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2010-06-16 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2925729

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
DerekL - 2010-06-16 10:18 AM
KSH - 2010-06-16 11:55 AM They can't have their cake and eat it too.

Wait.  They get cake?

Yeah...but it is whole wheat, fat free, sugar free cake.  We have to keep in better shape than our straight counter parts...LOL 

2010-06-16 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2925738

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Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
runningwoof - 2010-06-16 12:21 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-16 10:18 AM
KSH - 2010-06-16 11:55 AM They can't have their cake and eat it too.

Wait.  They get cake?

Yeah...but it is whole wheat, fat free, sugar free cake.  We have to keep in better shape than our straight counter parts...LOL 

Oh.  Well nevermind then.
2010-06-16 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2925729

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
DerekL - 2010-06-16 10:18 AM
KSH - 2010-06-16 11:55 AM They can't have their cake and eat it too.

Wait.  They get cake?

This is awesome!  ^^^^

Sign me up.
2010-06-16 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2925744

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Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
Kido - 2010-06-16 12:23 PM
DerekL - 2010-06-16 10:18 AM
KSH - 2010-06-16 11:55 AM They can't have their cake and eat it too.

Wait.  They get cake?

This is awesome!  ^^^^

Sign me up.

cake is all it took? haha
2010-06-16 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2925703

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Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
runningwoof - 2010-06-16 1:06 PM

I have a question for any straight guys reading the thread.  When running, if you saw another guy checking you out, would you be offended or flattered.  I find myself looking at the eye candy that run on the trail here.  I don't run with my glasses on, so sometimes I look more than I should. 

Wouldn't care.  Would not even care if a gay man hit on me.  Just don't be a jerk (leering, continuing to hit on me after I've told you no etc..  all the same things you'd expect of a straight man hitting on a straight woman)
2010-06-16 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2925703

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Oceanside, California
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
runningwoof -

I have a question for any straight guys reading the thread.  When running, if you saw another guy checking you out, would you be offended or flattered.  I find myself looking at the eye candy that run on the trail here.  I don't run with my glasses on, so sometimes I look more than I should. 

Have someone critique how you look at people, especially with the glasses issue...
There is a HUGE difference between a checking someone out and the make-your-hair-stand-on-end-creepiness.

I think any woman has better expertise on the matter, but seeing that you asked...

I am a straight-guy who used to be a college-cheerleader, so I feel that I have some expertise on being checked-out and/or hit-on by gay guys.

I put them all into three categories:

#1 - "If you are interested, would like to go out... have a drink... etc."
-- Normal behavior that elicited, "I am flattered, but very straight."

#2 - Then, there were the "people call me gay because I hook up with people of the same-sex, but really I am just a horny perv- that exceeds normal labels that will screw anything (gender, species, who cares?) that will consent (or not if I can get away with it)" These are the people at the park that make parents pull their children a little closer. See also, hair-stand-on-end-creepiness.

 #3- Somewhere in-between are the "aw, come-on! No one is 100% straight! I am going to convince/harass/stalk you until you break-down and give-in to switch sides - if only for one night!"

Compliments from the first group are flattering.
I have had issues with those from group 2 and 3 who know how to tip-toe the line without actually crossing where I would respond with (what I believe to be) justifiable, physical violence --- barely.

2010-06-16 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2923310

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Extreme Veteran
Crossville, TN
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
There I said it...I'm a Lesbian...have been my whole life...I like girls!
2010-06-16 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2925703

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
runningwoof - 2010-06-16 10:06 AM
I have a question for any straight guys reading the thread.  When running, if you saw another guy checking you out, would you be offended or flattered.  I find myself looking at the eye candy that run on the trail here.  I don't run with my glasses on, so sometimes I look more than I should. 

No, BUT, just like a chick, I probably wouldn't want to get hit on during my workout by some random dude...  At the bar?  No prob!
2010-06-16 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2923310

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Midlothian, VA
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
√ Ally 
√ Straight but not narrow
√ Often asked/accused/assumed to be gay

I've been rocking pink forever. (Gotta be bright though, I hate pastels.)  Very secure in myself, and more than a little sympathetic to some of the BS aimed at the "Family" since I am so often thought to belong to it as more than an ally.

Here's a current pic of my left hand (right hand holding the camera is done too):

I don't think I've ever been checked out by another guy.  I'm still too fat.

I must think though, that triathlon training should cause all of us to get more of that kind of stare, from ALL sexes!


