BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open Rss Feed  
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2018-09-05 8:11 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
6&7 for the month.

Yesterday afternoon I did some weight training around 2pm. This morning I went to masters and swam 2700m with the team. Man, I can really tell the difference between ST in teh morning, followed by a swim the next day and ST in the afternoon, followed by a swim the next day. Those few hours of recovery make a huge difference! I was really dragging buns this morning. I couldn't keep my feet up to save my life.

Later--short bike ride (45', I think?)...after the litany of meetings...ugh.

2018-09-05 8:42 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Bikram Yoga this morning, almost felt like I was participating rather than going through the motions like last week.  Still negative flexibility but I'm using a lower number of "props" to get through.  Anticipate being hungry all day.

2018-09-05 8:58 AM
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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Bikram Yoga this morning, almost felt like I was participating rather than going through the motions like last week.  Still negative flexibility but I'm using a lower number of "props" to get through.  Anticipate being hungry all day.

I thought that was only with swimming?!?!?! **As I sit here eating my second snack since finishing up in the pool 90' ago**

Edited by drfoodlove 2018-09-05 8:59 AM
2018-09-05 9:10 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Boot camp this morning, birthday festivities tonight Hoping to still make it to the pool tomorrow morning as it could be my last swim for 3 weeks, eek!
2018-09-05 10:43 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Another race is in the books! Here is the race report for the SLO Ultra trail half marathon. It was fun to run land that is normally off-limits (private land) however I must admit I prefer the local hills near my house. Running on fire roads just isn't quite as challenging/rewarding as the single track trails I've been training on. Went for a short run today and my legs reminded me to take a few more days off for recovery!

2018-09-06 7:43 AM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
#8 for the month yesterday afternoon--short trainer ride after work.

This morning was supposed to be a run followed by a spin to shake out my legs. Unfortunately, when I woke up, it was thundering. Yes, I could have gotten myself up and gone to the gym to run around the tiny track (7 laps=1mile), but I checked the weather to see that the storms are supposed to move out by noon and rolled over--back to sleep nearly instantly. I think I needed some more sleep! Here's hoping the storm really does move out this afternoon. Otherwise, I'm running the tiny track this afternoon with the university cross country team (TR are their speed days).

2018-09-06 8:10 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

30 minute trainer ride this morning, afternoon will be some swimming and strength training.  More Bikram tomorrow morning.

2018-09-06 1:20 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
2000 yds in the pool this morning. So tired today. Hoping to get in a good run tomorrow morning.
2018-09-06 7:10 PM
in reply to: #5232499

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Sept 10

Run and spin this afternoon.

Hey folks! Sooooooo...There's a chance I won't be going to Egypt for two months this spring, as I have done the last few years. The idea of all this free time has me thinking about a full IM. Am I crazy?!? I know I'm stupid slow, but I did the math and think I can at least beat the cutoffs, with run being the biggest issue. I'm thinking about Titaniumman in MI in August, so plenty of time to train. I think of this and I'm totally petrified...which, of course, means I should do it, right?!?
2018-09-07 7:40 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Sept Workouts: 11

Relatively easy swim this morning with masters. Race on Sunday--not only have they changed the bike course to include a massive hill, but it is supposed to rain all day Sunday. Ugh. At least it isn't storms, so far.
2018-09-07 9:04 AM
in reply to: #5249024

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Gretchen!!! Do it!!! You have a super strong foundation to build on!!! You already train so consistently, you could absolutely do this.
I’m supposed to do LP in July and it would also be fun to have someone to go through the training with!

2018-09-07 10:55 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Definitely do it, Gretchen! That's the perfect opportunity for it!

2018-09-07 10:57 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Ran 4.5 miles this morning. Felt really good, and got stronger the longer I ran. I'm ready to put in some real miles in Europe!

My tri is on the 29th, just 4 days after I get home. I have also tentatively decided to do a small indoor tri (3k row, 1k swim, 2.2 mile run) on the 30th at my gym. Think it could be a fun challenge to do two sprints in one weekend.
2018-09-07 11:06 AM
in reply to: #5249053

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Short 500 yds here in DC before I head into work. Did a spin class on Tuesday and a short 2 mike run last Saturday. PT on Thursday. So I guess I’m 3 workouts for September so far. Not much but I am trying to get consistency back after a crazy busy August.
2018-09-08 10:12 AM
in reply to: #5249068

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Race day is currently pouring down rain, storming—remnants of hurricane Gordon. Forcast is for rain tomorrow (but not storms), with 15-20mph winds and will be 60F. Good thing I signed ip for this race as a practice race for my HIM in four weeks! This is going to be UGLY!
2018-09-08 12:05 PM
in reply to: #5249108

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Spin class this morning, then ran some stairs and did some strength training. Day off planned for tomorrow.

