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2014-05-09 4:07 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Whats up for the weekend?
Originally posted by JREDFLY

Hey Steve, I did a modified version of you speed workout with the 1% incline trick on the treadmill last night and I can really feel it in my legs this AM.

Tomorrow is my 57th birthday and I am thinking on celebrating with a 14 mile run. Thinking on going old school and leaving the heart rate monitor at home and just pace by feel. I was disappointed with my time last week and felt like I could have run faster if I wasn't trying to keep my HR under 150. Still going to be careful not to overdo though. After writing this I am thinking I may be asking for trouble, any thoughts? Also, I would like to hear peoples opinion of wearing a HR monitor on race day?

Plus - Whats up for the weekend people?

Hey James--

Glad you gave the incline a try on the treadmill. It really makes a difference. Sometimes I'll do modified intervals where I'll keep the pace low but raise the incline. So, rather than doing a 5 minute interval where I juice the pace by :30/mile, I'll just pop the incline up a little for each interval starting while keeping the pace constant. I'll start at something 3% and go 3.5%, 4%, 4.5% amd 5%. By the final interval I'm pretty well cooked.

I actually like wearing a HR monitor to race. It's good confirmation of exactly where I'm at relative to perceived effort. At my age now, I can really only hope to hold my race HR in the low 150's....mid 150's and higher and I'm in the lactate zone and on my way to cooking my legs. The HR monitor helps keep me in the right zone.


2014-05-09 4:12 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: It's Friday again, already!!!
Hey Gang--

Hope you have a great weekend planned. Anyone out there racing?

I'm flying for Sacramento tonight. The opening stages of the Tour of California start on Sunday, so my wife and I will do some wine tasting on Saturday and then watch the first two stages of the tour on Sunday and Monday. Should be great fun. Some of the best riders from the European/Tour de France teams will be racing, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, that means training will take a back seat (watch for my weight gain report on Tuesday). I'll get in my long run tomorrow morning and maybe some additional work on Sunday, but it will in all likelihood be at pretty low levels. Cie la vie.

Have a great weekend.

2014-05-09 7:18 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Whats up for the weekend?
Happy Birthday, James. A 14 miler is quite a birthday stroll!

Steve - a wine country weekend doesn't sound too bad, either, particularly with the cycling tour in town.

I'm kind of cranked up to train this weekend because I have two group sessions scheduled for tomorrow. In the early morning, I'll join about 20 runners from my gym who have signed up as a team for a local 5k. In addition to individual placements, there's a prize for top team (lowest combined time for 3 runners) in both the men's and women's race. We have a decent shot to win the team race in both the men's and women's groups. Will see what happens. My goal is an 8:00 pace or better.

After a bit of recovery, I'll head over to the YMCA where the Tri club is holding an outdoor HIIT session. That should bring plenty of pain mixed with quite a few laughs, since this is a group that enjoys torture.

Sunday will be the first real training ride on the road bike, then its off to Mother's Day visits.

Happy training all.

2014-05-10 10:19 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Subject: ghost member
Firstly, I want to apologize and explain my lack of participation in our forum.

signing up for races is not in my budget ( right now) , I love to race. Its tough for me to read about everyone elses races...and cheer for them. I would like to improve my attitude. Bear with me.

I do have the lake travis relays in october and of course the marble falls tri in July. Thankfully !!

Happy Birthday James !

Scott ..first time you posted a recent pic. You look great..and wow...running a half....and sick. yes..the social aspect is a big part of racing, i agree. Fun stuff !

as far as the challenge, James I have been steady with thirty min a day. and no weight gain or loss. I dont know if you can beacktrack and give me those points for any unreported weeks ?

Austin lost an avid cyclist and triathlete last wednesday. He was 52. James Parmertor was loved by the Lake Travis mountain bike team and left behind a wife and two children. Apparently he went down during the swim and remained in a coma until he died three days later. He rode regularly and appeared to be a very fit guy.

2014-05-11 7:13 AM
in reply to: dustytrails

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: challenge update

James, this was a good workout week for me at least!

Weight  no gain     5

Workout 635 minutes = 21.66 points


                   26.55 for the week!

