BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2016-01-19 7:58 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by DaveL
Originally posted by johnthecat My first mile during a run always sucks. I try to warm up and while that seems to help a little bit my first mile still is worse than my later miles. What do I mean by that exactly? My breathing is heavier than later in the run and my heartrate seems to spike about 10-15 beats higher than later in the run. I have to slow down my pace by 0:30 to 1:00 minute per mile. On the bright side of things once I'm past mile 4 or 5 it seems like I can go on forever. Anyone have an explanation for this? Is it the warmup? If yes what do you guys do to not have to deal with this? Anything else it could be?
I cant give an explanation but I have a tough time for the first bit of a run as well. I almost think I run better off the bike as my body is already well warmed up and ready to take on the load. Looking at my HR files I can see the first 5min really seem to jump around then stabilize later in the run. Good job on getting the 4miles in, while it may not have been the plan its always better to get at least something in the bank.

What does the warm-up look like for each of you and how is the pace/effort throughout the run? First and early miles, and then the later ones? Sometimes the HR could be explained by static interfering with everything being dry. Then it stabilizes after you start sweating some, wetting things down. What you guys see may still be a little weird, but needed to filter that out first to be sure of what's being seen.

The first 5-10 minutes of a run always sucks big hairy dogs balls for me. It just takes me that long to settle into a good breathing pattern. Maybe for me the trick is that I need to warm up for longer. Thanks for the info Ben.

About a year ago when I was running more, had picked up doing some quick things before the run too. Just some high knee skips and heel kicks to get the legs used to moving. Maybe a couple minutes to get through. Energy level was still low and built still built into it, but my stride tended to feel rather good from the start. Don't know that it's always necessary to do, but if the time is there it doesn't hurt.

2016-01-19 9:11 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

January 16-17
Jim - Witchy Wolf 15 mile trail run on Saturday
Kirsten -  Campbell Valley Stomp on Sunday

Disabled List
Mary - post-concussion syndrome
Ben - clavical.  out of sling prison
Steve - between surgeries, unless he goes another way.  good thoughts heading his way!
Stacey - back

The good news is that I'm cleared to start walking again this week - my dogs will be thankful.

I was cleared to start running the other day. Short, treadmill only, and REALLY easy.

Ben - Excellent news!  Are you off the DL or ???

Stacey - So glad that you are cleared to walk.  Progress!

Thinking still on the DL since it's so limited. Even if it was nice outside, biking outside would be out of the question too. Still in therapy for another month or so and also looking at that long before picking it up some.

Nice to have a little something as the start of this year has been terrible. A colleague passed a couple days ago. I'd worked with her a fair amount the past 13 years and she'd gotten me into some nice projects to pick up on. Dad was very sick a week ago and in the hospital for a few days. Out of the hospital, but still sick and unsure what it is. He's terrible about getting in for care which emphasizes how bad it was by him missing the services for his own father (my grandpa) who had passed a few days before. I missed going in to see him one last time on the weekend a few days before his passing as I was quite sick at that time, bordering on going on in myself. None of these are related, just a series of rather unfortunate events.

Oh Ben!  What a sh*tty start to the year.  It's gotta get better, right?

2016-01-19 9:11 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by IronOx

Well, my 5k went well this morning.  Started with my SIL and her good friend, then pressed a bit to catch my nephew at km 4, who promptly dropped me .  I signed up for this series as a "just for fun/something different", not really race, but it was nice to kick it up a bit in the second half today.  It should have been named the "Slip and shuffle" rather than "Stomp"!  Super rainy and muddy on the front half, with quite a big hill to go down to start.  Slipped a couple times on some single track, but didn't go down, thankfully!  Second half was all gravel trail with one big uphill.  Had some fun with it!

I'm glad that you had fun!

