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2011-01-07 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3284043

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tri-chic - 2011-01-07 8:03 AM

Training when you don't want to...Talking yourself out of quitting a long run when your not feeling it...getting up early when you want to sleep...having a miserable workout that you just suck at but survive.  This is your mental training!  These are the successes you think about in the middle of a race when the wheels are coming off.  You might walk for a minute or 20 and every step is agony and then you take a deep breath and try and pull it back together again and go again even it you have to do it 10 times during a race that is mental toughness.

It's an attitude...failure is not an option.  I didn't get up at 5am for the last 6 months to quit.  You didn't sacrifice all your social time to workout just to quit.  You haven't put up with all your spouses "moods" about your workouts to quit.  It's believing in yourself.  It's getting mad at yourself.  It's pushing yourself.  It's holding yourself accountable.

My IM swim sucked.  The water was 57 degrees and after 20 min the cold had jacked with my HR and I was getting testy with everyone around me and panicky and started having doubts 3/4 of the way through my first loop.  I started thinking that if I couldn't pull myself together I wasn't going to be able to finish.  You have to be able to shut your mind down when it starts talking crap and say "NO", I'm better than that. Or my actual conversation with myself was ", I'm not going back to work to tell everyone I quit".  Then I had to evaluate what was wrong and make a plan and adjust.

1.)  Stick to your workouts and finish them.  If you give yourself excuses in your workouts you will give yourself excuses while your racing.    My personal favorite when I'm having a bad swim or run is to promise myself I'll stop after 200 then just to be evil it's another 500 or whatever.  My brain hates my ego we talk to each other all through the workout. 

2.)  Find your happy/motivated place.  Know what will calm you down.  Is it a memory of a vacation, your kids, spouse, Happy and calm is different than Motivated and Fired up...a visual of the way you are or use to be or who you want to be?

3.)  Tell EVERYBODY you know what you are doing and post it on your office door.  I am not kidding here.  I can't tell you how many times I just wanted to change my goal and forget the IM but didn't because it was on my door and the GM would come by periodically and ask me about how things were going.  Pride is a great motivator.

4.)  Have a motto or two...pick a motto and know it by heart.  Use it in training and it will come to you in racing.  Tape it to your bike if you have to.

ie...Suck it up buttercup or HTFU..just don't tell Suzy. ,  Nothing to it but to do it!  Good, Better, Best, never rest until your good is better than the rest.  Not sure where I got this one from but it works when your running on each foot strike.

5.)  Evaluate and change plans on the fly. (SOOOOO, important)  You should always have a race plan A, B and C and even then you might have to be creative.  Very rarely will you ever have a race that goes exactly as planned.

6.)  Learn the difference between workout pain and injury pain.  There is no shame in pulling out of a race because you feel something that is just wrong.  I've been out for two years because of working through pain.  I am in the process of discovering how I need to prepare my body to race and what I need to do when things feel off but I won't ever hesitate to stop if I can't get things undercontrol because one race isn't worth two years.  We aren't talking blisters here.

7)  Know why you are doing this.  This isn't the simple answer, "because somebody asked me to do it."  There's a reason you decided to torture yourself.  You may not even know why right now but you will discover it in your training.  Race day is a catered training day.  It's just another day in the end.  Triathlon is a journey of self discovery.  The work, blood, sweat, tears and money come from a place within.  Know what your motivation is and use it when the going gets tough.

7)  Last but not realistic with your goals and be prepared.

Sorry this got so long.  You hit a sore spot that I've been struggling with to get back on track.  You might have to feed this back to me as I go.


fowlmood - 2011-01-06 10:04 PM So far most of the questions I have read have been about workouts
miles/time on running and cycling, yards/meters swimming.

So what about mental  toughness what preparations does everyone make for training and races how do you coupe with different types of physical and mental stress.

Kelly, excellent post!  The tips are just what I needed to read.  I am printing it off and keeping it as a reference.

2011-01-07 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3283924

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SoccerGK - 2011-01-07 6:50 AM
AWESOME work!  You will be great for your half marathon, I know it!  My first is in May, also, so we have a lot of fun ahead of us!

Thanks are you as nervous as I am. I guess it will help the FEAR of FAILURE drives me pretty hard. But I also want to make sure I have enough base that I go out and ENJOY it at the same time.

Mine will be in DownTown Toronto along the lake which should be nice.
2011-01-07 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Awesome post Kelly!!!  That might be something you want to share in the main forum...LOTS of people could benefit from that!

