BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-11-18 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Ok here are a few sneak peek pictures from the race:

Pre Race Nutrition

Suuuuupppper creepy stache picture


Me on the podium

2012-11-18 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4502403

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-11-18 9:51 AM

Closed up a 26-hour training week. Woof. Whipped. Ready, creamy and sweet!

Went swimming with Monte and the mantas today. Transcendence beyond words. He and I spent most of the time off by ourselves (we went out on a dive boat with a small group), just swimming and swirling around these glorious angels-of-sea while they whirled around us and played tag with the tips of their wings.


Is dat the burkini?

2012-11-18 1:54 PM
in reply to: #4502484

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

cdban66 - 2012-11-18 1:06 PM Well, I finally get a moment to sit down and catch up. Congrats to all the racers, race watchers, and non-racers this weekend. Great job everyone. We saw DD2 this weekend (it was supposed to be wedding weekend). We went over to the port, picked her up for her off time, shopped a bit, and went out to eat. 4 hours with the daughter, 7 hours in the van. I may have calluses on my butt. Being a parent is never done, is it? I have no complaints. it was well worth the time, she has really jumped into her new job and is loving it. So nice to see. Enjoy the week everyone, you are all among the many things in life I have to be thankful for. Thank you for that!

Very cool! Meeeeh family time is totally worth some butt calluses Smile

2012-11-18 2:21 PM
in reply to: #4502483

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

cdban66 - 2012-11-18 2:01 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 12:24 AM I'm frustrated.  My husband finally fessed up that he's not excited about me marathon training, so it looks like I'm just doing the half in March.  Annoying that he didn't tell me about that right away.  I can see his point, but it would have been nice for him to tell me when I brought it up instead of waiting until I made plans.
Ouch, it so much more challenging when the decision to race/train is balanced against the needs of others. Especially daunting when there is a young one like E in the equation. I feel your pain, but I'm sure it will all work out for the best in the end. Just keep the communication lines open and you'll be fine. BTW, I noticed you said he is not excited, not that he is against the idea (although I may be splitting hairs here). Is it possible that you can continue to train and see where it goes?

It's possible.  I think training for the half is probably the best call.  We can see how it goes from there for future races.  I figure if it goes well, then he'll be less opposed to a fall marathon.  I'm not convinced he'd tell me if it is starting to be a problem.

2012-11-18 2:29 PM
in reply to: #4502517

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Artemis - 2012-11-18 3:21 PM

cdban66 - 2012-11-18 2:01 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 12:24 AM I'm frustrated.  My husband finally fessed up that he's not excited about me marathon training, so it looks like I'm just doing the half in March.  Annoying that he didn't tell me about that right away.  I can see his point, but it would have been nice for him to tell me when I brought it up instead of waiting until I made plans.
Ouch, it so much more challenging when the decision to race/train is balanced against the needs of others. Especially daunting when there is a young one like E in the equation. I feel your pain, but I'm sure it will all work out for the best in the end. Just keep the communication lines open and you'll be fine. BTW, I noticed you said he is not excited, not that he is against the idea (although I may be splitting hairs here). Is it possible that you can continue to train and see where it goes?

It's possible.  I think training for the half is probably the best call.  We can see how it goes from there for future races.  I figure if it goes well, then he'll be less opposed to a fall marathon.  I'm not convinced he'd tell me if it is starting to be a problem.

I think one of the things that has helped me is that I am fairly committed to running and training in general. So training for a race is only a slight adjustment in our schedules. And she sees the benefits of me running. I am lower in weight, higher in energy, and have a better outlook on things when I have been exercising. As well, she has been looking for her "thing" as well, which has also helped. I am happy as can be to adjust to her schedule and she has been the same for me.
2012-11-18 2:47 PM
in reply to: #4502524

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
cdban66 - 2012-11-18 3:29 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 3:21 PM

cdban66 - 2012-11-18 2:01 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 12:24 AM I'm frustrated.  My husband finally fessed up that he's not excited about me marathon training, so it looks like I'm just doing the half in March.  Annoying that he didn't tell me about that right away.  I can see his point, but it would have been nice for him to tell me when I brought it up instead of waiting until I made plans.
Ouch, it so much more challenging when the decision to race/train is balanced against the needs of others. Especially daunting when there is a young one like E in the equation. I feel your pain, but I'm sure it will all work out for the best in the end. Just keep the communication lines open and you'll be fine. BTW, I noticed you said he is not excited, not that he is against the idea (although I may be splitting hairs here). Is it possible that you can continue to train and see where it goes?

