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2007-08-08 9:11 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Manchester, NH
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

Main Entry: 1skin·ny
Pronunciation: 'ski-nE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): skin·ni·er; -est
1 : resembling skin : MEMBRANOUS
2 a : lacking sufficient flesh : very thin : EMACIATED b : lacking usual or desirable bulk, quantity, qualities, or significance
synonym see LEAN
- skin·ni·ness noun


Hmm... 5 minutes ago, I would have taken being called "skinny" as a compliment. I used to be 45 lbs heavier, so I figure it's a good thing. The dictionary definnition of skinny is no so flattering, however...

2007-08-08 12:00 PM
in reply to: #916799

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Wow! I cant believe the response to this thread! lol... must be quite the commonplace!

I definitely think that people say it in a way thats not insulting, but definitely on the order of "you looked better before." So thats what annoys me.

Im glad a lot of others understand this. The fact of the matter is I probably eat 2x the calories of the normal person, and I lose weight. Excersize ~2 hours per day will do that, and I try to get people to understand, but they just look at me like I am crazy. Like, "why in the world would someone WANT to do that?" I just reply with "Its Fun!"

Thanks for all the replies everyone!


2007-08-08 3:32 PM
in reply to: #916799

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

yeah man, you really touched a nerve with this one.  I, too, am bothered by being called "skinny."  Sure, I'm pretty thin, but at 5'10" 158#, I'm lean!  For some reason I think the word "skinny" just has a negative connotation and it feels a little insulting.  I'd rather be called: slender, lean, taut, efficient, fast, light, aero, fit, ripped, or even lanky.  But don't call me skinny!


2007-08-08 3:52 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I sit around 147-150 at 5'11"(or 5'10.5" to be exact) so I'm 'skinny' and while I do get the skinny remarks a bit the most I've ever weighed was 165 so It's not that much difference.

The bringing my lunch everyday and turning down lunch offers(even free) gets me more of a odd look then anything.
2007-08-08 6:15 PM
in reply to: #917508

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Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
nancylee - 2007-08-07 11:30 PM

I have been working out about 6 to 8 hours per week and have not lost a pound. Not many inches either. Must be female hormones, because I don't eat as much as I used to either.

I would guess your body fat is going down but you are getting more muscles, balancing out the weight.

I have always been thin, and I know very well I have a great metabolism. The rest of my family does not, which has made me wonder about the mailman's metabolism, but I digress. I have seen family members work out quite hard with little loss in weight. This has made me sensitive to people that don't have the metabolism to easily control their weight. I think you need to keep training, maybe increase your hours, and maintain a good diet. I realize it is a lot easier to say than do for most people.

As I have always been thin, I have heard "You are so skinny" all my life. Sometimes it is a compliment and often it is not. The one that annoys me is "Why do you work out? You are so skinny that you don't have to exercise!" Many answers come to mind, and most are inappropriate.
2007-08-08 7:12 PM
in reply to: #918907

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Sin City
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I don't get the skinny thing too much, but I do feel uncomfortable during this one recurring thing:

I get asked how much weight I have lost and I tell them, but then add that I have about 15 to 20 to go. THEN I get the whole speech that I don't need to lose any more and I am already skinny.

It's JUST like one of the first responses, that I have to justify or I feel guilty that I don't want to be 20 lbs overweight. That it's somehow "cocky" or "wrong" to be athletic or skinny.

They don't realize that I'm losing weight not to just look thin (I'm NOT thin - really) but to compete and race AND be in the best shape of my life. I want to have sub 10% BF not 20% like I am now.

This also reminds me about being "smart" in gradeschool. It seemed like I got called so many names just because I got good grades and was smart. I even "acted" like I was dumb just to fit it. Since when is it wrong to be smart, or in this case skinny?

2007-08-09 1:56 PM
in reply to: #916799

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Aikidoman... I TOTALLY agree with you. I do not lose weight or BF% to "look good", its pure performance in my book. I figure I will train as hard as I can, and my body will look the way it does because that is what shape "fast" is for me. I could care less about ripped abs, etc. However, its a nice perk.