And this group will be happy to feed it back to you in the future if needed!

2011-01-07 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3284156

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Kelly you should publish that post!! Great stuff in there!

This month's Runner's World has an article on matras -- top people share their mantras at various times during races. Pretty cool to read. Funny to see we share some of the same ones.

I dug up a part of my RR from my IM last year -- this was my dark moment during my race where I had just tossed my cookies on the run course and still had 22 miles to run on a hot day after training through a very cold, wet spring:

"As I was throwing up I felt so horrible I realized that this might be the end of my race. I did not want to give up, but I did not want to be stupid and end up in the medical tent for the rest of the day either. I contemplated my options – part of me said, “Stop. You’re done. This is not your day.” And the rational (irrational?) side said, “You’ll never forgive yourself. You’ve worked too hard. Failure is not an option. Finishing in 17 hours is not failure. You can do this. Even if you walk for the next 22 miles, you can do this. Forward progress. Forward progress.” So off I went, walking tentatively... "

What everyone has said is spot on. We tap into our mental toughness every day (both for training and not). We need to learn how mentally tough we are... Cuz we ALL are!!
2011-01-07 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Kelly - that post is just phenomenal.  Thank you.  My mantra has always been "sweat+sacrifice=success," and when I'm really sucking it up on a run or something, I just keep telling myself that.  Simple, but it reminds me that I won't succeed at anything unless I put effort into it.

2011-01-07 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3284043

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Great post, Kelly!  I find it need it more in the water than anywhere because I get so bored swimming laps.  At least when you're running there is scenery.

Kyla, thanks for the heads up on the article about mantras.  I could always use another one.  "The faster I run, the sooner I'm done" got me through four years of cross-country.

2011-01-07 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3284043

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tri-chic - 2011-01-07 8:03 AM

Training when you don't want to...

Ok that is an amazing post to a newbie like me. Some very good points in there, some I kind of already knew in my own heart many others I didn't

Thank you for sharing.

2011-01-07 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3284132

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Techdiver - 2011-01-07 8:31 AM
SoccerGK - 2011-01-07 6:50 AM
AWESOME work!  You will be great for your half marathon, I know it!  My first is in May, also, so we have a lot of fun ahead of us!

Thanks are you as nervous as I am. I guess it will help the FEAR of FAILURE drives me pretty hard. But I also want to make sure I have enough base that I go out and ENJOY it at the same time.

Mine will be in DownTown Toronto along the lake which should be nice.

I signed up for my race back in like October or November, so I'm past the nervous stage now!  You'll get there too, don't worry.  Now, I'm just very excited for it!  We've already invited all of our friends and family to come and make a weekend of it, so there is no backing out and no stopping allowed! 

It helps that Ryan is running the full marathon (trying to BQ) at the same time I'll be running the half because I always feel the need to go faster when we workout/train together.  The goal is under 2 hours, but I'll be happy if I can go under 2h10m too.  Or if I just finish the half before Ryan finishes the full! 

Mine is May 15 in Green Bay.  Not the most gorgeous location, but we get to run a finishing lap around Lambeau, and even though I'm a Bears fan, it's pretty cool.

You WILL enjoy the race!  Start telling yourself that now.  Mindset is everything!  I've actually started LOVING my runs just because I told myself I would. 

Do you have a training plan in place?  I'm excited to share the preparation for a first half marathon with another on the MG!
2011-01-07 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3283936

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-07 7:54 AM
fowlmood - 2011-01-06 10:04 PM So far most of the questions I have read have been about workouts
miles/time on running and cycling, yards/meters swimming.

So what about mental  toughness what preparations does everyone make for training and races how do you coupe with different types of physical and mental stress.

I've gotten a lot better at digging deep for races (and training) than I used to be.  For me, I set a very specific goal (e.g. for IM I told myself I would walk only 10 steps through water stations to drink and then I would get huffing) and stick with it.  As the pain increases, I have that goal in my head and I know if I veer from it, I will totally disappoint myself post race.  In order to succeed, I have to believe I can achieve the goal with hard effort and have to really want it.

Believe in yourself and the sky really is the limit.  I'm sort of living proof of that.....not a ton of talent, but a ton of will.  Sometimes that's enough

PS. There are several worthy books out favorite is Training and Talent are Underrated, but Running Within is also a good place to start.

So not true, you got a load of talent Suzy!

