BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?) Rss Feed  
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2015-07-06 3:26 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Oh my goodness! I can totally buy a bike just because it has the coolest paint job cant I? Fit isn't that important right?
(yes it is orange and matt black)

(bike 2.JPG)

bike 2.JPG (25KB - 3 downloads)

2015-07-06 8:43 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Sweet bike Stacey! Dooooooeiiiiiitt!!

Darren - sorry to hear about your bust of a weekend. I'm also curious about what your plan leading up to this was, what your expectations were and what you're going to do different going forward.
2015-07-06 9:39 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Stacey, thanks for the Yanti update.  Nice bike tha that you have your eye on as well!  I'm told that orange is FAST!

Steve, I hope that your knee is feeling better post ladder incident

Mary, I hope that the weather is more cooperative this Wednesday!

Sean, love your N+1!

Darren, sorry that you didn't have the stellar weekend that you were hoping for.  Glad that there is time for a bit of a course correction with regards to IM Wales preparation.

I hope that all of the Manatees had a nice weekend and kept the rubber side down!

No spoilers but OMG, today's TdF stage...

2015-07-06 9:45 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Stacey, thanks for the Yanti update.  Nice bike tha that you have your eye on as well!  I'm told that orange is FAST!

Steve, I hope that your knee is feeling better post ladder incident

Mary, I hope that the weather is more cooperative this Wednesday!

Sean, love your N+1!

Darren, sorry that you didn't have the stellar weekend that you were hoping for.  Glad that there is time for a bit of a course correction with regards to IM Wales preparation.

I hope that all of the Manatees had a nice weekend and kept the rubber side down!

No spoilers but OMG, today's TdF stage...

Janyne said it all, so x2 

2015-07-06 10:23 AM
in reply to: 0

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Originally posted by StaceyK

Oh my goodness! I can totally buy a bike just because it has the coolest paint job cant I? Fit isn't that important right?
(yes it is orange and matt black)

Fit is only important if you're going more than 25 miles!

Happy Monday gang!

Whoa Darren sorry about your day - we can all use a little kick in the a$$ some times.

I rode 117 miles on Friday. It was less painful than I thought it would be except 1. the stock infinit does NOT have nearly enough sodium and 2. I hate all saddles - and that's the end of that. I'll suffer though it but it won't be pretty LOL

Another short week as I'm going to TRI TRAINING CAMP this weekend in Woodstock, NH. Wish me luck. I'm sure I'll be the slowest one there!

Janyne today is the first day I started recording the TdF! I saw what happened on my news feed - can't wait to go back and watch it!

Good day to all!

Edited by mtnbikerchk 2015-07-06 10:24 AM
2015-07-06 10:36 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Geeeze Darren, that's a doozie! Maybe you got an entire years worth of bad days over in one. The rest of the year is clear!