2016-01-19 9:17 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by CRFTX2001
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by DaveL
Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I'm back! What did I miss? I've been having some problems concerning switching bikes lately. On Thursday, I got a brand new Cervelo S5. It didn't come from a bike shop, the parts were ordered individually and one of my coaches put it together. At first, I saw a few minor problems: gears were slipping and the handlebars were loose. So, I took it to a shop to get it fixed and the guy working on my bike found a ton of extra problems. There was an extra spacer in the the back wheel, the ferrels looked like they were just jammed into their places, the brakes weren't working correctly, and even a few more problems. I had to leave my bike there overnight and am picking it up later today. This sort of makes me question my coach's ability to put a bike together from scratch. He just started doing it, so it's not his fault, but I'm just a little bit concerned for the other members of my team who are having him put their bikes together.
Well you do have an S5 so thats a huge positive and I am sure the bike shop will have the bike working as good as it should be. Building bikes is a skill so I would just suggest to your team mates that a final check and tune be done by a competent bike shop. Good luck with the new bike I am sure you will love it.

What Dave said, suggest that they have the bike inspected.  Another set of eyes is not a bad thing :-D

I'm thinking the coach needs to be informed of this somehow. I don't know all the agreements for how the bike was put together, but it sounds like more was expected than this. I mean, a little hiccup might be in there, but this is a number of things and especially since there are two major control components having issues in loose handlebars and brakes not working correctly. That sends up a flag for me. Those are pretty significant in controlling the bike. It'll probably have parental involvement since this is with kids, but someone needs to communicate with the coach that his work here is rather substandard and he needs to step it up somehow. Practice on his own, take classes or training, get into a bike shop and work as a mechanic. Something. The teammates having their bikes checked out after is ok for now. The coach needs to know this too. Even though he just started doing it, it on him as he has taken this responsibility. Since he is referred to as "coach" I'm taking it as he is a paid professional. He should know how to do the things he's pushing for doing. Not informing him is not  helping him. I know it's hard to say something back, but do believe it should be done. He needs to understand his limitations. It's great that it seems like he wants to know how to do everything, but also needs to understand that the athletes need to be taken care of even if that means deferring to someone else who is more knowledgeable at times. See how he responds to this situation and grows from it.

Also consider this line: "This sort of makes me question my coach's ability to put a bike together from scratch. He just started doing it, so it's not his fault, but I'm just a little bit concerned for the other members of my team who are having him put their bikes together." This type of doubt can creep into other aspects too. Especially when it's not addressed.

Do know that while it may seem that I'm being heavy against a coach, I have been on that side of things myself. Not as a tri or any of the 3 sports, but with basketball and soccer. Seen my Dad coach most of my lifetime and also coached 6-7 years with 6th graders, 8th graders, and varsity level athletes, both boys and girls. As strong as we were, we did want to know that people could come talk to us. We didn't have equipment like this, but other things could test our limitations. A kid gets hurt, they go see the trainer (varsity especially had this). Someone more qualified than either of us as this is what their college and training was for. Maybe go see the doctor too. We had the most basic suggestions for things like a sprained ankle or sore wrist, but were quick to send to better qualified care if there was any doubt.

I did talk with one of my other coaches about the issue. I didn't want to tell him directly and hurt his confidence, but I do agree that he shouldn't be in charge of this task. My other coach I assuming will tell him that he has done a sub-par job, although he has done it correctly before. I don't think this is a fluke, though, because the other bikes he's put together have not been very professional. I'd also like to point out that he is not an elite, but he has done a few ironmans, and he definitely should be able to put a bike together as a coach. I think that from now on, whoever wants a bike put together will be told to go to the bicycle shop I went to to have mine tuned up.

It's nice to be mindful of his confidence, however, it's a safety issue for you and your teammates. I would follow up on the assumption about the other coach talking to him. It seems obvious that if something happens to any of you, it's their reputation on the line...but be on the safe side.

Following up is a good idea. Since there is a staff, this may work out as now it's known among them and work on how they want to do things. It's not a fun situation and you're not alone in dealing with it. Can be tough, but learning to handle situations like this can serve you well later on. And that's on top of keeping you and your teammates from having poorly functioning bikes right now. 