2011-01-07 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3284344

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Terps421 - 2011-01-07 9:45 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-01-07 7:54 AM
fowlmood - 2011-01-06 10:04 PM So far most of the questions I have read have been about workouts
miles/time on running and cycling, yards/meters swimming.

So what about mental  toughness what preparations does everyone make for training and races how do you coupe with different types of physical and mental stress.

I've gotten a lot better at digging deep for races (and training) than I used to be.  For me, I set a very specific goal (e.g. for IM I told myself I would walk only 10 steps through water stations to drink and then I would get huffing) and stick with it.  As the pain increases, I have that goal in my head and I know if I veer from it, I will totally disappoint myself post race.  In order to succeed, I have to believe I can achieve the goal with hard effort and have to really want it.

Believe in yourself and the sky really is the limit.  I'm sort of living proof of that.....not a ton of talent, but a ton of will.  Sometimes that's enough

PS. There are several worthy books out favorite is Training and Talent are Underrated, but Running Within is also a good place to start.

So not true, you got a load of talent Suzy!



2011-01-07 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Yorktown, VA & Langley AFB
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Away for a couple days and BAM! 53 Pages!
Holy smokes... I got some reading to catch up on.

Got my aero bars in yesterday... will try a ride on them today... Wish me luck Undecided

2011-01-07 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Thank you so much, Kelly, that was an amazing post.

I have never been able to verbalize "my brain hates my ego, we talk to each other all through the workout" as well as you!

I think I would add the word "smack" in there for my own conversations with myself (my goodness, am I Cybil?)

Suzy's got tons of talent and does all the training AND she is mentally tough and filled with determination.

I've read that book and I think the title is ironic.  I'm sure there are different interpretations, but my take is that talent and training are NOT over-rated, they get you to a place where you can be the best that you can be, and if you can tap into that mental toughness and determination, all of which starts the moment you put your mind and body to the task, you can be stronger at the starting line and you can finish better than the person with the exact same amount of training and talent than you who is you who is not as well mentally prepared. 

Happy Friday everyone!
2011-01-07 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Kelly said it beautifully.  I've been thinking about this all day and for me it breaks down into 2 different groups, triathlons and the Ironman.

Triathlons are a lifestyle. I enjoy the sense of accomplishment, the fitness level, the community and the pure joy of the event.  I don't see myself giving up tris any time soon.  But in the middle of a race or training if something doesn’t work I don’t sweat it. It isn’t worth my health and I know I’ll be back to try again so I don’t view it as quitting.

But the Ironman is the first large goal in my life I feel I have total control over.  So many things have happened in my life where I was one step short of achieving a goal.  If I want to be pessimistic I can give excuses for why things didn’t happen, but it’s left a sense of personal fraud in my character.  But this race is something I will be able to say I did and no one can take it away from me. It will change how I feel others view me and more importantly how I view myself. I don’t mean that in an arrogant sense.  It is more a self confidence boost. This will be something I’ve done b/c I put in the hard work, made the sacrifices and the commitment to complete.  I need this in my life right now.  Too many things are out of my control and this is the one thing I can take charge of.  That is what gets me out of bed and through those long workouts.  Even last year before I registered for the race, this goal was set and I knew the training was going to help me achieve it.

It probably isn't a very motivating mantra for others but I've connected with my signature.  When I feel I want to quit I ask myself, am I really hurt or just not motivated?   Other times I've given all I can give for the day and if  I come up short of the goal I know I've done my best....AT THIS MOMENT!   One bad day or bad race does not make me a failure. 

These are my two personal favorites:

Courage....isn't always a lion's roar - it is sometimes the heart at the end of a day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."

I want to be brave enough to start and strong enough to finish.

2011-01-07 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3281407

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New user
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-06 7:58 AM
Anne! - 2011-01-06 7:53 AM Okay I have to ask.... I've seen it a couple of times and I just can't figure it out... what the heck is FWIW?


Dude!  I think you might have too much time on your hands... why not just type "for what it's worth"!?

PS - Thanks  
2011-01-07 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3284846

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Anne! - 2011-01-07 11:40 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-06 7:58 AM
Anne! - 2011-01-06 7:53 AM Okay I have to ask.... I've seen it a couple of times and I just can't figure it out... what the heck is FWIW?


Dude!  I think you might have too much time on your hands... why not just type "for what it's worth"!?

