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2016-01-05 10:19 PM
in reply to: GoldenSprocket

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
OMG, so freaking excited, I checked out the other pool in my fitness club conglomerate, it is so beautiful, a perfect winter pool. 25 yds, 6 wide lanes, and the whole thing is in a florida room so it's like you are swimming outside. After years of grinding out sad, dreary laps in my ghetto fabulous globo gym in Chicago, can I tell you this is a big deal.

In pure performance related news, I managed 1400 yards. 200 wu, 200 pull w/buoy, 100 kick hard, 4x50 drill (fingertip, catchup, one arm, fist), 8x25 10" rest, 1x400, 100 cd (mix breast/back). I am using the 400 as a mini-T swim for now (I'll do a real one later). I was just about 2'/100. A little slow for me, but considering I was gassed after 100yd this summer and always had to rest, this is a huge improvement.

I know training can be done anywhere with the right mind set, but, man, it sure does help to have an environment that makes you feel good. Or maybe that's just me.

I totally forgot about my kids swim lessons, so I had to scrap the bike, but I'll just add it on tomorrow with a run. NBD. Really eager to try these intervals.

Funny that you guys are talking about's been on my mind all day.

What are the best tests for all three? Or what are the possible tests for all three? What have you guys done, and what do you think is the best/most telling? I've done a modest amount, but nothing crazy. Wondering if it is specific, or more of a horseshoes and hand grenades situation. I mean, how many ways can you skin this cat?

2016-01-05 10:25 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by Jason N

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Jason N I don't think I've attempted anything close to 4x8' at 110%.  That sounds like murder.  What type of rest interval between reps?
6' between each. In the past, when I got to 4x8 my FTP had actually gone up so in fact I was doing 4x8@110 of my 'older' FTP. So for example I will probably test this week. If my FTP went up (hopefully) I am not sure I could hit 4x8 at the new FTP. I am pretty sure I can do it if I have the right playlist. The 4x6 last week after the 30sec intervals was hard but doable. We have a big hill in Montreal where they do the pro-tour every year. It's about 7.5min climb and I do them at about 110. On the trainer, I just close my eyes, visualize that and the music is very important. Usually very aggressive music.

Ok...6' rest sounds like it's at least possible.  I was thinking closer to 4'.  

I feel like one 8' interval sounds like murder.  I once did 3x7' @ 110%, but tested shortly after and it was more like 102% of the new FTP.  With the updated FTP, even 4' intervals are torture.


Sitting here only a few days out from my race, I'm almost missing the torture sessions.  I'm feeling good, but I know the sedentary lifestyle is not for me.  I get to do a 30 min run tonight, and then finish packing up the bike

Never, ever, ever go sedentary. Trust me on this. What is your bib number so I can track you? I'm crazy excited for your race, and I don't even know you! (awkward stalker moment?). Good luck!
2016-01-06 12:06 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Marc, can you refresh my memory on how offset differences impact wattage readings?  If I started at -350, did not back pedal then took an offset reading of -290, what does that mean?  I'm crossing my fingers that you're going to tell me that the efforts I was doing right before the -290 reading was actually displaying 20 watts low.  Because I had a pretty epic blow up attempting 5x5'.  Took the reading and back pedaled after the third rep, but by then I was fried. 

2016-01-06 12:49 AM
in reply to: 0

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Quincy - First congrats on getting out of Chicago. I grew up there, moved to Sacramento 15 years ago and it was the hardest but best decision of my life. Great city to visit in the summer but I couldn't handle the size and weather. Also I know the feeling on the pool. A new Lifetime fitness opened up 2 minutes from my house, so we joined that. Indoor pools are geared towards family so not the best for laps. Outdoor pool would be perfect but they are not allowed to have lights on since it is near some residences. Just not a big fan of it. Luckily I have a high school pool near work that can run to during lunch.

So I tested tonight on the trainer. I do not have a powermeter so HR based. I did 10' warm up, hit lap, all out for 30' while hitting the lap at 10'. So the last 20' I average 170 heart rate. Results are in my log. It SUCKED so I assume I did it right!!! Glad I did it now that I am just getting back into the swing of things so I can track my progress. Not that I have any desire or could do it without getting hurt but curious how much this varies for running?

