and just train. Of course it would probably lead to me being a slower triathlete so I avoid doing that.
2016-01-05 9:30 PM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by slornow

In the spirit of our discussion about intervals I did some 1 min intervals @110-115% and some 30 sec intervals at around 140-150%.  Great way to stay engaged in a workout on the trainer/rollers.   

7 x (4 minutes "best average" on 4 minutes easy tonight).

I am a pansy. My best average is not good. Lots of work needs to be done to get this cycling thing where I need it to be. The bike monsters in this group are just the ticket to inspire me to tackle this beast.....

2016-01-05 9:37 PM
in reply to: slornow

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by slornow

Originally posted by GoldenSprocket Got room for another? While I'm not Canadian I am married to one. Need some sense of accountability this winter and I know you guys are just the ones to keep me straight. I'll post a bio after I get home tonight.

Kevin-glad to have you. I  think we my have been in a group together in the past.


You are correct Randy. I was part of your group a couple of years ago. Learned a lot from you and Jason. I tend to be more of a lurker on BT but I'm really going to make an effort to contribute more to the discussion.

Personal: My name is Kevin and I'm a 48 year old male from New Hampshire. 2016 will be my 5th year of triathlon. Next week I'll be celebrating my 25th anniversary with my lovely bride. We have two grown children. My son is 24 and my daughter 22. They are both back living at home after college. I miss being an empty nester. Not really. They're both good kids and pretty much lead their own lives. Don't tell the Mrs. but I actually like having them around.

History: I was always more of a team sport guy growing up. Played baseball and football through high school. The only running I did was as conditioning during practice. Work and family took over and in 2008 I found myself with a 20 year 2 pack a day cigarette habit. Finally decided enough was enough; kicked the butts and started exercising again. In the beginning had to do the run/walk thing and my goal was to run a 5k without having to walk. In the years since I've run two marathons, 4 HIM's and a bunch of sprints and oly's. I'm still relatively slow but am getting better each year.

2015: In April I had the opportunity to run the Boston Marathon. I got in on a Charity bib (meaning I didn't have to qualify) and ran a fairly respectable 3:57. Living an hour north of the city it had always been a dream of mine to run Boston one day. I have a bunch of friends who are perennial qualifiers so it was extra special to share the experience with them. It truly is a one of a kind experience and I highly recommend doing it at least once if you are able too. Did a couple of sprints and 2 HIM's. I was a little disappointed that I didn't break 6 hours at the 70.3 distance. my run always seems to let me down.

2016 While I wouldn't have traded my Boston experience for anything I feel it really put me behind the 8 ball as far as tri season was concerned. I found running 6 days week a real grind. I had absolutely no energy to do any swim or bike training during marathon training. So I didn't really start biking or swimming until May which didn't give me enough time to get ready. I was willing to make that sacrifice last year but this year I plan on a much more balanced approach. I recently took the plunge and bought a power meter in hopes to learn how to properly pace the bike so I don't blow up on the run. I also need to get better at swimming as that sets the tone for the entire day. Way too gassed coming out of the water. Sub 6 hour HIM or bust this year!
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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : December 14, 2011
author : AMSSM
comments : 2
What is the recommended way to recover from a cycling-related lower back injury?
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.