PS - Thanks  

Its early,but Anne you are in the running for "Understatement of the Year."
2011-01-07 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3284912

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

TrevorC - 2011-01-07 12:54 PM
Anne! - 2011-01-07 11:40 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-06 7:58 AM
Anne! - 2011-01-06 7:53 AM Okay I have to ask.... I've seen it a couple of times and I just can't figure it out... what the heck is FWIW?


Dude!  I think you might have too much time on your hands... why not just type "for what it's worth"!?

PS - Thanks  

Its early,but Anne you are in the running for "Understatement of the Year."

Good one Trevor - I actually laughed out loud at that one...  waiting for cubeville neighbors to ask what was so funny...

2011-01-07 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3284043

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

tri-chic - 2011-01-07 8:03 AM

Training when you don't want to...Talking yourself out of quitting a long run when your not feeling it...getting up early when you want to sleep...having a miserable workout that you just suck at but survive.  This is your mental training!  These are the successes you think about in the middle of a race when the wheels are coming off.  You might walk for a minute or 20 and every step is agony and then you take a deep breath and try and pull it back together again and go again even it you have to do it 10 times during a race that is mental toughness.

It's an attitude...failure is not an option.  I didn't get up at 5am for the last 6 months to quit.  You didn't sacrifice all your social time to workout just to quit.  You haven't put up with all your spouses "moods" about your workouts to quit.  It's believing in yourself.  It's getting mad at yourself.  It's pushing yourself.  It's holding yourself accountable.

My IM swim sucked.  The water was 57 degrees and after 20 min the cold had jacked with my HR and I was getting testy with everyone around me and panicky and started having doubts 3/4 of the way through my first loop.  I started thinking that if I couldn't pull myself together I wasn't going to be able to finish.  You have to be able to shut your mind down when it starts talking crap and say "NO", I'm better than that. Or my actual conversation with myself was ", I'm not going back to work to tell everyone I quit".  Then I had to evaluate what was wrong and make a plan and adjust.

1.)  Stick to your workouts and finish them.  If you give yourself excuses in your workouts you will give yourself excuses while your racing.    My personal favorite when I'm having a bad swim or run is to promise myself I'll stop after 200 then just to be evil it's another 500 or whatever.  My brain hates my ego we talk to each other all through the workout. 

2.)  Find your happy/motivated place.  Know what will calm you down.  Is it a memory of a vacation, your kids, spouse, Happy and calm is different than Motivated and Fired up...a visual of the way you are or use to be or who you want to be?

3.)  Tell EVERYBODY you know what you are doing and post it on your office door.  I am not kidding here.  I can't tell you how many times I just wanted to change my goal and forget the IM but didn't because it was on my door and the GM would come by periodically and ask me about how things were going.  Pride is a great motivator.

4.)  Have a motto or two...pick a motto and know it by heart.  Use it in training and it will come to you in racing.  Tape it to your bike if you have to.

ie...Suck it up buttercup or HTFU..just don't tell Suzy. ,  Nothing to it but to do it!  Good, Better, Best, never rest until your good is better than the rest.  Not sure where I got this one from but it works when your running on each foot strike.

5.)  Evaluate and change plans on the fly. (SOOOOO, important)  You should always have a race plan A, B and C and even then you might have to be creative.  Very rarely will you ever have a race that goes exactly as planned.

6.)  Learn the difference between workout pain and injury pain.  There is no shame in pulling out of a race because you feel something that is just wrong.  I've been out for two years because of working through pain.  I am in the process of discovering how I need to prepare my body to race and what I need to do when things feel off but I won't ever hesitate to stop if I can't get things undercontrol because one race isn't worth two years.  We aren't talking blisters here.

7)  Know why you are doing this.  This isn't the simple answer, "because somebody asked me to do it."  There's a reason you decided to torture yourself.  You may not even know why right now but you will discover it in your training.  Race day is a catered training day.  It's just another day in the end.  Triathlon is a journey of self discovery.  The work, blood, sweat, tears and money come from a place within.  Know what your motivation is and use it when the going gets tough.

7)  Last but not realistic with your goals and be prepared.

Sorry this got so long.  You hit a sore spot that I've been struggling with to get back on track.  You might have to feed this back to me as I go.


fowlmood - 2011-01-06 10:04 PM So far most of the questions I have read have been about workouts
miles/time on running and cycling, yards/meters swimming.

So what about mental  toughness what preparations does everyone make for training and races how do you coupe with different types of physical and mental stress.