2018-09-09 3:56 PM
in reply to: #5249113

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Race report to come when I get to a real keyboard, but 3’ PR on my Oly today...despite it being in the remnants of a hurricane with 15-20mph head winds and a very choppy swim!
2018-09-10 8:18 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Race report is up!

I'm very sore this morning. I was going to go for a swim, but I think I'm just going to take the day off. Busy week this week. I'm headed to Tampa for meetings on Thursday and Friday. There was a miscommunication withe the organizer, so I'll be staying until late Saturday night, with nothing to do. I'm thinking ocean swim at the beach will be a good idea, perhaps followed by a run of some variety. On the way to the airport, I'm going to stop off and do a long ride at the trails and go to the bike shop. After this weekend's race, I'm 100% positive that this is not the saddle for me. I can't imagine trying to ride that thing for a HIM in a month!!
2018-09-10 9:49 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Good job on your race, especially the swim!

My weekend was mostly travel as I visited family in San Diego. Did manage a short bike ride along the coast with my Dad and 13 year old niece. It was slow going as my niece was on a slow bike and isn't used to riding very far. She had fun and hopefully next time she will be on a faster bike! I rode an extra few miles from the cars back to my Mom's house to get some distance in at a good clip. 

2018-09-10 3:12 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Congratulations, Gretchen!

The smoke here appears to have cleared so I have begun training anew. The season is over, but I'm planning on training as if I have an event in six months (and maybe I'll travel to one next spring!). Goal is a minimum of 25 training sessions a month. Once I need to back off on the bike (when the days get shorter and commuting to work in the dark not an option), I will either up my game with the swim or start up crossfit.

5/25 today. It's a condensed month so I'll have to do a few doubles in order to make that goal.

Hope all are well!

2018-09-11 8:04 AM
in reply to: sandishr

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Sept workouts: 15

Short course swim workout this morning--2550yds. I don't usually swim on short course days, so when I do I feel really, really fast! I have a run scheduled this afternoon and tomorrow is a long bike ride, hopefully with a saddle that doesn't cause pain and sorrow!

2018-09-11 8:14 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove Race report is up! I'm very sore this morning. I was going to go for a swim, but I think I'm just going to take the day off. Busy week this week. I'm headed to Tampa for meetings on Thursday and Friday. There was a miscommunication withe the organizer, so I'll be staying until late Saturday night, with nothing to do. I'm thinking ocean swim at the beach will be a good idea, perhaps followed by a run of some variety. On the way to the airport, I'm going to stop off and do a long ride at the trails and go to the bike shop. After this weekend's race, I'm 100% positive that this is not the saddle for me. I can't imagine trying to ride that thing for a HIM in a month!!

Nice job on the race - loved the "watching bike porn on the bed of my truck". 


2018-09-11 8:16 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

45 min on the trainer in the morning, then 1200 SCY and some ST late afternoon.  Swam next to the fast kids - they were doing kick sets like 3-4 feet away from me and I swear the power of their kicking was hurting my ear drum. 

Bikram this morning- getting a little better at it but my lumbar flexibility is still zero right now.

2018-09-12 2:14 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Sept workouts: 17

2600m in the pool this morning with masters followed by ~19mi on the bike after getting a new saddle at the bike shop. So far, it is better than the last one, but I'm not sure it is the one either. I'm planning on hitting the nice trails on Sunday after I get back from Tampa to give it a proper test. Today's ride was on some unfamiliar trails in St Louis and while they were nice, they were certainly not designed with the long straightaways tribikes are good at riding.

Also...I christened Trixie by falling today. Trying to make a slow turn around at the end of a trail on a hill. Scraped up both our elbows (on handlebars), but nothing major. I just feel a little dumb, but at least there wasn't anyone around watching!
2018-09-12 4:46 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Awesome 4 mile run this morning. I'm really getting competent with hills!
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