BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-11-14 11:55 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Noticed a new article here, so went to read it.  It's on motivation.  Got all the way through to #9 where it talks about 'just putting on your shoes--you don't have to run' before realizing who wrote it

I don't have so much a motivation problem in the winter months, but a 'nesting' problem.  Not sure that is the right word, but I find that once it starts getting dark, I want to be at home.  I have always known it, but I really noticed it yesterday and today.  I was humming and hawing a bit about going for my run today.  I was only planning on a short one, about 30 min.  Decided I would combine with going to the bank.  And that's when I realized that once it is dark out, I don't want to be too far from home.  I ran to the bank (maybe 1km away) and decided to just run back towards home and do a loop around the park, rather than going 'around the block'.  Yesterday on my usual, tried and true 6km route, I was hating it--it takes me too far from home.  I suffer from seasonal affective disorder, so I know that is part of it.  Just interesting (or maybe not Surprised) ramblings about my winter training.  Good thing I have a trainer!  I will certainly get out to run, but since I HATE running loops, I may have to start running at lunch...

2012-11-15 6:25 AM
in reply to: #4498865

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
bcraht - 2012-11-14 11:55 PM

Noticed a new article here, so went to read it.  It's on motivation.  Got all the way through to #9 where it talks about 'just putting on your shoes--you don't have to run' before realizing who wrote it

I don't have so much a motivation problem in the winter months, but a 'nesting' problem.  Not sure that is the right word, but I find that once it starts getting dark, I want to be at home.  I have always known it, but I really noticed it yesterday and today.  I was humming and hawing a bit about going for my run today.  I was only planning on a short one, about 30 min.  Decided I would combine with going to the bank.  And that's when I realized that once it is dark out, I don't want to be too far from home.  I ran to the bank (maybe 1km away) and decided to just run back towards home and do a loop around the park, rather than going 'around the block'.  Yesterday on my usual, tried and true 6km route, I was hating it--it takes me too far from home.  I suffer from seasonal affective disorder, so I know that is part of it.  Just interesting (or maybe not Surprised) ramblings about my winter training.  Good thing I have a trainer!  I will certainly get out to run, but since I HATE running loops, I may have to start running at lunch...

I don't think that is unusual. I love ( maybe too strong of a word) working out before sunrise, but hate working out at night when it's dark, especially if it's cold.
2012-11-15 7:57 AM
in reply to: #4498077

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2012-11-14 12:31 PM

Have you all started (or finished) race planning for 2013? 

I was totally planning on running the rock 'n' roll Seattle in June but realized I won't have recovered from Boston and ramped training back up by then. So, I'm thinking about holding a really solid base (with lots of elevation/trail runs etc.) maybe running  the half in June instead (also a tri or two maybe?) Climbing Rainier in July-ish then a fall marathon? Maybe Chicago? NY? Maybe something local? Ugh ... I dunno. I might want to run either of those once I am a little more competitive? Maybe not. 

Just thinking aloud. But feel free to chime in Smile

2013 is in the planning stages. I might do a 10 mile trail run in Feb, I have a HM in March. After that, who knows. I will do the local sprint tri in July, possibly an Oly in April/May, and I don't know what else. I have really enjoyed trail running this year and may look for more of that. I MAY try a long course event (Rev3 in October????), but I also may do nothing but drink beer and watch the sunset as well.

Motivation to plan is not in the cards right now.
2012-11-15 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4499034

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
cdban66 - 2012-11-15 6:57 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-11-14 12:31 PM

Have you all started (or finished) race planning for 2013? 

I was totally planning on running the rock 'n' roll Seattle in June but realized I won't have recovered from Boston and ramped training back up by then. So, I'm thinking about holding a really solid base (with lots of elevation/trail runs etc.) maybe running  the half in June instead (also a tri or two maybe?) Climbing Rainier in July-ish then a fall marathon? Maybe Chicago? NY? Maybe something local? Ugh ... I dunno. I might want to run either of those once I am a little more competitive? Maybe not. 

Just thinking aloud. But feel free to chime in Smile

2013 is in the planning stages. I might do a 10 mile trail run in Feb, I have a HM in March. After that, who knows. I will do the local sprint tri in July, possibly an Oly in April/May, and I don't know what else. I have really enjoyed trail running this year and may look for more of that. I MAY try a long course event (Rev3 in October????), but I also may do nothing but drink beer and watch the sunset as well. Motivation to plan is not in the cards right now.

More of that would likely benefit us all. Many of us are type-A's and forget how to relax.