It's possible.  I think training for the half is probably the best call.  We can see how it goes from there for future races.  I figure if it goes well, then he'll be less opposed to a fall marathon.  I'm not convinced he'd tell me if it is starting to be a problem.

I think one of the things that has helped me is that I am fairly committed to running and training in general. So training for a race is only a slight adjustment in our schedules. And she sees the benefits of me running. I am lower in weight, higher in energy, and have a better outlook on things when I have been exercising. As well, she has been looking for her "thing" as well, which has also helped. I am happy as can be to adjust to her schedule and she has been the same for me.


Looks like I jumped back in to the group right at the right time.The theme of my past month has been "trying to find my thing".  As you all know, we had a lot of family issues this year, and it really put a strain on my marriage and who we both are and what our expectations are.  I have found that I have no idea what my thing is.  The training time is resented because it takes time away from what his expectations are. Not really sure we will survive this but my take away message is, talk it out!!   Don't give in and lose yourself.  Determine what is important to YOU, not anyone else, not even your children.  You have to take care of YOU and everyone else will be happier for it.   Do some soul searching but don't give up on the marathon if that is truly what you want.  There is always a way.  Marathon training might mean adjusting sleep but other than 1 day/week for the long run, it is not that much more than a half in hours needed. 

2012-11-18 3:57 PM
in reply to: #4502530

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
jogo - 2012-11-19 7:47 AM
cdban66 - 2012-11-18 3:29 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 3:21 PM

cdban66 - 2012-11-18 2:01 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 12:24 AM I'm frustrated.  My husband finally fessed up that he's not excited about me marathon training, so it looks like I'm just doing the half in March.  Annoying that he didn't tell me about that right away.  I can see his point, but it would have been nice for him to tell me when I brought it up instead of waiting until I made plans.
Ouch, it so much more challenging when the decision to race/train is balanced against the needs of others. Especially daunting when there is a young one like E in the equation. I feel your pain, but I'm sure it will all work out for the best in the end. Just keep the communication lines open and you'll be fine. BTW, I noticed you said he is not excited, not that he is against the idea (although I may be splitting hairs here). Is it possible that you can continue to train and see where it goes?

It's possible.  I think training for the half is probably the best call.  We can see how it goes from there for future races.  I figure if it goes well, then he'll be less opposed to a fall marathon.  I'm not convinced he'd tell me if it is starting to be a problem.

I think one of the things that has helped me is that I am fairly committed to running and training in general. So training for a race is only a slight adjustment in our schedules. And she sees the benefits of me running. I am lower in weight, higher in energy, and have a better outlook on things when I have been exercising. As well, she has been looking for her "thing" as well, which has also helped. I am happy as can be to adjust to her schedule and she has been the same for me.


Looks like I jumped back in to the group right at the right time.The theme of my past month has been "trying to find my thing".  As you all know, we had a lot of family issues this year, and it really put a strain on my marriage and who we both are and what our expectations are.  I have found that I have no idea what my thing is.  The training time is resented because it takes time away from what his expectations are. Not really sure we will survive this but my take away message is, talk it out!!   Don't give in and lose yourself.  Determine what is important to YOU, not anyone else, not even your children.  You have to take care of YOU and everyone else will be happier for it.   Do some soul searching but don't give up on the marathon if that is truly what you want.  There is always a way.  Marathon training might mean adjusting sleep but other than 1 day/week for the long run, it is not that much more than a half in hours needed. 

I absolutely hear ya on this - I wonder if we will survive too, my life is sooooo different with traithlon and swimming being such a huge part of it now.  I try hard to be who I'm expected to be at home too - but I wonder is this training and commitment of mine is resented too....he would never say.  But from where I sit we are not smooth sailing at the moment.  My training hours, generally don't interfere with family time.  Race days and watching events do take away from it, but there's plenty of warning and he's never objected! (out loud!)

My problem is I love the person I've become.  And you either come with me as that new person or you don't.  I am not giving up what now makes me feel whole.  Simple.

Like you  - will we survive - I don't know.  Some days I don't even care.  That's just where I am.   And i support everything you said there!  Keep on being strong.

