BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered) Rss Feed  
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2014-06-13 1:12 PM
in reply to: bullygirl979

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Gear question--any use a garmin 310xt? I have a forerunner 305 but seeing as I am doing a tri (and hopefully multiple tris!) I'd like something that is waterproof. In looking at reviews I see that the mileage isn't accurate but I think it would be good to use for keeping track of my overall time. I can pick one up used fairly cheap. Any thougths? Pros or cons?

I use a 310xt but just got it and am still learning my way around it.  I have fails about 1/2 the time, generally from operator error.  Mine also takes a little while to connect to satellites so I have to turn it on and leave it outside for 5 min before I go anywhere.  From what I understand, it's not really waterproof but you can put it under your swim cap when doing OWS and have it set to beep at distance intervals.

2014-06-13 1:15 PM
in reply to: laffinrock


Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by laffinrock

Gear question--any use a garmin 310xt? I have a forerunner 305 but seeing as I am doing a tri (and hopefully multiple tris!) I'd like something that is waterproof. In looking at reviews I see that the mileage isn't accurate but I think it would be good to use for keeping track of my overall time. I can pick one up used fairly cheap. Any thougths? Pros or cons?

I use a 310xt but just got it and am still learning my way around it.  I have fails about 1/2 the time, generally from operator error.  Mine also takes a little while to connect to satellites so I have to turn it on and leave it outside for 5 min before I go anywhere.  From what I understand, it's not really waterproof but you can put it under your swim cap when doing OWS and have it set to beep at distance intervals.

Per the garmin website, the 310xt is waterproof up to 50M. The forerunner 305 (what I have now) is not waterproof at all.
2014-06-13 1:17 PM
in reply to: 0

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Gear question--any use a garmin 310xt? I have a forerunner 305 but seeing as I am doing a tri (and hopefully multiple tris!) I'd like something that is waterproof. In looking at reviews I see that the mileage isn't accurate but I think it would be good to use for keeping track of my overall time. I can pick one up used fairly cheap. Any thougths? Pros or cons?

I use a 310xt but just got it and am still learning my way around it.  I have fails about 1/2 the time, generally from operator error.  Mine also takes a little while to connect to satellites so I have to turn it on and leave it outside for 5 min before I go anywhere.  From what I understand, it's not really waterproof but you can put it under your swim cap when doing OWS and have it set to beep at distance intervals.

The 305 is the under the swim cap one.

The 310 doesn't do a great job of making a pretty map afterward if you wear it on your wrist WHILE SWIMMING.   Firmware updates have improved it from what is seen here though.

Edited by jmkizer 2014-06-13 1:17 PM
2014-06-13 1:21 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Sooooo, Friday the 13th, everybody!  What are you scared of most? 

I'll start:  Bigfoot.  It even creeps me out to see the signs for Great Divide Yeti beer and leaving a campfire in the woods gives me anxiety attacks.

OK, here goes:

That my kids will quickly make friends and settle in to Austin (ayuh, looks like we're moving!), and that it's the right thing for whole family, and that we can get there quickly enough for them to start the summer school stuff (like band, etc.) and meet some kids before walking into a totally new school knowing no one and trying to figure out where to sit at lunch!!   

Serious concern, but we've done it before and these kids are great, so I'm both concerned and yet hopeful.  It's an awesome opportunity, but it's hard moving kids at their ages...

Oh, that and forgetting my bike shoes when packing for a race.  


2014-06-13 1:23 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by laffinrock

Sooooo, Friday the 13th, everybody!  What are you scared of most? 

I'll start:  Bigfoot.  It even creeps me out to see the signs for Great Divide Yeti beer and leaving a campfire in the woods gives me anxiety attacks.

OK, here goes:

That my kids will quickly make friends and settle in to Austin (ayuh, looks like we're moving!), and that it's the right thing for whole family, and that we can get there quickly enough for them to start the summer school stuff (like band, etc.) and meet some kids before walking into a totally new school knowing no one and trying to figure out where to sit at lunch!!   

Serious concern, but we've done it before and these kids are great, so I'm both concerned and yet hopeful.  It's an awesome opportunity, but it's hard moving kids at their ages...

Oh, that and forgetting my bike shoes when packing for a race.  


How old are they?

2014-06-13 1:25 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by laffinrock

Sooooo, Friday the 13th, everybody!  What are you scared of most? 

I'll start:  Bigfoot.  It even creeps me out to see the signs for Great Divide Yeti beer and leaving a campfire in the woods gives me anxiety attacks.

