BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-05-05 3:34 PM
in reply to: #4727991

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
kaburns1214 - 2013-05-05 2:16 PM

kr140.6 - 2013-05-05 11:51 AM So I did Ragnar Cape Cod yesterday: 192 mile relay.  We had a blast!! I was supposed to run 20 miles divided in 3 legs, but I got lost on one leg and definitely added one more mile Surprised.  Only one of my teammates had done this kind of race before, so I enjoyed kinda being a mentor to the rest. It took us somewhere around 28 hours.  It was very laid back.  It really is a trip to be running in the middle of the night with a head lamp. 

Awesome!  What did you think of the whole experience?

x2. I'm interested in doing one next year.

2013-05-05 4:12 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
32 mile ride today - longest ride on my new tri bike, and it went fairly well...I'm getting more used to the twitchy nature of it and the aero position (although I wasn't even in aero for 1/2 the was longer than my last outing).
2013-05-05 4:47 PM
in reply to: #4723981


Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group

NAME: HoLiCao (Chad

STORY: I am 42 years old, going through all kinds of crazy crap and life changes. Decided to get off the couch and get moving and for some reason thought a triathlon would be a good way to do it. I'm just finishing my junior year of nursing school. The 30 lb. gain for nursing students is no joke. I'm brand new to tris but have registered for a September race.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married to a very supportive wife. I have 2 kids, and will have 3 grandkids by the end of the month. 2nd was born this past January and waiting for the next one to download in a couple weeks or so.

CURRENT TRAINING: Trying to train on all three events as time allows (last final will be on Monday which will help). Following a couch to tri outline.


2013 RACES:  Lake Lanier sprint tri. (Will probably do some 5Ks and may do another sprint.)

WEIGHTLOSS: Yes, please. Currently 5'8", 205 lbs. would love to be down around 180 or less for the race.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm good at listening to people that know better than me and doing what they say.

2013-05-05 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
I'd like to join!Name: Corbet JacksonStory: Im am me to everything related to tris. I was a spectator at Im Louisville last year to watch my sister in laws boyfriend. This inspired me to have a go at it. I only have internet on my smart phone so please excuse the short posts and the excessive spelling and grammatical errors.Family: Married to my wonderful supportive wife with 2 kids Charlotte (4 in two weeks) and Wyatt (2 on May 1st).2012 races: none2013 races: Lame Duck sprint (long swim short but very hilly bike and run)Weightloss: I could benefit losing 10-15lbs Im 5'11" 170lbsTraining: Im in the very early stages as I am new at this but want to train as aggressive as I safely can. I want to so well in my race! I am going to focus on swiming more than the other two. The swim is a little over a half mile open water. Id love to be near the front of the pack at T1.
2013-05-05 6:04 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
Sorry about the layout in my previous post.... It looked good on my phone when I spent a half hour typing it out!
2013-05-05 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
Back from Florida. I'll post a bio tomorrow.

2013-05-05 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group

Hi all and welcome to those of you who have just joined. This is my second semester with the group.

Name: Chris

Stats: I am 44, co-habitating with my S.O of four years. She has two daughters (10 and 5) and I have one daughter (5). We also have 5 chickens, two dogs, two cats, and a gecko. I am a clinical psychologist and was born and raised outside of Baltimore. Finished my graduate work in Atlanta and lived there for a year before moving to Maine in 2001. I grew up playing lacrosse, played in HS, played in college, and played up until a few years ago. I picked up the Irish sport of hurling after that but put that down this year. One too many broken ribs, concussions, and ACL surgeries over the years coupled with training for a half iron and paying for a coach made hang up the cleats for a while. Since joining the group in December, I have dropped 10 pounds without trying. I am 5'9'' and about 156.

Why: I decided to try tris after watching my S.O do a couple of sprints. She has had breast cancer twice and has done the Tri For a Cure a few times, and I thought it was pretty inspiring to watch her and the other survivors swim the first wave together. My daughter and Christine's daughter have done a couple too. I signed up for a couple of sprints last year but had ongoing hamstring issues and also dealt with 3 broken ribs. So I was a DNS. I have managed to do a number of road races over the years but was never really happy with the results and found that I had no clue on how to properly train. I decided to immerse myself in training this year and recently finished my first sprint. For some unknown F**ng reason I signed up for a half iron last December and am going to see it through. Being a complete noob I hired a coach to hopefully ensure my survival for the 1/2. It has been worth it so far, but we shall see Wink. I PRd a half marathon in Jan and recently did a 5k with a 7:14 pace and have noticed improvements across the board.