...first time I got that all off my chest - feel quite emotional!Cry

Edited by jobaxas 2012-11-18 3:58 PM
2012-11-18 4:07 PM
in reply to: #4502485

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

cdban66 - 2012-11-19 6:11 AM Calf Homework:


2012-11-18 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Great job to the racing manatees!!  Felicia, don't beat yourself up over the time difference from last year.  I think your body is still tired from your 25K, hence the slower time.  So considering the recent 25K, you kicked butt!  Speaking of kicking butt, yeah Salty!  Love the 'teaser' pics of the race.  Crazy 'stache, is that for Movember?  Kate: your mud event sounds like it was one for the books, wow!

Kirsten and Salty - nice beer pics.  Mmm, ginger beer.  Must try Salty's Rouge concoction.

Jen - sorry to hear your marathon plans were unexpectedly changed.  I hope you find a solution that makes you happy.

Yanti - swimming with mantas...I don't think there are words to describe how awesome that must be and how jealous I am!

Chris - awesome that you got to spend some time with your daughter and things are going well for her.  Love, love, love your optimistic attitude and view on life.

Jo - two words (and a symbol): Terrenzo = drooooool.  So hawt.  Lucky girl to get up close to him!! The pro stalking continues, LOL!   Live it up, girl!


Edited by melbo55 2012-11-18 4:09 PM
2012-11-18 5:16 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

CONGRATS FELICIA, KATE AND SALTY!!  Sounds like a successful weekend of racing.

Chris, great job on the homework Also, you get some kind of award for driving so far for such a short visit.  Here's a cookie (you have to imagine it).

Yanti, swimming with the mantas is too cool.  What you're wearing while swimming with them is something else.

Everyone having family issues: hope everything works out exactly the right way.

As for me, I rode the 70 mile ride.  According to the ride sheet it was actually almost 74 miles, so they lied to me!  It was a hard, yet fun ride and I am beat.  There will be no race report as it wasn't in the race section on this site.  so, if you have any interest in reading about my adventure you'll have to read it in my log.  I'll give you a little preview: a rode with my front brake rubbing the tire for a period of time.


Edited by amd723 2012-11-18 5:18 PM
2012-11-18 6:24 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

SOOO sore today--yet incredibly satisfied with my performance yesterday! It was an absolutely (painful, wet, muddy, dagger-like-raindrop-in-the-eyes, quicksand-consistency-filled-obstacle, difficult) fun time!

If there's any question of how icky it was for some...


I apparently chose well for my attire, as I only got really cold on my drive home. Was this the hardest, longest, and most insane race I have ever done? Oh yes. Will I ever attempt something like it again? OH YES!!!Smile

2012-11-18 7:05 PM
in reply to: #4502403

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Turkey Trot Race Report My time and the race time were off by a few seconds, but it's all close.
2012-11-18 7:33 PM
in reply to: #4502570

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
jobaxas - 2012-11-18 4:57 PM
jogo - 2012-11-19 7:47 AM
cdban66 - 2012-11-18 3:29 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 3:21 PM

cdban66 - 2012-11-18 2:01 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 12:24 AM I'm frustrated.  My husband finally fessed up that he's not excited about me marathon training, so it looks like I'm just doing the half in March.  Annoying that he didn't tell me about that right away.  I can see his point, but it would have been nice for him to tell me when I brought it up instead of waiting until I made plans.
Ouch, it so much more challenging when the decision to race/train is balanced against the needs of others. Especially daunting when there is a young one like E in the equation. I feel your pain, but I'm sure it will all work out for the best in the end. Just keep the communication lines open and you'll be fine. BTW, I noticed you said he is not excited, not that he is against the idea (although I may be splitting hairs here). Is it possible that you can continue to train and see where it goes?

It's possible.  I think training for the half is probably the best call.  We can see how it goes from there for future races.  I figure if it goes well, then he'll be less opposed to a fall marathon.  I'm not convinced he'd tell me if it is starting to be a problem.

I think one of the things that has helped me is that I am fairly committed to running and training in general. So training for a race is only a slight adjustment in our schedules. And she sees the benefits of me running. I am lower in weight, higher in energy, and have a better outlook on things when I have been exercising. As well, she has been looking for her "thing" as well, which has also helped. I am happy as can be to adjust to her schedule and she has been the same for me.