Edited by BMiller71 2016-01-06 12:53 AM
2016-01-06 5:16 AM
in reply to: Jason N

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by Jason N

Marc, can you refresh my memory on how offset differences impact wattage readings?  If I started at -350, did not back pedal then took an offset reading of -290, what does that mean?  I'm crossing my fingers that you're going to tell me that the efforts I was doing right before the -290 reading was actually displaying 20 watts low.  Because I had a pretty epic blow up attempting 5x5'.  Took the reading and back pedaled after the third rep, but by then I was fried. 

So there was a difference of 60units so that is 20watts and yes, it was reading 20watts low.
2016-01-06 5:26 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by BMiller71

Quincy - First congrats on getting out of Chicago. I grew up there, moved to Sacramento 15 years ago and it was the hardest but best decision of my life. Great city to visit in the summer but I couldn't handle the size and weather. Also I know the feeling on the pool. A new Lifetime fitness opened up 2 minutes from my house, so we joined that. Indoor pools are geared towards family so not the best for laps. Outdoor pool would be perfect but they are not allowed to have lights on since it is near some residences. Just not a big fan of it. Luckily I have a high school pool near work that can run to during lunch.

So I tested tonight on the trainer. I do not have a powermeter so HR based. I did 10' warm up, hit lap, all out for 30' while hitting the lap at 10'. So the last 20' I average 170 heart rate. Results are in my log. It SUCKED so I assume I did it right!!! Glad I did it now that I am just getting back into the swing of things so I can track my progress. Not that I have any desire or could do it without getting hurt but curious how much this varies for running?

For the run, a lot of people are about 10beats faster.It varies of course.

It sounds like you tested right. I will try and dig up some %HR to %power equivalences if you are interested. As well there is a HR version of the BT cycling program that Jorge Martinez did a few years ago. It's really good. I have it tucked away somewhere.

What kind of trainer do you have ?

Edited by marcag 2016-01-06 5:30 AM

2016-01-06 6:25 AM
in reply to: bcagle25

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by bcagle25
Originally posted by slornow

Marc-I am hoping to qualify for 70.3 WC in Chattanooga in 2017. Fortunately, I will age up in 2017 so will get to race part of the year at  54 to qualify in the 55-59AG.  Will probably try to do it in an early season race...either Galveston or New Orleans.  I suspect competition will be strong with the event being in such a popular US location.   

Racing NOLA potentially in 2017? I plan to be there this April.


Despite being only 2.5 hours away, I have never done New Orleans HIM.  It is well attended and I suspect 6-7 of my team mates will race it.

In 2017, trying to qualify for 70.3 WC, I will probably do Galveston and Chattanooga. 

2016-01-06 6:36 AM
in reply to: 0

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

So, those that train with power...what type of powermeter do you use?  Do you like it?  I have always used PowerTap wheels.  Over the years i have built up to 3 PT wheels. 1) A training wheel with Pro+ hub with lots of miles 2) Zipp 10spd disc with PT hub for tri racing and 3) A Cycleops (Reynolds) carbon clincher with a G3 hub that I keep on my road bike.  Obviously, not the most economical set up but I am comfortable with using Powertap and the training wheel and disc are both 10spd so know I will have to move on from that at some point.  Moving forward I would look really hard at the Powertap P1 pedals.  Seems to be the easiest to swap out between bikes.

For those that have not yet posted a bio please do so when you can.

Headed to the pool for a workout and then a run later in the day and depending how the legs feel after that maybe 20-30 min on the bike just to flush the legs.

Have a good day all! 


Edited by slornow 2016-01-06 6:37 AM
2016-01-06 6:53 AM
in reply to: 0

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by slornow

Stu-tough loss for UVA last night in their rivalry match up with Va. Tech.  ACC is strong at the top again this year.

Still can't get used to all the new teams in the ACC. We've escaped the last couple of years down in Blacksburg. They get up for us. We get up for UNC and Duke. Can't say I'm that surprised with the result. Our defense isn't at the same level as recent years, but I expect we'll be in the hunt for the ACC title along with the usual suspects. So long as we're in the hunt, I'm happy. Depth in the conference is also up over last year (see last night's Clemson win at Syracuse). Good win for you guys at Florida State. College hoops... fun stuff!

Was planning a lunch / swim for today, but had a last minute meeting awaiting me in my in-box this morning. Time to scramble. Good training all!