2014-05-11 9:43 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: challenge update
Hi James,

Here are my numbers for this week.

weight loss 1/2 lb 5pts
no weight gain 5pts
workout minutes 392 13pts

Total: 23 points


2014-05-11 2:51 PM
in reply to: DJP_19

Subject: RE: challenge update

My week was not stellar, but here goes:

weight loss=0
no weight gain=5 points

workout minutes=225 = 7.5

total points: 12.5
2014-05-11 4:04 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Chemical in Powerade

Originally posted by lutzman

I'm not really a big fan of Powerade and Gatorade, but I take this kind of hyper publicity with a grain of salt. After living through Alar and seeing how junk science was used by advocacy groups to scare the public--ultimately putting thousands of apple growers out of business--I've learned that the accepted model to secure change is "by whatever means necessary." Truth is the first casualty. Heck, even today the Environmental Working Group lists apples as the most dangerous fruit. It's total BS. So, I'm not particularly swayed by a internet protest generated by an 11th grader who thinks just because a certain chemical is used in product A it automatically must be bad if it's in food product B. But that's just me. .

I agree!  Whenever I read an article like the one referred to, my first question is always, "What is the author's agenda?"  Once you know that you can generally determine the BS factor pretty easily.  I suppose it never occurred to people as they read the scare tactics type of articles that it is not in Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Powerade, Gatorade or any of the other drink manufacturers interest to produce a beverage that may actually be toxic.  Kind of bad for PR when people start dropping over after drinking something you made.

2014-05-11 4:26 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: It's Friday!!!

Originally posted by soccermom15

I just checked the website and it looks like registration for next year doesn't re-open until September (wish I'd looked sooner) so I've got time to decide for sure - although I'm 95% sure I'm going to do it.  Hopefully we can meet up before the race!

They had 2015 registration open until 5/5.  I don't know if that was just for 2014 participants or not but I had the opportunity to register for next year.  You will not regret doing this race!  I think there was only about 40' of elevation change on the entire course and half of that was as we went under the grandstand entering the speedway.  The entertainment is priceless along the way.  This was my first 'long' race and it lived up to every bit of hype I read prior to the race.

Hope to see you there next year!

Also, we stayed in Caseyville, IL on the way out, just the other side of St. Louis from you I think.  They had Weather Channel on a TV in the office when we checked in to the hotel and as the clerk ran my credit card, a tornado warning was issued for the immediate area.  The clerk said, "I will give you a room on the west side so you can see it coming if it comes to that!"  Not often you get that kind of hospitality!

2014-05-11 4:34 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Whats up for the weekend?

Originally posted by JREDFLY

Tomorrow is my 57th birthday and I am thinking on celebrating with a 14 mile run. 

Happy belated birthday James!

I find myself pondering what is wrong with us that any of us might consider a 14 mile run a good way to spend a birthday?

2014-05-11 6:09 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Whats up for the weekend?

Originally posted by JREDFLYAlso, I would like to hear peoples opinion of wearing a HR monitor on race day?

Hey James -

Thought I would take a second and pull from my college days to look at the science behind why you might want to use a HR monitor on a run (or a power meter on the bike).

As you probably already know, your body breaks down glucose for energy, and a byproduct of that process is lactate, also known as lactic acid. For each lactate molecule produced by the body, one hydrogen ion is also formed. Hydrogen ions lower the blood pH and make the muscles acidic – hence the term ‘lactic acid.’ This acidity irritates muscle nerve endings and causes that pain, heaviness, and burning sensation in the muscles mistakenly attributed to lactic acid. During easy running (or any other exercise), your body reconverts and recycles lactate back into energy and carries away hydrogen ions with it. The production of lactate, and the clearance of hydrogen ions, will remain relatively constant while running at an easy aerobic pace, which doesn’t require a huge demand for energy. As you continue to run faster and demand more energy, the production of lactate will slowly increase. At some point - your lactate threshold - whether it be too fast a pace or holding a steady pace for too long, the production of lactate will soar and your body will no longer be able to convert lactate back into energy. At this point, lactate can’t grab its hydrogen ion to reduce the concentration of hydrogen ions in the muscle cell. Once you get to that point, you can DRAMATICALLY slow your pace in an attempt to clear the excess Hydrogen ions or your body will simply begin to shut down. In any case, it will be nearly impossible for your body to return to a lactate steady state until you stop exercise. So much better not to get there in the first place.

I think it is good to occasionally train without a HR monitor or power meter.  It is absolutely beneficial to learn how to listen to your body.  During a training run (or ride) if you over-cook it, you can learn from that mistake. On race day however, if you make the same mistake, your day is done.  Oh sure, you may still finish the race (likely in far more pain than necessary), but any chance for a good finish probably died when you started to play in zone 5.

I won't speak for anyone else, but I will not compete on a bike without a power meter and I will not run a race without a HR monitor.