2015-07-06 11:12 AM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Nice bike. I'm not bothering with a RR as such, so here is my write up for a shyte storm of a weekend... What a complete and utter shambles of a weekend on my part. I think it's been a case of resting on my laurels and a complacency with the course difficulty based on last years effort. One big serious wake up call for moi. The swim. I DNF'd. I only completed one lap of the swim. I found it incredibly difficult compared to previous efforts. I guess I've been lucky with the tide on the last few years and this has given me a false sense of security. To put it into context, 2013 LCW I swam 2 laps at 1:18:??, last year 1:14:??, this year it took me 55:?? to complete one lap and I felt foosed. To get to the first buoy took me 15:?? in 2013 and 2014, this year it took me close to 26 minutes. Admittedly, I have done next to no swim training, apart from a tri camp where they tried to re-teach me how to swim for 5 days. But then, I did absolutely no swim training in the 2013-2014 period either and dropped 4 minutes. Okay, we now know the swim was long, the consensus being 400-500m long on the IM Wales facebook group, also agreed by the person that set the course. So, perhaps I should have not looked at the time and just got back in for the second lap, it's just I felt defeated and spent. Probably a huge psychological problem I must overcome. If the swim was the correct distance, and I had got out the first lap in 45 minutes, then I probably would have gone straight back in for the 2nd. Things for me to take away from this. Don't jack it, crack on and get through it. Get some swim endurance training in. Try using a nose clip (I kept getting salt water going down the back of my throat even though I wasn't breathing it in on my breathes, it made me throw up a few times on the lap). Bike. I was booked in for a 0745 start time. Got up as planned in order to get the bike from the car and get down to the start mat in time to grab some breakfast and use the ablutions etc. I got my bike and got down there no problems. It was only when I was queuing for the toilet that I realised i'd left my race numbers in the car. Back up to the multistory to get them and started to get them out of the car when I heard pstttttttttttt. Nope, wasn't someone trying to grab my attention to sell me knock off goods, it was my front tyre. So, whipped off the tyre, pulled out the inner, pumped it up, located the hole. Had a look in the wheel and tyre for anything, nothing. Stuck a new tube on, pumped it up, got to 100 psi, pssstttttt, AAArrrrrrggghhh. Took that one off, repaired 1 st tube, put back on, pssssttttt. FFS. Back off, patch not taking to the tube,tick tock, start time fast approaching, repair 2nd tube, pump up, pssstttttt, a hole somewhere else. GGRRRrr, can't fecking believe this. Threw tubes in car, locked up and carried bike down to start to see a mechanic, where they fitted a new tube. He couldn't find anything wrong either. Possibly had a dodgy batch of tubes? Anyway, missed start time, so DQ'd already. Didn't grab any breakfast, so set off at 0830am with no food since 1530 the day before, not good, especially when I find out later my gels are on the bedside table of my B&B. First part uneventful out to Angle, held back at about 180W, no strava segment pb's on this section, which is good. Angle to Pembroke @176W, which gave me a PB over this section, possibly due to the tail wind. Got to Lamphey and filled one water bottle, left the juice bottle half full, thought I'd have enough :-/ Out to Narbeth was okay, by the time I was approaching Princes Gate I was depleted of carbs after going through the 100 calories I was carrying on the bike. Both bottles were depleted by now and I was seriously bonking, the shakes, dizzy etc. I was pushing 90 watts toward the end of that stretch and it felt more like I was pushing 400. Sat down and got some fuel in me in the form of a bacon butty, some root beer and some flap jacks from one of the marshals. Now, I've down this ride on no fuel before without a problem, in fact, I'd done it in the past 5 weeks with no food at all. Perhaps the lack of training this past month has lead to a bigger drop in my FTP than I have accounted for and I was riding at too great an effort for my current fitness level. Another thing bothering me is my left knee was giving me gyp. Both the knee cap, as in a tracking issue, and the bony protrusion on the outside of the knee were hurting. I'd fitted a new set of cleats to my shoes prior to the ride. Normally I fit yellow sdp cleats, but this time I fitted a red set I had lying around. Could this be the problem? Even today, as I write this, the bony protrusion is hurting to touch. To top it all off, I had a text through from work with my start time for the night. which was 2200 hrs instead of 0200 hrs like planned. Oh well, to be honest, it was kinda nice to have the decision of doing the 2nd lap taken out of my hands after a rather shambolic weekend on my part. This weekend as proved to be a serious wake up call, and a good slap across my face to get my shyte together. I've become complacent and have been relying on previous fitness gains to get me through, which their not. It is now a case of damage limitation for the next 9 weeks and I need you lot to keep me honest if you will. I'm not going to try and get any major gains, just to try and get some consistent training in for 9 weeks. Azz, well and truly handed to me on a plate. (^^^This is how not to do it^^^) Edited to put in profanity

Sorry you didn't get the weekend you wanted man.  I had a weekend like that with my crash in May, so all I can say is that it gets better eventually.

2015-07-06 11:47 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Stacey, thanks for the Yanti update.  Nice bike tha that you have your eye on as well!  I'm told that orange is FAST!

Steve, I hope that your knee is feeling better post ladder incident

Mary, I hope that the weather is more cooperative this Wednesday!

Sean, love your N+1!

Darren, sorry that you didn't have the stellar weekend that you were hoping for.  Glad that there is time for a bit of a course correction with regards to IM Wales preparation.

I hope that all of the Manatees had a nice weekend and kept the rubber side down!

No spoilers but OMG, today's TdF stage...

Well put, Janyne, I'm going to be lazy and just write, "Yeah, what she said!"

As for the TdF - I seriously need to turn notifications off on my phone for my TdF app.  I saw an alert about the goings-on of which we are vaguely and cryptically speaking and now I'm all distracted, wanting to check it out online but also not wanting to check it out online since it's waiting for me on the DVR at home.  #FirstWorldProblems.