Edited by juneapple 2016-01-06 7:02 AM
2016-01-06 8:17 AM
in reply to: slornow

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Bio: tl;dr Version:
I have been doing this consistently for a fairly long time.
I am currently on injured reserve.
My primary focus this year is getting healthy.
I look forward to learning from so many experts in this group and am honored to be a part of it!

Bio: War and Peace Version:

NAME: Rusty - yep, that is right: a grown man with a dog's name.

STORY: I come from a bike racing background - started racing mountain bikes when they were nothing more than beach cruisers with gears. I was really, really good at it, until the sport actually became popular - then, suddenly, I was not so good any more. I actually went backwards from most at the time and purchased a road bike to cross train for mountain biking - everyone else was crossing over from road to mountain - oh! the road bikes you could buy back then for next to nothing, simply because everyone quit buying them! Of course then LeMond went and won the Tour for his second time in rather dramatic fashion, and suddenly road cycling became slightly more popular - but it took a guy named Armstrong to come along later and make road bikes really expensive again. Fast forward a bit to 1991 - I had just graduated college and fell in with some strange folks that called themselves "triathletes." My roommate and I began racing dualthlons (called biathlons back then - no skis or rifles though) with this bunch of hooligans. Throughout that first summer we would train with them, which mostly consisted of hammering group rides, hammering runs, and then drinking beer on the boat while they swam to and fro. I still remember thinking how awesome it would be to be able to actually swim from one place to another. Near the end of that first summer and late on a Friday evening one of my buddies called me up to let me know that another one of our friends would not be able to make it to a triathlon race they had all signed up for, and wanted to know if I was interested. I laughed, as the extent of my swimming up to that point was basically from the back of the boat to the end of the ski rope. However I was easily convinced that I could do it when he told me the swim would only be 400 yards. Had he told me it would be a quarter of a mile, I most likely would not be typing this right now, but 400 yards on the other hand just didn't seem that far. Needless to say I did the race, and was 12th to last out of the water. I know this because the 12 of us dog paddled the entire course together at a nice conversational pace. The conversation went something like this:

Me: "your first race?"
Them: "oh, yes!"
Me: "mine too!"

I crushed the bike, and did great on the run, and was totally hooked - both line AND sinker. I have not done a straight up bike race, and very few duathlons since. I will never forget the day when I could finally swim 1/2 a mile in less than 20 minutes. I celebrated the occasion by immediately going out and buying my first speedo, which back then was the de rigueur race suit. Ah, the good old days. Just thinking of Kenny Souza almost brings a tear to my eye...

Kenny Souza:

Me, circa 1992. See the resemblance???

Over the past 25 years I have raced regularly, often competitively, in all kinds of events: dus, tris, adventure races, mountain biking, stage races, marathons, ultras, and relays. Over the years I have been healthy, injured, overweight, under weight, wicked fast, depressingly slow, absolutely rabid for the sport, and completely burned out. I would describe myself now as rather balanced all around. On occasion I can still find myself out competing for the Weekly World Championship trophy, but am trying to be a lot smarter with my training and racing. no matter what, first and foremost, this sport hobby is FUN!

FAMILY STATUS: That roommate I mentioned earlier? we lived together for 6 years and eventually decided that we liked each other a little bit. We subsequently got married and have remained happily so for the last 19 years. My best friend is simply awesome. She races herself, so she completely gets this ridiculousness. Training and racing is a big part of our social life - not sure if we travel to race or race to travel. No kids, dogs, cats, or even a fish. A friend gave us a chia pet as a joke a couple of years ago, but it is still in its original packaging.

WORK: I am an educator and college administrator. I am the currently the Chair of the Architecture Program at Auburn University, and the Associate director of Rural Studio, our remote design/build program in West Alabama. I live in Atlanta, Georgia however, so I am on the road quite bit between it all. I am fortunate  to be both humbled and honored by the opportunity to do what I do for a living, and would even do it for free if my wife would let me!