What: I have learned a few things over the past several months. 1) Who am I kidding, I am not doing this for the fun of it or to be healthy. I acknowledge that I am internally competitive. Externally, I think I generally appear more laid back (Kelly???). I understand and now can empathize with folks who are looking to shave off valuable seconds and minutes off their times. As for now, I compete largely with myself. 2) I really love to run outside especially if I have been stuck on the trainer for hours upon hours during the week and in the dreaded pool. Who woulda thunk. Please, please let me do hill repeats instead of 2:30 on the trainer. 3) Trust the advice of the group and others more knowledgeable. The folks here have been there and done that and are supportive and give good feedback. It really feels good to hear a "good job" and everyone here gives them out. 4) Ask lots of questions - even if they seem stupid. Had I asked about how to properly install my Lock Laces, I would have shaved some valuable seconds off my T2 transition for my latest sprint.

Goals: I would love to carry a 1:50 - 2:00 pace for a mile OWS. I want to do my 1/2 in under 6.


2013-05-05 7:10 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
Edit: My daughter is 10.... I am tired.
2013-05-05 7:10 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group

Can I be "in" for round 2 as well?  It took me a while to find the new home for this Group.  Didn't know something happened when you reach some mysterious limit or something - yes, the slow bus here.

Killer weekend of training:

Saturday I did the Rev3 Bike Course, the Pat Griskus Bike Course AND the Pat Griskus Run Course (I tried to swim after all that but the Cramp Monster got me and ripped my thigh muscles from the bone at 1150 yards).  Then on Sunday, part of the May Day 100k bike (only 22 miles because I had to be at a communion), then ran 12 miles after lunch.  Funny, I thought that I would be hungrier than I am, I bet it will hit me tomorrow.


5650.00 Yd
2h 02m 47s
151.26 Mi
8h 51m 49s
26.42 Mi
3h 45m 43s


2013-05-05 7:49 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group

I did the Monticelloman Olympic near Charlottesville today.  It was hard, I'm pleased with the way it came out.  I finished in 2:48 - 3 minutes slower than my goal of 2:45, but then I didn't have anything really concrete to base the goal on so who knows if it was realistic to start out with.  It was a nice course - rolling hills on both the bike and the run, and a cold (66 degrees) but scenic lake swim.  As I guess I should've expected, I felt reasonably strong on the bike, and sort of useless on both the swim and the run.  Overall, it was a fun, manageably-sized, well-organized event.

I spent all of yesterday obsessing about how to prepare my transitions so I didn't forget anything.  I didn't end up forgetting anything, but I felt like I could've done them faster. 

I'll post a full race report as soon as they post the results so I know my times for the three events and the transitions, but I did want to let the group know that I made it (no longer a TOTAL noob!) and to thank everyone for your advice.  I can only get faster from here!  Cheers!

P.S. - I rewarded myself with a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a big ol' beer.  That's the reason we do this, after all, isn't it?  

2013-05-05 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4728346

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
Kuma - 2013-05-05 8:49 PM

I did the Monticelloman Olympic near Charlottesville today.  It was hard, I'm pleased with the way it came out.  I finished in 2:48 - 3 minutes slower than my goal of 2:45, but then I didn't have anything really concrete to base the goal on so who knows if it was realistic to start out with.  It was a nice course - rolling hills on both the bike and the run, and a cold (66 degrees) but scenic lake swim.  As I guess I should've expected, I felt reasonably strong on the bike, and sort of useless on both the swim and the run.  Overall, it was a fun, manageably-sized, well-organized event.

I spent all of yesterday obsessing about how to prepare my transitions so I didn't forget anything.  I didn't end up forgetting anything, but I felt like I could've done them faster. 

I'll post a full race report as soon as they post the results so I know my times for the three events and the transitions, but I did want to let the group know that I made it (no longer a TOTAL noob!) and to thank everyone for your advice.  I can only get faster from here!  Cheers!

P.S. - I rewarded myself with a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a big ol' beer.  That's the reason we do this, after all, isn't it?  