This post is perhaps the best post I have seen on the MG for the past two years...  First post I have ever thought about printing out!

2011-01-07 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Early risers!  Who was up this morning?  I got up, but didn't workout due to a crick in my neck that was so bad that I had to turn my whole body instead of just my head...   I must of slept very oddly...

2011-01-07 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3284493

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Scalded_Dawg - 2011-01-07 8:39 AM Away for a couple days and BAM! 53 Pages!
Holy smokes... I got some reading to catch up on.

Got my aero bars in yesterday... will try a ride on them today... Wish me luck Undecided

Good luck on your ride, Brent! 
2011-01-07 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3284395

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tri-chic - 2011-01-07 10:00 AM

Terps421 - 2011-01-07 9:45 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-01-07 7:54 AM
fowlmood - 2011-01-06 10:04 PM So far most of the questions I have read have been about workouts
miles/time on running and cycling, yards/meters swimming.

So what about mental  toughness what preparations does everyone make for training and races how do you coupe with different types of physical and mental stress.

I've gotten a lot better at digging deep for races (and training) than I used to be.  For me, I set a very specific goal (e.g. for IM I told myself I would walk only 10 steps through water stations to drink and then I would get huffing) and stick with it.  As the pain increases, I have that goal in my head and I know if I veer from it, I will totally disappoint myself post race.  In order to succeed, I have to believe I can achieve the goal with hard effort and have to really want it.

Believe in yourself and the sky really is the limit.  I'm sort of living proof of that.....not a ton of talent, but a ton of will.  Sometimes that's enough

PS. There are several worthy books out favorite is Training and Talent are Underrated, but Running Within is also a good place to start.

So not true, you got a load of talent Suzy!



I appreciate the comment, but it really is true.  In college, I was always the person who had to study 3x's longer to get an A, to do well in triathlon I am that same kid (albeit older) having to work a lot harder to get results.  I don't care because I love being able to see how hard I can push myself each and every day.

It's funny, in reading Kelly's post I found myself nodding ALOT and shaking my head occasionally.  I totally agree with the knowing the difference between pain and injury comment and so many more, but you all know I'm not a HTFU girl, I don't believe in telling everyone my goal because I'm internally motivated and I think that is a really important distinction for me, and I really don't have a Plan B or C.  I go in with my goal and fight for it until I cross the finish line.  If I don't, there is room to compromise along the way and when my head is talking to me while in pain it too often wins.  I've been disappointed so many times with the final outcome, but I need to know I gave it all I had.  I will say that I left myself down a couple of times in '10 and hope to be better in '11 given all that I learned in the journey.  Kelly is right, it really is a journey of self discovery which is why I like it so much.
2011-01-07 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3284043

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Yorktown, VA & Langley AFB
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tri-chic - 2011-01-07 8:03 AM

It's an attitude...failure is not an option.  I didn't get up at 5am for the last 6 months to quit.  You didn't sacrifice all your social time to workout just to quit.  You haven't put up with all your spouses "moods" about your workouts to quit.  It's believing in yourself.  It's getting mad at yourself.  It's pushing yourself.  It's holding yourself accountable.

@ Kelly - ^^^ This nailed it!  AWESOME- Thank you for posting that!

2011-01-07 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
LOL - someone from my tri team picked up Kelly's Mental Toughness Commandments from the main thread and send it out to our team distribution.  I started reading and was like wait, this sounds familiar!!!

Suzy - I see a distinction between having a Plan A, B, C and a Goal A, B, C - I agree with you at the end of the day, I am shooting for one thing, what ever that is (PR, to finish, to nail the run, etc.).  I may have a stretch goal but my main goal is the one I am working to achieve.  However, I may go in with a couple of different plans so I can adjust the path to my goal based on the situation of the day.  Maybe a little different way of interpreting Kelly's comment.
2011-01-07 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3282679

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tahrens - 2011-01-06 11:51 AM I just went back and read all the bios of the new members and realized I never posted one of myself. How rude.

NAME: Tracy “Sugar”

FAMILY:  I have a very active family with 2 daughters (10 and 7) and a hubby that also races, so you can imagine balancing everyone’s training schedules is complicated.  