I'm going through a not too different situation with the therapy place. I've mostly been with the main guy and he's been great. Once in awhile I'm with another guy there who is a bit inattentive and can be dismissive of my thoughts. I've called in on him once already because I was hurting pretty good until well after midnight from a 7 am appointment earlier that day. He fixed the hold he was doing, but I'll have to do it again here as he still does not seem to appreciate just how precarious my situation with my shoulder is. For a little more detail, my collarbone was blown into 16 pieces from a biking accident back in November. I had a plate surgically installed to hold things together. The second therapist estimated from the date of surgery that I should be completely healed by now. I informed him that I'd seen the doctor just 3 days ago and the x-ray did not show complete healing even though there was progress. It's not expected to either as (per the doctor) this much damage takes a full 6 months to get all the way better. There are still cracks filling in and building more strength in addition to a notable hole in one spot. If I fall from anything I'm likely to break it again. He kind of shrugged this off. There are other things he does too, but this nonchalance attitude is not something I'm comfortable working with, so I need to do something to fix it.

Ouch!  It's always hard when you are in PT and you aren't seeing your regular person.  They know exactly where you are, etc. It's especially difficult when you have someone who is not paying enough attention to what you are saying and how your body is responding.  I hope that you don't have to see Mr. Inattentive again!

2016-01-19 9:21 AM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by johnthecat I had a rough week and couldn't stick with my training plan at all. We are in the middle of budget planning at work and I'm also working on an org restructure for 50 people and 2 global service provider implementations. 12-14 hour days all week and most of this weekend swallowed by that. I was supposed to run 7 miles today, but only did 4 miles. I was not feeling it at all. My chest felt like I had just smoked a pack of cigarettes and it would not get better the whole run. I'm not sure if it had to do that I hadn't run for a week or just the busy work week caught up with me. Legs felt fine I just couldn't breathe good. Interesting thing was that my heart rate was in the normal range or even a bit lower than what it normally is. Not quite sure what to make of this. Will see how tomorrows run goes during lunch. On a related but slightly different note: My first mile during a run always sucks. I try to warm up and while that seems to help a little bit my first mile still is worse than my later miles. What do I mean by that exactly? My breathing is heavier than later in the run and my heartrate seems to spike about 10-15 beats higher than later in the run. I have to slow down my pace by 0:30 to 1:00 minute per mile. On the bright side of things once I'm past mile 4 or 5 it seems like I can go on forever. Anyone have an explanation for this? Is it the warmup? If yes what do you guys do to not have to deal with this? Anything else it could be?

You do what you can.  Good job getting the four miles in.  That had to help the work stress.

For me, the first 10-15 minutes of almost any workout can suck.  When I first started training, it was so bad that I had a rule that if I still hated what I was doing after 20 minutes, I could stop.  I never actually stopped but I had it out there. Now I guess I just know that things will settle down after a bit. 

2016-01-19 9:23 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Everyone! A driveby from me - just two days until i am on the sunny shores of the Dominican Republic. Will be so so so so nice to get away. I haven't been keeping up much training but glad to see all the talk going on. 

Keep well everyone and hope to catch up more when we get back! 

Have fun!  Enjoy the warmth!

2016-01-19 9:24 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by StaceyK How cool is this. I just got an email saying that I won this. What is even cooler is that they are the kind of shoes I currently wear (which is why I entered it) Edit to fix photo size


2016-01-19 9:30 AM
in reply to: tcarlson78

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by tcarlson78 Hey Manatees, please allow me to dangle my feet into the water until recognized to join in the fun again with you. I started with this group last year but due to other responsibilities (work) I did not have as much time to splash, spin and shuffle with all of you as much as I wanted. I hope to be a more frequent contributor. NAME: Troy STORY: I got into Triathlon a few years ago because I failed a fitness test for work. It was my fault and I decided to own the responsibility and kicked that test's posterior 90 days later. I connected running, spinning and pool at the gym and then started to look for races. FF 6 years, still working at racing but don't get to race as much as I would like due to lots of interests. I do have a local tri team here to train with and they are a lot of FUN. I also work on staff for 3 local races in the summer. FAMILY STATUS: Married (22yrs) 3 minions, 2 dogs, 4 cats, and a tortoise. (funny farm at 47 degrees North 36 degrees W) CURRENT TRAINING: Treadmill, bike camp, and self controlled drowning THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: 1 Oly, 39 mi Mt bike, 50 Mi Mt Bike, Marathon, 5Ks, and wild dream of a 70.3 TBD. I am also active with Team RWB! GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I hope to inspire others inside and outside of Triathlons (because we are a large mostly functional family) support each other on this adventure, and use the good nature peer pressure to keep moving forward. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: ummmm, Poptarts! When I found Triathlon I found support and acceptance I want to give that back.