CURRENT TRAINING: After being self-trained my whole racing life, I took on a coach five years ago, and have really enjoyed it. I like the accountability, and I have learned a tremendous amount. At 50 years old, I have found that the things that used to work no longer do, and it has been important for this old dog to learn a lot of new tricks in order to remain competitive.  The number one thing my coach has done over the years is to actually slow me down a bit and have me train a good bit less, but a whole lot smarter. I am a self-professed technology wonk - but gave it all up a few years ago as I really began to feel a little bit of a slave to it all. I got to where a poorly functioning HRM could really wreck an otherwise great workout. That said, as part of my coaching, I am completely jacked in: HR/GPS/Power - at first I did not pay much attention to it, it really just provided information for my coach. As the years have gone on and with his guidance (as well as through the guidance of many smart folks in this very group), I have come to be able to use the feedback myself as another set of data points marbled in with RPE. We don’t overtly test very much, but through constant monitoring we tend to have a more of a synthetic sense of where my numbers are. On occasion I throw all the gadgets away and simply go by feel. Call it a deep cleansing. On the whole I average slightly less that 14 hours per week of training annually.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: I came off of a breakout 2014 season in which everything went my way: I stayed 100% healthy, hit 98.6% of my workouts, and podiumed (AG or Masters) in 14 of the 15 races I entered (all but AG nationals). But 2015 year did not go as planned. I suffered a work-related elbow injury in the fall of 2014 that limited my swimming. I could manage a couple of days per week in the pool which only got me 8~9000 yards, which as an adult onset swimmer that is what I have found I need to simply maintain. That DID give me time to work on the other stuff, and I started out 2015 with a good running and cycling base, and even managed to crack 40 minutes for an open 10k during the winter, which is pretty good for me – I thought those days were long gone. I was excited for another great season. Then in my first tri of the season due to a stupid, rookie mistake I hit the ground very, very hard near the end of the bike. Garmin says I went from 31mph to zero in a hot instant. Miraculously I did not suffer a single broken bone or separations (I have had several in previous bike crashes) but I did have significant soft tissue and tendon/ligament damage. Due to injury I was unable to swim or run for a majority of the summer, but I was able to get back on the bike fairly quickly, and just worked that the best I could and commenced to trying to train myself back into race shape. I should know better, but all of that cascaded, and the week after AG nationals I found myself with a compounded knee and shoulder injuries related directly to the crash earlier in the season, along with an elbow that had regressed significantly. I threw in the towel on my fall races, and committed to focus on getting healthy, no matter how long it takes. After a solid dedicated year of PT on my elbow with no significant progress, I followed my doc’s advice and had both Tenex and PRP procedures performed acouple of months ago. That has had me out of the pool completely since then, and off the bike for a significant portion of that as well. It finally seems to be progressing (fingers crossed) and depending on my next follow-up I hope to get back in the pool in about 3 weeks. I have been back on the bike a little bit here and there for the past couple of weeks, and have been running easy but consistently since the procedure. I am on a little mini streak of 76 straight days of running. Prior I doubt if I had ever run more than three days in a row, ever. Next week my training will become much more structured, so the running streak will most likely come to an end soon.

2016 RACES:
2016 is a little up in the air pending the elbow prognosis, but the significant races I am currently signed up for are Escape from Alcatraz (I know, I know we are suppose to be boycotting it, but this was the year that a whole big group of friends committed to racing it together, so we stuck with the plan), and Chattanooga 70.3 (see you there, Randy!) I race for a local shop (Podium Multisport) and we have a lot of other local races on the team calendar to choose from. I have am also registered for a number of trail races, early season duathlons, and cycling time trials and sportifs, the most fun of which is the Assault on Mt. Mitchel. We will see how it goes, if the elbow is not ready in about a month or so I may pull the plug on swimming altogether and just be a runner/cyclist/duathlete this year.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: For years when faced with the inevitable question "Why do you train like you do?" my stock answer was always "so I can eat and drink whatever I want." At about 35 years old, that was revised to "so that I can drink whatever I want." At 45, even that was no longer the case. During my ironman focus a few years ago I raced at about 156lbs (I am 5'-10" tall). A couple of years ago when I turned my attention back to seeing if I could get fast again (as opposed to simply how long I could go slow) I patiently cut weight to find out where my optimum race weight might be. I dropped to 139lbs at a low, and took a significant performance hit. I eased back up to 145lbs, and found that I race very well at that weight, but it is not sustainable for more than a couple of months. I just began the process of working my way there for the late winter/early spring running and duathlon season here, and then will drift back up to around 148lbs for the remainder of tri season. After not being able to train as much as I normally would AND the holidays, I am currently at 158lbs, so I have a little bit of work to do, but know exactly how to do it.

