BT Development Mentor Program Archives » swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-11-18 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3217145

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-11-18 2:53 PM
swbkrun - 2010-11-18 9:37 AM

I am speechless!   Next you know-----

Birdy-get well soon...maybe my view is bad, but what is this picture depicting that is making you speechless? 

The fins in his left hand might be are a minor major rule violation?????  This is a picture of the famous "fin-man!!"    Laughing

2010-11-18 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3217174

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
badgerintx - 2010-11-18 1:12 PM
kt65 - 2010-11-18 2:53 PM
swbkrun - 2010-11-18 9:37 AM

I am speechless!   Next you know-----

Birdy-get well soon...maybe my view is bad, but what is this picture depicting that is making you speechless? 

The fins in his left hand might be are a minor major rule violation?????  This is a picture of the famous "fin-man!!"    Laughing

Thanks Dino, I knew I must have been missing something. 
2010-11-18 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3217093

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kkcbelle - 2010-11-18 12:17 PM P.S. Sending the love to Rob and thinking about his brother. Glad you are able to be with family.

P.P.S. Sending some love to our Fearless Leader who has been slammed by a Man Cold. Hope you are feeling better, Steve!!! (Easy 6 on Saturday morning if you're up for it!)

P.P.S.S.-I am game!!  Finally started feeling human on Tuesday.  Getting better.  Thanks for the love!  7:15- Usual spot? RP--- YOU IN? 
2010-11-18 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3216618

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
swbkrun - 2010-11-18 12:06 PM Stan- There has to been some local store their that will take your old running shoes!  Goodwill turns around and sells them.  Running stores (like Tony said) DONATE them.  I will make it a point to see if you can find a store like this around you. 

John/Linda- Dig Dig Dig the pictures!!!

Glen- Finish line catching is a personal favorite.... And I hear that wetsuit stripping is also a nice way to go! 

very good point.  I will check it out.

John, that looks like a great place to have a 2.4 mile swim..
2010-11-18 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
stan check this out.  might come in handy for other things you need to get rid of. 

this is on the list, pretty cool.
2010-11-18 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3217236

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-11-18 3:46 PM
badgerintx - 2010-11-18 1:12 PM
kt65 - 2010-11-18 2:53 PM
swbkrun - 2010-11-18 9:37 AM

I am speechless!   Next you know-----

Birdy-get well soon...maybe my view is bad, but what is this picture depicting that is making you speechless? 

The fins in his left hand might be are a minor major rule violation?????  This is a picture the famous "fin-man!!"    Laughing

Thanks Dino, I knew I must have been missing something. 

His only concern must have been trying to kill the swim leg.  I can't imagine having to bike or run after using fins for 2.4 miles. 

2010-11-19 5:52 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
So, it's the big weekend before the Holiday festivities begin.....what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? cooking? or stuffing yourself (like George!)? traveling? staying home?

I'm 99% done with the shopping for my annual Thanksgiving feast.  Just need to pick up the bird on Tuesday for brining.  Small group of people at our house, Paul's parents and brother and my mom.  Coop will be the highlight this year.

We had puppy class #2 last night.  We're learning "praise without food" and "down".....pretty funny to watch the range of intelligence of canines.  Of course, I think Coop is the best!
2010-11-19 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3217808

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-19 6:52 AM So, it's the big weekend before the Holiday festivities begin.....what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? cooking? or stuffing yourself (like George!)? traveling? staying home?

I'm 99% done with the shopping for my annual Thanksgiving feast.  Just need to pick up the bird on Tuesday for brining.  Small group of people at our house, Paul's parents and brother and my mom.  Coop will be the highlight this year.

We had puppy class #2 last night.  We're learning "praise without food" and "down".....pretty funny to watch the range of intelligence of canines.  Of course, I think Coop is the best!

Going to mother-in-law's for a HUGE feast. She is from Berlin...and cooks a lot!!

2010-11-19 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Since I don't ride it I figured a might as well take a picture of it and stare at it some more:  Next stop throwing races wheels on it to remind myself of the good ol' days!


Bike3.jpg (95KB - 18 downloads)
2010-11-19 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3218045

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
swbkrun - 2010-11-19 8:44 AM Since I don't ride it I figured a might as well take a picture of it and stare at it some more:  Next stop throwing races wheels on it to remind myself of the good ol' days!

Just wait till you have to juggle coaching or attending all the commitments for soccer, basketball, t-ball, swimming, keeping the spouse happy, oh ya.....your job.....and your work-outs!  