OK, here goes:

That my kids will quickly make friends and settle in to Austin (ayuh, looks like we're moving!), and that it's the right thing for whole family, and that we can get there quickly enough for them to start the summer school stuff (like band, etc.) and meet some kids before walking into a totally new school knowing no one and trying to figure out where to sit at lunch!!   

Serious concern, but we've done it before and these kids are great, so I'm both concerned and yet hopeful.  It's an awesome opportunity, but it's hard moving kids at their ages...

Oh, that and forgetting my bike shoes when packing for a race.  


Dangit - you might just win the Austin race , I'm hoping to get an offer next week and move for July 7th/8th or so!!  

Oh suuuuuure, bring the conversation back to tri stuff when we're all off on tangents and whatnot.  I remember seeing the pics of a girl *I think* at IM Cozumel who forgot her bike shoes and did the whole bike in her bare feet with a couple of pieces of cardboard taped to the pedals.  Now THAT's hardcore!  

2014-06-13 2:03 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

A listing of Manatee Races, Rides and Runs and other events

June 14-15
Randee - Patriot Half on Saturday
Judi - Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Rev on Sunday
Monica - Lake in the Hills on Sunday
Tom - Camp Meeting 5k on Sunday
Tom - Speedy Feet Wed Night Tri #2 on Wednesday

June 20 is Yanit's Bali wedding


2014-06-13 2:05 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by laffinrock

Sooooo, Friday the 13th, everybody!  What are you scared of most? 

I'll start:  Bigfoot.  It even creeps me out to see the signs for Great Divide Yeti beer and leaving a campfire in the woods gives me anxiety attacks.

OK, here goes:

That my kids will quickly make friends and settle in to Austin (ayuh, looks like we're moving!), and that it's the right thing for whole family, and that we can get there quickly enough for them to start the summer school stuff (like band, etc.) and meet some kids before walking into a totally new school knowing no one and trying to figure out where to sit at lunch!!   

Serious concern, but we've done it before and these kids are great, so I'm both concerned and yet hopeful.  It's an awesome opportunity, but it's hard moving kids at their ages...

Oh, that and forgetting my bike shoes when packing for a race.  


Dangit - you might just win the Austin race , I'm hoping to get an offer next week and move for July 7th/8th or so!!  

Oh suuuuuure, bring the conversation back to tri stuff when we're all off on tangents and whatnot.  I remember seeing the pics of a girl *I think* at IM Cozumel who forgot her bike shoes and did the whole bike in her bare feet with a couple of pieces of cardboard taped to the pedals.  Now THAT's hardcore!  

That'd be sooooo cool! (but I was selfishly hoping to meet you when I go to IL for DS2's graduation from basic)

2014-06-13 2:07 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by laffinrock

Sooooo, Friday the 13th, everybody!  What are you scared of most? 

I'll start:  Bigfoot.  It even creeps me out to see the signs for Great Divide Yeti beer and leaving a campfire in the woods gives me anxiety attacks.

OK, here goes:

That my kids will quickly make friends and settle in to Austin (ayuh, looks like we're moving!), and that it's the right thing for whole family, and that we can get there quickly enough for them to start the summer school stuff (like band, etc.) and meet some kids before walking into a totally new school knowing no one and trying to figure out where to sit at lunch!!   

Serious concern, but we've done it before and these kids are great, so I'm both concerned and yet hopeful.  It's an awesome opportunity, but it's hard moving kids at their ages...

Oh, that and forgetting my bike shoes when packing for a race.  


How old are they?

We moved our boys when they were in 1st & 3rd grades, then again when there were in 8th and 10th grades and they handled it well both times (besides the normal grumbling).

2014-06-13 2:10 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by laffinrock

Sooooo, Friday the 13th, everybody!  What are you scared of most? 

I'll start:  Bigfoot.  It even creeps me out to see the signs for Great Divide Yeti beer and leaving a campfire in the woods gives me anxiety attacks.

OK, here goes:

That my kids will quickly make friends and settle in to Austin (ayuh, looks like we're moving!), and that it's the right thing for whole family, and that we can get there quickly enough for them to start the summer school stuff (like band, etc.) and meet some kids before walking into a totally new school knowing no one and trying to figure out where to sit at lunch!!   

Serious concern, but we've done it before and these kids are great, so I'm both concerned and yet hopeful.  It's an awesome opportunity, but it's hard moving kids at their ages...

Oh, that and forgetting my bike shoes when packing for a race.  


How old are they?