Honestly, I think I look less skinny with clothes off because then at least I look muscular. With clothes on, I look really skinny. I think a major problem is clothing retailers dont cater at all to athletic builds. It is VERY hard for me to find a suit that fits, even after being tailored, because of my waist to shoulder ratio. (im going to start a thread about this)

2007-08-09 3:45 PM
in reply to: #918958

Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Aikidoman - 2007-08-08 8:12 PM

I don't get the skinny thing too much, but I do feel uncomfortable during this one recurring thing:

I get asked how much weight I have lost and I tell them, but then add that I have about 15 to 20 to go. THEN I get the whole speech that I don't need to lose any more and I am already skinny.

It's JUST like one of the first responses, that I have to justify or I feel guilty that I don't want to be 20 lbs overweight. That it's somehow "cocky" or "wrong" to be athletic or skinny.

They don't realize that I'm losing weight not to just look thin (I'm NOT thin - really) but to compete and race AND be in the best shape of my life. I want to have sub 10% BF not 20% like I am now.

This also reminds me about being "smart" in gradeschool. It seemed like I got called so many names just because I got good grades and was smart. I even "acted" like I was dumb just to fit it. Since when is it wrong to be smart, or in this case skinny?

Ugh, seriously, I don't mean to brag, but it's the freakin' story of my life. I was always a very, very good student, which apparently makes you worthy of teasing (esp. when I was in college cuz I went to theatre school) - and I wasn't even "nerdy". And I'm a small-framed person, and I've always been in decent shape (awesome shape in college), but women tend to fluctuate and right now, I have some flab I would like to lose. But people look at me like I'm cross-eyed. It's not like I'm starving myself! I just want my abs back (I had a 4-pack in college).

My mom was always like "honey, they're just jealous", and maybe that's true but it still sucks. Not like I rag on people for being out of shape or not having read as many books or something.
2007-08-09 3:47 PM
in reply to: #920021

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Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

ranger5oh - 2007-08-09 1:56 PM Aikidoman... I TOTALLY agree with you. I do not lose weight or BF% to "look good", its pure performance in my book. I figure I will train as hard as I can, and my body will look the way it does because that is what shape "fast" is for me. I could care less about ripped abs, etc. However, its a nice perk. Honestly, I think I look less skinny with clothes off because then at least I look muscular. With clothes on, I look really skinny. I think a major problem is clothing retailers dont cater at all to athletic builds. It is VERY hard for me to find a suit that fits, even after being tailored, because of my waist to shoulder ratio. (im going to start a thread about this)
X2.  I really don't even care about my weight, heck I probably should weigh more I really care more about BF%.  I am 6'7" 205, with extremely skinny legs so my upper body, especially my mid-section does have a small amout of weight to lose but I would love to had weight to my legs/arms/chest/shoulders to actually gain 10 to 15 lbs of muscle.  I have a hand held BF% machine so I am constantly watching it for consitance decreases. 

I also don't do it to "look better" I really don't think losing weight is going to help here but plastic surgery might (lol).

2007-08-09 4:43 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Lake in the Hills
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Get a grip....skinny is awesome and fast and when do you care so much what other people say. I do not lose weight or train for other people. It is hard to listen or read this string because there are far worse things you can be than skinny. Sorry Lean.

You guys make me feel fat

6'2" 216
Need to be 195lbs and I am working my a** off
2007-08-09 8:49 PM
in reply to: #916799

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
One of the docs at work told me I looked "buff" once-it made my day since I used to be obese!

2007-08-09 10:14 PM
in reply to: #916799

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Vacaville, Ca
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I'm 36.. 5'11" 156 lbs in the am and 160 in the pm. My max weight was 202

Last december I was sitting on my bed putting my shoes on and I looked into the mirror and saw a huge gut hanging down. That was enough to make me want to change. I worked my off for the last 8 months. Doing tri's is really an awesome workout and not to mention the scenery is very nice.. if you know what i mean.

People tell me all the time that I look so skinny. But I think I look awesome . It kind of makes me upset that the new norm is to be overweight.

When I started working out.. 2 other guys who I work with decided to workout with me. After about the 2nd week they stopped going to the gym and I rarely see them working out anymore. I do see them at PT (i'm in the air force) and that is usually when I am lapping them on the loop we usually run. It's kinda sad to me that they weren't able to keep up their workout/diet...