Fantastic! Starting out with an Olympic is impressive by itself!

2013-05-05 9:18 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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New user

Montgomery County
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group

NAME: Colleen

STORY: Hello! My name is Colleen and I am about to be a super-senior at University of Maryland. I am a in I have yet to actually compete in a tri. However, I have just started training for my first sprint! I grew up playing sports and loved it, but I kind of lost it when I went to college because I wasn't part of a team. The past two years have been a struggle of trying to stay motivated to continue working out without having an actual goal. This semester I took a swimming class (I have always been a terrible swimmer), and grew to love it. I figured, why not do a triathlon? So the adventure continues...

FAMILY STATUS: I currently live at home with my parents, brother, and sisters.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I am currently trying to increase volume, and am trying to get my body used to exercising regularly so that I can do my first tri in September.

2013 RACES: Warrior Dash May18, Dewey Beach Triathlon Sept 16, Baltimore Half Marathon Oct 12

WEIGHTLOSS: I have never had a huge problem with weight, but I certainly wouldn't mind shedding a few pounds as a bonus. Although training makes me so hungry!

2013-05-05 11:14 PM
in reply to: #4723981

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New user

Round Rock
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group

Hi Scott & Kelly, I would like to join your group please!

Name - Christian

Story - About 6yrs ago with a failing marriage, I began running as an outlet (much cheaper than therapy).  At first it was just that, an outlet, but after a few yrs of running no more than 5miles, a friend asked me to train for a half marathon with her.  Unfortunately she got injured and was unable to complete the training or race, but I did.  It wasn't a pretty race, but I finished, so I decided to see if I could do a full marathon.  I joined a running group and was quickly hooked.  I have completed 3 Full Marathons and 4 Half Marathons in the last 2yrs and I am now an assistant full marathon coach for my running group.

I had been kicking around attempting a Tri and was hanging out with a friend one night talking about this and she said I could totally do TRi's.  At that moment I decided I needed to set a lofty goal if I was going to push myself to do it, so I made the goal of completing a Full Ironman before I turn 50, that gives me 4yrs.  The plan is to do a couple sprint or olympic Tri's late summer early fall with the goal of the Austin Half IM in late Oct.  Then work on the Madison Full IM for Sept 2014!  I'm not fast, but I don't know the word quit, so I will get to the starting line and somehow I will cross the finish line no matter how long it takes!

Family Status - Divorced with two beautiful daughters (16/13).  I do have a very large extended family since my mom was the 5th of 15 kids and a majority live in the Northern Illinois / Southern Wisconsin area hence my choice to do the Madison Full IM!  I will have one huge cheering section!

Current Training - Running about 3 days a week, riding 2 - 3 days a week, and starting a Masters Swim Class at the local YMCA this week.  Also going to be setting up my official BT Training Plan for the Half IM this week.

This Years Races - So far this year I have ran the Austin 3M Half Marathon (PR - 1:50), the Austin LiveStrong Marathon (PR - 4:17), the Austin 1020 (10mi in 1:24), and my 2nd ToughMudder (just for fun).

2013 Races - Running in the Palo Duro Hot Dog 15K (July) with a bunch of other coaches from my running group, the Shiner Half Marathon (Nov), at least two Sprint or Olympic distance Tri's in Aug and Sept as practice for my main goal race for this year which is the Austin Half IM (Oct).

So running and riding I can do.  Was a big cyclist years ago and recently bought a new bike and started riding again (forgot how much I really loved riding)!  My big problem area is swimming!  I can't seem to figure out how to breathe.  Hoping that the Masters Swim Class can teach me how to do this!

Looking forward to being part of this group and entering into the wonderful world of Tri's!

G'night all!


2013-05-06 5:10 AM
in reply to: #4728447

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
collyd123 - 2013-05-05 9:18 PM

NAME: Colleen

STORY: Hello! My name is Colleen and I am about to be a super-senior at University of Maryland. I am a in I have yet to actually compete in a tri. However, I have just started training for my first sprint! I grew up playing sports and loved it, but I kind of lost it when I went to college because I wasn't part of a team. The past two years have been a struggle of trying to stay motivated to continue working out without having an actual goal. This semester I took a swimming class (I have always been a terrible swimmer), and grew to love it. I figured, why not do a triathlon? So the adventure continues...