2012-11-15 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4458563

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

I have no idea what I'm going next season.  I think this PF is a blessing in disguise.  Now I'm thinking of doing Jorge's winter cycling program Tongue out.  If my running has to fall off a bit then I'm going to up my bike and swim game so I can play "catch me if you can" next race season Smile.  Not giving up on running, just planning ahead.  I've heard PF can take a while to heal up.  I'm thinking of doing the KS HM again, it's nice and close.  Maybe Augusta HM since my dad lives in GA and I heard it's a fun race.

If I had the dough I'd travel to Bali to do a 10K swim or something like that (not to mention other extra-curricular activities) ....


2012-11-15 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4458563

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
So in good decision making, I signed up for the 1/2 marathon that's the same day as the marathon in March.  I can transfer up to the marathon before Feb 25 by paying $10, but won't be able to transfer down because it sells out.  Still planning to train for the full, but this is a good backup plan in case something comes up.

2012-11-15 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4498865

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
bcraht - 2012-11-14 11:55 PM

Noticed a new article here, so went to read it.  It's on motivation.  Got all the way through to #9 where it talks about 'just putting on your shoes--you don't have to run' before realizing who wrote it

I don't have so much a motivation problem in the winter months, but a 'nesting' problem.  Not sure that is the right word, but I find that once it starts getting dark, I want to be at home.  I have always known it, but I really noticed it yesterday and today.  I was humming and hawing a bit about going for my run today.  I was only planning on a short one, about 30 min.  Decided I would combine with going to the bank.  And that's when I realized that once it is dark out, I don't want to be too far from home.  I ran to the bank (maybe 1km away) and decided to just run back towards home and do a loop around the park, rather than going 'around the block'.  Yesterday on my usual, tried and true 6km route, I was hating it--it takes me too far from home.  I suffer from seasonal affective disorder, so I know that is part of it.  Just interesting (or maybe not Surprised) ramblings about my winter training.  Good thing I have a trainer!  I will certainly get out to run, but since I HATE running loops, I may have to start running at lunch...

Fellow SAD sufferer here and I hear ya. It's tough. But honestly, nothing has been better for treating depression like working out has been.

For me, it's a hierarchy of goals that keep me going.  The first tier are the big goals like general health and wellness, weight loss (2016 trials perhaps) those kinds of things. They are the big goals that require consistency.

Next, I have race specific goals. When I sign up for a race I am making a commitment and I am the type of person that, when I commit to something, I like to follow through. I don't feel like I have followed through if I show up to a race where I haven't trained properly (of course, there are exceptions and there are just for fun races.)

Last, it's the day to day stuff that gets me out the door. Every workout has a purpose. Some other things that I do are scheduling running dates with friends. It's a great time to catch up. Sometimes I plan routes to check out something architecturally interesting or maybe a new park or whatever (and make time to stop and take a photo.) Sometimes I literally run errands. Running can sometimes be very lonely so sometimes I plan my routes near the stadium when I know a sporting event is going on (makes for some fantastic people watching!) It's important to find the enjoyment in it.


2012-11-15 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Had an interesting workout last night. I spilled tuna salad (of all things!!!) all over my workout stuff so I was feeling particular self conscious running with my group. But miraculously I was totally outdone by someone who had the WORST gas. OMG! I think they may have even soiled their shorts because it smelled awful!!!

Anyway, the workout was 3 x 1.25 miles. with 2 min rest in between

I ran the first one with the little bit slower group at 6:40 pace then they kicked me out so I ran the last two with the next group up.

6:20 pace

6:28 pace

The first one was PERFECTLY paced and wonderful but once I moved up to the faster group it got all egocentric (which I can't stand.) Some of the guys clearly feel threatened by faster women so they speed up! It's so stupid because we are given very specific numbers to hit. (Sorry for the little rant)

But overall it was a really good workout (maybe a little stinky.

2012-11-15 12:17 PM
in reply to: #4499425

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2012-11-16 1:07 AM

Had an interesting workout last night. I spilled tuna salad (of all things!!!) all over my workout stuff so I was feeling particular self conscious running with my group. But miraculously I was totally outdone by someone who had the WORST gas. OMG! I think they may have even soiled their shorts because it smelled awful!!!

Anyway, the workout was 3 x 1.25 miles. with 2 min rest in between

I ran the first one with the little bit slower group at 6:40 pace then they kicked me out so I ran the last two with the next group up.

6:20 pace

6:28 pace

The first one was PERFECTLY paced and wonderful but once I moved up to the faster group it got all egocentric (which I can't stand.) Some of the guys clearly feel threatened by faster women so they speed up! It's so stupid because we are given very specific numbers to hit. (Sorry for the little rant)

But overall it was a really good workout (maybe a little stinky.

I think you shoulda puked your tuna on the snotty fast ones.

But well-done workout otherwise, Salts!