LIMITERS: This year focusing on recovery along with my work schedule will be my limiters as far as race results. While I work and travel a lot of hours, my normal work schedule does afford me a lot of training flexibility. Every six years however academic programs like ours go through a year-long re-accreditation process, and we are just entering that cycle. It is one of my primary responsibilities to shepherd us through that process, so for the next year work will require even more time than it already does.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: OK - I make a living as a professional mentor. As such I have learned that for better or worse we spend the bulk of our life knowing all the answers and simply trying to figure out what questions we need to ask to get to the answers that we want to hear. I am here to forget the answers that I know, and to learn new questions to ask. I am wide open. Also, I am pretty scientific, but do often defer to experience over lab tests. This is a long game. As such I have always been a regular logger - I have about 10 years of paper logs followed up 15 years of digital logs. In addition to understanding that what works for me may not work for you, these logs have allowed me to see that what works for me last year may not work for me this time around. I look forward to learning from all of you - this seems to be a remarkably knowledgeable and accomplished group. My coach and I use TrainingPeaks to communicate, but I also auto-log here as well as strava if folks want to see - my logs are open. I speak with my coach several times a week, and we meet often. In my logs I sometimes include the short notes he provides when he builds my week, so they sometimes read kinda strange. I am really honored to be a part of this team.

2016-01-06 8:38 AM
in reply to: TankBoy

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Rusty-as usual very entertaining!  You said that picture was from 1992?  I swear you wore the same Speedo at AG Nats a couple of years ago...  I won't be at Chattanooga 70.3 this year but will in 2017.  I think we caught up at Chattanooga OLY this past year didn't we?  You did the bike leg of the relay?  Most of that weekend is a bit of a beer induced cloud as it was our annual Team road trip.  You doing the Mount Mitchell ride this year?  Definitely on my "to do" list.

Stu-yeah, all the ACC newcomers keep me confused.  I still consider Maryland as ACC and have to remind myself every time I see them in the rankings.

Swim, or something that only vaguely resembles swimming is done. Now off to work....only 4-5 minutes away fortunately. 

2016-01-06 9:13 AM
in reply to: quincyf

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by quincyf What is your bib number so I can track you? I'm crazy excited for your race, and I don't even know you! (awkward stalker moment?). Good luck!

I love it

My bib number is 1554.  I assume they'll have the typical live tracking on Ironman's website, but I know the RD has set up for ChronoTracking through's website.

Had a really nice (short) run last night, a good swim this morning (main set was 7x200 with 50 fast/strong and then 150 settling into HIM effort), and have another short run this afternoon.  I fly out at 9:30pm my time -- hoping to be able to sleep on the plane.

2016-01-06 9:42 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
I'm using a Power2Max type-S meter. So far so good. I'm in the final week of trainerroad's "sweet-spot base part 1" so I'll be retesting my FTP next week. Will be interesting to see what 6 weeks of structured training has done for my FTP... I'm currently contemplating what my target wattage will be for that trial.
2016-01-06 9:45 AM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Hi Guys! I'm still at it. Finally got into Kona for 2016 (via Legacy, no I'm still not even close to doing it by time). Would love to work with you guys again if there is still room. Jim
2016-01-06 9:50 AM
in reply to: jimmyb

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by jimmyb Hi Guys! I'm still at it. Finally got into Kona for 2016 (via Legacy, no I'm still not even close to doing it by time). Would love to work with you guys again if there is still room. Jim


Hey Jim-I think we will close the group with your entry.  Will be great to follow you on your road to Kona!

2016-01-06 9:52 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

fyi, Jason N has done Kona

I think there were even some helicopter shots of him with Freddy V L trying to get into the picture.

Edited by marcag 2016-01-06 9:52 AM

2016-01-06 9:56 AM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
Originally posted by SenatorClayDavis

I'm using a Power2Max type-S meter. So far so good. I'm in the final week of trainerroad's "sweet-spot base part 1" so I'll be retesting my FTP next week. Will be interesting to see what 6 weeks of structured training has done for my FTP... I'm currently contemplating what my target wattage will be for that trial.

I have a Quarq and a set of Garmin Vectors. The Quarq pretty well stays on my tri bike and I travel with the Vectors.