Welcome to parenthood!   Laughing  I suggest having another!!!

2010-11-19 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3217808

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-19 3:52 AM So, it's the big weekend before the Holiday festivities begin.....what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? cooking? or stuffing yourself (like George!)? traveling? staying home?

I'm 99% done with the shopping for my annual Thanksgiving feast.  Just need to pick up the bird on Tuesday for brining.  Small group of people at our house, Paul's parents and brother and my mom.  Coop will be the highlight this year.

We had puppy class #2 last night.  We're learning "praise without food" and "down".....pretty funny to watch the range of intelligence of canines.  Of course, I think Coop is the best!

Hosting a big gathering. Parents arrive this Sunday. Then peeps from Dave's fam start flying in on Wednesday (his mom, aunt/uncle/sister+fam/bro+fam/two [22-24 years old] cousins). Lotsa people staying here, a few in hotels. Doing a clam chowder dinner Wednesday night and lasagna (already made) on Friday, and trying to let go of my inner control freak for Thursday and letting people help. I'm working on making ice cream over the next few days, and when Mom gets here we'll figure out what we can do early (puree pumpkins, peal potatoes, whatever). Still have a little shopping to do.

Kids running in the kid's Seattle Marathon (1.2 miles) on Friday. Mom running in the Seattle Marathon (Half) on Sunday!

This is totally my favorite holiday and I'm really excited to have such a big group here. I love love love being surrounded by people I love! As long as everyone pitches in to help empty the dishwasher and keep the coffee flowing, it's gonna be a great weekend!!

2010-11-19 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
PSA, it's a real pain in the butt to eat pasta with a plastic knife...

I ran out of forks and spoons and I feel bad "stealing" them from the cafeteria since I am not buying anything.
2010-11-19 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3218353

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
dalessit - 2010-11-19 12:06 PM PSA, it's a real pain in the butt to eat pasta with a plastic knife...

I ran out of forks and spoons and I feel bad "stealing" them from the cafeteria since I am not buying anything.

On a related note, my children's school charges them for a plastic cup of water and the use of utensils if they brought their lunch.   Sad sad times. 

2010-11-19 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3217533

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2010-11-18 8:25 PM stan check this out.  might come in handy for other things you need to get rid of. 

this is on the list, pretty cool.

great info.  thanks very much. 
2010-11-19 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
our floors are almost fixed!  and it's just in time..  We're starting to have family staying starting this weekend.  So the guys are working hard painting and cleaning and moving stuff.  Last i counted we're going to have 12 people staying at our apt..  It's going to be a tight fit but nice and cozy..  We're hosting a pre-thanksgiving dinner with 25 people on tues..  so the upcoming week should be a ton of fun..  lots of people, lots to eat and hopefully lots to drink.  I'm so looking forward to having our condo back to normal and sleeping in my own bed!

side note, i tried my new kicks this morning.  I wanted to try something different and settled on the new zoots ultra kane.  Great first impression.  They provided as much stability as my kayanos but with a lot less weight.  So far I'm impressed with zoots running shoe line.  Also got a pretty good deal on them..
2010-11-19 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3217808

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-19 6:52 AM So, it's the big weekend before the Holiday festivities begin.....what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? cooking? or stuffing yourself (like George!)? traveling? staying home?

I'm 99% done with the shopping for my annual Thanksgiving feast.  Just need to pick up the bird on Tuesday for brining.  Small group of people at our house, Paul's parents and brother and my mom.  Coop will be the highlight this year.

We had puppy class #2 last night.  We're learning "praise without food" and "down".....pretty funny to watch the range of intelligence of canines.  Of course, I think Coop is the best!

Thanks for the shout out Suzy!!  I will likely continue to stuff myself for the remainder of this eating season!

We are get the house in order this weekend after a crazy couple of months.  Wrap up outside yard work.  If it is sunny and warm, I may hang the christmas lights and just not turn them on yet (some of our neighbors have actually had them on for a couple of weeks!).

Next week will be kind of crazy.  We typically go to my parents house on Long Island where we have the Turkey Bowl - a football game that we have been holding for probably the better part of 30 years.  My immediately family against my cousins.  We took a few years off but then restarted after our kids got old enough.  It is always fun.