2015-07-06 12:09 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

I've had a ton of adventure the last few days.

Stayed in a fire lookout and used it as a basecamp for some trail running


Jumped in some waterfalls



Went out to the canal and camped on the beach and caught and ate seafood, sat in the hot tub on the beach etc

2015-07-06 12:19 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

I've had a ton of adventure the last few days.

Stayed in a fire lookout and used it as a basecamp for some trail running


Jumped in some waterfalls



Went out to the canal and camped on the beach and caught and ate seafood, sat in the hot tub on the beach etc

So awesome!!! I'll have to check IG!

2015-07-06 12:25 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

I've had a ton of adventure the last few days.

Stayed in a fire lookout and used it as a basecamp for some trail running


Jumped in some waterfalls



Went out to the canal and camped on the beach and caught and ate seafood, sat in the hot tub on the beach etc

So awesome!!! I'll have to check IG!


2015-07-06 12:45 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

I've had a ton of adventure the last few days.

Stayed in a fire lookout and used it as a basecamp for some trail running


Jumped in some waterfalls



Went out to the canal and camped on the beach and caught and ate seafood, sat in the hot tub on the beach etc

So awesome!!! I'll have to check IG!


that looks great!  hope you're not melting in the weird heat you're having!!

2015-07-06 12:51 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

We had an amazing weekend as well. Mine also involved running, but it may have included some gluttonous enjoyment of southern cuisine








Yorktown.jpg (85KB - 3 downloads)
HarborView.jpg (89KB - 3 downloads)
BridgeRun.jpg (95KB - 3 downloads)
manatee.jpg (101KB - 3 downloads)
SubMemorial.jpg (112KB - 3 downloads)
2015-07-06 1:01 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

We had an amazing weekend as well. Mine also involved running, but it may have included some gluttonous enjoyment of southern cuisine




Did I ever mention I worked on CVN 72? I was a civilian at the naval base here in Bremerton, working with the test engineering group. What an experience to call a carrier your office



How is DS2 (it's 2 right, not 1?) doing?

2015-07-06 1:09 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)


You can just say "we had an amazing weekend" and not provide details!

2015-07-06 1:15 PM
in reply to: 0

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

We had an amazing weekend as well. Mine also involved running, but it may have included some gluttonous enjoyment of southern cuisine




Did I ever mention I worked on CVN 72? I was a civilian at the naval base here in Bremerton, working with the test engineering group. What an experience to call a carrier your office



How is DS2 (it's 2 right, not 1?) doing?

Yes, it is DS2. He's working his azz, or, er, his brain, off. He spends most of his time studying with just a bit of time for PT, chow, sleep etc. It was nice to steal him away and try to get his mind off studying. We all enjoyed touring the ship. The size is mind boggling. We toured a sub too. I know the ones we saw are old technology but at least I'll have some idea when he's out to sea.

He looks great though. He's eating well (both on base and off). He's been lifting with a buddy in addition to his running. He looks really fit.

ETA: you had mentioned working on the ship. What an incredible experience!

Edited by rrrunner 2015-07-06 1:17 PM

2015-07-06 1:20 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

We had an amazing weekend as well. Mine also involved running, but it may have included some gluttonous enjoyment of southern cuisine




Did I ever mention I worked on CVN 72? I was a civilian at the naval base here in Bremerton, working with the test engineering group. What an experience to call a carrier your office



How is DS2 (it's 2 right, not 1?) doing?

Yes, it is DS2. He's working his azz, or, er, his brain, off. He spends most of his time studying with just a bit of time for PT, chow, sleep etc. It was nice to steal him away and try to get his mind off studying. We all enjoyed touring the ship. The size is mind boggling. We toured a sub too. I know the ones we saw are old technology but at least I'll have some idea when he's out to sea.

He looks great though. He's eating well (both on base and off). He's been lifting with a buddy in addition to his running. He looks really fit.

ETA: you had mentioned working on the ship. What an incredible experience!

Good on you for calling it a ship and not a boat!

2015-07-06 1:21 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

We had an amazing weekend as well. Mine also involved running, but it may have included some gluttonous enjoyment of southern cuisine



Or, as I call it, eating.

2015-07-06 1:25 PM
in reply to: melbo55

User image

Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

Stacey, thanks for the Yanti update.  Nice bike tha that you have your eye on as well!  I'm told that orange is FAST!