FAMILY STATUS: I currently live at home with my parents, brother, and sisters.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I am currently trying to increase volume, and am trying to get my body used to exercising regularly so that I can do my first tri in September.

2013 RACES: Warrior Dash May18, Dewey Beach Triathlon Sept 16, Baltimore Half Marathon Oct 12

WEIGHTLOSS: I have never had a huge problem with weight, but I certainly wouldn't mind shedding a few pounds as a bonus. Although training makes me so hungry!

Go Terps! I have a few friends from home (Columbia) who do the Dewey Beach tri every year.

2013-05-06 5:13 AM
in reply to: #4728346

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
Kuma - 2013-05-05 7:49 PM

I did the Monticelloman Olympic near Charlottesville today.  It was hard, I'm pleased with the way it came out.  I finished in 2:48 - 3 minutes slower than my goal of 2:45, but then I didn't have anything really concrete to base the goal on so who knows if it was realistic to start out with.  It was a nice course - rolling hills on both the bike and the run, and a cold (66 degrees) but scenic lake swim.  As I guess I should've expected, I felt reasonably strong on the bike, and sort of useless on both the swim and the run.  Overall, it was a fun, manageably-sized, well-organized event.

I spent all of yesterday obsessing about how to prepare my transitions so I didn't forget anything.  I didn't end up forgetting anything, but I felt like I could've done them faster. 

I'll post a full race report as soon as they post the results so I know my times for the three events and the transitions, but I did want to let the group know that I made it (no longer a TOTAL noob!) and to thank everyone for your advice.  I can only get faster from here!  Cheers!

P.S. - I rewarded myself with a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a big ol' beer.  That's the reason we do this, after all, isn't it?  

Congrats Matt! Seriously though, useless on the swim with as much as you swim? How was your first OWS? Tips?

2013-05-06 5:17 AM
in reply to: #4728346

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
Kuma - 2013-05-05 8:49 PM

I did the Monticelloman Olympic near Charlottesville today.  It was hard, I'm pleased with the way it came out.  I finished in 2:48 - 3 minutes slower than my goal of 2:45, but then I didn't have anything really concrete to base the goal on so who knows if it was realistic to start out with.  It was a nice course - rolling hills on both the bike and the run, and a cold (66 degrees) but scenic lake swim.  As I guess I should've expected, I felt reasonably strong on the bike, and sort of useless on both the swim and the run.  Overall, it was a fun, manageably-sized, well-organized event.

I spent all of yesterday obsessing about how to prepare my transitions so I didn't forget anything.  I didn't end up forgetting anything, but I felt like I could've done them faster. 

I'll post a full race report as soon as they post the results so I know my times for the three events and the transitions, but I did want to let the group know that I made it (no longer a TOTAL noob!) and to thank everyone for your advice.  I can only get faster from here!  Cheers!

P.S. - I rewarded myself with a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a big ol' beer.  That's the reason we do this, after all, isn't it?  

Awesome awesome job!

2013-05-06 5:19 AM
in reply to: #4728447

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
collyd123 - 2013-05-05 10:18 PM

NAME: Colleen

STORY: Hello! My name is Colleen and I am about to be a super-senior at University of Maryland. I am a in I have yet to actually compete in a tri. However, I have just started training for my first sprint! I grew up playing sports and loved it, but I kind of lost it when I went to college because I wasn't part of a team. The past two years have been a struggle of trying to stay motivated to continue working out without having an actual goal. This semester I took a swimming class (I have always been a terrible swimmer), and grew to love it. I figured, why not do a triathlon? So the adventure continues...

FAMILY STATUS: I currently live at home with my parents, brother, and sisters.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I am currently trying to increase volume, and am trying to get my body used to exercising regularly so that I can do my first tri in September.

2013 RACES: Warrior Dash May18, Dewey Beach Triathlon Sept 16, Baltimore Half Marathon Oct 12

WEIGHTLOSS: I have never had a huge problem with weight, but I certainly wouldn't mind shedding a few pounds as a bonus. Although training makes me so hungry!

Welcome aboard!  Baltimore Half Marathon is a great race.

2013-05-06 5:20 AM
in reply to: #4728543

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
cmohr623 - 2013-05-06 12:14 AM

Hi Scott & Kelly, I would like to join your group please!