Welcome back, Troy!  I hope that your schedule allows you to be more active this year!

2016-01-19 10:08 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Anyone have experience with putting moleskin inside a running shoe? My shoes are great...except for the left one near where the lacing starts/toe box ends, there's a rough patch inside the shoe. Any thoughts on ways to cover it up to make it feel smooth?
2016-01-19 12:36 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Happy Monday, er Tuesday, all! It was a crazy weekend with a 18 mile LR and a whirlwind trip to Colorado Springs!

Friday night DH and I went to check out the sale at a LRS that is closing. They didn't have any of the Brooks True Grit in my size but they had a Hoka that I've been thinking about trying.  I knew it was a risk because "all sales are final" but it was a good price and I figured if I didn't like them I have friends here that could maybe use them.  I usually wear a size 8 in Brooks but the girl at the LRS said the Hokas run big so I tried a 7.5. They did feel roomy at the store so I bought them.  After 5.5 miles on a DM my feet were not happy. One of the things I like about Brooks is a big toe box and I think the Hokas don't have that, plus maybe the smaller size didn't help. Anyway I had a blister between my toes and the joint where my big toe joins my foot was NOT happy. Other than those issues I liked them, so I'll try thinner socks and see how it goes.

2016-01-19 1:25 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by Atlantia

Anyone have experience with putting moleskin inside a running shoe? My shoes are great...except for the left one near where the lacing starts/toe box ends, there's a rough patch inside the shoe. Any thoughts on ways to cover it up to make it feel smooth?

No but I did put moleskin on my dog's muzzle because it was wearing her snout. It helped a ton.

Is that helpful? :D:D

2016-01-19 2:15 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Originally posted by Atlantia

Anyone have experience with putting moleskin inside a running shoe? My shoes are great...except for the left one near where the lacing starts/toe box ends, there's a rough patch inside the shoe. Any thoughts on ways to cover it up to make it feel smooth?

No but I did put moleskin on my dog's muzzle because it was wearing her snout. It helped a ton.

Is that helpful? :D:D

Actually yes! Anything good enough for the pup has to be worth trying.
2016-01-19 4:00 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Atlantia Anyone have experience with putting moleskin inside a running shoe? My shoes are great...except for the left one near where the lacing starts/toe box ends, there's a rough patch inside the shoe. Any thoughts on ways to cover it up to make it feel smooth?

I have used moleskin and it worked great.  The trick is keeping it in place.

Usually the hot spot in my shoes is around the heel and Achilles but I have had an issue with a pair of shoes in the same area you are describing.  Since they were new shoes, I brought them back and exchanged for another pair.  It is not uncommon to have manufacturing defects where a seam is not sewed properly resulting in hot spots.  Most stores are great about this type of exchange.  They just send back to manufacturer.

2016-01-19 4:03 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Everyone! A driveby from me - just two days until i am on the sunny shores of the Dominican Republic. Will be so so so so nice to get away. I haven't been keeping up much training but glad to see all the talk going on. 

Keep well everyone and hope to catch up more when we get back! 

Sounds like a wonderful place to be.  Enjoy!!

2016-01-19 4:07 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Happy Monday, er Tuesday, all! It was a crazy weekend with a 18 mile LR and a whirlwind trip to Colorado Springs!

Friday night DH and I went to check out the sale at a LRS that is closing. They didn't have any of the Brooks True Grit in my size but they had a Hoka that I've been thinking about trying.  I knew it was a risk because "all sales are final" but it was a good price and I figured if I didn't like them I have friends here that could maybe use them.  I usually wear a size 8 in Brooks but the girl at the LRS said the Hokas run big so I tried a 7.5. They did feel roomy at the store so I bought them.  After 5.5 miles on a DM my feet were not happy. One of the things I like about Brooks is a big toe box and I think the Hokas don't have that, plus maybe the smaller size didn't help. Anyway I had a blister between my toes and the joint where my big toe joins my foot was NOT happy. Other than those issues I liked them, so I'll try thinner socks and see how it goes.