Looks like I jumped back in to the group right at the right time.The theme of my past month has been "trying to find my thing".  As you all know, we had a lot of family issues this year, and it really put a strain on my marriage and who we both are and what our expectations are.  I have found that I have no idea what my thing is.  The training time is resented because it takes time away from what his expectations are. Not really sure we will survive this but my take away message is, talk it out!!   Don't give in and lose yourself.  Determine what is important to YOU, not anyone else, not even your children.  You have to take care of YOU and everyone else will be happier for it.   Do some soul searching but don't give up on the marathon if that is truly what you want.  There is always a way.  Marathon training might mean adjusting sleep but other than 1 day/week for the long run, it is not that much more than a half in hours needed. 

I absolutely hear ya on this - I wonder if we will survive too, my life is sooooo different with traithlon and swimming being such a huge part of it now.  I try hard to be who I'm expected to be at home too - but I wonder is this training and commitment of mine is resented too....he would never say.  But from where I sit we are not smooth sailing at the moment.  My training hours, generally don't interfere with family time.  Race days and watching events do take away from it, but there's plenty of warning and he's never objected! (out loud!)

My problem is I love the person I've become.  And you either come with me as that new person or you don't.  I am not giving up what now makes me feel whole.  Simple.

Like you  - will we survive - I don't know.  Some days I don't even care.  That's just where I am.   And i support everything you said there!  Keep on being strong.

...first time I got that all off my chest - feel quite emotional!Cry


I love this!!  Always remember that and I will too!! Loving the person you have become is NOT a problem, it is a blessing. 


This finally makes sense to me, what people have been telling me.  I had someone challenge me to find out who I want to become.  I don't know right now but if it is someone I can love, then I do need to find her.  Now, I am the one getting emotional.  Stay strong!!  We WILL survive and it will be an awesome ride!!

Edited by jogo 2012-11-18 7:36 PM
2012-11-18 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Looks like I've got a bunch to catch up on.  Ran the marathon today.  Learned a lot.  I was hoping that the PF pain would stay at bay and it actually did!  It was manageable pain, I took 3 ibuprofin 1.5 hours before race start, 3 more at mile 14 ish.   I noticed early on if I ran more from my heels the pain was less (the PT told me to try this, NOT during the race but possible running style change going forward.  I did it during the race and paid the price later when I started cramping.  Pace was O.K. till about mile 17 or so then at mile 19 it became a run/walk.

RR to follow later in the week.

2012-11-18 9:22 PM
in reply to: #4502736

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
jogo - 2012-11-19 12:33 PM
jobaxas - 2012-11-18 4:57 PM
jogo - 2012-11-19 7:47 AM
cdban66 - 2012-11-18 3:29 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 3:21 PM

cdban66 - 2012-11-18 2:01 PM
Artemis - 2012-11-18 12:24 AM I'm frustrated.  My husband finally fessed up that he's not excited about me marathon training, so it looks like I'm just doing the half in March.  Annoying that he didn't tell me about that right away.  I can see his point, but it would have been nice for him to tell me when I brought it up instead of waiting until I made plans.
Ouch, it so much more challenging when the decision to race/train is balanced against the needs of others. Especially daunting when there is a young one like E in the equation. I feel your pain, but I'm sure it will all work out for the best in the end. Just keep the communication lines open and you'll be fine. BTW, I noticed you said he is not excited, not that he is against the idea (although I may be splitting hairs here). Is it possible that you can continue to train and see where it goes?

It's possible.  I think training for the half is probably the best call.  We can see how it goes from there for future races.  I figure if it goes well, then he'll be less opposed to a fall marathon.  I'm not convinced he'd tell me if it is starting to be a problem.

I think one of the things that has helped me is that I am fairly committed to running and training in general. So training for a race is only a slight adjustment in our schedules. And she sees the benefits of me running. I am lower in weight, higher in energy, and have a better outlook on things when I have been exercising. As well, she has been looking for her "thing" as well, which has also helped. I am happy as can be to adjust to her schedule and she has been the same for me.


Looks like I jumped back in to the group right at the right time.The theme of my past month has been "trying to find my thing".  As you all know, we had a lot of family issues this year, and it really put a strain on my marriage and who we both are and what our expectations are.  I have found that I have no idea what my thing is.  The training time is resented because it takes time away from what his expectations are. Not really sure we will survive this but my take away message is, talk it out!!   Don't give in and lose yourself.  Determine what is important to YOU, not anyone else, not even your children.  You have to take care of YOU and everyone else will be happier for it.   Do some soul searching but don't give up on the marathon if that is truly what you want.  There is always a way.  Marathon training might mean adjusting sleep but other than 1 day/week for the long run, it is not that much more than a half in hours needed. 