This year might be different though - Jeremy is having surgery on Tuesday in Philly (save some positive thoughts for us on Tues Smile).  Hopefully he will be discharged Wednesday and we will head to Long Island from there but he could be in Thursday and then we will call an audible on going to Long Island or to my in-laws house in Scranton.

Summary...don't know what we are doing yet!!!  Laughing

Happy Friday eveyone.  It looks sunny and warm-ish (high 40's) here this weekend so I plan to get a good run in one of the days.

2010-11-19 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!

You gets get to talk about all your warm and fuzzy weather!!!
Supposed to do my last long run tomorrow.
Temperature is expected to be a high of 2F plus windchill.
The longest indoor track in calgary(~~500m) is closed this weekend for a meet.
Will try to run a bunch of it outdoors, and then treamdill or smaller tracks somewhere.

Current Calgary weather is 0F with windchill of -11F.

2010-11-19 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3217808

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-19 6:52 AM So, it's the big weekend before the Holiday festivities begin.....what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? cooking? or stuffing yourself (like George!)? traveling? staying home?

I'm 99% done with the shopping for my annual Thanksgiving feast.  Just need to pick up the bird on Tuesday for brining.  Small group of people at our house, Paul's parents and brother and my mom.  Coop will be the highlight this year.

We had puppy class #2 last night.  We're learning "praise without food" and "down".....pretty funny to watch the range of intelligence of canines.  Of course, I think Coop is the best!

plans changed due to dog sitter plans changed so jarretts family is coming here.  yay.   fry a couple turkeys, crush some yams and d.a.r.k. brown sugar all while throwing back a few cold ones.  looking forward to it.

tracy there are sharks in those waters.  big sharks.  the kind that can bite ya in half.   glad the floors are in stan!  thoughts and prayers to m'man heading to philly then not sure where, love it!!!   tc, brrrrrrrrr
2010-11-19 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3217808

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-19 6:52 AM So, it's the big weekend before the Holiday festivities begin.....what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? cooking? or stuffing yourself (like George!)? traveling? staying home?

I'm 99% done with the shopping for my annual Thanksgiving feast.  Just need to pick up the bird on Tuesday for brining.  Small group of people at our house, Paul's parents and brother and my mom.  Coop will be the highlight this year.

We had puppy class #2 last night.  We're learning "praise without food" and "down".....pretty funny to watch the range of intelligence of canines.  Of course, I think Coop is the best!

We're having friends over, and I haven't planned ANYTHING yet. I guess I'd better work on that this weekend!

Suzy, Cooper is the best; George, I'll be sending positive thoughts for Jeremy all week; Trevor, good luck on that long run tomorrow - stay warm!! Everyone, have a great weekend! 
2010-11-19 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3218950

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
TrevorC - 2010-11-19 3:48 PM

You gets get to talk about all your warm and fuzzy weather!!!
Supposed to do my last long run tomorrow.
Temperature is expected to be a high of 2F plus windchill.
The longest indoor track in calgary(~~500m) is closed this weekend for a meet.
Will try to run a bunch of it outdoors, and then treamdill or smaller tracks somewhere.

Current Calgary weather is 0F with windchill of -11F.

BRRRRR!!!!  If it makes you feel any better it will be raining and cold (for us) tomorrow morning on my long run.   Stay safe and as warm as you can in -11F!  wow.  it will make Vegas feel warm no matter what the temperature is that day!

Family coming to our house, this weekend will be spent cleaning and then shopping...I'm with you Julia, unplanned thus far except in my mind.  I'm sure I should have some sort of excel flow chart spreadsheet, but I am not that organized. 
2010-11-19 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3219033

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-11-19 7:39 PM
TrevorC - 2010-11-19 3:48 PM

You gets get to talk about all your warm and fuzzy weather!!!
Supposed to do my last long run tomorrow.
Temperature is expected to be a high of 2F plus windchill.
The longest indoor track in calgary(~~500m) is closed this weekend for a meet.
Will try to run a bunch of it outdoors, and then treamdill or smaller tracks somewhere.

Current Calgary weather is 0F with windchill of -11F.

BRRRRR!!!!  If it makes you feel any better it will be raining and cold (for us) tomorrow morning on my long run.   Stay safe and as warm as you can in -11F!  wow.  it will make Vegas feel warm no matter what the temperature is that day!

Family coming to our house, this weekend will be spent cleaning and then shopping...I'm with you Julia, unplanned thus far except in my mind.  I'm sure I should have some sort of excel flow chart spreadsheet, but I am not that organized. 