We moved our boys when they were in 1st & 3rd grades, then again when there were in 8th and 10th grades and they handled it well both times (besides the normal grumbling).

We moved when I was going into 4th grade (Poughkeepsie area), when I was going into 6th grade (Waterloo, Iowa) and when I was in 10th grade (Ramsey, NJ) and my parents moved when I was in college too. 

2014-06-13 2:22 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

A listing of Manatee Races, Rides and Runs and other events

June 14-15
Randee - Patriot Half on Saturday
Judi - Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Rev on Sunday
Monica - Lake in the Hills on Sunday
Tom - Camp Meeting 5k on Sunday
Tom - Speedy Feet Wed Night Tri #2 on Wednesday

June 20 is Yanit's Bali wedding


GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANATEES!! (In red to help you go faster.)  And yay for no DL'ers too! 

Randee, is Tom Brady gonna be there?

Judi, Rev Rev Rev ZOOOOM!

Monica, what the heck kind of race are you doing?!  I'm so confused... 

Tom, so cool that you're doing 2 races/week.  You're totally rockin' it!

Yanti, happy 1,000th wedding!!  Pictures or it didn't happen.

2014-06-13 2:50 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by Richardsdrr This scares me

Yikes!  I opened this at work - good thing i have my own office!!  This is very scary.  I'm also very glad you didn't post a rear view picture - I think that would be very traumatic!

Edited by amd723 2014-06-13 2:53 PM
2014-06-13 2:51 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

A listing of Manatee Races, Rides and Runs and other events

June 14-15
Randee - Patriot Half on Saturday
Judi - Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Rev on Sunday
Monica - Lake in the Hills on Sunday
Tom - Camp Meeting 5k on Sunday
Tom - Speedy Feet Wed Night Tri #2 on Wednesday

June 20 is Yanit's Bali wedding

Can it be 2 weeks (maybe more?) in a row without a DL ???  Yay us!

Go speed racers!!

Happy 100th wedding Yanti  

2014-06-13 2:56 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

A listing of Manatee Races, Rides and Runs and other events

June 14-15
Randee - Patriot Half on Saturday
Judi - Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Rev on Sunday
Monica - Lake in the Hills on Sunday
Tom - Camp Meeting 5k on Sunday
Tom - Speedy Feet Wed Night Tri #2 on Wednesday

June 20 is Yanit's Bali wedding


GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANATEES!! (In red to help you go faster.)  And yay for no DL'ers too! 

Randee, is Tom Brady gonna be there?

Judi, Rev Rev Rev ZOOOOM!

Monica, what the heck kind of race are you doing?!  I'm so confused... 

Tom, so cool that you're doing 2 races/week.  You're totally rockin' it!

Yanti, happy 1,000th wedding!!  Pictures or it didn't happen.

Ha!!  That's okay, I'm pretty confused most of the time.  It's a sprint, but with a 4 mile run at the end - which is just mean, if you ask me.  And also not all that fun to find out when doing the race for the first time and at the 3 mile mark you're looking for the finish line and start to kind of sprint (but not really because my legs just don't DO that)... only to keep running... and keep running...  it's just MEAN, I say!   

2014-06-13 3:11 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

A listing of Manatee Races, Rides and Runs and other events

June 14-15
Randee - Patriot Half on Saturday
Judi - Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Rev on Sunday
Monica - Lake in the Hills on Sunday
Tom - Camp Meeting 5k on Sunday
Tom - Speedy Feet Wed Night Tri #2 on Wednesday

June 20 is Yanit's Bali wedding


GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANATEES!! (In red to help you go faster.)  And yay for no DL'ers too! 

Randee, is Tom Brady gonna be there?

Judi, Rev Rev Rev ZOOOOM!

Monica, what the heck kind of race are you doing?!  I'm so confused... 

Tom, so cool that you're doing 2 races/week.  You're totally rockin' it!

Yanti, happy 1,000th wedding!!  Pictures or it didn't happen.

Ha!!  That's okay, I'm pretty confused most of the time.  It's a sprint, but with a 4 mile run at the end - which is just mean, if you ask me.  And also not all that fun to find out when doing the race for the first time and at the 3 mile mark you're looking for the finish line and start to kind of sprint (but not really because my legs just don't DO that)... only to keep running... and keep running...  it's just MEAN, I say!   