I am on my third pair of Hokas and found them all to fit pretty true to size.  I really liked the Clifton but their light, trail shoe the ATR is one of the best shoes I've experienced.  It is not as rolly as the Clifton.  I liked them so much I ran my last two marathons in them even though they are a trail shoe.

2016-01-19 4:21 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by rrrunner

Happy Monday, er Tuesday, all! It was a crazy weekend with a 18 mile LR and a whirlwind trip to Colorado Springs!

Friday night DH and I went to check out the sale at a LRS that is closing. They didn't have any of the Brooks True Grit in my size but they had a Hoka that I've been thinking about trying.  I knew it was a risk because "all sales are final" but it was a good price and I figured if I didn't like them I have friends here that could maybe use them.  I usually wear a size 8 in Brooks but the girl at the LRS said the Hokas run big so I tried a 7.5. They did feel roomy at the store so I bought them.  After 5.5 miles on a DM my feet were not happy. One of the things I like about Brooks is a big toe box and I think the Hokas don't have that, plus maybe the smaller size didn't help. Anyway I had a blister between my toes and the joint where my big toe joins my foot was NOT happy. Other than those issues I liked them, so I'll try thinner socks and see how it goes.

I am on my third pair of Hokas and found them all to fit pretty true to size.  I really liked the Clifton but their light, trail shoe the ATR is one of the best shoes I've experienced.  It is not as rolly as the Clifton.  I liked them so much I ran my last two marathons in them even though they are a trail shoe.

The Clifton might be the one I got, don't recall, but it was a trail shoe. I liked the feel of it, I was afraid it would be like running in high heels.  I might try it again tonight with thinner socks. I've met several ultra runners that swear by the Hokas.

2016-01-19 5:37 PM
in reply to: tcarlson78

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by tcarlson78 Hey Manatees, please allow me to dangle my feet into the water until recognized to join in the fun again with you. I started with this group last year but due to other responsibilities (work) I did not have as much time to splash, spin and shuffle with all of you as much as I wanted. I hope to be a more frequent contributor. NAME: Troy STORY: I got into Triathlon a few years ago because I failed a fitness test for work. It was my fault and I decided to own the responsibility and kicked that test's posterior 90 days later. I connected running, spinning and pool at the gym and then started to look for races. FF 6 years, still working at racing but don't get to race as much as I would like due to lots of interests. I do have a local tri team here to train with and they are a lot of FUN. I also work on staff for 3 local races in the summer. FAMILY STATUS: Married (22yrs) 3 minions, 2 dogs, 4 cats, and a tortoise. (funny farm at 47 degrees North 36 degrees W) CURRENT TRAINING: Treadmill, bike camp, and self controlled drowning THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: 1 Oly, 39 mi Mt bike, 50 Mi Mt Bike, Marathon, 5Ks, and wild dream of a 70.3 TBD. I am also active with Team RWB! GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I hope to inspire others inside and outside of Triathlons (because we are a large mostly functional family) support each other on this adventure, and use the good nature peer pressure to keep moving forward. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: ummmm, Poptarts! When I found Triathlon I found support and acceptance I want to give that back.

Welcome, troy! 

2016-01-19 5:39 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

January 16-17
Jim - Witchy Wolf 15 mile trail run on Saturday
Kirsten -  Campbell Valley Stomp on Sunday

Disabled List
Mary - post-concussion syndrome
Ben - clavical.  out of sling prison
Steve - between surgeries, unless he goes another way.  good thoughts heading his way!
Stacey - back

The good news is that I'm cleared to start walking again this week - my dogs will be thankful.

I was cleared to start running the other day. Short, treadmill only, and REALLY easy.

Ben - Excellent news!  Are you off the DL or ???

Stacey - So glad that you are cleared to walk.  Progress!

Thinking still on the DL since it's so limited. Even if it was nice outside, biking outside would be out of the question too. Still in therapy for another month or so and also looking at that long before picking it up some.