Edited by faded_memories 2010-06-16 12:51 PM
2010-06-16 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2925779

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
eabeam - 2010-06-16 10:37 AM
runningwoof -

I have a question for any straight guys reading the thread.  When running, if you saw another guy checking you out, would you be offended or flattered.  I find myself looking at the eye candy that run on the trail here.  I don't run with my glasses on, so sometimes I look more than I should. 

Have someone critique how you look at people, especially with the glasses issue...
There is a HUGE difference between a checking someone out and the make-your-hair-stand-on-end-creepiness.

I think any woman has better expertise on the matter, but seeing that you asked...

I am a straight-guy who used to be a college-cheerleader, so I feel that I have some expertise on being checked-out and/or hit-on by gay guys.

I put them all into three categories:

#1 - "If you are interested, would like to go out... have a drink... etc."
-- Normal behavior that elicited, "I am flattered, but very straight."

#2 - Then, there were the "people call me gay because I hook up with people of the same-sex, but really I am just a horny perv- that exceeds normal labels that will screw anything (gender, species, who cares?) that will consent (or not if I can get away with it)" These are the people at the park that make parents pull their children a little closer. See also, hair-stand-on-end-creepiness.

 #3- Somewhere in-between are the "aw, come-on! No one is 100% straight! I am going to convince/harass/stalk you until you break-down and give-in to switch sides - if only for one night!"

Compliments from the first group are flattering.
I have had issues with those from group 2 and 3 who know how to tip-toe the line without actually crossing where I would respond with (what I believe to be) justifiable, physical violence --- barely.

Oh...I am definitely not the creepy...I just look away a little later than I usually would if wearing glasses, some guys I can see smile at it, some smile in that "you are too" way, but then every once in a while, a guy gives me a really dirty look.  Oh, I should also say, that I look and say hello to everyone while running, sometimes it is just a head nod, other times its full on verbal "Good Afternoon"...So I am not just looking at the guys.  Same thing in the gym.  I never look at guys in the locker room, so I don't make them feel uncomfortable, and usually in the weight room, I am only looking to pick up technique, but every once in a while, I feel a little disgruntled attitude come back at me.  I, also, sometimes get looks from women, who I assume think I am checking them out, when in reality I can't really see them clearly, so not really checking them out.  And on a side note to my side note...I don't think women should wear flesh colored shirts.  From a distance it looks like you are not wearing anything... and to me, you sometimes look like a shirtless man (without my glasses and from a distance) and then when I get close I am soooo disappointed that you are not the eye candy / pace booty I was hoping for.  
2010-06-16 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2923310

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
Also not gay, but some of my very best friends are gay. 

And genuinely flattered when women hit on me! 

2010-06-16 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2925738

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
runningwoof - 2010-06-16 1:21 PM

DerekL - 2010-06-16 10:18 AM
KSH - 2010-06-16 11:55 AM They can't have their cake and eat it too.

Wait.  They get cake?

Yeah...but it is whole wheat, fat free, sugar free cake.  We have to keep in better shape than our straight counter parts...LOL 

Yea, gay skinny is WAYYY different than straight skinny. :-P
I have friends that go to the gym just as much as I do, and not out of training for anything, but out of vanity lol
2010-06-16 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2925832

Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
runningwoof - 2010-06-16 1:55 PM  And on a side note to my side note...I don't think women should wear flesh colored shirts.  From a distance it looks like you are not wearing anything... and to me, you sometimes look like a shirtless man (without my glasses and from a distance) and then when I get close I am soooo disappointed that you are not the eye candy / pace booty I was hoping for.  

HAH!  This can be reversed, fellas please don't wear tight jeans a la leggings, I was walking along back in my Army days with my brother and a couple of army buddies, saw someone walking quite a way ahead, said to my buddies, something along the lines of check out the pace booty (paraphrased for BT).......was mercilessly mocked when we passed HIM a little further up the road!!
2010-06-16 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2925834

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
blueyedbikergirl - 2010-06-16 1:55 PM

Also not gay

And genuinely flattered when women hit on me! 

We have so much in common.
2010-06-16 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2923310

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Subject: RE: Are you GAY??

I've had a special respect for gay dudes ever since a guy came up to me one time and said, "I'm gay so if you are, I'm interested.  If you are are not, my two fish over here want to hook up with you." 

It paid to not know about some "line" on Burbon street.

2010-06-16 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2925703

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Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
runningwoof - 2010-06-16 12:06 PM  

I have a question for any straight guys reading the thread.  When running, if you saw another guy checking you out, would you be offended or flattered.  I find myself looking at the eye candy that run on the trail here.  I don't run with my glasses on, so sometimes I look more than I should. 