H.S. cheerleader, dancer, gymnast (and partier)
College:  cheerleader (still partying)
Post college:  college cheerleading coach – not so much partying
Post-post college – 2 thanksgiving turkey sized babies- bye-bye six pack abs Cry hello extra belly skin

I’ve been racing for 4 years and progressed from super sprints to my first Ironman this fall.  I will never describe myself as a runner. I am a functional runner and mainly run because it is the third leg of the sport I love. I am a cyclist.  If left to my own choices I spend my time chasing my all male riding group around, and occasionally passing a few of them.

WEIGHT: Other than reaching ideal race weight this is not a problem for me. I’m more concerned with maintaining the healthiest eating habits I can.  I have a very strong sweet tooth and will pass up sex for chocolate any day.  The long legs that were a liability in cheering are a pleasant asset in this sport.  Who knew?

2011 RACES:   All my races are in prep for IM Canada.  
March – half marathon
April – Olympic
May – Rev 3 HIM with the MG
June – Blood, Sweat and Gears century ride in the mountains
July – main IM build month
August – IM CANADA!!!!

GOOD ABOUT ME:  I make a great punch line for the boys in the group. They love finding embarrassing photos of me!  But on the serious side I hope I have made a contribution over the years.  This group is beyond supportive and has truly become synonymous with triathlons for me.  I find myself composing my race reports while racing b/c I can’t wait to share my thoughts and feeling with everyone here.  

CAUTION: I am a very bad speller. Be kind.

Okay, i've had no internet for 24 hours.....I log on and see this.  I patiently sift through all of the responses.  Nothing?  What's happening to this MG????
2011-01-07 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3285490

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

velcromom - 2011-01-07 4:47 PM
tahrens - 2011-01-06 11:51 AM I just went back and read all the bios of the new members and realized I never posted one of myself. How rude.

NAME: Tracy “Sugar”

FAMILY:  I have a very active family with 2 daughters (10 and 7) and a hubby that also races, so you can imagine balancing everyone’s training schedules is complicated.  

H.S. cheerleader, dancer, gymnast (and partier)
College:  cheerleader (still partying)
Post college:  college cheerleading coach – not so much partying
Post-post college – 2 thanksgiving turkey sized babies- bye-bye six pack abs Cry hello extra belly skin

I’ve been racing for 4 years and progressed from super sprints to my first Ironman this fall.  I will never describe myself as a runner. I am a functional runner and mainly run because it is the third leg of the sport I love. I am a cyclist.  If left to my own choices I spend my time chasing my all male riding group around, and occasionally passing a few of them.

WEIGHT: Other than reaching ideal race weight this is not a problem for me. I’m more concerned with maintaining the healthiest eating habits I can.  I have a very strong sweet tooth and will pass up sex for chocolate any day.  The long legs that were a liability in cheering are a pleasant asset in this sport.  Who knew?

2011 RACES:   All my races are in prep for IM Canada.  
March – half marathon
April – Olympic
May – Rev 3 HIM with the MG
June – Blood, Sweat and Gears century ride in the mountains
July – main IM build month
August – IM CANADA!!!!

GOOD ABOUT ME:  I make a great punch line for the boys in the group. They love finding embarrassing photos of me!  But on the serious side I hope I have made a contribution over the years.  This group is beyond supportive and has truly become synonymous with triathlons for me.  I find myself composing my race reports while racing b/c I can’t wait to share my thoughts and feeling with everyone here.  

CAUTION: I am a very bad speller. Be kind.

Okay, i've had no internet for 24 hours.....I log on and see this.  I patiently sift through all of the responses.  Nothing?  What's happening to this MG????

I'm not allowed to participate in extra-marital chocolating....  The wife has rules...

2011-01-07 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3285310

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gdale - 2011-01-07 3:21 PM LOL - someone from my tri team picked up Kelly's Mental Toughness Commandments from the main thread and send it out to our team distribution.  I started reading and was like wait, this sounds familiar!!!

Suzy - I see a distinction between having a Plan A, B, C and a Goal A, B, C - I agree with you at the end of the day, I am shooting for one thing, what ever that is (PR, to finish, to nail the run, etc.).  I may have a stretch goal but my main goal is the one I am working to achieve.  However, I may go in with a couple of different plans so I can adjust the path to my goal based on the situation of the day.  Maybe a little different way of interpreting Kelly's comment.

Hey, thanks!  That makes total sense to me and I do completely agree with it.  In fact, I used that strategy in a few long training days.  I went in thinking I would take a feeding every 15 mins on the bike, but upped it to every 10 mins when I realized the climbing (+13,000ft) was taking a lot more out of me.    Awesome clarification.
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