Nice to have a little something as the start of this year has been terrible. A colleague passed a couple days ago. I'd worked with her a fair amount the past 13 years and she'd gotten me into some nice projects to pick up on. Dad was very sick a week ago and in the hospital for a few days. Out of the hospital, but still sick and unsure what it is. He's terrible about getting in for care which emphasizes how bad it was by him missing the services for his own father (my grandpa) who had passed a few days before. I missed going in to see him one last time on the weekend a few days before his passing as I was quite sick at that time, bordering on going on in myself. None of these are related, just a series of rather unfortunate events.

Oh Ben!  What a sh*tty start to the year.  It's gotta get better, right?

Ah man. Hang in there buddy. I imagine it is particularly difficult when you are so limited with the activities you can do. 

2016-01-19 8:03 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

User image

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by rrrunner

Happy Monday, er Tuesday, all! It was a crazy weekend with a 18 mile LR and a whirlwind trip to Colorado Springs!

Friday night DH and I went to check out the sale at a LRS that is closing. They didn't have any of the Brooks True Grit in my size but they had a Hoka that I've been thinking about trying.  I knew it was a risk because "all sales are final" but it was a good price and I figured if I didn't like them I have friends here that could maybe use them.  I usually wear a size 8 in Brooks but the girl at the LRS said the Hokas run big so I tried a 7.5. They did feel roomy at the store so I bought them.  After 5.5 miles on a DM my feet were not happy. One of the things I like about Brooks is a big toe box and I think the Hokas don't have that, plus maybe the smaller size didn't help. Anyway I had a blister between my toes and the joint where my big toe joins my foot was NOT happy. Other than those issues I liked them, so I'll try thinner socks and see how it goes.

I am on my third pair of Hokas and found them all to fit pretty true to size.  I really liked the Clifton but their light, trail shoe the ATR is one of the best shoes I've experienced.  It is not as rolly as the Clifton.  I liked them so much I ran my last two marathons in them even though they are a trail shoe.

The Clifton might be the one I got, don't recall, but it was a trail shoe. I liked the feel of it, I was afraid it would be like running in high heels.  I might try it again tonight with thinner socks. I've met several ultra runners that swear by the Hokas.

The ATR is the trail version of the Clifton.  I too was initially concerned about a higher center of gravity but they have proven to be a very trailworthy shoe.

2016-01-19 8:23 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

January 16-17
Jim - Witchy Wolf 15 mile trail run on Saturday
Kirsten -  Campbell Valley Stomp on Sunday

Disabled List
Mary - post-concussion syndrome
Ben - clavical.  out of sling prison
Steve - between surgeries, unless he goes another way.  good thoughts heading his way!
Stacey - back

The good news is that I'm cleared to start walking again this week - my dogs will be thankful.

I was cleared to start running the other day. Short, treadmill only, and REALLY easy.

Ben - Excellent news!  Are you off the DL or ???

Stacey - So glad that you are cleared to walk.  Progress!

Thinking still on the DL since it's so limited. Even if it was nice outside, biking outside would be out of the question too. Still in therapy for another month or so and also looking at that long before picking it up some.

Nice to have a little something as the start of this year has been terrible. A colleague passed a couple days ago. I'd worked with her a fair amount the past 13 years and she'd gotten me into some nice projects to pick up on. Dad was very sick a week ago and in the hospital for a few days. Out of the hospital, but still sick and unsure what it is. He's terrible about getting in for care which emphasizes how bad it was by him missing the services for his own father (my grandpa) who had passed a few days before. I missed going in to see him one last time on the weekend a few days before his passing as I was quite sick at that time, bordering on going on in myself. None of these are related, just a series of rather unfortunate events.

Oh Ben!  What a sh*tty start to the year.  It's gotta get better, right?

Ah man. Hang in there buddy. I imagine it is particularly difficult when you are so limited with the activities you can do. 

Time helps. So does a new pair of trail shoes waiting to be used.

2016-01-19 10:58 PM
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Next to a big lake
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by rrrunner

Happy Monday, er Tuesday, all! It was a crazy weekend with a 18 mile LR and a whirlwind trip to Colorado Springs!