2012-11-15 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4499438

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-11-15 12:17 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-11-16 1:07 AM

Had an interesting workout last night. I spilled tuna salad (of all things!!!) all over my workout stuff so I was feeling particular self conscious running with my group. But miraculously I was totally outdone by someone who had the WORST gas. OMG! I think they may have even soiled their shorts because it smelled awful!!!

Anyway, the workout was 3 x 1.25 miles. with 2 min rest in between

I ran the first one with the little bit slower group at 6:40 pace then they kicked me out so I ran the last two with the next group up.

6:20 pace

6:28 pace

The first one was PERFECTLY paced and wonderful but once I moved up to the faster group it got all egocentric (which I can't stand.) Some of the guys clearly feel threatened by faster women so they speed up! It's so stupid because we are given very specific numbers to hit. (Sorry for the little rant)

But overall it was a really good workout (maybe a little stinky.

I think you shoulda puked your tuna on the snotty fast ones.

But well-done workout otherwise, Salts!

Puking on command is, unfortunately, not in my skill set.

2012-11-15 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4499446

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2012-11-16 1:21 AM
TriAya - 2012-11-15 12:17 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-11-16 1:07 AM

Had an interesting workout last night. I spilled tuna salad (of all things!!!) all over my workout stuff so I was feeling particular self conscious running with my group. But miraculously I was totally outdone by someone who had the WORST gas. OMG! I think they may have even soiled their shorts because it smelled awful!!!

Anyway, the workout was 3 x 1.25 miles. with 2 min rest in between

I ran the first one with the little bit slower group at 6:40 pace then they kicked me out so I ran the last two with the next group up.

6:20 pace

6:28 pace

The first one was PERFECTLY paced and wonderful but once I moved up to the faster group it got all egocentric (which I can't stand.) Some of the guys clearly feel threatened by faster women so they speed up! It's so stupid because we are given very specific numbers to hit. (Sorry for the little rant)

But overall it was a really good workout (maybe a little stinky.

I think you shoulda puked your tuna on the snotty fast ones.

But well-done workout otherwise, Salts!

Puking on command is, unfortunately, not in my skill set.

You're in luck. This, I can train.

I think pooping on command is more impressive and useful, though.

2012-11-15 12:59 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

I'm back in Kansas. Work, as I expected, is especially crazy today. I was gone for three days. But I still have a lot of adrenaline from the site visit, so I'm also unusually productive today. (At least, feeling so).

Here are my tentative race plans for next year -- it all depends on what happens with the Cali job.

June 2013 -- Kansas 70.3 -- maybe, maybe not

End of June 2013 -- Olympic distance at El Dorado

Sometime in July 2013 -- Olympic distance at Cheney Reservoir (Mudwater)

August 2013 -- Salty Dog (Sprint)

September 2013 -- Horse Thief Canyon Trail Run (10k)

September 2013 -- Run for the Rocks half marathon

October 2013 -- Coronado Heights Run

November 2013 -- One Hill at a Time (25k)

November 2013 -- Wichita Turkey Trot (10 mile) only if my mom is visiting

I would like to find a run for December or January. Reece -- isn't there something icy in Kansas City? Is that in January?

2012-11-15 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4499462

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-11-15 12:31 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-11-16 1:21 AM
TriAya - 2012-11-15 12:17 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-11-16 1:07 AM

Had an interesting workout last night. I spilled tuna salad (of all things!!!) all over my workout stuff so I was feeling particular self conscious running with my group. But miraculously I was totally outdone by someone who had the WORST gas. OMG! I think they may have even soiled their shorts because it smelled awful!!!

Anyway, the workout was 3 x 1.25 miles. with 2 min rest in between

I ran the first one with the little bit slower group at 6:40 pace then they kicked me out so I ran the last two with the next group up.

6:20 pace

6:28 pace

The first one was PERFECTLY paced and wonderful but once I moved up to the faster group it got all egocentric (which I can't stand.) Some of the guys clearly feel threatened by faster women so they speed up! It's so stupid because we are given very specific numbers to hit. (Sorry for the little rant)

But overall it was a really good workout (maybe a little stinky.

I think you shoulda puked your tuna on the snotty fast ones.

But well-done workout otherwise, Salts!

Puking on command is, unfortunately, not in my skill set.

You're in luck. This, I can train.

I think pooping on command is more impressive and useful, though.

Meh, I think that's more about establishing routine. 

2012-11-15 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4499512

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2012-11-15 12:59 PM

I'm back in Kansas. Work, as I expected, is especially crazy today. I was gone for three days. But I still have a lot of adrenaline from the site visit, so I'm also unusually productive today. (At least, feeling so).

Here are my tentative race plans for next year -- it all depends on what happens with the Cali job.