Name - Christian

Story - About 6yrs ago with a failing marriage, I began running as an outlet (much cheaper than therapy).  At first it was just that, an outlet, but after a few yrs of running no more than 5miles, a friend asked me to train for a half marathon with her.  Unfortunately she got injured and was unable to complete the training or race, but I did.  It wasn't a pretty race, but I finished, so I decided to see if I could do a full marathon.  I joined a running group and was quickly hooked.  I have completed 3 Full Marathons and 4 Half Marathons in the last 2yrs and I am now an assistant full marathon coach for my running group.

I had been kicking around attempting a Tri and was hanging out with a friend one night talking about this and she said I could totally do TRi's.  At that moment I decided I needed to set a lofty goal if I was going to push myself to do it, so I made the goal of completing a Full Ironman before I turn 50, that gives me 4yrs.  The plan is to do a couple sprint or olympic Tri's late summer early fall with the goal of the Austin Half IM in late Oct.  Then work on the Madison Full IM for Sept 2014!  I'm not fast, but I don't know the word quit, so I will get to the starting line and somehow I will cross the finish line no matter how long it takes!

Family Status - Divorced with two beautiful daughters (16/13).  I do have a very large extended family since my mom was the 5th of 15 kids and a majority live in the Northern Illinois / Southern Wisconsin area hence my choice to do the Madison Full IM!  I will have one huge cheering section!

Current Training - Running about 3 days a week, riding 2 - 3 days a week, and starting a Masters Swim Class at the local YMCA this week.  Also going to be setting up my official BT Training Plan for the Half IM this week.

This Years Races - So far this year I have ran the Austin 3M Half Marathon (PR - 1:50), the Austin LiveStrong Marathon (PR - 4:17), the Austin 1020 (10mi in 1:24), and my 2nd ToughMudder (just for fun).

2013 Races - Running in the Palo Duro Hot Dog 15K (July) with a bunch of other coaches from my running group, the Shiner Half Marathon (Nov), at least two Sprint or Olympic distance Tri's in Aug and Sept as practice for my main goal race for this year which is the Austin Half IM (Oct).

So running and riding I can do.  Was a big cyclist years ago and recently bought a new bike and started riding again (forgot how much I really loved riding)!  My big problem area is swimming!  I can't seem to figure out how to breathe.  Hoping that the Masters Swim Class can teach me how to do this!

Looking forward to being part of this group and entering into the wonderful world of Tri's!

G'night all!


Austin and Madison are both great races!  Exciting stuff!

2013-05-06 5:22 AM
in reply to: #4728145

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
HoLiCao - 2013-05-05 5:47 PM

NAME: HoLiCao (Chad

STORY: I am 42 years old, going through all kinds of crazy crap and life changes. Decided to get off the couch and get moving and for some reason thought a triathlon would be a good way to do it. I'm just finishing my junior year of nursing school. The 30 lb. gain for nursing students is no joke. I'm brand new to tris but have registered for a September race.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married to a very supportive wife. I have 2 kids, and will have 3 grandkids by the end of the month. 2nd was born this past January and waiting for the next one to download in a couple weeks or so.

CURRENT TRAINING: Trying to train on all three events as time allows (last final will be on Monday which will help). Following a couch to tri outline.


2013 RACES:  Lake Lanier sprint tri. (Will probably do some 5Ks and may do another sprint.)

WEIGHTLOSS: Yes, please. Currently 5'8", 205 lbs. would love to be down around 180 or less for the race.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm good at listening to people that know better than me and doing what they say.

Welcome aboard!  I'm guessing you're in Georgia.  Both Chris and I lived in Atlanta / Decatur (although we're both in New England now).

2013-05-06 5:23 AM
in reply to: #4728214

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group

corbetjackson50 - 2013-05-05 6:56 PM I'd like to join!Name: Corbet JacksonStory: Im am me to everything related to tris. I was a spectator at Im Louisville last year to watch my sister in laws boyfriend. This inspired me to have a go at it. I only have internet on my smart phone so please excuse the short posts and the excessive spelling and grammatical errors.Family: Married to my wonderful supportive wife with 2 kids Charlotte (4 in two weeks) and Wyatt (2 on May 1st).2012 races: none2013 races: Lame Duck sprint (long swim short but very hilly bike and run)Weightloss: I could benefit losing 10-15lbs Im 5'11" 170lbsTraining: Im in the very early stages as I am new at this but want to train as aggressive as I safely can. I want to so well in my race! I am going to focus on swiming more than the other two. The swim is a little over a half mile open water. Id love to be near the front of the pack at T1.