I can totally tell you aren't a windows excel flow chart? huh?

Fry a turkey my way Fatty.  I've always wanted to try one!

2010-11-19 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
fried turkey rocks.  we almost burned the house down in new orleans several years back.. hahaha.  it was awesome
2010-11-19 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3219070

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-19 6:22 PM
kt65 - 2010-11-19 7:39 PM
TrevorC - 2010-11-19 3:48 PM

You gets get to talk about all your warm and fuzzy weather!!!
Supposed to do my last long run tomorrow.
Temperature is expected to be a high of 2F plus windchill.
The longest indoor track in calgary(~~500m) is closed this weekend for a meet.
Will try to run a bunch of it outdoors, and then treamdill or smaller tracks somewhere.

Current Calgary weather is 0F with windchill of -11F.

BRRRRR!!!!  If it makes you feel any better it will be raining and cold (for us) tomorrow morning on my long run.   Stay safe and as warm as you can in -11F!  wow.  it will make Vegas feel warm no matter what the temperature is that day!

Family coming to our house, this weekend will be spent cleaning and then shopping...I'm with you Julia, unplanned thus far except in my mind.  I'm sure I should have some sort of excel flow chart spreadsheet, but I am not that organized. 

I can totally tell you aren't a windows excel flow chart? huh?

Fry a turkey my way Fatty.  I've always wanted to try one!

why do you hate mac users???
2010-11-20 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3219089

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-11-19 8:43 PM
SSMinnow - 2010-11-19 6:22 PM
kt65 - 2010-11-19 7:39 PM
TrevorC - 2010-11-19 3:48 PM

You gets get to talk about all your warm and fuzzy weather!!!
Supposed to do my last long run tomorrow.
Temperature is expected to be a high of 2F plus windchill.
The longest indoor track in calgary(~~500m) is closed this weekend for a meet.
Will try to run a bunch of it outdoors, and then treamdill or smaller tracks somewhere.

Current Calgary weather is 0F with windchill of -11F.

BRRRRR!!!!  If it makes you feel any better it will be raining and cold (for us) tomorrow morning on my long run.   Stay safe and as warm as you can in -11F!  wow.  it will make Vegas feel warm no matter what the temperature is that day!

Family coming to our house, this weekend will be spent cleaning and then shopping...I'm with you Julia, unplanned thus far except in my mind.  I'm sure I should have some sort of excel flow chart spreadsheet, but I am not that organized. 

I can totally tell you aren't a windows excel flow chart? huh?

Fry a turkey my way Fatty.  I've always wanted to try one!

why do you hate mac users???

I don't hate Mac users, I'm married to one......I actually contemplated a MAC until I realized running TP and the CT were going to be a huge PIA.  Now, I am off to find a new PC...
2010-11-20 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3219263

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-20 5:45 AM
kt65 - 2010-11-19 8:43 PM
SSMinnow - 2010-11-19 6:22 PM
kt65 - 2010-11-19 7:39 PM
TrevorC - 2010-11-19 3:48 PM

You gets get to talk about all your warm and fuzzy weather!!!
Supposed to do my last long run tomorrow.
Temperature is expected to be a high of 2F plus windchill.
The longest indoor track in calgary(~~500m) is closed this weekend for a meet.
Will try to run a bunch of it outdoors, and then treamdill or smaller tracks somewhere.

Current Calgary weather is 0F with windchill of -11F.

BRRRRR!!!!  If it makes you feel any better it will be raining and cold (for us) tomorrow morning on my long run.   Stay safe and as warm as you can in -11F!  wow.  it will make Vegas feel warm no matter what the temperature is that day!

Family coming to our house, this weekend will be spent cleaning and then shopping...I'm with you Julia, unplanned thus far except in my mind.  I'm sure I should have some sort of excel flow chart spreadsheet, but I am not that organized. 

I can totally tell you aren't a windows excel flow chart? huh?

Fry a turkey my way Fatty.  I've always wanted to try one!

why do you hate mac users???

I don't hate Mac users, I'm married to one......I actually contemplated a MAC until I realized running TP and the CT were going to be a huge PIA.  Now, I am off to find a new PC...

We are MAC haters in this part of the world... It's direct competition is also my wifes employer!  The same company that allowed her 5+ months off of work to be with Avery!  We "never" use Google, I don't have an Iphone, I don't use an Ipod.... Dang I am not very supportive I guess! But I do have Window 7 does that count? 
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