I also have a computrainer which is my primary power measurement device in the winter. I actually ride the computrainer a lot year round.

On the subject of testing, I am a big believer in knowing and keeping track of an accurate threshold. I think different methods have pros and cons and if a person knows what they are doing they can work around the cons.
2016-01-06 9:57 AM
in reply to: slornow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

OK gang-here is our list now that we are closed


2. Jason A./Wannabefaster


4. Mike/SenatorClayDavis

5. Ben/bcagle25

6. Ed/eea123

7. Marc/marcaq

8. Scott/Scott71

9. Nicole/ligersandtions 

10. Jason/JasonN


12. Kevin/GoldenSprockett

13. Rusty/Tankboy

14. Brian/BMiller71

15. Neil/GoFaster

16. ????/Murph333

17. Jim/JimmyB

Please let me know if I forgot anyone or butchered a name.  Looks like an excellent group. Thanks to all for joining Jason and I.




2016-01-06 9:58 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Jason N

Marc, can you refresh my memory on how offset differences impact wattage readings?  If I started at -350, did not back pedal then took an offset reading of -290, what does that mean?  I'm crossing my fingers that you're going to tell me that the efforts I was doing right before the -290 reading was actually displaying 20 watts low.  Because I had a pretty epic blow up attempting 5x5'.  Took the reading and back pedaled after the third rep, but by then I was fried. 

So there was a difference of 60units so that is 20watts and yes, it was reading 20watts low.

I feel so much better now.

2016-01-06 10:08 AM
in reply to: slornow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

A few things moving forward in terms of general guidelines.  Keep everything civil.  This has never been an issue and tends to only be an issue when things such as politics and religion are brought up. So, since there are plenty of places to have those types of conversations lets keep them out of our discussions here.  With that said, appropriately sensitive sports related trash talk is fine.  For instance, lets say I am one of the few University of Alabama football fans that is not married to their first cousin and has more than 7 teeth.  It would be totally appropriate for me to politely point out to Jason A. the thrashing his Michigan State Spartans endured last Thursday night at the hands of Alabama's fine football team. Roll Tide!

We generally just let the discussion go where there is interest. Inevitably, this leads to some in depth discussion on certain topics that form the basics of triathlon training and racing.  If anyone has a specific topic they would like to see addressed by the group then bring it up.  The success of these groups is largely dependent on member participation.  Don't be shy about stating your opinions or thoughts....we are all here to learn more.  I will say that this is one of the most experienced groups I have ever been involved with and that is a huge plus.  But, those with limited experience should not be intimidated....there are some great triathletes here in the group and there is much to be learned from their experiences. 

Everyone good with that?  If not Jason A. handles all complaints.

2016-01-06 11:48 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by slornow

So, those that train with power...what type of powermeter do you use?  Do you like it?  I have always used PowerTap wheels.  Over the years i have built up to 3 PT wheels. 1) A training wheel with Pro+ hub with lots of miles 2) Zipp 10spd disc with PT hub for tri racing and 3) A Cycleops (Reynolds) carbon clincher with a G3 hub that I keep on my road bike.  Obviously, not the most economical set up but I am comfortable with using Powertap and the training wheel and disc are both 10spd so know I will have to move on from that at some point.  Moving forward I would look really hard at the Powertap P1 pedals.  Seems to be the easiest to swap out between bikes.

I use a Quarq and like it.  I had one issue with it in early 2015 where it was giving me crazy numbers (I was either destined to be the best pro cyclist of all time or a weakling who probably couldn't even turn the crank if my life depended on it!) after it would get wet.  It was a corrosion issue....probably because I spend WAY too much time on the trainer and have poor maintenance skills....Quarq replaced it (at a small cost) and I'm now under warranty again if any other issue is to come up.

I've had this PM since 2013 and been happy with it.  I'm really out of the loop in terms of knowing which power meter I'd choose if I needed to replace this with a different brand.  I hope not to have to cross that bridge anytime soon

2016-01-06 12:25 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

I used a PT training wheel which I would cover for races from 2010 to early 2013.  As I started getting more into road racing where a covered wheel was not ideal, and my main HIM was Honu 70.3 where discs are not allowed, I decided to move to crank based.  Quarq was pushing out all their 975 models for $999 which at the time (March 2013) was a deal.  Been using that ever since with very few issues.  Had to get it serviced last year to readjust the slope, but honestly it is something I could have done myself using a known weight.  I was just right up against my warranty and wanted to send it in just in case it was more than a slope issue.