2014-05-11 6:22 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: It's Friday again, already!!!

Originally posted by lutzman  I'm flying for Sacramento tonight. The opening stages of the Tour of California start on Sunday, so my wife and I will do some wine tasting on Saturday and then watch the first two stages of the tour on Sunday and Monday. Should be great fun. Some of the best riders from the European/Tour de France teams will be racing, so I'm really looking forward to it. 

Hey Steve -

Just watched stage one on TV.  I have no idea how Cavendish pulled out the win.  He was behind until about 2" from the finish line!

I am planning to go up to Wrightwood for the stage 6 finish at Mountain High on Friday and over to Pasadena for the stage 6 finish Saturday.  It is really cool not to have to travel to Europe to see the world's best cyclists!

2014-05-11 8:16 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: It's Friday again, already!!!
Great day at the Tour of California. Met up with Bradley Wiggans, 2012 TOF winner.
2014-05-11 8:21 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: It's Friday again, already!!!
Originally posted by lutzman

Great day at the Tour of California. Met up with Bradley Wiggans, 2012 TOF winner.


wiggins.JPG (37KB - 10 downloads)
2014-05-12 6:25 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2014-05-12 6:40 AM
in reply to: dustytrails

Bronze member
Subject: RE: ghost member

Originally posted by dustytrails Firstly, I want to apologize and explain my lack of participation in our forum. signing up for races is not in my budget ( right now) , I love to race. Its tough for me to read about everyone elses races...and cheer for them. I would like to improve my attitude. Bear with me. I do have the lake travis relays in october and of course the marble falls tri in July. Thankfully !! Happy Birthday James ! Scott ..first time you posted a recent pic. You look great..and wow...running a half....and sick. yes..the social aspect is a big part of racing, i agree. Fun stuff ! as far as the challenge, James I have been steady with thirty min a day. and no weight gain or loss. I dont know if you can beacktrack and give me those points for any unreported weeks ? Austin lost an avid cyclist and triathlete last wednesday. He was 52. James Parmertor was loved by the Lake Travis mountain bike team and left behind a wife and two children. Apparently he went down during the swim and remained in a coma until he died three days later. He rode regularly and appeared to be a very fit guy.


I hear you on being on the racing sideline. I have had to cancel out on all my races this year because I was way overestimating my healing time.It is hard to be forced not to play with the rest of the kids !

Sorry about the loss of your local athlete. That is tough. really tough.

2014-05-12 6:44 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

Bronze member
Subject: challenge numbers

Frustration sets in again this week, then was conquered and then tried to rise up again. I keep looking at where I was supposed to be now and where I actually am. Not that that does a lick of good. I still do it to my detriment.

433 minutes = 14 points

.5 pound lost = 5

no gain = 5

24 total for the week.

2014-05-12 7:11 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: challenge numbers
Hi All,

Numbers of the week.

Weight loss = 2 lbs = 20 + 5 = 25
Training = 150 min = 5 points
Total = 30 points

When I got home after yesterday's red eye, I was under 200 for the first time in a few years, but that was probably more dehydration from the long flight than anything. By this morning's weigh in, was back up at 202, which is probably pretty accurate. Rough week for training, but did pretty well on eating right. Just can't quite hit on all cylinders this year, but taking what I can get. Found out that the next triathlon I was planning on signing up for will be nixed because I'll need to cover a conference for a couple of people in our sales team that are going back for grad degrees this Fall. I really hope I can find one local tri I'll be home for this year. But, at 54, this year was more about general training and weight loss to hopefully set-up for my entry into the 55 age group next year. Can't say I've totally achieved that goal either, but haven't failed anyway :-) Anyway, am sharing the frustration of the others who haven't been able to race.

Scott, congrats on pushing through your race in Indy. That's quite an accomplishment given where your running was when you first joined the grey group! Well done, sir!

Happy birthday, James. Totally with you on the 14 mile run for a birthday present. So what if everyone thinks we're crazy. 'Tis good to live one's life as an outlier!

Okay, off to work for me. Have a great week everyone!

2014-05-12 6:40 PM
in reply to: juneapple

Subject: bike trainer
Thanks Robin......

So I am finding a bike trainer is very handy...even in a warm climate.

hop on and go......
2014-05-13 5:18 AM
in reply to: juneapple

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: challenge numbers


Here are my challenge update numbers from the last three weeks.