Steve, I hope that your knee is feeling better post ladder incident

Mary, I hope that the weather is more cooperative this Wednesday!

Sean, love your N+1!

Darren, sorry that you didn't have the stellar weekend that you were hoping for.  Glad that there is time for a bit of a course correction with regards to IM Wales preparation.

I hope that all of the Manatees had a nice weekend and kept the rubber side down!

No spoilers but OMG, today's TdF stage...

Well put, Janyne, I'm going to be lazy and just write, "Yeah, what she said!"

As for the TdF - I seriously need to turn notifications off on my phone for my TdF app.  I saw an alert about the goings-on of which we are vaguely and cryptically speaking and now I'm all distracted, wanting to check it out online but also not wanting to check it out online since it's waiting for me on the DVR at home.  #FirstWorldProblems.

I'm going to jump on board with this as well. I hope all are well and taking care of those parts that need to be taken care of.

Has anyone heard from McMatt lately?

2015-07-06 1:33 PM
in reply to: 0

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Salty, I've had my own share of Navy education. I've got the lingo pretty much down pat.

Chris and Janyne, I gotta keep it real with the Manatees.

ETA: forgot to mention, running there gave me flashbacks, good and bad, of my time in Georgia.


Edited by rrrunner 2015-07-06 1:36 PM
2015-07-06 1:56 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Originally posted by cdban66

Has anyone heard from McMatt lately?

Was just thinking about him earlier today. I hope he and his family are enjoying their time back home.

2015-07-06 1:58 PM
in reply to: 0

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Darren, that sounds like a shambles of a weekend!  Yeesh.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  You took a crack at it, which is a lot more than most people do.  You certainly learned lots of lessons and I have no doubt you won't forget them anytime soon.  Hope your knee settles down quickly.  I don't know much about SPD pedals, but if there's a different amount of float between what you're used to and what you used, that could have contributed to the problem.

Stacey, I think you got the colors (colours ) backwards.  It's Matt orange, not matt black.   Looks pretty speedy, regardless of what you call it.  DOOOOOOOO EEEEEEEET!!

Salty and TJ, amazing pics and descriptions of your fabulous weekends!!

Sean, your N+1 is a beaut.  How many does that make now?

My weekend was a bit of a wake-up call that hills require not only physical but mental training, and I clearly haven't been doing enough of that.  The route for my tri at the end of the month starts with ~7.5 mi. with 3 uphills, one after the other (moderate, hard, and hardest).  I took on uphill sections 2 and 3 yesterday, with mixed results. I stopped a bunch of times, discussed switching to a relay with DH riding the bike leg, said "I can't" too many times, then got back on and did.  It took me 59:25 elapsed time to do 30:27 riding time, covering 5.88 mi., 1.65 mi. of which was downhill.  I'd wobble to a stop, sit and moan, then recover, swear, and tackle it again.  I finally made it past the top and even pushed on through the first roller.  Have to say, doing this makes me have much more respect for those TdF riders I'm watching!!

I'm doing back this weekend to do battle again, starting from the beginning.  Tonight's task is to plan stops on the route that will come before I get into trouble.  DH suggested that so I can break it up in a positive way instead of stopping when I hit the wall.  (He's so awesome!!)  I have "DFL is better than DNF" posted at work and am working on getting rid of the fear/intimidation and focusing on getting through it a pedal stroke at a time.  Several of you have posted wonderful inspires in my log, which I *hugely* appreciate.  I'm not making any decisions about switching to a relay until I get through this weekend.  The biggest reward of making it to the top is the super-fun ride back down.  I made it up to over 32 mph, which was scary but a total blast.

Edited by laffinrock 2015-07-06 1:59 PM
2015-07-06 2:13 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Darren, that sounds like a shambles of a weekend!  Yeesh.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  You took a crack at it, which is a lot more than most people do.  You certainly learned lots of lessons and I have no doubt you won't forget them anytime soon.  Hope your knee settles down quickly.  I don't know much about SPD pedals, but if there's a different amount of float between what you're used to and what you used, that could have contributed to the problem.

Stacey, I think you got the colors (colours ) backwards.  It's Matt orange, not matt black.   Looks pretty speedy, regardless of what you call it.  DOOOOOOOO EEEEEEEET!!

Salty and TJ, amazing pics and descriptions of your fabulous weekends!!

Sean, your N+1 is a beaut.  How many does that make now?