Welcome aboard! 

This is a really interesting statement: "I am new at this but want to train as aggressive as I safely can."

I want Scott to weigh in first on this one.

2013-05-06 5:30 AM
in reply to: #4723981

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group

Here's the updated list:

Scott - UHCoog

Kelly - kaburns1214

Michele - DDVMM

Kristen - enders_shadow

Larkin - Kidtri33

Matt - mleech77

Chris - ccmpsyd

Jen - jarvy01

Matt - Kuma

Deb - cheekymonkeys1

David - tdl1972

Katie - kr140.6

Chad - HoLiCao 

Corbet - corbetjackson50

Scott - everlong

Todd - cobratodd

Colleen - collyd123

Christian - cmohr623

I think we're going to shut the group down now.  If you haven't posted a bio, please do so.

Also if you would like to find me on Facebook, you can here --

2013-05-06 5:59 AM
in reply to: #4728346

User image

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
Kuma - 2013-05-05 8:49 PM

I did the Monticelloman Olympic near Charlottesville today.  It was hard, I'm pleased with the way it came out.  I finished in 2:48 - 3 minutes slower than my goal of 2:45, but then I didn't have anything really concrete to base the goal on so who knows if it was realistic to start out with.  It was a nice course - rolling hills on both the bike and the run, and a cold (66 degrees) but scenic lake swim.  As I guess I should've expected, I felt reasonably strong on the bike, and sort of useless on both the swim and the run.  Overall, it was a fun, manageably-sized, well-organized event.

I spent all of yesterday obsessing about how to prepare my transitions so I didn't forget anything.  I didn't end up forgetting anything, but I felt like I could've done them faster. 

I'll post a full race report as soon as they post the results so I know my times for the three events and the transitions, but I did want to let the group know that I made it (no longer a TOTAL noob!) and to thank everyone for your advice.  I can only get faster from here!  Cheers!

P.S. - I rewarded myself with a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a big ol' beer.  That's the reason we do this, after all, isn't it?  

WTG!!! I can't imagine "rolling" hills anywhere near Charlottesville! I'm in Richmond - did my first (and thus far only) marathon @ Charlottesville and the hills KILLED me.

Well done - looking forward to the race report.
2013-05-06 6:11 AM
in reply to: #4728346

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
Kuma - 2013-05-05 8:49 PM

I did the Monticelloman Olympic near Charlottesville today.  It was hard, I'm pleased with the way it came out.  I finished in 2:48 - 3 minutes slower than my goal of 2:45, but then I didn't have anything really concrete to base the goal on so who knows if it was realistic to start out with.  It was a nice course - rolling hills on both the bike and the run, and a cold (66 degrees) but scenic lake swim.  As I guess I should've expected, I felt reasonably strong on the bike, and sort of useless on both the swim and the run.  Overall, it was a fun, manageably-sized, well-organized event.

I spent all of yesterday obsessing about how to prepare my transitions so I didn't forget anything.  I didn't end up forgetting anything, but I felt like I could've done them faster. 

I'll post a full race report as soon as they post the results so I know my times for the three events and the transitions, but I did want to let the group know that I made it (no longer a TOTAL noob!) and to thank everyone for your advice.  I can only get faster from here!  Cheers!

P.S. - I rewarded myself with a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a big ol' beer.  That's the reason we do this, after all, isn't it?  

Congratulations!!!!!! Way to jump into Tri's with an Olympic!!!
2013-05-06 6:12 AM
in reply to: #4723981

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group
Welcome to everyone!!!
2013-05-06 6:28 AM
in reply to: #4723981

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Haymarket, VA
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group

Didn't get nearly as much training in as I'd hoped this weekend.  On the bright side my yard looks A LOT better, my buddy's suspension is swapped out, and I did my first "continuous" pool swim of 1 mile (if you can call any pool swim continuous).

Now that my foot's tenderness I'd been experiencing since my first tri last month is gone it's time to get back full gear into training.

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