Diet and working out is what it's all about.. simple as that...
2007-08-10 12:00 AM
in reply to: #916872

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Extreme Veteran
The Great Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

Having once topped 235, I can never hear that phrase enough...

In fact, I might pay someone to follow me around JUST to tell me I look skinny.

Or better, I was getting a bike fit yesterday and the guy doing it said "You're obviously very athletic." I nearly kissed him full on the mouth, but didn't want to be called Mrs. Robinson, since he was about 15 years younger.

2007-08-10 12:12 AM
in reply to: #920566

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Extreme Veteran
The Great Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

SnMan - 2007-08-09 8:14 PM I worked my off for the last 8 months. Doing tri's is really an awesome workout and not to mention the scenery is very nice.. if you know what i mean. People tell me all the time that I look so skinny. But I think I look awesome . It kind of makes me upset that the new norm is to be overweight.  

I know! It's so interesting. When I was obese, I swear I was one of the few, the not very proud. Now it's like I'm one of the few again, at least where I live. (When I visit LA I feel downright fat, and I'm a size 2.)

I also find it interesting that most people believe that anyone who works out more than "30 minutes a day 3 times a week" has some sort of serious mental condition. Our bodies were MADE to move. Yes, you can overtrain or make stupid decisions that can cause injury. But a sensible training program is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your body AND to your loved ones.  

2007-08-10 8:05 AM
in reply to: #916799

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Good for you teachur! Thats awesome.

I would also say the new norm is to be overweight... pretty gross. Europeans seem to have it right, everyone over there is thin and eats small portions. I think our American society could take a few lessons from the Europeans for sure.
2007-08-10 8:23 AM
in reply to: #920759

Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
ranger5oh - 2007-08-10 9:05 AM

Good for you teachur! Thats awesome.

I would also say the new norm is to be overweight... pretty gross. Europeans seem to have it right, everyone over there is thin and eats small portions. I think our American society could take a few lessons from the Europeans for sure.

Europeans also eat less processed crap - though American culture is invading every day over there (McDonald's, Starbucks, etc). And it's more common to walk or ride bikes in a lot of places.

2007-08-10 8:30 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
I have been blessed with good genes and have been "skinny" all my life (really, not so skinny as small). When someone remarks on how skinny or fit I am as a compliment, I enjoy it, and say thank you before explaining I eat healthy and lead an active lifestyle. However, when folks say it accusingly, as if it's my fault they're not, it annoys the heck out of me. In those case, I just want to say (but don't), "well, get off your fat a$$ do something that actually makes you sweat and try eating fewer cookies."
2007-08-10 8:55 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Decatur, GA
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

It's been said already, but people only make those comments about being too skinny or eating healthy and exercising being abnormal because they feel inadequate themselves.  It is funny though that it is somehow socially acceptable to comment on someone's body if they are thin, but not if they are overweight.  What makes my body fair game for criticism and not the overweight guy sitting next to me?

What really tweaks me though is when I am eating my healthy, nutritionally balanced vegetarian meal (with plenty of protein, mind you) and someone scoffs and says something along the lines of, "Where's the protein, you can't be healthy without eating enough protein."  As if protein is the only nutrient that matters.  One day I'm gonna snap back at that person, who is most often eating a big meaty, fatty sandwhich on white bread, and say, "well, where's the fiber, vitamin c, vitamin a,vitamin k, folic acid, omega 3's, lycopene, antioxidants, etc. in your meal?!"

2007-08-10 9:51 AM
in reply to: #916799

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Thats a pretty accurate observation about the fact you cant make a comment about someone being overweight, but they can comment on you being thinner than the average(who is overweight). I guess it is the whole "misery loves company" thing.... like, they'd rather be lazy and fat so they will criticize all those who exercise and are thin in the hopes that they get so annoyed they stop exercising and get fat.

rant over.
2007-08-10 10:05 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
The Great Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

Having been formerly flabulous, I can attest that yes...I was jealous of thinner people, but not in an "I hate you" kind of way. I also would say that while exercise-wise, I am much MUCH more active than I was 100 lbs ago, I certainly wasn't a lazy person. I know I slip into that "Get off your fat tush and move it" attitude at times, but then I think back. It wasn't that I didn't WANT to be active, it's more that I didn't know how to go about it without it hurting. The things we take for granted as thin people, like running a 5 miler or going for a long bike ride, are a different challenge for fat people. Exercising HURT and it was hard to motivate myself to do it when it was so painful. (I have a very small frame and imagine the stress that 235 or so pounds was putting on it.) It only worked once I joined a program (Weight Watchers) that taught me how to ease into exercise so that it started as a habit that really wasn't doing a ton of physical benefit (more mental) and allowed me to increase in increments that made it doable.