Friday night DH and I went to check out the sale at a LRS that is closing. They didn't have any of the Brooks True Grit in my size but they had a Hoka that I've been thinking about trying.  I knew it was a risk because "all sales are final" but it was a good price and I figured if I didn't like them I have friends here that could maybe use them.  I usually wear a size 8 in Brooks but the girl at the LRS said the Hokas run big so I tried a 7.5. They did feel roomy at the store so I bought them.  After 5.5 miles on a DM my feet were not happy. One of the things I like about Brooks is a big toe box and I think the Hokas don't have that, plus maybe the smaller size didn't help. Anyway I had a blister between my toes and the joint where my big toe joins my foot was NOT happy. Other than those issues I liked them, so I'll try thinner socks and see how it goes.

Way to go Eagle! I need to update my profile picture. I love the woodcut art from a local person but I actually have a race picture and in my Team RWB colors. What is the size limit again for a profile pic?

Edited by tcarlson78 2016-01-19 11:18 PM

2016-01-20 6:35 AM
in reply to: tcarlson78

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by tcarlson78
Originally posted by rrrunner

Happy Monday, er Tuesday, all! It was a crazy weekend with a 18 mile LR and a whirlwind trip to Colorado Springs!

Friday night DH and I went to check out the sale at a LRS that is closing. They didn't have any of the Brooks True Grit in my size but they had a Hoka that I've been thinking about trying.  I knew it was a risk because "all sales are final" but it was a good price and I figured if I didn't like them I have friends here that could maybe use them.  I usually wear a size 8 in Brooks but the girl at the LRS said the Hokas run big so I tried a 7.5. They did feel roomy at the store so I bought them.  After 5.5 miles on a DM my feet were not happy. One of the things I like about Brooks is a big toe box and I think the Hokas don't have that, plus maybe the smaller size didn't help. Anyway I had a blister between my toes and the joint where my big toe joins my foot was NOT happy. Other than those issues I liked them, so I'll try thinner socks and see how it goes.

Way to go Eagle! I need to update my profile picture. I love the woodcut art from a local person but I actually have a race picture and in my Team RWB colors. What is the size limit again for a profile pic?

It looks like you figured this out since I see the new avi!

2016-01-20 9:48 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by tcarlson78
Originally posted by rrrunner

Happy Monday, er Tuesday, all! It was a crazy weekend with a 18 mile LR and a whirlwind trip to Colorado Springs!

Friday night DH and I went to check out the sale at a LRS that is closing. They didn't have any of the Brooks True Grit in my size but they had a Hoka that I've been thinking about trying.  I knew it was a risk because "all sales are final" but it was a good price and I figured if I didn't like them I have friends here that could maybe use them.  I usually wear a size 8 in Brooks but the girl at the LRS said the Hokas run big so I tried a 7.5. They did feel roomy at the store so I bought them.  After 5.5 miles on a DM my feet were not happy. One of the things I like about Brooks is a big toe box and I think the Hokas don't have that, plus maybe the smaller size didn't help. Anyway I had a blister between my toes and the joint where my big toe joins my foot was NOT happy. Other than those issues I liked them, so I'll try thinner socks and see how it goes.

Way to go Eagle! I need to update my profile picture. I love the woodcut art from a local person but I actually have a race picture and in my Team RWB colors. What is the size limit again for a profile pic?

It looks like you figured this out since I see the new avi!

Love the new avi!!!

2016-01-20 11:38 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Quick update on the fly:

New bike arrives today, pedals arrive tomorrow and then all my tri bike bits arrive over the next week - also have a kinetic trainer I'm picking up on Saturday too I'll make sure to get some pics up in the gallery.

Also, day two of new training session from Mike Ricci. Killer workouts but leave me feeling good and not lethargic like before... Increasing my load to 11 hours/week.
2016-01-20 12:26 PM
in reply to: RookeyDavid

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by RookeyDavid Quick update on the fly: New bike arrives today, pedals arrive tomorrow and then all my tri bike bits arrive over the next week - also have a kinetic trainer I'm picking up on Saturday too I'll make sure to get some pics up in the gallery. Also, day two of new training session from Mike Ricci. Killer workouts but leave me feeling good and not lethargic like before... Increasing my load to 11 hours/week.

sounds like awesome stuff going on!

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.