I absolutely hear ya on this - I wonder if we will survive too, my life is sooooo different with traithlon and swimming being such a huge part of it now.  I try hard to be who I'm expected to be at home too - but I wonder is this training and commitment of mine is resented too....he would never say.  But from where I sit we are not smooth sailing at the moment.  My training hours, generally don't interfere with family time.  Race days and watching events do take away from it, but there's plenty of warning and he's never objected! (out loud!)

My problem is I love the person I've become.  And you either come with me as that new person or you don't.  I am not giving up what now makes me feel whole.  Simple.

Like you  - will we survive - I don't know.  Some days I don't even care.  That's just where I am.   And i support everything you said there!  Keep on being strong.

...first time I got that all off my chest - feel quite emotional!Cry


I love this!!  Always remember that and I will too!! Loving the person you have become is NOT a problem, it is a blessing. 


This finally makes sense to me, what people have been telling me.  I had someone challenge me to find out who I want to become.  I don't know right now but if it is someone I can love, then I do need to find her.  Now, I am the one getting emotional.  Stay strong!!  We WILL survive and it will be an awesome ride!!

Yeah I've survived worse without even being this stronger person.  Just hang on for the ride!  Could be bumpy!

2012-11-18 9:46 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

I'm really ok with compromising on doing the half instead of the full.  Most of my disappointment is from him not telling me.

It's probably better that I don't do the full given how little I've been running.  Doing the half will reduce my chance of injury.  Plus, we'll still be down there the whole weekend.  I'm going to try to find a fall marathon I want to do instead.  

2012-11-18 9:49 PM
in reply to: #4502880

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Artemis - 2012-11-19 2:46 PM

I'm really ok with compromising on doing the half instead of the full.  Most of my disappointment is from him not telling me.

It's probably better that I don't do the full given how little I've been running.  Doing the half will reduce my chance of injury.  Plus, we'll still be down there the whole weekend.  I'm going to try to find a fall marathon I want to do instead.  

Agreed communication is so crucial in a relationship especially when you have young kids, some things slide and talking all this through is very important.  Sorry but men ain't that good at that stuff!

I think a half will be great with a build to the full in the fall - baby E will be so much more independent by then, it's amazing how quick they develop!

Good luck with the training!

2012-11-19 12:00 AM
in reply to: #4502880

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Artemis - 2012-11-18 9:46 PM

I'm really ok with compromising on doing the half instead of the full.  Most of my disappointment is from him not telling me.

It's probably better that I don't do the full given how little I've been running.  Doing the half will reduce my chance of injury.  Plus, we'll still be down there the whole weekend.  I'm going to try to find a fall marathon I want to do instead.  

I am sorry that hubby wasn't being very communicative. On the bright side, I think the half is a great distance. I have more to say because I think the significant other impact of training is an important issue to revisit. But it is late, and I am typing on my touch pad.

2012-11-19 6:56 AM
in reply to: #4502880

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Artemis - 2012-11-19 10:46 AM

I'm really ok with compromising on doing the half instead of the full.  Most of my disappointment is from him not telling me.

It's probably better that I don't do the full given how little I've been running.  Doing the half will reduce my chance of injury.  Plus, we'll still be down there the whole weekend.  I'm going to try to find a fall marathon I want to do instead.  

Sounds great!

And to be fair ... this earns you a communication screwup in the future, which, being human, you are likely to commit.

2012-11-19 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

So I've been tossing around the idea of training for a half marathon.  Below is Hal Higdon's Novice 1 plan:










Stretch & strengthen

3 m run

2 m run or cross

3 m run + strength


30 min cross

4 m run


Stretch & strengthen

3 m run

2 m run or cross

3 m run + strength


30 min cross

4 m run


Stretch & strengthen

3.5 m run

2 m run or cross

3.5 m run + strength


40 min cross

5 m run


Stretch & strengthen

3.5 m run

2 m run or cross

3.5 m run + strength


40 min cross

5 m run


Stretch & strengthen

4 m run

2 m run or cross

4 m run + strength


40 min cross

6 m run


Stretch & strengthen

4 m run

2 m run or cross

4 m run + strength

Rest or easy run


5-K Race


Stretch & strengthen

4.5 m run

3 m run or cross

4.5 m run + strength


50 min cross

7 m run


Stretch & strengthen

4.5 m run

3 m run or cross

4.4 m run + strength


50 min cross

8 m run


Stretch & strengthen

5 m run

3 m run or cross

5 m run + strength

Rest or easy run


10-K Race


Stretch & strengthen

5 m run

3 m run or cross

5 m run + strength


60 min cross

9 m run


Stretch & strengthen

5 m run

3 m run or cross

5 m run + strength


60 min cross

10 m run


Stretch & strengthen

4 m run

3 m run or cross

2 m run



Half Marathon

Does this plan sound reasonable?  How critical is it to incorporate the races at certain weeks? The idea of jumping up to this distance both exites and scares me.  I want to progress to running longer distances since I love trail running but most are longer distances (over 10K), plus I want to get better at running distances, period.  What scares me is simply that I've never run farther than 6.5 miles before, and even that wasn't running the whole time, I took walk breaks.  My running lately has been a bit haphazard since I am involved in other activities this time of year.  I'm *hoping* to get myself running consistently in the morning, that way I can still get run workouts in without it interfering with Tae Kwon Do or hockey.

2012-11-19 12:06 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Raaaace Reeepooort:

Edited by Asalzwed 2012-11-19 12:49 PM

2012-11-19 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4503586

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
melbo55 - 2012-11-19 12:04 PM

So I've been tossing around the idea of training for a half marathon.  Below is Hal Higdon's Novice 1 plan:

Does plan sound reasonable?  How critical is it to incorporate the races at certain weeks? The idea of jumping up to this distance both exites and scares me.  I want to progress to running longer distances since I love trail running but most are longer distances (over 10K), plus I want to get better at running distances, period.  What scares me is simply that I've never run farther than 6.5 miles before, and even that wasn't running the whole time, I took walk breaks.  My running lately has been a bit haphazard since I am involved in other activities this time of year.  I'm *hoping* to get myself running consistently in the morning, that way I can still get run workouts in without it interfering with Tae Kwon Do or hockey.

Hal's plans are good. Keep in mind that they are geared towards beginners "just to finish" so the mileage will be on the lower end. Not necessarily a bad thing, but a FYI. I used his plan for my first marathon. 

It's not critical to incorporate those races but they are there for a reason. Do them if you can but the whole thing won't collapse if you don't. 

2012-11-19 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Melanie, I used Hal's plan for my first. I adjusted it a bit since I had more time. Both races I did in the middle of it, but I didn't push any of them, so take it for what it is worth. I finshed my first, not quickly, but I don't think that was the idea, at least not for me.

ETA: The running more often/consistently part will help a lot. If you can hit the streets in the morning like you mentioned, you will benefit. A lot.

Edited by cdban66 2012-11-19 12:32 PM
2012-11-19 12:30 PM
in reply to: #4503607

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2012-11-19 12:18 PM
melbo55 - 2012-11-19 12:04 PM

So I've been tossing around the idea of training for a half marathon.  Below is Hal Higdon's Novice 1 plan:

Does plan sound reasonable?  How critical is it to incorporate the races at certain weeks? The idea of jumping up to this distance both exites and scares me.  I want to progress to running longer distances since I love trail running but most are longer distances (over 10K), plus I want to get better at running distances, period.  What scares me is simply that I've never run farther than 6.5 miles before, and even that wasn't running the whole time, I took walk breaks.  My running lately has been a bit haphazard since I am involved in other activities this time of year.  I'm *hoping* to get myself running consistently in the morning, that way I can still get run workouts in without it interfering with Tae Kwon Do or hockey.

Hal's plans are good. Keep in mind that they are geared towards beginners "just to finish" so the mileage will be on the lower end. Not necessarily a bad thing, but a FYI. I used his plan for my first marathon. 

It's not critical to incorporate those races but they are there for a reason. Do them if you can but the whole thing won't collapse if you don't. 

i used HH's intermediate II plan for one of my marathons.  I thought it worked well for me.  He does have beginner, intermediate and advanced plans, so take a look to see which one suits you best.

2012-11-19 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Salty, the pic of you running in your RR--is that your kick at the end?  I used to throw Javelin and Shot Put, and was always working to start from my lower body and transfer up through hips into arms.  I realize you are not throwing anything, but that is what you look like in that pic--like you start from your foot and drive the energy through.  You have just pushed off on your right, your right hip looks like it is driving forward, even your right shoulder is driving forward. 


Of course, it could just be the 'stache.  Laughing

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