But I do know some fat people DO get the "I hate you, skinny B*" attitude. The first "gym" I joined was Curves. I worked out there 5 days a week (great workout for heavy people...and even fit people). I started at a size 18 (down from 22/24) and 44% body fat and met goal while working out there. Twice people demanded to know "What is SHE doing here!?" when I was working out at goal. Both times the owner just walked over to the bulletin board, took down my before and after pictures, and calmly handed them to the offender. I think it was more the concern that I might be mocking them than really feeling like I didn't belong. That and there is an idea in some segments of our society that being thin doesn't mean you have to exercise or watch what you eat. Yet most thin people I know who are over the age of 25 perform some sort of food/exercise monitoring. It might not be as anal retentive as mine (I journal everything I eat and every calorie I burn in exercise because that's what I have to do for health maintenance), but there is some way of monitoring.  

2007-08-10 10:11 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

I know how you feel (fortunately).  I'm CERTAINLY not skinny, but I have dropped some weight this year.  However, friends who haven't seen me in about 3-4 months say "Dang, you've lost some weight!"  I politely say, "Yes, a few pounds here and there."  Actually, it's 23 lbs. since January 5th, when I decided it was time to get back down to pre-college weight.  My fitness has improved immensely since then, my running is coming easier, my rides are faster, and the swim...well, the swim is progressing slowly. 

Most of all, I feel great.  I actually had to go buy new pants.  And underwear!  I've gone from a snug 36 down to a 33 waist, and now buy medium trishorts and running shorts.  Blood pressure is back below 120/70, resting heart rate is back below 60bpm (usually around 48-50).

I am at my goal weight now of 160 lbs.  Now to maintain that weight, and continue transforming to muscle, that's the hard part.

2007-08-10 10:19 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Lake in the Hills
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Amen....I agree with what you say....If you get offended tell them. If you were overweight I am sure you would tell them.

Smile and Say thank you-
2007-08-10 10:27 AM
in reply to: #920839

Sydney Australia
2007-08-10 10:37 AM
in reply to: #916799

Sydney Australia
2007-08-10 10:55 AM
in reply to: #916799

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Extreme Veteran
Frome, (Nr Bath) Somerset
Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
Teechur, it sounds as if you have had an amazing journey which is really inspiration, so just wanted to say well done for all you have achieved.

Personally as someone who DOES train hard and often
(ok maybe not the last couple of weeks - log checkers its exceptional circumstances and not the rule)

And who DOES eat healthily and still stuggles with weight, it is hard to not be envious of those of you who do have good genes and would probably struggle with keeping weight on if you didn't exercise. I'd rather have it your way round than mine - but then the grass is always greener right?

I would not tell someone they are too skinny, I think its as rude as telling someone they're too fat and I know people are just as sensitive about it. However, I would compliment any of you who work out hard and eat well and are looking good for it - you deserve to hear you're looking good after all you've earned it.

I think its difficult for people at the moment to decide what is healthy, and its no wonder we're confused - we live in a society of startling contrasts, on the one hand we are bombarded with images of celebrities, models, actors etc who are all of a similar body type - men as well as women. These people are held up as the ideal, but they often also have figures which are not always attained through hard work and sensible diets - but more likely through starvation or exceptional genetics - neither of which is necessarily attainable.
On the other hand we are also constantly encouraged to indulge ourselves on gigantic - bigger is better' portions, instant meals full of salt and sugar because no one has time anymore, junk food which is so cheap, readily accessible and actively encouraged!

Its no wonder we are a confused society - we are all meant to be thin, tall and beautiful but on a diet of rubbish processed junk food! But thats ok, cos if you sit and watch TV all day you can buy yourself a whole ton of miracle products to get rid of your fat in 10mins, pills that will control that appetite, creams that will banish your cellulite - heck why bother leaving the house!!

Ok rant over - I may have gone off topic there for a moment sorry...

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