I have considered getting a newer PM, but honestly I think I'm going to use this 975 until it dies.  It's a little heavier than the newer stuff, and when I replace chain rings (more often than most people) it does take some time to settle in where the newer models don't.  If I did look into another PM, I'd probably go with Quarq first, then P2M.  I know the P2M is cheaper and gets good reviews, but not having the ability to adjust the slope kind of bothers me a little.  I'd also prefer to stick with a GXP BB standard which seems to be extremely compatible across all frames...including the new BB30a that Cannondale has released on their new road bikes that have a 73 mm wide shell.

2016-01-06 12:25 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Quarq on my road bike, vectors on my TT bike and Kickr trainer.

Kickr is first gen, and tracks within a couple of watts of the quarq. I have it setup so that quarq drives the kickr rather than its own internal PM regardless.

I have been through 5 quarqs in 6 years (all warranty replacements) but my wife has had the same one for almost as long without a problem. I would buy another one again without question; customer service is great, and I always had a replacement back in my hands in 72 hours or less.

I got the vectors when I purchased my most recent TT bike. Went that direction as I wanted to keep the crank/chainrings that came with the bike and they were not compatible with quarq at the time (they are now). I would rather have a quarq on that bike as well as a) I am not really wild about the keo pedals, b) they have proven too easy to damage (I sheared a plug off during a race and broke a pod in another) and c) I find them a little finicky to swap between bikes (at least relative to the quarq, which is snap so long as you have the same bottom brackets or adapters). I don't have the second gen pods though, and that should make it a little easier.

Randy, you ride eMotion rollers, correct? Do you have the ones with a resistance unit, or do you also ride a regular trainer for prescribed interval workouts? I rode rollers all the time years ago, and would be interested in trying them out again if eMotion could every get their "smart" unit for sale in the US.

2016-01-06 12:28 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"
NAME: Steven

STORY: Grew up playing competitive Ice hockey, quit when I was around 18 was always a "larger" player but skating 6 times a week for 2 hours a time kept most of my weight in check. Stopped playing hockey but kept eating like I was still playing. Hit a max of 250lbs (5'-10") and had done no physical activity for years.

Moved away from home for University, then became single, so I decided I better get in shape, started weightlifting and running. Running was hard, picking heavy things up and then putting them back down again was pretty easy for me. ( 400lb Backsquat and 500lb Deadlifts were not uncommon for me to be doing ie read non endurance body type)

But started to enjoy running more, started with 5km runs, then signed up for a HM, finished that, wanted the next step, next year ran a full marathon. year after that bought a road bike, decided to give triathlons a try, only problem is I couldn't swim... like really couldn't swim. Had to take learn to swim classes for Adults. Then did the same progression with Tri's did a sprint, Oly, then a HIM (Great White North for anyone in Alberta)

FAMILY STATUS: Just got engaged, Wedding is 2 weeks after my main race.... FML

CURRENT TRAINING: Started TrainerRoad's Full distance triathlon base program, (12 weeks) then I will start the BT Full RPE training plan

2014/2015 YEAR'S RACES: I have done a few smaller ones, but the main ones are First HIM (flat course) 6:47, and then next year a hiller one Ironman 70.3 Victoria at 6:30 (Slow I know, but I still enjoy it)

UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: . I might do a few smaller Sprints/Oly but mainly its a HIM (great white north again) then IM Mont Tremblant Aug 21 (would like to be in a the low 12hours range)

WEIGHTLOSS:. Need some of that, I am currently about 215ish, slowly starting to go down, but I have usually raced at 200lbs and that is still way too heavy for me, I am going to focus on loosing weight (so less beer and chicken wings sadly) but I would like to be around 180lbs come race day.

2016-01-06 12:30 PM
in reply to: jimmyb

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group..."We're back!"

Originally posted by jimmyb Hi Guys! I'm still at it. Finally got into Kona for 2016 (via Legacy, no I'm still not even close to doing it by time). Would love to work with you guys again if there is still room. Jim

Jim - that is awesome! Can't wait to follow you along as well.

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : December 14, 2011
author : AMSSM
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What is the recommended way to recover from a cycling-related lower back injury?
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.