Depends on who's doing the out-checking. If he's unattractive, then I'm all `What EVER! You couldn't get this ugly boy!' but if he's hot then I'm all `Maybe I'll run behind him for a while.'

Wait. What was the question again???

2010-06-16 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2925966

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
Pector55 - 2010-06-16 1:35 PM

I've had a special respect for gay dudes ever since a guy came up to me one time and said, "I'm gay so if you are, I'm interested.  If you are are not, my two fish over here want to hook up with you." 

It paid to not know about some "line" on Burbon street.

this is truth
2010-06-16 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2923310

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Aurora, CO
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??

I am gay.  I happen to fall into the same boat as RunningWolf....I find straight men very attractive.   
Maybe that is why I have a lot more straight male friends than I do gay friends.  I do like to flirt with some of my straight buddies (but only if I know that they are comfortable with it.  I found that a couple of them will even get mad if I don't flirt with them (which I think is funny as ##ll).

I am a firm beliver that sexuality is not black and white, but shades of grey.

2010-06-16 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2923310

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
This thread has me laughing hysterically. Thank you ALL.

Please forgive the machine-gun-style responses, but there's so many posts here I can't resist replying to.

(Could also be the delusional fever I'm getting over ... how long can I milk that one for?)
2010-06-16 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2923533

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
TriRSquared - 2010-06-16 4:46 AM
Tri-ingToTurn40 - 2010-06-15 3:21 PM Sexual orientation is pretty far from binary. lol

Considering there are only two sexes I'm not sure how it could not be binary.

You are 0 and like 1s
You are 0 and like 0s
You are 1 and like 1s
You are 1 and like 0s
You are 1 and like 1s & 0s
You are 0 and like 1s & 0s

I guess technically the last two are trinary (no pun intended)

For the record I'm not making any judgments for or against.  Just trying to understand what the difference between gay and really, really gay is.

Actually, whether you define "sexes" genotypically, phenotypically, or by hormone ratios, or by some combination of all three and even other factors ...

There are more than two sexes. And a whole lot in between, and beyond.
2010-06-16 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2923570

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
Tripolar - 2010-06-16 4:57 AM Definitely straight, but probably not 100%.

Reminds me of a comedian, forget her name, who said something like:

"I've realized I'm neither straight, gay, or bi.  I'm just a slut."  ROFL!

Ah-HEM cough cough cough.

What I said at my 32nd birthday party was strictly for a private audience.

2010-06-16 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2923673

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
DerekL - 2010-06-16 5:30 AM
ride_like_u_stole_it - 2010-06-15 3:28 PM

It's important to be who you are, because nobody else is going to do it for you.

So you're not holding a pod person in your pic?

That's a melon press, dear.

(oh hey, if I tried to eat that whole thing at once, even sharing it with a dog or two, would I die ... )
2010-06-16 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2923310

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Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
I might be disturbed if you check me out on a run cause i usually am a hot sweaty mess and doubt i could appeal to most people at that time. So im probably thinking your just going damn that guy is trying to hard. Like a couple of other posters mentioned, im also very flattered by comments from gay men, more so than from women usually. One of my good friends is so adorable and is more "feminine" than any women ive ever met.
2010-06-16 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2924123

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
RiverRat50 - 2010-06-16 9:54 AM
KrisSeer - 2010-06-15 7:20 PM
RiverRat50 - 2010-06-15 2:35 PM
15step - 2010-06-15 4:46 PM FWIW, the gay community is for the most part open to anyone who does not fit the "heterosexual" definition. Thats why a lot of organizations define themselves as LGBTQAI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Allies, Intersex). As one poster said earlier, human sexuality is not binary. In response to the original poster, I am gayer than Elton John's fanny pack I couldn't help but think of this when I was reading through the thread.....absolutely hilarious by Margaret Cho. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AXlRKrdQsU#t=00m31s
So heterosexuals are supposed to be open to the gay community but....not vice versa?
Isn't that being what they don't want hetero's to be?
"Why can't we all just get along?" 

I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that the A (Allies) is there to include heterosexuals, as well.

Hope so. I was once one of 4 (apparently) hetero oriented people at a 3-400 person Wrecker party at Key West, they didn't seem to care a whole lot and I really could care less, but I am getting tired of being criticized/marginalized for not belonging to a special interest group...hey wait...does TAN count? 

We are definitely "special" and "of interest."

Okay, "special."
2010-06-16 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2924639

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Are you GAY??
meherczeg - 2010-06-16 9:12 PM not gay, but a proud fag-hag.  is that an offensive term here?

Your new avatar definitely pushes me a couple shades more onto the gay side of the happiness spectrum.
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