Weight gained 1.3 pounds - minus 13 points

Workout 617 minutes - 20.6 points

Total - 7.6 points

2014-05-13 8:51 AM
in reply to: k9car363

Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: Swim video learnings
Hi Scott,

I finally got a chance to see my swimming form on video last night. What a great tool. Our local swim guru did the underwater duties while a few of us swam laps. In my case, the video clip confirmed that I bend my legs at the knees and kick very ineffectively when I start to get fatigued.

So I'm going to refocus on the straight leg poolside kicking drills you suggested earlier. I had slacked off doing those a bit, since my ankles and achilles tendons have been pretty sore lately.

In any case, I really need to improve my kicking form. I'm hoping that its simply a matter of practicing good kicking form poolside, then executing that in the pool.


2014-05-13 9:44 AM
in reply to: juneapple

East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: challenge numbers
Originally posted by juneapple

But, at 54, this year was more about general training and weight loss to hopefully set-up for my entry into the 55 age group next year. Can't say I've totally achieved that goal either, but haven't failed anyway :-) Anyway, am sharing the frustration of the others who haven't been able to race.

Okay, off to work for me. Have a great week everyone!


No frustration allowed're aging up! Next year is your year! If you can just keep a little of your base and set yourself up for a healthy start to 2015, you should be able to set and hit some great new goals.

Hang in there!

2014-05-13 9:55 AM
in reply to: lutzman

East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: challenge numbers
Crazy thing with weight. I really lost a lot of workout time being at the Tour of California. Between minimal workouts and eating everything in sight I thought for sure I would gain weight. Nope. Lost half a pound. So, here's my prediction. I'll be up next week. I'm hoping for a really solid week of training since I'm down to four weeks until the Boise 70.3. So this is the time for me to hit it hard. With a little luck I'll get to 12 hours this week, which for me is a lot....and I bet I'll be higher when I step on the scale this time next week.

Weight = -.5 @ 159.5 = 5 points
Workout = five hours = 10 points

Total 15.


PS--Scott: hope you get out the to Tour of California. My wife and I had a gas. If you can pull it off, spring for the VIP pass. It's kind of expensive, but not really much worse than a day pass to Disneyland. And they put you right at the finish line with big screens so you can watch the entire race and then have the best seat in the house for the finish.
2014-05-14 6:18 PM
in reply to: lutzman

East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Tuesday trackk
Here was our workout from the Tuesday track club:

We all did our normal one mile warm up followed by drills (butt kicks, high knees, forward/backward lunges, bounding).

For the HM/10k group we did 8 X 600 working at about 80-85% of current 5k pace. So, for me that was running the 600 yard (1.5 laps each) at about a 7:00 minute pace or slightly faster. To be right on the 7:00 pace would have been 2:37 per 600. Each 600 was followed by an easy jog recovery of 200 yards.

The 5K group ran 10 X 300 with a 100 yard ez jog recovery. Same approach, 85% of your 5K pace per mile.

Good workout. Not as hard as the one mile repeats last week. We had our first bout of warmer weather (80+) for the run, so that added a little of additional stress.

I highly recommend track workouts once a week if you can locate a local school where you can run. There's no substitute to interval training to teach your body to deal with the stresses of faster pace running.

Have fun out there.

2014-05-14 10:55 PM
in reply to: lutzman

East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: IMPORTANT--This form ends/another forum begins
Hi everyone:

I've been alerted (Thank you, Scott!) that the winter BT forums are being closed and the summer forums are starting up. As a result, this forum will soon be closing

The good news is I have applied for a new forum with the same name to start up for summer. I'm hoping all of you will jump to the new forum. Hopefully we will add some new members as well.

All good things eventually end. Thanks to all of you who participated this winter in the Gray Guy/Girl forum, contributing your knowledge, curiosity, wisdom, history, stories and passion to make our little group a pretty good triathlon family.

Hope to see you all on the other side.

As always, happy training and be safe.

Best regards,

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2014-04-02 11:34 AM lsousa
date : October 24, 2012
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 3
I didn’t used to like to run slow. You begin to recalibrate your needs and wants and if-only you could jog an easy two miles, three times per week. Running is a gift.
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No one likes to look like a fool, but it’s hard not to when you don’t know what you’re doing as a beginner, so if it helps, go ahead and pretend.
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Maintaining a positive attitude and a sense of priority will be my keys to success. Before summer fades into fall, I will be a Triathlete and eager to race again.
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He looked at us and flat out told us that he wouldn't accept any of us as his students at a technical diving level with the poor level of physical fitness we had.
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Get inspired to race a triathlon even if your older.