June 2013 -- Kansas 70.3 -- maybe, maybe not

End of June 2013 -- Olympic distance at El Dorado

Sometime in July 2013 -- Olympic distance at Cheney Reservoir (Mudwater)

August 2013 -- Salty Dog (Sprint)

September 2013 -- Horse Thief Canyon Trail Run (10k)

September 2013 -- Run for the Rocks half marathon

October 2013 -- Coronado Heights Run

November 2013 -- One Hill at a Time (25k)

November 2013 -- Wichita Turkey Trot (10 mile) only if my mom is visiting

I would like to find a run for December or January. Reece -- isn't there something icy in Kansas City? Is that in January?

Woooweee you're a busy gal! 

2012-11-16 6:54 AM
in reply to: #4499462

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

I ran across this today and I thought of a few of you immediately (Salty, Yanti, etc.)

Edited by jmkizer 2012-11-16 6:54 AM
2012-11-16 8:31 AM
in reply to: #4500216

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
jmkizer - 2012-11-16 7:54 PM

I ran across this today and I thought of a few of you immediately (Salty, Yanti, etc.)

I love you just for thinking of me at all


Off to chase the link.

2012-11-16 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4458563

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
There's a new half marathon in Richmond on February 9.  Only $45 if I sign up before December 26.  That fits into my marathon training plan nicely. 
2012-11-16 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4499301

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
reecealan - 2012-11-15 11:48 AM

I have no idea what I'm going next season.  I think this PF is a blessing in disguise.  Now I'm thinking of doing Jorge's winter cycling program Tongue out.  If my running has to fall off a bit then I'm going to up my bike and swim game so I can play "catch me if you can" next race season Smile.  Not giving up on running, just planning ahead.  I've heard PF can take a while to heal up.  I'm thinking of doing the KS HM again, it's nice and close.  Maybe Augusta HM since my dad lives in GA and I heard it's a fun race.

If I had the dough I'd travel to Bali to do a 10K swim or something like that (not to mention other extra-curricular activities) ....


Augusta half marathon or HIM?  I've heard really good things about the HIM.  Not so much about the town though.

2012-11-16 10:18 AM
in reply to: #4500526

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Artemis - 2012-11-16 11:00 PM There's a new half marathon in Richmond on February 9.  Only $45 if I sign up before December 26.  That fits into my marathon training plan nicely. 


P.S. How's the rainbow phlegm going? Hopefully not so much anymore ...

Edited by TriAya 2012-11-16 10:19 AM
2012-11-16 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4500583

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-11-16 11:18 AM

Artemis - 2012-11-16 11:00 PM There's a new half marathon in Richmond on February 9.  Only $45 if I sign up before December 26.  That fits into my marathon training plan nicely. 


P.S. How's the rainbow phlegm going? Hopefully not so much anymore ...

Less rainbow, more clear!  Definitely a sign that the infection is clearing up.  Sorry if that's TMI.  My husband thinks it's weird that I look at phlegm colors, but it is a good sign of infection.

Planning to just do a long walk on the treadmill this weekend and then start running again next week.  I have a 10k scheduled on Thanksgiving, so that will be my long run for the week.  I have to go to New Jersey for a wedding over the Thanksgiving weekend.

2012-11-16 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4500592

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Edited by Asalzwed 2012-11-16 12:04 PM

2012-11-16 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4500592

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Artemis - 2012-11-16 10:25 AM
TriAya - 2012-11-16 11:18 AM

Artemis - 2012-11-16 11:00 PM There's a new half marathon in Richmond on February 9.  Only $45 if I sign up before December 26.  That fits into my marathon training plan nicely. 


P.S. How's the rainbow phlegm going? Hopefully not so much anymore ...

Less rainbow, more clear!  Definitely a sign that the infection is clearing up.  Sorry if that's TMI.  My husband thinks it's weird that I look at phlegm colors, but it is a good sign of infection.

Planning to just do a long walk on the treadmill this weekend and then start running again next week.  I have a 10k scheduled on Thanksgiving, so that will be my long run for the week.  I have to go to New Jersey for a wedding over the Thanksgiving weekend.

Is there even such thing as TMI in this thread?

2012-11-16 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Finally finished my race report from last weekend:


Is anyone racing this weekend?

2012-11-16 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4500828

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Artemis - 2012-11-16 1:31 PM

Finally finished my race report from last weekend:


Is anyone racing this weekend?

Of course we have people racing this weekend!  When do we not?  ;-)

2012-11-16 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4500841

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED




This weekend we have a number of racers...

Salty - Mustache Dache on Saturday
Kate - Spartan Beast on Saturday
Felicia - Wichita Turkey Trot on Saturday
Reece - Gobbler Grind Marathon on Sunday

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