I hate when that happens!  You should have just stopped at the 3.1 mile mark and called it a day 

2014-06-13 3:22 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

A listing of Manatee Races, Rides and Runs and other events

June 14-15
Randee - Patriot Half on Saturday
Judi - Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Rev on Sunday
Monica - Lake in the Hills on Sunday
Tom - Camp Meeting 5k on Sunday
Tom - Speedy Feet Wed Night Tri #2 on Wednesday

June 20 is Yanit's Bali wedding


Love TJ's design, so use that as my cheer!  Make us proud, manatees, you always do!

2014-06-13 3:22 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Ha!!  That's okay, I'm pretty confused most of the time.  It's a sprint, but with a 4 mile run at the end - which is just mean, if you ask me.  And also not all that fun to find out when doing the race for the first time and at the 3 mile mark you're looking for the finish line and start to kind of sprint (but not really because my legs just don't DO that)... only to keep running... and keep running...  it's just MEAN, I say!   

I hate when that happens!  You should have just stopped at the 3.1 mile mark and called it a day 

But if I had done that, I wouldn't have finished, and gotten the t-shirt & medal and gotten to call myself a finisher!  

Being slightly smarter than last year, I just checked to make sure the run portion was still 4 miles and they hadn't changed it to something meaner, like 5 miles.  

2014-06-13 3:23 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

A friend of mine is in Dubai.  He snapped a picture of the latest women's running fashion.  As you can see, it is in a lovely black color for that color's known cooling effect and it has a lovely flower to bring it all together!


 Inline image 1

2014-06-13 3:23 PM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by Richardsdrr This scares me

Those pics raise so many questions, questions I probably really don't want answers to.

On a side note, did Justin Beiber dye his hair for that first pic?!  Bwah ha ha ha ha ha!  Kidding!  I know they aren't him but dang it there isn't a strong resemblance!

2014-06-13 3:24 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Yikes!  sorry about the size of that photo. But now you know what it looks like life-sized!!

2014-06-13 3:25 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Ha!!  That's okay, I'm pretty confused most of the time.  It's a sprint, but with a 4 mile run at the end - which is just mean, if you ask me.  And also not all that fun to find out when doing the race for the first time and at the 3 mile mark you're looking for the finish line and start to kind of sprint (but not really because my legs just don't DO that)... only to keep running... and keep running...  it's just MEAN, I say!   

Annnnnnd you're doing it again, evidently.  Just proving, in case there was any doubt, that you are indeed a glutton for punishment.  Hey, how's the kitteh launching going?  Working on your technique?

2014-06-13 3:26 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Ha!!  That's okay, I'm pretty confused most of the time.  It's a sprint, but with a 4 mile run at the end - which is just mean, if you ask me.  And also not all that fun to find out when doing the race for the first time and at the 3 mile mark you're looking for the finish line and start to kind of sprint (but not really because my legs just don't DO that)... only to keep running... and keep running...  it's just MEAN, I say!   

I hate when that happens!  You should have just stopped at the 3.1 mile mark and called it a day 

But if I had done that, I wouldn't have finished, and gotten the t-shirt & medal and gotten to call myself a finisher!  

Being slightly smarter than last year, I just checked to make sure the run portion was still 4 miles and they hadn't changed it to something meaner, like 5 miles.  

picky, picky, picky!

I'm glad to see you learn from your mistakes.  Maybe you can use this story in your next interview!

2014-06-13 3:27 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by amd723

Yikes!  sorry about the size of that photo. But now you know what it looks like life-sized!!

As the pic won't even show up for me, I think you just broke my work computer!  

2014-06-13 3:30 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Ha!!  That's okay, I'm pretty confused most of the time.  It's a sprint, but with a 4 mile run at the end - which is just mean, if you ask me.  And also not all that fun to find out when doing the race for the first time and at the 3 mile mark you're looking for the finish line and start to kind of sprint (but not really because my legs just don't DO that)... only to keep running... and keep running...  it's just MEAN, I say!   

Annnnnnd you're doing it again, evidently.  Just proving, in case there was any doubt, that you are indeed a glutton for punishment.  Hey, how's the kitteh launching going?  Working on your technique?

I'm doing it again, but with the knowledge that the evil run is going to be 4 miles and not a much nicer 5km.  MEAN!

Both kittehs got launched off the bed last night, though at different times.  I've found that one hand at the scruff of the neck and one under the butt-hind legs gives some pretty good distance.  

2014-06-13 3:30 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by amd723

Yikes!  sorry about the size of that photo. But now you know what it looks like life-sized!!

As the pic won't even show up for me, I think you just broke my work computer!  

that's weird.  i may have to try again, so i can ensure that i break your work computer!

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