My weekend was a bit of a wake-up call that hills require not only physical but mental training, and I clearly haven't been doing enough of that.  The route for my tri at the end of the month starts with ~7.5 mi. with 3 uphills, one after the other (moderate, hard, and hardest).  I took on uphill sections 2 and 3 yesterday, with mixed results. I stopped a bunch of times, discussed switching to a relay with DH riding the bike leg, said "I can't" too many times, then got back on and did.  It took me 59:25 elapsed time to do 30:27 riding time, covering 5.88 mi., 1.65 mi. of which was downhill.  I'd wobble to a stop, sit and moan, then recover, swear, and tackle it again.  I finally made it past the top and even pushed on through the first roller.  Have to say, doing this makes me have much more respect for those TdF riders I'm watching!!

I'm doing back this weekend to do battle again, starting from the beginning.  Tonight's task is to plan stops on the route that will come before I get into trouble.  DH suggested that so I can break it up in a positive way instead of stopping when I hit the wall.  (He's so awesome!!)  I have "DFL is better than DNF" posted at work and am working on getting rid of the fear/intimidation and focusing on getting through it a pedal stroke at a time.  Several of you have posted wonderful inspires in my log, which I *hugely* appreciate.  I'm not making any decisions about switching to a relay until I get through this weekend.  The biggest reward of making it to the top is the super-fun ride back down.  I made it up to over 32 mph, which was scary but a total blast.

You've got this! And yep, it's all about one step/pedal stroke at a time! Make small milestone goals to give you some mental "wins"

2015-07-06 2:29 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Mary, I hope that the weather is more cooperative this Wednesday!

No spoilers but OMG, today's TdF stage...

Not sure that 90's is exactly "more cooperative."  At least the only flash flooding I'm likely to be swept away in this week is my own sweat.  I'm sure there'll be plenty of that!  I don't handle heat well so I'm planning to take this one slow and make sure I carry water with me.


2015-07-06 2:30 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

User image

Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Darren, that sounds like a shambles of a weekend!  Yeesh.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  You took a crack at it, which is a lot more than most people do.  You certainly learned lots of lessons and I have no doubt you won't forget them anytime soon.  Hope your knee settles down quickly.  I don't know much about SPD pedals, but if there's a different amount of float between what you're used to and what you used, that could have contributed to the problem.

Stacey, I think you got the colors (colours ) backwards.  It's Matt orange, not matt black.   Looks pretty speedy, regardless of what you call it.  DOOOOOOOO EEEEEEEET!!

Salty and TJ, amazing pics and descriptions of your fabulous weekends!!

Sean, your N+1 is a beaut.  How many does that make now?

My weekend was a bit of a wake-up call that hills require not only physical but mental training, and I clearly haven't been doing enough of that.  The route for my tri at the end of the month starts with ~7.5 mi. with 3 uphills, one after the other (moderate, hard, and hardest).  I took on uphill sections 2 and 3 yesterday, with mixed results. I stopped a bunch of times, discussed switching to a relay with DH riding the bike leg, said "I can't" too many times, then got back on and did.  It took me 59:25 elapsed time to do 30:27 riding time, covering 5.88 mi., 1.65 mi. of which was downhill.  I'd wobble to a stop, sit and moan, then recover, swear, and tackle it again.  I finally made it past the top and even pushed on through the first roller.  Have to say, doing this makes me have much more respect for those TdF riders I'm watching!!

I'm doing back this weekend to do battle again, starting from the beginning.  Tonight's task is to plan stops on the route that will come before I get into trouble.  DH suggested that so I can break it up in a positive way instead of stopping when I hit the wall.  (He's so awesome!!)  I have "DFL is better than DNF" posted at work and am working on getting rid of the fear/intimidation and focusing on getting through it a pedal stroke at a time.  Several of you have posted wonderful inspires in my log, which I *hugely* appreciate.  I'm not making any decisions about switching to a relay until I get through this weekend.  The biggest reward of making it to the top is the super-fun ride back down.  I made it up to over 32 mph, which was scary but a total blast.

Fixed that for ya


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2015-02-23 11:27 AM IndoIronYanti
date : January 29, 2013
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 0
There are races to prepare for and health to be found and a lot of adventure and release to be sought in the oceans of the world.
date : April 23, 2009
author : Team BT
comments : 1
The closed fist drill will ensure that you are pulling with your entire hand and forearm.